Old West Universe
Continuing Tales from Four Corners

by LindaBlue

Part Three of Tales from Four Corners. Follows Josiah's Saga and The Story Begins.

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Chapter 1: Never a Dull Day

Chris sat leaning back in the chair inside the jail contemplating what he had just heard from Jack Porter, a local rancher whose ranch was several miles south of town. The rancher was just leaving as Vin made his way inside. Vin gave the man a polite nod as he walked past him, Porter seemed to be too preoccupied to return the greeting and simply walked out.

Vin shut the door behind him and looked over at Chris. "What's eaten him?" he asked motioning toward the man who'd just left.

"He just lost his prize Bull; something drug it off."

"Drug it off?" Vin raised an eyebrow. "Mountain Lion maybe?"

Chris shook his head. "This was a thousand-pound bull, Porter thinks it might a been a bear."

"Bear? What's a bear doing down this far?" Vin questioned as he walked over to the stove and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"You got me, but we best go check it out, seems a couple of the other ranchers have lost livestock too. Some of them set out traps and I don't want anyone else stumbling onto'm the way Josiah's Goddaughter did."

Vin nodded his agreement.

"We'll leave Josiah and Ezra to keep an eye on things here while the rest of us go Check things out with the ranchers." Chris finished as he stood and set his hat on his head before heading for the door.

"I'll head over and let Josiah know, I'll meet you at the livery." Vin told him as he set his coffee cup down and headed out.

Chapter 2: Never a Dull Day (Continued)

Abe Wheeler had never taken to town living, Oh, staying a few nights here and there didn't bother him, sometimes he even enjoyed it. But living here full time would get on his nerves. At least that's what he kept telling Sam, the towns blacksmith and livery owner. The man was anxious to sell the place lock stock and barrel. Which included the room in the back that was big enough for at least one man to live fairly comfortably. He wanted to sell it to Abe, given the boy's knowledge of blacksmithing and his natural way with horses. He was certain the half Indian lad could make a go of it, not to mention carve out a decent living. Sam was wanting to pay more attention to his farm now, maybe raise a few horses, spend more time with his wife. The livery and Blacksmith shop had taken up most of his time for the last eight years and he was just plane ready for a change.

Abe didn't blame the man, in fact what Sam offered him was a good deal. He'd take over the place, keep sixty-five percent of the profits to keep the business running and make a living for himself, while the other thirty-five percent went to Sam as payment until the establishment was paid in full. It'd take him a couple years, but hell, why not.

Still Abe hadn't been able to bring himself to mull over the thought of livin in town full time. But he couldn't say he still wasn't thinkin about it. Especially now. The blue-eyed Lakota girl he'd rescued from the wolf trap the other day had stayed on his mind. In fact, he thought about her more than he'd intended to think about any female, well, there was that rancher's daughter a few years back, Becky was her name. He shook his head as if to shake the unwelcome recall from his thoughts. That was a long time ago, and best kept out of his remembrances all together. Now Cheyenne, she was different, a product of two races, like him. The thought of getting to know her better was not unappealing, in fact it was a downright pleasurable thought.

He reigned his horse to a stop in front of the church and dismounted. Reaching into his saddle bags he pulled out a bundle wrapped in rabbits fur and a pouch made from animal skin, decorated with colorful beading in the front as well as along the strap. From out of the corner of his eye he caught movement and he turned to see two of the towns' peacekeepers, one was heading toward the livery, the other had turned and started toward his way. Abe watched them for a moment before leaving his mount tethered to the post and starting up the stairs.

When he reached the doors, he opened one and cautiously walked inside.

Josiah looked back to be sure Cheyenne was sleeping before he opened the door leading into the church and walked out onto the pulpit, the food tray in his hands. At least the girl had eaten some breakfast this morning. She was getting restless, her limitations were getting to her, she was becoming agitated and annoyed. He was relieved she had finally succumbed to sleep. Cheyenne was not used to being unable to maneuver on her own. Mary Travis had offered to find another woman to help care for her and keep her company after Miss Collins sudden departure. The woman had no sooner arrived in town when she was suddenly called home because of a death in the family. The sound of a man clearing his throat brought the preachers attention to the front of the church.

