Inez was excited, more than excited. She was on cloud nine in fact,
having traveled there courtesy of Vin Tanner and two hundred-fifty dollars.
Not only had Vin saved her from being used and killed by the two bank robbers,
he had also generously shared the bounty with her. Then he had tried to
turn her mind from the very idea he had planted in her head by drugging
her with mind-numbing pleasure. All in all her short trip to visit her
family had turned into a wonderful experience in every way. They had returned
late last night and had shared another round of passion that left them
both spent and sated wrapped in each other's arms. She greeted the day
and Jim with a pleased expression. Nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin
her mood. She would talk Vin into seeing her side of this if it killed
him, and at this rate it might if the only counter argument he could come
up with was making love to her. She grinned at her own joke. He certainly
had been coming up with some very creative methods of turning her head
from trying to convince him to let her go out with him on several bounty
hunting forays. Last night had certainly been creative to say the least.
She had been trying to convince him all day long with reasons why they
should become a team and how he needed to give her lessons on shooting
guns and rifles and what type of gun she should buy to accompany him. She
had even suggested they stop at the sheriff's office and grab a few of
the handbills that arrived at least twice a week. Nothing he had said had
so far diverted her from her course of action. She wanted her own saloon,
her very own business that belonged to no one but her. Finally, Vin had
gone silent, and Inez, miffed that he wouldn't even consider the merits
of her proposal, had decided that there was no use arguing with a mule-headed
man. She announced her intentions of sharing the idea with Mary and seeking
her advice. They had just entered town and had yet to greet their friends
when Vin's head had whipped around and he had told her in no uncertain
terms would she even breathe a word of this to Mary much less invite her
to become her partner. Their terse greetings warned their friends that
the two were in a heated argument, and that they wouldn't have noticed
a herd of stampeding cattle if they were thundering down the main street.
Instead of welcoming them home, their friends had made themselves and the
other citizens scarce.
Inez had taken her own bag and started up the stairs muttering in Spanish
until the mutters had turned to very loud words. Tanner, embarrassed by
the sight of his woman berating him, whether anyone else but he could understand
what she was saying, had stormed up the stairs behind her. Buck had grabbed
the reins of Vin's horse and was grinning at JD to reassure him that no
one had any need to fear for anyone's life when they both heard the door
to Inez's room slam shut. Then they heard it bang open and slam shut again.
Chris Larabee had taken one look at Buck and both men had started grinning.
JD thought they were crazy.
"Shouldn't we go do something?" He liked Inez a lot, but Vin was his
friend. They watched each other's backs. JD did not want to be the one
who had to arrest either one for murder, and he knew murder was the only
possible conclusion to the rage he had witnessed emanating from both of
them. Chris and Buck were no help when they just stood around and grinned.
It had taken both Josiah and Ezra to convince him that he had just witnessed
a lover's quarrel and that the lack of noise indicated that the two had
found a way to get past their differences. Shaking his head, JD had taken
Vin's horse to Yosemite. He saw a light in Inez's room and two people silhouetted
in the drawn shade. It was hard to tell who was who because they were so
closely entwined. Hearing someone behind him, JD had turned to see a relaxed
Chris walking up behind him. The older man stopped for a moment to light
a cheroot as he also looked up at the figures on the shaded window. He
had actually laughed when silhouettes of the lovers disappeared from view.
"You know how they say there's a fine line between love and hate?" JD
had looked solemnly at Chris waiting for him to finish. "I think Vin and
Inez are learning about that line right now." JD cocked his head to the
side finally realizing why everyone had found all this so amusing.
"You mean they're in love and they don't know it?"
Buck walked up in time to answer. "That in part, and the other."
"What other?"
"There's nuthin' like lovin' after a big fight, JD. Adds a little spice
to it all, and I think Inez's got just the right amount of spice Vin likes."
Chris nodded his agreement, and JD decided that women were just too damn
much trouble. He decided then and there that he and Casey would never be
that way. The older men must have known what he was thinking because they
both started laughing again. "Vin's in for a real workout tonight. Inez
is gona be insatiable." JD shook his head and decided to go and eat something.
All this stuff was giving him a really bad headache and he needed to ponder
Meanwhile Vin and Inez had been locked in a heated argument that had
spiraled into raw unadulterated passion. She had flown into the room and
slammed the door in his face. She had meant to lock it when it flew open
forcing her to jump back into the room. His anger scalded her from her
head to her toes as his furious eyes raked over her. He took a menacing
step forward and slammed and locked the door behind him. Then he had the
unmitigated gall to lean against the door, the same door against which
they had reached many a climactic moment their bodies seared together by
passion. Now he just leaned against it and smiled sardonically at her.
It had the effect of forcing her temper to erupt and for her to once again
start all over again berating him in Spanish. It did not matter that it
was undeserved or that his rage was fueled by his need to keep her safe.
They were both out of control and it only escalated both of their tempers.
His willingness to be reasonable once his male pride was no longer being
abused in public flew right out of the window with her new tirade. His
rage bubbled anew as he once more advanced upon her. She stepped backwards,
but the bed forced her to face his onslaught.
She was not really afraid that he would hurt her, but the rage in his
eyes spoke of a temper just waiting to be unleashed. She knew she was playing
with fire, no, she was playing with dynamite, but she just couldn't help
"I think you don't want me to go with you because you think I will be
a better bounty hunter than you." Her words stopped him in his tracks.
That superior look reappeared, and it made her bolder. "You're just scared
that I will be more successful than you at capturing men." She held her
head high as a sardonic laugh erupted from him. His nostrils flared in
"Oh yeah, you'll catch 'em easy enough. Just like you caught those two
at the lake and that sheriff. You really caught all their eyes. That how
yer gona catch 'em? Lure them into thinkin' they can have ya, and then
hittin' them over the head with somethin'? Or maybe ya just gona shoot
'em when they get real close?" He moved closer where she could feel the
heat and rage of his body. Inez gasped in fury.
"How dare you! I did nothing to lure them on! Are you calling me a whore?"
