It was hotter than Hell in July, so why was Vin wearing that damned jacket? Did he ever take the thing off?He'd ridden out to the shack Chris Larabee called home just to get away from town for awhile, despite the broiling heat. He'd gotten there tired, thirsty, and dripping sweat, but still wearing that damned jacket. He liked to hide in it Chris suspected. Vin was a hider. He wasn't an ornery sort, but he didn't take readily to most people. Just kind of sat back and watched them, and hoped they didn't notice him.
"Take off the jacket, Vin. You'll cool off some."
Chris had taken everything off but his pants and boots. The heat was just plain unholy, and there was no one out there to see him, anyway.
Vin looked at him like he didn't know what Chris was talking about. Lately, Chris had found it harder and harder to look Vin in the eye. He didn't understand the why of it or when it had happened, but it made him uncomfortable now. Maybe it was the way Vin would look back, with those blue eyes that at one moment could be so old and wise beyond his years and then the next look big and innocent, like the eyes of a child. They took his breath away, and he knew he wasn't supposed to feel or think that, not about another man.
He ladled some water out of a bucket and wished he'd gotten around to installing a pump. The water from the ground would have been cool and fresh. The water in the bucket was clean, but it was tepid from the heat and tasted flat.
Vin took the ladle from him anyway. He kept looking at Chris while he drank. A playful, mischievous look that Chris could no more understand than he could understand why he had to turn away when Vin looked at him that way. Had to. If he didn't...
How could this be happening? He was a man for God's sake. You just didn't have certain feelings about other men if you were one yourself. Not unless you were one of those funny-boys he'd heard about. Men who did with other men. The thought made him want to puke.
Vin handed him back the ladle, his lips now glistening from the moisture. He smiled and said "Thanks, cowboy," with that wry little smile of his and that raspy voice that was almost a whisper. Those blue eyes fixed on Chris and he stared back as long as he dared.
Vin had taken his hat off, and his hair clung to his head in damp waves. He had shaved recently, probably just that morning. Losing the whiskers did an amazing thing to his face. Changed it from rugged to soft, almost delicate, maybe because he looked so much younger that way. Chris didn't know how old Vin was. Sometimes he acted like they were almost the same age, but when he looked like this, his hair disheveled and the occasional little smudge of dirt blending with the light smattering of freckles across his nose...
Stop thinking about this!!!
Did Vin know? So help him God, if Vin knew, Chris would never be able to face him alone again.
Vin slipped off the jacket. His shirt was sticking to him. How could he not be totally miserable? But, he didn't even seem to notice how hot it was, or at least if he noticed, it wasn't high on the list of things that bothered him. He reached up and undid the top buttons on his shirt, exposing the base of his throat and the top part of his chest to the air.
How could he look so damned innocent doing that?
Naturally, Chris knew the answer to that. He was innocent. Vin had no idea that Chris was watching his sturdy, supple fingers as they worked each button loose, or how it was making his heartbeat quicken to glimpse the firm contours of his chest.
Vin's hands were grubby. That made Chris want to smile. Vin had an aversion to actually getting into a bathtub. He always looked a little on the dusty side, although he somehow managed to stay reasonably clean. He smelled hot and sweaty right then, but it wasn't a foul smell. He smelled... like Vin. The scent was intoxicating, and he couldn't get enough of it.
Chris edged closer to him. He didn't know why. Didn't want to know. He took the bucket with him. When he had walked all the way around Vin so that he was behind him, he told him "Take off your shirt."
Vin turned his head, a puzzled look on his face. "Why?"
"Because, godammit, it's makin' me hotter standin' her lookin' at you with your clothes stuck to you. Aren't you uncomfortable?"
Vin didn't answer, but he turned away and slipped off his leather suspenders, then finished removing his shirt. Then, he just stood there. What was he thinking, Chris wondered?
Chris lifted the ladle from the bucket and held it over Vin's shoulders. Slowly, he tipped it and Vin flinched as the relatively cool water hit his back. But he didn't move from the spot. He tilted his head back slightly and gave a soft, grateful little sigh.
