Getting Even
by Rita Clark
DISCLAIMER: What I own in reference to any rights
concerning "The Magnificent Seven": Nothin. What I got for writing this story:
Nothing tangible.
SPOILERS: References are made to some of the events in "The Trial".
NOTES/COMMENTS: This is a sequel to
The Trial - Epilogue due to the rather insistent requests
I received for Chris to exact a little revenge on Vin. (You guys know who
you are.) You might enjoy "Getting Even" more if you've read the events in
the first story. Without the invaluable assistance, kind encouragement and
the occasional kick in the butt from my beta readers Judy, Marlyn and Mirna,
this story would never have been written.
RATING/PAIRING: NC-17 for some language (cussin for the uninitiated),
a little light "bondage" (don't panic, it's not done in a serious manner)
and a m/m relationship, Chris/Vin of course.
There were only two men in the dimly lit room above the
livery stable now. The remaining five members of the Seven had gradually
drifted away from the small clinic to rest after all the reassurances from
Nathan that Vin Tanner would be fine. Nathan, who had two outlying farms
to visit later in the morning, had even agreed to get a little sleep in Josiah's
extra room at the church so that the clinic would be as quiet as possible
for what was left of the night. The tracker lay quietly on the narrow bed,
sleeping peacefully at last. The fever had broken and he was simply resting.
The man sitting beside him was as physically tired as the others and he was
wrung out emotionally as well, but he had wanted to watch the patient through
a few more hours before he was satisfied the crisis was over.
It had all started out as a routine trip to Ridge City for Vin. He was delivering
papers at the request of Judge Travis who had been in Four Corners for a
brief visit with Mary and Billy Travis. All Vin was required to do was to
get the Judge's signed documents to the courthouse in Ridge City, stay the
night and ride back. The trip out, begun in the dark and relative coolness
of dawn, had become hot and tiresome, but uneventful. The trip back had been
hell on earth.
Vin had stubbornly decided that he didn't want to spend the night at either
the crowded hotel or any of the boarding houses in the large, bustling town
so he had pushed himself and Peso to make the trip there in record time.
He had merely rested a bit, eaten something and made sure that Peso was well
watered before immediately starting back to Four Corners in spite of the
lateness of the hour. About halfway back, Vin had suddenly started feeling
dizzy. Hed developed a blinding headache and a fever came on rapidly after
that. A massive thunderstorm had been building in the late afternoon summer
heat and it broke with all its fury as he kept riding along the road between
Ridge City and Four Corners instead of seeking shelter. Within minutes, he
was soaking wet from the heavy downpour and then shivering from his overheated
body's reaction to the cooler temperatures. It was all he could do to hang
onto the reins so he wrapped them around the pommel of his saddle. Trusting
Peso implicitly, Vin let the black gelding set the pace and make his way
back to town on the now familiar route.
By the time he reached Four Corners it was dark and the town seemed deserted
as everyone sought shelter from the fierce storm. Vin's fever was raging
and he was delirious. Slumping over his horse's neck, he wasn't even aware
that he was now riding through the empty streets instead of the open countryside.
Peso had brought Vin straight to the livery as would have been his normal
routine and it was just inside its open double doors that Vin finally lost
consciousness completely and slid down Peso's side to the straw-covered dirt
of the livery floor. The torrential rain continued to fall in slanting sheets
lit by an occasional flash of lightning. As the hollow boom of thunder rolled
through the doors and over the still form, Peso stood quietly, an uneasy
guard over the fallen man.
J. D. Dunne was in one of the back stalls, checking on a small cut he had
noticed on his horses fetlock earlier in the day. Tiny, the burly liveryman,
had spoken to him briefly before he left for the evening. He had asked J.D.
to make sure the lanterns were out and the doors shut. J.D. realized he was
tired, too, and was considering turning in for the night as soon as he finished
when he heard the horse and rider come in. He leaned out of the enclosure
and peered into the open area, watching in shock as Vin collapsed from Peso's
saddle to the ground.
