Old West Universe
Troubled Times

by Michele

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The sound of bullets hitting metal and gunfire fills the air of Four Corners. The seven heroes fire relentlessly at the attempted robbers. The thieves never realized what they were getting into when they entered the small town. Their attempt at robbing the bank had been spoiled immediately. Now they were merely trying to escape without the help of a wooden box. However, it seemed as if this wouldn't be the case. One by one the thieves are being picked off with no hopes of escape.

J.D. is about to shoot a man that is riding away but Chris stops him immediately.

"How many times do I have to tell you? NEVER shoot a man in the back." Chris says as J.D. lowers his eyes for a moment ashamed of himself. He always forgets.

Just then they both see Vin jump out in front of the escaping rider. He cocks his gun and with one shot the man is hit and falls off his horse and into the street. The horse continues to gallop out of town. His eyes are wide with fear and the men can see the whites of his eyes

The fighting continues relentlessly. Michelle hides in the hotel lobby where Ezra had forced her to stay against her will. She silently cursed him. She wanted to help. The thieves . outnumbered the seven by 4 to 1. At least she could help lower those odds! He had taken her gun just so she couldn't join in but she still had the derringer tucked in her sleeve. Even Ezra didn't know she had it. Michelle looks out the window by which she watches the fight and sees a man sneaking up on Buck. Buck is hidden behind a water troth that is located in front of the hotel. Michelle activates the derringer and hurries to the door of the hotel. She wasn't going to just stand there and let Buck get shot! Ezra could yell at her all he wanted but she had formed a fond relationship with most of the seven men and even if she wasn't totally fond of Buck she wasn't about to let him die. Especially since she had seen how fond Ezra was of Buck and the rest of the men, even if he wouldn't admit it himself.

Michelle reaches the door just as the man raises his gun. Michelle fires and the man crumples to the ground. Buck spins around and sees what has happened. He nods his thanks and returns to the shooting. Michelle retreats back into the hotel. Once again she curses Ezra for taking her gun. The derringer came in handy but it just didn't hold as many bullets.

Michelle's mind wanders to something else. She had lost sight of Ezra almost immediately after he had gone out to join the fight. Michelle is now very worried. She goes back to the window and searches for any sign of him. He was wearing his purple coat when he had left her and she searched for any show of purple. She just couldn't find any sign of him. As the fight continues her worry grows. How could she have let him go out there? she yells at herself. Finally a single final bullet is heard and the fight is over. The seven had won, or were there only 6 now? Michelle hurries out of the hotel and starts to search for Ezra. Her heart beats wildly, and she shakes from concern. No matter what she told herself she could never live without Ezra. He protected her and she felt safe in his arms. His eyes were such a startling green almost like emeralds. She could drown in his gaze. His wonderful use of words, and his luscious southern drawl. How could she have turned down his question of marriage twice?? She knew in her heart she just wasn't ready and she knew that Ezra would never force her into anything she didn't want. He was so considerate.

Michelle continues to search and the more and more she searches the more and more worried she becomes. Michelle's worry starts to overtake her and it becomes panic. She stands in the middle of the street shaking and she screams his name over and over again in exasperation. Where was he??

The rest of the men hear her cries and start to search as well. J.D. rushes over worried. He had seen her face and how lost she looked. He could see her visibly shaking and he was worried. She loved Ezra as much as he was beginning to love her. He hated to see her so worried and so visibly panicked. He rushed to her side and stands next to her. He takes her arm and leads her over to a chair but she refuses to sit. Her brown eyes are wide and frightened. J.D. could look into those eyes for hours. He would never tell her so but he thought she was fascinating! It pained him to see her so worked up.

Suddenly Michelle becomes very still. She had heard something like a voice. She heard it again and ran as fast as she could to the source of the sound. As she reached where the noise had come from she noticed several wooden crates toppled on top of one another. The sound seemed to be coming from the crates. She moved slowly forward until she stood nest to the crates. J.D. was next to her then and they both strained their ears for the noise. It came again and Michelle rushes forward and starts to move the crates. Her heart pounds in her ears and she can hear nothing else. Her mind is blank and she can feel tears streaming down her cheeks. One of the crates rips the skirt of her dress but she doesn't care. Finally they see an arm. Michelle gives a cry that brings the rest of the men running. They move the rest of the crates and they see that Ezra is lying on the ground. The crates had apparently fallen on him as he was shooting.

Michelle kneels down next to him and places her head on his chest. Tears pour down her face but they are tears of relief. He is alive and breathing. Chris and Vin help Ezra up to his feet. He is conscious and looks over at Michelle.

"My dear you are the vision of an angel." Ezra says softly, lifting his hand slowly to her face. A grimace crosses his face as a stab of pain nearly tears him up.

"Ezra thank goodness you are safe. I was so scared..." Michelle says.

"I wouldn't dream of dying without seeing your lovely face again." Ezra says.

Chris and Vin help Ezra to his room and Nathan looks him over. Ezra winces with pain every time Nathan touches him. Michelle stands in the corner of his room looking on. J.D. holds her in his arms comforting her, but every time Ezra feels pain Michelle winces with him. She was so happy he was safe.

"You have a few broken ribs and a lot of bruises but in a couple of days you will be good as new." Nathan says.

"Thank you Nathan. Now if you excuse me gentleman I would rather you didn't see me in my present state of condition."