Abe looked up as the ex-priest stepped off the pulpit and set the tray in his hands onto one of the front pews and looked over at him. He swallowed hard. This Reverend was no ordinary clergyman. He was a big man and just as tough from what he'd heard. Abe hated to admit it, but he was a bit intimidated by him, of corse he brushed it off and stood his ground like he always did.

"What can I do for you.?" Josiah asked, a slight hint of suspicion in his authoritative tone.

"I, Uh" Abe shuffled his foot and looked down at the ground for half a second before meeting the mans gaze. "I came to see how the girl is doing and bring her these." He held out the wrapped parcel and the bag.

"Cheyenne's medicine bundle, and her pouch. She's been askin for those. Where'd ya find em?"

"Same place I found her." Abe answered as Josiah stepped closer and reached for the objects. Instead of handing them over Abe slowly pulled them away. "I, was.." he paused watching the preachers guarded demeanor before he continued. "..Hoping I could say hello."

Josiah studied the boy for a moment before he responded. "She's sleeping, I'll see she gets these."

He reached for the objects again. This time Abe relinquished them without hesitation.

Before either could say anything else, the doors to the church opened as Vin strode inside and respectfully removed his hat. Giving a polite nod to Abe he turned to Josiah a note of urgency in his eyes. "Sorry to interrupt, Josiah."

"No interruption Vin." Josiah turned toward his friend. "High Wolf here just found Cheyenne's medicine pouch and was bringin it to her, He was just about to leave." He looked over at Abe with a look in his eye that said they were done. "Thanks again for bringing these by. I'll give my goddaughter your regards." His tone was a little too cool and it didn't go unnoticed by either man.

Abe gave a polite nod. "Yes Sir, I best get back out to the ranch anyways. You tell Cheyenne I'll be by to see her when she's feelin up to it." With that he turned and headed for the door giving Vin a short nod as he made his way out.

Vin watched as Abe closed the door behind him, He looked over at Josiah with a playful grin. "You don't like him much do you?"

"Does it show?" Josiah let the corner of his mouth turn into a small, crooked grin.

Vin nearly let out a chuckle. "Just a little. What's he done? I mean he did save your goddaughter from loosen her foot."

"He works for Royal." Josiah grumbled.

Vin gave an understanding nod. "Nough said. Just came to let ya know Chris and me are headin out. Seems we might have a bear raiden some of the ranchers stock, He wants to go have a look. Says for you and Ezra to watch over the place til we get back."

"Ezra know?"

"Now Josiah, you know Ezra don't get out a bed til noon."

Both men let out a chuckle.

******* Back at the Royal Ranch********

Guy Royal stood on the porch of his home and watched as one of his hired hands made their way past him.

"You're late Indian, where were you?" He chastised the young man.

"Had somethin to take care of." the boy answered bluntly.

"Your responsibility is here, not off somewhere else." Royal scolded.

"I get my work done. "Abe smirked. "My free time is my own."

Guy Royal glared. "Next time you're late don't bother coming back..."

Abe gave him a short nod. "I'll keep that in mind Sir."

With that Royal turned and went back inside slamming the door behind him.

One of the other cowhands standing nearby looked at the young Indian. "You get yourself a girl?" he smirked.

"That any of your business?" High Wolf growled as he headed over toward the corral where the new horses were waiting to be broken.

"Touchy." the cowhand chuckled as he followed him.

Abe ignored him as he walked over to the corral and stood leaning against the fence. "Hey, Parker, that grey ready to be broke yet?"

Parker walked over and leaned up against the fence next to him. "Yep you game to start?"

"Not the way you cowboys muck it up, I'll show you the right way, Indian way."

Parker held up his hands in mock surrender. "Go ahead." He leered.

Abe gave him a sideways grin and took the saddle blanket off the fence then slowly began to walk over to where the grey Gilding was being held by another man, he began by rubbing the horse with first his hand, then with the saddle blanket, all the while making quiet, soothing sounds "sshhhh, shhhhht"

Parker stood by with some of the other hands and watched intrigued.

