blackraptor Submission Guidelines

I. Finish your story. Blackraptor does not routinely accept stories that are still in progress. (Please do not submit stories that are already available at another website.)

II. If possible, have the story checked by a beta reader. If you do not have a beta reader and can't find one, then read the story aloud to yourself, and be sure to use a spellchecker.

III. Put the following information at the top of the text, in the story file.

Clearly indicate the end of your story (so that we can be sure we have the entire story before we post it).

Sometimes, we receive several stories at once, and don't remember who sent what. If you omit your name and addy, we'll probably post it, anyway, but you will probably miss any initial feeedback on your story. If you omit your name, addy and a title for your fic, you probably won't see it again until you send us an e-mail asking us what happened to it and we figure out who you are.

IV. Send your story to (Do not add this screen name to your "buddy list" IMs will not be acknowleged. Do not send anything but fic, or questions pertaining to fic. "Send to everyone you know" type messages are particularly not welcome.). You may send it in almost any format except .wpd and .pdf (these files cannot be easily converted to a web page). If sent as a file attachment, it must be accompanied by a message briefly stating what the file contains and who is sending it. The subject line of your message should clearly indicate that it is a fan fic submission or a question about fan fic. Messages with non-specific subject lines like "Hi" or "Greetings" or no subject at all will probably be deleted unread. A file attachment accompanied by blank message will not be opened.


E-mail - Avoid using a work or school e-mail addy for feedback for your fic. This can cause you problems down the road, either because you leave the school, you get in trouble for reading fic at work, or whatever, and then all of your links have to be changed.

Author Name - If you don't want people to know that you write fan fic, don't use your real name. This especially goes for writers of adult fiction who hold jobs (teachers, law enforcement, etc.) where the folks you come into contact with may not understand your passion.

Titles - If you use a foreign phrases for a title, translate it somewhere, either in parenthesis under the title, or somewhere in the text. Not everyone understands Spanish, French, Latin, etc.

Universe - Alternate universes are enormous fun, but if an existing universe will suit your story, you might want to reconsider creating a "new" one. (For example, making the boys DEA agents is not especially creative, since the ATF universe would probably work just as well.) If you don't want other folks writing in your original AU, please submit your fic elsewhere. Blackraptor does not recognize "closed" A/Us.

because yes, it is a problem to replace it after the wrong version has already been
formatted and uploaded, (which can sometimes happen in less than an hour).

Stories submitted to blackraptor, it should meet the following criteria:

It must be a Magnificent Seven story. This means the main character(s) must be characters who appeared on the Magnificent Seven TV series. Original characters are fine, but the story should not be about them, with the M7 characters relegated to supporting roles.

In crossover stories, M7 characters should have equal or greater prominence with respect to characters from other shows/films.

The story should not be posted on another website. If your story is already on a web page, please provide the following information and it will be linked to the appropriate character page(s) at blackraptor.

Main Character(s)
Universe (if other than Old West)
Genre (gen, adult, slash) (if slash, provide the "pairing")

If you are planning to write more than one story with the same theme and will want them grouped as a series or collection, please do not wait until you have posted 2 or 3 of them to tell us. Changing the listing after the fact involves recoding several pages and chances are, we won't say "Oh goody, more work!" ;-)

If the story has appeared in a fanzine (either CD or hard copy) it will likely have an 'expiration date' after which the 'zine editor will presumably have no more copies for sale and will therefor be okay with the contributing authors sharing their work by other means. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that it is okay with the 'zine editor to post the story before submitting it to blackraptor (blackraptor will not become involved in disputes between 'zine editors and fic writers). Such stories are accepted with the same requirements which apply to all other submissions.

Please do not submit the following:

There will be no "rejection message" or other explanation. Unaccepted fic simply won't be posted. Certain other types of stories also may not be accepted, but, we will probably let you know why.

Do not apologize for the typos - fix them! Ideally, your fic should be beta read by someone who is familiar with the rules of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation as well as American word usage, who is also a devoted fan of the show. However it is realized that a beta reader may not always be available (or even necessary). At the very least, though, the story should be re-read by the author, and a spellchecker should be used. Due to the large volume of fic submitted to blackraptor, the correction of typos and other minor errors, or any "tweaking" done after the story is posted cannot be a priority.

Please don't send stories asking for a 'quick beta' or an opinion of your work. We wish we had enough time to do this for every writer, but, alas, we must devote our energies to getting stories posted, so please send them only if you are satisfied with the finished product.

If you are not sure of the rules of grammar and punctuation (and even if you think you are), please check out Notes on Quotes and other Hints, or obtain a good reference, such as Writers Inc by Patrick Sebranek (available at most bookstores and from Never assume that what you see in other works of fan fiction is correct. Some extremely creative and prolific writers do not know (or choose to ignore) the basic rules of written English, and may not necessarily be good spellers.

If you want your story to look a certain way, please provide the appropriate information, such as background and text color, font types, images, etc. If you want pictures, screen captures, etc., please provide them with the story rather than just describing them. If you create your own graphics, do not make them wider than 580 pixels. They should be .GIF or .JPG, files 24-bit RGB or less. All images at blackraptor are available for your use except for a few that are clearly marked. If you borrow images from a non-blackraptor website, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from the owner of the site to use them. Please be aware that text and background colors, font commands, and other enhancments such as text shading and highlighting may be lost when a story is converted to HTML. Do not use "Word Art" to create title graphics. It will not convert to HTML.

Bold and Italic commands occasionally disappear when a word processor file is converted to HTML. Please be sure to check your work after it is posted to ensure everything looks the way you meant for it to.

Do not use extra spaces to divide your action. Put a row of asterisks (*******), crosses (+++++++), dashes or other charcters that will stand out to indicate there should be more than a normal one-line break in the text.

If you quote other sources, such as song lyrics, poetry, or literary works, please credit the creator.

Authors wishing to post adult fiction at blackraptor must agree not to post the URL in any public forum that is readily accessible to minors, including mailing lists, bulletin boards, chat rooms or other webpages.

After your story is posted, check it to make sure that your name and e-mail address appears as you want them to appear. (Do not wait until you have 20 fics posted to decide you want to use another name or addy!)

If you are new to computer technology and/or the internet, and none of the above makes a bit of sense to you, don't hesitate to ask for help, and don't let that stop you from submitting your story. Everyone has to start somewhere!

A Final Note: We hope that writers will extend their fellow authors the courtesy of requesting permission before "borrowing" their material; however, there are only so many basic plots and coincidences are bound to occur. It would be virtually impossible for blackraptor to keep track of everyone's original characters, dialogue, scenes, etc. so we therefor cannot monitor their use by other authors. Also, blackraptor does not acknowledge the concept of a "closed universe" in which other writers are not permitted to participate, so please do not submit fic with this restriction. Unless there is indisputable evidence of a blatant act of plagiarism, no one's fic will be removed from the blackraptor site because of similarities to another author's work.

If you have other questions, please review the blackraptor FAQ page. If the answer is not there, please feel free to ask.


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