early in the morning...on the trail to four corners...
The sun had barely crested over the horizon as six travelers on
horseback slowly rode the dusty, twisty trail away from the small town
of Cougars Bluff. Brisco County Jr. riding his trusty steed, Comet,
and KC Tyler, riding Argo, led the way, with four prisoners in tow.
Even in the early morning's heat, which promised an even hotter day,
Brisco and Tyler looked alert, ready for anything which might come
their way. Their prisoners, on the other hand, tied on to their
saddles, were slumped down...either from the painful bruises that
decorated them, or the dry heat of the early morning sun...resigned to
their fate.
Slightly bored from leading their passive prisoners, Brisco turned in
his saddle, and asked his companion, "So, are you going to finally let
me in on why we're dragging these guys over to some burg called Four
He received the reply, "You heard the deputy, the circuit judge will be
heading there next and won't be back in Cougars Bluff for another month
or so."
"So what's wrong with that? It's not like they'd be free...they
would've sat in a cell the entire time."
One of the four prisoners Brisco and Tyler were escorting, took the
moment to chime in, "Yeah...we wouldn't mind staying in Cougars Bluff."
"No one asked you." Tyler turned around and icy blue eyes glared at the
prisoner making him shift uncomfortably and shrink further down into
his saddle, as if to escape notice. Dismissing the captive from
thought, Tyler answered Brisco, innocently saying, "Everyone's entitled
to have a swift trial. Anyway, there's something about that sheriff I
didn't like."
"I know what you mean...I wouldn't put it past him to be on the
take..." Brisco agreed, then, tilting his head and giving Tyler an
inquisitive look, asked, "So what's your real reason???"
Tyler smirked, "Why do I need another reason?"
"Because I've known you too long not to think you have some thing up
your sleeve." Brisco replied, rolling his eyes at this friend.
"Don't remind me." Tyler said, as if annoyed by the fact.
"Sooooo spill..."
"Tanner? What's he got to do with this?" Brisco frowned in confusion.
Tyler raised an eyebrow and looked at him.
"Yeah...yeah...I know we're out here looking for him. That's how we
ended up with Chuckles and his band," Brisco said exasperated,
gesturing at the captives behind them, "And why I'm here and not in
California chasing Bly...I'm the one who came to you about the bounty,
"Ian sent a wire to Cougars Bluff."
Brisco raised his eyebrows in surprised. He didn't remember Tyler
getting a telegram while they were there. "What did Shorty have to
say? Did he, the Big Guy and Blondie find out anything in Tascosa?"
"Nothing yet, but before they got there, they heard a few rumors that
he's been seen in Four Corners."
"So...what makes them think he'd still be there?"
Tyler, switching to another language so their prisoners wouldn't know
what being discussed, told him, "Gabrielle picked up a book called the
Magnificent Seven."
In the same language, Brisco replied, "So? She always picks up books
of one sort or another. I'm surprised she hasn't written one on you
"She has stories about me written."
"But not a book. Better yet, she could write my adventures when I was
Jack Stiles and the Daring Dragoon." Brisco said, then at the look
Tyler gave him, steered the conversation back on track, "Anyway, enough
about me...what was it about this book that has to do with Tanner?"
"Apparently, he's one of the seven peacekeepers in Four Corners."
"What? As in settled down? With the bounty on his head?" Brisco
asked, his eyebrows rose in disbelief.
Tyler nodded.
"So...who gets to kick his ass when we find him? You or me?"
"Why would I do that?"
"I know you. If getting a bounty on his head wasn't enough
reason...being mentioned in a book, then staying in one place for
bounty hunters to find would be. You'd think with the training we gave
him he'd know better. So who gets him?"
Tyler smirked.
"Oh come on... How about whoever finds him first, gets to teach him
the lesson..."
"Hmm? I guess we could do that."
"Okay then. That's settled... So why do you think he's got the bounty
on him?"
"Didn't we go over this already?"
"Your point being?"
Sighing... "Well it's not a dark quickening...not if he's a lawman in
Four Corners."
"Caught after a challenge?"
"No...Ian's message mentioned they at least found out that the victim
was shot and not decapitated, so it probably had nothing to do with the
"A frame?"
"That'd be my guess."
mid afternoon...within the small town of four corners...
It was later in the day when Tyler, Brisco and their four captives
entered the small, dusty town of Four Corners. Tyler angled the group
towards the building marked as the sheriff's office, while Brisco
insured none of the four captives tried anything funny. Not that they
seemed they would.
Arriving at the building, Tyler got off Argo and secured her and the
other horses to the railing in front, leaving Brisco to deal with Comet
Drawing a gun, Tyler proceeded to order the prisoners to dismount, "All
right, all of you off your horses...and don't try anything stupid."
The men tumbled off the horses, groaning. One of them told Tyler,
"You'll get no trouble from us."
Another moaned, "We've learned our lesson...twice was enough...we're
not crazy. We'd rather face the Hangin' Judge than you two again."
Their fellow prisoners nodded in agreement.
Brisco chuckled. "You know...These guys are pathetic! They sure don't
make bad guys like they used to."
Tyler smirked. "Like you?"
"Hey now, no need to be insulting. I was great at what I did back
then! The best! These guys are no where close to my league!" Brisco
"Whatever you say... But how is it you were always caught?"
"Only by you and the Big Guy..." Brisco paused, then in a disgruntled
tone continued, "And you know, after all these years, I still haven't
quite figured that out."
Tyler smirked, then turning back to the task at hand, ordered the
others, "All right, you four...into the jail now."
The six of them entered the small jailhouse.
Inside they found a bored looking young man, barely out of his youth,
with shoulder length black hair and wearing a suit that seemed more
appropriate for the eastern part of the country, sitting behind the
desk. Seeing the group enter the room, he jumped to his feet, and
asked. "Can I help you?"
"I'm Brisco County Jr., that's KC Tyler..." Brisco introduced,
indicating Tyler with a gesture of his head.
The young man's eyes widened in recognition of the names and stuttered
out, "Wow! It...It's and honor to meet you! I'm JD Dunne, the
Sheriff. How can I help?"
Brisco and Tyler exchanged a quick glance at the information that the
person before them was the sheriff.
Brisco answered, "We heard that the circuit judge for the territory was
going to be in Four Corners soon."
"That's right. Judge Travis is coming on the stage day after
"Well, until he arrives, we'd appreciate it if we could hold these men
in your cells. I have the warrants right..." Brisco searched his
pockets, "Uh...right..."
Tyler, who smirked at Brisco, tossed a packet of papers onto the desk,
neither noticing the other piece of paper, which fell to the floor when
the packet was retrieved.
"All right you fellows...into the cells." Brisco ordered, while JD
looked at the paperwork.
Tyler stood guard as the men slowly and meekly entered the cells and
Brisco untied their hands.
"Everything seems in order. But you'll hafta wait for the judge to get
your money."
"No problem, we didn't do it for the money... Besides, we plan on
being in town for a while anyway," Brisco replied, then added, "You can
leave a message for us at the hotel if you need anything."
With that, Tyler and Brisco left the sheriff with his new prisoners.
+ + + + + + +
"Hey, I'm going to get us some rooms at the hotel."
"You do that...and get the horses settled...I want to scout around a
"Ri-ight...I'll settle the horses, while you start the fun without me."
Brisco grumbled, then under his breath said, "Who do you think I am,
Blondie? I knew you agreed too easily..."
Ignoring Brisco's muttering, Tyler smirked. "I'm glad you agree. Meet
you in the saloon in about an hour to compare notes." Then turning
towards Argo, said, "Go with him, girl."
"Sure," Brisco replied, before splitting up and led the horses toward
the livery.
back in the sheriff's office...watching the prisoners...
JD got up and stretched. He was amazed how quiet the prisoners were.
Usually they tend to make a nuisance of themselves...threatening that
their friends would come and get them and so on...until one of the Four
Corners' lawmen, usually Chris Larabee, threatened them into
submission. Walking around the desk, JD noticed a piece of paper on
the floor. Curious, he unfolded it as he walked towards the door.
Then he stopped...his eyes widening.
"Oh my god," he gasped before racing out of the door, running directly
into one of his fellow lawmen, the tall dark healer, Nathan Jackson,
and almost knocking him down.
"Hey JD, slow down! You're gonna cause an accident running around like
that," Nathan said as he prevented them from crashing to the ground.
"What's your hurry?"
"Nathan - two bounty hunters...they just came into town with four
"Bounty hunters?" Nathan asked confused, and slightly concerned. "What
about them?"
"They're after Vin! I gotta warn him and Chris! Know where they are?"
"In the saloon, last I checked. I'll get Josiah, in case there's
"Right!" JD said before running to the saloon. Entering, he looked
around, but didn't see the two men he was searching for, instead, he
saw his tall, mustached friend, Buck Wilmington.
"Buck...Buck! Know where's Chris and Vin?"
"Whoa there JD! Where's the fire?" Buck asked, then added, "They ain't
Exasperated, JD said, "I can see that, Buck! But do you know where
they are?"
"Chris left town a while ago, heading out to his place... Don't know
about Vin. Hey Ez..." Buck turned towards Ezra Standish, the fancily
attired gambler with whom he shared the table. "Vin say where he was
"I do believe that Mr. Tanner has retired to his humble abode at the
present time. May I inquire on the sudden interest of our colleagues'
"Two bounty hunters, Brisco County Jr. and KC Tyler, just came into
town with some prisoners. One of them dropped this!" JD said, showing
the two men the sheet of paper he picked up -- a wanted poster for Vin
from Tascosa, Texas.
Ezra's eyes briefly widened at Brisco's name, but neither of his
companions noticed as he quickly assumed his poker face and mentioned,
"County and Tyler...They're reputation proceeds them. Both are
formidable at their occupation of procuring the miscreants they
pursue... Although I don't recollect ever hearing of any prior
alliances between them."
"Shit! We've gotta warn Vin." Buck exclaimed, stood up and headed out.
"Sheesh, Buck! What do you think I was trying to do?" JD said
exasperated, chasing Buck, with Ezra following closely, but more
sedately, behind.
The threesome headed towards the edge of town where Vin's covered wagon
stood. They were quickly joined by Nathan and Josiah Sanchez. As they
approached the wagon, they found the warning they were bringing was too
late. Vin was already being confronted by Tyler.
The five men slowly spread out to surround them, getting into position
to help their friend. As they drew nearer, they heard the conversation
between the two. Each put their hands closer to their preferred
weapon, as they heard the direction the discussion was headed. The
five to one odds were in their favor, which they hoped would prevent
any gun battles with the bounty hunter. As two of the five got closer,
they briefly paused, hoping what they sense was only their comrade and
not another form of trouble.
moments earlier...in the main street of the town...
Wandering around the town, looking around, Tyler approach a covered
wagon near the edge of town, where moments before a familiar buckskin
clad form had climbed into. Nearing the wagon, Tyler sensed the pulse
of a fellow immortal presence, and called out, "Tanner!"
Out of the back wagon cautiously appeared a young man, in his mid-
twenties, with long dark brown hair, wearing clothing similar to Tyler,
except for a calvary hat and a red instead of blue shirt. His hand was
positioned on his gun, a mare's leg, strapped to his thigh, probably
hoping a sword wasn't needed, as he jumped down from the wagon.
+ + + + + + +
Vin left the saloon and went to grab something from his wagon. He had
just entered it when he felt the presence of another immortal.
Hearing the immortal call out, "Tanner," Vin knew for certain that it
was not one of his two immortal friends. Though the voice seemed
familiar, being cautious, Vin placed his hand on his gun, rather than
grabbing his sword from its hiding place within the wagon. While guns
were not part of the Game, he hoped that it would prevent whoever was
out there from challenging him immediately. Another sword fight in the
middle of town in less than a month would not be good, even if the
other one had nothing to do with the Game. And him carrying a sword
would draw attention to the tracker that he neither needed nor desired.
