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Disclaimer: I do not own Magnificent Seven I am just borrowing the characters. I promise to give them back.
Summary: Vin is viciously assaulted. Can Chris help his friend get through it?
Warnings: RAPE, Violence, language, M/M sex
Chapter 1
Vin cursed under his breath as he was hauled into the police station. Despite his claims that he was an ATF agent the two cops didn’t believe him. Vin knew his boss, ATF leader Chris Larabee, was going to kill him because he had left his badge at home.
The police station was in the better part of town, which in this instance made it worse. Vin knew most of the cops around Purgatory and he helped them out when he could.
This time, though, Vin had gotten a phone call from his neighbor requesting his help. Mrs. Valdera’s grandson had left with a gang member to commit a crime across town; the elderly woman had overheard them. Vin knew if he called the cops Juan would be in trouble and this time he would go to juvenile detention which would leave his grandmother with no one to help her out. Vin had gotten there in time to send Juan home.
However, after Juan had left, the gang member had attacked Vin with a pipe, hitting him over the head. Normally, Vin would not have been caught off guard, but he had taken a dose of prescription cough medicine before he had received the phone call, and medicine always slowed him down.
Vin had been groggy when he woke up. That had happened when he had been yanked to his feet by the two cops. To his astonishment, they had ignored his head injury and brought him to jail. Vin was sure he had a concussion, and with his cold he felt like shit.
Grudgingly, his head had been bandaged and then he had been tossed into a cell. At least he had been allowed to make a phone call, though it had been short.
Vin had a sinking feeling in his stomach that no one from his team was going to come get him. The captain had allowed him his one phone call and he had called Chris, but his boss had clearly been drinking. He just hoped Chris would remember his promise to call one of the others to come get him. Vin had only been with the team for little over a year, but he felt that they would come to his rescue. After all, he and Chris had that unspoken-about connection with each other.
+ + + + + + +
Meanwhile Chris downed another glass of whiskey as he picked up the phone.
Buck answered on the first ring. It was Friday and he was with his current girlfriend but he was worried about his old friend as this was the anniversary of Chris’s family’s deaths.
He had offered to come out to the ranch for the weekend but had been curtly turned down. Buck had even hoped Vin would be able to pull Chris out of his self-destructive behavior. While he saw a difference in the blond since the sharpshooter had arrived, Chris still tended to sink into depression on certain days.
“Buck, Vin called. He is in jail. I need you to go get him out,” Chris slurred the words.
Buck was immediately annoyed at the young man. Helping Chris out was one thing, but while he liked how Vin had befriended his old friend, he didn’t like all the baggage Tanner brought with him.
Like Purgatory…like the people who lived there…like how Tanner lived there.
“Hell Chris I’m all cuddled up with Cynthia. Vin can cool his heels until tomorrow morning,” Buck replied, winking at his girlfriend as she slipped her dress off, showing off her new lingerie.
Chris sighed, “Buck…shit I guess you are right. Maybe this will be a lesson to him to keep his ID on him at all times. If he insists on living in that hellhole he needs some protection. Okay well get him out first thing tomorrow morning. At least the police station is in the good part of town. He will be safe even is he is pissed at us.”
“Yeah, hopefully this is a lesson Vin won’t forget,” Buck replied as he hung up, promptly forgetting about his teammate as he gathered Cynthia up and headed for the bedroom.
Chris poured himself another drink. Damn but he missed his family so fucking much…and now there was the guilt. Guilt because there was a part of him that was now ready to move on. It had been three years since they had died, but when Vin showed up, Chris felt an attraction he had not felt since he had laid eyes on Sarah. Chris had his share of men in his younger days and even a couple since his wife died but they had not meant anything.
Vin was different. He thought he was already half in love with the young man but fought the attraction. He felt disloyal to Sarah and if Vin wasn’t interested, he didn’t want to lose the young man's friendship.
Besides, there was the team to consider. Who knew how they would handle it? He would have to think on his next course of action, after he had another drink of course.
+ + + + + + +
As Chris was drinking himself into unconsciousness and Buck was fucking his current girl, Vin sat alone into the jail cell.
In the cell catty-corner from his was another man but he was quiet and from the snoring, was asleep.
Vin heard loud talking and the clanging of jail doors, the voice got closer. His heart sped up; surely he was being let go. He could go home lie down and hopefully the headache would go away.
The two cops who arrested him came up to his cell and opened his door.
Vin looked hopefully at them.
“So are you letting me go? Surely someone is here to pick me up,” he asked.
The bald cop who stood a little over six feet and was overweight just laughed, nudging his slightly smaller partner.
“Pretty boy here thinks someone actually gives a shit about him. Guess he is still fantasizing he is an ATF agent…what a joke.”
“Yeah, who the hell would give a crap about your homeless ass? Damn, the only thing that ass is good for is fucking. Sure as hell no one would care if you lived or died.”
Vin flinched at the comments. This did not look good. Whenever anyone called him pretty boy it made him think of the man who had abused him when he was a teenager. But what really hurt was the fact that if no one was here to pick him up, then maybe no one did care enough about him to find him.
Vin’s head injury, combined with the cold medicine, made him slow to react when the two men rushed at him.
While he got in a few good blows he was soon lying on the floor in pain from his bruised ribs and his headache was now ten times worse. His ribs were throbbing from a kick that one of them had given him.
Vin groaned as he was pulled to his feet, his hands tied to the bars of the cell high over his head. God in heaven, he knew what was coming…why hadn’t one of his teammates come for him.
The two men laughed as they stripped him of his clothes. They had made sure to put Vin in one of the old cells in the back of the jail. While the jail was in a good part of town, it was an older one and didn’t have cameras everywhere. Besides, they seldom had violent offenders at this station so they were last on the cities budget to get upgrades.
The smaller cop shoved a gag into Vin’s mouth and tied it tight.
The big bald cop reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle of lube. He slid up behind Vin yanking his head back by his hair as he hissed into Vin’s ear.
“Gonna ride you hard and fast pretty boy. No one has come for you; your lies about being an ATF agent were just that, lies. If you were an agent they would have been down here real quick to save your pretty little ass.”
The shorter cop reached down and roughly fondled Vin’s cock eliciting a moan of distress from the young man.
“I think he likes it,” he crowed as he squeezed harder, letting his other hand move up to pinch and twist Vin’s nipples.
The bald cop laughed as he unzipped his pants pulling out his large long cock, lubing it up.
“I think so Ernest, I do believe pretty boy is panting for it. Just to let you know, fuck toy, those are not our real names, but we just love to play with peoples minds.”
Lonny shoved two of his fingers coated with lube into Vin’s ass.
“Don’t think this is for your enjoyment boy, I want to feel the slide as I take you. Besides we don’t want you bleeding to death. Who knows, we might pick you up again and we don’t want to damage your ass, at least not too much.”
Vin closed his eyes resigning himself to the rape. It wasn’t the first time he had been taken against his will but, he had really thought he had found people he could trust on team 7…guess he was wrong.
That was the last coherent thought Vin had as he was brutally violated by the cop.
Lonny spread Vin’s ass cheeks apart then drove his cock into his victim like a weapon. Vin was shoved forward the thrust was so hard and fast.
Ernest cackled gleefully as he continued to play with Vin’s cock and nipples being deliberately cruel. He paid particular attention to the nipples as he bit and caused as much pain as possible. The man made sure not to leave teeth marks so they could be tied back to him, but he loved causing pain.
Angling his cock, Lonny drilled inside the tight hole, pulling back on his cock with each thrust, he wanted to go as deep as he could. Fuck, they hadn’t had an ass this tight and hot in a long time.
Lonny gripped the slim hips tight, leaving finger bruises but not caring as he let his animal out; let the animal run the show, let the animal take the prey down.
Vin had tears running down his cheeks. He tried not to cry out to give them any satisfaction, but he couldn’t help it. His ass felt like it was fire and he was burning everywhere.
“Damn, pretty boy, you are one hot fuck. Look at it this way I’m just giving you what you wanted. I think your hot little ass was just begging to be fucked by real men.”
Ernest whined, “Come on, I want to have some fun.”
In a few seconds they had untied Vin and forced him to the dirty floor on his hands and knees.
Lonny continued to drill into Vin from behind he watched as his partner grasped the long hair pulling Vin’s head up.
The gag was removed and immediately a fist plowed into Vin’s jaw almost causing him to pass out.
“You scream, pretty boy, and it will be the last thing you do. They will never find your body. The captain is gone until early morning so it is just the two of us to keep you company. So just take it and you might survive this. I feel any teeth or you try to bite me and I will make it so your momma wouldn’t recognize that pretty face.”