They start to leave and Michelle comes over to his bedside. She seats herself on a chair next to the bed and takes Ezra's hands in her own. She kisses them lightly and smiles at Ezra. "You don't mind if I stay do you? I don't believe a team of horses could tear me away." she says softly.

"My dear I wouldn't dream of sending you away." Ezra says smiling.

He tries to shift his position on the bed and winces as a shot of pain rips through him taking his breath away. Michelle frowns with concern but doesn't say anything. Suddenly Ezra realizes how tired he was. He closes his eyes and within a minute he is asleep. Michelle stands up and walks to the window. She hears a knock and she turns around and sees Nathan walk in. He smiles at her and seeing that Ezra is asleep motions for Michelle to follow him.

Once in the hall Nathan turns to Michelle and says, "I think you should leave him alone. He needs his rest."

Michelle looks at the closed door of Ezra's room uncertainly. She hated to leave him but she knew that as much as she hated to admit it Nathan was right. She turned her gaze back to Nathan and slowly said, "I believe you are right. Thank you kindly for all that you have done for him." Nathan smiles and nods his head. Michelle turns away and heads down the stairs and out of the building.

Michelle enters the lobby of the hotel and walks to the registration desk. Since she had taken over the ownership of the hotel business had been booming. It seemed as if new settlers were arriving in Four Corners every day. The streets were crowded with travelers, the hotel lobby was always full of luggage, and there were no more empty houses in the town. Four Corners was growing by leaps and bounds each day much to everyone's delight.

Michelle has only been in town for about 3 weeks but she was already well known. She had watched the people of the town for the first few weeks discovering everyone's place in the town. She now knew that Chris was the leader of the seven, Nathan the doctor, she knew the store owner and the gun shop owner. She also knew that the men had very little trust in Ezra. Michelle could tell a lot from a person's behavior and none of the men seemed to come to close to Ezra. She had learned on one of her outings with J.D. (and there had been several) that Ezra had almost abandoned the men when they had first gotten together. From that point on they had been very careful on how much they entrusted with Ezra. Michelle had also learned that Nathan disliked Ezra a little and just about everything that he did. She had learned a lot about these men and she knew they could be trusted. Although there were times when she questioned their motives.

Michelle walks behind the registration counter and picks up her mail which had been set in a wooden cubby under the counter. She had two letters and she takes them into her office to read. Michelle sits down in her chair and takes the top letter. It turns out just to be a newsletter she had requested from Virginia to keep her updated on everything that is happening. The next letter turns out to be from her mother. Michelle had sent her mother her address after much consideration. She loved her mother and didn't want her to think that Michelle had abandoned her. As Michelle scans through the letter she comes across something very disturbing. A frown crosses Michelle youthful face as she rereads the handwritten lines. She places the letter on the desk and gets up from her chair. She quickly walks out of the hotel and towards the church. Another thing she had learned about the seven men is that they spent a lot of their time in the tavern and the church.

Michelle bounds up the steps and into the church. Nathan and Josiah are nailing some floor boards as she walks in. After a few minutes Josiah looks up and sees her standing there. He sees the look on her face and motions Nathan to stop hammering. Josiah stands up and walks over to Michelle.

"Something is bothering you. What can I help you with?" Josiah says looking down at Michelle. He stands much taller than her and she feels the small tingle of fear in her gut. He always had intimidated her with his size and now was no exception.

"I am afraid my situation is one of great concern. Not for myself, mind you, but for the person that is arriving in town this afternoon." Michelle says.

"Who is it?." Josiah says comforting.

"It is my mother..." Michelle says slowly. Josiah could see the pain in Michelle's eyes but he also saw deep concern and worry pushing their way in. He couldn't understand why this girl had so many emotions that you wouldn't expect to see with the news of her mother coming to see her. Michelle continues,

"My mother is a woman of high tastes and old fashioned ideals. As there isn't much to entertain a woman of her...status....I am afraid she might resort to offensive means. I was hoping that you might keep my mother company while she is in town. I will of course be available to her when ever she needs me, but I am quite busy with the amount of travelers staying at the hotel. Would you mind Josiah?"

Josiah looks shocked and honored at the same time. He takes Michelle's hands in his and kisses them lightly. "I would be delighted. I hope that your mother enjoys herself in our fine town." he says.

"Thank you ever so much Josiah! I am forever in your debt!" Michelle reaches up and gives him a small hug before walking out of the church. A tidal wave of relief flows over Michelle. With her mother in good hands she could relax and hopefully enjoy her mother's visit. However, Michelle had the strangest feeling that things weren't going to go as planned.

Michelle walks down the covered sidewalk towards the tavern. As she nears the sheriffs office she hears Buck and J.D. talking. When she gets a little closer she sees them sitting in front of the office. J.D. sits nearest to where Michelle is coming from. He has his legs stretched out in front of him and he is twirling his derby in his hands. Buck watches the hat as if it was going to attack him. Buck's hat is pulled down low on his head nearly covering his eyes. He also has his legs in front of him and looks as if he is ready to pounce on J.D.'s hat.

"When are you going to get yourself a real hat?" Buck says.

"What are you talking about Buck? This hat is worn by all the great gun fighters. Besides, at least it doesn't hang all over my face like yours does." J.D. says with a grin.

"It is still a stupid looking hat." Buck says.