Cautiously popping his head out of the wagon, Vin recognized the person
who had called out his name. He jumped down from his wagon, and
acknowledged the approaching immortal, "Tyler."
"Been a while," Tyler said, getting within an arm's distance, narrow
eyes staring at Vin.
"Reckon it has."
"Heard there's a bounty on you."
"Supposed you heard right." Vin replied suspiciously. While he and
Tyler knew each other from the past, in fact, Tyler had been a mentor
of sorts to him, and had no quarrel with each other, things and people
change...however, he had a feeling Tyler was playing with him.
"Some might think it's an easy one seeing how you seemed settled here."
Tyler remarked.
"Possibly," was the response. Vin's eyes narrowed, not liking the
direction Tyler seemed be heading in. From behind Tyler, Vin noticed
his friends heading towards them, spreading out as to surround the
pair, even before he sensed the approach of additional immortals, and
gave Tyler a lopsided grin.
+ + + + + + +
Sensing additional immortals approaching, out of the corner of the eye,
Tyler noticed five men that started to surround the two, and asked the
now grinning Vin, "Friends?"
Vin, who had noticed the same, simply replied, "Yup."
With an eyebrow raised, Tyler smirked and wanted to know, "Think they
can protect you?"
"Reckon they'd try," Vin frowned, not liking the look Tyler had when
asking the question. He knew Tyler enjoyed fights, in fact the worse
the odds, the better.
The smirk turned into a full grin at the response, and noticing they
were not yet completely surrounded, Tyler challenged Vin, "Let's see
them try..."
Hearing the words and fearing the worst, his five friends rushed
forward, drawing they weapons...
Only to stop dead in their tracks...
With totally stunned looks on their faces...
As Tyler grabbed a hold of Vin's coat, pulled him close and...
Proceeded to give him a long and thorough kiss.
Breaking off the kiss, Tyler looked around at Vin's friends and smirked
at the reaction she saw. "Looks like your friends aren't much help
after all, Vin."
Seeing the dumbfounded expressions on his comrades' faces, Vin broke
into a grin and started chuckling, and had to agree. "Reckon not."
Then he stopped, grabbed the back of his head and exclaimed, "Hey!!!
What the hell was that fer?" when Tyler smacked him upside the head.
"That was 'fer' being stupid enough to get a bounty placed on your
head! I thought we taught you better than that!"
"Hey, ain't like I did it on purpose! I was framed!" Vin protested.
"Then," Tyler smacked him again, much to his dismay, "It's for being
stupid enough to be framed and making us come out here."
Vin was about to protest more when it hit him. "Wait a minute...you
said us...who's with you?" Vin looked around, his eyes lighting up as
he asked, "Gaby?"
"Hmmm?" Tyler murmured, distracted as she was enjoying the stunned
looks on the other men's faces. "Oh...no...Brisco," she responded,
then at Vin's brief confused looked, clarified by mouthing,
"Oh," Vin's face fell.
"So," Tyler said, whapping Vin on his arm. "Are you going to introduce
me to your friends?" Although, looking back to the stunned men, she
noticed three of them were being distracted by something or rather
someone behind them.
Vin smirked, then replied, "Guess I hafta, after yer kiss."
+ + + + + + +
While the others were still stunned and looking at the stranger kissing
Vin, Ezra, gun still in hand, suddenly whirled around, sensing someone
approaching from behind. His eyes widened as he saw who it was, and
softly murmured, "County..." Even knowing that Brisco was in town did
not prepare Ezra for the actual meeting.
Buck and JD noticing Ezra was distracted by something behind him and
turned to cover him and to see what else could possibly happen.
Brisco looked at Ezra, and smiled as he called out, "Hey Olaf! I
didn't know you were here!"
Buck and JD's mouths dropped open again as the turned to each other and
said "Olaf????"
Ezra lowered his weapon and winced, then quickly brought up his poker
face as he drawled, "I'm sorry, sir, but I believe you have mistaken me
for someone else. My name is Ezra...Ezra Standish, and you are?"
"Quit kidding around, Olaf...It's me, Brisco." Brisco said, grinning,
then frowned as a thought entered his mind and asked, "Hey, Maude not
around, is she?"
"I assure you, my name is Ezra." Ezra said stiffly, knowing the damage
was done. If only Brisco had not said his mother's name.
"Oh right. Sorry about that. My mistake. You remind me of an Olaf."
Brisco apologized, with a smirk, guessing what was most likely going
through the other's mind.
Ezra sighed heavily, picturing his fellow lawmen badgering and teasing
him about the name 'Olaf' in the near future. "Mother is currently not
in residence of this charming municipality. And may I inquire the
reason that has brought you to our humble hamlet? I was under the
impression that you were in California."
Brisco smiled at the news that Maude wasn't around and said, "That's
good. As for me, Tyler and I are in town looking for Vin Tanner. You
wouldn't know where I can find him would you?"
"And what are your intentions towards Mr. Tanner?" Ezra asked
"We're old friends." Brisco replied, emphasizing the word old,
knowing the other man would catch it. "I wanted to find him before she
di..." his words trailed off as he noticed the scene behind Ezra.
"Never mind, she found him."
+ + + + + + +
"Hey guys, I want ya ta meet some old friends of mine. 'Ena Tyler,"
Vin nodded towards Tyler, then to Brisco, who stood behind Ezra, as he
continued, "and thar's Brisco County, Jr. Tyler, Brisco, this here's
Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson, JD Dunne, Buck Wilmington and Ezra
Josiah, Nathan, JD and Buck all nodded their heads in acknowledgement
towards Tyler, while Ezra was still talking to Brisco.
As Tyler tilted her cowboy hat forward in acknowledgement, her long
dark brown hair spilled from its concealment.
"Yer a girl!" JD exclaimed in astonishment when he noticed the hair and
took a closer look at Tyler. "But I thought you were KC Tyler, the
bounty hunter."
Tyler looked at JD, raised an eyebrow, and glared as she said, "I
am...what does being a 'girl' have to do with hunting bounties."
Buck swatted JD for the comment, "Don't mind JD, ma'am...he don't know
better." Buck apologized for his friend, who had ducked his head in
embarrassment. He, then, grinned broadly as he proceeded to introduce
himself to Tyler, by taking and kissing her hand and saying, "Buck
Wilmington at your service, ma'am. Pleased to meetcha. 'N if you
welcome all yer friends like that, the kiss, I mean, I'd sure love to
be one of yer friends."
"Well, Buck," she tilted her head to the side and, with a smirk, told
him, "Play your cards right, and you just might."
"In that case, can I buy you a lemonade at the hotel?" Buck widened his
smiled, his eyes twinkling, looking hopeful.
"Make that a beer at the saloon...and you got yourself a deal." Tyler
said as she headed towards the saloon she saw nearby.
Vin rolled his eyes at the reactions of JD and Buck to Tyler, and her
responses to them. He shook his head as everyone, except Nathan
followed them into the saloon.
+ + + + + + +
Noticing JD either forgot there were men in the jail due to the
excitement, or was preoccupied with talking to Brisco, Nathan shook his
head and headed off to the sheriff's office to watch over the
prisoners, while the others went off to the saloon.
Earlier, when everyone approached Vin's wagon, he had noticed the
slight pause in Josiah's step, as well as, the familiar wary look that
graced the preacher's face. Nathan knew from that look that the two
newcomers were immortal...and since it appeared the new arrivals were
acquainted with two of the seven, he hoped to get a chance to talk to
either Brisco and/or Tyler later, being just as interested in them as
the others. Still there was a job to be done...
Inside the jail, he noticed the prisoners seemed a bit subdued, as if
there were no fight left in them. They each looked a little bruised
but not seriously injured. While normally he would be concerned at
anyone's suffering, being a healer and all, since none of the prisoners
were complaining about being in pain, he figured examinations could
wait until one of the others came and relieved him.
As he sat at the desk, Nathan thought about the two new immortals in
town. While he wasn't an immortal, he knew about them. His former
master, who had 'taught' him how to fight with a sword had been one.
He was also the only mortal peacekeeper who knew that three of the
others were not mortal. Being a healer, he couldn't help but notice
how the gun shot wound on Josiah's leg miraculously healed in the
Seminole village and remark on it.
He promised then to keep Josiah's secret, and later, when he found out,
Vin's and Ezra's too. And the way those two kept getting hurt, they
were lucky to be immortal. They had the tendency to say they were
'fine', then practically dropping dead from their wounds, and, in some
cases, they did die. It was all he could do to keep them in bed long
enough to keep the others from being suspicious of their rapid healing.
Ezra may be a good con man, but try and keep him in bed long enough to
'heal' normally? Impossible. And Vin was no better. In fact, he was
worse. Considering how both of them kept sneaking out when he wasn't
looking, it was amazing no one had noticed yet... What was worse -- JD
was starting to pick up their bad habits, disregarding his injuries
saying he's 'fine'. Stubborn fools...all of them.
meanwhile...back at the saloon...
Vin, JD, Josiah and Ezra headed to their usual table, with Brisco
joining them. Sitting down next to Ezra, Vin gave the gambler a
speculative glance, and said, "So Ez, I didn't know ya knew
Brisco...When did ya meet 'im?"
"Yeah, and why did he call you Olaf?" JD wanted to know as they sat
down at their usual table in the saloon. He didn't believe the lame
mistaken identity excuse Ezra gave about Brisco calling him 'Olaf'
Ezra had pulled out a deck of cards but paused in his
shuffling...thinking back to the time he first met Brisco County Jr. as
himself and not as the dimwitted buffoon, Olaf Brackman, he had
pretended to be...
a few years earlier...in an alleyway of brisco's hometown...
Ezra awoke with a buzzing in his head. "Oh my aching head...what hit
me?" he said in with a drawl that sounded more southern than before.
Ezra looked up and saw Brisco standing over him.
Seeing that Olaf was awake, Brisco greeted him with a "Welcome back
kid...there's something you need to know...you died...and came back."
Ezra sat up suddenly, as he remembered. He was up on a balcony
shooting across the street at the local jail, when Brisco jumped him
from behind. They had fought...he fell over the balcony, hit the
ground hard and lost consciousness...he had just lost consciousness,
right. Then Brisco's words hit him. 'You died...and came
back.'...'You died.'... He knew what must have happened. He didn't
believe it was possible for him...but based on the facts...Ezra
exclaimed in shock, "Good god! I'm immortal?!"
"Yeah...Hey wait a minute... What do you know about Immortals, Olaf?
And what happened to your accent" Brisco asked, surprised and a bit
"Actually the name is Ezra and this is my normal manner of
speaking...and as for immortals, my mother happens to be one."
present day...back in the saloon...
"Hey Ezra...Ezra!" JD said, waving his hand in front of Ezra's face,
thereby interrupting the memories. "You were gonna tell us why Brisco
called you Olaf?"
"Ah yes...well...it was about six or seven years ago, Mother married a
wealthy rancher name Brackman. She somehow convinced the man to make
me one of his heirs... unfortunately, one of his condition was that my
name be changed to Olaf." Ezra told them, with a grimace, as he started
to shuffle his cards again.
"Why?" JD wanted to know.
"For some incomprehensible reason, Mr. Brackman, despised the name
Ezra and insisted on the moniker Olaf." Ezra answered with a
distasteful grimace.
"And you agreed?" JD asked, eyes wide open in disbelief.
"Mother did. I wasn't notified of the change until after the
arrangements were completed. And for the sum of money I was to
inherit, and the assurance from mother that Mr. Brackman was gravely
ill, and therefore, I would not have to participate in the charade for
a indefinite period of time...I determined it was within my best
interest not to dispute the matter. Consequently, for the duration of
a year...I went by the deplorable designation of Olaf Brackman.
Unfortunately, it was during this period in which I had the so-called
pleasure of meeting Mr. County."
"So what happened after a year?"
"Ya said you went by Olaf fer a year...so what made ya change it back?"
