Magnificent Seven ATF Universe

Survey Says

by Samantha Agee

Drumming his fingers on his desk, JD Dunne was bored. Beyond bored.

It was a little after noon on Friday for Denver's ATF Team 7 and for once in a good, long while, everything was caught up. No outstanding warrants to file, no backlog of searches needing to be completed as of yesterday, no piles of paperwork to subdue into submission with a 'mightier-than-the sword' ballpoint. Nothing.

Chris was in a meeting with Judge Travis, Josiah and Nathan had gone out grab everyone some lunch. Across from him, feet on his desk, Buck had been flipping through some old magazines with an eye on using the down time for cleaning out the Bermuda triangles that were his desk drawers. JD had caught at least one Car and Driver, a couple of official ATF journals, last Sunday's comics, a National Geographic with a half naked lady on the cover and at least one Wrestle Mania. Running his eyes over the tall body stretched out and leaning back in his chair, chuckling at what was probably the latest Funky Winkerbean joke, the hacker grinned. Never let it be said that Buck Wilmington wasn't a well-rounded individual.

As much as he loved looking at Buck, there wasn't much they could do about it here, and he was still bored.

The office was quiet, almost like criminals and agents alike had agreed on the date and were taking a holiday. Well, if that were true, he wished someone had told him! At least he would have come to work prepared and there was the latest electronic gaming issue that he hadn't yet read. The boss was out and while Chris wouldn't have minded a little goofing off on a day like this, JD still felt a little guilty for doing it; like he wasn't earning his keep.

Vin, on the other hand, seemed quite at ease with doing nothing, the sharpshooter copying Buck's casual abuse of his chair. He would study the ceiling for a minute and then his wrist would flick around and up and there would be a new, yellow number 2 pencil dangling from the perforated ceiling. Directly over Ezra's head.

Meeting his eyes, Vin just shrugged, blue eyes twinkling their silent laugh.

The undercover agent engrossed in whatever he was typing on his computer, JD was about to mime something about the undercover and the wrath of the devil when his computer beeped. Swiveling around at the much welcome intrusion to his boredom, the youth opened up his email and scanned the new document with eager anticipation. The eagerness waned a moment later when he realized it was only one of those cookie-cutter survey's running around the office web; this one from Greg of the Twelve.

Nothing that interesting there, but maybe with a little tweaking...what the hell. So he would send it to the fellas. Getting to work typing his own responses, JD deleted a couple questions and added a few of his own.

It was better than sitting around staring at the pencils in the ceiling.


Subj: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 6:01:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: jddunne@team7.denver.atf
Reply-to: jddunne@team7.denver.atf (JD Dunne)
To: bawilmington@team7.denver.atf (Buck Wilmington), jisanchez@team7.denver.atf (Josiah Sanchez), epstandish@team7.denver.atf (Ezra Standish), vmtanner@team7.denver.atf (Vin Tanner), nojackson@team7.denver.atf (Nathan Jackson), mlarabee@team7.denver.atf (Chris Larabee)

Name: Jonathon Daniel Dunne

Birthdate: August 12, 1981

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single but committed.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I should say in the city because I like the bustle, but hey, I have my laptop and the net, so virtual excitement's ok. And I like horses and the country. Nice and peaceful.

What is your favorite article of clothing? T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Oh, and my black dragon long sleeve washed soft and thin - the one that Buck keeps trying to throw away.

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Ummm...eyes. I think. Smile? It, um, really depends on the person.

What is the last CD that you bought? The Matrix Reloaded.

Where is your favorite place to be? Inside on a chilly, rainy day, curled up on the couch, under the covers and watching a baseball game. Especially if the Cubs are winning.

Where is your least favorite place to be? On a stakeout when the rest of the team isn't there.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? My shoulders after hunching hours over a keyboard.

What time do you wake up in the morning? 6am during the week but Buck usually lets me sleep until 9 on the weekends before I have to get up and make coffee. ::glaring at Buck::

Do you cook? ::shudder:: No way.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? The microwave so I don't have to eat my own (or Buck's) cooking.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Hey, I'm ATF - shootouts, drug deals, weapons, and mass mayhem are my specialty. Maybe hacking into Chris' personnel file...::big hasty grin:: No, I'm kidding!

What is your favorite color? Red. Or maybe Blue.

What is your favorite tv show? Baseball, cartoons...CSI is cool.

What is your favorite season? Summer when I can go swimming the lake.

What is your least favorite household chore? Doing the dishes - yuck! ::Making a face:: If you could have one super power, what would it be? I've always wanted to fly...I think it would be so cool to go traveling and see everywhere without having to bother with an airplane.

If you have a tattoo, what is it? Not yet, but I want one. Maybe a dragon somewhere...

Can you juggle? Never learned.

What is your favorite day? Friday! Except today when I'm bored outta my skull.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? Ezra? Buck? Vin?

Last? Chris or Nathan or Josiah since they're all out.

What is your favorite flower? Momma always liked pink roses...the soft, almost white ones. She always had them around the house.

Latex or leather? Leather.

Apples or oranges? Oranges I guess. Or strawberries.

Blue or black ink? Black or blue, whatever's handy. I think I had a purple gel pen once. ::glaring:: Save it, Buck - I know where you live.

What is your favorite hobby? Computers, riding my bike (hence the leather), martial arts....

Favorite childhood memory? Grooming the horses around Pete's old ranch. Or snuggled up with momma reading to me at night, on the main house porch when it was just a little cool out and the fireflies and crickets were out.

Wizard or Warrior? Wizard. That way I can zap Craigan when he's being a prick. I already know he doesn't like me and he already knows I can kick his ass.

What's happening as you finish this survey? Well, Buck, you're still reading, Ezra, you're checking the net - stocks, Ez? - and Vin, you're up to a new pack of pencils. ::innocent look:: Oop - looks like you guys are back with lunch, Josiah and Nathan is torn between laughing and frowning at Vin. Chris, you're still with Travis.

JD Dunne
Team Seven



Setting the type and sending his email out with a flourish, JD chuckled at the raised eyebrow Buck was giving him over their computer screens as his email beeped and settled in to wait for his teammates responses.

7~7~7~7~7~7~7 JD had just finished the burger and fries the fellas had brought him for lunch when he got his first bite. Expecting it to be from Buck since he knew that Buck had seen him send the email, he was surprised to find Ezra's ID in the sender box. Grinning, looking forward to what Ez might have sent, he clicked on and opened the message.