After checking Vin briefly and realizing that he couldn't help his unconscious
friend on his own, he sped to the saloon where the others were sipping their
drinks and idly playing cards while waiting out the storm. At J. D.'s breathless
explanation, boredom had quickly turned to fear and instant action as Chris
and Buck followed J. D. back to the livery through the muddy street and saw
Vin's unconscious form sprawled beside his horse. Chris knelt beside him,
quickly and skillfully running his hands over the tracker, checking for any
obvious wounds. He was relieved at first when there was no blood but the
relief turned to alarm when he realized that Vin was burning up with fever.
Chris lifted Vin off the dirt floor with an arm behind his knees and the
other steadying his back as he hastily carried him across the street and
up the stairs to the clinic where Nathan, Josiah and Ezra had rushed ahead
to get a bed and supplies ready. The normally self-sufficient man seemed
uncharacteristically helpless with his head resting limply against Chris's
shoulder as he navigated the steep stairs.
Vin's coat, boots and sopping clothing were removed and he was dried off
with rough towels, then placed in the bed under all the blankets Nathan had.
He was in and out of consciousness for several hours, alternately shivering
violently and fighting against the hands that helped him. Eventually the
warmth from the blankets and the heated bricks wrapped in towels at the foot
of the bed soothed his chills. Chris held him up briefly and he managed to
sip a little water, then he drank a cup of weak medicinal tea without really
being aware of anything other than the familiar soothing voice that urged
him to do so.
Chris Larabee sat hunched forward in the sturdy wooden chair beside Vin's
bed with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. Now that he knew
Vin would be fine after the fever had completely gone and he got some rest,
he was almost angry with the younger man for scaring the hell out of him.
He intended to ask Vin what he had been thinking to make the trip to Ridge
City and back in one day. It was a hard ride one way and Vin had assured
him that he would spend the night before heading back early the next morning.
As he thought about how loud he was going to yell at his friend and exactly
what epithets to use on him, Vin stirred a bit and slowly opened his eyes.
"Im right here, Vin."
Chris moved his chair closer to the bed and gently pushed Vin's damp hair
away from his pale face. He was struck once again with how young Vin really
was. The hard life he had led, always on his own until he joined the Seven,
had matured him beyond his years. Vin looked up into Chris's eyes with apparent
"What . . ."
"Shhh. Lay still. You musta got sick while you were ridin' back to town.
You made it to the livery and passed out. J. D. found you and we brought
you to Nathan."
"I'm at Nathan's? Where is he?"
"Nathan and the others have all gone to rest. You finally took a turn for
the better about an hour ago. Your fever broke and you'll be fine after a
good night's sleep."
Vin considered this explanation for a few moments, trying to think back to
exactly when he had started to feel so sick. He remembered the trip out,
his decision not to remain in Ridge City any longer than was absolutely necessary
and the beginning of the return leg. The intense pain that had blossomed
behind his eyes, the nausea and then the grip of the fever as it took him.
His only coherent thoughts were that if he kept going and made it back to
town, he'd get help and be all right. Thoughts of getting back to town--and
to Chris--had kept him moving. Then another thought hit him suddenly.
"J.D. seen to him. It ain't the horse we were worried about, it was the rider.
Peso shoulda had sense enough to look for some shelter from one of the worst
storms I've ever seen even if you didn't. Course, he mighta just been too
tired after makin' that trip in one day 'stead of two like you were supposed
to do."
In response to the stern scolding from Chris, Vin pressed his hands against
the bed to lift himself upright and reply. As he pushed farther up onto the
pillows, the blanket fell away to his waist. He looked down in surprise as
he realized that he wasn't wearing a stitch.
"Where's my clothes?"
"Dryin' out. You were soaked."
"Uh, who took 'em off?"
Chris settled back into his chair, crossing his arms and relaxing a bit.
He grinned mischievously at the younger man who looked very vulnerable clutching
the blankets to him and looking around worriedly for his garments. Vin Tanner
was a tough hombre even by frontier standards, but he could also be boyishly
"I did."
"Aw, hell! And I s'pose everybody else was standin' around in here too?"