Vin asked Ezra, as curious as the others about the tale, but had a
feeling there was more to the story and Ezra wouldn't tell all. At
least not in front of JD, he had a feeling the story probably had
immortal details in it...maybe he'd get Brisco to fill him in later.
"Mr. Brackman, his son Bishop, and his men were incarcerated for
numerous crimes. Mother and I believe it was in our best interest to
cut our losses...The entire essence..."
"Olaf...I mean Ezra...You're lucky Bowler and I didn't throw you in
too." Brisco interrupted.
"Why would you arrest Ezra? And who's Bowler?"
"Bowler's my partner. And Ezra here was trying his best to kill the
both of us." Brisco answered.
"Mr. County...how many times must I elucidate that I was maintaining
the portrayal of a proper son for Mr. Brackman and a concerned brother
to Bishop. Furthermore, you were never in danger of being struck as I
purposely aimed to miss."
"Aimed to miss?!? You shot a hole through the window less than an inch
from my head!" Brisco sat straight up and said indignantly.
"It needed to be convincing to any bystanders and you were not
injured." Ezra retorted.
Brisco tilted his head to one side and looked in disbelief at Ezra.
"Bystanders? What bystanders? As soon as you started shooting the
street was deserted!"
"Nonetheless, I was maintaining appearances, on the off chance there
happened to be a spectator nearby."
"Right...if you say so."
Before Ezra could justify himself further, the scene at the bar where
Buck and Tyler were located drew their attention.
in another part of the saloon...
Tyler entered the saloon and headed straight for the bar. While Buck
tried to steer her towards one of the secluded tables in the back, she
just shook her head once, turned around and leaned against the bar,
sipping her beer.
Undaunted, Buck leaned a bit closer to her and asked, "So, Miss Tyler,
what would I need to do to become one of your friends?"
"Well, if you’re serious in becoming a friend," Tyler gave him a sly
look. At his nod, she continued, "You can start by calling me Rena.
My friends call me Rena."
"Rena, huh?" Buck grinned, "A pretty name for a pretty woman." At her
smirk to his complement, he asked, "If you don't mind me askin' how do
you get Rena from KC?"
She sighed. "It's short for Katrena Christina. I find it's easier to
catch bounties by surprise since they don't expect KC Tyler to be a
woman." Her eyes twinkled as they narrowed and she grinned slyly, and
said. "In fact, those who I take in don't say anything...they don't
want to admit to being caught by a 'girl'."
"Well, I for one, wouldn't mind being taken in by someone as beautiful
as you, in..." Buck started to tell her, but was interrupted before he
could speak further.
"Looky here fellas...The little lady muss think she's a man...wearin'
'em clothes!" A drunken cowboy slurred as he walked towards Tyler at
the bar, swaying back and forth.
Buck straightened up from where he slouched against the bar next to
her, in order to defend her honor. "Now look here mister..." He
started to say, but stopped when Tyler grabbed his arm and shook her
head at him.
"He's not worth it." She told him then deliberately turned her back on
the cowboy.
Her action angered the drunk cowboy, who roughly grabbed her arm and
spun her back towards him, shouting, "'Ey! Don' chew go turnin' yer
back on me! Ah'm talkin' ta ya!"
Before Buck could even think about protecting her, the cowboy was sent
sprawling back, onto the table where his companions sat, when Tyler
turned and punched him in the face, starting a free-for-all brawl in
the saloon.
+ + + + + + +
"Oh no..." Brisco groaned as he looked up and saw a drunken cowboy
heading towards his friend.
Vin, seeing the same, turned to him and asked, "Ya think she'll behave?"
Brisco gave him a 'what do you think' look.
The others, confused by the exchanged, stood up as they hear the cowboy
shout, ready help to rescue Tyler if Buck needed assistance. Only to
see Tyler deck the cowboy. Seconds later, they were all embroiled in a
+ + + + + + +
While enjoying the fight against the group of drunken cowboys, a brief
space opened up around the grinning Tyler. Taking advantage of the
free moment, she took a swig from a nearby bottle of whisky which sat
on the bar untouched by the melee.
Ezra, seeing her drinking from the bottle said, as he ducked a punch and
returned the favor, "I truly believe now is an inappropriate time to be
Ignoring Ezra, she reached into a pocket and took out a match. The
drunken cowboy, who started the fight, and one of his friends stalked
towards her, intending to do some damage. She lit the match and
sprayed the contents of her mouth at them. Both screamed as the jet of
flames from the lit whisky ignited them on fire. The fighting in the
saloon suddenly stopped, as the two men ran out the doors and
extinguished the fire by jumping into the water trough outside.
After throwing one last punch at his attacker, Brisco rubbed a hand
over his face and sighed. Vin, on the other hand, shook his head while
grinning at Tyler. They were the only ones in the saloon not staring
in shock and disbelief.
Noticing the attention, Tyler just raised an eyebrow and said, "What?"
"Did you just see that?" JD asked in amazement. "She just spit flames
at those guys!"
"Come on, Pard," Vin said slapping JD on his back, "Let's get these
fellas in a cell ta sober up."
moments later...in the sheriff's office...
Nathan's musings were interrupted as people started entering the
sheriff's office.
"What happened?" Nathan exclaimed as he saw his fellow peacekeepers,
along with Brisco and Tyler, dragging or carrying into the jail a bunch
of semiconscious cowboys, two of whom were soaking wet and slightly
"Fight in the saloon."
"I didn't hear a gun shot." Mentioning the seven's usual means to end a
fight...although the person who tended to do the actual shooting was
currently not in town.
"You should of seen it, Nathan!" JD said excited, "When Miss Tyler spit
out these huge flames and lit those two on fire," he indicated the two
wet cowboys, "Everyone stopped fighting."
"Spit out fire?" Nathan asked in disbelief, "You're kidding right?"
At the shaking of the others' heads, Nathan stared at Tyler, who
ignored him and put the person she was carrying inside the empty cell.
later...back in the saloon...
Eventually, everyone but JD, who stayed to watch the old and new
prisoners, returned to the saloon. Much to Buck's dismay, Tyler sat
down, next to Vin, at the table with the others.
Not to be discouraged, Buck took the seat on the other side of her,
before Brisco had a chance to sit in it, forcing him to take the next
seat over next to Ezra.
Ignoring Brisco's annoyed glance, Buck gave Tyler a very appreciative
look and told her, "Ya know darlin', I bet if ya wore a dress, yer
beauty would outshine the goddess Venus."
Brisco, who had just taken a sip of beer, spewed out the drink and
nearly sprayed Ezra, as the image of Xena dressed up as Aphrodite
entered his mind. At a look of disgust from Ezra, he apologized,
"Sorry Ezra, I had the image of Tyler wearing Aphrodite's outfit..."
His voice trailed off...
Vin stared at Brisco and shook his head. "Sorry pard...but I can't
picture 'Ena ever wearing anything like 'Dite...she's more inta wearin'
leather than those see through things."
Brisco turned to Vin and said, "I don't know about that Vin...I
remember when she wore a harem dress," he stroked the top of his lip,
as if stroking a mustache, in thought, "and the veil
dance...hmmm...those were the days...right, Cherish?"
Tyler's eyes narrowed to slits and harden at Brisco's comment as she
stared at him.
He quickly clarified, "Of course, she was under cover at the time and
wore it under protest...but, I would have to admit, that outfit was a
lot more classy than anything the blonde airhead would wear."
Buck's eyes widen at the thoughts Brisco's and Vin's comment brought to
mind...and looked at Tyler in speculation.
Tyler, in turn, gave him a glare and said in a low voice, "I don't
think so."
Buck quickly turned to the others to ask, "Aphrodite? Who’s
"The Greek non de plume of the goddess of love, whom the Roman's re-
christened 'Venus'." Ezra informed him.
Tyler stiffened in her seat, as if she sensed another immortal around.
But none of the other immortals at the table reacted. Vin gave her a
sideways look, he remembered some other times when Tyler reacted
similarly...usually when Ares was lurking about.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, Brisco's head snapped forward, as if
someone had smacked him in the head.
Considering what was the topic on hand, Vin realized...it wasn't
Brisco heard a female indignant voice rant, "Airhead! Hmph...I can't
believe you called me an airhead! And the nerve to compare me to
Xena...no offense...but I mean look at what she's wearing..."
A lopsided grin appeared on Vin's face, as he recognized the
disembodied voice. Tyler smirked and gave Vin a knowing glance. Ezra,
Josiah and Nathan looked confused, first of Brisco's action, then at
the two grinning immortals, and wondered what was going on.
Buck, on the other hand, sat straight up. "Did you fellas hear that?"
he asked, looking around the room for the woman whose voice he heard.
He saw only two females in the room...Inez and Rena, and the voice
didn't sound like either women.
Ezra, Josiah and Nathan turned their confused looks towards Buck.
Vin and Tyler looked at either, in shock, and also turned to stare at
Brisco, not paying any attention to Buck, sighed and looked up at the
ceiling. "Why me?" he asked in a tortured voice, much to the confusion
to all but one of the Four Corners lawmen.
"Hey buddy, you're the one who insulted me!" Aphrodite said.
"There's that voice again..." Buck said, then noticing everyone except
Brisco staring at him, asked them "You don't hear a woman's voice?"
Before anyone could answer him, a tray of beer Inez was bringing over
to the table, tilted and spilled onto Brisco. Brisco jumped out of his
chair, trying to limit the damage the spilt beer was doing to his
Inez, mortified, apologized to Brisco, "I'm so sorry, señor, I don't
know how that happened."
Thinking to himself, Oh I have a pretty good idea what happened.
Brisco told Inez, "That's all right...no harm done."
"And you, Sweet Stuff, I'm sick and tired of hearing you tell every
woman you meet they look better than me! As if! Hmm...I bet you'd
appreciate me better if you didn't have your...what did you call it?
Oh yeah, your 'animal magnetism' for a while!"
Everyone missed the horrified shocked look on Buck's face as they
watched Vin, who was laughing so hard he fell out of his chair.
"What are you laughing at, Junior?" Buck asked the hysterical tracker,
still hearing the voice that said he lose his animal magnetism...
"I agree, while the situation is humorous..."
"It's not that funny."
"Nothin'." Vin just replied, calming down a bit, he righted his chair
and sat back down. Only to turn bright red, as Aphrodite appeared in a
shower of golden sprinkles on his lap.
"Hi Cutie! I didn't notice you there. I haven't seen you in a while."
Aphrodite kissed him on the cheek.
Buck's mouth opened and closed a few times, before he regained his
voice. "Anyone else see that gorgeous angel of beauty..." He paused,
staring at Aphrodite, "The most stunning vision of loveliness I have
ever seen...sitting on Vin?"
Tyler, Vin and Brisco exchanged a quick puzzled look over the
revelation Buck could see Aphrodite.
Aphrodite looked over at Buck, "Oh, so now I'm the 'most stunning
vision' you've ever seen...Sorry Sweet Stuff...it's a bit too late for
"Buck, you okay?" Nathan asked in concern, "Your color's a might
"Tell me you see her!" Buck asked everyone on the table.
Brisco and Tyler, with poker faces Ezra would be envious of, shook
their heads, while wondering what was so special about Buck...although,
Tyler had an idea.
Ezra, Josiah and Nathan also shook their heads in a negative response,
as they could not hear nor see what Buck was referring to.
Josiah spoke up, "There's nobody but Vin."
"I concur...although Mr. Tanner does seem to be a bit flustered for no
apparent reason, he is alone in his chair."
"You see her, pard...doncha?" Buck pleaded with Vin.
Ignoring Buck, Aphrodite told Vin, "Don't be a stranger!" Then, got up
and said "I think I'm done for now...Toodles!" She grinned, wiggled her
fingers and disappeared in a shimmering of golden glitter.
Vin, still a bit embarrassed, and shocked that Buck had seen Aphrodite,
shook his head once.
