ATF Universe
Fairy Godfathers

by TexasAries

Response to a challenge to give one of the Seven a hobby no one else knows about.

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Ezra was sitting have a quiet lunch at Manson Cafe when the conversation at the next table intruded on his afternoon tranquility.

"I don't know what I going to do, Mary. I've looked everywhere and the only thing available is something so ugly I'd rather clean floors with it or so expensive that it would bankrupt me." To Ezra's ears that sounded like Rain Jackson, Nathan's wife. "And even if I dared, Nathan would skin me alive." Satisfied that he at least knew two of the ladies at the table behind him, he concentrated on the New York Times and his lunch.

"Si, Rain. I have looked everywhere and everything is taken. With all the young senoritas getting ready for their prom and this political dinner there is nothing available." Taking a bite of his egg salad croissant Ezra shamelessly eavesdropped. He knew all about the political dinner that was going to take place two weeks from now. A.D.Travis had surprised the team yesterday by telling them that he suspected some high-ranking ATF officials and politicians might be exchanging bribes for future favors at this dinner. He wanted his most trusted team there to keep an eye on things.

The Judge had paid $500 a head for Chris, Mary, Buck, Inez, JD, Casey, Nathan, Rain, Vin and Ezra to attend the dinner as his guests. Josiah had had to decline due to his sister Hannah's cancer surgery that was scheduled for the next week.

"I ... I guess I could wear my prom dress, maybe the rest of you ... oh." Another of Team Seven's womenfolk; Casey Wells, JD's girlfriend.

"Well, that's it then. We just have to tell the men they have go without us. I refuse to show up looking like the poor cousin." Ezra sat up, for Mary Travis sounded defeated. That woman was as tough as her boyfriend Chris Larabee and for her to sound defeated meant that these woman were at the end of their rope.

He knew that he would probably regret this, but these women had been extremely kind to him over the years. If he could do this for them now it would be a small repayment for all those home cooked meals they had brought over when he had been injured on the job. Sighing, he got up from his table and walked around the side of the booth to look at the four dejected women.

"Ladies, maybe I can be of assistance."

+ + + + + + +

Three days later the four women were gathered at Inez' Saloon looking over the wonderful dressed Ezra had designed for them, but now they were wondering where they could get jewelry to match such beautiful creations. Vin Tanner sat across from the women enjoying a ranch burger as he watched the women working themselves up over something. Figuring that he owed the women for all the small kindness they had done for him throughout the years, he wiped his mouth with the paper napkin before getting up and making his way to the four women.

"Ladies, what seems to the problem?"

The four women looked up into the gentle face of Vin Tanner and all started speaking at the same time.

"I don't have anything ..."

"I want something to match ..."

"My dress is needing ..."

"I can't find anything ..."

Thoroughly confused and not able to make sense out of what the women where trying to tell him, Vin let out a sharp whistle that stopped the women in mid-speech. "Now Mary, why don't you tell me what has all of you so worked up."

Mary handed Vin the sketch of the dress that Ezra had designed for her. Then she remembered the promise that each of them had made to Ezra not to tell anyone who designed their outfits. Biting her lip, she shot a quick look at the other women at the table to see their own chagrined expressions. "A ... a friend of ours designed these dress for the political dinner and, well, we don't have any jewelry that would match and ..."

Vin looked at the design and through how beautiful it would look on Mary. Whoever the designer was, he or she had captured Mary's personality, creating a work of art that would knock Chris for a loop and having every other man envying him. Silently he asked for each of the women's sketches and enjoyed the clean looks and fresh cuts of the various dresses and how they matched the personalities of each of the women before him.

Looking at these designs he came up with some simple pieces that would compliment each dress, but he didn't have enough materials to do this. Biting his lip and blushing furiously, Vin made his quiet offer. "I ... I could make you something ... but I don't have the materials. If you have some old jewelry that you don't want anymore ... I could use it to make you something."

Four female voices squealed in delight and the women launched themselves at Vin, who was wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole.

