(slash version)
ATF Alternate Universe
Warnings: this is really more slashy h/c than anything
Author's Notes: This fic is based on a request by Suzan H. from the regular fic list. For those of you that read my "general" fic of this scene, this story is a little different (okay, even aside from the obvious of Vin and Chris being together! <g>). It's an ATF story, thanks to Mog for creating that universe. Thanks to Kelly for thinking up the wonderful title, and for her suggestions and special thanks to Judy for betaing and all her encouragement. Whew! Okay, on with the fic! <g>
Chris looked over at his lover's outburst. "What's the matter, Vin?" he asked with concern.
"N-nothing," Vin said, keeping his back to the older man. He quickly set down the knife he had just sliced his hand with and wrapped a napkin around the cut. He thrust his hand into his pocket to hide the injury. He rubbed his bloodshot eyes with his other hand and began assembling yet another tray of sandwiches.
The younger man jumped at the light touch of Chris's hand on his stooped shoulder.
"Vin? You all right?"
Vin nodded, still keeping his face hidden from Chris as he worked.
"Vin, look at me," Chris said, turning the smaller man around by the shoulders to face him.
One quick look at Vin's exhausted face was enough for Chris. "That's enough with the sandwiches Vin, you're dead on your feet. You're gonna go lay down right now."
"I'm okay Chris," the sharpshooter began to protest.
"I ain't takin' no for an answer, Vin," Chris cut in. "You've been working over 12 hours without a break. Go lay down!" he ordered, his concern for his lover making his voice come out much harsher than he had intended.
"Okay, okay, I'm goin'," Vin muttered, walking out of the kitchen in search of a place to sleep. All around him, chaos reigned.
"Vin! Vin! Can ya give me a hand here?" Nathan asked urgently.
"Sure thing Nathan," Vin replied, hurrying over to his friend. "What's up?"
"They're unloading a school bus outside. Bunch of kids were on a field trip when the blizzard hit. Tried to make it back to the school, but they hit a snowdrift and some of the kids might be hurt. Help me unload 'em?"
"Sure thing Nathan," Vin said, running outside without even bothering to throw on his coat.
Vin shivered as the snow pelted him, cutting through the thin shirt he wore, as he carried child after child into the warmth and safety of the Mile High Saloon. "It's okay, you're safe here," he had repeated so many times, his voice was beginning to sound hoarse from the overuse.
"That's the last of 'em Vin! Thanks!" Nathan called to the sodden, tired tracker. "Go get some shuteye, will ya?"
Vin smiled and waved, looking around for a place to rest. He shivered violently in his wet clothing, wanting nothing more than to snuggle into a warm bed with Chris. He smiled, remembering why he had been so tired even before the blizzard had struck. Neither he nor Chris had gotten much sleep last night. They had stayed at Chris's ranch, making love in front of a roaring fire as the snow blanketed the countryside. It was a beautiful night and Vin wished the two of them could be back there right now for a repeat performance. But it was not to be, thanks to the mother nature. He shook his head to clear it and noticed a pile of blankets. Deciding to grab one to wrap up in, he went toward them.
"Vin! Somebody from the store next door just dropped these blankets off, but they had to get back over there. Help me hand these blankets out to the homeless folks they just brought in, will ya?" JD pleaded.
"Sure kid," Vin replied, stifling a harsh cough with his ice-cold hand. "Lead the way."
An hour later, the blankets had been distributed. Vin was gratified that every cold, needy person that had entered the doors of the saloon in the last 24 hours had been cared for by the volunteers, but he found himself wishing that there would have been one blanket left over for him. But there wasn't. He sighed tiredly and spied an open corner of the bar to curl up in. Before he made it there, Ezra tapped at this arm frantically.
"Mr. Tanner, you must help me!"
"What's wrong Ez?" he asked with a huge yawn.
"The furnace, Mr. Tanner, the furnace!" he replied desperately. "Apparently, the furnace is about to give out, leaving all of us stranded here without any heat. That would be devastating. All of these people relying on us to help. Mr. Larabee has sent me to effect repairs, but I don't know the first thing about these matters."
"Okay Ez, let's go take a look at it," Vin answered, letting the southerner lead the way. Vin swayed as he approached the steps leading downstairs, catching himself with a hand against the wall as the room blurred. Buck happened to be looking up from his labors in time to see Vin grab the wall to steady himself. He frowned as he regarded the young Texan. He started to make his way over to the younger man when a loud crash in the kitchen caught his attention and he went there instead.