Buck shook his head and rubbed a hand over his eyes. "I think I musta
got hit harder than I thought earlier...I think I'm gonna lay down fer
a while, before I hafta go on patrol." He got up from the table and
headed for the doors.
Nathan called out to him, "Don't worry about patrolling, I'll cover fer
you. You just get some rest."
Buck raised his hand in acknowledgement as he left the saloon.
Soaking with beer, Brisco got up and followed, saying as he left, "I'll
be right back. I'm gonna go and change."
less then a half hour later...
Brisco reentered the saloon after changing his clothes and noticed Ezra
in the middle of a card game and Vin sitting alone in the corner, at a
different table, drinking a beer. He went to the bar, ordered a beer
for himself, then walked over to Vin's table.
"So, where did everyone go?" He asked sitting down next to Vin.
Vin nodded towards Ezra, "Ez's in a game...Buck's still resting...
Nathan's on patrol...Josiah went ta his church...I reckon JD's still at
the jail...and 'Ena said something about making sure Argo's all settled
fer tha night. Can't believe she named another one Argo.." Vin grinned
and shook his head at the thought, "She musta named over a five hundred
horses Argo by now."
Brisco smiled as he took a sip of his beer and then stared at Vin for a
moment, wondering how to bring up a particular topic he had been
thinking about for quite a while - ever since he heard of the mess Vin
was currently in.
Tired of having Brisco stare at him, Vin said, "What?"
Brisco pulled his thoughts together and asked the question on his mind.
"Why didn't you ask me for help about the mess you're in? I'm a
lawyer, remember?"
"Didn't wanna go and bother ya. I know yer still huntin' Bly and his
gang. 'N I reckoned I could fix it myself by trackin' down Eli Joe."
Before Brisco could answer, the doors of the saloon swung open, a young
man swaggered in squinting as he looked around the room, as if
searching for someone. Brisco and Vin both glanced up from where they
sat. Recognizing the man, Brisco groaned and rubbed his face with one
"Know him?" Vin asked him.
Brisco nodded.
"His name's Bobby Raines. He's this wet behind the ears kid who wants
to be a bounty hunter..." His voice trailed off, as he saw the kid look
around the room, Brisco lowered his head, hoping the kid wouldn't see
him. No such luck.
"Hey Brisco...I never thought I'd see you way out here!"
Brisco looked up to see the kid walking straight for the table he was
at. Sighing, he acknowledged the boy with a nod. "Bobby. What are
you doing in Four Corners kid?"
"I'm after a bounty." Bobby replied then turned to Vin, pulled out his
gun and said, "Vin Tanner, I'm taking you back to Tascosa..."
Shaking his head at the kid's audacity, Brisco grabbed the gun from
Bobby. Hoping to prevent anything from getting out of hand, Brisco
interrupted, "Hold on, Bobby. You're making a mistake."
"What mistake? I have it right here..." Bobby pulled out a wanted
paper from his pocket and showed it to Brisco. "See Vin Tanner, $500,
Tascosa. He's Vin Tanner...I asked around. And I'm gonna bring him to
Brisco glanced at Vin then looked back to Bobby, "Oh he's Vin Tanner,
all right, but he's not the one with the bounty..."
"Huh?" Bobby looked confused.
"You're after MELvin Tanner...this here is his twin ALvin Tanner."
Brisco explained.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure...I know, I know, it's confusing having two
brothers who both go by the name Vin, but think about it...if you were
named Melvin or Alvin which would you go by? Mel, Al or Vin?" Brisco
asked, then continued, not letting Bobby have a chance to reply, "Look
at him...does he look like a Mel or an Al to you? Besides, you know
me...would I be sitting next to a known murderer, having a beer with
him? I don't think so."
"Guess not," Bobby reluctantly agreed with Brisco. Turning to Vin, he
apologized "Sorry Alvin, my mistake, but when I catch up to your
brother, I'm taking him back to Tascosa...you can tell him that the
next time you see him...uh...by the way...you don't happen to know
where your brother is now, would ya?"
Stunned, Vin didn't reply. But Brisco got up, grabbed Bobby's arm and,
as he led him out the door, said, "Now Bobby, you really don't think
he'd answer you would you? They're still brothers..." Lowering his
voice a bit, "But I'll let you in on a secret...Al there let it slip
that his brother went over the border hunting to kill a fellow named
Eli Joe...but you didn't hear that from me ok?"
"Thanks, Brisco...you're a pal...see ya the next time I'm in
California." Bobby said as he shook Brisco's hand then headed off
towards the livery.
Brisco turned around and reentered the saloon. Sitting back down at
the table next to Vin, he let out a long breath of relief.
"Melvin? Alvin? Where'd ya come up with those names?"
"What? You wanted me to call you Marvin? I would have used Calvin,
but Cal isn't that bad of a name."
"Iffen you say so...Anyway, thanks fer the help."
"No problem, Squirt." Brisco told Vin, then confessed "Of course I
didn't do it to save you."
Curious, Vin looked at Brisco, and asked, "Then what fer?"
"Do you know what Xena and Gabrielle would do to me if I let some
fifth-rate bounty hunter, like Raines, take you and I did nothing? I
like my head right where it is, thank you very much!"
Vin grinned at Brisco, "Riiiight. Iffen ya say so."
"What are you talking about Junior?" Brisco asked, raising an eyebrow.
"From what I heard about 'Brisco County Jr.' yer a lot more noble than
ya used ta be as 'Tolycus...not to mention those stories Gaby told me
bout yer days as the 'Daring Dragoon' and yer not foolin' anyone but
yerself iffen ya think otherwise."
"Whatever you say." Brisco said dismissively. "Now getting back to
what we were talking about...Why didn't you send me a telegram? I may
not practice, but I do have a law degree."
"Weren't time ta figure out where ya were 'n get ya down there before
the trial. 'Sides, weren't no real trial neither. The judge was a
close friend of Kincaid. Trial was done less then an hour after I
brought in the body...'n no one listened ta me when I tried ta tell 'em
what happened...jist found me guilty."
"So why didn't you contact me after?" Brisco wanted to know, then
insisted, "I can still help prove you're innocent. Get you a re-trial
with an impartial judge."
"I guess I figured iffen I found Eli Joe, I could make him confess then
thar be no need ta go botherin' ya. I know how much ya want ta get Bly
and his gang to avenge yer grandson's," the corner of Vin's mouth
curled up in a little smirked at the thought, " I mean, yer 'father's'
death." He frowned. "Now thar's no point. Eli Joe's dead. I know
Chris didn't mean ta kill him. But with him dead, tha truth died with
"Well, I'm offering my help now. Blondie's in Tascosa right now with
Ian and Kevin." At Vin's inquiring look, Brisco clarified, "Iolaus and
"I thought Herc was using Ro-bear, or something like that..." Vin asked
"Nope, he changed it." Brisco told Vin, took a sip of his beer, then
continued, "He's been using Kevin for the last couple of years. What,
do you think, Xena and I are the only ones who change our names every
so often? I think Gabrielle is the only one of us never does...well,
at least her first name. I have heard one guy that's been using the
same name for the last three hundred years...Duncan
McLoud...MacCloud...something like that...and always introduces himself
Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod...You'd think people would notice
something like that...guess he must move around a lot or something."
At Vin's nod in agreement, Brisco went back to his original topic and
continued, "Anyway, the three of them are looking for evidence that you
were set up, but I think if you could give us more details, it would
help a lot. Then we can clear your name and you can keep it with out
worrying about changing it later if..."
"...If I finally get caught and hung." Vin finished the thought then
proceeded to relay to Brisco all that he remembered about the incident,
and his most recent encounter with Eli Joe.
later in the evening...
Returning to the saloon after tending to Argo, Tyler glanced around
then headed towards the table where Brisco sat with Vin. She noticed
how Vin had his hand on his sawed-off shotgun until he knew the
identity of the new immortal he sensed. Tyler shook her head as she
sat down.
"What?" Vin asked, seeing a brief look of disappointment cross her
She shook her head, "Nothing."
"I saw tha thar look ya had..."
"Iffen ya have something ta say...jist say it."
Brisco looked on in amusement. He didn't know exactly what was going
through either of their heads. However, knowing Xena after all these
years, he had a pretty good idea what she was thinking. He had noticed
Vin's tendency to go for his gun, and he noticed a similar reaction in
Ezra. He glanced over towards Ezra, rubbing his chin in thought, and
wondered if Ezra's skill with a blade had deteriorated over the years.
"So Vin...how's your day look tomorrow?" Tyler asked, instead of
stating what was on her mind.
"Well...I gotta patrol in the afternoon." Vin looked over at Tyler in
suspicion, "Why?"
"I thought we could get in a little practice...see how rusty you've
gotten over the years." She replied with a smirk.
"Whacha talkin' about?"
"You didn't think I wouldn't notice how you tend to go for your gun and
not a sword or knife when you sense an immortal, did you?" Tyler asked
in a low voice, finally stating what was on her mind.
Vin snorted, "Right..." he retorted sarcastically, "I'm gonna pull out
a sword where everyone can see...I know the rules..."
"That's not the point. Do you ev--"
Brisco interrupted, trying to head off an argument between the two
stubborn people, "What she means, Squirt, is that she wants to know if
you kept up with your sword work as much you have with your
sharpshooting skills."
Vin shrugged, not entirely convinced. "Iffen that's what ya tryin' ta
say, I know the perfect spot."
"And is this area you have in mind secluded?" Tyler asked, not wanting
any mortal witnesses.
Vin replied, "Yup, it's where I go when I wanna practice some. The
others think I jist need ta get away from town fer a bit..."
+ + + + + + +
While it was normal for Ezra to stay at his table playing solitaire
when his previous opponents had retired for the evening, he decided to
head over to join the other three immortals at their table. During the
last hand of the game, he noticed that whatever conversation the three
were having caused Brisco to send him contemplating looks. Looks which
caused the gambler to feel a little uneasy, and therefore, felt it was
within his best interest to discover their current topic of discussion.
As he approached, he heard Miss Tyler ask Vin, "And is this area you
have in mind secluded?" He found Vin's reply of, "Yup, it's where I go
when I wanna practice some. The others think I jist need ta get away
from town fer a bit..." enlightening. He had never seen the tracker
practice with a sword, and had believed Vin just preferred his mare's
leg to a blade, also, while he had no proof, avoided any challenges.
"Do you think your friend, Josiah, would want to come?" Brisco asked,
knowing that fighting against different styles would help keep him on
his toes.
"Dunno...Reckon I can't 'member if I've seen him with a sword...'n as
far as I know, none of us been challenged...least since I got here."
"Hey Ez," Vin said, noticing the gambler approaching. "We're gonna
practice some tomorrow. Interested?"
"That's quite all right, Mr. Tanner. I believe I will be otherwise
engaged tomorrow..." Ezra said, not wanting Brisco to find out how
rusty he had become in the last few years. He had found it was more
conductive to keep his head on his shoulders by his use of wit rather
than sword, even though he did practice on occasion.
"Well...that's too bad." Brisco said with a mock sorrowful tone. Then,
with a glint in his eye, he looked up at the ceiling in contemplation,
tapping a finger to his chin, and continued, "Hmm...I guess I could
fill the time by telling Squirt all about Olaf. And of course, Amanda
did give me some juicy tidbits of your time in San Francisco." He
Ezra blanched, "You wouldn't dare!" He glared at Brisco, much to Vin's
"Try me." Brisco glared back.
He sighed in resignation. "Very well." As if in defeat, Ezra slowly
rose from his chair and returned to his poker table. He had noticed
some potential poker opponents filter into the saloon, and knew he
wouldn't win this battle...not if Brisco continued to pull low blows.
outside ezra's room...very early in the morning...before sunrise...
Vin knocked softly on the door to Ezra's room. "Hey Ez...Ez you up
yet?" he whispered trying not to disturb any other slumbering occupants
in the building.