Chris reached up and unknotted the bandana Vin always wore around his neck. Vin still didn't move.
He dipped the colorful cloth in the bucket and then ran it dripping wet across Vin's shoulders so that the water trickled down his back and chest and arms. "Feel good?" he asked him.
Vin sighed. "Yeah."
He had no idea, did he? Chris was amazed. He watched transfixed as a beads of water cascaded down Vin's spine to his waist where they disappeared into the waistband of his pants. They now hung much lower on Vin's narrow hips without the support of the suspenders, and Chris could see the gentle curve at the top of his butt.
He wondered how experienced Vin was. He'd never seen him with a woman until he'd fallen head over heels for Charlotte for absolutely no good reason on God's earth other than she gave him the time of day. Was he that desperate for affection that he'd go with any woman who showed him the slightest kindness?
Stupid question. Most men would.
But still, Vin had decided he loved the woman before he even knew her. Chris wondered if he knew what love - or sex - was supposed to be about. He'd probably nailed Charlotte at least once out there on the prairie. Chris would have been surprised if he hadn't. She had all but pounced him when everyone was looking, so there was no reason to think she held back when they were alone. But, that didn't mean Vin understood why he was doing it, other than it felt good. Before her, Chris had never seen Vin court anyone, and he didn't pay working girls for their company. He'd certainly never known him to be with a man, either. It was almost as if the very idea of intimacy didn't even occur to him.
Which was a sad, sad waste, because he was so beautiful...
Chris suddenly pulled his hand away, mortified to have had that thought.
But he couldn't deny it, Vin was beautiful. He was a small man, but lithe and sinewy. No bulging biceps or deep, muscled chest. Just compact, well-defined muscle that excited Chris as he watched them move ever so slightly under Vin's pale skin. Funny, his face and hands were tanned, but he was naturally fair-skinned, the color of rich cream. Without his shirt, Chris could see that the funny way he had of leaning to one side was because his spine did the same thing. It was odd, but exciting in a way. He wanted to touch it, to trace his fingers down that funny little misplaced curve.
God, he wanted to touch him.
He tried to push the thought from his head, but even as he was doing so, his bare hand came to rest on Vin's shoulder.
Vin sucked in his breath.
It was the kind of sound a person made when they had been touched in just the right way to arouse them. Chris expected any reaction but that one.
Just in case, on the chance he had misinterpreted the response, he tried frantically to come up with an excuse for why his hand was there. But Vin never asked him what he was doing. He just stood there.... Stood there like he was waiting for Chris to do something else.
And when he did do something else what then? Was Vin going to turn around and punch his lights out?
He reached up and put his other hand on Vin's opposite shoulder. Gently, he began to knead the taut muscles with his thumbs and fingers.
Vin still didn't pull away. Just the opposite. He kind of shrugged into the movement of Chris's hands as they massaged his back.
Chris felt an incredible, hot rush of sensation as he touched Vin that way. It flowed from those narrow, perfect shoulders up his arms then down his back and around his belly before it centered right in his cock. It came pouring into him with no where to go, and his manhood expanded to accommodate it.
Touching Vin was making him hard. The idea both repulsed and fascinated him. It was repulsive because it wasn't natural. It was fascinating because he didn't understand how his body could be responding that way to another man.
He pulled himself closer so that his bare chest was almost against Vin's back.
Vin remained calm and still, but a shudder went through him. Chris wasn't sure what it meant, but he was very close to that point where his hot, swollen member would begin making decisions for him.
He wanted Vin.
He could deny it until the next blue moon, but that wouldn't make it not be so. It would still be there, torturing him with doubt and taunting him with this unbidden need that made everything below his belt pulse with yearning. He hadn't asked for this, but it was there, and now was its time.
He leaned his head on Vin's shoulder, half disgusted with himself, and half inflamed by this unfamiliar desire he felt.