+ + + + + + +
"Pilot light's out, Ez, that's what the problem is," Vin explained. "Just need to relight it and we'll be in business. Got any matches?"
Ezra produced a matchbook and offered it to the sharpshooter.
Vin lit the pilot light, but was too slow in pulling his hand away from the flame. He pulled his burned hand back with a sharp cry, which was drowned out as the furnace roared back to life. Ezra, relieved that the heat was working again, left Vin to tell Chris and the others the good news.
Vin held his singed hand protectively against his chest, beginning to sneeze and shake violently from being out in the cold earlier in the evening. He trudged wearily up the steps, peering around the busy bar for a place to sleep. He was so tired. He had been awake for over 24 hours, and working for 16 of them. Every muscle in his body screamed with exhaustion. But he'd had to do it. It wouldn't have been right not to help. Granted, the other volunteers had slept and rested, but it seemed like everyone needed his help every time he went to sit down or sleep. He looked around at the many displaced people in the bar, taking refuge there when the blizzard, which come from out of nowhere, struck, paralyzing the city. It had snowed on and off all day, and Vin had planned on stopping at his apartment for a few things, then he and Chris were headed back out to the ranch. Chris had told Vin he had a surprise for his tonight, and he had looked forward to the evening all day. But Buck had asked them to join their fellow ATF agents at The Mile High Saloon, the bar near their office that they frequented, after work for dinner and drinks. Chris had agreed to it with a sly grin, telling Vin that they could meet up with the others, as the surprise could wait until later. They had been drinking their first round when the storm struck full force, leaving hundreds of office workers stranded downtown, with nowhere to go. Huge snow drifts blocked the commuter trains from running and it was useless to try driving a car or bus through the storm. In no time, the bar and surrounding businesses had filled with cold, tired and hungry people. The seven ATF agents had sprung into action, helping the bar employees handle the situation.
Vin staggered into the main room of the bar, standing in the middle of the sea of humanity with a glazed expression. Buck noticed Vin's distress and came forward.
"Hey pard, somethin' the matter?" he asked with concern.
Vin slowly turned to Buck, trying to focus on the tall man.
"Buck?" he whispered.
"Yeah Vin?"
"I think I'm gonna...." He crumpled and started slowly sliding toward the
"Vin!" Buck yelled, grabbing for the younger man. He picked him up, gently cradling him in his arms. "God Vin, you're burnin' up!" he said to the now unconscious man. He strode across the room anxiously, looking for a bed or cot.
Nathan and Josiah caught sight of Buck, carrying Vin and rushed forward.
"What happened?" Nathan asked solicitously.
"Don't know, he looked confused and when I went to talk to him, he just collapsed," Buck said tightly.
"Take him into the kitchen," Nathan ordered. "It's warmer in there."
Josiah led the way, parting the crowd for Buck.
"There, set him down right there," Nathan pointed, indicating a cot pushed against a far wall.
Chris turned at the commotion.
"What the hell happened to him!" he asked, white-faced.
"He's burning up," Nathan said, carefully depositing Vin on the cot.
"And his clothes are wet," Josiah added.
"Looks like his hand's burned, too," Chris stated. "And the other one's cut. I told him to go rest, how did all this happen?" He knelt down beside the younger man, stroking his damp hair off his pale, flushed face.
"Vin? Vin, can you hear me?" he asked gently, but there was no response.
"Nathan, do something!" Chris said urgently, looking at the healer in desperation. "He's sick, and you gotta help him," he pleaded, continuing to stroke the brown curls hair softly.
Vin shivered slightly and mumbled something, twisting on the small cot.
"Find a blanket for him!" Chris snapped out to Buck. "He's freezin' and I ain't leavin' him."
Buck dashed away in search of the requested item and ran into JD and Ezra. He told them about Vin's collapse and they followed him back to the kitchen to check on their fallen comrade.
"But he was fine an hour or so ago when he helped me hand out blankets," JD said as he looked at Vin's prone form.
"And a few hours ago he helped me bring in those kids that got stranded in their school bus," Nathan remembered. "But now that I think about it, he didn't have his coat on. Was so busy back there, I didn't even think much about it at the time."
"Well this establishment would be much colder if Mr. Tanner hadn't assisted me with the furnace just mere minutes ago," Ezra recounted.