He received no response. He knocked a bit louder, but still received
no response from inside the room.
Sensing additional immortals and hearing the floor creaked behind him,
Vin spun around pulling out his mare's leg and aiming at the person
trying to sneak up behind him.
"Whoa there, Junior, it's just us." Brisco said as he and Tyler
approached Vin. "What's the hold up?"
"Ez's still sleeping." He replied.
Tyler raised an eyebrow, moved Vin away from the door, and took a step
back. But before she could kick down the door, Brisco stopped her.
"Hey wait a minute, let me try." He said as took out a lock pick set
and proceeded to quickly unlock the door.
Vin looked at Brisco's tools and said, "Reckon them small tools are
easier ta carry than them ones ya used ta use." Remembering the long,
complicated, awkward metal pieces Autolycus used a long time ago.
Tyler pulled out her sword as she opened the door entered. Brisco and
Vin heard a soft clang and quickly followed. Inside they saw Tyler had
Ezra pinned against the wall, disarmed.
Annoyed at the disruption of his sleep, a sleepy Ezra asked crossly,
"May I inquire what is the purpose behind the disruption of my repose
at this ungodly hour?"
"We were going to practice this morning remember?"
"I assumed we would do so at a more civilized hour."
"Less people around this time of day."
Before Ezra could protest further, Tyler put away her sword, then used
two fingers on both hands and struck three times at specific pressure
points on Ezra's neck, paralyzing him. Brisco, used to this happening,
quickly dressed Ezra, and threw him over his shoulder and walked out.
"Didja hafta go 'n do that?" Vin asked heading out of the room.
"What?" Tyler picked up Ezra's sword and followed Vin.
"Do tha thing where ya cut the flow of blood ta his brain."
Tyler shrugged, "He agreed to the practice. What? You want to stay
here and argue until the whole town wakes up? This was faster.
Besides, it's not like I took his head."
+ + + + + + +
Outside, Brisco threw his burden on the back of Ezra's horse like a
sack of flour, then secured him for the ride out. Brisco then tied the
mount's reins to Comet's saddle, mounted and walked his and Ezra's
horses next to Nathan and Josiah who were waiting for the others.
Josiah mounted his steed as Brisco approached.
"What's wrong with Ezra?" Nathan asked with concern seeing the gambler
tied to the back of the horse.
"Didn't want to wake up. He'll be all right in a bit."
Vin mounted up on his horse, while Tyler secured Ezra's and her sword
on Argo, then mounted.
Nathan still seemed concerned...It didn't seem like Ezra was breathing.
"I should check him over."
"Don't worry, Nate." Vin said, understanding the healer's worry.
"'Member, as long as he keeps his head, he'll be back."
"I know that Vin...it's just that..." Just then, Vin's words hit
Nathan, "Wait a minute! He's dead?!?"
"Not permanently. Ya know how he is this early."
"So you killed him?" Nathan asked in disbelief. He thought he knew
Vin. He knew about immortals and their so-called Game...but this was a
side of Vin Tanner he had never seen before.
"Naw...I'd never do that ta a pard...'Ena did it with her pressure
point trick." Vin replied shocked that Nathan would even think he'd do
that to Ezra.
"And you let her?" Nathan asked in disbelief.
Vin shook his head. "Nobody ever lets 'Ena do anything. She jist
does it."
He then kicked his mount into a canter, and took the lead, heading to
the secluded area the immortals would be using a few miles away from
town. Brisco, leading Ezra's horse, nudged Comet to follow Vin.
Nathan turned to stare at Tyler, who ignored him just rode off. He
really didn't like what he's been learning about Vin's old friend.
Josiah shook his head and followed the group ahead of him.
five miles out of town...
Ezra took off his jacket in order to be ready for practiced. He was
still a bit aggravated at the rude handling he received earlier. All
he wished was to awaken at a decent hour...say around noon...but no, he
was surrounded by people with the tendency to awaken at indecent hours
of the day.
Vin looked over and noticed something different about Ezra. It hit him
that the pocket watch and chain and the rings Ezra normally wore were
"Hey pard...how come yer not wearing yer rings 'n watch?" Before Ezra
could say anything about the missing items, Vin turned to Tyler and
softly asked, "Ya don't think Brisco took it?"
Brisco, hearing the comment was indignant, and said, "Hey, I didn't
take them!"
"Mr. Tanner, if you'd recollect, I did not have a voice in my current
attire...as such, I had neither on my person when I awoke in my current
surroundings." Ezra said annoyed, but was curious about Brisco's
exclamation. "In any event, Mr. Tanner, why pray tell would you
assume Mr. County would have those items in his possession?"
Vin shrugged, "Cuz tha's what he used ta do."
"What are you talking about Vin?" Josiah asked confused, "From what
I've heard about Brisco, he's an upstanding citizen."
"Thank you, Josiah."
Tyler smirked at Josiah's comment.
Seeing that look, Brisco protested, "Hey! I've reformed!"
"'Siah, have ya ever heard of a fella named Autolycus?"
"I believe I have heard that name before..." Josiah thought for a
moment, wondering where Vin was taking this conversation. "If I
remember correctly, I think it was in Greek mythology...a thief of some
"Hey, that was a long time ago!"
"Mr. Tanner...surely you are not implying that Mr. County was a
common thief?"
"I was not a common thief." Brisco said, insulted at the thought,
then puffed out his chest as he bragged, "I was the King of Thieves...it was
an honor to be robbed by me!"
Vin and Tyler looked at each other, rolled their eyes and shook their
heads and snorted.
Josiah and Ezra looked at Brisco...or rather the man they now knew as
Autolycus...in disbelief.
"Just how old are you?"
He shrugged. "Never cared to figure it out. You?" Brisco looked at
Tyler shook her head and replied, "Nope...Gabrielle's the one who likes
to keep track. Vin?"
Vin shook his head, too. "Me neither. 'N calendars have changed a
might...but I reckon, we've known each other...what...almost 3,000
"Sounds about right."
"I remember hearin' the stories of tha Warrior Princess and tha
Battlin' Bard of Potedia...before we met...and some of those had
'Tolycus in them...So I reckon ya'd be what? Around 3,070 or so?"
"Guess so."
Josiah and Ezra looked in total disbelief at Vin. While immortals did
not look their age, neither suspected that Vin was as old as he was
"Surely you're making this up?"
"Ya remember when Brisco was talkin' bout Tyler dressin' up in tha
harem dress?" At the other's nods, Vin continued, "She wore it ta get
somethin' called the 'World's Greatest Weapon'."
"And this is of relevance because...?"
"It was a lame-o box that had a bunch of worthless stone tablets. How
do you know about that anyway?" Brisco said, annoyed even after all
these years of the trouble they went through to retrieve that box.
"Read one of Gaby's scrolls."
"Mr. Tanner...I was under the impression you have difficulties
understanding the written word..."
"Only English...Gaby taught me ta read Greek a ways back."
"Stone tablets?" Josiah asked ignoring Vin and Ezra, somehow knowing
that they were more important than Brisco was implying.
"Yeah...and they had some nonsense written on them."
"'Tolycus, admit it, ya jist don't like how tha one ya read said, 'Thou
shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal." Vin said grinning.
"'Thou shalt not covet'? 'Thou shalt not steal'?" Josiah said, his
complexion paling.
"Yeah. Can you believe that rubbish? Of course, I don't steal now..."
"You're talking about the Ten Commandments?"
Vin grinned and said, "Yup."
Josiah looked at Brisco and Tyler in disbelief.
"Hey are we just going to sit here and chat? Or are we going to
practice?" Brisco, annoyed, said to change the subject.
+ + + + + + +
Seeing Tyler and Vin fight was a most illuminating and entertaining
affair for Josiah. Especially watching Tyler run half way up a tree
and flipping over Vin, or watching Tyler use other parts of the
terrain, such as the boulders, against him, much to Vin's dismay.
However, Josiah didn't notice when something had caught their attention
causing them to stop fighting and head elsewhere, as he, by that time,
had turned his attention to the other two fighters.
Watching the match between Ezra and Brisco, in which Ezra displayed
skills with a blade far superior to what he had seen a month earlier,
Josiah had to ask the question he'd had been pondering on for a while.
"Hey Ezra..." Josiah said, during a brief lull in the fighting when
Ezra and Brisco had their swords locked against each other and were
trying to force the other away.
"What is it, Mr. Sanchez? I am a bit preoccupied at the moment." Ezra
gritted out.
"I was just wondering, if you could fight this well...Why did you try
to teach Buck how to fence?"
"Fencing is the proper form--" Ezra paused as he ducked underneath
Brisco's sword, and lashed out a foot, catching Brisco off guard, and
tripping him. "--Gentlemen engage--Oof" Ezra fell as Brisco returned
the favor, "--when settling disagreements--" Ezra rolled away from a
lunge, and quickly got back to his feet, "--with a duel." Parrying a
thrust, then missing a parry to a slashing stroke by Brisco, Ezra
received a wound on his sword arm. Switching hands on his sword until
his arm could heal, he continued, "It would have been inappropriate--"
Ezra got a cut in on Brisco's side, as well as a quick punch, "--to
teach him to fight in this--" Tricked into following a high feint, Ezra
receive a deep slash on his stomach which he was unable to parry in
time. "--style of fighting for a duel of honor." Brisco did a trick
move causing Ezra to fall and disarmed him seconds later.
"And why was is that Nathan defeated you last month?"
"Yield?" Brisco interrupted the conversation when he had a sword at
Ezra's throat. Then asked in disbelief, "You were defeated by a
Ezra grimaced as he said distastefully, "Yield." Turning to Josiah, he
answered both, "As Mr. Jackson does not have our benefit of being
immortal, I was taking a precautionary measure not to injure him in a
manner he would not recover."
Josiah shook his head in amusement.
Ezra continued, "Furthermore, I did not see you volunteering to
enlighten Mr. Wilmington of the art of swordplay, in which, I might
add, you should also be adept."
Before Josiah could reply, they heard a trilling cry. A cry, which of
the three of them, only Brisco had heard before.
+ + + + + + +
Tyler pushed her sword forward, making Vin take a step back. Before he
could recover and attack, she held her hand up, causing him to pause.
She cocked her head to one side, as if she heard something. Lowering
her sword, she went over to Argo to grab her gun.
Vin followed her actions and retrieved his mare's leg from his horse.
Moving closer to her, he asked, "What's up?"
"Someone's coming."
"I don't hear nothin'." At the raised eyebrow he received, Vin sighed,
then asked, "Should I warn tha others?"
Tyler grinned, "I think we can handle it...it's probably a Watcher
Vin looked at her curiously, "I thought they stopped following you
after that stunt you, Gaby and Iolaus pulled on the last bunch..."
"They did, but it could be one of yours..."
"Naw, the boys would have noticed someone followin' one of us
Tyler shrugged.
"So what's tha plan?
"He'll be coming up the side, so you hide behind that boulder...I'll be
up there," Tyler pointed to a high branch on a nearby tree. "You can
cover me, while I'll come down behind him..."
Vin looked at Tyler for a moment, then nodded his agreement. Normally,
he preferred to be the one going high, but knew she didn't need him to
be sharpshooter. In fact, if it was only one person as she
suspected...she didn't need him to cover her at all.
As Tyler climbed the tree, Vin got into position. He glanced over and
saw Josiah totally engrossed in Brisco and Ezra fighting. The gambler
seemed to be holding his own. Vin saw Tyler was in position, looking
down, watching whoever was trying to sneak up on them. He brought up
his mare's leg as he watched Tyler start to flip down to confront the
Vin recognized the man when he stood up, gun in hand, ready to shoot.
When the guy turned around as he heard Tyler's war cry...
The scene Vin saw...
Caused him to drop to the ground...
Rolling around as he laughed so hard that tears started to well up in
the corners of his eyes.
elsewhere...on the way back to four corners...
