The Lampby Lu |
Seventh story in the Fantastic Dreams collection.
As the ending music came up for Disney's "Aladdin", JD let out a big yawn.
"Time for bed, JD," said his adoptive father, Buck Wilmington.
"I want to watch it again though, Da," said JD, denying that he was tired.
"You've got school tomorrow, Little Bit," argued Buck.
"I think we lost 'em," said Vin, as he stood in the shadows not far from the palace.
"D' you think we'll ever get to see Princess Jasmine again?" asked JD referring to the young princess they had met in the market not long ago.
"I doubt it, we weren't s'posed to meet her b'fore."
"Street rats!" shouted a guard spotting the two urchins.
"Uh-oh - run for it!" said JD as he started to run away.
Unfortunately, the two boys were caught by the guards. Then they were thrown into a cell in the palace dungeons.
"How do we get out of this?" asked JD expecting Vin to have an answer.
"I don't know - but I'll think of somethin'," answered JD's friend.
"I can help you get out of this if you do something for me," said an old man wearing a cloak and stooped over like a hunchback.
"I don't like the look of him, Vin," said JD.
"R'member, Dad said we mustn' judge by 'pearances."
Suddenly a hole appeared in the wall and revealed a path to a cave that appeared to be a mouth in a large statue.
"Go into the Cave of Wonders for me. Bring me back the golden lamp and you will go free," said the man in a husky voice.
"I dunno," said Vin doubtfully. The man didn't look very trustworthy.
JD started for the hole, making up his mind to help the man. Then the little boy was running to the cave. The statue suddenly closed it mouth, then reopened it, speaking. "Touch nothing but the lamp," it ordered him.
Vin dashed after JD - the younger boy wasn't going in the cave without him.
The statue opened its mouth wider and the boys walked cautiously inside.
The cave was fairly light, lit by wooden torches on the walls. Vin was now leading the way reasoning that the oldest should go first.
JD looked at a large shiny jewel on the ground and put it in his pocket - no-one would know! Not long after, JD had the strange impression he was being followed, but, on looking behind him all he saw was a rolled up carpet. JD walked farther into the cave, following his older friend, Vin. JD looked behind him again - was that carpet following him when he wasn't looking? Suddenly the carpet flew toward him and JD walked closer to his cousin in fear.
Vin felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.
"Vin! Vin!" JD cried out in panic.
"What is it?" asked Vin.
"That carpet's alive!"
Vin looked at the carpet that suddenly flew behind a mountain of treasure in the cave and started making a wimpering noise like a frightened child. "It's okay, we won't hurt you," reassured Vin.
The carpet cautiously came out from behind the mountain, now standing upright, and took a step toward them.
"Hi, I'm Vin and he's JD," said Vin in a friendly tone.
The carpet held out a corner that had a golden tassel attached to it. Vin brought out his hand and shook the tassel, smiling at the carpet.
"Mr. Carpet, do you know where to find a gold lamp?" asked JD, feeling much braver now.
The carpet flew ahead of him and the boys ran after it.
It led them into a small room inside the cave, which was filled high with treasure. JD eyed the treasure greedily and when Vin walked to the lamp, JD stuffed treasure into his pockets.
Vin picked up the lamp and looked at it. "It's so dusty, it hardly looks golden at all - let me shine it," said Vin using his sleeve to rub the lamp.
Suddenly a puff of smoke came out of the spout and Vin and JD stepped backward scared.
A large blue being appeared, thick metal rings around his wrists. Instead of legs he had a thin tail there which got thinner until it became a point. "I AM THE GENIE OF THE LAMP AND WILL GRANT THREE WISHES TO WHOEVER RUBBED IT," said the Genie in a very loud voice. Upon noticing the two boys cowering in fear, he apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak so loud. It's been quiet for me so long that I'm not used to using my voice anymore."
"That's okay, Mr. Genie," said JD.
"Please, just call me Genie."
"We hafta give the lamp to that man, JD," reminded Vin.
Just then the cave started shaking. Vin looked at JD accusingly. "Jay-dee!" cried Vin.
Then the treasure fell out of JD's pockets, having worn holes in the bottoms of them now.
"JD - we were told not to touch anything except the lamp!" said Vin angrily.
"I didn't think anyone would notice."
"The cave will notice anything other than the lamp being touched. Perhaps you would like to get out of here quickly?" said the Genie.
"Yes please, before it falls apart," agreed Vin.
The carpet landed on the ground and the boys got onto it and sat down. Genie sat on the edge of it and the carpet started flying swiftly towards the exit. Once outside, the carpet landed on some grass and the old man approached, "I'd like my lamp please."
"YOUR lamp?" asked Genie angrily.
"The lamp belongs to me - and so do you," said the man. Suddenly, the old man was gone and in his place stood the Jafar of the palace wearing a dark cloak and tall hat upon his head. A large red parrot sat on his shoulder.
JD took the lamp off Vin and started running with it. "You're not havin' the lamp," shouted the boy as he ran.
"What did you say, JD?" asked Chris Larabee.
"You're evil an' you don' deserve it."
"Wake up, you're dreaming," said Chris, shaking the little boy.
JD opened his eyes and found himself back in his bedroom. "There's not really a genie?" asked the boy disappointedly.
"No Son, there was a genie in the movie you was watching, remember?"
"So there's no evil Jafar either?" JD asked Buck, who had come into the room behind Chris.
"No, he's only in the film," said Chris with a smile. It didn't matter what the boys did before bed - they often ended up dreaming about it!
The End
Next story: Space