"You mean to tell me Vin did all that?" Chris asked, as his face grew red and a large vein pulsed in his neck.
The other men nodded.
"I told him to lay down, he'd been on his feet over 12 hours. So you're all sayin' he helped with you with your jobs?"
They nodded again.
"And just when the hell was he supposed to get any rest then?" Chris asked angrily. "We've all been spelled and slept, except for Vin! I had a hell of a time gettin' him to even agree to lay down! Just what the hell were all of you thinking?" he exploded.
The rest of the team looked at their leader shamefaced, then they looked down at their sharpshooter, laying so weak and sick on the cot. Their eyes fell to the floor, unable to meet Chris's piercing gaze.
Chris looked at his team, and knew they hadn't hurt Vin intentionally. It was just that the sharpshooter was always there, and always willing to lend a hand, never thinking of himself first. And that had gotten him into trouble in the past and it probably still would. Chris sighed, knowing he had his work cut out for him, making sure that Vin took care of himself and stayed healthy. But it was a labor of love for Chris. He would do anything for his young lover.
"Okay, that's enough," Chris said quietly, relenting. "I'm just as responsible, I shoulda made Vin stop working sooner and I should have actually watched him to make sure he laid down," Chris said. "I know how he can be."
Nathan found the first aid kit and he and Chris worked together to bandage the cut on Vin's hand. Then they applied burn cream and wrapped the injured hand lightly. Vin shivered and coughed as they worked, but didn't wake up.
"His shirt's soakin' Nathan," Chris said when they finished with Vin's hands. "We gotta get him out of it."
"Nathan! Nathan! You gotta come quick! One of the ladies out here is goin' into labor!" Buck yelled as he ran into the kitchen, wide-eyed.
Nathan looked at Chris, hesitating.
"Go on Nate," Chris reassured. "I'll take care of Vin, you go on out there."
"I'll be back soon as I can Chris," Nathan said.
Chris nodded and turned his attention to Vin. He pulled back the blanket and unbuttoned the wet shirt, thinking back to all the times, in the heat of passion, that he had undressed the younger man. How he wished right now was one of those times, and that Vin wasn't ill and laying limply on the cot. He slid onto the cot behind Vin and eased him into a sitting position. He slid off the soaked shirt and wrapped his arms around Vin's shaking body, holding him in a tight embrace, wishing it was him that was so sick instead. Vin was so kind, so giving and it wasn't right that he was rewarded for all his good deeds this way. No one else was around, but even if they had been, Chris wouldn't have cared. He kissed Vin's temple tenderly and held his lover tighter, slowly rocking him in his arms as he slept.
+ + + + + + +
Chris had fallen asleep with Vin wrapped snugly in his arms. Nathan smiled at the tender sight, as he entered the kitchen to check on the two. Vin seemed to be sleeping quietly and his coloring looked a little better, so Nathan decided it would be best to let the exhausted man sleep for a little while longer. He left the kitchen, turning off the overhead light as he departed.
Chris came awake about an hour later when he felt Vin tossing and twisting restlessly. He looked down at Vin in the dim light, alarmed at the heat he felt pouring off his bare skin. He eased himself from behind him and laid the younger man back down on the cot
"I'll be right back, Vin," he whispered, even though he figured Vin couldn't hear him, but hated the thought of him waking up alone and confused. "I'm gonna go get Nathan."
Chris and Nathan hurried back to the kitchen where they found Vin struggling to get out of bed.
"What're you doin' cowboy?" Chris asked as he latched onto Vin and gently pushed him back onto the cot.
"Gotta help JD....and Ezra...and those kids..." Vin mumbled as he fought against Chris's firm grasp.
"No you don't Vin, just settle down," Chris soothed, brushing the tumbled of sweat-soaked curls off of Vin's face. "You already helped 'em. Now you gotta just lay down and take it easy, okay?"
"I helped 'em?" Vin asked in a small voice, staring up at Chris in confusion.
"Yep, they're all okay, thanks to you. Now go back to sleep."
"Are we goin' to the ranch tonight?" Vin asked as he closed his eyes slowly.
"No Vin, we're stayin' here, there's a blizzard outside, remember?" He looked at Nathan with concern.
"What do you thinks goin' on with him? He's not remembering stuff."
"Probably just the fever, Chris, and the exhaustion," Nathan said. I'm gonna find some aspirin for him to take, hopefully that'll bring his temperature down. You gonna stay with him?"