"Yep. You ain't go no secrets from nobody now, pard."
Vin blushed a bit and lowered his head to look down at the hands that still
clutched the blankets to him. He certainly didn't mind that Chris had taken
his clothes off, but the thought of everybody else looking at him while he
was unconscious and helpless was embarrassing.
"Well, let me have my things and I'll get dressed and outta here."
Vin glanced at Chris to see if he was being serious this time. To his dismay,
the gunslinger's jaw was now set in a determined line and the teasing tone
was gone from his voice.
"But I feel better now. I want to go to my own bed."
"Oh, you're gonna go to another bed. Mine."
"Aww, Chris . . . "
"Vin, you might remember that a few weeks ago after that little dust-up we
had with the Sheriff and those other idiots from Eagle Bend ,you insisted
on bullyin' me and wet nursin' me 'til I got completely better. You might
also recall that I promised to pay you back for makin' me drink that damn
Vin Tanner was squirming now as the memory of just how tough he had been
to get Chris taken care of when he was obviously hurting from the beating
he had taken. Chris had refused to disturb Nathan's reunion with his father,
so Vin had forced the issue and taken charge. And he knew that without a
doubt he was really in for it.
"Dammit, Larabee! I can just stay here with Nathan till my clothes are dry
and then go to . . . "
"Not a chance, pard. I've already told Nathan that he'd never be able to
watch you with havin' to keep an eye on two women about to have babies at
the same time and that I'd take over and make sure you got some rest."
Vin dropped his head in resignation and sighed deeply.
"Give me my clothes and I'll go peaceful."
"You're too weak to walk and the pants and shirt you were wearin' are still
wet. It'll probably take two days for your boots to dry out. Hell, it'll
probably be at least a week before you can wear that damm coat again. I'll
wrap some blankets around you and carry you over."
Vin's head snapped back up at that and his blue eyes flashed fire at the
determined gunslinger. "The hell you will! I ain't bein' carried like a baby
and I surely ain't goin' nowhere naked!"
Vin Tanner might have been younger and lacking the deadly reputation that
Chris Larabee had earned over the years, but he was the only man still alive
who could - and would - stand up to him. The problem was that Vin knew, at
least in this particular situation, that Chris was right. He was still too
weak to do much of anything and he knew he couldn't actually fight the older
man and win.
Chris sighed in exasperation. He was getting too old for this. Running his
hand through his short, blonde hair in a familiar gesture of frustration,
he stood up to stretch his cramped muscles.
"Vin, it's four oclock in the mornin'. The saloons are closed and the streets
are empty. Nobody will see nothin. I'll have you settled in my room and in
bed within ten minutes."
Vin, sensing defeat, gave in reluctantly and mumbled his agreement. He swung
his legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand before Chris could get
to him. The dizziness hit him hard and he almost went to his knees before
Chris caught him. He steadied Vin against him and grabbed one of the blankets
from the bed. Wrapping the blanket securely around him, he bent over and
scooped Vin into his arms as though he were picking up Billy Travis to take
him to his bedroom after he had stayed awake too long.
Vin accepted defeat ungracefully and merely turned his head against Chris's
shoulder as Chris negotiated both sets of stairs and the dark street with
a little difficulty. He was able to get Vin to his rented room on the second
floor of the boarding house without seeing anyone or being seen. Chris deposited
his unhappy burden on the bed and turned to close and lock the door.
Vin immediately pushed the blanket down and unwound it from his legs. He
was a little pissed at the turn of events. He couldn't stand to be sick and
helpless. And, if he really cared to admit it, he was more than a bit
apprehensive. Chris Larabee did not make idle threats.
"Go on ahead and get into bed, Vin."
"What are you goin to do?"
Ignoring the suspicious tone in Vin's voice, Chris removed his jacket and
gunbelt and hung them on the back of the chair in the corner of his room.
Then he sat down wearily and took off his boots and socks. Standing, he began
to unbutton his shirt.
