They're plotting. I can see it in the quick
glances my way. I have no idea what they are really up to but I know they're up
to something. Scares me a little but I know I can handle it. I mean, they are
my friends, my family. I trust them with my life but I'm not stupid enough to let
my guard down when I can see they're up to something.
It's Chris and Vin mainly. I'm not sure if
Buck's involved or not. Possibly, but if he is, he's doing a very good job of
not showing it here and at home. And after living with him this long I've gotten
pretty good at reading his tells, as Ezra would say. It's good to have Ezra
back to work again. Oh I know he despises desk duty but it's only been a month
since he was released from the hospital. His ribs are still bothering him some
days. I saw him wince today when he reached for something on his desk. He hides
it well though. Sometimes I wonder why he feels the need to hide his discomfort
but I remember the lectures. "Appearance is everything." He hides the pain but
there's something else about him that's different. Ever since the whole I.A.
fiasco and the kidnapping, he's not quite as quick to pull his poker face. He
seems more approachable but then again; I never really had much of a problem
approaching Ezra.
That's it I bet . . . Those sons of bitches are
still trying to find out what I told that I.A. man. It wasn't a big deal
really. Okay so the guy was threatening to throw me in prison. I might be naïve
but I'm not stupid. I didn't want to go to prison and the thought scared the
hell out of me but I was more pissed than scared right then. The man had the
balls to think I would actually turn on Ezra if I was threatened. So I turned
the table on him and I think I scared the hell out of him. Told him I'd die for
Ezra and I would. I'd die for any of them really but I'm not about to say that
out loud to them, that's for sure. They already think I'm an innocent kid
following them like they're heroes. I mean I know I'm the youngest, I know I'm
the least experienced of the team but like I said. I'm not stupid.
Oh I know, they don't really think I'm
stupid. I know I fit in and they all love me but some days I'd really
appreciate it if they quit looking at me like I'm twelve and needing their
protection. Vin's grinning and Chris has that look like he's trying real hard
not to smile. I wonder why he does that? Why doesn't he just go ahead and smile
when he wants to? Uh Oh. Whatever the plan is they must be putting it into
action. Here comes Vin.
"Hey JD, you want to get some drinks at the
Saloon before we head over to the ranch for poker tonight?" Not an overly
unusual question really.
"Sure, want me to be the designated?" I hope
I sound casual enough. For some reason I'm nervous. They are definitely up to
something. "Nah, Nathan and Josiah volunteered to drive tonight since we're all
going to Chris' anyway."
"Cool." I nod and flash a genuine grin.
Buck's smiling like he just scammed a phone number from one of the new
secretaries downstairs. Yup, he's in on it. They all are. So I don't have to
drive this time. When are they going to quit underestimating me? Do they really
think they can get me to spill my guts by getting me drunk? Puh-lease. I'll
just sneak a quick chat with Inez and let her in on the joke. After the first
beer, the rest will be O'Doul's and only she and I will know that. I can act
buzzed, almost as good as Ezra can. I chuckle lightly as I bop my head around
like I'm listening to some tunes. There are days on this job when I feel like I
know nothing. Today, I know the mysteries of the universe.
Pretending to be busy finishing up a report
and blissfully unaware of the plots around me, I catch the quick glances my
way. Damn, I love this family. They're warped and they're over-protective but
I'd do anything for them. Okay, anything except let them know what I said to
the I.A. geek. I mean jeez, if I let them know I'd actually do anything for
them they'll make my life hell. 'JD go get that.' 'JD, go do this for me.' 'JD,
yada yada yada.' Like I said I'm not stupid. I might be loyal but I'm sure as
hell not stupid.
The End