Vin gagged as Ernest shoved his thick wet cock into his mouth, driving in hard enough to hit the back of his throat.
The rape lasted several minutes before both men found their release in the unresisting body.
Vin passed out and they left him lying on the floor as they adjusted their clothing.
Vin was tossed onto the cot, tied down at the wrists and ankles, his clothes bundled up at the foot of the bed. They would use him again later. He was too good a fuck to pass up.
The night passed in a blaze of pain and torture for the ATF sharpshooter. The cops thought they were safe, that they were just abusing a homeless bum. After all, if the guy had been ATF, his teammates would have come for him.
Lonny in particular enjoyed raping and torturing Vin. He fucked the sharpshooter several timesm able to keep hard through the wonders of modern medicine. He had a mean streak a mile long; at one point he had snapped clothes pins on Vin’s nipples causing the young man to cry out. To punish Vin for screaming he left them on all night long twisting them whenever he continued his rapes.
Driving his massive fist into Vin’s lower back he had growled, “Listen up, bitch, shut the fuck up or I will certainly kill you. They will find your stinking carcass in some back alley and no one will give a shit.”
After that, Vin had endured the attack with only occasional moans of pain escaping.
Ernest at one point had tried to get Vin to climax working on his cock but it was not to be. Vin was not one to get off on pain. It angered the man so much he had removed his belt and lashed at Vin’s cock and balls drawing welts but no blood.
That had been the last attack. Vin had just passed out from the pain. Bert had finished fucking him even though he was unconscious, then they had dragged him to the bathroom where they tossed him into the shower and got him cleaned up as best as they could.
They roughly got Vin’s clothes on the unresisting body shoving a thin cloth between his ass cheeks for the small amount of blood that was still coming out of the tears in his hole. All the while they were laughing and letting their hands rove over the slim body, pinching and bruising the already abused skin.
Vin had a bruise on his face from where Ernest had hit him but there were few other marks on his face and shoulders. His torso, though, was covered in marks. The welts would fade quickly and the few bite marks were not deep enough to be traced back to the cops. Vin’s ass was torn and bleeding but he would not bleed to death because of it.
The cops cleaned up the cell and made sure there was no evidence anywhere to link them to the attack just in case Vin decided to report them which they highly doubted.
Just before they left to go off shift, Lonny came back and shoved Vin back up against the wall.
“Just a reminder, pretty boy, you keep that pretty mouth shut or we will permanently shut it for you. We’re cops, you are nothing but gutter trash. You think to report this and we will destroy you.”
Lonny reached out with his hands and brutally pinched and twisted Vin’s nipples through his shirt until Vin whimpered in pain.
“Just a small sample of what we did before and what can happen again. Of course, the next time we just might cut your cock off, a pretty thing like you don’t need it anyway. As long as you have that tight hole, you’ll do just fine for real men.”
Vin had crumbled back onto the cot, wincing at the pain. He curled up on his side wondering if he would ever get out of this place and if he did, what was he going to do about his future.
It was several hours later that Buck Wilmington strolled into the police station. He was smiling because he had a wonderful time with Cynthia; boy that lady did know how to treat a man right.
Walking up to the desk Buck flashed his badge as he said, “Hi, I am here to pick up one of my teammates. I guess he was picked up last night and he had no ID, so you guys threw him in the jail cell.”
The captain frowned, “Yes, he said his name was Vin Tanner and he was an ATF agent. I have to ask why no one came last night to get him.”
Buck shifted, a little uncomfortable with the question. While last night he thought a night in a cell might teach Vin a lesson, when morning came he had begun to think that wasn’t such a good idea. Vin still had insecurities when it came to his place on the team. Hell, he was worse than Ezra. Vin gave his trust carefully, and leaving him here overnight might have damaged that fragile trust. Besides, Buck felt guilty for thinking bad things about Vin. If Tanner chose to live where he did, well that was his business, and Vin was a damn good friend.
“Vin has a tendency to forget his ID. We thought cooling his heels for a night might reinforce the idea that he needed to carry it at all times.”
The captain nodded, “Well I do agree there, but he was hurt.”
Buck felt his stomach sink, Chris had said nothing about Vin being hurt…this was not good.
“What do you mean, hurt? We didn’t know he had been hurt.”
“Yeah, my men found him lying in an alley; someone had nailed him over the head with a pipe. Your friend wasn’t making much sense and his pupils were off so it looked like he had taken something besides the blow to the head. My men said he told them he was fine so they bandaged him up and put him in a cell.”
Buck cursed, “Hell, Vin always says he is fine. Can I get him out now? I need to take him to see Nathan so he can look him over. He has been suffering from a cold and taking any medicine really affects him, so I am sure that is why it looked like he was on some kind of street drug.”
The captain turned to he sergeant behind the desk and ordered him to go get Tanner.
A few minutes later the sergeant came out with his arm around a very unsteady Vin Tanner. Vin looked like he could collapse at any time.
Buck gasped as he laid eyes on his teammate. What the fuck had happened to Vin in one fucking night? Then, he thought, what the hell did Chris and I allow to happen to the boy?
Buck practically leaped to Vin’s side.
Reaching out to put his hand on Vin’s shoulder he was shocked when Vin recoiled away from him.
“Hey Junior, what the hell happened? Who the fuck did this to you?”
Buck turned to lay into the captain, who was standing there staring at Vin in shock; the boy had not looked this bad last night.
Buck froze in place as a small hurt anguished voice said, “Why do you care, you left me here for it to happen.”
As his heart broke hearing the broken voice, Buck turned his fury on the hapless captain.
“I want to know how he came to be in this condition. I am taking him to a doctor and when our boss sees him, all hell is going to break loose.”
His voice clearly shocked the captain who stuttered, “Listen, he didn’t have the bruise on his face last night when I left. I had my men bandage his head. Who…ah…who is your boss?”
Buck ignored how Vin tried to move away from him as he put his arm around the slim waist.
Anchoring Vin firmly to his side Buck headed for the door. Just before he walked through it he said, “Our boss’s name is Chris Larabee, we are Team 7 of the ATF and this is our sharpshooter that is so banged up.”
Buck practically carried Vin, got him into the truck and headed towards Chris’s. He called Nathan to meet them there. Looking at Vin, he saw that his teammate was out, curled as far away from his as possible. Buck worried he needed to take his friend to the hospital but he knew how Vin hated the hospital. Figuring they had damaged the young man enough, he sped towards the ranch, hoping they could fix what they had inadvertently damaged by their unthinking actions.
At the police station the captain and sergeant exchanged horrified looks.
“Team 7…they are called the Magnificent Seven,” the sergeant muttered, thanking God that he had not been on duty the night before.
The captain reached for the phone to call the two men on duty last night.
He had heard of Chris Larabee, the man was a legend in the law enforcement circles. No one crossed Larabee; he was rumored to be part wolf, part grizzly bear and part rattlesnake and his glare had made grown men piss their pants and pass out.
He had to find out what happened last night because he was not going to face THAT man alone.
Chapter 2
Buck kept glancing at Vin but the young man never moved though, tiny whimpers would escape him whenever they hit a bump in the road.
Thankfully, he knew Nathan was on his way to the ranch. Now came the hard phone call.
Buck then made the call he was dreading to Chris. He just prayed his old friend was awake and somewhat sober.
Finally, on the sixth ring, Chris answered, “Larabee and this better be fucking important.”
“Chris, it's Buck,”
“What the hell, Buck. Did you pick Vin’s ass up? I hope he learned his lesson because he does it again and I might take a paddle to it,” Chris swore as he downed another cup of coffee with a handful of aspirins.
“Ah….well Chris, I picked Junior up and, well, he isn’t…ah…doing so well,” Buck hesitatingly said.
Chris felt coldness grip his heart. What had happened to Vin to make Buck so tongue tied?
“What is wrong with him?”
“They found him lying in an alley; someone had hit him over the head with a pipe. I guess he was regaining consciousness when they got to him. The boy of course told them he was fine. They cleaned the wound out and bandaged it. However, when I picked him up he had somehow gained a big bruise on his face. He is going to have a black eye out of this. He also wasn’t walking real well. The captain was shocked when he saw Vin, so he has no clue what happened. And to top it all off, sounds like his cold is worse. The idiots thought he was high on dope last night, but you know how he reacts to medicine and the prescription he is on is pretty strong.”
There was stone cold silence on the other end, then in a lethal voice Chris demanded, “Are you telling me Vin had been hurt, hit in the fucking head with a pipe, but they didn’t bother taking him to a hospital? I don’t give a shit if he said he was fine. I hope that captain gets his shit together because I will have answers about their procedures when they bring someone in hurt. I also will get a fucking answer on how Vin got that bruise in their fucking jail”
“I called Nate. He is on his way to the ranch.”