"I'm going to go to bed and get some sleep. I'll go down later this mornin'
and get you some dry clothes from your wagon and both of us somethin' to
eat from Mrs. Bridger. Then I'll check in with Nathan and the others and
get your boots and saddlebags. And your guns. But right now, I'm a little
Vin moved off the bed long enough to pull the sheet and quilt down and then
slid back in. Chris finished undressing and then added the extra blanket
to Vins side of the bed before he threw back the covers, pushed the pillows
into a more comfortable arrangement and settled back with a sigh. In spite
of everything, both men were asleep almost instantly.
Vin didn't know if it was the warmth of the sunlight flooding the room or
the aroma of bacon, hot biscuits and coffee that woke him. He heard the door
being pushed softly closed and the clanking of plates as Chris balanced a
tray covered by a brightly-colored cloth in one hand and a pot of coffee
in the other. As Vin sat up, he saw Chris set the tray down on the top of
the bureau and look around for something to put under the coffeepot. Finally,
he took the cloth that covered the food, folded it and set the pot on top
of that. He'd been using a couple of napkins to shield his hand from the
hot handle of the still steaming pot and he placed those on the tray with
the assortment of plates and cutlery. He turned and smiled at Vin's soft
whistle of appreciation.
"Yeah, I am. Have you had anything yet?"
"I ate enough for both of us while Mrs. Bridger fixed all this for you. After
you've had some breakfast I'll take the tray back downstairs and go get your
Vin ate his fill from the huge plates of food with a surprisingly hearty
appetite, sharing the coffee with Chris. When they had finished, Chris piled
the dishes and coffee cups back on the tray to return them to the kitchen.
Vin wanted to get up immediately but Chris ordered him to stay put. He assured
Vin once again that he would be back as soon as he retrieved some clothing
from Vin's wagon. Besides, Chris pointed out that if he had still been at
Nathan's he wouldn't have been allowed to get up for days instead of just
waiting until this afternoon. Chris closed the door firmly behind him, ending
the argument. In spite of all his efforts to stay alert and watchful until
Chris returned, and against his better judgment, Vin was deeply asleep again
within minutes.
* *******
Vin woke slowly from the restful, healing slumber he had fallen into again
after his meal. He had still been tired and weak in the aftermath of the
fever and not even two cups of Mrs. Bridger's strong coffee had kept him
awake. It was late in the day, yesterday's turbulent weather only a memory
now as the sun was moving further away towards the horizon across the cloudless
sky and the room was growing dimmer. Shadows fell in sharp relief across
the wooden floor of the sparsely furnished room and the light breeze that
blew the curtains slightly open was cool and pleasant. Vin moved lazily to
stretch and, to his surprise, found that his arms were resting on the pillows
above his head, pulled apart and held immobile against the iron bars of the
headboard. He glanced upward in surprise to find each wrist was secured to
one of the bars by a colorful bandana. His bandanas.
"Oh, shit!"
"You're awake."
Vin turned his head sharply to find that Chris was sitting by one of the
windows calmly reading. He looked as if he had been settled in there for
quite some time. The faint aroma of one of the cheroots that he favored still
hung in the air and an almost untouched bottle of whiskey and an empty shot
glass stood on the table beside the lamp. Chris abruptly closed the heavy leather bound book with a loud snap that made Vin jump.
"Somethin' wrong, Vin?"
"All right, Chris. You've made your point. Now untie me." The low raspy growl
should have been intimidating but Chris Larabee wasn't buying it.
Chris laid his book on the table, stood slowly and walked over beside the
bed to look down at his captive friend. He smiled at Vin's discomfiture and
reaching above his head, tugged gently at one of the bandanas, testing the
"Now why would I want to do that?"
"Uh, come on Chris. You're makin' me nervous."
"Ain't all I'm gonna make you."
As Vin watched in reluctant fascination, Chris began removing his clothes.
He'd already discarded his boots and socks. He was only wearing a pair of
black pants and a light gray shirt. The buttons of the shirt were undone
slowly, as were the buttons that held his pants together over his already
straining erection. In spite of his growing concern at exactly what Chris's
intentions were, Vin admired the hard body that was slowly revealed to him.