+ + + + + + +

The six men from Team Seven and A.D. Travis waited at the bottom of the Travis's stairs for their dates to appear. First down the steps was Evie Travis, who paused at the top of the steps so that she could look in her husband's eyes, who looked up her with pure adoration. Evie Travis was considered one of the best looking women in Denver but tonight she had outdone herself, for she was dressed in a silvery white dress that making her appear like an angel to her husband. Blue eyes twinkling, hair carefully styled and looking every inch like the grande dame she was, she gracefully floated down the stairs to be greeted by seven men who made a fuss over her.

Buck was the first to greet her at the bottom of the steps, shooting the Judge a devil may care grin. He clasped Evie's hand in his and with his most charming smile told the judge, "Judge, I didn't know that you had such a beautiful daughter, but I know why you've kept her hidden." Then turning to Evie to kiss her hand, "Now, little darlin', why don't we go someplace and get better acquainted?"

This had Evie Travis blushing like a schoolgirl and the other men grinning as the Judge snatched his wife's hand from the group's Romeo. " Wilmington, keep your hands off my wife. You have your own date to look after." He then took his wife's hand and kissed it. Looking adoringly in to his beloved's eyes, he said, "I never have seen you look more beautiful in my life, Evie."

"Oh, Orrin." Evie placed a gentle kiss on her husband's face. "You look extremely handsome yourself this evening." Then turning to the other six handsome men she asked, "Are you gentlemen ready to see your lovely ladies?"

"About time, we're going to cut it pretty close if they don't hurry. OW!" JD massaged the back of his head where Buck and Chris had smacked him. "Why did you do that for?" demanded JD of his two co- workers.

"One, you never rush a lady, and two, women like to make an entrance so you can never be too late," replied Buck.

"Senor Buck?" Buck looked up to the head of the stairs and froze, for a goddess stood there. He slowly walked up the stairs to this vision that must have stepped from an autumn woods to allow him the pleasure of her company. The dress was in various shades of brown, reds and deep oranges with designs of tree branch embroidery in gold thread and drops of amber, smoky topaz and brown quartz seeding the design. The silk dress floated around Inez' legs, the simple but elegant cut reaching to the mid-length in front but pooling in the back to her heels. The neckline was round with little straps that led around her shoulder, and as she turned to give Buck a good view he noted that there was no back to the dress but the straps reconnected to the dress at Inez' lower back where the material was gathered in the center to have a waterfall effect. The dress was not tight but the clinging silk produced seductive outline as she moved, tempting mortal men with her beauty.

Around her neck rested a gold necklace that look like little interlocking tree branches dotted here and there with amber, smoky topaz, quartz and pearls and ending in a large pear-shaped amber stone. Her earrings matched the little tree limbs but each had an amber pear-shaped drop that hung softly next to her neck. Her black hair was pulled back into a riot of curls sprinkled with same jewels that decorated her dress.

Buck gently took her and raised it to his lips, looking at her with devotion and love in his eyes. Without his usual bravado he told her simply, "Inez, you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen or will ever see in my life." Then tucking her hand in the crook of his elbow he escorted her down the stairs.

Two smiles and a glint of satisfaction showed in both Ezra and Vin's eyes at the shocked statement on Buck's face. JD was standing openmouthed looking at Inez so he didn't notice Casey at the top of the stairs. When he noticed a movement he looked up and finally registered who was there. JD slowly turned his head to look up at the vision that was waiting for him, his mouth closed with a snap and he swallowed noisily. "Casey ...."

Gone was the little twenty-five year old instead there stood a goddess of the sea. Casey wore a dress made out of the thinnest silk in various shades of blue from a pale blue to the deep midnight blue at the hem of the dress. The cut was off her shoulders but thin little straps kept the dress in place as the silk looped down her arms to stop at her wrists. The hem of the dress was at various lengths, cut in individual overlapping triangles that seemed to float in an invisible breeze. The dress was embroidered with silver waves with little seed pearls and blue stones dotted here and there around the design.

As with Inez, Casey's hair was pulled back from her face but it then fell in curls down the back of her neck so that the necklace around Casey's neck was displayed in all its simple glory. The necklace was a delicate silver wire starting just below her right shoulder, looping up and around her neck down to just above her dress where it turned upwards and finished with a single blue lapis drop. From her ears hung little lapis and pearl earrings that complemented the necklace and didn't drown out or over power the young woman's own beauty.