“Shouldn’t you be on your way to the hospital?”
“Vin hates hospitals and…well, I just…there is something else going on with the boy. When I asked him who hurt him he shied away from me and said, ‘Why do you care, you left me here for it to happen.’ I tell you Chris that about ripped my heart out. I think if I took him to the hospital it would be like another betrayal. I swear, I don’t think it would take much for him to take off.”
“We didn’t betray him, Buck. We just wanted to teach him a lesson. We had no way of knowing he would be hurt and not get medical help. Shit, I didn’t even know he had been hurt in that damn alley. Vin never told me that he was hurt, he just wanted to know if someone could come pick him up. So, while I am sorry he was hurt, he takes the blame for not telling me or we would have picked his scrawny ass up.”
“I know what you’re saying stud, but let me tell you, when we get there, don’t be riding his ass. Vin just doesn’t look good and I don’t mean the physical wounds he has. Like I said, there is something else going on.”
“Okay Buck, I will go easy on him. We will get to the bottom of this but we will take care of him first.”
Buck hung up the phone and sped up, wanting to get to the ranch as soon as he could.
Vin shifted in his seat, his hand falling to the seat between them. Buck glanced down and gasped.
There, clearly on Vin’s wrist, were ligature marks. They had been made by rope, not handcuffs - the marks were distinctive. Oh shit, this was getting worse and worse. Had those cops tied him up and beat on him?…
Oh, fucking hell, Buck gasped as he shied away from what he was thinking, surely to God Vin had not been raped…my God surely cops had not tied him up and raped him.
Buck’s mother had been a working girl until she ran into Phil who would become Buck’s stepdad and a better man could not be found. Growing up before Phil, though, Buck had seen a lot even at a young age, and rape had been more common amongst prostitutes male or female than society thought. Buck had seen the reactions from the people who had been raped and they had all pretty much been the same. They didn’t like to be touched, had nightmares, flinched away from people and their trust was long gone.
Glancing at Vin, Buck cringed. His young friend was just what a sexual predator liked, good looking, had an air of innocence about him, slim nice body and beautiful eyes…and they figured he had no friends since he was just left in the jail.
Buck clenched the steering wheel. If Vin had been raped, Chris was going to commit murder… Hell, he would help him kill the bastards who had hurt the boy.
Seeing that Vin’s cheeks were red Buck reached out without thinking and put his hand on the sleeping man’s forehead to check for fever.
Instantly, Vin jackknifed upright throwing himself away from Buck, raising his hands as he gasped, “Please…leave me alone…don’t touch…”
Then Vin realized where he was and who he was with. He immediately curled up as tight as he could, his back to Buck, never saying another word. He knew where they were headed and he would allow it, but as soon as he could, he was leaving. No way was he staying where he couldn’t trust the men he worked with to protect his back.
Buck’s heart sank as he was now almost a hundred percent positive that his teammate, who he had left in that fucking jail cell, had been raped. Vin had been raped while he had been fucking his current girlfriend…raped while Chris had been getting drunk.
How the hell were they all going to get through this?
When they got to the ranch, Nathan was already there. Buck climbed out and quickly went over to open the passenger side door.
Vin flinched away from him, not allowing Buck to touch him as he walked slowly towards the front door.
Noise behind them made them turn; George, the part time ranch hand Chris hired to take care of his increasing herd of horses, was riding a new broke horse in the corral.
Vin sighed. He was going to miss coming to the ranch, but there was no way he could remain in Denver. He just couldn’t trust his team, which broke his heart because he secretly adored Chris, but knew there was no future in it.
Even if he could get past the fact that they had abandoned him at that jail, Chris wouldn’t want used goods. He had only been fifteen when his foster father had raped him, but he had put that behind him with the help of Nettie Wells. He just didn’t know if he could get past it this time, because this time, the betrayal at the hands of men he thought he could trust was hurting him more than the physical pain of the rape.
Chris opened the front door as the two men reached it; he was shocked at Vin’s condition.
Nathan was a foot behind the ATF leader, his eyes roving over Vin, trying to catalog the injuries before he got his hands on his young teammate.
Chris felt rage and guilt crash over him, Vin’s condition was his fault. He had been drunk when he should have gone after his friend.
Worry, anger and sorrow were not a good mix as he stepped forward and put his hands on Vin’s shoulders, wondering at the recoil from his friend that particular action caused.
“Damn it, Vin. What the hell happened? Who did this to you?” he growled.
As Buck stepped up to intervene, Vin hissed, “Fuck you, Larabee. You left me in that fucking hell hole… What do you think happened to me? Hell, maybe they took pictures so you can fucking...enjoy it.”
Out of the corner of his eye Vin saw a hand reaching out, his mind immediately flashed back to being raped.
Recoiling, Vin grabbed Buck and shoved him into Chris and Nathan causing all three men to fall to the ground as he screamed, “Don’t fucking touch me again. No one is going to touch me.”
Vin turned, his terror giving him speed, his terror making the pain of his injuries seem insignificant…he just had to get away.
The three men struggled to get untangled from each other.
They watched in disbelief as Vin reached the corral. George had left the horse tied to the fence and gone into the barn.
Vin climbed into the saddle and took off for the wide open acreage of Chris’s ranch.
In less than five minutes, three men were galloping after him. George was ordered to stay at the house just in case Vin returned without them.
Vin was riding like the devil was after him; he didn’t know where he was going he just knew he needed to get away.
Buck saw the look on Chris’s face; the man was terrified for his friend after seeing Vin’s behavior, Nathan didn’t look much better. He alone knew how much worse it was than the two men thought. He had seen the bruises on Vin’s face. The man couldn’t handle anymore head trauma.
Then, it just got even worse.
The horse Vin was on took exception to going down the hill where his rider wanted him to go. The horse was no Peso and balked at the command, rearing up and dumping Vin on the ground.
Vin hit the ground hard and rolled down the hill, coming to a stop when he slammed into some large rocks.
Chris cried out as he saw Vin bounce down the hill looking like a rag doll being carelessly tossed away.
In seconds the three men were surrounding their friend. Nathan warned his friends about touching Vin until he could carefully check the young man out.
If Vin had broken bones he didn’t want to make things even worse.
Nathan cursed under his breath. Carefully, he began to check Vin out. He didn’t remove the shirt the wind was blowing and the last thing the boy needed was to get a chill, he was still nursing that damn cold.
“What is it Nathan?” Chris demanded fear coloring his tone of voice.
“Vin’s got several busted ribs, he hit his head pretty hard and from the looks of it he already had one head injury. I don’t want to move him any more than is absolutely necessary.”
“Buck, call for the Life Flight Chopper,” Chris ordered, never taking his eyes off Vin. The mere fact that Nathan was cussing up a storm terrified him as Nathan seldom cussed.
Buck jumped back on his horse and got to the top of the hill so he would have better reception and called for help. He was thankful that Travis had ordered the best cell phones money could buy so his ATF teams would always be able to call for help…or he could always get hold of them.
Chris gently laid his hand on Vin’s shoulder patting it awkwardly, afraid to do much more for his friend.
Finally the chopper arrived; Vin was put in a cervical collar and on the backboard as the medics paid special attention to spinal injuries.
There was not enough room for any of Vin’s teammates to ride so after the chopper took off they rode like the devil back to the ranch.
George assured the men he would take care of all the horses so they could just head to the hospital.
Buck insisted on driving as he saw how shook up Chris was. It was silent on the way to the hospital as all three men were sunk in their own thoughts.
Chris was frantic over Vin; he couldn’t imagine what had caused his best friend to behave like that. Vin had been so upset - hell, he had been almost hysterical.
Nathan was quietly going over the injuries he knew Vin had and the ramifications of those injuries. He was weighing what could be results of those injuries and long term effects… he was worried.
Buck was silently grieving for his young teammate, for Chris and hell, for the whole team…but mostly for Vin. He couldn’t help but think he and Chris had just thrown Vin to the wolves. It wouldn’t matter that they thought Vin would be safe but would perhaps learn a valuable lesson by spending the night in jail. Who would have thought it would be the very people who were supposed to uphold the law who had taken advantage of the young man? Vin would never forgive them. Hell, the rest of the team would probably shoot the two of them for letting this happen to the sharpshooter…and he wouldn’t lift a finger to stop them.
When they were about five minutes from the hospital Nathan asked, “Do we call the rest of the team and let them know Vin is hurt or wait?”