The lean muscular arms, broad shoulders, flat stomach and slender waist.
The strong legs. Chris laid his clothes over the chair and Vin appreciated
the view from behind and then in profile as well. The man was graceful in
his movements, not the least bit self-conscious even nude. He approached
the bed with a smile. This was a genuine smile that lit his handsome features
and seemed to be reserved only for Vin. Chris pulled the blanket gently away
and let it slide slowly to the floor. To Vin's dismay, he realized that hed
fallen asleep before pulling on any of the clothes that Chris had brought
to him earlier. Not only were his wrists secured above his head leaving him
completely helpless but he was still naked as well.
Taking full advantage of his lover's predicament, Chris slid gracefully onto
the bed and straddled the younger mans waist, his strong thighs holding Vin
immobile. He moved his hands appreciatively over Vins well-muscled arms and
chest. Entwining his fingers in the trackers long hair, which was spread
out over the pillow, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against Vin's.
Gently at first, almost tentatively, he began to press their mouths together.
Vin could smell the sharp bite of whiskey, the smoky aroma of the cheroot
and a slight hint of soap where Chris had shaved earlier. It was a pleasant
combination and Vin savored it. Chris's tongue emerged to trace Vin's full
lips before demanding - and gaining - entrance to his mouth.
The kiss intensified and deepened as Chris explored Vin's mouth thoroughly
but gently, twining his tongue around the other man's. Vin temporarily forgot
his apprehension and returned Chris's passion with his own equally passionate
response. Both men began softly moaning as their arousal grew. Chris slid
a little lower on Vins body and began to rock back and forth in rhythm with
the play of his tongue in Vin's mouth. Vin started to move his hips in a
counter rhythm, one man's hardness encouraging the other's.
Chris reluctantly moved away from Vin's lips only to drop his head lower
and pay attention to the curve of his neck where it met his shoulder. He
kissed, licked and sucked the sweet flesh gently before moving down Vin's
chest to circle a nipple with his tongue before pressing it lightly between
his teeth. First the left, then the right nipple grew hard and sensitive
under his attack. Vin arched into the wet heat of Chriss mouth then tried
to pull away as the sensation thrilled his senses.
"Untie me . . . please . . ."
Without acknowledging Vin's whispered, breathless plea, Chris slid even lower,
planting light teasing kisses in a burning trail down Vin's stomach only
to stop before he reached what Vin had hoped was his destination. Instead,
he began to run his hands over Vins legs, slowly pulling them apart and moving
between them, gliding his long sensual fingers along the sharpshooter's sensitive
inner thighs.
The gunslinger's hands continued to move over Vin's legs, then upward to
his flat stomach again. He flattened his palms and smoothed over Vin's lean
hips. Chris touched Vin's expectant body everywhere except the one place
that ached for him. Vin began to moan in earnest now, still moving his hips
upward and back, a few drops of liquid seeping from his hard cock. He strained
against his bonds, twisting and turning, trying to free his hands. The knotted
material held firm.
"Let me loose, dammit!"
Chris seemed oblivious to Vin's desperate order to release him. Just when
Vin thought he couldn't stand to wait any longer, Chris wrapped lithe fingers
around Vin's aching length. He began to stroke his shaft gently, his fingers
tracing the extended veins and the silky smooth head as his other hand lowered
to cup Vin's balls. Chris then rubbed his thumb over the head of Vin's cock,
massaging in the slight moisture there. Vin's hips continued to rock up to
meet Chris's caressing fingers then back down against the bed.
Vin was moaning wordlessly and gasping for breath now as Chris continued
to stroke him just enough to keep him fully excited and ready but not to
the point of no return. Keeping one hand on Vin's cock, Chris moved back
up to claim his mouth again, muffling his groans and pleas under his insistent
lips and tongue and stilling the movements of Vin's head as he shifted restlessly
from side to side. Chris brought him almost to his release again and again
before slowing his movements and letting him calm a bit. Vin had been to
the edge so many times that he had lost count. He was almost sobbing as he
begged Chris to finish him. With his hand, with his mouth, however he wanted
to. Anything. Just to end the intense pleasure that had become such sweet
"Chris . . . please!"