Never breaking eye contact with JD, Casey started down the steps, enjoying the stunned look on her beloved's face. Reaching the last step with eyes twinkling, she asked, "Cat got your tongue, JD?"

To stunned to even put two words together, JD blurted out, "Casey, you're beautiful."

Slipping her arm into JD's she leaned in to kiss him gently on the mouth before trying to make him look at the top of the stairs again. JD simply ignored her silent hint, looking adoringly at the young woman at his side.

Rain was the next to appear at the top of the stairs. Gone was the quiet doctor, instead stood a sensual woman, a goddess of desire. Her dress was in deep shades of red with the deepest being next to her face. The body of the dress was cut into flame-shaped slits that overlapped but allowed tantalizing glimpses of Rain's bronze skin to show. The top of dress was halter style, the silk gently caressing her body as it looped around her neck and the dress was embroidered with bronze thread and a scattering of red gems of various shapes and sizes. As with Inez' dress Rain's was backless and the silk had been pulled gently back around her hips to flow down to her heels in a cascade of flames. Rain's hair had been tamed to pool down one side of her face, setting off the large Indian-style red garnet earrings that hung to just below her jaw line.

Nathan walked up the stairs to his wife, a woman that had astounded him time and again with her compassion and caring and whom he loved with all his heart. He didn't want to go to this dinner, instead he wanted to break every speed limit to take this tempting creature home and make slow passionate love throughout the night. Rain shivered at the look of passion and desire in her husband's eyes. Gently cupping her husband's cheek, her eyes reflected the same desire and passion that was in her husband's along with a promise to fulfill both of their fantasies later tonight.

As with the other men, Nathan tucked his wife's hand into the crook of his arm as he led her down the stairs, not bothering to look at anyone else for he had fallen in love with this woman at his side all over again. So it was only Ezra, Vin, and the Travises who saw the nervous tension in their team leader's eyes as he turned towards the top of the stairs, desiring and yet fearing Mary's appearance. Those waiting didn't have to wait long.

Where Inez was the goddess of autumn, Mary was the goddess of spring. Her sleeveless satin dress was in various shades of green tightly hugging her body and displaying every curve to perfection and one side was slit up to mid-thigh to allow her to move more freely. Silver leaves and emeralds cascaded around the dress, catching and reflecting the light in a riot of color. Her hair was pulled back to the nape of her neck and a select few curls framed her face. The silver necklace she was wearing looked like the branches of a tree with green pear-shape stones and seed pearls gracing its tips. The necklace hooked around Mary's shoulder with no other visible means of support, and large pear-shaped emeralds dangled glittering from a silver foundation in her ears.

The spring vision slowly descended the stairs, not taking her eyes from Chris, who moved to meet her as she stepped off the last step. All Chris did was gently kiss her hand, then tucked in the crook of his arm to escort her to the ball.

+ + + + + + +

The four women's entrance into the dinner was notice with interest by every red-blooded male in the place and with envy by the other women. Most of the attention stayed on the four women, and hardly anyone noticed the arrest and removal of various AFT upper brass and politicians caught passing bribes and pay-offs during the first part of the evening.

When things had settled down some Vin had sat back to enjoy the rest of the evening people watching when he heard Inez' voice over his shoulder. "Si, Senora, the designer's name is Arze, but I don't know if he would be interested in doing any more designs."

"Please, my dear, tell him that I am willing to pay anything he wants to design my daughter's wedding dress. Please speak to him."

"I will try, but he is a very private man and he only did this as a favor for me."

Vin was curious to find out who designed those gowns and was kind of interested in meeting the person. The women wouldn't tell him anything, but now he knew the mysterious designer was a man and went by the name of Arze. He wondered why that puzzled him?

+ + + + + + +

In another part of the ballroom, Ezra was overhearing a discussion Mary was having. "I don't know, Mr. Devon. Lone Wolf only designed these pieces at my friends and my request. I'm not sure if he'd be willing to do any more."