Both JD and Buck turn as Michelle approaches. J.D. had just put his hat back on his head and as he went to remove it again Michelle grabs it off his head and puts it on hers with a sly smile. She smiles innocently at J.D. as she adjusts the hat to sit perched on the top of her head. She takes a step closer to Buck and leans down so she is looking straight into his eyes. Her face is only inches from Buck's and she brings her lips close to his ear.

She whispers to him, "I think it is a very sexy looking hat."

She smiles at Buck as she stands up again. J.D. grins and stands up also. Michelle walks away still wearing the hat as J.D. turns to Buck. Buck's jaw has fallen and he stares after Michelle. He just can't believe what he just heard. He looks at J.D.

J.D.'s grin gets bigger as he says, "I told you so Buck." and with that he jogs after Michelle. Buck watches still amazed. His eyes are large and his mouth hands open in disbelief. Just then he bursts out laughing.

"Well I'll be damned. The kid can keep his damn hat for all I care." Buck says still laughing. He leans back in his chair and watches them walk away.

Josiah watches from the church steps as the fancy coach drives into town. Two elegant looking greys pull the carriage and a well dressed coachmen drives the team. The top of the carriage is adorned with only a few bags of luggage and the windows are closed to prevent anyone from looking in. The large feels of the carriage traveled precariously over the sandy street. The carriage stops in front of the hotel and two hotel workers rush out to help with the bags and the door. Josiah starts to make his way over to meet the new arrival. One of the attendants help out the woman traveler. She steps down and looks around the town with a slight look of disgust on her face. She is dressed in a beautiful blue satin dress. Her blonde hair is swept up in a bun and she carries a lace umbrella. As she starts for the door of the hotel Josiah catches up to her.

"Excuse me ma'am." Josiah says.

The woman spins around and looks up at Josiah. Her face is set in a frown and she looks quite unhappy to be in the town. "May I help you sir?" she says looking Josiah up and down.

"Would you happen to be Mrs. Carpenter?" he asks.

"I would. And you would be?" she says still being very stand-offish.

"My name is Josiah Sanchez." Josiah takes her hand and kisses it lightly."Ms. Michelle Carpenter asked me to entertain you while you stay in town."

The woman looks quite displeased at this and says so to Josiah, "I am sorry Mr. Sanchez, but I was hoping that my daughter would be the one to keep me occupied." She frowns.

"Michelle is extremely busy lately. She will be meeting you for dinner tonight." Josiah says, trying his hardest to be pleasant to this woman.

"Well, if my daughter is going to be rude and not come out to meet me I might as well just look around with out her." The woman says turning her head and looking around the town with disgust.

"I will show you around once you are finished unpacking." Josiah says. He takes her hand again and kisses it again."I will see you in an hour." With that he walks back towards the church. He knew he wasn't going to enjoy this job at all.

Michelle walks out of her office in time to see her mother writing her name in the registration book. Michelle smiles as she walks up to the counter. She faces her mother and waits for her to look up from her writing. When her mother looks up she sees conflicting emotions cross her face. Michelle recognized these emotions immediately. Mrs. Carpenter was happy to see her daughter but was disappointed that she was working.

"Good afternoon mother." Michelle says smiling.

"Is that anyway to greet your mother? Come give me a hug." Mrs. Carpenter says impatiently.

Michelle walks around the counter and comes over to her mother. After a moment of hesitation she hugs her and kisses her lightly on her cheek.

"Come with me mother. Your room is ready." Michelle says.

"I haven't registered for my room yet." Mrs. Carpenter says not moving.

"Mother, I own the hotel and I knew you were coming. Everything is already done." Michelle says become impatient. She didn't want her mother to cause a scene.

"You own the hotel?" Mrs. Carpenter says, suddenly becoming very interested.

"Yes mother I do. Now let's please go to your room."

"Is this hotel the reason you can't spend time with your old mother?"

"You are far from old and today isn't a very good day. A friend of mine is sick and I need to check on him quite often. I will spend time with you tomorrow. Today though Mr. Sanchez is going to show you around town."

"You couldn't have chosen a more dignified gentlemen to escort me? he is so........rustic." Mrs. Carpenter says wrinkling her nose in disgust.

"Mother I am ashamed of you! We used to be farmers....poor farmers....no money, no fancy clothes or luggage. Just land. And you dare to look down your nose at a man of faith? A man that doesn't care about money? He is a very nice person and he is donating his time so that you can see the town in which I now reside. I do believe money has ruined you mother. Daddy would be ashamed!"

Michelle stands shaking in anger. Mrs. Carpenter stands before her in shocked silence. Mrs. Carpenter looks around the room at the gaping faces of the people in the lobby. What had this country done to her loyal loving quiet daughter? Mrs. Carpenter grabs Michelle's arm and pulls her towards the staircase. She was so embarrassed about her daughter's outbreak that she couldn't wait to get to her room now.

Michelle is still fuming as they climb the stairs. How could her mother have become so insensitive? They reach the room and walk in. Mrs. Carpenter looks around the room and tries to keep all of the emotions she is feeling out of her face. Michelle doesn't enter the room. She turns to her mother. She eels much calmer now but her anger is still evident. Michelle takes a deep breath in order to control herself before speaking.

"I have to go mother. Josiah will be here soon and I pray that you will show a little more consideration to him. Good bye mother." She leans over and kisses her mother on the cheek obediently before walking back down the hall and down the stairs.