It was a few hours after dawn. Chris Larabee, dressed entirely in
black, from his hat to his boots, was heading back to town from his
cabin and taking a round about way in a quick patrol. He enjoyed the
peace and quiet of the area. Since he wasn't in a rush, he had his
black mount walking in an slow gait. While smoking a cheroot, he
scanned the horizon for any signs of trouble.
When he was around five miles away from Four Corners, the tranquility
was broken. Chris heard a strange clanging noise. The sound of metal
against metal. He had a notion of what was causing the sound,
something similar to what he had heard back in town a month ago...but
what were the odds of a sword fight in the middle of this deserted
area? As he approached a hill, the sounds grew louder. He dismounted
and hobbled his horse, then slowly crept up the side of the hill. When
he reached the top, Chris hid behind some sparsely populated bushes and
took a look at what was happening. He was right about the sounds. He
saw two men fighting with swords. Chris recognized one of the
Chris took a closer look, sure enough one of the men was the gambler.
Suddenly Ezra lost his footing and the other man disarmed him. Chris
watched Ezra looked up at the man in defeat, the other man's sword
swing towards Ezra's unprotected head. Chris stood up, gun in hand,
and took aim, as he started to shout, "Wha-"
Before he could finish his sentence, there was a cry from behind him.
Chris quickly turned around to defend himself from whatever made the
cry...Only to see a figure flip and land in front of him with a sword
in one hand and a gun cocked and aimed at his head in the other.
Before he could do anything, he suddenly heard the sound of a familiar
Texan's laugh. Glancing towards the sound, he saw Vin rolling on the
ground laughing and the preacher, whom he had not noticed before,
grinning at him.
"Man, cowboy! You should see the look on your face!" Vin said between
his laughter.
The woman, and Chris could now see that it was a woman holding the gun
at him and not a man as he first assumed from the clothing, lifted an
eyebrow and asked the still laughing tracker, "Friend of yours,
Chris couldn't take it anymore, he glared at the oblivious tracker and
growled out, "What the hell is going on?"
"Yeah, I know him...Ya can let him up..." Vin told Tyler as she
uncocked and holstered her gun, but didn't put away her sword. "Tyler,
I want ya ta meet tha guy I told ya about. Chris Larabee. Chris, this
here is an old friend, KC Tyler...and over there by Ez is Brisco County,
Chris turned and saw Ezra being helped up by the man that Ezra had been
fighting. He assumed him to be Brisco, by Vin's introduction, and saw
both slowly approach the group. "What the hell is going on, Tanner???"
Chris grounded out.
"Just havin' some fun with some old friends, Pard..."
"Swords?" Chris wanted to know.
"Practicing?" Chris asked incredulous, "What for?"
"Uh -" Vin didn't have a response to that question. There was no way
he could tell Chris about immortals, best friends or not. He knew the
gunslinger wouldn't understand.
Luckily, Ezra, who had slipped on his coat to conceal his tattered
shirt, joined the conversation at that point. "It had come to our
attention, that while the unfortunate circumstance Mr. Wilmington may
or may not have been avoidable, it would be advantageous in being
prepared for any future dueling we may be embroiled in. To that
matter, Mr. County and Miss Tyler agreed to offer to illustrate to us
some of the finer points of dueling."
Picking up on Ezra's train of thought, Vin added, "Uh, yeah...Brisco
here was tha fencing champ of his class at Harvard, and Tyler is one of
tha best. They're just showin' us some moves, Cowboy."
It took Chris a second to decipher Ezra's words. When he figured out
what was said, he turned to Josiah, whom he saw as being far more
level-headed than Vin and Ezra, and asked, "You in on this, too?"
Josiah shook his head, and with a twinkle in his eye and a broad smile
at the obfuscation Ezra and Vin just told Chris, replied, "Nope, just
enjoying the show."
Chris sighed and rubbed a hand over his face in exasperation, had
everyone gone crazy during the day he had been gone? Then had a
thought...the last time the seven had to deal with swords... "Why
ain't Nathan here? I thought he was the sword expert? He taught
Hearing this, Brisco and Tyler exchanged looks then stared at the other
Josiah just shrugged. Vin looked uncomfortable at the attention.
Ezra, on the other hand, just looked back and said, "What?"
Chris, turned to look at Tyler and Brisco, but they had placed blank
looks on their faces. Returning his attention to Vin, he glared and
asked, "Well?"
Vin fidgeted, because as soon as Chris turned his attention away from
Brisco and Tyler, they started glaring at him again...Chris's glare
wasn't as powerful as theirs, which is why it didn't affect him as it
did others... However, the three of them all glaring at him was
something else... "Nathan already knows how ta use a sword, Cowboy."
He replied a little defensively.
Sighing, Chris asked about the other two missing members of the group,
"What about Buck and JD?"
"Well, someone's had ta watch the town, Cowboy." Vin drawled, knowing
full well that no one mentioned anything to Buck or JD about the
training practice. "'Sides, the way Bucklin is 'round swords, he'd
jist ended up with another hole fer Nathan ta fix."
+ + + + + + +
As a thought hit Brisco, he leaned over to Tyler, and asked in ancient
Greek, "Hey Xena, doesn't that fellow, Chris, remind you of someone?
All that black...and his," he twisted his mouth in a sarcastic smile,
"charming personality..."
"He does, doesn't he?"
"Who'd of thought that love and war would team together..." Brisco
said, remembering the other night with Buck, he shook his head at the
thought. Then paused as another notion hit him, "On the other hand, he
and Vin remind me of another duo...although he needs his hair a little
longer and darker" his voice trailed off as he looked at Tyler with an
amused look.
Xena smirked.
Vin's eyes widened at the comments he over heard, and looked at Chris
in contemplation.
"What?" Chris asked gruffly, seeing Vin's look.
Vin abruptly turned to Brisco and told him, "I ain't Larabee's
"What're ya talkin' about, Cowboy?" Chris asked confused, as he didn't
hear, nor would have understood the comments passed between Brisco and
Vin shook his head. "Nothin'."
Chris stared at Vin, but the tracker didn't say anymore as he stalked
off to his horse.
Brisco grinned at Vin's back, turned to Tyler and said, "Tanner, on the
other hand,...has long enough hair...but it needs to be a bit
later that day...after returning back to four corners...
Buck sat slumped outside the sheriff's office, his head in his hands as he
shook it back and forth, muttering "It's gone...I can't believe it's
really gone."
Chris walked towards Buck. He couldn't remember when he had last seen
his normally jovial friend in this type of mood. "Something wrong,
Buck looked up, his head still shaking slowly back and forth, in total
misery, "It's gone Chris...I can't believe it's gone..."
"What's gone?" Chris asked confused.
Not really hearing Chris, Buck continued, "She said she'd take it
away...'n she did. What am I gonna do now?"
"Who took what?" Chris gritted out, annoyed Buck was rambling without
giving any details.
"My Animal Magnetism!" Buck exclaimed, not understanding how Chris
couldn't tell.
Larabee looked at ladies' man in total disbelief. He was out of town
for only one day and everyone had gone crazy...Vin and Ezra were sword
fighting...now Buck...
"I was telling Rena how she looked like Venus...then I heard this
beautiful voice...like tinkling of bells...saying that I don't
appreciate her and she was gonna take it away from me. Then she
appeared, this gorgeous vision of loveliness...like an angel...and she
was sitting on Vin's lap."
"On Vin?"
"Yup. He denies seeing her...but I'm sure he did 'cause he turned all
Deciding to humor his old friend, Chris asked, "So how do you know it's
"This mornin' I was just sayin' hello to Miss Diane like I always
do...then all of a sudden, with no warning, mind you, she just walks
off and inta the arms of that Mathews fella...Like I wasn't there no
more...And Miss Selma..."
"The new school marm?" Chris asked in surprise. He didn't think the
prim and proper teacher was Buck's type...then again, she was a
"You should see her with her hair down, pard." Buck actually grinned
and wagged his eyebrows at his old friend for a moment, then became
morose once more. "Anyway...when I went ta greet her, she crossed the
street...avoiding me like I was Top Hat Bob or something! 'N just
yesterday she called me her Cap--"
"Buck," Chris growled, not in the mood to hear Buck's amorous escapades.
Buck continued as if he hadn't heard, "--tain of her heart! And Miss
Rena...I thought we had something special going on last night in the
saloon, but she went off somewhere with Vin, Ezra and that Brisco
fella... And a lot of the other ladies been avoiding me too...like
Miss Susannah, Miss Caroline, Miss --" and became increasingly
depressed with each name he recited.
Chris shook his head and walked off.
a little while later...
Bowler entered the town and guided his horse towards a nearby saloon.
He knew he should take care of his horse first, but after the long ride
he had, he decided that one quick drink to quench his thirst wouldn't
hurt. He got off his horse and let his horse drink from the water
trough before moving and then tying it to the railing in front of the
Walking up to the swinging doors, he entered the building. Sensing an
immortal as he glanced around, Bowler noticed an older man sitting at a
table who had looked up, gave a nod and raised his mug in peaceful
acknowledgement. Nothing else catching his attention, Bowler
approached the bar and ordered a beer from the beautiful woman standing
behind it. Taking off his hat and placing it next to him on the
counter, Bowler picked up the beer, turned around and leaned against
the bar as he sipped his drink, not wanting his back to the immortal
stranger...friendly or not.
The door to the saloon swung open, and Bowler watched as a young man, a
kid really, enter the saloon and walked up to the bar next to him.
"Hey Inez!" the kid called out to the lovely bartender.
"JD," Inez replied, smiling at JD, as she placed a cold mug of milk in
front of him.
Bowler took a glance as the kid who sat down next to him and smiled as
he noticed the hat JD placed on the counter directly in front of him.
"Nice hat, kid."
JD looked up at Bowler, not noticing a hat similar to his sitting next
to him on the bar. Realizing that Bowler was making a compliment and
not a snide remark like one of his friends would make, JD replied,
"Thanks, mister. I got it 'cause it's like the one Bat Masterson
"Hmph," Bowler snorted, "Masterson....that bastard copied his sense of
style from me...but do I get any credit? I don't think so."
"You know Bat Masterson?" JD asked skeptically. Not believing the
stranger, especially since the dark man in front of him wore an outfit
with a military style to it rather than a suit Bat Masterson was known
to wear.
"That's right! Taught him everything he knows." Bowler boasted.
"Riight, mister...You're as full of crap as Buck!"
"Hmph," Bowler grunted at JD's statement
"Who's full of crap, JD?" interrupted the immortal, who had nodded at
Bowler when he entered the saloon, as he approached the bar for a
"Hey Josiah," JD greeted the man. "This guy here," he gestured at
Bowler, "Says he taught Bat Masterson everything he knows...There's no
way that's true so I said he's full of crap."
"Man may make many claims...some true...some lies...one needs to know
all the facts and decide for himself to believe what's true or false."
Josiah replied with a knowing look at Bowler, then continues, "Do you
think you have all the facts to make the decision?"
"But he's not old enough to have taught Bat Masterson! He has ta be
lying. Don't cha think?"
"Appearances can be deceiving, son."
Bowler butted in, smirking, "Let's just say, I'm older than I look."
Just then, Buck wandered into the saloon. The normally jovial man was
still depressed. The day seemed to have started out bad and continued
to go downhill from there.
Looking around, he saw JD and Josiah at the bar. Buck wandered towards
them, hoping that his friends could help cheer him up. Noticing JD's
hat on the counter, he thought teasing JD would be the perfect
solution. He reached over and knocked it onto the ground, putting as
much enthusiasm as he could muster, asked JD, "When are you gonna get a
real hat?"
JD looks at him with his eyes wide and said, "Uh, Buck...that wasn't my
Bowler straightened up to his full height, which was a few inches
taller than the man he glared at, and said, "You gonna tell me why you
just knocked my hat onto the floor?"