Abe brushed the horse on his back, his neck, his sides, down his legs, over and over all the while talking to him low and soothingly in his native Sioux tongue. He leaned over the horses back as if he intended to mount him several times, distributing his weight so that the animal got use to him. It seemed like hours before Abe finally, carefully, laid the blanket on the horse's back, then climbed first onto the fence, then slowly lowered himself on to the horse, while the other cowboy, who had been holding the horse steady, handed him the reins. Abe kept talking comfortingly to the horse petting him along his neck until he motioned for the other man to let go.

Once free the horse began to buck a few times.

But Abe stayed mounted until finally the gilding slowed and began to walk around the corral easily.

The other cowboys who had gathered to watch all whooped and hollered with approval, impressed at High Wolfs expertise.

Abe road the horse around the corral for a few minutes before he dismounted. He led the grey over to the fence and grinned.


Chapter 3: Bear Tracks

The sun barely up over the horizon, the sounds of rustling hey and scraping came from the stables at the ranch of Guy Royal as ranch hand Abe High Wolf busied himself mucking out the stalls.

"You're up early boy." Came the voice of ranch foreman Hank Conley as he made his way into the stables and began to saddle his horse.

"Was hopin to get done early and ride into town later." Abe told him as he kept on with his work.

"Can't promise ya that, might need you to ride herd later, seems we got a cat or a bear out there killing cattle. I'm thinking about sending some of you out to keep an eye on the heard tonight."

Abe stopped what he was doing and leaned on the rake he was using as he looked over at Hank.

"Why not go hunt it down now?"

Hank finished cinching up his saddle, "Well I was thinking about doin just that."

"I'm a fairly good tracker. Mind if I come along?" Abe asked hopefully.

Hank lifted his hat and scratched his head thoughtfully before setting it back on his head.

"Tell ya what. You finish what you're doing then saddle up and be ready to go in twenty minutes, Bring your rifle."

Abe grinned. "Yes sir."

He watched as Hank led his horse from the stables and quickly began finishing his chores.

+ + + + + + +

As evening fell on Four Corners and the sun began to set, the men returned from their search and of warning the outer town's folk of a possible predator in the midst. The elusive animal had not yet been found and tensions were running high among the outlying ranchers as they doubled their guards and sent out extra patrols with the herds.

In town Chris and most of the men took to the saloon for a meal and a drink. Ezra sat calmly at his regular table enticed in a card game with some of the usual saloon patrons.

"I take it you have returned with no good news?" He drawled as the rest of his compatriots entered, all finding a seat at the nearby table.

"Vin thinks its a bear." JD piped up in his usual boyish manor. "But what a bears doin down this far outa the mountains he aint sure."

"Hard tellin." Buck chimed in. "It was a pretty rough winter, might just be hungry for some good ole beef and then he'll move on."

The bartender came to the table taking orders for beer and food as the men talked. When ready he returned with plates of food for each man while they contemplated the next move if there was to be one.

A sudden rush of wind blew through the bat wing doors and all eyes turned as a young man with long braids, his clothing covered in blood came bursting through them. He was out of breath as he called out anxiously.

"There a doctor here? I got a man outside hurt bad."

Nathan quickly stood, "No Doctor I'm the closest thing there is." He admitted.

"You'll do" The young man nodded eagerly.

"You're the one brought Josiah's goddaughter in the other day aren't ya?" Nathan observed as he got closer to him.

"The girl with the black and white paint?"

Nathan nodded.

"Ya that was me, this guy's hurt a lot worse." he motioned for Nathan to follow him outside with a look of urgency written on his smudged face.

As Nathan followed the young man outside many of the others inside the saloon took interest as well and followed them, gathering around as Nathan and the young man rushed over to the horses tied to the post a few steps from the doors.

Another man was slumped over his saddle his clothing shredded and covered in blood from his wounds.

Nathan took a quick assessment. "Let's get him up to my place so I can get a better look."

Buck and Chris helped to clear away the on lookers, giving Nathan and the one called High Wolf, room to lead the horse with the wounded man to Nathans.