"Please ask him, it's for our anniversary and I have never seen anything like what you and your friends are wearing. Please ask him."

"I can but try."

Ezra had looked at the wonderful pieces of jewelry that had been designed to go with his dresses. The work was all hand done and exquisite in detail. They fitted his designs perfectly and he would have been interested in meeting this jeweler but the ladies refused to tell him anything. Now he had a gender and a name. But why would Lone Wolf bring Vin to mind?

+ + + + + + +

Both men decided to play detective and try to find out who was their unknown partner. Vin kept Inez in sight as she made her way towards Ezra, curious as to why she was dragging him off to a shadowy corner. Moving up quietly, he found a spot where he could overhear their conversation without either of them noticing.

"Senor, Senorita McClain is willing to pay anything for you to design her daughter's wedding dress. Please think about it; you shouldn't hide your talent, every woman here has been hounding us to find out who you are. Just think about it."

Ezra was Arze!

Now he could understand why Ezra didn't want the others to know about his hobby. Hell, none of their teammates would understand his desire to create women's jewelry either... that is, up to now.

He waited until Inez had moved away before confronting Ezra about his hobby. Following the smaller man to an empty table he sat down, startling Ezra who was fiddling with the piece of paper Inez had given him. "You know, Inez is right. You should do it."

Startled Ezra said, "Mr. Tanner, I don't know what you are talking about."

Giving Ezra a wry grin, Vin told him, "Oh, I think you do, Ez…or should I say Arze."

The smaller man's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Well Mr. Tanner, are you going to let the rest of our acquaintances in on my little hobby?"

Shifting slightly in his seat Vin answered, "No Ezra, it's none of their business. I just ... I just wanted to meet you. To tell you how much I liked your designs. It kind of inspired me while I was making the jewelry for the girls."

Startled green eyes searched his friend's blushing face. "YOU'RE Lone Wolf!"

Quickly checking to see if anyone had heard, Vin hissed, "Shhh! I don't want anyone to know."

"But Mr. ... Vin your designs are exquisite! You shouldn't ashamed of your work."

"I'm not; it's just…the same reason that you don't want the others to know about your hobby."

+ + + + + + +

The group arrived back at the Travis home around 3:00 am and everyone was a little tired, which could explain Casey's slip.

As JD was leading Casey off to take her home she pulled away to run to Ezra, throwing her arms around him and saying, "Oh thank you Ez, I felt like a princess tonight. Remember, you promised to make me another ... oh!" Casey finally realized what she had done and pulled back from Ezra in alarm.

Ezra, knowing that the cat was truly out the bag, simply held Casey's hand and told her, "That's alright Casey, I'm glad I could help."

Ezra then turned to his male co-workers and waited for the teasing to start. Vin made his way over to his friend, standing beside Ezra to give him moral support, and Ezra gave him a quick smile before facing the other four men. But instead of the condescending looks he'd expected he was instead greeted with respected and admiration.

From JD he heard. "Damn, Ez. Why didn't you tell us?"

"Ezra, where did you learned to do something like this?" questioned Nathan.

Then from Buck he heard, "Ez, you old dog, why'd you hide this from your ol' pard?"

And from Chris, "Ezra, thank you."

Ezra was confused; he'd expected to be teased unmercifully but instead he was being praised. Blushing, he dropped his face when he felt Vin lay a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Chris looked between his two men and a sneaking suspicion came to mind. "Vin, answer me truthfully; you're Lone Wolf, aren't you?"

Giving his quiet friend encouragement, Ezra told Vin. "It's okay, Vin. Tell them."

"Yeah, cowboy, I am."

This resulted in the women dragging Ezra and Vin away to ask them for more designs while the men looked on. An interesting glimmer appeared in Buck's eyes as he watched the women flock around the two men. Leaning over to his oldest friend, he said, "You know Chris, I think we are in the wrong line of work. Look at how the ladies just flock to them, maybe we should give up being AFT agents and start designing. Hell, there's a lot more money to be had, great benefits, and no one shooting at you."

Chris looked over at his friend. "Buck, you don't have enough talent to draw a paper bag, let alone design anything like Vin and Ezra. "

The End