Vin was desperate to reach his climax. He didn't think he had ever been this
excited before. The sensation of having his wrists helplessly bound to the
iron headboard increased his sensitivity a thousand times. Every touch of
Chris's hands and mouth, the slightest pressure of his lips or his tongue
anywhere on his body, all combined to generate such heat and excitement that
he thought he would surely pass out from the intensity of the pleasure.
At last Chris began to take pity at Vin's obvious discomfort. Vin wasn't
the only one who needed release. His own cock was rock hard as well and he
wanted Vin's torture to end. When he paused his ministrations long enough
to reach for the small bottle of oil beside the bed, Vin groaned in bitter
"Easy, pard. Just another minute."
Still sitting astride Vin, Chris poured only a small amount of oil into his
palm and replaced the bottle on the top of the table. He rubbed his hands
together, then gently slicked Vin's length before oiling himself. Knowing
that Vin badly needed to come, he again stretched his body on top of his
lover. His cock moved easily against and beside Vin's and they began a rhythm
that was slow and steady at first. The lubricant made the movements easier
for both men and they increased the pace as they both anticipated their final
release. Chris lowered his mouth to Vin's again and the kiss became almost
brutal as both men approached the edge. Vin was giving as good as he got,
almost taking what little breath Chris had away. Moments later, Vin's whole
body stiffened and shuddered as he came. Even in the throes of his own intense
orgasm, Vin continued to move up against Chris and the sensation of Vin thrusting
against him as he came brought Chris to completion as well. He collapsed
against Vin for several minutes, not even aware that he was whispering Vin's
name over and over.
As he recovered his senses, he realized he needed to move. His dead weight
might be hurting Vin or pulling on his bound wrists. Pushing away from Vin,
he rolled over beside him and tried to catch his breath. Vin was also attempting
to steady his breathing and bring it back to normal. He felt that it would
take quite a while for his pounding heart to resume its slow, steady beat.
"Vin? You all right?"
"I will be when you untie me."
Chris made the enormous effort required to sit up and reach for the knotted
cloth holding Vin's wrists against the iron bars. As he worked with the material
that Vin had pulled even tighter, he was struck by a thought.
"Vin, you know that this means were even."
The statement was met with silence and he paused in his attempt to loosen
the knots that had held his victim.
"We're even now, right?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. Right."
Chris hesitated once again, just for a moment, then shrugged and continued
working with the stubborn bandana on Vins; right wrist. Finally, the material
gave and he removed the now tangled cloth and checked Vin;s arm for any apparent
injuries. The flesh was reddened a bit but no bruising was apparent. He moved
over and started untying the bandana on the other side. It came loose a bit
more easily and he released Vin's arm, bringing it down to his side.
Chris then rolled off the bed to his feet, taking both pieces of cloth with
him. He went to the washstand, poured water into the basin to wet the bandanas
before wringing them out and returning to the bed to hand one to Vin. Both
men used the damp cloths to clean up before Chris discarded them beside the
bed as he nudged Vin to move over and make room for him.
Vin moved over and turned on his side to accommodate Chris and the companionable
silence stretched for long moments as both men evened their breathing and
began to relax. As the sun slid lower, the shadows in the room grew longer
and darkened. The air began to cool even more and Vin sat up and retrieved
the blanket Chris had left on the floor. He lay back and covered both of
them, moving against Chris and resting his head on his arm.
The exertions of the last hour combined with the worry and strain of sitting
with Vin while he was fighting the fever of the previous night had taken
a toll on Chris and he was asleep within a few moments. Vin remained awake
a while longer, still recovering from the intensity of the encounter. He
watched Chris slip away and noted his deep, easy breathing as he relaxed
completely. Just before he joined him in another much needed nights rest,
Vin softly spoke to himself, "We ain't quite even just yet, cowboy . .
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