Once he had him upstairs and settled Nathan was able to get a better observation of the man's injuries. Gashes, scrapes and scratches covered his back, his face, arms, and his chest.

Nathan shook his head Wondering how he had survived the attack at all. "What happened to him?"

"Damn Grizzly" High wolf answered shakily "Came out a nowhere and just attacked before we had a chance to get a shot off. "That bear was crazy I tell ya."

Nathan looked back at him concerned "You hurt?"

High Wolf shook his head "Not bad," It was clear he was more concerned for his partner. "I'll be ok, just see to him."

"He a friend of yours?"

"We work at the Royal ranch together, ya, guess you could say were friends."

"He got a name?"

"Only name I know is Jake." High Wolf looked over at his friend then back to Nathan. Worry laced his tone. "He gonna be alright Doc?"

Nathan shook his head "he's lost a lotta blood, some of these wounds are pretty deep. I'll do what I can." He nodded toward the chair "You best have a seat over there, soon as I get him settled, I'll check on those scratches you got."

***Sometime later****

High Wolf made his way from Nathans toward the saloon. His wounds not nearly as severe as his friends. A couple of scratches on his face, and a gash on his arm that needed to be stitched was about the just of it. He took a glance toward the church and for a moment thought of checking on the girl, Cheyenne, just to see how she was getting along, then thought better of it. What he needed right now was a drink.

+ + + + + + +

Chris leaned back in his chair after finishing his meal and looked up at the bartender motioning for a bottle and a glass, watching as he saw the batwing doors of the saloon open and the young man from earlier walk through them and go up to the bar.

He looked over at Vin and motioned for him to go talk with him.

"See what you can find out."

Vin set his hat back on his head with an affirmative nod to Chris and made his way over to the bar, leaning on it while he ordered a beer.

"He gonna be alright? The one you brought in?"

High Wolf took a drink from his mug and nodded. "The doc said he was lucky, he lost a lotta blood, he thinks he'll pull through, but he don't know for sure."

"So, what did it? Man gets chewed up like that it's gotta be something big." Vin asked as the bartender handed him a fresh beer.

High Wolf took another drink and turned to Vin. "Grizzly, biggest damn bear I've ever seen. And mean, I got a couple shots off trying to get him off Jake that bear just shook it off like it was nothin, then, I don't know what made him let him go, but he did and headed back into the trees."

Vin nodded his understanding as he watched the man next to him. He was visibly shaken, that was apparent.

"Think you could find the spot where it happened?"

Abe nodded. "Ya, I know right where it was, just south of Royals ranch. Jake and I were riding herd, soon as that thing came barreling out of the trees the cows scattered, still can't figure why it didn't go for them instead of us."

"You mean the bear came after you and not the beef?"

Abe took another pull from his beer before he answered "Yup, Jake got off his mount, call a nature ya know, and before he could, that bear came out a the woods and straight for him."

Vin shook his head in disbelief. Not that he didn't believe what Abe was telling him, it was the sheer boldness of the bear that had him speculating.

"You staying in town tonight? or heading back to Royals?"

"I'm not goin out there alone with that grizzly lurkin about. Think I'll get a room for the night and head back to the ranch in the morning."

"Probably a good idea." Vin agreed, "Don't think I caught your name."

Abe drank the last of the beer in his mug and turned, facing him with a cautious smile.

"Abe, Abe High Wolf, and you?" He answered holding out a friendly hand.

"Vin Tanner." Vin responded taking Abe's hand.

"Buffalo hunter?"

"Use to be." Vin answered with a short nod. "What nation? Sioux?" he asked with a nod to Abe's medicine pouch and beaded necklace that hung from Abe's neck.

"My mother was Sioux." He told him, with a look, that seemed to dare Vin to say anything derogatory about his people. Instead, he was met with acceptance.

"I lived with the Sioux for a while when I was buffalo huntin. Iron Hawks band."

Abe smiled. "I met him once; I was just a kid. He was a proud man, head strong. A good leader."

Again, Vin gave him a nod agreeing with him. "That he was." He said as he turned to leave.