A few moments later, JD finished reading Ezra's answers, feeling a little let down. More than that, feeling a little hurt. Sure, he knew Ezra didn't really go for things like silly surveys in email, not being real big on questions in general, but still...

It would have been nice to get a little more than one line answers.

Ezra P Standish. N/a birthdate. Male. Single. Here. My suit. N/a. Opera. N/a...the entire survey was like that. Nothing personal, nothing that even a friend would know.

Though he knew he had no reason, JD felt a slight funk set in and his fingers toyed listlessly over the keyboard. He thought he and Ezra had grown a lot closer over the past few months since the team had gotten....together...but maybe he was wrong.

Unaware that he was biting his lip softly, the young man shook his head. Feelings aside, noone else had responded yet and the least he could do was finish reading what Ezra had sent; after all, he had taken the time to type something.

Sighing, JD scrolled down. He had meant it to be fun.

Lost in a fog, he almost missed the post script added after Ezra's sig line...

Subj: Re: Survey Says....

Date: 5/18/03 10:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time

From: epstandish@team7.denver.atf

Reply-to: (Gambler)

To: (Leader), (Tracker), (Romeo), (Kid), (Preacher), (Doc)


I trust you have read my...official...response to your questions, JD; after all, they have lead you here. Rather than inflict this over governmental email (with its very public ideas of personal privacy) I have decided to - shall we say, flesh out? - my answers. If anyone should wish to convene at my humble abode this evening, I shall have a fine repast waiting.

And JD? You shouldn't bite your lips in is extremely distracting. ;-)

Warnings, gentlemen - I, too, was bored.


Name: Which one would you prefer? How about the one you already know - Ezra P. Standish. The P is for...well, I shall allow you to ponder that in silence on my part. Performance? Purpose? Passion, perhaps?

Birthdate: Quite old enough to know better than to answer that question, Mister Dunne. Not that you don't know perfectly well the answer from hacking into my files for the fourth time in as many months. I trust my additions have been amusing?

Sex: Why, yes, my...and your...pleasure. After all, it would hardly do to allow such a fine offer stand unrewarded.

Marital Status: Living in a rose-colored state of sexually exhausting, multi-partnered, unmarried bliss.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Here, of course. Why else would I be granting you all the great pleasure of my incomparable wit and unique, not to mention stimulating, company?

What is your favorite article of clothing? Public use or...private? And for that, you shall have to investigate for yourself. And no, Josiah shall only inform you that it is something best left discovered on your own and that it is NOT the red thong you already know about.

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? I shall agree that it depends on the person. I have often said you have lovely eyes, JD. Josiah has a voice that I am quite sure could melt the polar ice caps should he take an interest in doing so, and Buck, with the rasp and deep purring growl has always ran a very close second to that. Nathan has that wonderful talent with his hands and Vin has the soul of a poet housed in the most adorable school boy blush I have ever seen. And as to our very dear Mister Larabee...suffice it to say that the 'take charge' attitude is not wasted solely on the misbegotten miscreants of our chosen careers.

What is the last CD that you bought? I believe that would have been Native Drums for our sharpshooter's birthday. I trust we all remember that birthday? As I recall, Vin could barely sit for days after.

Where is your favorite place to be? In my very own feather bed - have I mentioned that I have had a brand new, custom frame delivered just last week? And that it, and it's accompanying king sized mattresses (both of them) take up most of the entire back wall of my bedroom?

Where is your least favorite place to be? Anywhere before noon having had to forgo my usual quantities and standards of Starbuck's coffee. No, I still have not forgotten last week's 5am wake up call. And yes, you shall pay for interrupting my sleep at such a godforsaken hour. No, the resulting explosion - regardless of it's pleasure as measured by the Dunne Richter Scale - does, in no way, relegate you back into my good graces. Only by the grace of your own spectacular gift at making heavenly coffee have you survived this long to tell the tale.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? ::raised eyebrow:: Oh how quickly they forget...

Do you cook? In or out of the bedroom? But, yes, I cook.

What time do you wake up in the morning? I have been known to awaken, albeit grudgingly, quite early...provided the inducements are sufficient to garner my...significant attention. ::a gentleman doesn't cackle, however, I have been told - by our very knowledgeable healer (and he should be) - that I am no gentleman.:: Is that a blush I see already, John Daniel?

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Hmmm...I do believe that watching you and Vin fighting, not quite verbally though there were tongues involved, over the last lick of chocolate batter on the spatula has endeared that particular item to me.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Might I assume allowing Chris access to rope and my very vulnerable person would count as a dangerous thing?

What is your favorite color? The cherry red of your lips after they have been kissed swollen and full. The pink of Buck's cheeks when he knows you are watching Chris make love to him and sees that you approve. The bronze of Vin's skin, flushed and slick from working outside in the sun and wind of the ranch. The silver glint of Josiah's hair against the chocolate brown of Nathan's skin as our profiler makes the good doctor scream. The hazel green flash of Chris' eyes as they sweep over us before the start of a long, particularly engaging weekend.

What is your favorite tv show? Trading Spaces and no, you may not sign us up.

What is your favorite season? Last winter.

What is your least favorite household chore? And allow you access to that particular bit of information? Not likely, Mister Dunne. But thank you for your timely answer; our next poker game shall be quite rewarding for me should you lose. Which you shall.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Being impervious to bullets would be a fortuitous ability to have; that way I could do away with that cumbersome vest.

If you have a tattoo, what is it? You know well that I do not - however, I must admit to enjoying the display along Josiah's back, as well as the effect of that line of symbols ending just above...

Can you juggle? Quite well. AND I multitask...

What is your favorite day? The warm spring afternoon spent lying in the sun under that willow tree down by the lake while you and Buck played in the water and Josiah dozed with his head pillowed on my thigh...yes, that one. It was a good thing that Nathan came prepared - it would have been a shame for Vin to burn from dozing too long in the sun. Although he did heat up quite nicely under Nathan's helpful handling.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? As you have included the whole of the Seven in your survey, and have already responded yourself, I would suspect Buck shall be the next to answer. Vin shall be busy removing his pencils from above my head.

Last? Chris as he is currently in a meeting with Judge Travis and Nathan and Josiah have just arrived with our repast.

What is your favorite flower? Attempting to illicit answers by underhanded tactics, such as misleading the respondent into thinking the questions are over, JD? Very well - honeysuckle.