"Vin?" he said softly.
"Yeah, Chris?"
"Say the word, and I'll back off. I'll never touch you again."
Maddeningly, and to Chris's great dismay and confusion, Vin didn't say anything. He just stood there.
Finally, Chris pulled his hands away.
Vin still didn't move, and it was possibly the most awkward moment Chris had ever experienced in his entire life. What had he done? What the fuck had he been thinking? He felt the blood rushing to his head. He wanted to run, to get as far away from Vin as possible so that he didn't have to face him after humiliating himself beyond all redemption.
"Chris?" Vin's voice was so soft he almost didn't hear it.
This time it was Chris who didn't respond. He didn't know what to say. He was too embarrassed to speak.
Vin still had his back to him, but Chris could tell from the rise and fall of his shoulders that he was breathing faster than he had been. That meant one of two things.... either Vin was pissed off, or...
The other thing was too much to hope for. There was no way Vin wasn't pissed off. Why, why, why had he done it? Made a move on another man that way? His shame was unbearable.
"I don't understand, Chris," Vin said softly. No anger. No condemnation.
Vin really didn't get it? Was it possible he was that naive?
Chris didn't think so, but he said, "I'm sorry, Vin."
I'm sorry that I will never be able to look you in the eye again.
Vin took a deep breath. "Ain't nothin' to be sorry for, Chris."
He still didn't turn to him, but he pulled his shoulders back. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but it almost seemed like he was inviting Chris to put his hands on them again.
His cock had gone soft at the thought that he had done something he'd regret forever. He felt it stir again as he watched those slight, firm muscles ripple under Vin's near-perfect skin. Smooth as marble, unblemished except for a few pale freckles. No man should have skin like that.
It was now or never. If he was misinterpreting Vin's body language, he would destroy any and all hope of even keeping his friendship, let alone...
Let alone what? What did he want from Vin?
He realized that if Vin didn't want this, their friendship was probably already lost. He'd already taken it too far. He had nothing to lose.
He put his hands back on Vin's shoulders.
Vin relaxed and let out the breath he'd been holding.
Chris drew himself close so that his mouth was at Vin's ear. "You don't mind?"
Vin shook his head, uncertainly. Chris wondered if he wasn't certain he minded, or wasn't certain why he didn't mind.
It didn't matter. They had just crossed a forbidden line and they both knew it.
He lowered his lips to the base of Vin's neck, to the little hollow made by his collar bone. Vin held perfectly still, until Chris let his lips part slightly so he could run his tongue over the salty flesh.
Vin moaned and trembled ever so slightly, but he didn't pull away. Chris worked his way slowly up the side of his neck, licking, sucking gently. The skin wasn't silky and smooth like a woman's. Even with Vin clean-shaven, his tongue still detected the faint beard stubble and it surprised him how enticing the rough sensation was. By the time he got to the base of Vin's jaw, the other man was shaking. "You alright?" he asked him.
Vin inhaled deeply and nodded.
Chris let his arms slip around Vin's torso, caressing his chest, playing with the little patch of soft hair in the center. He pinched the nipples between his thumbs and middle fingers, then teased them with his index fingers until they started to harden. A shudder went through Vin as he massaged the tiny nubs. He wanted to lick them, suck them, but that would mean turning Vin around and he wasn't ready to do any of this standing face-to-face with him.
There was a small can of lard close enough for him to reach. He dipped a finger into it and used it to lubricate both nipples. His touch was light, but his strokes were quick and even. Vin leaned back into him, his eyes closed. The muscles on his belly quivered and Chris could see the outline of his stiffening penis through the fabric of his pants.
Vin's arms were hanging limp at his sides and Chris reached down either side of him and interlaced his fingers with Vin's. He wrapped both of their arms around Vin's mid-section and pulled him close. The full contact of Vin's back against his chest instantly made his erection thicken and throb, and he had to resist a natural urge to rub himself against Vin. He wasn't ready for that, not until he was sure how far Vin was willing to let this go.