"I ain't leavin' his side," Chris assured.
"Okay, I'll be right back," Nathan promised and left to find medicine for Vin.
"Yeah Vin?"
"I don't feel so good."
"I know ya don't cowboy. Can you scoot over a little bit? I wanna climb in there with you."
"'Kay," Vin replied and moved over.
Chris moved onto the cot, stretching his lean body out next to Vin's and wrapped his arms around the smaller man, distressed to feel the small tremors shaking his body, despite the heat coming off of him.
"Thanks Chris," Vin sighed, "it's warmer in here already."
Nathan walked back into the kitchen a few minutes later, steeling himself for the chewing out he was bound to get from Chris when their leader found out he's returned without the aspirin. He'd searched high and low but the bottle of aspirin was no where to be found.
He looked at the two sleeping figures on the bed, listening as the two breathed softly in unison. 'Guess Vin got some medicine after all,' Nathan said to himself with a smile as he backed out of the kitchen. quietly.
+ + + + + + +
Chris slowly came awake at the feeling of cold air hitting his legs and snuggled deeper against the warm body lying next to him.
'Vin,' he said silently to himself, smiling in his half sleep as he thought about the long-haired sharpshooter sharing his bed. He pressed his swelling erection against the younger man's firm buttocks, throwing one long leg over Vin's lean body to draw him even closer and began to nuzzle his neck.
"Mmm, Vin, wake up," Chris coaxed drowsily, nibbling at his lover's ear, and thrusting his now rock hard cock against Vin's backside. "You must be really tired Vin," Chris whispered in his ear right before he licked and blew on it. The younger man shivered at the sensation.
The response from Vin finally fully awakened Chris. He bolted upright on the cot, suddenly remembering where they were and what had happened. "Jesus! Vin's sick and here I am pawin' at him like a dog in heat! Christ, what the hell's wrong with me!" he chided himself, looking down at the still figure. He held his breath as he touched his forehead lightly, allowing himself to breathe again normally when he found Vin's skin to be warm, but not hot as it had been last night. He carefully crawled around the smaller body, leaving the cot quietly and tucked the cover back around Vin securely. He watched as Vin slept peacefully for several minutes, tearing himself away at last to go and find Nathan.
+ + + + + + +
"He's doin' a lot better Chris," Nathan reassured. "I think he just got run down and caught a bad cold from all that runnin' around without a coat on, and not eatin' and sleepin' enough. We should watch him, though, so it doesn't get any worse."
Chris nodded slowly in agreement. "I'm not lettin' him outta my sight Nathan. Gonna take him back to the ranch with me to stay after we dig out from this blizzard."
Vin stirred slightly and Nathan gestured for Chris to follow him to the other side of the kitchen, so they could continue talking and not disturb Vin.
"Heard from AD Travis's office earlier this mornin' while you were still asleep. City's making progress and they should have us dug out of here sometime today. Downtown got hit the hardest, suburbs and outlying areas are almost all cleared out. Said they'd call back around noon to give us an update."
"Just get me to the Ram and I'll get us out of here," Chris promised. "I figure since the parking lot's covered we should be able to get our cars out without any problem. I'm takin' Vin with me, and if any of you all want to, you can ride with us to the ranch and stay."
"Thanks Chris, I'll pass that onto the others. We'll try to find out if we can make it home if we can, though. Sure is gonna be good to get out of these clothes," Nathan grinned at Chris.
"Yeah, I think these pants could walk away on their own, they're so dirty," Chris agreed with a short chuckle. "Vin's probably feelin' a little ripe himself. All that sweatin' from the fever."
"Wouldn't notice, he just blends in with the rest of us around here. Think they're gonna need to air this place out good," Nathan shot back.
Chris looked back at the cot, then pinned Nathan in a serious gaze. "You sure he's gonna be okay?"
"Yeah Chris, he's gonna be fine. Just needs to rest and take it easy for a while. Think we should get him to eat something, too. Don't know about you, but I'm starvin' myself."
"Yeah, me too, Nate," Chris allowed. His appetite had returned now that his worry over Vin had lessened considerably, trusting Nathan's prognosis that Vin would recover completely.
The two men quietly went about preparing breakfast.
+ + + + + + +
Chris gently shook Vin's shoulder. "Wake up sleepyhead. We're gettin' out of here."