“Let’s wait so we have something definitive to tell them,” Chris replied.
“Yeah, there isn’t anything they can do to help being out of town, so they would just worry until we got more news,” Buck agreed.
When they arrived at the hospital, Nathan insisted that he be the one to find out information about Vin. His two friends didn’t look like they had the patience to be pleasant to the poor receptionist.
“Vin is having x-rays done and that was all they would tell me. The doctor should be out shortly,” Nathan reported back.
Buck paced frantically, wondering if he should share his suspicions with his friends. Finally, he decided he better quit being a coward and tell them. It wouldn’t be good if the doctor came out and told them that Vin had been raped.
Chris had been watching Buck, he knew deep down something more was wrong and it was bad.
“Buck, sit down and tell us everything. I haven’t pushed but we need to know what you know,” Chris said.
Buck sat down, and bowed his head, taking a deep breath. He nervously ran his fingers through his hair. He so fucking did not want to do this.
“BUCK!” Chris quietly hissed, his friend’s demeanor scaring the shit out of him.
Buck tried to think of a way to soften the blow but there just wasn’t one.
“I think that not only was Vin hurt in that alley, but those cops beat him up and…and…I think they raped him,” Buck softly said, his eyes filling with tears.
Nathan gasped, his eyes wide with shock. In a heartbeat, he jumped up and stormed over to the receptionist, insisting to talk to Vin’s doctor as soon as possible. If Vin had been raped, there could be internal damage and they needed to know that. The receptionist flagged down a nurse who took Nathan to talk to the doctor. Nathan was very careful not to divulge what he wanted. This was not going to be fodder for the gossip mill.
Chris just stared at Buck, the words rolling over and over in his head…Vin was raped…he was raped…I left him there to be raped.
Suddenly, the blond jumped up and ran for the bathroom, Buck got to the bathroom in time to hear his old friend throwing up.
Chris stumbled out of the stall and staggered over to the sink. Cupping his hands under the water he drank then spit it out.
“Are…are you sure?”
“Did Vin tell me that? No. But his behavior points to it and…fuck, he wasn’t walking real well.” Buck hated to say that, but he knew Chris didn’t like things sugar coated. Best just get it said.
“We are not telling the rest of the team anything right now. They are in Miami for a few more days in that class. It gives us time to decide what is in Vin’s best interests.”
Buck just nodded his head; he wasn’t looking forward to telling his teammates what had happened anyway.
“After we hear about Vin, I want all the information you can find on the bastards who did this…and Buck, they are going to die,” Chris stated, his voice low and lethal.
Buck’s eyes hardened.
“You got it stud. I will be happy to help you put them in the ground.”
Chris and Buck looked at each other, then nodded in agreement. The men who had hurt Vin were going to die, their bodies would never be found, and only the two of them would know what happened.
Justice would be served.
Chapter 3
The doctor came out to talk to the three worried men. He was not looking forward to telling them about Vin.
Walking into the small conference room he sat down, taking a deep breath then looked at the three men.
He knew them all from previous visits and in their own ways they were all volatile, even Nathan had his moments.
However, Chris was the one he was worried about, the friendship between Vin and Chris was legendary even here at the hospital. Vin may be the newest member on the team but he was the closest to the enigmatic team leader. He had seen Vin calm Chris when no one could get through to the blond. Also when one of them was injured you couldn’t pry the other from his bedside.
The men were relieved to see that it was Dr. Davies who was taking care of Vin. Vin liked the middle aged doctor for his straight talk and his kind demeanor.
“How is Vin, doc?” Nathan asked his dark eyes troubled.
“Not good. He has a severe concussion from two severe blows to the head, he is deeply unconscious, the longer he remains that way…well, we need him to wake up as soon as possible. He is breathing on his own despite the ribs though we have to be very careful. Vin had a cold before this and he is very susceptible to pneumonia. Vin has several busted ribs and multiple bruises covering his torso and hips,” Davies said then his voice broke. This
wasn’t just another patient this was Vin and he had become friends with the soft spoken young man.
“Go on ,doc, we have an idea of what you are going to say,” Nathan again was the one who spoke up.
“Vin was brutally raped, multiple times. We had to do surgery to repair the internal damage that was done to him. He has several bite marks on his torso particularly the chest area. Also the animals that did this used something - I would guess a belt to beat him around the genital area. There are numerous welts that will fade in the next few days but they are very painful. His throat is bruised and swollen from…well you know what from,” Davies finally finished.
Chris gritted his teeth he had to retain control at least for now. Vin needed him to be strong but he swore on his family’s graves that the monsters who committed this atrocity would pay with their lives.
“Doc, this will go no further than this room. I want the same nurses to take care of him on each shift if possible. I want no one to know what happened to him. When the rest of the team arrives in a few days they will be told he was beaten up and that is all - nothing about the rape. Do you understand?”
Dr. Davies looked into green eyes filled with hate and burning fire.
“You are Vin’s next of kin, Chris. I will tell no one anything unless you approve it. I am bound by law and I am bound by the friendship we have.”
Chris nodded his head satisfied that Vin would be secure not only health wise but from gossip.
“Can we see him, doc?” Buck asked the guilt all but eating him alive that he left Vin in the jail for this to happen to him.
“Of course ,come with me. I made sure he was put in one of the large ICU rooms as I know I will get none of you guys to leave the hospital any time soon.”
“You know us too well, doc,” Nathan replied wishing that the doctor didn’t have a reason to know them that well.
So began their vigil over their hurt teammate. Vin had slipped into a coma, Dr. Davies wasn’t sure he would ever come out of it.
Chris seldom left the hospital; he put in for a leave which was given since he had so much vacation time built up. Even after the tubes were removed, and the bruises faded he remained by Vin’s side holding onto the limp hand afraid that if he let go Vin would just disappear.
Josiah, Ezra and JD arrived back home shocked to find out what had happened to their friend. Buck had explained that Vin had gone to help one of his neighbors out and gotten beat up. Then came the abbreviated version of what had happened after that. The cops had picked Vin up and not allowed him to call for help, Vin having a concussion and being confused had lost it at Chris’s thereby resulting in his second head injury. The rape had been left out. When JD had mentioned going after the cops who had not taken their friend for medical care Nathan had explained that they had been fired and had left the city.
As far as Nathan knew that was what had happened to the cops, it was what Buck and Chris had told him.
It had been a lie to protect him as well as Vin. Any retribution for what they had done would be on them, no one else.