Latex or leather? On you? Leather. Black; the expensive kind, supple and butter-soft that would cling so well to various, well-defined areas of the your anatomy. Ah, definitely a blush.

Apples or oranges? Oranges.

Blue or black ink? Black for reports, of course. Or body art - you mentioned something about wanting a tattoo?

What is your favorite hobby? Please let me surprise you with this one, Mister Dunne - painting. Or photography. Perhaps next time I shall bring my camera to the lake in order to capture some of your clever antics on film. After all, one can never have a surfeit of blackmail material.

Favorite childhood memory? You paint a beautiful portrait of your mother, JD. My own memory would have to be summers back home in New Orleans with Granny Lucritcia. Days spent playing tag in the cultured gardens, the smell of the magnolia blossoms, the oppressive heat of the summer nights, listening to the croak of the bullfrogs and the hymns Granny would sing.

Wizard or Warrior? Wizard, of course. Why waste physical effort on a thing when magical means will suffice?

What's happening as you finish this survey? I believe you are about to harden your arteries with that order of grease-to-go, Vin is standing on his desk displaying a very fine effort at garnering my attention - yes, Vin, it is working, just how much you will be able to discern later this evening when you are thrown over...well, I shall allow you to think on that, I believe. Buck, as you are typing and grinning like a fiend , I do believe you are up to something regarding our young one's email. Nathan is typing as well. Josiah is on the telephone and by the way our preacher is all teeth, I can only envy whomever it is he may be talking to. Ah, I see...Miss Rubinstein, Judge Travis' more fiery compatriot on the 12th floor. 70 if she's a day and has our formidable profiler wrapped quite firmly around her petite finger.

Subj: Re: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Romeo)
Reply-to: (Romeo)
To: (Leader), (Tracker), (Kid), (Preacher), (Doc), (Gambler)


Damn, Ezra! Warn a fella next time, before you pull a stunt like that, will ya?? Now I'm gonna be stuck with a sticky keyboard for days...and hell, yes, I'm coming to your place for dinner. You buyin', or cookin'? 3};-P Especially if you're cookin'...

Damn good thing the Kid has his special email lock on these addies. Wouldn't want the judge to read this stuff...


Name: Well now, depends on what's goin' on and who's callin' it. Buck, Bucklin, Baby, Darlin', Sir - had a couple of Sirs in there, ain't that right, Kid?...even a Love God once...

Birthdate: Old enough to know about it, young enough to do it.

Sex: Old dog, new tricks. :waggling eyebrows::

Marital Status: {Living in a rose-colored state of sexually exhausting, multi-partnered, unmarried bliss.} I like that, sure enough. Fits. Now, but who says we're not married? Hell, I'd say JD's the closest I'll ever come to bein' wedded. ::softer:: An' you guys.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? If I could choose, now there's this little stretch of beach not far from San Diego with my name on it. Private strip, little cottage where we could all live, sun, sand and noone around to be pokin' their noses in the windows...

What is your favorite article of clothing? I'm a jeans and cotton man, myself. But I like the suits on you, Ez, and the silk pajamas, the dark green ones. Josiah in the tight, snakeskin leather pants from the Ronaldson bust...lucky he didn't get rug burn right then and there. ::grin:: JD's biker jacket - the one with the metal studs. Chris in his old gray sweats, the ones that ride low on his hips now that the elastic is part gone. Now don't get ta laughing' but Nathan in that white lab coat he sometimes wears. Just somethin' sexy about that. Vin totally naked - nobody has a body like that boy, I swear - ought to be illegal. ::happy sigh::

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? ::deep rasp and purring drawl:: So ya like my voice, Ez? Good to know...::where's a sexy icon when you need one?:: Well, lemme see...Ez, Josiah and Vin have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. Enough to put the spring leaves, summer and autumn skies to shame between you. Not to mention the bodies of gods, strong arms to get lost in and souls I could and do feel privileged to know will catch me when I fall. Now...::sneaky smile::...Chris has the most perfect ass and Nathan could charm the birds from the trees with his smile. You do, Nate. You light up the room. JD, there's this expression you get know, I'm the most cherished thing in your world. I can't describe it, kid, but...I melt every time. Fall all over again.

What is the last CD that you bought? Shania Twain - Up.

Where is your favorite place to be? Us together as a group. Catching the bad guys, havin' a beer, making love together. Sipping a daiquiri under a palm tree on that beach I told you guys about.

Where is your least favorite place to be? Alone.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? {veg} You really want an answer to that?

Do you cook? Hey, kid, I resemble that remark. So the turkey got a little crisp that one time - just Cajun style was all. Now if we're not talkin' food...oh yeah. I cook. ::waggle, waggle::

What time do you wake up in the morning? About 7 or 'round there.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Oh yeah...I remember that spatula. Wow. Never saw anything that hot before.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Hell, Ez, rope and Chris ain't all that bad. Just wait until JD wants to get out the Cat. Feels like more'n nine tails, but who can count when they're beggin' and screamin'. Comin' down's worth every wince the next day when your shirts are too close. Or pants.

What is your favorite color? ::another sputter:: You're killin' me here, Ez. You just couldn't have said green or something, could you? ::wiggle and shift, snort:: Blue, kinda like my balls at the moment.

What is your favorite tv show? Forensic Files. The kid has me hooked. Survivor, maybe, or American Idol.

What is your favorite season? High summer - beach and party time. :D Yep, it does just happen to be when the pretty women have on mini bikinis with those itty bitty strings that disappear so nice.

What is your least favorite household chore? Laundry. Damn stuff multiplies.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Well now, I already have one - my animal magnetism, remember? And don't snort kid. It hooked you, didn't it?

If you have a tattoo, what is it? Just the white rose over my hip bone. Gotta admit, 'siah, I love that trail down your back and JD....what are you thinkin', kid?

Can you juggle? Dates, cases...not much else.

What is your favorite day? ::big grin:: I remember that day by the lake, Ez. JD'n me in the water, the rest of you boys layin' in the sun. Turned out to be much hotter than just the weather, didn't it?

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? Well, lessee here...JD and Ez, now' Vin's workin' Ez there into a frenzy. Told you that boy hid a mean streak. {veg} Josiah?

Last? I'd say Chris. Old dog's liable to be stuck for another hour or so fighting' paperwork and politicians.

What is your favorite flower? Roses. Ma was always gettin' 'em backstage after a show and she'd give me a few. Course, I always took 'em around to the other ladies who had been dancin' on stage with her. I guess I was about six.