After a few more soft shakes, Vin opened his eyes and looked at Chris groggily.
"It's about time, cowboy. Thought you'd turned into Rip Van Winkle or somethin'," Chris teased lightheartedly.
"You're sure in a good mood," Vin grumbled and settled back into the blankets, closing his eyes.
"Oh no ya don't," Chris said, tugging the smaller man into a sitting position. "You can sleep in the car and you can sleep all you want at the house, but we're gettin' out of this place right now!" he ordered.
Vin looked at Chris as the words slowly sank in. And then he sneezed. Chris wrapped the blankets tightly around him and felt his forehead with concern.
"You still feel a little warm. Maybe we should drop by the doctor's office before we go to the ranch," he frowned.
"Nope, I ain't goin' to the doctor, thought Nathan said it was just a cold."
Chris stood over the sharpshooter with his arms crossed. "He also said you got sick because you were run down from not eating and sleeping enough and going out into the cold without the proper clothing. That's gotta stop Vin. You gotta start taking better care of yourself and I ain't messin' around with this."
As Chris admonished him, Vin couldn't help but notice the tight set of Chris's jaw and the dark circles under his eyes. And he felt heartsick for giving the older man such trouble. "I'm sorry Chris," he apologized guiltily. "I'll take better care of myself, okay? I don't want ya to have to worry about me anymore," he said quietly, looking down at the floor, his face burning in shame.
Chris looked down at his lover and immediately stopped his tirade. He knelt down in front of the younger man and gently took his chin in his hand. "Vin," he said, lifting up his chin to meet his gaze, "I know you're sorry, don't feel bad about it, okay? I love you Vin, and I'll always worry about you. So let's go home, huh? I wanna get you tucked into my nice warm bed."
"You gonna join me?" Vin asked coyly.
"Hmm, well that's an appealing thought Vin," Chris grinned. "Tell ya what, we get back to the ranch and I'll climb into bed with you and we can take a nice long nap together."
"That ain't exactly what I had in mind, Chris," Vin muttered disagreeably.
"Trust me, it ain't exactly what I had in mind for this weekend either Vin," Chris shot back. "But that's what we're going to have to settle for until you get better. Now, I've got the Ram outside, all warmed up, so let's go." He pulled Vin off the cot and steadied him with one arm held tightly against his narrow waist. "You need me to carry you?" Chris asked with concern as Vin wobbled a little.
Vin shook his head slightly. "No, I'll be all right in a minute, Chris. Just haven't stood up in a while I guess."
They slowly made their way through the now nearly deserted bar. It had been almost three days since the blizzard had struck and the city maintenance department and countless volunteers had worked tirelessly to clean up the mess. The city had lifted the travel ban about an hour prior and everyone had headed out for home gratefully.
Just as they reached the door, Nathan and Buck yanked it open and walked inside.
"Hey guys, headin' out?" Buck asked.
"Yep, I'm takin' Vin out of the ranch, so that's where we'll be if any of you need us," Chris answered.
"Josiah and Ezra already headed out together, and I'm leaving with JD now," Buck said.
"How 'bout you Nathan?" Chris asked. "You gonna get home all right or do you want me to drop you?"
"I'll be fine, Chris, thanks. Just wanted to look over Vin again before you two left," Nathan replied. He turned his attention to the sharpshooter. "You feelin' all right?"
Vin nodded. "Just a little tired is all," he answered.
He felt Vin's forehead and looked at his eyes, pleased that he was just a little warm and his blue eyes were clear and focused. "You sure do look a lot better than you did a day and a half ago," he told Vin with relief.
"Feel a lot better than I did then, too," Vin smiled back.
"Okay, then, get on outta here," Nathan scolded with mock seriousness. He and Buck helped Chris load him into the SUV and belted him in. Chris slammed the door and turned to the two men.
"Nathan, Buck, thank you for taking such good care of Vin. Buck, if you hadn't been there to catch him and Nathan if you weren't there..." he stopped, unable to continue as the strain of the last two days overwhelmed him.
"Chris, it's okay," Nathan assured, squeezing his friend's shoulder comfortingly. "Vin's gonna be fine."
"I know, it was just a little hairy there for a while," Chris said, in control of his emotions once again.
"Always glad to be there for a friend, you know that," Buck said, clapping Chris on the back. "Glad I was at the right place at the right time for Vin, pard."
"Drive home safely guys. I'll talk to you later," Chris said as he turned back to the Ram, looking forward to getting Vin home.