Buck and Chris worked together like a well-oiled machine on their plan to extract vengeance on the two depraved cops.Buck had talked to their supervisor about the beating, their lack of care, but had not breathed a word about the rape. The man had been appalled and since the men were not the best workers he had, he fired them. It had helped that they had complaints lodged against them before for excessive use of force.The men, while not the brightest people around, knew that they were in big trouble. Their supervisor had told them why they were being fired and they had realized that the guy they had raped had been ATF and, even worse, his boss was that fucking crazy bastard Chris Larabee. There was no way they were hanging around for that guy to find them.Unfortunately for them, instead of splitting up, they stuck together and headed out of town intending on going down towards Mexico, figuring even Larabee couldn’t find them there. First, though, they headed to the cabin Lonny had in the back country. It had been a special place for the two men; they had routinely taken homeless men there with the promise of a job and food. Of course all the men had gotten was raped and beaten over many days. No one had been killed, but it had only a matter of time.Buck and Chris had done their research they knew all about the cabin and knew the men would head there before leaving the area. They thought it was safe place to lie low before scurrying away like rats.Just in case they were wrong, Buck had attached a tracking device to their vehicle. That was how the two ATF agents knew when they switched cars.When it was apparent that was where they were heading, the two ATF agents had gotten to the cabin first, hiding the SUV and waiting outside for the two former cops.Lonny and Ernest pulled up in front of the cabin. They had sold their vehicles before they left Denver and picked up one cheap they had found for sale in front of someone’s house. They had paid cash so no one would know what they were driving. The two men were proud of themselves. They had plenty of money in their pockets, having depleted their bank accounts to make their getaway, and they were riding high.After all, they had raped Team Seven’s sharpshooter; of course they hadn’t known who he was at the time, but still, they had done it…and they had gotten away with it. Besides, it had been the best fuck they had ever had.Chris fucking Larabee and his smart ass team would never know who had taken down their fucking teammate. It would eat at them forever. Smart ass bastard deserved to be fucked bloody and his team deserved to suffer. Arrogant, snooty ATF pricks needed to be taken down a bit, it was about time someone dragged them off the pedestal they had put themselves on.Lonny in particular loved it. Oh, he didn’t want to live in Mexico, but damn, it was nice to realize that he had gotten one over on Team 7. Larabee had embarrassed him years ago by pointing out several mistakes he had made in securing a crime scene. It had taken months to live that down and a reprimand had been put in his file.Working quickly, the two men packed up what little they needed at the cabin and headed outside to leave. They were so unobservant they never realized they were being watched.As they stepped off the porch, Chris and Buck stepped out from the side of the house.Guns drawn, they smiled at each other, this was going to be fun.“Going somewhere?” Buck growled.Lonny gasped dropping the things in his hand reaching for his gun.Chris shot him in the shoulder sending him falling to the ground. Buck quickly grabbed up the gun that had fallen to the ground.Ernest simply dropped everything to the ground and raised his hands, his heart sinking when he saw who was standing there.Lonny struggled to his feet pressing his hand against his bleeding shoulder.“You fucking bastard, you shot me,” Lonny screamed glaring at the ATF agents.In a low deadly voice that made the two men feel like pissing their pants Chris said, “That isn’t all that we are going to do to you. You raped a friend of mine, a good friend and now you have to pay.”Lonny sneered, “A good friend…huh, Larabee. How good? You guys fuck buddies…but no his ass was way too tight. I had to force my way inside, enjoyed it, too, as he whimpered in pain.”Chris’s eyes flared as he prepared to shoot Lonny again but Buck stopped him.Ernest piped up figuring if he was going to die he would get his digs in, too.“I think your buddy enjoyed it after the first few times we fucked his ass. Hell, he even liked it when we fucked him at both ends at the same ti…”The shot echoed as it left the gun in Buck’s hand, the bullet hit the bragging man right between the eyes.“Damn it, Buck, I thought we wanted them to suffer for what they did to Vin? Hell, you wouldn’t let me shoot the other one,” Chris hissed as his old friend.Buck calmly wiped his prints off the gun then tossed it to the ground. There was something nice about shooting the loud mouth prick with his buddy’s gun.“Sorry, Chris, I just couldn’t stand to listen to him any longer. When I think that I left Vin there and let these animals…” Buck softly said his voice breaking when he thought of his friend lying comatose in the hospital.Chris glanced at Lonny who had slumped to the ground in shock. He was now gazing wide-eyed at his dead friend, still holding his bleeding shoulder. The man was no threat right then.Chris patted Buck on the back.“They hurt Vin, Buck, not you. Besides, I am the one who told you to leave him there over night. You just followed my orders and they are orders I will regret the rest of my life.”Buck looked in his friend’s eyes and saw the remorse, the guilt and the deep seated love that Chris held for Vin. A love that he feared would never be returned if Vin never woke up or if Vin did wake up and remembered what had happened.Chris realized that Buck had read him like a book but then why not. The two men had known each other since high school.“It doesn’t bother me ,Chris. Vin is a good man and all I want is for you to be happy. If that scrawny Texan is what you need, then go for it.”Chris lightly laughed, “Yeah, first that Texan has to wake up.”“If there is a God, and I believe there is, then Vin is going to wake up. I just feel it.”Neither man was willing to voice the issue of what would Vin remember or would he remember anything at all.Lonny groaned, “Shit…all you ATF agents fags or what? I knew your sharpshooter was way too pretty not to have taken it up the ass before.”Chris took a step forward ready to kill the bastard with his bare hands but Buck put out his hand to stop him.Countering the Larabee glare with a slight shake of his head Buck crouched down a couple of yards away from the bleeding man.“I think you should know that before we got here we rummaged around your cabin. For someone who throws the term ‘fag’ around as much as you there was certainly a lot of gay porn in there. I mean magazines, movies, sex toys…you boys must have had a good time here all alone.”Lonny sputtered.“You fucker, you had no right to go through our stuff. Besides me and Ernest did the fucking not the other way around. Those homeless bastards were happy to bend over when we gave them all the liquor they wanted. Didn’t even give a shit when we beat them either, then we sent them on their way.”“So then, if you had it so easy with the homeless why go after prisoners?” Buck demanded. The ladies’ man just couldn’t get it straight in his head why two policemen would do what these two animals did, then brag about it.“The first one we did was because he smarted back at us; we never got caught so we just continued. Of course none of them were as fine as your buddy. He was so sweet and pretty we couldn’t pass him up.”Despite his wounds Lonny was clearly enjoying his memories and making sure he hurt the two men in front of him. If he was going to die he wanted to enjoy himself.“Didn’t he tell you he was ATF?” Chris hissed gripping the gun so hard his knuckles were white.“Sure did but no one came to pick him up after his phone call. So we figured he was just trying to fake us out. He was so easy; he was already hurt so he couldn’t put up much of a fight. A few well-placed fists and a kick to his gut and he went down. Then it was all fun from there.”Chris took a step forward all he saw was red, he hadn’t been this mad since his wife and son had been murdered.Lonny sneered, “We fucked his mouth and ass all night. We whipped him then fucked him some more then…”The gunshot echoed around the mountain.Lonny fell back a bullet hole right between his eyes.Buck staggered away tears rolling down his cheeks as he couldn’t help but envision the horror and degradation that Vin had suffered that night.Chris shut his eyes and let the gun fall from his hand. It was an old one he had gotten from his uncle. There was no way they were going to use their service guns. The two ATF agents had known that when they confronted the two animals that had hurt Vin the men would die.Period!!Team 7 protected their own. It might be late but by God they had done it.Chris walked over to Buck and wrapped his arms around him.“We are going to get through this, Buck. Vin will wake up and we will all get through this.”Buck nodded his head wiped the tear tracks from his face and said, “Now we get rid of the bodies.”Chris nodded his head and they set to work. The bodies were tossed into the ground, burned then buried under a pile of dirt, leaves and rocks. In fact they were buried so deep it was highly unlikely they would ever be found. As far as the cabin was concerned they had worn gloves so no fingerprints would be found. The cabin was so far from the beaten path that it could be years before anyone would find the place. As a precaution they left the front door open so the elements and the animals would have free rein on the structure. With the heavy winter snow and no one to maintain it the structure would probably collapse completely in a winter or two.Driving back into Denver the two men felt a sense of satisfaction. The fact that they had killed two men did not prey on their conscience at all. As far as they were concerned it was justice served.The weeks dragged by for the men of Team 7. Vin was moved to a long term care facility that was attached to the current hospital Vin was in. Chris told Travis that he would not be able to continue as the leader of the team and took early retirement. Every waking day was spent at Vin’s side, Chris only left to go home to sleep, take care of the horses and do what he needed to do to keep the ranch functional.
At Chris’s recommendation, Buck took over as leader of Team 7. The ladies’ man didn’t want the job but he took it for one reason, a reason he explained to his friends.
Standing in Vin’s room with the rest of his teammates Buck stood with his hands on his hips and stared at the blond sitting vigil at Vin’s side.
“I will take the team, Chris, but for only one reason. I want to make sure that when Junior finally wakes up you will be able to have the job back. No one can run this team like you do. None of us want some stranger to come in and think he can change us. So just remember this is your job I am only babysitting it.”
“Quite right, Mr. Larabee. We are what you made us into…a team to be reckoned with,” Ezra stated.
The rest of team nodded their heads in agreement.
Chris wearily smiled, “Thanks, guys. You’re right, Buck, Vin will wake up. I just know it.”
More weeks passed after that conversation. Chris prayed every night for Vin to wake up. The team took turns so that when Chris had to be at the ranch someone was always with their injured teammate.
Buck and Nathan made sure that Chris was eating and taking care of himself. The blond had lost some weight but seemed to realize that he needed to make sure he stayed healthy so he could be there for Vin…the way he wasn’t there when Vin was tossed into jail to suffer at the hands of those animals.
One afternoon about nine months after Vin was rushed to the hospital it happened.
Chris was reading aloud to his friend when a he felt Vin’s hand twitch. Chris had taken to holding Vin’s hand when he read to him. It was a way to stay close to his friend and he didn’t want Vin to think he was alone
Chris quickly put the book on the bedside table and stood up. He prayed that it would happen again…was Vin finally waking up?
Chris stared down at the thin face; Vin had lost weight just lying in the bed. The only IV he had dispensed nutrients to keep him alive.
Chris felt the hand twitch again, he knew he should yell for the nurse but he was afraid to take his eyes off that beloved face.
Holding his breath Chris watched as long eyelashes fluttered for what seemed like an eternity then slowly…so very slowly they raised until those beautiful blue eyes could be seen.
The eyes were dazed and unfocused but they were open and staring right at the hovering blond.
Chris caught his breath; tears filled his own eyes as he leaned over Vin cupping his hand over Vin’s cheek.