Latex or leather? Hell, this bunch would be downright dangerous in a set of tight leather pants. Chris in black for sure. Metal studs maybe? Ez, you'd look good in a rich caramel, maybe with lacings down the sides. Vin, dark chocolate...::grinning:: Oh yeah, sweet and predatory. Nathan would look real good in the same color, show off his dark skin and bright smile. Not to mention that butt. Hey Chris ain't the only one, ya know. Think I mentioned Josiah and that gray snakeskin pair he's got. That is one pair of sexy legs ya got there, preacher. JD...Yeah, I'd go with the black...or maybe a real deep red wine with that pale skin, dark eyes and black hair. ::shift, wiggle:: I think the color blue is comin' back again...

Apples or oranges? Bananas. ::waggle::

Blue or black ink? Blue. Too many damned politicians want black on those forms in triplicate.

What is your favorite hobby? Tinkering maybe...or watching people. Think I could do pottery if I gave it a try. Like gettin' my hands dirty.

Favorite childhood memory? Gonna sound corny and it wasn't because I was back there with a dozen half-naked ladies, but I really liked being backstage on the nights Ma would dance. The lights, the costumes...::soft grin::...and all of Ma's friends makin' sure I stayed outta trouble in all the mess. Those women were a family, closest one I ever had to one before now. It was nice.

Wizard or Warrior? I'll stick with bein' a warrior. Chris, you and Ma always did say I'd fight for chivalry, justice and country, no matter what the odds. Seein' what we're doin' for a livin' I guess you both were right. ;->

What's happening as you finish this survey? Think Vin's makin' coffee, Josiah's typin', Nathan's typin', JD's hackin' into your file again, Ez - shouldn't have mentioned those changes, you know how the kid loves a challenge. Chris is still out. Me? I think I need to use the not-so-little boy's room... :-/ You did say your place tonight, right, Ezra?

Love God

Subj: Re: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Preacher)
Reply-to: profile_this (Preacher)
To: (Leader), (Tracker), (Kid), (Romeo), (Doc), (Gambler)


I agree with Buck, Ezra; warn a body before you send out email such as that one. No telling what a fella might be doing when he opens it. ::wide grin:: I find myself eternally grateful that Edna thinks it was only Vin's coffee I was choking least for now. Ah, on with the meat, shall we?


Name: Josiah Isaiah Sanchez - pop was real big on Jehovah.

Birthdate: Old enough to know about it - too old to do it - and foolhardy enough to try it anyway. Forget Viagra, I need vitamins to keep up with you six young'uns.

Sex: Old dog - old tricks - newer twists.

Marital Status: Way I see it, Buck has the right of it. Married.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere the sun is warm on my back and there's a breeze to cool my labors. Where I can hear children laughing, my lovers sighing...and Vin and JD arguing over the remote. :D Ah, bliss.

What is your favorite article of clothing? ::Eyebrow raised:: Snakeskin, Buck? Wish I'd a known... Guess I'll settle for that pair of light linen pants. Now, for the rest of you...I'll have to think on that. Oh, and JD? Ezra's right - it's definitely not the red thong. {evil smile}

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? Ah, Buck...I'd have to say your soul is something I feel most privileged and blessed to bear witness. Combine that with JD's enthusiasm, Vin's inner strength, Chris' determination, Nathan's heart and Ezra's wicked streak and I'm surrounded by men I'm damned proud to call my friends, my lovers and my faith.

What is the last CD that you bought? Zen Meditation with a techno-rock mix from the bargain bin. It's not too bad.

Where is your favorite place to be? {Us together as a group.} Amen to that, brother Buck. Have I mentioned my garden needs weeding?

Where is your least favorite place to be? Where I can't get my hands dirty.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? Nice and strong dug in around the neck and shoulders and down the spine.

Do you cook? Yep. Ezra, I could cook up dinner if you'd rather. Stew and cornbread. Or there's some chili left in the freezer.

What time do you wake up in the morning? Usually around 5 - it's when Sheba wakes me up. Being on the wrong end of 20 pounds of cat is nothing to tangle with.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? While the spatula does indeed hold fond memories, I have to go with the stove. At least if you boys want more of my chili. Now don't you go makin' that face, Nate - you know you love my chili.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Just who did you think it was who taught JD how to use the Cat, Buck? 3}:-o I think the most dangerous thing a man can do it to place total trust in another human being - and we have each surrendered that trust to the other more times'n I can count.

What is your favorite color? Hmm....yellow.

What is your favorite tv show? Discovery channel. Or maybe MTV?

What is your favorite season? Any and all - they all have their sellin' points. Summer for skinny dippin' at the lake - winter for bein' holed up by the fire, wrapped in limbs and blankets. Spring for gettin' caught in sudden thunderstorms with nowhere to go and no desire to get there. Autumn for cool, crisp days, blue skies and tackle football with the young'uns. ;-)

What is your least favorite household chore? Cleanin' the litter box. Swear that cat waits around just to leave me a present.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? ::snort:: Imagine your animal magnetism hooked us all, Buck. As for myself - wouldn't mind a bit of knowing where and when Ezra's miscreants were gonna strike. Less paperwork and easier on these old bones.

If you have a tattoo, what is it? >>Just the white rose over my hip bone. Gotta admit, 'siah, I love that trail down your back and JD....what are you thinkin', kid?<< I know you do, Buck - times I don't think Ezra and Vin are the only ones all cat. Need to double up on the vitamins when you run your nose, lips and tongue down my spine. You do realize that you make the most satisfying sounds when I return the favor on that hip, so close... {veg}

Can you juggle? Nope.

What is your favorite day? Any day naked in the outdoors with you boys. ::grin:: Christmas morning watching Vin and JD opening presents. Chris on a good court day. Nathan knowing we're all safe after a bust. Watching Buck's sated grin, leaning back and sighing after a healthy helping of thanksgiving turkey - and after stealing more'n a bite off of JD and Ezra's plates. Watching Ezra bait and traumatize the dead heads from the FBI the last time they thought to play fast and loose with the rest of us as a team.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? ::watching Vin tormenting Buck and Ezra:: Boy definitely carries a mean streak, that's sure. {veg} Damn fine view though. Nathan?

Last? Brother Chris.

What is your favorite flower? Have to go with lilies. Hannah was always so fond of them and they made her smile.