+ + + + + + +
"I'm not drinkin' anymore orange juice!" Vin protested loudly, crossing his arms and clenching his jaw stubbornly. "I'm gonna turn into a damn orange from all that damned stuff you been pourin' down my throat!"
"Vin, vitamin C's what you need to help with the cold!" Chris shouted back in annoyance. It had been an uphill battle with Vin since he'd brought him home yesterday afternoon. And he was tired of it. He had a splitting headache, he hadn't gotten much sleep in days, working almost around the clock to help with the blizzard victims and then caring for Vin and he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning's light breakfast. And now Vin was giving him hell.
"I've had enough! Don't want anymore of it and quit treatin' me like some little kid! Just leave me alone!" Vin snarled back.
"Fine!" Chris snapped. He had had all he was going to take from the younger man. "Don't drink the juice! Do whatever the hell you want, I don't care and I ain't takin' care of you anymore! I'm going to bed and you're on your own!" He stormed out of the bedroom and went into the guest room, huffing as he laid down. "God damned pain in the ass is what he is!" he muttered to himself. Within seconds, he had drifted off into a sound sleep.
+ + + + + + +
Vin laid on the bed, arms crossed over his chest, muttering to himself about Chris and his high-handed ways. He was tired of the older man bullying him, forcing chicken soup and orange juice into him every time he turned around. He had managed to take care of himself just fine until Chris Larabee came into his life, and he intended to let him know that in no uncertain terms. "Well, maybe after I get a little rest first," Vin mumbled to himself. "I'm a little tired right now, gotta have my wits about me when I square off against Chris," he said, closing his eyes and falling asleep quickly.
+ + + + + + +
It was pitch black in the room when Vin woke up. He turned over and looked at the clock. Almost midnight, he mused, must have been sleepier than I thought. His stomach growled loudly. Wonder what Chris has to eat around this place? he said softly in the silent room. Chris. Vin gasped slightly as he remembered the bitter words the two had flung at each other earlier in the evening. Would Chris still be mad? he wondered worriedly. He hadn't meant to complain so much and be such a pain in the ass. He really did appreciate everything Chris was doing for him, he was just so tired and he felt like crap. And he was sick of feeling that way. So he'd taken it out on Chris. Can't believe he's put up with my sorry ass as long as he has, he grinned wryly to himself, as he decided to pay a midnight visit to the guest bedroom and make up for all his bad behavior. He crept into the dark room, and eased himself into the bed, stretching out next to the sleeping man.
"Chris?" he whispered tentatively. "Chris?" He pressed his lips lightly to Chris's cheek, and wrapped himself against his lover. "I'm sorry Chris," he said softly.
"Go away," Chris mumbled. "Leave me alone!" he said harshly, twisting in Vin's grasp to get away from the younger man. Vin recoiled as if struck. "Chris, I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't..."
"Get away from me!" Chris was yelling now, sweat breaking out on his forehead. He was sound asleep, caught in the throes of a nightmare, but Vin was too distraught to notice. He thought he was being rejected by the older man and hurried out of the bedroom with a choked sob.
"He doesn't want me anymore!" he said to himself over and over again in a shocked whisper. "What am I gonna do?" he asked himself as he walked around the quiet house.
He paced frantically, panting from the effort of not crying out in his despair. He felt the walls of the house closing in on him. He went to the garage to get his jeep. Not there. Then he remembered Chris drove him here. "Gotta get out of here!" he screamed to himself as he walked in tight circles, raking his shaking hands through his tousled hair. He went to the bedroom and grabbed his boots, then retrieved his coat and gloves from the hall closet. Too upset to think clearly about the dangers of being outside in the harsh cold in the middle of the night, he flew out the front door.
Although the rural area that Chris lived in having been spared the blizzard that the city received, the snow was knee deep here and Vin struggled to take even a dozen steps. Still weak from his illness, he soon tired and began to change his mind about the late night walk. Then he pictured Chris's harsh rejection of him and became despondent once again. "I'm gonna walk to Nettie's, ain't stayin' where I'm not wanted," he said stubbornly into the biting wind as he forced himself forward into the frigid night air.