She hissed.
He backed her against the bed as his furious eyes bore into hers. "I'm
sayin' those men coulda raped ya and then killed ya if I hadn't been there.
I'm sayin' that sheriff woulda had you so drunk that he woulda had a bullet
in my brain and your legs spread for him without yer ever knowin' it."
Inez watched fascinated as the vein in his neck throbbed in fury to match
each harshly spoken word, but the words no longer insulted her. He was
worried about her. He had been genuinely frightened for her safety. He
was just so incredibly sweet she thought she would ravish him on the spot.
Instead she planned to reward him for all his worry. There had really been
no need. He would not have let anything happen to her. Didn't he know she
knew that?
She smiled a sweetly seductive smile that chased the anger from her
eyes. Its absence stopped his words as effectively as a gunshot to the
head. The look of euphoric satisfaction on her face made any words of recrimination
die in his throat. Hell, he was supposed to be scaring the hell out of
her. Instead she gave him a smile that forced a shot of pure desire from
his head to his loins rendering him not only speechless but with an aching
need to tear her clothes from her body and feast his lips upon every inch
of it. Inez seemed to sense that need as she put a hand behind his neck
and pulled his lips to meet hers. Their searing kisses ignited a deeper
desire than either had felt before. Vin broke the kiss and grabbed her
shoulders raking his hands downward pulling her blouse from her shoulders
exposing lush breasts to his hungry eyes. She arched her back as he captured
one with his hand and held it steady until he could engulf it with his
mouth. She literally purred in satisfaction as she raked her nails down
his back. He growled in response and captured her sensitive nipple with
his teeth.
Inez moaned low in her throat grabbing his hand that was molding her
hips to his and brought it up to her other breast that was begging for
his attention. She felt his lips curl in a smile as his hungry mouth suckled
one more time before blazing a trail with his hot, probing tongue to the
breast she had placed into his free hand. He cupped it as his tongue laved
back and forth over the nipple and then he took as much of it into his
mouth as he could and sucked on it hard. She felt a shaft of desire shoot
straight to that one spot between her legs that waited in hungry anticipation
for his invasion. His hands left her breasts to tear the rest of her clothes
from her body as his lips feasted everywhere he could reach. His tongue
dipped into her ear as she arched her neck and his lips found that sensitive
spot along the curve of her neck. He placed butterfly kisses all over her
face as his hands probed her body rendering her mind to mush with his passion.
He suddenly spun her and turned her back to him. Capturing her breasts
in both hands he proceeded to massage them as his lips followed the curvature
of her spine. She felt his warm breath on her buttocks as his hands grabbed
them firmly and held her still while he pulled the clothing down past her
hips, his lips and tongue nipping and probing the path blazed by his hands.
Inez tried to turn and kiss him, but he held her firm until he spun
her around again and pushed her onto the bed so that she was lying half
across it while her hips were spread eagle against the bed opening her
to him. His open mouth plunged down upon her and she gasped as she became
awash in pure sensation. His excitement lusted out of control as he found
her wet and ready for him, so he took her hands and pinned them above her
head with one hand. Vin couldn't wait another second. Freeing himself from
his constricting clothing he guided himself to her and entered her with
one forceful stroke that caused a whimper of pure lust to escape Inez's
mouth. Frustrated she could do nothing but endure the torturous pleasure,
she surrendered completely to his demands and rode the maelstrom of his
passion. His thrusts were forceful and demanding as he pounded into her
again and again. Her hands clutched the bed covers when he finally released
them and her open mouth moaned her pleasure as his hands returned to massage
her breasts and his lips to suckle at her neck and ears. She dug her hands
into his hair forcing his head to hers and met his lips in a wet, open-mouthed
kiss that fueled their rising passion. She was spiraling out of herself
when one questing hand found that small nub of desire and his forefinger
and thumb grasped it and continued to roll it back and forth between his
thumb and finger. Suddenly the air exploded from her lungs and Vin caught
her lips and swallowed her scream as a blinding climax took her. As her
muscles contracted around him he could feel his own climax beckoning to
him with a promise of satisfaction the likes of which he had never experienced.
With one more uncontrollable thrust he opened his eyes to watch her face
as he emptied himself into her. He felt her hands move back to capture
his hips and try to force him deeper within her. He collapsed upon her,
exhausted both mentally and emotionally. Somehow they had both surrendered
a part of themselves to one another that had bound them as close spiritually
as they were bound physically. His harsh breaths were moist against the
side of her face and neck as he tried to regain enough of his strength
to remove himself from her body. She protested his absence as he left her,
but she quickly quieted as he pulled back the covers and tenderly laid
her back against the mattress. He pulled his rumpled clothing from his
body and joined her on the bed. She wrapped herself around him and snuggled
her head into the side of his neck. He almost didn’t hear her as her softly
whispered words tickled his neck.
"As soon as I can move again, you are going to pay for that, Tanner."
"For what?" She felt the words rumble through his chest.
"For not playing fair and letting me play, too. But you will pay for
that, later when I can move again." She rocked her body closer and Vin
felt a stirring of desire.
"Does this mean yer really gona ravish me this time?" She knew he was
smiling and she gave him something to dream about as she drifted slowly
"I am going to make you beg." She drifted off feeling rather than hearing
his satisfied laughter.
"You promise?" When he got no response to that, he pulled her closer
and joined her in sleep.
+ + + + + + +
Neither one awoke until someone pounded on the door and asked if they
were ever going to get up and rejoin the world. Inez looked into one very
sleepy, blue eye and she moved closer as Vin moved to cover her body with
his and kiss her. They were well on their way to exhaustion when that someone
pounded on the door again.
"Don't make me break this door down. JD's still worried you two killed
each other."
Vin reluctantly broke the kiss, rested his head between Inez's breasts,
and sighed. "I'm gonna kill Buck."