A faint knock is heard on Ezra's door. He opens his eyes slowly and looks at the door for a moment. He tries to sit up but gasps as a feeling of pain rips open his chest. He eases himself back down on his pillows.

"Come in." Ezra manages to croak out.

Michelle opens the door and enters the room slowly. She still looks ready to kill someone but her face softens slightly as she sees Ezra. He is bare chested but a bandage is wrapped around his ribs. This is the first time Michelle has seen Ezra without one of his fancy shirts on. She flushes slightly and feels something turn inside her. She shakes the unfamiliar feeling off and walks towards his bed side.

Ezra smiles as Michelle sits down shyly. "You appear to be in a damper mood this afternoon." Ezra says.

"My mother is in town. I just came from talking with her."

"I remember your mother. A regular southern family woman. Very delightful woman if I remember correctly."

Michelle bursts out laughing. "Now she is a regular rich southern snob." Michelle says bitterly.

"Money is the root of all evil yet it is the road to happiness."

"I didn't tell her you live here. You know how she feels about you."

"Explain to me again why she never agreed with my presence."

"She hates gamblers and she hates cheaters. She hates guns and doesn't trust you. When you proposed to me she went against it because of all these things and because you are so much older than me. I was barely 19 and you were just too much older in her mind. However, in her mind 2 years older is too many. She was afraid you would take advantage of me."

"I suppose my injury is an adequate way to keep me out of your mother's view." Ezra says.

A knock is heard before Michelle can reply and shots are heard outside. Michelle jumps up from her chair and rushes to the door. As she reaches it Nathan bursts into the room.

"They're back." He says simply.

"Who? Who's back?" Michelle says panicked.

"Those thieves brought some friends. And they want to pay us back for ruining their plans and killing their friends." Nathan replies.

The gunfire outside gets more intense. Michelle runs over to the window and looks out. Her heart drops as she sees the number of riders shooting at them. Twenty riders fire relentlessly at the men on the street. Michelle opens the window and takes out her gun. She fires and hits one of the riders. He falls and the horse gallops free down the street. Some of the riders start firing at the window as Nathan comes over and helps. They become so absorbed in the fight that they don't notice Ezra reach for his gun.

The room door flies open and a shot is heard within the room. Michelle and Nathan swing around to see a man lying on the floor and Ezra slowly lowering his gun. He leans back against the pillows with a groan and closes his eyes.

"You can thank me later." Ezra says.

Michelle smiles and returns to her firing out the window as Nathan closes the door. A bullet hits the wood near the window. Michelle jumps back from the window and reloads her gun. Before she can resume shooting however she hears the sounds of horses galloping out of town and men shouting. She looks out the window and sees that the thieves are leaving.

Ezra opens his eyes as Michelle sits down on the chair. "How did you know?" she asks.

"I have superb hearing. Besides when they knew someone was in the room I knew they would send a messenger to get rid of you."

"You are such a clever man Ezra." she says with a smile.

"Mother taught me well. She told me always to be prepared." Ezra says resting his head back against the pillow.

"I think we should leave. Ezra has had enough excitement for one day." Nathan says coming over to the bed.

"I suppose your right. I will be back later." Michelle leans over and kisses Ezra lightly on the lips.

Ezra's heart swells but he makes no move to kiss her longer. He watches her leave. How he wished he could just hold her and love her without frightening her away. But he just had to wait for her. How long could one man wait though?

Josiah stands in the lobby of the hotel waiting for Mrs. Carpenter. he is dressed in his best outfit in the hopes that she might show him a little more respect. After about 10 minutes Josiah sees Mrs. Carpenter coming slowly down the stairs. He sees her visibly shudder when she sees him but she doesn't stop her descent. when she reaches the lobby she smiles politely at Josiah.

"Mr. Sanchez correct?" Mrs. Carpenter says finally.

"At your service ma'am." Josiah says taking her hand and kissing it lightly.

They walk out of the hotel. Josiah offers her his arm and she hesitantly takes it.

"I heard gunfire earlier today. However I felt it best I didn't reveal myself and as such have no idea what happened." Mrs. Carpenter says.

"It was a wise decision to stay in your room. Some thieves tried to rob the bank and it is our duty to stop them."

"Our duty?"

"There are seven of us that were hired to protect this town from people of a deceitful kind."

"You are one of these men?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Who were you hired by?"

"The territory judge, Judge Travis."

"So you seven are sheriffs of this town?"

"Not sheriffs, Just protectors."

"Such a fascinating job Mr. Sanchez. What are the names of the other 6 men?"

"Chris Larabee, Vin Tanner, Buck Wilmington, J.D. Dunne, Nathan Jackson, and Ezra Standish."

"Standish.....that names seems familiar.....does he have any family in Virginia?"

"I don't believe so ma'am."

"Hmmm....well it will come to me."

As they stroll down the street Mrs. Carpenter starts to relax. Josiah is a very friendly man. They talk easily as the head down the street.

Michelle watches them go with a smile. She was worried that Josiah might say something about Ezra. If her mother realizes he lives in Four Corners she would ship Michelle back to Virginia faster than she can count to 10.