+ + + + + + +
"God, what an awful dream!" Chris exclaimed to himself as he sat up quickly in the bed. Horrible images of criminals he had put behind bars years ago had come back to exact revenge on him. He was covered with sweat and felt as exhausted as if he had really battled against the specters. It had all seemed so real, he could have sworn one of them had gotten close enough for him to feel his breath on his face as he had come to attack him. He pushed the damp hair out of his face and looked around the room rapidly, to reassure himself that it had only been a dream and that everything really was all right. He released his pent up breath as he looked at the clock. 12:30am. Wonder if Vin's okay? he asked himself, deciding to check on his lover. Maybe he's done feelin' sorry for himself and ready to let me take care of him like I want to. He was sorry he had snapped at the younger man earlier, but he had been mad about the situation they had found themselves in. He had looked forward to this weekend eagerly, anticipating tender hours of lovemaking in front of a roaring fire, and asking Vin to move in with him. He had been so sure of Vin's answer, he had cleaned out half of the dresser drawers for him. And instead, they had gotten stuck in the Mile High Saloon for nearly three days with a crowd of people, Vin had gotten himself so run down he had gotten sick, Chris's nerves were frazzled from worrying about Vin and helping with the crowd at the bar, and then the two of them had started snapping and griping at each other when they'd gotten home. Not exactly the romantic weekend he had been looking forward to. Well, he was going to take charge and clear up this misunderstanding with Vin. He loved the younger man and figured it was about time he told him how he felt. He would just have to explain to Vin that he did the things he did out of love and concern, and Vin would just have to learn to accept it. He threw the covers back and padded into his bedroom. As his eyes adjusted to the gloom, he was surprised to see the bed was empty. Figuring Vin had gotten thirsty, he headed for the kitchen. He stepped into the hallway and was startled to see the front door slightly ajar. "Vin!, Vin!" he shouted in the house. No response. "Dammit!" he yelled and ran to the hall closet. He flipped on the wall switch near it, narrowing his eyes against the sudden flood of light. Sure enough, Vin's coat was missing. "Where the hell would he go?" He grabbed his coat and gloves and hurried to his room to find shoes, then scooped up the keys to the Ram and went off into the night in search of Vin.
+ + + + + + +
Vin's anger had left him long ago. He now realized what a stupid thing he had done, going outside for a walk in the dark, snowy weather. Shivering and pulling his jacket tighter around his quaking body, he never realized he'd been walking in circles for the past several minutes. He was so cold, and so tired. Why can't I remember how to get back to Chris's? he asked himself fuzzily, trying to figure out which direction the ranch was. He was getting so sleepy. Maybe if I just lay down for a while, he said to himself. He floundered for a few more steps, then collapsed into the white powder.
+ + + + + + +
Chris inched desperately down the road, scanning for Vin. He soon realized it would be better to search on foot, so he pulled over and grabbed his flashlight, leaving the vehicle.
"Vin!" he called, his strident voice shattering the quiet night. Nothing.
"Vin! Vin!" he continued shouting, while walking as quickly as he could in the deep snow. His eyes, slitted against the blowing snow, lit on a dark shape, contrasting sharply against the bright snow. "Vin!" he screamed and broke into a run toward the prone form. He fell several times in the deep snow, but trudged on, finally reaching Vin, who was laying face down, unconscious.
"Vin, Vin!" Chris shouted frantically, cradling Vin in his arms. He pulled off a glove to touch Vin's face in a comforting gesture. At the soft touch, Vin's eyelids fluttered.
"Chris?" he asked weakly.
"I'm right here Vin, we gotta get you home."
"So tired," he answered thickly. "Can't we just sleep here?"
"No I want you back home with me, okay?" Chris said as he started pulling Vin upright against him. "We can sleep in front of the fire? Remember how much you like that?" Chris said, on the verge of tears as the thought of losing Vin ran through his head.
"Yeah," Vin sighed, "Let's go home." His eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped against Chris, unconscious again..
The Ram was still yards away and Chris was barely moving as he tried in vain to drag Vin's dead weight and himself through the huge snowdrifts. Reluctantly, he set the younger man down and took off for the SUV as fast as he could. Then he plowed through the piles of snow to get up next to Vin and quickly loaded him into the car. They arrived home minutes later.
Chris carried Vin's cold, limp body into the house. He laid him gently on the bed and stripped off the coat, sodden boots and clothing and put him under the covers, staring at the waxen, white face of his loved one as he worked. He turned up the heat in the house and headed back for the bedroom, ripping off his own clothes as he walked. Naked, he slid into the bed next to Vin and curled his warm body around Vin's freezing, shivering one.