Inez giggled and pulled his head up to kiss him soundly. "You won't
kill him, as much as we want to, Chris won't like it." She rolled off the
bed and pulled her robe from her bag on the floor and slipped it on. The
doorknob rattled. "Senor Wilmington? We have a gun and we know how to use
it." She grinned until the burst of laughter outside the door made her
realize the implications of what she had just said. She felt the hot blood
rush to her face. Vin was still lying in bed with his hands behind his
"I bet you do, Inez, I just bet you do." They could hear Buck guffawing
down the stairs. Vin started grinning at her as she turned bright red.
Stretching until his joints popped, he crooked a finger at the embarrassed
"C'mere." His voice had gone rough and husky, and the look in his eyes
promised her something that would turn the blush into an inferno. She shook
her head no and tossed him his clothes.
"No, I come over there, an' we won't get downstairs for the rest of
the day. I want to tell Mary about my idea, and I am hungry." She turned
around to dress when she felt herself pulled right against his aching arousal.
There was no way Vin was going to let Inez talk to Mary about bounty hunting
even if he had to make love to her every time she mentioned it.
"So am I." Hot lips feasted on her neck as Vin's hands reached into
her robe to fasten onto one breast and one between her legs. He held her
captive against him until he had stroked a need in her that rivaled his
own. She arched her back giving him easier access and heard his smug sigh
as he turned her to him and pushed her up against the door. His hands withdrew
long enough to snake around and close over her hips. He lifted her hips
up and around him as he opened her to his rigid flesh. Instead of impaling
her swiftly as his body demanded, he paused at her moist entrance and teased
her with just the tip until she groaned in frustration. Feeling his eyes
upon her, she looked at him and watched fascinated as he slowly entered
her inch by agonizingly ecstatic inch. Her arms and legs wrapped around
him. His eyes had turned a deep smoky blue that indicated his passion was
building higher and higher, yet still he didn't move. Inez growled low
in her throat and rocked her hips against him forcing him deeper into her.
He grinned at her and she noticed the sweat beading on his forehead.
What was he waiting for she didn't know, but he was driving her insane
with need. She rubbed her breasts against him and rocked again and saw
with pleasure that his control was slipping. She continued the rocking
motion until he groaned and his control shattered. Dipping his head, he
took one rosy nipple into his mouth and started teasing it with his tongue
as his body caved and he began thrusting mindlessly into her. Her breathing
became pants of pleasure as he devoured her breasts moving back and forth
between them as he pounded into her. Her back was wedged against the cold
wood of the door. She could feel it through her robe, and it felt strangely
sensual against her passion-heated skin. His breathing turned to harsh
pants moving in time to the rhythm of his thrusts as he couldn't seem to
get close enough or deep enough. She was a mystery to him and he would
never get his fill of her. One hand remained on his shoulder and her other
hand began to move over his smooth muscled back as she dug her nails into
the heated flesh of that ass she had said was so sexy. Then she was spiraling
out of control as she threw her head back and surrendered to her climax.
Her muscles contracting around him triggered his own, and he collapsed
spent against her. Only the door kept them from sliding to the floor. He
gently released her hips and slipped out of her as her rubbery legs dropped
to the floor. He held them both pressed against the door until their breathing
evened out and they could both stand again.
When he started to step back finally allowing the cool air to caress
her sensitive flesh, he grinned. "Buck didn't let me wake ya up proper.
Good mornin'." His mischievous smile was contagious and Inez started giggling.
She punched him in the arm and turned to open her closet door so she could
get dressed.
"I need a bath or everyone is going to know what we've been doing."
A snort of laughter behind her caused her to turn around just in time
for her to enjoy his firm backside as he bent over to pull on his pants.
She was almost disappointed that he had to cover himself. Sighing in satisfaction,
she turned around to pull her clothing out of the closet.
"Hell, Inez, everyone knows what we've been doin', they're just too
scared of you to say anything."
"It doesn't shut Buck up."
"Nuthin' short of a bullet will shut Buck up an' then he'll try an'
have the last word." He was sitting on the floor by the bed pulling on
his socks and boots. She was practically fully dressed before he stood
and pulled on his shirt, tucked it in, pulled up his suspenders, strapped
on his mare's leg, and finally reached for his hat and coat. "Now, didn't
you promise to feed me?" He held out his hand to her and she took it as
they walked towards the door. She couldn't wait to talk to Mary about her
plan. Maybe she could persuade Chris to help convince Vin that bounty hunting
with Inez would work.
It was in that satisfied with life mood that Mary met her later that
morning when the saloon was near empty. Inez had called her name as she
entered the darkened room looking for her. Chris had raised an eyebrow
at Mary's entrance into the saloon, but when wise men refrained from commenting
on that fact, he kept his peace. He was too busy watching the sway of her
hips as she walked past him to where Inez was standing with Jim going over
the inventory. He looked up to see a knowing grin on his friend's face.
Vin ducked his head quickly, but he knew Chris had seen him grin at him.
"You know for a man who keeps company with a wildcat, Tanner, you're
really pressing your luck. I can't decide whether you like livin' dangerous
or you're just plain touched in the head." This time Vin looked him in
the eye and let the smile on his face travel all the way to his eyes.
"Just know how ya feel, is all. Some women ya just got to watch when
they walk by."
"As long as watchin' is all ya do, pard. I'd hate to have to shoot ya."
Vin started laughing as he set his empty cup on the table. He'd already
been through the gauntlet of his friends' insults and innuendoes when he
hadn't appeared until nine o'clock in the morning. Even Chris had grinned
at him and told him he needed to get more sleep so he wouldn't yawn in
some bounty hunter's face. "Got me about ninety pounds or so of trouble
without askin' fer you to shoot me. Reckon I'll let you handle the paper
Chris liked that description of Mary. "You been listenin' to Ezra again?"
"Nah, Josiah said it. C'mon, let's go see what trouble Buck's caused
in an hour an' I'll tell ya 'bout the idea Inez won't let go of."
"Same one causin' you some sleepless nights?" He stood up and walked
to stand by the door as he watched as Mary and Inez go out arm and arm
towards the Clarion.
"Same one, an' guess who else is gona be worried, too?"