Michelle walks into her office and sits down behind her huge desk. She bends over her work and never see the figure walk through the door. After a few minutes Michelle looks up from her work. A chocked expression crosses her face as she notices the visitor. She starts to rise but he draws his gun and stops her movement. Michelle sits back down slowly.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Carpenter." the man says.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Michelle says struggling to keep her voice calm. She looks out the window by her desk and can see Nathan and Vin walking this way. She doesn't think they see her though.

"You will find out all about me later. Now get up and move that pretty little body of yours around the desk."

Michelle stands up and heads around her desk. As she reaches the man she sees that he is a good foot taller than her. He wears clothes that indicate wealth. A black coat over a white shirt. He had a red tie held in place by a pin. His pants are black and he wears dress shoes. He holds a cane in the hand that isn't holding the gun. He looks to be about 50 years old. His hair is white and he is clean shaven.

The man puts the gun in Michelle's back and urges her forward. He cleverly shields the gun and makes it look as though Michelle walks willingly before him. Michelle's face tells otherwise. Her eyes are wide in fright and her mouth is set in a thin line of worry. Her body is tight with anticipation. As the two figures reach the door Vin and Nathan walk past. They tip their heads to Michelle and continue walking. Michelle watches them go in desperation. She wanted to cry out but she knew if she did she might get shot. Michelle looks down the street at the bar. She knows Ezra won't be there but maybe Buck or Chris would. Nothing. Where was everyone when she needed them?

The man tells Michelle to mount Carlton. The beautiful paint stallion stands obediently, unaware of the danger. When he feels Michelle's fear however he starts to prance and walk in tight circles. Michelle tries to relax her body and she talks to Carlton telling him is all right. The man takes a lead rope and snaps in on Carlton's bridle. He holds the end and starts to gallop out of town. Carlton and Michelle have no choice but to follow.

Chris emerges from the tavern in time to see Carlton dancing around in the middle of the street. He knows the horse wouldn't act that way with Michelle in the saddle unless something is wrong. As he watches he sees Michelle's concerned face and watches as the man snaps the lead rope on. Chris pulls out his gun and runs to his horse. Vin and Nathan see him running and go and get their mounts. The three men race out of town after Michelle.

Michelle holds onto the horn wearily. She felt so tired from the riding in the hot sun that she thought she might fall of Carlton. Carlton's body was basked in sweat and his breathing was heavy and labored. She had begged the man to let them rest but he had refused and just pushed the two horses harder. Carlton's ears were back and his stride was short and choppy as he pushed himself to keep up. Every few strides however Carlton would stumble and his strength would be drained even more. They had been traveling at this speed for hours. The sun was bright in the sky and beating down menacingly. Michelle was too tired to fight any more. As they near a stream the man slows of the pace to a walk. They reach the stream and he tells Michele to get off. She does so hesitantly and the moment her feet are on the ground she collapses. She falls to the ground in a heap.

When Michelle awakes she finds that they are still at the stream. Darkness has fallen and Carlton is next to her laying in the grass dozing. Michelle raises herself a little and looks around. Her eyes meet those of her captor.

"What happened?" Michelle asks wearily. The last thing she remembers is arriving at the stream.

"You passed out. From the heat I suppose. This is delaying our progress immensely. We will have to push even harder tomorrow." The man says.

"If you push any harder these horses will be dead."

The man falls silent as Michelle places her head back onto the ground and falls asleep.

Later the next day they reach their destination. A small town built inside a stone wall. "Welcome to La casa De Gato." The man says smiling. As they enter the wall many houses are seen. They houses ranged from giant farm houses to smaller shacks. The town was huge and the wall surrounded all of it. Gentlemen and peasants filled the streets. There were hundreds of people and all were laughing and talking. The noise rose to a nearly insufferable level.

They dismount and the man leads Michelle towards the largest house by far. Its 2 story building was far grander than any of the others in the town. The man opens the door and they walk in. As is by magic all the noise stops. The man knocks on a large door that separated two of the rooms. A small "come in" was muttered from within and Michelle is forced through the door. When Michelle enters she looks into the eyes of a handsome young man. No more than 30, this man had jet black hair that he wore slicked back. His eyes were nearly black and his face was clean shaven and youthful. But she could tell by his presence that he demanded respect and he usually got it. Michelle was forced into a chair in front of the man. He smiled widely at her.

"You can leave Marcello." the man before her said. Marcello leaves immediately. "My name is unimportant but they call me El Gato." he says.

Michelle stays silent and frowns deeply at the man before her. She wonders why she is here but she knows he is getting to it.

El Gato continues, "You are a very beautiful woman, Miss Michelle Carpenter. You would make a fine edition to my collection. However, that is not why I called you here. Would you care for a drink?

"I don't drink." Michelle says simply.

"Of course of course. Now on to business. I have heard that you are a woman of great finances. That you and your mother have come into some money. Which is confirmed by this elegant dress that you are wearing." As he says this he leans closer to her and runs his finger across the frill that runs along her low cut front. Michelle shivers and her breathing becomes deeper. She raises her hand to slap him but he grabs it. "My dear, I wouldn't think that is a wise decision on your part. Now on to business." El Gato says leaning back. "I will put it very simply. If you pay me then I won't kill you or your mother." El Gato's smile is sinister looking as gazes at Michelle. She can feel his gaze traveling down her but she continues to sit straight and glare at him.

"I wouldn't pay you anything if you were the last pig on earth." Michelle says. She stands up and spits in his face and then turns and runs for the door.

"Marcello!" El Gato yells.