Buck looked up at Bowler, saw the glare that was almost as deadly as
Larabee's, and gulped. This just ain't my day, he thought to himself
before apologizing to the man before him. "Uh...heh, sorry about that
pard. I thought it was JD's hat." Buck quickly bent down and retrieved
Bowler's hat, brushed it off and placed it back on the bar. "No harm
"You knocked it down 'cause you thought it was his?"
Buck nodded.
"And what's wrong with the kid's hat?" Bowler asked, giving JD's hat a
glance. "I think it's a nice hat."
"It may be a nice hat, but no decent sheriff would be caught dead in
one!" Buck retorted.
"Sheriff, huh?" Bowler glanced at JD who nodded, then at Buck, "You
don't know a kid by the name of Duncan do you?" At Buck's confused
look, he shook his head and said, "Never mind." Then getting back to
the topic on hand, continued asking Buck, "And you think your hat's any
better? I wouldn't even put that sorry looking thing on a horse! Talk
about something that needs to be put out of its misery."
Buck's mouth dropped in shock, then closed and opened a few times as he
tried to think up an appropriate response. Giving up, he turned around
and stomped out of the saloon, insulted, mumbling under his breath,
"Hmph...wouldn't give my hat to a horse. Hmph...At least it's a real
hat...not some stupid one like JD's...."
Laughing at Buck as he stormed away, JD turned to Bowler and said,
"You're all right, mister...even if I don't believe you about Bat
"Believe it or not...no skin of my nose...And the name's Bowler, kid."
"Pleased ta meet ya. I'm JD...this here is Josiah, and the one with
the horse hat that just left was Buck." JD broadly grinned when he said
the last bit, then asked Bowler, "Gonna be in town long?"
"Don't know, maybe."
JD finished his milk, grabbed his hat and said "Well, gotta go patrol
now, maybe I'll see you around. Later, Josiah." As he left the saloon.
Bowler just grunted, "Whatever," finished his beer, then left the
saloon to take care of his horse.
later, at the livery...
Wondering how Xena got him to take care of her horse again, Brisco
looked up from where he was currently tending Argo, having already
taken care of Comet. He sensed another immortal approach the livery.
He was pretty certain it was either Xena or perhaps one of the three
peacekeepers in town, but was cautious just the same...He hadn't had
much of a chance to look around town, and didn't know if there were any
other immortals about...To his surprise, it wasn't any of them...it was
the last person he would have expected to find in Four Corners.
"Bowler?!? What are you doing here?" he exclaimed as he saw his
partner walk his horse into the livery.
"Looking for you, County." was the surprised reply he received.
"Me? How did you know where to find me?"
Bowler looked smug as he answered, "I'm a tracker...I have my ways..."
Brisco just stared at Bowler over Argo's back.
Bowler stared back...slowly looking more and more uncomfortable. Then
admitted petulantly, "Poole told me."
"How did Poole know I was going to be in Four Corners?" Brisco wondered
out loud.
"He didn't. He just said the last message he had was that you were
going to be in Eagle Bend. I was only stopped here for the night and
was gonna head on in the morning. Good thing I did, too."
"So what's so important that you had to find me instead of sending a
"Bly?" Brisco stopped his grooming of Argo, giving Bowler his full
"Yup. Got a tip that he's going to be in Purgatorio in less than a
week time."
"How reliable?"
"Very." Bowler waved away the stable hand, and took the saddle off his
horse. He started to settle gelding in the stall the man had indicated
he could use, the one right next to the horse Brisco was tending.
"Less than a week, huh? Purgatorio's a day's ride from here. Hmmm."
Brisco paused, thinking. "If we head out day after tomorrow, it'll
still give us time to scout around a bit."
"Why wait? He might come earlier..."
"I have some business to wrap up. But you're right...it can wait..."
"What kind of business, County?" Bowler asked suspiciously. Then he
noticed that the horse Brisco was grooming wasn't Comet. "That ain't
Comet," he commented.
"Comet's in the next stall over." Indicating the stall on the other
side of the one he was in. "This is Argo." Brisco explained.
"What do you need two horses for?"
"She's not mine...She belongs to KC Tyler." Brisco explained and he
gave Argo a rub on the nose and exited the stall.
"The bounty hunter?" Bowler's eyes narrowed.
"You teaming up with him?"
"So you're backing out of our deal?"
"Huh? What are you talking about Bowler?" Brisco asked confused.
"You're teamed up with Tyler?"
"I heard Tyler's one of the best out there...you won't be needing me if
you're with him."
"It's not what you think."
"Yeah...Tyler's an old friend..."
"How old?" Bowler asked, catching the emphasis Brisco gave the word
"She knew me from when I was Autolycus."
"She?" Bowler asked, pausing from taking care of his horse, his
eyebrows raised with surprise at the revelation. From everything he
had heard about KC Tyler, not once did he hear Tyler was a woman.
"Yeah, she." Brisco replied.
"So which one is she?" Bowler asked curious, remembering some of
Brisco's tales of his days as the self proclaimed 'King of Thieves'.
"Xena...Gabrielle stayed in Tascosa, to help find evidence to clear a
Tascosa, Bowler thought to himself, wondering why the name of that
town seemed familiar to him. Then it hit him, "Tanner that's why
you're here right?"
Surprised, Brisco asked, "How did you know?"
"I saw that look you had when you saw that flyer a few months ago in
that sheriff's office...you think I didn't notice when you took it?"
"Actually, I didn't think you did. You seemed a bit busy counting your
"Well, I did. So, is Tanner here? Is that why you're here?" Bowler
asked, finished settling his horse in, and exited the stall.
"And if I am?"
"If I remember correctly, and I know I do...the bounty on him is five
hundred dollars."
"So, let’s go get him." Bowler moved as if heading out of the livery.
Brisco grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Hold on! The Vin that lives here in Four Corners isn't the one who's
wanted. That's his brother." Brisco told Bowler, trying to use the
same bluff he used with Raines.
"Brother?" Bowler asked.
"Yeah...they both go by the name Vin."
"Why would they both use the same name?" He asked with suspicion.
"The one that's accused of murder is MELvin Tanner...the one who's here
is ALvin Tanner. Neither like their names, and they don't care for Mel
or Al...so they both used Vin. Besides, Melvin was framed by a guy
named Eli Joe."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Sides, I know him. Vin wouldn't just kill anybody...unless he
was challenged."
"People change you know. How well you know him?"
"I've known him a loooong time..." Brisco said in a low voice, not
wanting anyone to overhear.
"Wait! He's immortal?" Bowler asked, putting two and two together, and
was surprised at the revelation.
"Hey, keep it down..." Brisco admonished, then looking around to see if
anyone was paying attention to them - luckily nobody was though -
continued, "Yeah, why?"
"You said he had a twin."
"Okay. There's only one." Brisco admitted, then continued, "But he was
still framed."
"So what's with the twin story?" Bowler was confused.
"I used it with Bobby Raines earlier." He confessed.
Bowler asked in disbelief, "And he fell for it?"
Brisco shrugged. "Hey, it was Raines...what do you expect?"
"True." Bowler agreed, then had a thought. "Wait...if he's immortal,
why not take him in and split the bounty on him? They'll only hang
him...it's not like it'll kill him permanently..."
"Yeah, but he'd have to leave this life, and I have a feeling he's
finally found his place..."
"So no taking him in?" Bowler wanted to confirm his dashed hopes.
"That's right." Brisco confirmed.
"Shoot. That could have been easy money...I might have been even
willing to split it with him."
"Bow-ler." Brisco said in a warning.
"All right...All right." Bowler agreed petulantly.
"Oh, by the way, Ezra's here."
"Ezra? Who's Ezra?" Bowler didn't recognizing the name.
"You remember, Ezra Standish..." Brisco clarified, but at the continued
confused look on Bowler's face, he said, "You know...Olaf Brackman."
"Oh...So Olaf's here, huh?" As Brisco's nodded, wincing, he had to ask,
"Maude's not, is she?"
"No...and thank goodness for some favors."
"Got that right." Bowler said as they exited the livery.
in the evening...back in the saloon...
Ezra joined the table where his friends, except for Buck, sat nursing
drinks. "Is there something the matter with Mr. Wilmington? He seems
less than his customary gregarious self." He inquired, he had passed by
the ladies' man prior to entering the saloon, and Buck seemed unusually
"Is he still suffering from the knock on the head he got yesterday?"
Nathan asked concerned. He had not seen Buck since the night before
when he told the ladies' man he'd take over the patrol. And he had
been busy out of town earlier in the day with the early birth of twins
at a nearby ranch.
"Buck got hit on the head?" Chris asked.
"Mr. Wilmington suffered a slight blow during an altercation the
previous night within this establishment."
"There was a fight last night?" Chris turned to glare at the tracker
who ignored him. "I thought you said nothing happened?"
Vin shrugged, "I jist told ya that nothin' happened we couldn't
"Mr. Tanner is correct. The altercation terminated with out any
firearms being discharged."
"Ya should have see it! Miss Rena ended the fight by spitting fire at
the guys that started the fight!" JD enthusiastically told the
gunfighter, the admiration in his voice clearly heard by the others..
Chris stared at JD, in disbelief. "She spit fire at two guys?" At the
nods of confirmation he received from the others, he reiterated to
himself the thought that had passed through his mind several times
earlier in the day. He left the town for one day and everyone had gone
Shaking his head, Chris asked, "And Buck got hit in the head in that
fight?" At the affirmative responses, he muttered to himself, "At least
that explains Buck." Seeing the confused looks those who overheard him
sent his way, he clarified, "When I got back to town, he was sitting
outside the sheriff's office mumbling how his animal magnetism was gone
'cause some woman suddenly appeared and took it away. I think his
brains are still rattled from the fight."
Vin used his mug of beer to conceal a smirk and slightly ducking his
head, so he could hide the merriment twinkling in his eyes. He could
tell his friends the truth and let them know that Buck wasn't
hallucinating. But they wouldn't believe him. How often does a Greek
goddess from mythology appear in real life? He was used to it, sort
of. He had many friends who were considered to be myths and legends.
Xena, Gabrielle, Iolaus, Hercules and Autolycus were only a few he had
met during his long life time. Hell, even Larabee was thought of as
being some sort of modern day legend. But he decided it would be best
to keep quiet on this. As it was, Ezra and Josiah didn't seem to
really believe Xena and Autolycus had, at one point in time, the Ten
Commandments in their possession. He didn't even bother to try and
tell them about Xena's involvement in the Trojan War, with the death of
Julius Caesar or any of the other historical events he was sure his
friends would recognize.
Meanwhile, worried about Buck's health, Nathan stood up to go and find
him. "I knew I should have checked on him when I got back!" However,
what JD's said next eased his concern somewhat and he sat down again.
"Actually, Nathan, I think Buck's just sore 'cause this fella named
Bowler told him his hat wasn't fit for a horse." JD informed the
others, smiling at the memory of the look on Buck's face as he had
stormed out of the saloon earlier in the day.
Vin looked over at JD and cocked his head. Nobody noticed his eyes
gleamed in mischief as an idea popped into his head at the tidbit JD
Eyebrows raised in surprised, Ezra asked JD, "Bowler? Lord Bowler? As
in Mr. County's partner in the pursuit of justice?" In an earlier
conversation, Brisco had mentioned to the con man that Bowler remained
in California.
JD shrugged, "I guess so...we didn't talk much 'cause I needed to do my
"You know the man, son?" Josiah asked Ezra. While Bowler had not done
anything to make him suspicious, Josiah was still a bit wary of the
unknown variable the immortal represented. However, if Ezra knew
"Mr. Sanchez, must you insist on christening me by that familiar
misnomer? I am not, nor have I ever been, your son." Ezra said,
irritated. "As for Mr. Bowler, I had the pleasure," he said, although
he had a look of mild displeasure, "Of becoming acquainted with him
when I first encountered Mr. County."
Just then, the object of conversation entered the saloon, followed by
Brisco, and headed to the table where they sat.