"Me? Who's gona worry me about what?" Chris was grinning now. It must
be one hell of an idea if his taciturn friend was coming to him for help.
"You got woman trouble ask Buck, not me."
"I want someone who knows how to handle a woman right, not get her to
shoot me dead."
"Maybe we should go talk to Josiah, then. Hell, he's older than me an'
he's still alive. I reckon he's pondered a lot of women." When Vin didn't
laugh Chris motioned him toward the church where Josiah was painting the
front door. He stopped just inside the door though when Vin tried to explain
what was really worrying him. He listened as the younger man started to
explain his dilemma.
"Inez really wants to do this, an' she wants Mary to help her cause
I told her I wouldn't. Only way to shut her up 'bout it is to kiss her
senseless. That just causes us to, you know, an' she's like a dog with
a bone. I distract her, she remembers later. This rate, I'll be dead in
a week."
Vin was so serious that Chris held his amusement in check. "Let me get
this straight. Inez wants to do something you think is too dangerous and
you make love to her every time she brings it up. You just keep distracting
her an' she keeps rememberin'? That 'bout it." Vin shook his head yes.
"Do I want to know why she wants to talk to Mary?" Vin shook his head no.
"Aw hell, let's go talk to Josiah." Chris sighed. "Say a prayer or two
while we're at it." Then he stopped dead in his tracks. "What the hell
does she want to do?"
"Bounty huntin'." Chris looked startled for a moment.
"Damn, we'd better say a whole hell of a lota prayers." Vin just nodded
yes. They were dead men walking.
+ + + + + + +
"Vin suggested you take up bounty hunting? I can't believe he told you
that you could become a bounty hunter." Mary was astonished. She never
would have believed that Vin would encourage Inez to become his partner
in bounty hunting. It was far too dangerous especially with the five hundred
dollar bounty on his own head.
"No, he said I should take my money and buy my own saloon. I said I
should be his partner."
"But Inez, it's far too dangerous for you to do that. Why those two
men could have raped you or that sheriff could have forced you to sell
yourself to any man he wanted. I don't want to think what could have happened
if Vin hadn't been with you."
"Oh Mary, you have been listening to old Mrs. Reilly too much. I was
perfectly safe. Vin would never let anyone hurt me and I was very good
at finding a way to fight those men off until he got there. Once he teaches
me to shoot a gun, I will be very safe. Look how much my share of the bounty
was." Inez held out a wad of money that Mary took and counted.
"You earned two hundred and fifty dollars just for hitting that man?
Oh my, do you know what I could do with this kind of money? Where are you
keeping it?"
Inez took the money back and stuffed it down the front of her blouse.
Mary shook her head and smiled. Inez was so innocent in some ways. She
truly believed that Vin would be able to protect her from any harm. She
had felt that way once with Steven. Now, it was a certain gunman in black
who could set her on fire with just one searing look. It had been a week
since she had last had an opportunity to meet with him alone, and the things
he had done to her still made her body tingle with desire. She blushed
a rosy red just thinking about the way his hands and lips had claimed her.
. . .
"Mary? Mary are you listening to me? Mi madre! You are thinking of your
lover, aren't you? You are as bad as Vin Tanner. Bah! It is all you think
about, making love."
"I do not think about making love all the time and I don't have a lover.
We're just friends." Mary was bright red. She and Chris had been so careful,
but if he had been telling Vin about the two of them, she would kill him.
How else would Inez know so much?
Inez's snort of laughter turned Mary's attention back to her. "Oh Mary,
no one had to tell me. We all know. You two practically set fire to the
ground when you are together. You positively glowed when you came back
that morning from the hot springs, and don't tell me you didn't take advantage
of Chris when you got him back that night he and Vin got drunk." Mary looked
wide-eyed at her friend and then burst into laughter. It was such a relief
to be able to talk to someone who understood, and Inez did understand.
"Inez, does Vin, I mean do you, oh dear, I don't know what I mean. Chris
just turns my brain to mush every time he kisses me, and oh lord can that
man kiss."
"Does he coax your mouth open with his and take you gently or does he
devour you?" Inez had a wicked look in her eyes.
"Both." And with that they launched into a full-scale discussion of
their lovers. It took a full half hour before Mary remembered the money.
"Inez, we have to get you an account at the bank."
"A what?"
"A bank account where you can earn interest on your money and make more.
Plus, it's safer there than tucked in you bosom. If Vin is as, well, active
as you say, it's a wonder you haven't lost it all by now." That started
them giggling again. They walked over to the bank arm in arm. They happened
to pass Chris and Vin as they sat on the front porch steps with Josiah
and Nathan. They looked at the men and then each other. Then, they burst
into laughter and started whispering again to one another. Vin had an uneasy
feeling they were talking about him or Chris or both of them. So did Chris.
They exchanged a look and then both men sighed in resignation. Josiah and
Nathan started laughing as the two women paused and looked back at them
before they went into the bank.
"Ah, brothers. There is nothing like the love of a good woman to make
a man miserable." Nathan looked over at Josiah and grinned.
"You're right Josiah. I don't think I've ever been as miserably happy
as I have been since Rain came into my life."
Vin looked over his shoulder at the two men grinning at him. "I shoulda
let those men lynch you." Nathan started laughing harder.
"Ya shoulda let that Poplar fella have Josiah, too." Chris didn't bother
to turn around and glare at his other two friends. "Neither one of ya have
been helpful at all, and if you don't want Inez ridin' out with us the
next time we go after someone, you'd best help Vin figure out a way to
head her off. Reckon his idea of keeping Inez occupied 'll end up killin'
him dead in a week."
"Yeah, but he'll die with a smile on his face." Josiah smiled in satisfaction
at his joke. Nathan slapped him on the back and both men patted Vin on
the back at the same time.
"Don't worry, Vin. Josiah'll say somethin' real nice over ya, an' I
bet Buck will comfort Inez for ya."
Vin looked back in disbelief at both men. "Like hell!" Before Chris
could add anything, all hell broke loose in the bank.