Latex or leather? >>Hell, this bunch would be downright dangerous in a set of tight leather pants.<< (snip) >>::shift, wiggle:: I think the color blue is comin' back again...<< Serves you right, Buck, for trying to kill an old man. Damn, boy. Though that is some mighty lovely imagery there. Have to agree - definitely leather.

Apples or oranges? Apples.

Blue or black ink? Crayon. Keep'em guessing. Could always claim seniority...or was that senility. I forget...

What is your favorite hobby? >> Like gettin' my hands dirty.<< In that Buck - have I mentioned my garden needs weeding? :-D

Favorite childhood memory? I'm lucky to have something similar to you boys...when I was very young, Ma drove us out to the traveling faire and Hannah and I got to ride on a honest-as-day Ferris wheel. Always wanted to and with Pop away ministering to a few unfortunate souls a couple towns away, we managed to slip away and back before he came home. Never will forget Hannah's blond hair in pig tails and ribbons, Ma with her Sunday Bonnet and me in my suit coat and school shoes...

Wizard or Warrior? Right enough. Warriors suits me...that way I can bust heads when Craigan's boys think about messin' with the Seven again. Good thing they kept it fair till the end and you only had a bruise or two JD, otherwise, that bunch a half wits wouldn't a been fit for polite company next day. Sparrin' between instructors is supposed to stay friendly and I don't think that trick Thompson tried to pull was all that friendly.

What's happening as you finish this survey? Nathan's typing, Vin's typing (in his seat and depriving an old man of that very nice view), Ezra got a look I would only describe as unholy glee and JD, son you're blushin' worse than a firecracker in July. Ezra must have added a good one this time? Chris and Buck are still gone.


Subj: Re: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Doc)
Reply-to: (Doc)
To: (Leader), (Tracker), (Kid), (Romeo), (Doc), (Gambler), profile_this (Preacher)


Lord, you boys are going to be the death of me, you all know that? JD, you sure ain't nobody can break this code lock but you? Well, if Josiah can claim senility, I guess I can claim insanity when Chris gets back and reads what we've all been up to... Anybody got any ideas as to how that meeting's goin'?


Name: Nathan Obediah Jackson..

Birthdate: >>Old enough to know about it - too old to do it - and foolhardy enough to try it anyway.<< Don't I know it. At least none of you have sprained anything yet...::thinking back::...nothin' important anyway.

Sex: Count me in. Reckon I stopped being an old prude about the time Vin, Chris and Buck brought out the handcuffs, chocolate ice cream and the feather duster...

Marital Status: Yeah...yeah I guess that's right. ::smile:: Married. And don't you be smirkin' at me, preacher. Reckon I can be sappy if I've a mind to.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? By the ocean. Palm trees, white beaches, blue skies and clear aqua waters...

What is your favorite article of clothing? >>Oh, and JD? Ezra's right - it's definitely not the red thong. {evil smile} << ::big grin:: Nope, that ain't it. But now Buck, guess I should bring my white lab coat tonight?

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? >>....I'm surrounded by men I'm damned proud to call my friends, my lovers and my faith.<< Amen to that, Josiah. But now, I'd have to say I most admire your versatility: nothin' fazes you for long, at least not once you've had a chance to sit and think on it a while. Buck, you have an open joy for life that just doesn't seem to fade, no matter how much darkness is thrown at you. And JD, when you're happy or excited about something (and I ain't never seen a time you ain't happy or excited about something!) you light up the room - make me tired just watchin' you. Chris, too. {grin} Though he only yells because you boys'd be disappointed if he didn't. I swear that man works twice as hard as any other SAC and still manages to keep up with the stunts you boys pull. And no, when I say 'you boys' I'm not talking about Josiah, Vin Tanner, so you just hush now. You and Ezra both get into enough mischief to scare a cat right out of his nine lives; it's no wonder Chris needs to tie you both to the bed every now and again, just to get some rest. Seriously, though, don't stop. You boys help keep him from drowning in this job, like today with Travis. As much as he'll bitch about the trouble, Chris needs the distraction, don't ever let him tell you otherwise.

Huh. ::looking back:: Guess we've moved away from the 'favorite physical feature'...wonder what that says about us?

What is the last CD that you bought? Tchaikovsky but I think I should've stuck with jazz.

Where is your favorite place to be? >> Have I mentioned my garden needs weeding?<< Josiah, your garden always needs weeding. I'd rather be at the clinic, where I can do some good.

Where is your least favorite place to be? Where I can't help. Or am not allowed to.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? The soles of my feet, my fingers and palms. Like the night you came over, Josiah, and helped me finish sanding that bookshelf Vin made for my medical texts. ::happy sigh::

Do you cook? I bake. And I opt for Ezra's lassagna. ::big grin:: No offense, Josiah, but....

What time do you wake up in the morning? 6 or round about.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? >> Now don't you go makin' that face, Nate - you know you love my chili.<< ::exasperated sigh:: Josiah, since when is runnin' like mad for the hills a sign of likin' that stuff you claim is chili? I swear between your 4-alarm toxic spill and Vin's coffee, you boys ought to patent that stuff out as paint stripper - with warning label - and be done with it!

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Oh I don't at Josiah's after Vin made the coffee? ::grinning and ducking::

What is your favorite color? Green, soft and sage.

What is your favorite tv show? Medical Detectives or CSI. >>Or maybe MTV?<< Josiah, don't you know that stuff will rot your brain?

What is your favorite season? Summer. A nice, hot summer day, lazy afternoon spent with a fishin' pole in the water, sittin' under a big ol' tree with a book in one hand and a glass of iced lemonade in the other.

What is your least favorite household chore? Dusting.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? A real hands-on healer; no way to lose a patient and no not knowin' what to do.

If you have a tattoo, what is it? No tattoos. Not real big on ink in my bloodstream. Hush. I know all the medical facts and still ain't changin' my mind.

Can you juggle? Only if you want a mess on your floor.

What is your favorite day? >>Any day naked in the outdoors with you boys. ::grin::<< ::matching the grin and shaking my head:: These boys are a bad influence on you, 'siah. I imagine a calm day with no shootouts, criminals or uppity government officials would count as a good day for us. Oh, all right! Winding up naked with you all at the end of it would be nice, too.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? Vin. Far as I know, Chris is still...uh oh. Headin' down the hall.

Last? Chris - providin' he doesn't dock us all for the survey in the first place.