He nuzzled his hair, still holding him close like that. With just the movement of his face against Vin's head, he managed to work the damp strands free while he inhaled deeply of Vin's heady scent... leather, sweat, a hint of soap. He felt a moan escape his own throat as his hands worked their way down from Vin's chest, over his flat belly, until his fingers were just nudged into the waistband of Vin's pants.
He lost his nerve.
He didn't dare go any further. Again the horror of the situation came to him. He wanted to touch Vin, down there, in his most private of spots, and that scared him. He couldn't do it, no matter how much he wanted to.
He started to move his hands back up, but Vin stopped him. Stopped him and held his hands where they were for a moment, and then pushed them downward again. Chris had to be sure he understood this. He offered some resistence to see if Vin would let go.
Vin held firm, Chris could still feel the pressure on him, urging his hands downward.
He reached for the top button on Vin's pants. Vin released him and relaxed against him, in a way that invited Chris to do what he would.
At least, Chris hoped that was what Vin wanted. He supposed he'd know soon enough.
He unfastened the leather thong that held Vin's gun against his thigh, and then unbuckled his gunbelt, setting the weapon aside with care. Then, one by one, he undid the buttons on Vin's fly, at each one half expecting Vin to ask him to stop.
Vin never did though. His breathing was harsh with arousal, and Chris's own heartbeat quickened to a pounding pace when his hands sensed the heat from Vin's groin.
He slid the pants down just far enough to expose the base of Vin's cock. He was aching to be free of his own pants, but he wasn't certain what to do about that. Not yet.
"You still alright with this, Vin?" He had to be sure.
Vin's eyes were closed, He didn't open them, but he nodded slightly and said "Yeah."
Chris let his hands slide down, the movement forcing the pants down in the process. His fingers still had just enough of the lard on them to make them glide easily over Vin's thatch of pubic hair, down into the crease on either side of his sac. He let his thumbs rest at the base of Vin's cock and worked his fingers over the insides of his thighs and the sensitive area behind his balls. As he did so, he gently pushed and lifted Vin's erection and his balls free of his pants. He didn't stroke him, though. He concentrated his attention between Vin's thighs, kneading and massaging the area around and behind his scrotum. Vin's height was just right that he could look over his shoulder and watch him stiffen and swell as he touched him, a creamy drop of pre-cum seeping from his tip.
Vin reached down and touched himself, and Chris allowed him to spread the fluid over his glans, using it for lubrication as he retracted his foreskin. Vin quivered, aroused by his own touch as well as what Chris was doing to him. Chris gently pulled Vin's hand away. "Easy there, pard. Don't want this to be over before it starts," he whispered.
Vin bit his lip, and nodded, and let his hands drop to his sides again. His surrender to Chris was absolute. Chris knew that Vin was trusting him now to bring him to a climax, and it still amazed him that Vin was accepting this.
He really wasn't sure what to do next.
He knew what he wanted, though, and so long as Vin was consenting to his ministrations, he decided to go for it.
He moved Vin over to the table. It was rough-hewn wood, so he grabbed a pillow to pad the edge as he bent him over it. He pulled his hips back far enough that he couldn't stimulate himself by thrusting against the pillow, so that his cock and balls hung free, exposed to no other contact until Chris decided to touch them. Vin's pelvis squirmed reflexively. He wanted to grind against something.
Chris bent over him, taking Vin's hands in his and pinning them to the table. "Let me do this for you," he told him. He pushed Vin's wrists firmly against the table, letting him know that he expected him to keep them there.
Vin's posture was relaxed, he lay with his head and chest on the table as if he were face down on a bed, but his muscles were tense, his lower belly already twitching with the expectation of shooting his load.
Chris eased up off of him and rested his palms on Vin's shoulders, kneading them firmly and working his way down to the small of his back. His pants still covered most of his butt, but with one subtle movement, Chris took care of that. A hot tremor of anticipation flooded through him as he glided his hands over Vin's smooth backside. His erection ached, and he undid his own pants, slipping them down far enough that he was free of them.