As Michelle reaches the door it is flung open and Marcello walks in. Michelle slams into him and then turns to run the other way. She is caught from behind and held in place by Marcello. Seeing that Struggling is getting her no where she stops and glares at El Gato. He yells some Spanish and 2 more men arrive in the room.

"I want you two to go into the town of Four Corners and kill Señor a Carpenter." El Gato says.

"NO! I will give you the money.......I WILL GIVE YOU THE MONEY......just leave her alone..." Michelle sobs. She knew that El Gato didn't want just one payment. The payments would be continuous for the rest of her life, or her mothers....depending who lived longer.

"I thought you might come around. Now on to other things." El Gato says approaching. The sinister smile has returned only this time there is an evil glare about it.

Chris, Vin, and Nathan walk into the town surrounded by the wall. They had trailed Michelle and Marcello the entire time by a safe distance. Nathan nudges Chris and points towards where Carlton is tied, his head is down and he looks as if his legs are going to give out. The three men walk up to where he is tied. Carlton looks up warily and nickers his recognition. That confirmed in their mind that they were in the right place. They leave Carlton and walk around the large white house in which in was tied. They look in all the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of Michelle. Vin looks in a window that is in the back. He sees Michelle being held by the man that had kidnapped her. Another man was walking closer to them talking. Michelle's face was drawn in fear and exhaustion.

Vin gets the attention of Nathan and Chris and together they walk back to the front of the house. Vin goes across the street and into the alley way between two buildings. Chris and Nathan take out their guns and open the front door. Their is a fight in the street that all the people are watching so they know they won't be seen. Chris enters first and Nathan slowly closes the door. They make their way slowly to where Vin had seen Michelle. The flatten themselves against the wall in which the room is separated by. Just as they do the door opens and Marcello carries Michelle out of the room. The door shuts behind them.

Michelle says as she tries to wiggle her way out of his grasp, "You will never get away with this."

"I think we already have." Marcello says laughing. His laughing is cut short though as he feels a gun get shoved into his back. He stops walking.

"Release her." Chris growls from behind Marcello. He lets Michelle go and she spins around and slaps him on the face.

"That's for wearing out those poor horses." She says. Nathan takes her arm and together they run towards the door. They exit the house and walk quickly towards the door to the town. Chris catches up with them. He had grabbed Carlton and was leading the big stallion. Carlton had no energy left to resist the man.

"Get them!" El Gato shouts as he reaches the door of his home. They scatter and hide behind whatever they can find. Vin tries to hit El Gato from his hiding spot between the buildings. Michelle activates the derringer which is all that she had, having set her gun down on the desk. She shoots and hits. Nathan throws one of his knives at a man that tries to sneak up on them. Chris shoots Marcello as he tries to make his way to where Michelle is hiding. The fighting continues and it doesn't look good when the doors open to the town and Buck, J.D., Josiah, and Ezra ride into the town. Both Nathan and Michelle see Ezra at the same time. He jumps off his horse and runs over to where they are hiding.

"You shouldn't be here. Not in your condition." Nathan says.

"Mr. Jackson, I don't believe now is the time for your doctorly advice." Ezra says.

Michelle just watches him worriedly. He lifts her chin with his hand and lightly kisses her mouth reassuringly. She smiles slightly and He hands her her gun and she takes it and continues to fire. With the added men they are able to weaken the enemies enough to get out. Josiah takes Carlton from Michelle and hands her the reins of a big bay mare. Michelle mounts with no questions and starts after J.D. and Nathan who had started their escape already.

She looks back to see Josiah slowly ponying Carlton behind his own horse. She smiles and urges her mount faster in order to catch J.D. and Nathan.

They stop and rest as night falls. Michelle walks over to check on Carlton, who was again lying down. After a few minutes she comes to where Ezra is sitting by the small fire they had started. He was staring into it and he didn't seem to be in any pain. Michelle sits down next to him slowly.

"Now I owe you for saving my life twice. What do you want in return?" Michelle says smiling. They are the only two in the camp. Vin, Chris, and Buck were staying up to make sure no riders come up on them, Josiah, Nathan, and J.D. were out trying to find some food. The men didn't want Ezra doing anything in his condition and they wanted Michelle to rest.

"My dear, just knowing you are safe is enough payment." Ezra says putting his arm around Michelle's shoulders. She places her head on his shoulders and watches the fire. "When I heard that you had been taken they would of had to kill me to keep me in bed." he continues. "Why didn't you shoot the man when you had the chance? You always had the derringer." he asks a little confused.

"I know. However, I thought it best that I didn't use it right away in case a better opportunity should arise."

"Very wise."

"are you in much pain Ezra?"

"Not at all. Nathan had told me today would be my last day of rest. Riding makes the ribs feel slightly uncomfortable but sitting here they feel fine."

A few minutes later Michelle kisses Ezra lightly on the cheek and heads to bed. Like Carlton she was exhausted and needed all the sleep she could get. Ezra watches her go and then goes to bed himself.

The seven men are up early the next morning getting ready to leave. Ezra sits again by the fire, sleepily drinking out of his flask. "How do you men get up at this ungodly hour." He says taking another large swig of his flask.

"You sure you should be drinking that this early in the morning?" Nathan says.

"This is my morning pick me up. Besides what J.D. made does not look very appetizing."