A gunshot went through the window and water splashed from the trough
as the bullet ricocheted into the wood of the water trough. Vin had his
mare's leg drawn and was running side by side with Chris as they raced
to the bank. Another bullet crashed though the second bank window. That
bullet carried across the street and nicked the wood next to Ezra's head
as he exited the saloon with his gun drawn. Nathan and Josiah were right
behind Chris and Vin. They all slammed against the side wall of the bank
in the alley as they heard another blast of a gun. Ezra quickly took cover
behind the table on the boardwalk. Buck signaled he and JD had the other
side of the bank covered. Chris was about to send Vin to the rooftop across
the street with Nathan as back up when the most astonishing thing occurred.
The bank manager came out with his hands in the air shouting for the
peacekeepers not to shoot.
"It's all right. They got 'em." He pointed to the door and two frightened
and bloody men stumbled out with their hands in the air. Vin knew what
was going to happen.
"I don't wanta see this."
"Oh shit!" Vin knew he really didn't want to see it when he heard Chris's
reaction. He didn't want to look, but the hair standing on the back of
his neck forced his head up. Sure enough, his stomach lurched and flip-flopped
in his gut. Strutting out behind the two robbers came the gun-toting duo
of Mary and Inez.
"I'm gona kill both of them."
"I'm gona help ya."
+ + + + + + +
Mary and Inez had instantly recognized Lester and Digby, the two men
who had escaped at Christmas after kidnapping them. They were standing
in line waiting for the bank teller. Both men were wearing guns and they
were more interested in the movements of the bank manager at the vault
than the people moving up to the teller in front of them. The two women
had taken one look at one another and looked for a way to stop them. There
was a heavy glass paperweight on the desk next to Mary. She wrapped her
hand around it and secured it under her purse. Inez spotted a hat rack
near the corner of the door leading from the teller cage to the main lobby.
It was exactly like the one in Potter's store. Inez would have no problem
lifting it. She edged closer to it. Inez looked at Mary a questioning look
in her eyes. Mary shrugged and looked at the two men. Maybe Lester and
Digby were really here to do business. And, maybe JD Dunne could really
fly. It did not take long before their question was answered.
Lester moved up to the woman in front of him and pushed her out of the
way. Pulling his gun out of the holster he pointed it at Sam the teller.
Digby ignored Inez as he turned his back to her to point his gun at the
crowd in the bank. She was just a frightened woman. Mary glanced at Inez
and they both acted at the same time.
"This is a holdup! Put yer hands in the air!"
Lester never knew what went wrong. One minute he had his gun pointed
at the teller ordering everyone around him to do what he said, and the
next he was spinning around his gun going off as it fell from fingers no
longer able to control it. The pain exploding in the back of his head blocked
out anything else. He fell to the floor of the bank clutching his head
and writhing in agony. Then, there was another gunshot as Inez whacked
Digby across the back with the hat rack, and then swung it around in her
hand as she turned. Swinging the wooden weapon upward she knocked Digby's
arm into the air the gun discharging and flying upwards. Connecting with
a dull thud on his chest, Digby was lifted off the ground and then dropped
on the floor like a rag doll. He sat there in a heap shaking his head and
wondering how it had all gone so wrong. Two dainty feet encased in pert
little boots wavered in his eyesight until the blurring ceased and he looked
upwards slowly. It was that Mexican woman who had nearly killed him and
Lester at Christmas. She was holding his gun pointed right between his
eyes. Digby threw his hands into the air and begged for mercy.
"We give up! We quit, just don't let them hurt us!" Digby just wanted
to be locked up and safe from those two witches.
Lester nearly fell off the steps in his effort to get to the jail. Josiah
and Nathan helped them get there. JD looked over at Chris and Vin and said
something neither man wanted to hear.
"Hey, I just got wanted posters on those two a couple of days ago. They're
worth two hundred dollars apiece. Does that mean Inez and Mary get the
rewards?" JD stopped talking as two glares pinned him to the spot. If looks
were bullets, he'd be full of holes by now. "What?" He didn't get much
else out as Inez turned to Mary her voice full of excitement.
"You see? Two hundred more dollars. It won't be long now." She was so
excited she couldn't contain herself. Turning to Vin she grabbed him and
kissed him right on the mouth. The crowd loved it when the usually quiet
tracker picked his woman up and threw her over his shoulder. He stalked
off towards the livery without a backward glance. Inez started to protest,
but a strangled, "Not a word," prevented anything she was about to say.
She knew when to be quiet and let male pride dominate the poor, helpless
female that she was. Inez also knew she was in for a tongue-lashing and
was actually looking forward to it. She now had close to five hundred dollars
towards her own saloon, and a man who was so angry that she had put herself
in harm's way that he could spit bullets. She was not going to ever tell
him that she really thought he was so very sweet when he worried over her
safety, or that it really made her just melt with desire for him.
As soon as he turned the corner into the dark livery, she put her hands
on his butt and squeezed. He grunted and swatted hers with a curt, "Behave!"
Inez giggled as she pulled his shirt up out of his pants sliding her hands
inside to cup his backside as she planted her eager lips on his spine.
"Inez!" Vin was caught between red-hot lust and icy cold rage, either one
enough to cause his iron control to explode out of control. He didn't know
whether to drop Inez to the ground and take her on the spot he was so proud
of her or take to her to that secluded spot at the springs and drop her
in the water and drown her for scaring the living hell out of him. Despite
the satisfaction drowning her would bring, he decided to ravage her there
in complete quiet where no one could hear her beg and scream. Beg she would
if he had his way, and he intended to. He tossed her over his saddle and
jumped up behind her. She cooperated by turning into his arms as he took
her mouth in a searing kiss. Then, pinning her roving hands to her sides,
he dug his heels into his horse and took off at a dead run.
Mary was just as excited as Inez, but she was too elated to notice where
Vin had taken her. She had no worries that Vin would hurt Inez. Yell at
her, argue with her, make hot love to her, but never raise a hand in anger.