What is your favorite flower? Pond lilies. Never knew if they had another name but Ma sure liked them and they're pretty good for the fishin', too.

Latex or leather? >> >>Hell, this bunch would be downright dangerous in a set of tight leather pants.<< << (snip) >> >>::shift, wiggle:: I think the color blue is comin' back again... << <<

>>Serves you right, Buck, for trying to kill an old man. <<

Hell, Josiah, at least you know ol Buck'll give you mouth-to-mouth. Of course, don't know how effective that'll be with his tongue in the way and all...

Apples or oranges? Strawberries, blackberries - nice and ripe off the vine.

Blue or black ink? Either. Figure they want'em bad enough, they'll read what the reports are written in and be done with it.

What is your favorite hobby? >>In that Buck - have I mentioned my garden needs weeding? :-D<<

Like I said... ::grinning:: Wood working, collecting knives, and daggers.

Favorite childhood memory? Fishin' out at that old man Phipps' pond with my pop and ma bringin' us lemonade, scoldin' us not to be gone past lunch. She won't bringin' that out to us, too! Course she did and we all stayed for a picnic under the oak tree while pop played the harmonica and ma sang. Vin, you're the only other I've known who could play like he did.

Wizard or Warrior? Healer. That way I can patch you boys up good and tight. And Josiah's right, JD - it was a damned good thing you turned the tables on Thompson, or I'd have been patchin' up more than that bruise or two. Josiah and Buck would have torn through the 12 like a hurricane at high tide. And I wouldn't trust Baxter to put a bandaid on a mosquito bite. Boy's got mush for brains and he sure ain't no kind of medic I'd want to tend to my wounds.

What's happening as you finish this survey? Buck's back, Chris walked by and is now in his office - meeting must have gone all right if the glass ain't shattered from a slammin' door yet. JD's fidgetin', Ezra's drinkin' coffee (must be a batch JD made), Vin's typing and Josiah is taking a nap while pretending to read the Boswell report. ::snort:: Somethin's telling me you may need that energy for later...


Subj: Re: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Tracker)
Reply-to: (Tracker)
To: (Leader), (Tracker), (Kid), (Romeo), (Doc), (Gambler), profile_this (Preacher)


Name: Kevin Michael Tanner.

Birthdate: April 14, 1975.

Sex: Right often 'round you boys.

>> Reckon I stopped being an old prude about the time Vin, Chris and Buck brought out the handcuffs, chocolate ice cream and the feather duster... <<

Ain't seen nothin' yet. ;->

Marital Status: I'll go along with married. Reckon it's a good thing none of us turned up pregnant before the wedding, tho...

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Up in the mountains, away from crime, grime and people.

What is your favorite article of clothing? Old washworn jeans faded to baby blue and that flannel shirt that kinda matches it and being barefoot. Or bein' naked. {veg} Howya doin' there, Bucklin?

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex >>And no, when I say 'you boys' I'm not talking about Josiah, Vin Tanner, so you just hush now. <<

Whaat? Mindin' my own business here, Doc.

>> Huh. ::looking back:: Guess we've moved away from the 'favorite physical feature'...wonder what that says about us? <<

That love and attraction doesn't have to be just physical? Then again, look who I'm goin' to be beddin' down with tonight. ::evil grin:: There ain't 6 sexier men out there - butts, eyes, smiles, practical jokes and all the rest included.

What is the last CD that you bought? ::groan:: LOVED those drums. If that was your 'mood music' Ez, how are ya feelin' today? ::hopeful::

Last I bought was the soundtrack to Torque. Well, it looked good. ::glare:: What? I do listen to more than country, you know.

Where is your favorite place to be? Outside. Ridin', workin' - hell, preacher, even weedin'. That rail still holdin' up all right, Siah? Still think I shoulda added a couple more nails to finish her up right.

Where is your least favorite place to be? Inside. Inside and in meetings all damned day. Glad it's you and not me, Cowboy.

What is your favorite place to be massaged? You fellas are gonna laugh but...two fingers around the side of the eyes at my temples. Nice and slow. Or strong and hard along my back when it freezes up after workin' on the fencin' at the ranch.

Do you cook? Yup. ::enjoying the surprised looks::

What time do you wake up in the morning? 5.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Aw, Nate, Josiah makes great chili! And there ain't nothin' wrong with my coffee, neither.

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? >>Oh I don't at Josiah's after Vin made the coffee? ::grinning and ducking::<<

::mutter:: Nate's definitely gettin' tied to the bed and I'm bringin' out the paddle....

Bounty huntin' alone before I had you guys watchin' my back.

What is your favorite color? Sunrise.

What is your favorite tv show? National Geographic and Tom & Jerry.

What is your favorite season? Don't rightly have one. All of them.

What is your least favorite household chore? Doin' the dishes.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? Never known a kid not wantin' to grow up to be Superman.

If you have a tattoo, what is it? Nope.

Can you juggle? Nope.

What is your favorite day? >>Any day naked in the outdoors with you boys. ::grin::<<

Reckon that about sums it up.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? Me.

Last? Chris is the only one left. Glass ain't shattered from Larabee slammin' the office door so I guess the meetin' went well. Either that or Chris went postal like he's been threatenin' to and he's figurin' out where to hide the bodies..

What is your favorite flower? Those bright yellow daisy-like weeds you always see in the late fall. Or buttercups. I remember pickin' buttercups for my mom from the field out back.

Latex or leather? >> >>Hell, this bunch would be downright dangerous in a set of tight leather pants.<<

Hell, yeah. Never will forget the look on that pimp's face the day Chris' n JD broke up that prostitution ring on 3rd. Poor bastard didn't know whether to avoid the Larabee Glare by lookin at JD in leather 'n mesh or brave the glare and catch Chris melted and poured into his black leather...not realizin' that the starin' at JD was what put the Glare there to begin with. Kid was wearin' more rips than fabric - not to mention the dog collar - and I still don't know how Larabee took a breath, those pants were so tight. Literally had to peel them off...ain't that right, Ez?

Apples or oranges? >>Strawberries, blackberries - nice and ripe off the vine.<<

Second that. Apples, too.

Blue or black ink? I vote with Josiah. Crayon.

What is your favorite hobby? Workin' the horses. Or workin' you boys.

Favorite childhood memory? Sunshine, buttercups and vanilla from Ma's perfume.