His mind harkened back to some lively adventures he'd had in Lydia's bed, and he regretted not having anything more exotic than lard to use for the purpose at hand. But it would do, and it probably would just absorb into their skin and be less messy to clean up, anyway.
He had Lydia to thank for the fact that he at least had some idea of what he was doing. She'd give a man two-bits worth if that was all he wanted, but she could be talented, bold and resourceful in bed. The times he'd spent with her, she had never tired of finding new and adventurous ways to give him pleasure, and damned if she didn't come up with some truly creative uses for common (and not-so-common) objects. Thanks to her, he had the experience to know that he could get inside Vin without hurting him, if he was careful. Also that if he wasn't, it would cause him pain, maybe even injure him.
He was thinking all of this under the assumption Vin wanted that. Maybe he didn't. He'd have to rely on what signals he got from him as they went along though, because he was sure as hell not about to ask another man for permission to fuck him in the ass.
He slicked his hands down liberally and then guided them over his own length, coating it so that it glistened and slid easily through his palm. He reached between Vin's legs with both hands, lubricating his crevice and then sliding down to again caress the crease on either side of his balls and finally massaging his entire sac. Vin moaned and tried to hold still, but his hips were thrusting on their own accord, his cock seeking any kind of stimulating pressure. Chris still didn't sroke him though. He worked his way back to the area between the sac and his opening, teasing the false scar there and moving closer to the opening with each movement until Vin was writhing with need.
It was then that he dared move close enough that they touched. His arousal surged as his engorged cock slid between Vin's legs, the tip rubbing over Vin's balls. Vin tensed, but it wasn't with apprehension. He didn't pull away or tighten up. The contact clearly excited him, and because it did, Chris felt his own excitement peak to where his need became urgent. There was no turning back now.
He continued to rub himself back and forth between Vin's thighs, until he was nearly ready to explode. Vin patiently endured it, even though his breathing became harsh and shallow, and his fists clenched with the effort to keep from touching himself. They were both getting dangerously close to the edge. It was the moment Chris had been waiting for. He knew that once he was inside Vin, frantic thrusting was not an option. You could do that with a woman, but if he did it to Vin, he'd hurt him. He'd deliberately waited long enough that he would come quickly once he was inside.
He pushed his cock against Vin's opening. It would not slide in immediately, but he didn't expect for it to. Vin gasped, not with pain - he hadn't done anything to hurt him - but with pure craving. There was no question that he wanted this.
Chris repeatedly nudged himself against Vin, opening him wider with each contact, until he knew it would take only a firm push to get the loosened orifice to yield completely. He grasped Vin's hips to steady him, his own hands shaking with anticipation, and then in one strong, determined press, drove himself into him, just far enough to embed his tip.
The sudden rush of pleasure as Vin's heat enveloped the sensitive glans was so intense he almost climaxed right then.
Vin groaned softly with the intrusion, but he accepted it, pushing himself against Chris to urge him deeper inside.
Chris moved slowly, watching his body meld with Vin's until he was all the way in.
He then bent forward so that he was lying with his chest on Vin's back. He grasped Vin's hands in his own, and tried slowly pulling back and pushing forward again, just to test the waters. A pleasured little sigh escaped from Vin, so Chris took that as his cue to continue. He began to fuck him with long, slow, steady strokes.
Vin had turned his face away, resting his forehead on the table. It was just as well, Chris didn't want to have to look him in the eye while he did this. Sharing their bodies was all he could handle at the moment. He'd have to get used to the idea before he could look into Vin's eyes and share his soul.
It didn't take long before Vin was moaning softly and squirming beneath him, his body gleaming with sweat. "Chris..." he said in that too-soft voice of his.
Chris put his mouth against the base of his ear, sucking the earlobe into his mouth for an instant. "You alright?" he asked yet again.