“Hey cowboy, about damn time you decided to wake up. You know who I am? Just squeeze my hand?”
Chris held his breath then smiled as he felt a weak squeeze. It was enough to send the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Vin was awake; Chris felt hope and confidence for the first time in months.
Not caring who was around but needing the touch and the comfort and figuring Vin did, too, Chris leaned down and kissed Vin on the forehead.
“I love you, cowboy, I have missed you so much,” Chris whispered. He knew it was safe to say the words. Vin would assume he meant as a friend but Chris meant a lot more than that.
Then Chris called for the nurse and then called the team.
It was chaos for a while as nurses and doctors swarmed over the waking man.
Vin had started to panic because of all the people hovering over him but Chris had taken his hand and assured him he was safe.
Chris told his friend that he would be outside in the hallway, that he was in the way right then besides the team were on the way and he needed to talk to them.
Vin slowly calmed and nodded his head.
Chris paced the hallway looking up when he heard the commotion as the team tumbled out of the elevator.
“He’s awake and he knew me,” Chris gasped out as his emotions took over again.
Buck whooped and grabbed his old friend up in a bear hug. There were hugs all the way around and a great sense of relief.
The ATF team had not been the same without their leader and sharpshooter. Buck was a great leader but didn’t have the level of skills that Chris did. Basically Buck didn’t scare the shit out of everyone he looked at. The team had used sharpshooters from some of the other teams because they just couldn’t replace Vin permanently, now hopefully they wouldn’t have to.
JD began to fire questions at Chris who finally raised his hand for silence.
“I don’t know anything other than he woke up and he knew who I was. He started to panic when everyone came into the room but I calmed him down and then had to come out here.”
“Then I would suggest we go to the waiting room. The doctors will come to us when they have something to tell us,” Josiah commented rounding up his friends and herding them towards the waiting room.
It seemed like an eternity but was only an hour when a doctor entered the room. Dr. Brooks wasn’t surprised to see everyone waiting for news. All of the men had become favorites amongst the staff at the rehab facility. They were always polite and it was touching the way they cared about their injured teammate.
With a big smile on his face Dr. Brooks said, “Well Vin is definitely out of the coma.”
Another round of hugs which included the doctor was passed around.
Nathan ever the medic asked, “Okay, doc, Vin is awake, now what?”
The question sobered everyone up real quick.
“Everyone sit down and I will let you know. However, before I begin I want you to know that it is a miracle. Most patients who have been in a coma this long do not come out of it.”
Everyone sat down and became very serious.
“Vin is very weak. He has been in that bed for months so he is going to need extensive physical therapy. Basically he is going to have to learn to walk again, and perhaps more therapy as his motor skills have deteriorated over the months. We have done therapy on his legs and arms while he was bedfast but that is not as good as actually getting up and moving around. As far as his mind is concerned we will be doing a battery of tests over the next several days. Chris, it was excellent news that he recognized you when he woke up, that is outstanding. We are giving him chips of ice to wet his whistle as the old saying goes. I am hoping that as he begins to talk there is no speech impediment.”
“Do you think he will remember what happened? You know the attack and those damn cops who didn’t give him any help and just left him jail hurt?” JD asked.
Dr. Brooks glanced at Chris. Since he had taken over Vin’s care when he left the hospital he knew everything that had happened to Vin but had been told that he was to never speak about it to anyone but Chris. If Chris thought Buck or Nathan needed to know something he would tell them.
“We are not sure how well his memory is working. You have to remember he suffered severe, traumatic blows to the head. If I had to guess, and remember I said this was a guess based on other coma patients I have taken care of and who have woken up, I would say that Vin will never remember what happened.”
“Excellent, Mr. Tanner should not endure the trauma of remembering what those miscreants did to him,” Ezra commented his eyes darkening as he thought of the cops who had left his friend to suffer in the cell.
Chris glanced at Buck; they were both thinking perhaps they should have let Ezra handle the two cops. The undercover agent had become very close to Vin and quite frankly Ezra was very imaginative and could have come up with some new ways to torture the two men.
Josiah patted Ezra on the knee.
“True, brother, I agree it is a good thing brother Vin will not remember what happened. We will all take good care of him until he is able to care for himself,” Josiah said.
Dr. Brooks smiled at the men. He wished all his patients had such good friends…no, such a good family because that was what they were despite not being blood related.
“I won’t lie to you; it is going to be long hard road. There are going to be days Vin will be hurting and want to give up. There will be days he is depressed, days he will be angry but with all of you helping him he will get through this.”
“Oh we will do what we need to, to help him whether it is a hug or a swift kick to his ass we will get him back on his feet and back on the team,” Nathan fervently stated.
Chris smiled at Nathans determination, a determination that was felt by all. Nathan generally didn’t cuss and the fact that he did so showed how deeply he felt about helping Vin.
Nathan always took injuries to the team personally and this was no exception.
Chris sighed to himself, “It was going to be okay. Vin was going to be okay. Thank you God for bringing him back to me, I do appreciate it.”
In the weeks that followed he would have to remind himself what a blessing it was to have his friend back because Vin was the patient from hell.
Chapter 4
The first two or three weeks weren’t too bad. Vin was so weak he really couldn’t do a lot for himself. At first he could have only have a liquid diet, which then graduated up to a soft diet. Vin was too weak to feed himself so he had to rely on others which did not set well with him.
Chris and the team knew their friend was very independent and hated to have others have to help him. The six men tried to have someone there at all meals so they could be the one to feed him instead of one of the staff. That went fine until one day Vin had enough and shoved the plate of food on the floor in a fit of frustration.
As soon as it happened he had been mortified especially as a couple of nurses had run into the room after hearing the racket. Buck who had been the one helping Vin eat had stood up quickly apologizing for being so clumsy as to drop the plate.
While it was doubtful that the nurses believed him they went along with his story teasing him as they scolded him for being so clumsy.
Vin just kept his eyes lowered picking at the blanket his head was swimming with his sudden movement in shoving the plate. When they were alone Buck assured his friend that he understood how frustrated he was but Vin needed to remember how close he to death he had been.
Buck had wanted desperately to explain to Vin why he had been left in the cell overnight but Chris had forbade him to mention it. He wanted to wait until Vin brought it up. They were going with the story they had told the rest of team.
Finally, Vin had asked what had happened. Chris explained it with as little detail as possible. Thankfully he accepted the explanation, there was no reason not to, and Chris would never lie to him.
Vin still had bad days but he never made a mess like that again, that one time had truly mortified him.
Therapy was a painful and slow process. Vin tried to push himself too hard too fast to the consternation of not only the therapist but his friends.
Chris finally had to talk to him about patience and the fact that he was going to set back his recovery if he didn’t listen to the experts.
As far as Vin was concerned the worst part was getting the sponge baths. The nurses were nice and nothing but professional but it was a very embarrassing process to Vin. He put up with it but some days it was worse than others. The nurses had promised it was only for a couple of more days then he would be allowed to take a shower. Of course they didn’t tell him that they would be standing close by until they were sure he was steady on his feet.
Chris came in one day to find Vin in tears staring out the window, his fists clenching tightly to the blanket as a nurse was urging him to let go so she could bathe him.
Chris stepped forward.
“Ma’am, if you don’t mind I can do that for you. Vin is very shy and I am sure you have other patients to see to.”
The nurse hesitated but when hopeful blue eyes locked onto her face she relented, anything to see that gorgeous smile again.
“Okay, but I will be back in thirty minutes to check on you,” she sternly stated not wanting to seem to give up to easily.
Vin gave her a smile that made her day; she left the room thinking that someone would be very lucky to have Vin as their mate.
Chris was thinking the same thing. He still had every intention of pursuing a relationship with his young friend; he would just have to take it slow.
Vin looked at Chris in horror when his friend sat down on the edge of the bed fully prepared to give him a sponge bath.
Seeing the look on Vin’s face Chris had to bite back a laugh.
“You’re not getting out of the bath, cowboy. It is either me or the nurse?”
Vin turned bright red but the decision was easy.
“Fine, but make it quick and no looking you might get jealous,” Vin managed to tease. He would have gladly given himself a sponge bath but he was still a bit weak.
At least Chris wouldn’t be as bad as a nurse. He had to already endure too many sponge baths from the nurses. Today had just been the last straw.
Chris chuckled at the comment but his mouth became very dry as he began to bathe his best friend.
Vin decided to shut his eyes and pretend to be elsewhere, this was fucking damn embarrassing but at least it was Chris and not some stranger doing it.
Chris glanced at Vin and saw the blue eyes were shut.