Wizard or Warrior? ::snort:: Thompson's a prick. Next time that boy makes a move on ya, JD, squash him. That comes straight from Chris, btw. Or better yet, tell Edna. ::evil grin:: Thompson dares try anything on her and he'll have half the building waitin' in line to kick his ass for botherin' a 'defenseless little old lady'.

What's happening as you finish this survey? Chris is barricaded in his den and Josiah's snorin'. Rest of you boys look to be fiddlin' with things waitin' on quittin' time. Buck's crap is in the trash can. Nate, your desk can't get any cleaner. For God's sake, Ez, the pencils are gone! And the way you're lookin' at me and swallowin' that coffee - ain't nice, Ezra. ::glare:: Damn.

Tracker (off to the little boy's room)
P ?????(r)

Needless to say they never made it to Ezra's that night.

Chris Larabee sighed as he leaned against the door jam to the back bedroom and watched his lovers sleep, bathed in the warm golden glow of the late Sunday afternoon sun.

Gauzy curtains fluttered in the open window, letting in the early summer breeze as well as the sunlight that bathed the tangled bodies wrapped up together in limbs and sheets before spilling over onto the worn hardwood floors. The room was large, open and airy; it would have to be, otherwise they would be bumping in to each other and while that was often a good thing, sometimes the seven of them together could get a little crowded.

Taking in the various shades of color highlighted and revealed in the light Chris settled in against the wood, happy to just lounge there, enjoying the view.

The reds, golds, deep browns and black of their hair color. Skin tone from pale ivory gold to rich ebony and four more shades in between. The honeyed shadows and gilded edges in the dip and play of varying degrees of solid muscle as they shifted slightly with each soft breath...

...the brilliant scarlet red of JD's butt, raised in natural curve as he rested stomach down half off, mostly on Buck, using his lover as a pillow.

All told, Chris Larabee was one happy man.

And it served the boy right for sending out the survey that started this whole weekend in the first place. Oh, Ezra helped. Chris would even go so far as to blame the whole thing on the wicked streak that ran mostly untapped in the southerner...especially since Ezra was the first to start talking dirty in his survey answers...but it was just so good and why blame one when you can punish two? Or three?

Chris didn't bother fighting the smug little grin that stretched his mouth at the memory. Without knowing, Ezra had set the tone for the night with his appreciation of Chris 'take charge attitude' (not to mention the various descriptions of the boys in leather, red thongs or just plain naked) and noone had grumbled when Chris had stalked out of his office at 4:59. Standing there, he had singed them all with a hot, once-over gaze, and ordered them to the ranch for the weekend.

A 'particularly engaging weekend'.

In fact, he was only glad that noone got trampled in their rush out the door and down into the underground garage.

While Ezra didn't particularly go in for spanking, not like JD and Vin, he did love to watch, so while Josiah and Nathan took charge with those two, he and Buck had used the rings bolted into the ceiling to set Ezra up at the foot of the over large bed, arms stretched over his head, feet apart and resting comfortably on the hardwood floor.

Chris had gone with Ezra's suggestion and had that bed made by welding two king sized frames together after the first time the team had 'played' here at the ranch. It dominated the back wall with pretty much nothing else in the room save a couple of chests and a few assorted rings bolted into the ceiling. The chests were for their toys, extra sheets, towels and various oils, lotions and antibiotics while the rings worked quite nicely as a foundation for restraints.

Especially when someone else - or in this case a couple someones else - were already tied to the bed.

Ezra had been set up perfectly not miss a thing as Josiah and Nathan had tied both men to the bed, wrists bound with rope weaving through the wrought iron of the headboard, leaving their legs free and butts exposed to waiting hands. They wouldn't have to wait long, though Ezra would, as only after JD and Vin had had enough and each of the others had been satisfied would the southerner be allowed to feel hands on his skin.

The sight of Vin and JD as they were both lovingly taken and used, the sounds they made, the whistle and slap of the Cat, the slap of skin on skin...the cries and pleas... or in Vin's case, curses...

Ezra would watch and tremble with them, imagining every caress as it would feel on his own skin, every kiss as it would taste against his own lips; unable to touch himself until Chris released him.

JD and Vin had been prepared quickly, each receiving a small plug before the swats began; the bulk enough to tease and not enough to do more than torment. Somewhat later, when both butts were an angry red, the heavy breathing peppered with muttered curses and needy gasps, and Ezra trembling in his restraints, Chris had nodded, motioning for Buck to join Nathan with Vin. He moved to caress one hand down the other sweaty back, joining Josiah's wolfish grin at the instant arch and moan his touch had caused.

Chris found that separating Buck and JD was an extra thrill as both men would have to be content with merely watching his lover writhe under the attentions of one or more of the seven. He had often gotten off just from the looks they threw the other's way when they were close and rocking; hungry, hot and needy. A lip bitten here, a head thrown back, harsh groan there...

And Buck knew it, the half-hearted glare thrown his way shifting longingly to the pale skin under Larabee's hand before the rogue had sighed and shook his head, grin only half hidden as he set to work on Vin, tangling one hand in the long hair and pulling the demanding lips up for a kiss.

That had been Friday night and the weekend had only gotten better from there. In fact, they had barely gotten out of bed; rousing only eat, use the bathroom and to make love and then only to change sheets, partners, position and ideas. Fantasies.

Chris shifted, thoughts turning over, cherishing the love and friendship shared in the last couple of days.

Remembering the way Buck had soothed Vin's cries with kisses and soft touches before joining Nathan in driving the Texan wild; alternating the slow and easy strokes with fast and harsh, never letting Vin adjust...their bodies moving together to take Vin over...

Ezra's eyes, the incredible green darkened almost to black with desire and lust as he, too watched; his own body hard and aching, untouched...pulled taut in the restraints holding him immobile. Unable to do more than envy his friends and thrust slightly into empty air...

Remembering the way he and Josiah had played with JD, the boy taking everything they had to give and more. Offering it all to Buck in that one long, heated gaze as they toppled him into his own orgasm with a scream; the first of many...

The way Buck froze against Vin, hands gripping hard enough to leave bruises, body shuddering in sympathy with his lover's fall...

Remembering each of them with Ezra.

Again alternating between too much and not enough, using hands, mouth and bodies to drive the pleading man insane. The way Vin and JD had sandwiched him between them; Vin's lips and teeth at his neck, body buried deep, JD's arms wrapped around Ezra's hips, holding him open, lips and limbs locked together and not looking to part.