"Hey." Abe stopped him. "That girl I brought in the other day, she lives behind the church, she doing alright?"

Vin smiled. "Seems to be." with that he made his way out.

Abe let a small smile cross his lips then turned to the bartender.

"Know where I can get a room?"

Chapter 4: Bear Tracks continued

The sun rose early in Four Corners, the sunny spring morning bringing with it a crisp chill, that hung in the air. Abe High Wolf stuck his hands in his coat pockets and pulled his coat tighter in an attempt to ward off the cool morning breeze. He stepped out from the hotel and stood on the boardwalk, watching as the shops began to open their doors. Little by little the towns folk emerged from their homes to start their day.

His first thought was to check on his friend Jake. He was a big guy, Jake, standing all of 6 ft and strong as an ox, unfortunately not strong enough to fend off that bear. He wasn't much older than Abe, in fact he'd commented that Abe was about the same age as his younger brother by just a couple years. He wore his dark wavy hair long, like Abe, except for the braids, and sported a bristle of a mustache and beard on his face. Jake was also half Sioux. Abe guessed that's where their instant friendship had begun, the comradery of both being of mixed blood, and not really feeling like they belonged in either camp, had quickly kindled a bond between them. They hadn't known each other long, Jake had only been at Royals for a few weeks, Abe himself was fairly new, he started at the ranch just a month before Jake arrived. They both valued their privacy, so neither one knew much about the other, but it was enough, and neither cared, everyone had their secrets.

Making his way to the room above the blacksmiths shop Abe knocked. The young colored man by the name of Nathan Jackson, the towns one and only physician, or healer, as he called himself, opened the door.

"Mornin," he greeted him. "spose you're here to look in on your friend."

Abe nodded, "he Awake?"

"Woke up just a few minutes ago, I gave him something for the pain, he still aint on the mend yet so don't stay too long."

Abe nodded his understanding while Nathan moved aside to let him enter.

"Hello, Good, to see you Partner." Jake greeted him in their native Lakota dialect, his voice raspy and still weak.

"Like wise Čhéĥpȟe. (my Friend)" Abe returned the greeting going over to his friends bedside. "Glad to see you're still breathin."

"kinda glad a that myself." He let out a small chuckle but quickly stifled it as pain shot through him with every movement.

"Easy there buddy, Doc said for you to stay still or I gotta leave."

Jake nodded carefully. "Looks like the, bastard, got you," He paused to take in a breath. "too."

"Eh," Abe shrugged. "a few scratches here and there, *I* didn't try to wrestle the damn thing."

"Wasn't my first, th..ought neither. How'd you, get that, son-of a bitch off me?"

"I dunno, I shot at him three- or four-times Jake, I know I hit that bear at least twice. He shook it off like it wasn't nuthin more than a mosquito bite."

"Damn, now, the bastards wounded. Bad medicine my, friend."

Abe agreed. "Gona ride back out to Royals, let him know what happened. You rest up, I'll be back to check on ya in a couple days."

With that Abe headed toward the door.

"Watch, your back." Jake warned.

Abe turned to him as he reached the doorway. "Always do, you get healed up, I aint letten you forget that twenty bucks ya still owe me." He grinned before making his way out.

+ + + + + + +

Cheyenne woke to an empty room. She managed to scoot up to a sitting position before calling out for Josiah.

"You're awake." The burly man greeted her with a smile as he entered the room, a tray in his hands the contents covered with a white cloth. "I brought you breakfast"

"I am not hungry." Cheyenne moaned. "I am tired of being in this bed."

"I thought you might be, so why don't you eat something, and I'll show you what I brought you."

"What did you bring?" She beamed looking up at him, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Josiah grinned. "Breakfast first."

Cheyenne's shoulders slumped. As Josiah set the tray over her lap. "Now you finish every bite." He commanded with a jovial wink. "And I'll bring you your surprise when you're done."

His goddaughter started to object when the preacher held up a finger to his lips. "Not another word until you've eaten."

With a defeated frown and a glint in her eye Cheyenne did as Josiah instructed.

Once she finished Josiah took the tray into the other room then returned with his gift.