Gently the hospital gown was pulled down to the waist. Chris was shocked at how much weight his friend had lost and vowed to take care of that when they got to the ranch.
Chris carefully ran the cloth over Vin’s shoulders, arms and then over his chest.
The blonde watched as Vin’s nipples hardened under the brush of the soft, warm, wet cloth. Chris’s fingers itched to touch and pinch those tiny nubs but he was stronger than that.
Putting a light tone in his voice Chris said, “Okay top half is done now so let’s finish up the rest of your scrawny hide.”
Vin predictably replied, “Not scrawny just slender.”
“Well you may have been slender a few weeks ago but you are scrawny now. I plan on plying you with food to put some weight back on,” Chris commented wincing as he noticed how the hip bones stuck out on Vin.
Vin tensed up when he felt the cloth start to clean his most private area. Determinedly he thought of the most horrible things he could…pond scum, Buck and JDs condo anything to get his mind off of Chris touching him so gently.
Vin had loved Chris almost from the first time he had laid eyes on him. The blond had met his eyes across that alley and Vin had been lost. It was as though they had been friends forever.
Vin knew Chris had been married before and decided that if friendship was all he could have then that was enough. Chris meant too much to him to jeopardize that relationship.
Carefully Chris brushed the cloth over the hip bones then into that nest of curls that surrounded Vin’s cock. A cock that as far as Chris was concerned was perfect just like the rest of the man.
Quickly but gently Chris washed Vin, he thought about asking him to open his legs a bit but figured that would be pushing things, Vin would probably pass out. The sharpshooter was tense as a board.
Chris could only picture the treasure that was hidden from his gaze. When he finished up the blond wiped his brow with his shirt sleeve wondering how the hell he had gotten through that without having a raging hard on.
But he silently thanked God for helping him out.
Vin sighed as he felt himself covered up again. To his surprise he felt Chris lightly kiss on him on the forehead.
“I know that was tough but it won’t be forever. You go to sleep, I will be right here,” a soft voice promised.
Vin did just that dreaming of the day when he and Chris might share a bath or just a heartfelt kiss.
Finally the day came when he was allowed to leave the hospital.
The rest of the men were waiting at the ranch while Chris and Nathan came to pick him up at the hospital.
The doctor pulled Chris to one side as Nathan helped Vin get dressed.
“You know, Chris, though he doesn’t remember what happened to him, the memories might still come back,” the doctor warned.
“I don’t think that is going to happen. The last thing he remembers is seeing the guys off at the airport for their seminar. Then he remembers nothing until he woke up in here. That is just the way it is and the way it will remain,” Chris commented.
The blonde was positive Vin would not remember the attack or the rapes. He had done his research. Vin had suffered severe physical, mental and emotional trauma with the rapes, then he had sustained two very serious knocks to the head not to mention the coma. All of these can cause amnesia having all three of them pretty much guaranteed Vin would never remember what really happened.
Chris was anxious to get Vin home to the ranch where he planned on showering him with a lot of TLC.
Director Travis had called Vin and requested that he think about coming back to work. Travis had informed him that the sharpshooting position was still open for him when Vin was released from a doctor’s care and declared fit for duty which wouldn’t be for several weeks.
Vin had smiled at the news and assured the director that he had every intention of coming back; he had to watch his team’s back after all.
At the ranch things settled down into a routine.
Vin would try to do too much and Chris would nag at him. It got to where it became a game with them.
The guys came out and visited whenever they could. Weekends would find most of the team at the ranch.
Vin loved their visits but was glad when they did leave, the guys could be very tiring and he still tired easily.
It was a couple of months since arriving at Chris’s and the guys had just left. Chris was going back to work in a week. He had decided it was what he wanted. Now that Vin was on the road to recovery and would also be returning to work it made perfect sense. Vin would not return to work for another week and then only on desk duty for another week.
Chris had told Vin to head on to take his bath while he was going to check on the horses.
Vin sighed as he sank into the bathtub, the hot water and bubbles immediately started to relax him.
The quiet of the house started to seep into his bones his mind began to wander and his thoughts invariably drifted to Chris.
Vin had begun to wonder if Chris had feelings for him that went further than friendship.
Chris hovered over him that was the only word for it. He had also noticed that Chris touched him a lot more than he used to.
Oh, they had always thrown their arms around each other’s shoulders or did their special hand shake, but now there was more touching and they weren’t always fleeting touches.
It seemed like Chris made it a point to let his fingers trail across Vin’s when they were passing the dishes at their meals. Almost every time Chris passed him he would lightly touch his shoulder or arm.
When they watched TV Chris had taken to sitting on the sofa with Vin instead of sitting in his lounger. Invariably Chris would sling his arm along the back of the sofa behind Vin. At some point Chris was begin playing with Vin’s hair, rest his hand at the nape of his neck or sling it around his shoulders.
Vin never complained because he loved the closeness, he hadn’t got much of that growing up and he lapped it up anytime he could get it.
Then there were the looks. There were times Chris looked at him affectionately which Vin was used to. Then there were the times that Chris looked at him like he wanted to eat him alive. Those were the looks that made him shiver and yearn for a closer relationship with the blond.
Vin remembered last week Chris had walked into the bathroom as he was drying off.
Chris had immediately apologized saying he thought Vin was already in bed but that didn’t make any sense.
Vin knew that Chris had to hear him in the bathroom; he wasn’t trying to be particularly quiet. Yet Chris didn’t turn around and leave, he had looked at Vin from his bare toes up the long legs to the damp hair that was a tousled mess.
Vin, blushing furiously, had playfully commented, “Like what you see , cowboy?”
Chris had looked at him with a serious expression and replied, “Always have, I have come to realize how much I would have missed out on if you hadn’t woke up. Life’s too short,”
Then Chris had turned and left the room leaving that comment to mull over in Vin’s brain.
Vin didn’t bring it up, he wanted to but again he was afraid it didn’t mean what he hoped it meant and he would lose the blond.
So Vin sat in the steamy bathtub and brooded about his friend wondering how to go about getting in his friends pants.
Meanwhile Chris had come back into the house. Strolling by the family room he drank down a quick shot of Jack Daniels.
He knew that Vin was interested in him, he could tell but the sharpshooter was afraid. Chris knew it wasn’t the touches that were scaring him; Vin always leaned into his touches so he knew there were no bad memories clouding the issue.
Earlier Buck had stated that he figured Vin was afraid of losing what he had. Since Vin had not had much growing up that made sense.
Chris decided it was time to take the bull by the horns. He wanted Vin and he knew Vin wanted him and there was no reason they couldn’t have what they both wanted.
In the master bedroom Chris pulled his clothes off and headed for the master bathroom. He had told Vin to use that one because it was nicer and the tub was bigger than the guest one. Of course it also gave him a chance to catch glimpses of Vin’s bare skin.
As a naked Chris entered the bathroom, a naked wet Vin was climbing out of the bathtub intent on hunting his friend down.
Their gazes locked just like they did when they had first laid eyes on each other. A million questions and answers swirled back and forth.
Then Chris took the initiative stepping forward and pulling Vin into his arms.
Vin wasn’t to be outdone as he reached up grabbed a handful of blond hair and pulled Chris’s head down for their first kiss.
Words weren’t necessary as they both deepened the kiss, tongues and teeth clashing together. They couldn’t get enough of each other.
Finally, Vin pulled back slightly out of breath, he cursed the fact that there were still times he got a little out of breath.
Chris allowed the movement it gave him the opportunity to lick and suck his way down Vin’s throat. Pausing over the pulse point he gently bit down then sucked until he was satisfied he had marked his lover. He was trying not to be too rough; the thought of what Vin had gone through was never far from his mind.
However, Vin had no such qualms. His cock was rock hard; the bite had made it so hard he thought he would bust.
“Damn it, Chris, fuck me already,” Vin begged thrusting his hips against Chris’s.
Chris wanted to, damn he wanted nothing more than to throw Vin to the floor and drive into him so deep they wouldn’t know where one of them ended and the other one started.
“Get in the tub,” he growled.
Vin stepped towards the tub when he felt a sharp slap on his bare ass.
Looking over his shoulder with wide blue eyes he couldn’t think of a thing to say.
“Move that gorgeous body of yours ,Vin,” Chris said staring at him with smoldering eyes.
Chris slipped into the tub with Vin, sitting behind the sharpshooter. Chris waited no time in pulling Vin in close to him so that his cock was between their bodies.
With Vin resting back against him Chris began his exploration. Unlike the hospital sponge bath he didn’t have to worry about Vin’s reaction and he certainly didn’t have to stop when he got to the parts of Vin’s body he fully planned on exploring tonight.