She knew that so she took care of herself. She felt Chris Larabee's eyes
boring into her like sparks from a flame. Mary thought if she ignored him,
he would cool off some.
"Mr. Jensen, will you start an account for Inez and put her money in
it?" She turned and smiled at him. The man was speechless for just a moment
at the brilliance of that smile. Between the dazzling Inez and the beautiful
Mary, he stood no chance at all. Shaking his head yes at her was the best
he could do as Ezra walked by smiling at the man. The looks on the faces
of Chris and Vin were food for many a lively conversation for the next
month or so. Taking his chances, he poured a little more kerosene on the
"And you will want your share of the reward deposited into your account
as well, Mrs. Travis?" It was going to be worth whatever Chris Larabee
would do to him for that, but Chris wasn't paying much attention to anyone
at the moment but Mary. He seemed riveted to the spot caught in the web
of her beauty.
Then, all at once, Chris Larabee moved as quickly as a rattlesnake making
a strike. Grabbing Mary by her arm he pulled her close and walked her straight
to the Clarion. Seeing that look in his eye, Mary ran along with as much
dignity as she could muster. How dare he treat her like she belonged to
him! Just the thought made her knees go weak. She kept her head high and
a smile on her face as she was unceremoniously pushed into the office and
the door slammed shut behind her as Chris methodically locked the door
and closed the shades against the afternoon sun. Then he stalked towards
her. She backed away into the desk and the next thing she knew she was
hauled up against him as his mouth swooped down to claim hers in a searing
kiss that made her toes curl and her heart pound. His hands roamed all
over as his lips demanded her surrender. She opened her mouth to him and
was swept away as his passionate kiss played havoc with her senses, and
then he tore his mouth from hers.
"What the hell were you thinking?" Green eyes blazed into hers, and
her first instinct was to fight back. Then, she remembered something Inez
had said about Vin actually being frightened for her safety. It dawned
on her that Chris Larabee was angry not at her but at the men who could
have hurt her. He had been worried about her, and Mary felt the same smug
satisfaction that Inez had felt when she had made the discovery about Vin.
Cupping his cheek with her hand, Mary smiled up into his eyes and moved
her hand to caress the back of his neck. She pulled his head down closer
to her as her lips whispered into his ear. "I was never in any danger."
She bit his ear lobe and he hissed his approval as his hand moved to cup
her breast through the fabric of her dress. "Digby and Lester are two of
the most inept thieves I have ever run across." She arched her neck as
Chris laced his fingers through her hair and tugged gently at the pins
that held it prisoner. He ran his tongue along the sensitive curve of her
neck as golden silk curls cascaded around him.
"Either one of them could have killed you." His voice had a touch of
desperation to it as his open mouth closed over hers. One hand went to
the back of her dress and tugged on tiny buttons until they slipped open
and he could reach down into her loosened bodice to run a callused finger
across the tip of one breast. He took her nipple between his forefinger
and his thumb and tweaked it forcing her mouth to open fully and give him
free rein. Both of them forgot whatever it was that had started this as
raw passion gave way to desperation. Chris ravaged her mouth as his hands
grasped the cloth at her shoulders and giving it one swift tug, he pulled
the clothing off her shoulders exposing her ivory breasts to his hungry
gaze. He tugged the clothing further down pinning her arms to her sides.
He tore his lips from her mouth and kissed his way down her neck to her
silky shoulders and finally to her exposed breasts. She struggled to free
her arms but he gave her little opportunity to protest any further as his
hands cupped both firm globes and held her still while his wet mouth closed
over first one tip then the other.
Using his hands, lips, and tongue he drove her into a frenzy of desire
as small moans of pleasure began to slip from her mouth. His hands traced
the delicate path of her spine as he continued his assault on her breasts.
He needed to see all of her, feel every inch of her silky surrender. Tugging
and pulling, he managed to get the offending dress out of the way and drop
it to the floor. Next as his mouth captured hers again, he tugged on the
ribbons securing her petticoats and underclothes. Finally, she stood fully
naked and exposed before him.
His eyes raking over her still glowed with anger but they were beginning
to be taken over by passion. She stepped towards him and watched with satisfaction
as his green eyes glazed over with desire for her. She grabbed the front
of his shirt and started unbuttoning it as he shrugged out of his duster.
She slid cool hands over his muscled chest and abdomen as she made her
way to his belt and attacked it with a ferocity that matched his. As she
worked his buttons to free him from his pants, he struggled out of his
shirt and dropped his gun and gun belt to the floor. Then, he reached behind
her to shove any obstructions off of her desk. Pencils, papers, tin cups,
and a few miscellaneous print items were ignored as they fell to the floor
with clatters, clangs, and thumps.
Just as Mary's hands freed him for her to caress his manhood with her
soft silky hands, Chris reached around and lifted her by her hips onto
the desk. He stepped between her knees forcing her to open herself fully
to him. One hand lightly caressed her. She was hot and slick and oh so
ready for him. He groaned his satisfaction as her hands guided him to her
entrance. He entered her with one steady thrust that took their breath
away by the sheer pleasure it forced upon both of them. The cold wooden
desk felt strange on her skin as Chris thrust into her. Her legs wrapped
instinctively round him as she pulled him closer and deeper into her. Her
world became a whirlpool of sensation as he steadily stroked them into
a maelstrom of passion, and then he abruptly stopped moving within her.
Her cry of frustration almost made him lose control, but he had a point
to make.
"Promise me you won't ever do that again."
"What?" She rocked against him trying to make him lose control but he
refused to surrender. Her safety was too important to him.
"Give me your word that you won't try to stop any more bank robberies."
He thrust once into her to make his point. She ground her teeth in frustration.
"Or go with Inez bounty hunting." He thrust again. She moaned.
"Lester and. . ." Chris thrust once more stopping her excuses and compounding
her need.
"Promise me."
"Yes." Her whispered surrender was barely audible. Chris grinned and
thrust once more. This was killing him, but he couldn't let Mary expose
herself to danger.
"Louder. I want to hear you say it." The sweat was beading on his forehead
and his legs were threatening to betray him, but he held still holding
her hips firmly to him.