"I made these for you." he held out two long wooden objects in his hands.

Cheyenne looked at the two long poles curiously. At the top of the poles were handles wrapped in soft fur, just below the furred handles was another one on each pole. She had never seen anything like them before and was confused as to what they were and what they were used for.

"They're crutches, to help you walk." He explained, noting her uncertainty. "They will help steady you so that you won't have to put pressure on your foot." Josiah took one of the crutches to demonstrate. Tucking the top of the crutch with the fur Handel under his arm he set his hand on the lower Handel. "See you lean on it like this."

Cheyenne smiled understanding. She had never seen anything such as these, but she had seen a man once that used a tree branch to help steady himself when he'd broken his leg in a fall. She quickly removed the quilt that covered her and began to get out of bed. She was anxious to try her new walking sticks and be able to move about on her own.

"Hold on." Josiah insisted as he leaned the crutches against the wall and went over to the bed to help her stand.

Once she was steady Josiah reached over taking the crutches and showed the girl once more how to use them, before he let her give it a try.

"That's it, slowly now, give yourself time to get use to them." He encouraged.

Cheyenne nodded her appreciation as she leaned on the crutches and smiled. She was able to make a few successful steps in the small room until she suddenly wavered. Josiah reached out to steady her. "Alright, that's enough for now, back into bed with you."

Despite her protests he managed to get his god daughter settled back into her bed.

"Nathan said a little at a time, we can try again later if you feel up to it."

"I feel up to it now!" she insisted.

"Maybe so, but we go at this slow or not at all." Josiah commanded.

Cheyenne let out a defeated sigh.

"That's better." the burly man grinned, "Now tell me, how are you getting along with Miss Nettie?"

"It is good, she reminds me of my grandmother, but she does not speak French or Lakota."

The ex-preacher chuckled, "Well, you need to practice your English anyhow."

"Yes, Josiah." Cheyenne mocked. "enngglish."

+ + + + + + +

As Abe reached the bottom of the stairs from Nathans room, he had intended on heading straight for the livery, saddle his horse and start for Royals ranch as soon as possible. But found his attention drawn toward the church.

He wondered if it was too early to call on the Lakota girl he'd helped several days ago. He was curious about the blue-eyed girl, Cheyenne, that was her name, she seemed to be occupying his thoughts more times than not ever since he'd found her. He'd never met a girl yet that had captured his interest the way she did. Maybe it was because they were both of mixed blood, maybe it was just her pretty blue eyes. Whatever it was, it drew him in the direction of the church.

Once he'd reached his destination, he climbed the stairs and slowly opened the church doors. He stood just inside letting his eyes get accustomed to the dim lighting.

"Hello?" he called out not seeing anyone around.

Josiah came from his room off to the left side of the church a few steps from the front pews, carpenters' box in hand. "Mornin." he greeted him a bit more cautiously than was Josiah's normally cheerful welcome. "Come to say a prayer? to Seek guidance?"

Abe felt a bit uneasy at the site of the preacher. He was a big man, no doubt able to wrestle a good size bear if he had a mind to, and, he was the girls God Father, so he'd heard anyway, and just as protective as a real father would be, if not more. Abe quickly and respectfully removed his hat.

"Good morning" he greeted him with a small smile. And using his best white man manors. "I was wondering if I might call on Cheyenne. I'd like to see how she's doing after her ordeal last week."

Josiah eyed the boy for a moment, setting his toolbox down on the pew closest to him, then took out the hammer. "She's doing just fine." he responded, a bit curtly.

"Would it be alright if I said hello?" High wolf asked just as stiffly, feeling the preacher's aloofness.

Before Josiah could answer, the door behind the pulpit opened, and Cheyenne limped into the church leaning on her crutches.


She stopped just outside of her door when she noticed High Wolf, her eyes met his and for a moment they stayed fixed on each other until Cheyenne shyly averted her gaze.

"Cheyenne." Josiah set his hammer back in the toolbox and rushed over to her.

"What are you doing up?, Nathan said you can't be up on those crutches by yourself yet."

The young girl glanced at her God Father with a look that told him not to be scolding her in front of company.