The way Josiah and Nathan had dwarfed the shorter man, large bodies moving strongly in, out and against, causing Ezra to alternate between gasps of encouragement and thwarted curses. Or the stuttered surprise in his shout as Josiah shifted slightly, hard thrusts sliding smoothly between his cheeks as Ezra came, Nathan's stomach and chest now streaked in white.

After Ezra had taken them all, Chris and Buck had released the exhausted man, laying him down on the fresh sheets Nathan had pulled from one of the chests where he promptly fell asleep, curled around and between Vin and JD respectively. Buck had chuckled softly, favoring them with a tender look and cleaned them up, never once causing them to stir.

While Buck took care of their troublemakers, he and Josiah had taken care of the toys and the rest of the mess. Chris had frowned at the rope burns along JD's wrists, not bad but definitely noticeable, Nathan doctoring the slight abrasions with antibiotic cream and bandages from the little medicine chest.

Almost 48 hours later, Chris again frowned at the bandages on the slim wrists, blaringly white in the now reddish glow. JD wasn't hurt and barely even remembered pulling hard enough to get them, but how were they going to explain that in the office tomorrow, Chris had no idea. And ah, hell...JD had court tomorrow.

Chris shook his head and sighed. They'd think of something. Even the daunting thought of returning to work couldn't ruin his mood right now.

Speaking of that, with one last satisfied look at his men sleeping worn out and sound piled together in their big bed, Chris pushed off the door frame. With a small smile that grew into a sadistic grin he padded barefoot down the hall into his home office.

After all, there was still the small matter of an email to answer...


Subj: Re: Survey Says....
Date: 5/18/03 11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: (Leader)
Reply-to: (Leader)
To: profile_this (Preacher), (Leader), (Tracker), (Kid), (Romeo), (Doc), (Gambler)


Ok, so it's late Sunday evening and you boys are all bedded down in the back. If you look real careful you'll see I've added a couple of questions...respond to those tomorrow before quitting time at your own risk. ::Evil snicker::


Name: Christopher Matthew Larabee.

Birthdate: October 13, 1965.

Sex: Definitely, though I think I may need a couple days to recuperate.

Marital Status: Definite polygamist. And something you want to tell us, Tanner?

>>Reckon it's a good thing none of us turned up pregnant before the wedding, tho...<<

If you could live anywhere, where would it be? I used to not care if, much less where. Still don't care where as long as it's capacity fits seven. Hell, you boys are my family now.

What is your favorite article of clothing? Je-zus, Vin. Good thing I'm already worn out and give out from the last 48 hours...

>>Old washworn jeans faded to baby blue and that flannel shirt that kinda matches it and being barefoot. Or bein' naked. {veg} Howya doin' there, Bucklin?<<

Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex ::Snort:: Hell Nate wasn't the one bound to the bed, now was he Vin? One of these days you're gonna tell me what those damned Comanche cries really mean...though I can't say as I really care so long as you make them.

What is the last CD that you bought? I think it was the new Santana CD...or was it Toby Keith?

Where is your favorite place to be? Right now, anywhere I don't have to sit down. Yes there is and extra cushion on the den chair. I think we might be using an extra cushion in the office tomorrow.

Where is your least favorite place to be? If Travis calls a meeting tomorrow I swear I'm taking my sig with me.

>>Inside. Inside and in meetings all damned day. Glad it's you and not me, Cowboy.<<

What is your favorite place to be massaged? Depends on who's doing the massaging and for why.

Do you cook? I cook just so long as someone else cleans up the mess.

What time do you wake up in the morning? Too damned early. Not looking forward to tomorrow when none of us should have the energy to twitch much less crawl out of bed in the morning. Somehow I don't think Travis would except a team-wide excuse of sexual exhaustion for pulling a sick day. At least not without a lot of explaining that I'm not sure Travis would want to hear. ::evil grin:: Though now, why do I think the look on his face might be worth it?

What is your favorite kitchen appliance? That spatula was nice, though I'm thinking the wooden spoon after Friday night. Wouldn't you agree JD?

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done? Spend a 48 hour weekend orgy session with you boys. Hate to tell you, but Ezra, JD and Vin probably won't be the only ones hobbling around in the morning. I think I'm getting too old for this shit.

What is your favorite color? Black. ::glare:: Not a word.

What is your favorite tv show? One of those do-it-yourself home things.

What is your favorite season? Winter with the snow on the mountains, and your breath puffs sharp and cold in the air. ::sly grin:: Sliding against a naked Vin out in the barn watching the snow come down through the open double doors a couple feet away. Still think it was too cold for that, Vin?

What is your least favorite household chore? Housework. Cleaning out the horses stalls maybe. Replacing the fencing in the summer I don't count seeing as how I get you boys sweaty and half naked in public.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? ::growl::

If you have a tattoo, what is it? Nah, Sarah never wanted me to have one. I agree with Buck and Josiah, though. ::snort:: Instead of rings, maybe we should get matching tattoos right on our asses.

Can you juggle? No.

What is your favorite day? Any day naked with you boys period. Preferably at home and away from prying eyes where I can have my wicked way with you. Like this weekend.

From the people receiving this list, who is the most likely to respond first? No idea. JD since you're the only one who goes for his laptop before coffee in the mornings.

Last? The silence you heard in my office after that damned meeting Friday was the sound of revenge being plotted for this damned survey. ::sly grin with teeth:: How'd I do? What is your favorite flower? Prairie Roses.

Latex or leather? Definitely leather. Hell, Ez and I both had fun...JD, too, right kid? Never knew a dog collar could be such a turn on...::raising eyebrows:: Or my 'Bad-Assed Glare' apparently.

Apples or oranges? Apple pie.

Blue or black ink? Black. ::glare:: Not a word.

What is your favorite hobby? Working the ranch.

Favorite childhood memory? Riding horses with my dad.

Wizard or Warrior? Warrior. And damn right that's from me! Next time you 'spar' with Thompson JD, I want to be there. I'm sure Josiah will bring the popcorn and Ezra will set up a concession stand selling tickets. I'm tired of that prick messing with my people.

What's happening as you finish this survey? You boys are all sleeping the sleep of the dead back in the back room. ::evil smirk:: Serve you right for getting me all worked up after having to sit through that damned meeting in the first place. I think we wore each other out. ::big grin:: Had fun, though. Even if I can't sit down right now. Hell, I'm going to bed. Good night, boys.

Yeah, I love you.


The end.