"All right, yes, I promise never to go bounty hunting or stop any bank
robberies ever again, just finish this." She punched him in the shoulder
she was so desperate for completion. Then she heard his answering groan
as his body began pounding into hers mindlessly.
"It'll be my pleasure," and then there was no more need for words. Her
hands roamed across his shoulders and her lips fastened onto his neck as
he lowered his head and took one nipple between his teeth and tugged at
it. The sensation caused a spiral of tension through her body that pooled
between her thighs where his body pounded into hers.
His breathing became harsh as he let his control slip away. Mary was
hanging on matching him stroke for stroke. Reaching between them, he stroked
the one spot he knew would send her over the edge. When the storm took
her, he fastened his mouth over hers swallowing the scream that he had
driven her to. As her muscles constricted around him he finally gave way
and thrust madly into her until his own climax took him. He collapsed upon
her as she lay back across the desk her legs still holding him captive
within her. He rose up on his elbows and looked down into sated green eyes.
"Thank you." Her eyes popped open until she saw the need he had for
her safety in that one intimate glance he had given her of his soul. She
pulled his lips to hers.
"You're welcome." Inez would just have to find another way to finance
her saloon. As he gently withdrew from her, he carried her in to the other
room and laid her on the bed. Then he joined her again as they decided
to take their time making up. Somehow they both knew Buck and the others
would take care of the town and Billy while they decided what the next
step in their relationship would be. Chris fleetingly thought he might
have to tell Vin just how to convince a woman when her decision was not
the best one in the world. It was, however, just a fleeting thought. Let
the man figure it out on his own, or with Inez's help. Whichever came first.
He cupped the breast that was jutting out from the covers just begging
for his immediate attention. As his tongue laved the nipple until Mary
started writhing against him, he felt her hand move down to caress his
hardening length. No one had ever made him this hard this fast before.
He surrendered to the overwhelming sensations as the dance began anew.
Inez had unbuttoned Vin's shirt and slipped her hands inside to run
them over and over his heated flesh. He hadn't said a word yet, but she
knew he was still angry even though his body was betraying him. Vin knew
she was trying to distract him just like he had resorted to making love
to her to distract from this damned decision to become a bounty hunter,
but her hands felt so good on his naked flesh that he finally just let
her have her way. They were still half an hour from the hot springs, and
Vin was having a hard time concentrating much less staying in control.
Inez twisted further in front of him pressing into his hardening manhood
as she dipped her head and fastened on one nipple with her mouth while
she took the other between her finger and thumb. He sucked in his breath
as he spotted a copse of trees off to the side. It was secluded and had
a small clearing midway through it. Inez’s tongue laved the nipple bringing
a groan of frustration to his lips. He felt her smile against his chest
as she pinched the other nipple and then covered it with her mouth. Two
could play at that game.
Vin freed one hand and pushed it up her skirt through what seemed like
a dozen petticoats and slid his callused fingers up her thigh until he
found the treasure he had been seeking. His palm cupped her womanhood and
she bit his nipple in retaliation. Slipping one finger into her wetness,
she groaned and clamped her legs together trapping his hand where it was.
He flicked the finger inside her. She raised passion-smoked eyes and ensnared
his as she slipped a hand inside his pants and came to rest against his
confined shaft. She wrapped her hand around it and stroked it with her
fingers while the other hand undid the buttons of his pants. They reached
the clearing just as she freed him from the constricting clothing.
Vin kicked out of the stirrups and lifted one leg over the horse and
slid them both to the ground ignoring his horse as the animal began to
chomp on the soft grass beneath his hooves next to the tree where Vin had
had stopped him. The horse wandered over to a more promising and quieter
place as Inez slapped it on its rump. Vin turned until he had his back
to the tree and leaned against it as Inez let go of him long enough to
slide hands over his butt as she slid the pants down around his ankles.
Before he could pull her back up to him, she lowered her head and began
a succession of kisses down the path of his chest to his flat stomach.
Her hand continued to stroke him into a mindless pleasure as her mouth
paused to dip into his navel. That simple action sent his sense rocketing
into a flash fire that destroyed the last of his control.
Vin dug his hands into her hair and tugged her head up to his. His mouth
devoured hers as he pulled her to him and slid with her to the ground.
The grass was cool and tickled against his naked flesh. He had her astride
him feeling her wet heat on his stomach as he shoved her skirt up around
her waist. She leaned back against his raised knees smiling a siren's smile
as his shaking hands grasped her hips and lifted her over his aching manhood.
Resting her palms flat on his shoulders she watched his passion glazed
eyes as he pushed at her entrance. Inez laughed at the desperate look on
his face when she lifted her hips back up out of his reach and she caught
his hands and stretched them out and over his head. Her hands entwined
with his. He bucked his hips upward once more trying to ease the incredible
need she had stoked within him. Reveling in her power over him she finally
moved back over him and lowered herself as he thrust up swiftly into her.
She laughed against his lips and her tongue played tag with his as he tugged
her blouse down exposing erect nipples that begged for his touch. Tearing
his mouth from hers he held one breast in his hand and enclosed as much
of it as he could into his mouth. He sucked on the sensitive flesh while
he pounded into her. There was nothing slow or easy or gentle in the way
he took her, but the very wildness of his possession did nothing but build
the passion higher and higher into until she too was rocking frantically
back and forth meeting each of his thrusts with a matching force.
Vin could think of nothing, see nothing but the woman who had taken
control of his body and soul. Lips and hands moved all over each other
until Vin didn't know where he stopped and she began. There was only the
mindless pleasure that spiraled higher and higher until their world had
narrowed to their rocking hips and harsh breathing. He pressed his face
into her the hollow between her breasts as his hand sought the small nub
at the juncture of her thighs. He flicked one finger over it stroking it
until he felt her muscles start to clench and tighten around him. Inez
threw back her head and shouted in satisfaction as her climax exploded
inside of her at the same time as Vin reached his soul-searing climax.