"Vin? Vin? Wake up, please wake up!" Chris pleaded as he hugged Vin closer, trying to transfer his body heat to the stricken man. After several tense moments, Chris was relieved to feel Vin starting to stir in his arms.
"L-leave me alone!" Vin shouted hoarsely as he weakly tried to fight out of Chris's tight grasp. "I know ya don't want me here. I'll leave in the morning, just gotta warm up a little, then I'll get out."
"Vin, what are you talkin' about?" Chris asked, thoroughly confused. He was also beginning to worry even more, if that was possible, thinking that the cold had affected Vin's mind.
"I-I heard you, Chris, in the bedroom when I came in to apologize. So don't deny it!" Vin spat back vehemently as he shivered violently He was miserably cold and wanted nothing more than to burrow in closer to Chris and be held by the older man. But he knew Chris didn't want to be with him. The cold, fatigue and grief at being rejected by Chris all hit him at once. He tried to turn away from Chris. The stronger man held him fast and refused to let him budge.
"Vin, please don't leave," Chris begged softly, kissing away the two frozen teardrops that had fallen from Vin's icy face. "I was havin' a real bad dream and that must have been when you came in. I love you Vin, I don't want you to leave. Matter of fact, I want you to move in with me. That's what I'd been planning to ask you before all this blizzard business started."
Vin looked up at Chris, the vulnerability naked on his beautiful, tear-streaked face. "You mean it?" he asked in a small voice.
Chris nodded and captured Vin's pale, chilled lips in a burning, passionate kiss. "I mean it Vin. Soon as you get better, I'm gonna show you just how much I mean it," he promised tenderly.
Vin trembled from desire and the cold. "I'll hold ya to that, cowboy," he said with a smile as he closed his eyes and fell asleep snuggled against Chris.
Chris stayed awake long into the night, listening to Vin's soft breathing, and stroking the slowly warming body to reassure himself that Vin was with him and that everything was all right between them. Near dawn he finally dropped off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that Vin was going to be all right and would be with him always.
+ + + + + + +
Vin lay dozing lightly on the couch, bundled up under numerous blankets. The TV played softly in the background, the chatter having lulled Vin into his light sleep. The shrill ringing of the telephone interrupted his nap and he sat up groggily.
"Chris, you want me to get that?" Vin asked, pulling himself off the couch and heading for the phone.
"No I don't! And you better still be on that couch when I get out there, Vin Tanner!" Chris threatened from the back porch as he entered the house with an armload of wood for the fire. He dropped the wood and snatched up the portable phone from the kitchen table.
"Hello...nope....can't make it, sorry Buck.....uh huh...no, Vin isn't feelin' that great yet.....we're stickin' around here today. Okay....yeah, we'll do it another time...sure, see ya on Wednesday."
He turned to look at Vin, who was perched on the arm of the couch, listening to him. Raising an eyebrow, he looked back at the couch and blankets, then back to Vin meaningfully.
"Okay, okay," Vin grumbled good-naturedly as he settled back onto the couch and under the mound of blankets the older man had piled on top of him earlier.
Chris walked to the kindling and fed one of the logs into the fire, then turned again to regard the smaller man reclining on the couch.
"Got any more room under there?"
"Yup," Vin replied, lifting up the blankets and sliding over for Chris. "Was gettin' kinda lonely in here," he said with a lopsided grin.
"You warm enough now Vin?" Chris asked, as he joined his lover under the many blankets, putting his arms around him and holding him tightly as they gazed out at the now blazing fire.
"Yeah Chris," Vin sighed contentedly as he stretched himself against the larger man. "What'd Buck want?"
"Wanted to see if we wanted to go skiing. Him and JD are headin' to Keystone today," Chris replied.
"Don't mean to keep you from having fun," Vin said sadly. "I'm sorry Chris."
"Well I ain't," he responded, kissing Vin deeply. "Ain't no place I'd rather be than right here. And we got plenty of time to go skiin' and all that other stuff when you're well. Most important thing is that we do it together."
"After last night Chris, I'm not so sure I'm ready to go out playin' in the snow anytime soon, anyway. Guess we'll just have to find something to do here instead, huh?"
"Oh, I can think of a few things Vin," Chris replied, as he nipped at Vin's neck and his hands slowly began to roam over the younger man's smooth body......
Comments to: pyak@go-concepts.com