"So I burnt it, give me a break ok!" J.D. says angrily. He scrapes at the tin pan trying to get the food to look a little more appetizing. Giving up he throws pan and all into the weeds.

At all this commotion Michelle wakes up and raises her head wearily. "Up so early are we? The sun is barely up. You all are certainly early risers." She stands up slowly.

"Not all of us by choice." Ezra says grumpily.

Michelle smiles at Ezra and starts to pack up. Carlton is up on his feet and is pawing the bare ground in search of something to eat. "Sorry boy. no hay this morning." Michelle says patting him on the neck. He shakes his head vigorously indicating that he was ready to go. "Feeling better are we?" Michele says laughing.

The eight riders mount up and only then does Michelle notice the big bay mare. "What are we going to do about her?" Michelle asks the men.

"Take her along. We can't leave her here." Chris says.

Michelle takes the mares reins and starts ponying her behind Carlton. Carlton reacts by tossing his head and stomping the ground. "I think someone else should take her. Carlton is trying to show off for the lady." Michelle says laughing.

Buck comes up and takes the mare's reins from Michelle. The riders canter off in the direction of the town, with Buck and the mare bringing up the rear.

Two days later the 8 riders arrive back in town. The men had all decided that Michelle should keep the mare and she was just about to head off towards her home when her mother yells for her.

"Mother...I had forgotten you were in town.." Michelle says warily.

"Thank heavens you are safe. When they told me you had been kidnapped I nearly died of worry." Mrs. Carpenter says.

"Oh Lydia there you are!" Josiah says riding up to Michelle and her mother.

"Lydia mom?" Michelle says with a smirk. "I thought you didn't like Mr. Sanchez."

"Josiah is a very charming man. Why didn't you introduce us sooner?" Lydia Carpenter smiles as Josiah pulls up alongside Michelle and dismounts.

"I can't thank you and the other men enough Josiah for bringing Michelle back safe." Lydia says with a flirtatious smile.

"It was our pleasure. Your daughter is a favorite among the people of the town." Josiah says seeing Michelle blush. "Right now though, she has to take that mare home so why don't we leave her to her task." Josiah says to Lydia.

"Of course, of course. Go along dear." Lydia says patting Carlton's neck.

"Bye mother, Josiah." Michelle says laughing. Good ol' Josiah. Knows how to charm the ladies.

With that Michelle rides towards home.

A few hours later Michelle rides slowly towards town. She was in no rush to get back to her mother. As she nears town she can hear shots being fired. She urges Carlton into a gallop and they race towards town. She reaches the perimeter and she veers Carlton around behind the buildings. Maintaining their speed they race behind the buildings towards the center of town. She halts Carlton behind the tavern and ties him. She takes her gun and shimmies her way towards the front. She can see J.D. firing at someone right in front of her. She bends down next to him and he looks over at her shocked. Michelle looks out at the street and sees 30 men on horses firing rapidly at the buildings. They were the same men that were at La Casa de Gato. And El Gato is one of them. She raises her gun and fires at El Gato. She misses him but hits the man just next to him. The fighting continues and Michelle again tries to hit El Gato. She is growing discouraged as shot by shot misses him. The men are down to about 15 but still fire relentlessly. Michelle looks around and sees Josiah a little further down holding his arm. She searches for the other men and can only see Vin and Chris each firing from behind a wagon. Michelle continues to fire at El Gato. She gives a squeal of delight as she hits him in the arm. The bastard was going down, whether he liked it or not. No one touches or threatens Michelle Carpenter and gets away with it! El Gato falls off his horse and Michelle grits her teeth to keep from just walking out there and shooting him in the head. He tries to run away but Michelle gets up and runs after him. J.D. shouts for her to stop but it is too late. She races after him. He runs into an alleyway and shoots back at her. Michelle ducks behind a barrel and checks her gun. No bullets. She stands up and runs into the alley way next to her. She runs around the building and into the alleyway that El Gato is in. He sees her and lifts his gun but before he can shoot she has the derringer activated and shoots him in the chest. He drops his gun and leans back against the building. Michelle walks slowly up to him, derringer still aimed at him. She can hear the gunfire continue out in the street. Her eyes follow his every movement. The gunfire around them is deafening.

As she reaches him he says, "Buen tiro Señorita." He looks up her, the pain evident in his dark eyes.

She bends down over him and says, "Si Señor, muy buen tiro." With that she walks away.

The rest of the men retreat and race out of town. The gunfire ceases and the protectors come out from their cover. Nathan rushes to help Josiah while Chris and Vin search around for any survivors lying on the ground. Ezra hurries over to Michelle. He holds his ribs in evident pain but he tries to fight the pain out of his eyes. J.D. stands next to Michelle and watches as the townspeople emerge from their hiding places. Buck stands in the front of the saloon reloading his gun.

Michelle sees her mother hurrying out of the hotel. From the look on her face she saw the whole thing, and she wasn't pleased. As Lydia Carpenter reaches the group she looks distastefully at Ezra and then grabs her daughters arm and pulls her towards the hotel. Michelle wrestles her arm free and walks the remaining distance ahead of her mother. Her head in the air and her stride confident she walks towards her office in the hotel. Her mother follows, anger blazing in her eyes. Michelle reaches her desk and places the now empty derringer and pistol on the desk. She pulls the third gun out of the gun belt she had around her waist. She had on a coat type cloak that had covered the guns from view. Her mother watched her in disbelief. Her daughter was a gunslinger!