By the time he had pumped the last of his seed into her she had collapsed
sated on top of him. They lay like that for a few minutes until their breathing
slowed down. Inez started to lift herself off of Vin when he wrapped his
arms around her hips and trapped her where she was lying astride him with
him fully embedded in her. If he wasn't uncomfortable in that position
and she wasn't uncomfortable why not she thought. He grinned up at her
and smiled a lazy self-satisfied smile that left her wondering just who
had ravaged whom.
"Don't think me lettin' you have yer way with me means I ain't mad at
you no more."
Inez raised herself a fraction and began rocking her hips forward. Vin
choked on his smile as her movement sent the blood pulsing down into his
shaft one more time. He clamped his hands on her hips trapping her and
preventing any further movement. "Stop that."
"Why?" she breathed against his ear as she bit it gently.
"Cause we ain't finished with this." Her giggle proved to him that he
should have been more careful with his words.
"We could be if you'd let me move." She squeezed her thighs together
and felt him grow larger inside of her.
"Aw hell, darlin'! Ya gota stop runnin' into situations without thinkin'.
You could get killed!" He moved then turning until she was beneath him
on the ground. She looked like she had been ravaged with her breasts peaking
out from above her blouse and skirt all shoved together at her waist with
her disheveled hair splayed on the ground around her head. He looked down
into her eyes and saw her determination. "You ain't gona let this go, are
She shook her head no as he absently rolled one nipple back and forth
between his fingers and thumb. Inez arched her back getting more and more
frustrated that he wanted to talk instead of make love to her. That got
his attention. He kissed her soundly and moved within her slowly stoking
the fire again while he struggled to get the words out before the passion
claimed them again. "Then if you promise to do what I say when I say, I'll
teach ya to shoot a gun." She looked at him while shoving the shirt from
his shoulders. She even pretended to think about it while her hands traced
his spine with her nails.
"Hell, I'll even let you have my reward money. That'll give you seven
hundred total." Inez placed light feathery kisses all over his neck and
chin as he began thrusting a little faster. She wrapped her legs tightly
around him and locked her ankles together to keep him where he was at.
His hand kneaded her breast and he pulled as much of it into his mouth
as he could. He wanted her promise. Hell, he fleetingly hoped Chris was
doing a better job with Mary than he was with Inez. Her nails dug into
the tender flesh of his butt and he groaned.
"Damn, at this rate, you'll end up killin' me. Turn me in for the bounty
after I'm dead an' you'll have twelve hundred dollars." Inez stopped cooperating.
In fact she was trying to push him off of her. Holding her hands down beside
her head he looked at the suddenly angry woman. Her body ignored her anger
as it continued to respond to his thrusting hips and wandering mouth. That
made her angrier.
"Are you saying that making love to me is such a chore you're dying
from it?" He almost laughed at her, but since he was still moving inside
her despite her protests otherwise he kissed her hard on the mouth. When
he had reclaimed her attention once more he moved his mouth beside her
ear and explained.
"I meant that at this rate, if this is the only way to keep you from
goin' off an gettin' yerself killed, I'm gona be dead in a week." He emphasized
his point with a more vigorous thrust of his hips and Inez arched her back
like a cat. She actually smiled at him understanding that he knew that
she knew what he had been doing all along to keep her thoughts off of making
money by bounty hunting. He released her hands and she began touching him
all over again.
"I promise," she stopped as his mouth moved to her other breast and
she concentrated on the pleasure he gave her when he licked the tip of
it with his tongue. His took the nipple between his teeth and bit gently
down. She arched upward forcing more of her breast into his willing mouth.
He growled low in his throat as he nuzzled a path to the other breast.
He lavished it with his tongue and Inez's breath caught in her throat.
She dug her nails into his back again and raked them down slowly until
she dug them into his thrusting hips, and then she stopped again. Looking
up to see why he grinned as he saw her eyes glaze over with passion. She
was savoring each touch, each thrust, each nip, and lick of his tongue.
Feeling his eyes upon her she opened hers and stared into his. Soon neither
would be able to talk, and he was right. They needed to finish this before
they could go further in their relationship. It was bad enough he had a
price on his head, and she knew he felt he was already placing her in danger
just by being with her. She pulled his mouth to hers and she kissed him
with all the feeling she had for him in her eyes, in her mouth, in her
touch, and in her body as she surrendered everything to him. "I promise
not to chase any bounties you say are too dangerous." It was the best she
could do and he knew it. He pulled her hips closer to him as he began to
move faster inside her.
"A man can't ask for more than that." With that the promise was made
and they both grew silent. Their movements became more frenzied as they
raced toward that elusive goal. Vin climaxed, shuddering with the force
of emotion milking him with every penetrating movement. He continued to
move until Inez's eyes rolled back in her head and she joined him in pure
bliss. Once again they collapsed, too exhausted to move. Compromising your
decisions to agree with your lover was extremely hard and tiring work.
Vin slipped from Inez finally and pulled her over until she was lying partially
on top of him. She drew little circles on his chest with her fingers. He
captured the tickling fingers with his hand.
"So, you wanta go to the hot springs, take a bath, and go back to town
or ya wanta learn to shoot first an' go back tomorrow?" Inez raised glowing
eyes to look down into his twinkling blue ones.
"Decisions, decisions. I'm tired of making decisions. Why don't we do
both?" He grinned and set her aside as he pulled his clothes back on. Then
he helped her with hers. He walked across the small opening and grabbed
his horse's reins.
"Why don't we do both." Inez laughed at the expression of pure devilment
on his face. "C'mon horse." Inez stopped walking toward Vin astonished
at what she had just heard.
"You call your horse, horse?"
Vin looked at her, "Yeah. What's wrong with that?"
"You don't have a name for him?"
"He's a horse, Inez, not a kid. Whata ya want me t' call him, dog?"
They argued all the way to the hot springs until Vin got tired of talking
and kissed her into silence. He might die young this way, but he'd die
with a look of pure satisfaction on his face. Hell, if he was lucky he'd
die in her arms.
The End