Bowler's had a small look of surprise when he saw Ezra for the first
time. "Ol-" he started to greet Ezra, then remembered what Brisco
said, "Uh...I mean, Ezra...it's been a while. Nice clothes...much
better than what you used wear... "
Ezra briefly cocked his head to the side in acknowledgement of the
compliment, then proceeded with the introductions. "Mr. Bowler, may I
introduce you to my fellow lawmen. Vin Tanner, Chris Larabee, Josiah
Sanchez, and Nathan Jackson. Apparently you have already met our Mr.
Dunne, as well as our absent seventh member, Mr. Wilmington.
Gentlemen, may I introduce you to Lord Bowler, a bounty hunter and
tracker, much like our own Mr. Tanner." As the words left his mouth,
Ezra eyes narrowed in suspicion. "May I inquire on the nature of your
appearance in this local? I was under the assumption you remained in
The others also tensed at the information that Bowler was another
bounty hunter.
Bowler's eyes narrowed, as he tried to decipher Ezra's statement. "I
take it back...I liked you better as Olaf...at least then I could
understand you." He scowled and muttered.
The others chucked in amusement, Ezra's five dollar words often had
that reaction.
"Relax Bowler, he just wants to know why you're here." Brisco told
"Why didn't he just say so?" Bowler wanted to know.
Brisco shrugged his shoulders, then turned to Vin and said, "Relax
Squirt...I cleared it up with him...he knows the bounty's actually on
your brother, Melvin..."
The five peacekeepers looked at smirking tracker in confusion. JD
spoke up, "Hey Vin...I didn't kn--OW!"
While Ezra had no idea what Brisco was talking about nor the fact
Bowler knew Brisco was lying, he kicked JD in the shin to silence the
young sheriff, as Buck wasn't here to do the job.
Getting a clue, JD muttered, "Um...never mind," as he rubbed his leg.
Curious, Chris looked at Vin, who stared back and shook his head, as if
to tell the gunman he'd explain later.
Brisco continued as if uninterrupted by JD, "He has a lead on Bly and
his gang."
Ezra looked surprised at the news. While conversing with Brisco
earlier, neither brought up the subject of Brisco's long quest of
avenging his father's death by capturing Bly. "I would have assumed,
considering the vast array of skills between Mr. Bowler and yourself,
that you would have already apprehended that miscreant and his crew."
Brisco glared at Ezra in annoyance. "We did capture him..." he
grimaced, "He just escaped from prison..."
Bowler looked at him in disgust. "I still say we should have just kill
him...after all the trouble he's g..." He went silent at a look from
"Anyway," Brisco continued as if uninterrupted by Bowler, "I just
wanted to let you know that I'm gonna have to bow out of practice
tomorrow. Bowler and I are heading out to a place called Purgatorio to
find Bly."
Hearing the place Brisco was heading towards next, Vin sat up and gave
him a speculative glance. "Purgatorio? Ya be needin' some help? 'Lot
of dangerous outlaws hide out thar..."
"Don't worry about us, Junior. We can handle ourselves." Brisco waved
away Vin's concern.
"Tyler gonna go with you?"
Brisco shrugged, "I doubt it. I have no ideas what she plans to do.
My guess is she'll head to Tascosa and join up with the others."
Buck, still miserable, sat outside the sheriff office. Suddenly, he
heard the dulcet voice from days before, saying sympathetically, "Oh
Sweet Stuff...I can't bear to see you like this." He looked around
hoping to find the beautiful angel to whom the voice belonged.
Unfortunately, to his disappointment, he didn't see her.
"I hope you learned your lesson," the voice continued in a sterner
"I did! I did!" Buck replied, still looking around, while nodding his
head vehemently, "I swear it."
"Good!" Aphrodite said with a giggle, as she appeared, smiling at him,
in a shimmer of golden glitter. "Because I can't have a descendant of
mine telling every woman he meets that she looks better than me."
Buck was stunned. "De...descendant?"
"Sure Sweet Stuff...how else did you think you got your powers?"
"Powers?" Buck asked confused, "I thought it was just god given
"Well of course it is, Sweetie," Aphrodite pinched Buck's cheek, "Just
not the god you were thinking of."
+ + + + + + +
Chris was sitting outside of the saloon, watching the street while
smoking one of his cheroots. Things around town seemed to be
relatively back to normal. Vin was currently out on patrol. JD was in
the sheriff's office, guarding the prisoners. Nathan was with Josiah
working on the church. Ezra was, most likely, still in bed. Buck, on
the other hand, still looking depressed, sat across the way outside the
sheriff's office. Chris didn't want to, or couldn't, believe his old
friend when Buck told him some woman took away his way with the ladies.
Chris shook his head at the thought, it was insane, but Buck believed
it. Chris rubbed his face with one hand and sighed. Maybe Buck had a
concussion...although Nathan didn't seemed too worried...which was
actually unlike the healer...
Then he saw it...
Out of the corner of his eye...
Almost like a trick of the light...
Maybe it was some strange reflection off of something...
For a moment it seemed as if Buck glowed.
"What the hell?" Chris said, he looked around, however no one else in
the street seemed to react as if anything strange just happened,
instead, they all were going along their business as normal. Maybe it
was a reflection, he thought. But then, why was Buck looking as if he
was searching for something?
Then, he saw it...right next to Buck...a shimmering of golden light
appeared. Hadn't Buck mentioned something about that, right before he
saw his 'angel'? Sure enough, after the light disappeared, there stood
a rather attractive blonde haired woman. And yet, the townspeople
still proceeded as if everything was normal...in spite of the fact the
woman was wearing an indecently revealing outfit which should have
shocked them all.
"Wha-" Chris said as he got up and started to stalk over to where Buck
and his mysterious woman stood.
As he drew closer, he heard her say, "Of course, Silly, just not the
god you were thinking of."
God?!! He thought, then dismissed the thought as he glared and
growled at her, "Who the hell are you?"
"Chris! You can see her!" Buck said joyfully. Not only did he get his
animal magnetism back...and he was sure it was, even though he had not
had a chance to try it out...but his old friend saw her too. For a
while, he thought he might have been going crazy since no one else
either heard or seen her two days ago...or at least not admit it
anyway...he still had his suspicions about Vin though.
"Well, of course he can. He's -" Aphrodite tried to tell Buck, but
Chris interrupted.
"Just who the hell are you? Are you behind all the craziness that's
been happening here?" Chris demanded an answer.
Aphrodite rolled her eyes at Chris and muttered under her breath about
his attitude, "The apple sure didn't fall far from the tree." Then
louder, "Lighten up. The name's Aphrodite, as in the Greek Goddess of
Chris, interrupted once more by gritting out, "Look Lady...I don't care
if you're the goddes--"
Knowing she wasn't going to get a word in edgewise, especially when
considering whom he was descended from, she said in disgust, "Ugh.
Whatever...I'm outta here." And disappeared in another puff of golden
Shaking his head, Buck told Chris, "Ya shouldn't of done that, pard."
He, then, heard Aphrodite say, "You're right! Hmmm...You know, black
is so last year..." and her laughter float down around them. Buck's
eyes widened in shock...Instead of Chris wearing his usual all black
clothing, his friend, was now wearing, under a white duster and hat, a
pale pink shirt and faded blue jeans.
Chris, on the other hand, ignored Buck and stared at the spot Aphrodite
had vacated. He wondered if all the town's craziness had finally
caught up with him, or was he just having a nightmare...he couldn't
decide which he would prefer...and when he noticed his clothing...he
was hoped it was the latter...as he turned to head back to his room in
order to change back into his preferred monotone colored clothes.
midmorning...inside the saloon...
"JD! Where are you boy?!" JD heard Buck called out before he saw his
friend's head pop into the saloon.
"Hey Buck. What's up?"
"All right...whatcha go and do with it?"
"Do what to what?" JD asked in confusion.
"My hat! That's what! What didja go and do with it?"
"I don't know where your hat is Buck." JD said, still looking a bit
confused and totally innocent. "And why would I take it anyway? Who
would want such a sorry looking thing that even a horse wouldn't wear?"
He added with a smirk.
"Well if you didn't take it...Who did? I put it down for a second when
I was helping Miss Darlene and now it's gone!"
"Mr. Wilmington, perhaps you may wish to redirect your line of
questioning at Mr. Tanner." Ezra interrupted Buck's tirade.
"Vin? What does that scrawny tracker hafta do with my hat?"
"I noticed earlier that he was carrying an item which, on reflection,
resembled your hat."
Before Buck could question Ezra further about Vin, from outside of the
saloon, Bowler's voice could be heard bellowing...
meanwhile...in front of the saloon...
Brisco led Comet towards where Bowler stood next his horse talking to
As he was about to interrupt, Brisco saw something out of the corner of
his eye. Looking to confirm the sight, he broke out in a grin.
"Hey, Bowler, nice hat!"
"Huh?...what?...Oh...It's about time you appreciate my hat," Bowler
replied, taking off his hat to give a quick dust off.
"Not that one..." Brisco said, confusing Bowler until he pointed with
his chin towards Bowler's horse, "That one!!"
Bowler looks at his horse in confusion. Then he saw it. He scowled,
as he bellowed, to the amusement of his companions, "Who put that sorry
looking thing on my horse!"
+ + + + + + +
Buck had a funny feeling when he heard Bowler...somehow, he knew he
didn't want to know what Bowler was talking about...but just the same
slowly headed towards the saloon doors, afraid of what he would find.
JD, on the other hand had no hesitation, nor did Ezra as both rushed
out the doors...and grinned and started laughing.
+ + + + + + +
Across the street, Chris came out sheriff's office, while Mary exited
from the Clarion, to see what the shouting was about. Chris chuckled,
while Mary smiled and shook her head.
+ + + + + + +
From direction of the church, Nathan and Josiah came...then stopped
dead in their tracks at the sight...Someone had placed Buck's hat...on
top of Bowler's horse...and had cut two holes in it so that the horse's
ears poked through.
"Hey Buck! Found your hat." JD said, having a hard time breathing from
the all the laughing.
Just then, Vin rode up heading towards the livery, as he had just
finished patrolling the surrounding area. Seeing everyone's attention
on Bowler's horse, grinned broadly and drawled, "Hey Bucklin...looks
like ya need ta get a new hat!"
"I can't believe you did that to my hat!"
"Me? Why ya think I'd do that???" Vin asked indignantly. "I can't
believe ya think I'd do that ta tha thar horse...Bad enough it has ta
lug Bowler around."
"Hey!" Bowler said insulted, and started to approach the tracker.
Vin continued as if uninterrupted, "Ya think I'd try and embarrass that
poor horse?"
"If the shoe fits, Junior!" Buck replied.
Vin smirked then said, "At least someone put yer hat out of its misery.
It needed ta be put down long ago."
"Put down...I'll give you put down." Buck said as he quickly stalked
towards Vin.
Seeing the look on Buck's eyes...then noticing Bowler approaching...Vin
drawled an, "Ah hell," as he kicked his horse into a gallop and quickly
rode away.
"Tanner, you mangy tracker! Come back here and face me like a man!!!
Buck bellowed at Vin's quickly retreating back, much to the amusement
of those watching in the street.
Buck rushed over to the livery to get his horse to chase after Vin.
Bowler, seeing his quarry escaping, mounted his horse, reaching over to
its head and snatched the hat, tossing it to the ground, and started to
chase Vin immediately.
Ezra leaned over to Brisco and Tyler and asked "Do you think we should
assist Mr. Tanner?"
Brisco grinned, shook his head and replied, "Naw, Junior knows how to
keep his head on his shoulders."
"Besides," Tyler added with a smirk, " There's nothing Buck or Bowler
can do that Iolaus hasn't tried to do to him before."
"So, what're your plans now?" Brisco asked Tyler.
"I don't know...maybe move somewhere around here..." she replied.
"Really? Why?"
"Well, Gabrielle has been talking about it for a while...and there's
something about this town..."
The End