Michelle sits down at her desk and looks over the paperwork she had started before she had been taken. Before she can start again though her mother comes over to her desk and pulls her out of the chair.

Angrily her mother yells, "What in blazes has happened to you?? You used to be such a nice young lady! Only lifting a gun when we had the farm and your father and you were out hunting. Now you go gallivanting around town with 2 pistols and a....a....I don't even know what that is! You ingrate! I brought you up to be a nice young respectable lady of stature and this is how you repay me? By becoming a gunslinger? A MURDERER?" Lydia's voice was growing louder by the moment but she never stopped her raving, "And to come and find that you are living in the same town as that.....GAMBLER! How can you disobey me like that? Have I not always given you everything you always wanted? You.....you.......you don't deserve everything your father gave you!"

Before Lydia can continue Michelle swings around and glares at her. Michelle screams, "Shut up mother! Just shut up! I didn't ask you to come here. I didn't want you here! I carry these guns for protection. That man you obviously saw me shoot tried to kill us! I did it to save my life AND yours! These guns offer protection.....how do you think I survived that night so long ago? You tried to wipe it from your mind but I can't forget mother! If I hadn't shot the man then he was going to rape and kill me. I had a gun then and this is no different. As for Ezra, he is a good man. Yes he gambles, yes he drinks, yes he is older, but I LOVE him mother! I love him for everything that he is. He has feelings and dreams and hopes just like everyone else mother." Michelle takes a deep breath and looks out the window by her desk. Her whole body shook with anger but she had nothing more to say to her mother.

Lydia had turned pale during this whole preceding but now with renewed strength she followed her daughter's gaze out the window. He speaks with more control, and confidence. "Michelle, darling....he is just so much older.....and he is a gunslinger and you just don't know what they are capable of doing. Why don't you look for a younger man....like that one." Lydia points to J.D., who is walking down the street in view of the window.

Michelle smiles. Her mother really only wanted the best for her. "He is a gunslinger too mother. I know Josiah told you the names of the seven protectors of this town, and that man is J.D. Dunne." Her mother looks momentarily shocked and then a frown crosses her face.

"Are all the men in this town out to kill someone." Her mother sighs. "I just wish you wouldn't go with that gambler. They are trouble. They will con you for all you are worth."

"Ezra's not like that mom. Not to me anyway. Besides he isn't that much older. Only about 6 years." Michelle says.

"6 years...my goodness....Mr. Dunne would be so much better for you my dear. You are only 23. You could have any man you wanted."

Michelle gives her mother a small hug. "Why don't you go rest mother. You coach leaves tomorrow and it is a long journey to Virginia."

Lydia leaves the room and Michelle walks over and sits at her desk.

Lydia doesn't go to her room. Instead she goes out the door of the hotel and nearly bumps into Ezra. They glare at each other for a few minutes before Lydia speaks.

"Mr. Standish, how unfortunate I had to bump into you here." Lydia says with a snarl.

"Lydia Carpenter....how nice to see you again." Ezra says trying to hide his distrust for the woman

"I will get right on with my point Mr. Standish. I don't want you anywheres near my daughter." She says.

"I don't believe that you have any control over Michelle's actions."

"She is just a girl. She doesn't belong in a place like this."

"Michelle is a magnificent woman. She doesn't need you to protect her."

"And I suppose you could protect her?"

"I didn't say anything of the sort."

"You taught her how to use those guns didn't you?"

"She was a willing learner."

"You are despicable"

"Mrs. Carpenter, those skills have saved your daughters life on more than one occasion."

"Those skills are highly unladylike and socially unacceptable. Stay away from my daughter you....hooligan." Lydia walks away before Ezra can reply. He shakes his head in discouragement. The woman was incorrigible.

As Ezra passes by the hotel he turns and sees Michelle sitting at her desk. He watches her for a few minutes as she works at her desk. A strand of hair strays from her bun and it cascades over her face. Ezra longed to push back that hair and to kiss the lips that at this moment where hidden from his view. Ezra turns away and heads back to the tavern.

The next day Lydia Carpenter stands by the waiting stagecoach. She hated to leave her daughter in this disgusting excuse for a town but her daughter was stubborn about staying put. She looked around and was relieved to not see Ezra anywhere. She turns her attention to her daughter.

"Won't you come home Michelle? All your old friends miss you dreadfully." Lydia pleads.

"I can't mother. I love Four Corners and I have certain obligations...." Michelle says.

"Say no more. You have your fathers stubbornness. Good bye darling." Lydia kisses Michelle on the cheek and gives her daughter a small hug. She was going to miss her daughter horribly.

"Good bye mother. Take care of yourself." Michelle says sadly. As much as she her mother bugged her, she did love her.

Before Lydia gets into the coach Josiah comes trotting up on his horse. He dismounts and takes Lydia's hand and kisses it. "It was a pleasure to meat such an enchanting woman such as yourself Lydia." Josiah says.

"Mr. Sanchez, it has been a delight." Lydia says with a smile. Josiah releases her hand.

Lydia climbs slowly into the coach and as the door closes and the coach starts to drive away she waves to Michelle one last time. "I love you Michelle!" She calls as a silent tear rolls down her cheek.

"I love you mother!" Michelle says as the coach drives out of sight. Michelle walks slowly back to the hotel and back to her new life.

The End