Hello again, and welcome to "Magnificent Seven Dateline." Today, I continue my series of interviews with the healer of this small town, Nathan Jackson.
After I left JD, I was feeling nice and protected. After all, it was the first time someone didn't threaten me. Only two more interviews to go, I thought to myself. Because I am saving the best for last, the only person left for an interview was Nathan. He won't threaten me, he's a sweet person, I thought as I walked along. I walked to the clinic and knocked on the door. A voice said "Come in," and I opened the door.
Nathan was sitting on a chair by the bed, reading a book.
Me: Good afternoon, Mr. Jackson. I'm Rebecca and I would like to ask you a few questions.
Nathan: I heard about you. You've been interviewing quite a lot these past couple of days.
Me: Yes, a reporter's job is never done. Mind if I sit on the bed?
Nathan: Not at all.
Me: What are you reading?
Nathan: I'm supposed to be reading my medical handbook, but I'm reading Shakespeare instead.
Me: Ick, keep that away from me.
Nathan: Not into the classics?
Me: Oh, I love the classics. I just don't like Shakespeare. He...hey, wait a minute! I'm supposed to ask you the questions here!
Nathan: Then ask away.
Me: All right. How old are you, Mr. Jackson?
Nathan: 27, though I don't see why that's important.
Me: Inquiring minds want to know, that's all. What made you decide to become a doctor...excuse me, healer? And when did you know that you wanted to heal people?
Nathan: I saw a lot of pain on the plantation. After I left the South, I knew I wanted to heal peoples' pain, even if I was only healing their physical pain.
Me: Did you find it strange that when Chris got the telegraph about Obediah Jackson, he didn't realize that Obediah was related to you?
Nathan: A little, yeah. I wondered about that as we rode over to Eagle Bend. But a lot of people do have Jackson for a last name, so I can understand why he didn't realize that at first.
Me: What are your general feelings on Ezra?
Nathan: I think he tries to do what's right and fair, but when there's money involved, his morals tend to slip away. We don't agree on a lot of things, but I know he'd help me if I were in a fix.
Me: Like you helped him at the Seminole village, despite his behavior toward you.
Nathan: Exactly. At first I reacted somewhat harshly to the things he did, but now I just sit back and laugh. I sure would like to know what's going through his mind when he comes up with some of those ideas. ::chuckling::
Me: While we're on the topic of the Seminole village, do you ever think about visiting Rain?
Nathan: I go back every now and then to see her. It's hard being apart for long periods of time, but we're not too far apart.
Me: How long have you known Josiah Sanchez?
Nathan: Two years.
Me: Why do you think you and Josiah are such good friends?
Nathan: We accept and understand each other.
Me: It has been a pleasure talking with you, Mr. Jackson. One more question before I go. What do you plan on doing to come back to the women and Nightengales who love you so true?
Nathan: It's a secret, but you'll find out soon enough when you see us take CBS to Judge Judy's courtroom.
Me: ::after my hysterical laughter dies down:: You do know you just told me your secret.
Nathan: I have a handbook that gives the medical reasons for hallucinations. I think you might be interested in the chapter about hearing things.
Me: I didn't hallucinate that, I know you just told me about Judge Judy...
Nathan: ::begins sharpening his knives::
Me: ...and your favorite episode of her show. I like that one too! Where's that book on hallucinations?
Six down, one heavenly interview to go! I'm doing pretty good, despite my life being in danger five separate times. Stay tuned to your MAG Network. The final episode of "Magnificent Seven Dateline" will be airing in a couple of days. Then I will propose...uh...POSE questions to that unbelievably desirable gambler, Ezra Standish. Until then, good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Raving Reporter Eztraordinaire