His voice still barely a whisper, Vin pleaded, "I'm hard as a nail, Chris. You gotta do me with your hand...."
Hearing him beg to be touched caused Chris's cock to twitch and spasm, and he almost lost control. He had to stop pumping so he didn't instantly ejaculate.
He kissed Vin's shoulder lightly as he slid his hands beneath him to fondle him. He didn't touch his cock, even though he knew that was what Vin wanted. He felt devious and even cruel, but teasing him like that increased his excitement, and he knew it would make it better for Vin too, when he finally did give him some relief.
He massaged Vin's inner thighs, kneading the sensitive area behind his balls with the gentlest pressure and a well-lubricated touch. Vin tried again to touch himself, and again, Chris wouldn't let him.
"Chris, please... I can't stand it." he panted.
Vin's thighs were trembling with urgency, and his back arched as his cock thrust vainly forward seeking some kind of contact. Chris placed his finger tips against his lower belly, and with the lightest possible touch caressed everything between Vin's legs except for his stiffened flesh. Vin grimaced in frustration as the heat and pressure in his cock became unbearable. "O god... touch me, Chris...." he begged through clenched teeth.
Ignoring Vin's pleas, Chris moved his fingers delicately over Vin's scrotum and lingered there, fondling his testicles. They were tight and heavy, engorged with semen, and Chris knew he couldn't make Vin wait much longer before arousal became actual pain.
As if to confirm this, Vin whimpered with discomfort. "Chris, please finish me," he choked. "I need to come, I'm hurtin'..."
The sheer desperation in Vin's voice drove Chris right to the brink. Knowing his own orgasm was imminent, he took Vin's cock in his hand and began to pump it furiously. Vin's entire body convulsed in anticipation of his release and he sobbed with gratitude as his need was finally met.
Vin's hardness filled his hand. His pre-cum was pouring from him, and let Chris's fingers slide easily over the sensitive tip and along the thick, hot, throbbing shaft.
He felt the first stirrings of his own impending climax as his balls contracted, discharging their juices. Vin was so incredibly hard that it didn't seem possible when Chris felt him swell from within as his channel filled with cum. An instant later, he groaned and began to spurt his seed into Chris's hand. He was still coming as Chris went over the edge. Instinctively, he thrust himself as deeply as he would go as his own hot cum jetted from him and his cock emptied itself in a rush of orgasmic ecstacy equal to any he had ever experienced.
His body went limp on top of Vin as they both recovered their senses. They lay that way for several minutes, their heat and sweat mingling as their breathing and heart rates returned to normal.
When he could move again, Chris pulled back slightly, withdrawing his softened cock to allow Vin's tissues to tighten back to their normal state. He lifted himself up and examined them both. There was a little blood, but no more than from a pin prick.
He rubbed Vin's back gently, and once again had to reassure himself. "You alright, Vin?"
Vin nodded. He'd turned his head sideways again, but his expression was unreadable.
Chris was suddenly stricken with a horrifying thought. What if he had just done the same thing Charlotte had done to Vin? Preyed on some need he had to be wanted, desired? God, he hoped that wasn't it. The last thing he wanted was to have used Vin for his own pleasure.
He backed away from him, having no idea what two men said or did with each other after something like this. Vin didn't seem to know, either. He lifted himself up and pulled his pants up far enough that he could walk to where the water bucket was without tripping on them. Without a word to Chris, he fished his bandana out of the water and wiped himself down, running it over his arms and torso and finally between his legs. He then just as silently put his clothes back on. Chris buttoned up his own pants. He'd clean up later.
He knew Vin was going to leave. What else could he do, really?
When he was dressed, Vin pulled that infernal jacket back on and grabbed his gun and hat. "I best get back," he said.
Chris nodded. "See you later, pard."
Vin looked him in the eye then, finally, but he didn't say anything, just tipped his hat and nodded.
And in that unexplainable way they had of understanding each other without words, each of them knew that no matter what future path their friendship might take, they would never speak of what had happened there again.