"Good morning." Abe greeted her in their native tongue and taking a step forward. Until Josiah stopped him with a look that told him that was close enough.

"I," He continued, staying where he was. "came to see how you were getting along, looks like you're doing pretty well."

Cheyenne smiled bashfully giving him a small nod.

"I uh, found a couple more traps out there, I got rid of them, but you probably shouldn't go out riding alone just yet, there's a bear out there, it'd be safer if you stayed in town." He warned.

"Philámayayapi (thank you) but..." She looked down at her still bandaged ankle and foot.

Abes face turned a pale crimson. "Oh, yeah," he shuffled his foot uneasily as he brushed a stray strand of hair from his eyes. "You, uh, probably aren't doin any riding yet."

Cheyenne shook her head no, hiding a giggle.

Josiah stood by carefully watching the conversation between the two, thankful that he knew the language as well as he did.

High Wolf returned her smile. "Well, I should be getting back to the ranch and let my boss know what happened."

Josiah's brow furrowed, "What happen?"

"Bear attacked a friend of mine while we were watching the heard last night. He's up at the docs right now."

"How bad?" Josiah asked with some reserved concern.

"Pretty bad, Doc wasn't sure he was gonna make it, but says he's got a chance."

For the first time Cheyenne seemed to notice the scratches on High Wolf's face and the bandages on his arm.

"You were also hurt?" She asked motioning to his face then down at his arm.

"Oh this," he shrugged. "It's nothin, Jake's the one who got the brunt of it."

"You let the others in town know?" Josiah asked as he took hold of Cheyenne's arm to help steady her and keep her from standing on her injured foot.

Abe nodded.

"Yes sir." He answered in English before he turned his attention back to Cheyenne. "I'm glad to see you're doing better. Maybe I'll see ya again sometime." he gave her a smile that lit up his eyes and a quick wink, then turned toward Josiah giving him a respectful, yet brief nod, before setting his hat back on his head and starting toward the door.

Cheyenne watched him as he made his way out, a small smile crossed her lips, and she felt her stomach flutter when he looked at her. She also hoped they would meet again. He had nice eyes. He reminded her of someone, someone she hadn't thought of in a very long time. She could see it in his smile, the way he carried himself. He had a strength inside him, the heart of a leader. She could feel it, the way she'd felt it in the past. Yes he was like him, the one from her past. There was a reason she had not seen that trap, a reason it had been, *him,* that found her.

"Come on now, lets get you back to your room." Josiah spoke up breaking her revere. "The sooner you get healed up the sooner you'll be able to be up and about."

+ + + + + + +

Over at the livery Vin set the saddle on his horse and began sinching it up when he heard footsteps. He turned to see the man he'd talked to in the saloon last night come in. He kept to what he was doing and nodded politely to Abe as he unhinged one of the stable doors and led his buckskin out, bridling him first, before laying the horse blanket over the steeds back.

"How's your friend?" The ex-bounty hunter asked as he set his rifle in the saddle scabbard.

"Doc thinks he'll pull through, gonna be laid up a while though." Abe responded as he tossed his saddle over his horses back.

"Headin back to Royals?" Vin asked as he led his saddled horse toward the doors.

The half Indian boy nodded. "You?"

"Thought I'd see if I could track that bear."

"Shouldn't go out there alone." Abe warned. "Bastards wounded, best take a couple more hunters with ya."

Vin stepped into the stirrups and set himself on to his mount. "Think I can stay down wind of him. Might get a good shot off and bring him down."

Abe finished sinching his saddle and swung up into it. "Still think you should take more men,"

"You offerin?" Vin grinned.

"Nope." Abe answered simply. "Probably fired as it is, need to get back to Royals. Let him know what happened."

Vin tipped the brim of his hat. "Good luck to ya then." He said as he headed out of town.

Abe gave him a likewise nod and shook his head. Man's crazy he thought to himself as he watched Vin ride out. "They'll be lucky if they can find what's left a him if he finds that bear." giving his horse a kick and starting back to Royals ranch.

The End

Comments to: lbrown2157@yahoo.com