Vin moaned as Chris’s hand roamed over his body, gently pinching and pulling at his nipples. They had always been sensitive but now they seemed to have a mind of their own as they tingled and stung as Chris fondled them.
Vin reached down to stroke his cock but Chris pulled his hand away.
“No, babe, that is mine. You just lie back and enjoy.”
Vin groaned but he pulled his hand back resting it on Chris’s thigh.
Chris nudged Vin’s head to the side so he could nuzzle into the soft wet skin.
While he nuzzled at Vin’s neck his hands were busy abandoning the hard nipples and heading south.
Vin gasped as his cock was grasped in Chris’s hand and stroked but not enough to get him off just enough to keep him on the edge.
Chris slipped his other hand lower to play with Vin’s balls but he needed to touch even lower.
Vin shivered and moaned as he felt Chris’s finger at his entrance brushing along the outside, pressing against it but never slipping inside.
“Damn it, Chris, put the fucking finger inside,” Vin growled.
Chris chuckled at his lover’s impatience; obviously he was right Vin’s memories of that horrible night would not come back. He was sure Vin would have had a reaction by now if they were going to come back.
Slowly Chris inserted the tip of his soap covered finger sliding it in and out. Vin’s breath hitched as he pushed down on the finger in his ass.
Chris stroked Vin’s cock harder; he wanted Vin to come in the tub take the edge off his younger lover.
Then Chris fully intended on taking Vin to bed and making love to him. He would finally be inside his lover’s sweet body, he would finally make Vin his.
A sharp nip behind the ear was all it took to send Vin over the edge, a shout then the slender body was shuddering in his arms, cum spreading out over the water.
To Vin’s surprise Chris raised his hand and tasted his lover’s essence.
“You taste just as good as I thought you would,” Chris whispered as he took Vin’s mouth in another soul stealing kiss.
As good as Vin felt he knew Chris had not gotten off. That was not acceptable. This was not a one way street.
Chris saw the look on Vin’s face and smiled.
“Don’t worry cowboy, my pleasure is coming up and I am going to make you come again.”
Chris stood up pulling Vin up with him; quickly they rinsed each other off then stepped out of the tub.
Not wanting to waste anytime Chris quickly toweled himself off and then moved to help Vin. He wanted to get the younger man in the bed as fast as possible.
Vin knew Chris was in a hurry and contrarily took his time. He laughed as Chris helped him dry off then the blond took his arm rushing them both into the bedroom.
Chris pulled Vin into his arms and they kissed deeply and passionately.
Chris felt Vin’s cock stir against his leg.
Whispering against Vin’s lips he said, “Looks like someone is getting ready for another round.”
Vin replied, “Well it has been a couple of years since I’ve have sex with anything other than my own hand.”
Chris swallowed. Vin was so wrong about that statement but the abuse he suffered at the hands of those animals could only be called torture. Vin’s comment made him mindful not to be rough with him, to take it slow and easy and see how Vin reacted.
Vin sensed Chris was in deep thought so he slightly pulled away and asked, “You changed your mind, cowboy?”
Chris grinned banishing any further dark thoughts. This was the two of them beginning their lives together and he wasn’t going to ruin it.
“Just wondering how I wanted to take you the first time. I have a desire to see that tight little butt of yours on display just begging for me to slide inside. Or maybe have you on your back, those long legs spread as I taste every inch before I take you.”
Vin’s eyes grew wide, who knew Chris could talk like that, hell he was hard again just listening to the man.
Grabbing Chris’s arm Vin didn’t waste any time pulling them both down on top of the bed with Chris landing on top.
Chris maneuvered them both until they were in the middle of the bed though he didn’t relinquish his position on top of his lover.
Stroking his fingers through the long damp curls Chris said, “I could stay like this for a long time. I love being close to you, but I didn’t think it would ever happen.”
Vin smiled, “What took you so long?”
“I didn’t want to be wrong. I was afraid if you didn’t feel the same way I would lose your friendship,” Chris admitted placing little kisses along the jaw and throat of the man lying beneath him.
Vin chuckled, “We are a pair. I was afraid of the same thing. Just think we could have been doing this a long time ago.”
“True but nothing is going to stop us now,” Chris vowed.
Chris began to tease and torment Vin as he worshiped every inch of the slim body.
Vin still needed to put on weight but he tasted so good and he was getting that golden tan back that Chris loved.
Chris sealed his mouth to the soft skin covering the racing pulse in Vin’s neck. Suckling and nipping he was finally happy when he knew the new mark would remain there for several days.
Vin gasped, “Damn but you want to brand me next?”
“That is a thought. I want everyone to know you are taken, you belong to me,” Chris firmly stated.
Vin pushed hips up until his hard leaking cock left a trail of pre cum on his partner’s body.
“Looks to me like you’re a little slow on the taking part,” Vin teased his blue eyes glinting with mischief.
Chris swooped down again claiming Vin’s mouth; he forced his tongue into the wet, warm depths plundering every inch.
Vin loved the hot tongue tracing the curve of his neck then wandering down to his collarbone.
With Vin clutching at his shoulders whimpering in pleasure, Chris kissed his way down the smooth chest.
Chris’s agile tongue worried at Vin’s nipples licking and suckling at them one at time while he plucked and twisted the other one.
Vin writhed and twisted beneath him.
Chris didn’t think his cock could get any harder just thinking about being buried in Vin’s tight heat.
As Chris ran his thumb across the top of his cock followed by his tongue Vin moaned before relaxing, he spread his legs wider, silently begging for his lover to fill him.
Chris ran his tongue down the sensitive cock to suck briefly at Vin’s balls causing the young man to cry out and arch up on the bed.
“Come on, Chris, fuck me already,” Vin hissed his blue eyes blown wide with lust and desire.
Chris bit sharply down on Vin’s inner thigh as he said, “No fucking, just making love.”
Vin blushed at the tone but he didn’t say anything because Chris was lubing up his finger and then slowly pushing it inside. Slowly Chris worked his lover open making sure to use a lot of lube, he wanted to make it as easy on Vin as possible.
Finally Chris slicked up his cock pressed his cock at the tight puckered hole and slipped inside taking it slow.
It burned as his ass was stretched to accommodate Chris who was not a small man. Vin relaxed his muscles allowing Chris to slip inside completely. For a few seconds Chris held himself immobile letting Vin adjust to the penetration.
Reaching out Chris took one of Vin’s legs and hooked it around his waist opening the younger man up so he could slide in even deeper.
Chris then pulled out and then thrust back inside; Vin grasped the sheet in his fist as he tossed his head back whimpering in pleasure.
As Chris settled into a rhythm Vin began to rise up meeting every thrust, clenching his muscles when the hard shaft withdrew ringing a moan from Chris’s mouth.
With his hips snapping forward in long hard thrusts Chris reached out and began to stroke Vin’s cock milking it in time with his thrusts.
Vin cried out as his prostate was tagged over and over again by the large cock sliding over it.
Chris’s seed spilled out into the relentless heat of Vin’s tight ass filling the sharpshooter.
Vin followed his lover over the edge as they both groaned and shuddered through their climax.
Chris slid to the side and pulled Vin into his arms.
Pressing a kiss to Vin’s forehead Chris whispered, “I love you so much, Vin.”
Vin sighed as he cuddled closer. Chris smiled. He never figured his lover as a big cuddler but he loved it.
“I love you, too,” Vin said.
Chris had to ask, “Did I hurt you, babe?”
“No, I haven’t been felt that loved in a long time.”
“You didn’t answer the question.”
“I feel a bit sore but that is to be expected, after all ,like I said it’s been a real long time.”
Chris shut his eyes in relief. Just like he thought Vin didn’t remember anything and he was sure he never would.
“Be right back.”
Chris cleaned them both up then climbed back in bed curling around his new lover.
“Time to rest then maybe we can do it again tomorrow,” Chris whispered already looking forward to the next day.
Vin rested his head on Chris’s chest slipping his leg on top of Chris’s feeling the blond’s arms go around him to hold him tight.
“Sounds good, but this time I get to be the one on top.”
Chris agreed, “I am looking forward to it.”
Total silence.
Glancing down he noticed that Vin was sound asleep.
Chris smiled in satisfaction. He was happier than he had been in a long time. The sweet thing was the happiness was just starting.
He was going to take care of Vin, make sure that no one else ever hurt the young man. Vin was his now and he took care of those he loved.
Tightening his grip, Chris rested his cheek on the top of Vin’s head and quickly followed his lover into sleep.
The nightmare was officially over.
The End
Feedback to: Wgang16@aol.com