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Universe: ATF
Pairing: C/V/B
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, and I can honestly say that the wishing on a star theory doesn’t work. I make no money writing fic, if I did, I’d be on vacation in Florida right now. The Magnificent Seven belong to John Watson, et al.
Warning: Explicit m/m/m sex. If that’s not your thing, turn off the reading lamp now.
Notes: Just a little bit of smutty fluff to entertain myself and, I hope, others. This is a C/V/B story. My first.
Warnings: This fic contains explicit m/m sex. If that isn’t your thing, please do not read it.
Webmaster Note: This story was previously hosted at another website and was moved to blackraptor in April of 2012.
Part One: The Pre-game Action
Chris Larabee entered the kitchen of his big, rambling ranch house to find his partner, Vin Tanner, finishing up the pots and pans. They were going to have the rest of ATF Team Seven over for an afternoon watching football, and had spent the morning cleaning and preparing enough food for a small army. But fate had taken a hand, and it looked as if he and Vin would be eating spinach dip and buffalo wings for at least a week as, one by one their teammates had called to cancel.
As he watched, Tanner’s hips began to sway, and the Texan began to softly sing along with the radio. Larabee smiled, he should have known. Patsy Cline’s voice filled the air, as she sang about “Walkin’ After Midnight”. Listening to the twangy accompaniment, he decided it was time to distract the younger man.
Moving across the linoleum floor, the blond slipped his hands around the slender waist and settled his chin on one wide shoulder. He nuzzled the man’s long neck, brushing back the long, loosely curling brown hair with his chin.
Smiling sideways at the older man, Tanner said, “Y' need somethin’?”
With a sharp intake of breath, he leaned into the warm embrace. “Y’ know we got company comin’ in an hour.”
Sighing, Chris said, “Josiah just called… he can’t make it either. He got called to come in to work at the mission.”
Cursing softly, Tanner said, “Well, hell. That just leaves Bucklin, don’t it?”
Nodding against one square jaw, Chris said, “yeah… sorry.”
Shrugging, Vin answered with more of a pragmatic response than Larabee expected. “Well… reckon we’ll just have t’ make the best of it.”
“Reckon so.” The blond’s hands slid beneath the other man’s loose tee shirt, rubbing gently along the man’s well-honed body. He moved upward, tweaking the hardening nipples, then his hands dropped south, slipping beneath the elastic waistband of Tanner’s sweatpants. He smiled as his movements caused a sharp intake of breath from the other man. His hands finally came to rest in a loose stance, circling Vin’s cock and balls.
Moaning softly as he felt himself growing hard, the younger man stammered, “wh-what‘ja do…doin’?”
“Making the best of it,” Chris growled in his ear.
The slender man chuckled, then groaned as the roaming hands began massaging... one fondling his cock and the other his balls. He dropped the pan he was washing into the soapy dishwater, gripping the edge of the sink as Larabee continued fondling him. “Ohhhh… shit.”
“Like that?”
“Mmmmmm,” was the only answer he could manage to come up with. He arched back against the blond as those amazing and talented hands continued to tease and fondle him.
Chris pushed Vin’s pants down to his thighs, admiring the fact that, on the weekends, the Texan wore no underwear. With a final tug, he sent the pants to the floor, letting Tanner step out of them. Stepping back long enough to admire the sight of his lover standing at the kitchen sink, clothed only in a tee shirt and socks, he growled and returned to massaging the man’s engorged cock. “God, you’re amazing.”
“Sh… shuddup ‘n… git me off,” the twitching man ordered.
“Bossy when you’re horny, aren’t you?” He squeezed the swollen balls and tugged at the hard shaft.
“Ohhh… fuck!”
With a satisfied growl, Larabee continued to stroke and fondle, moving in a rhythm to match the man’s labored breathing. He felt Vin press back against him, the lean body shivering in anticipation as he prodded him closer and closer to an orgasm. “You like that, don’t you? C’mon, Tanner, tell me how much you like that.”
“Oh… oh… Chris… yeah… oh yeah… I like it… I… I… oh lord… I like it. Harder, Lar’bee… harder!”
As Vin pushed harder against him, the blond widened his stance, balancing them both so they didn’t end up sprawling on the floor. He continued to pump and squeeze, nuzzling and suckling at the long, strong neck that arched back against his shoulder. “Harder? You want harder? C’mon Texas… tell me what you want.”
“Ah… ah, fuck! Ch… Chris… oh… CHRIS!”
Larabee held the quivering man, continuing to slide his hand along the jerking and twitching shaft as it spewed forth it’s load, continuing to squeeze and milk the emptying sacs as they softened in his grip. Finally one hand moved upward, winding around the slender waist as Vin relaxed against him, nearly collapsing. “Whoa there, Cowboy, we ain’t done yet.”
“Mmmm… what’cha g-got ‘n mind?”
Wrapping both arms around the trembling body, he murmured in one flushed ear, “bending you over the table.”
“Oh, damn.” Tanner gasped as he was pulled across the room. Before he knew it, he was face down on the thick oak table of the breakfast nook to his hips, his wilted cock rubbing against the polished wood.
Larabee leaned over, kissing the other man between the shoulder blades. Then his hands began to move, sliding gently down the well-muscled back until he came to the tight, round mounds of Vin’s ass. Squeezing the creamy flesh, he moved unerringly toward the cleft that divided them. The long, tapered fingers of one hand slipped between the cheeks, seeking out the tight, puckered hole. He signified his finding it with a throaty growl.
“Ah… c’mon… give it… give it to me,” Tanner growled back.
Pushing one finger inside the opening, Chris began thrusting it upward, feeling the muscles grip it as the digit slid past. Then a second finger joined it, scissoring and teasing the sweet ass. As he felt the tight ring of muscle beginning to relax, he tugged at his own sweats, pushing them down. As he did, he felt his own, aching cock spring free of the cotton prison. Continuing to spread the Texan’s cheeks, he positioned his cock, pressing it inside the pulsing hole.
As the heavy cock filled him, Vin cried out, arching from the table’s surface. He felt Larabee’s hands gently grip his hips, his thumbs gently massaging his flesh. He heard Chris’ soft voice nearly cooing as he coaxed him to relax.
“Shh… calm down pard, it’s okay. Just relax. Yeah… that’s it, shh.”
Slowly Vin did manage to relax, his body melding against the warm wood as he accepted the presence of the swollen shaft inside him. “Mmmm.”
Taking the soft sound as one of acceptance, Larabee pushed himself farther, burying himself to the balls in the tight channel. Pulling back until only his thick head remained surrounded by gripping muscles, he paused, then slid upward once more. Soon, the room was filled with the sounds of the sounds of sexual ecstasy… grunts, groans, cries and curses… the sound of flesh against flesh as they became one being.
“Oh fuck. You’re so… so hot. Damn… oh… oh damn. VIN!” Chris cried out his lover’s name as he thrust hard into him, feeling his seed fill the dark, pulsing ass. Slowly his movements quieted until he moaned softly, and leaned forward to once more kiss the other man’s back. As he did, he whispered, “so good.”
It was several minutes before the blond could bring himself to move, slowly sliding his softened cock from the other man’s ass. He gently massaged the flushed mounds until Vin recovered enough to push himself up from the table. Helping his lover upright, he pulled him into an embrace, wrapping his arms around the lanky frame. Tanner returned the embrace, sighing as he lay his head against the other man’s shoulder.
“Buck’s gonna be here soon.”
“Mm hm.”
“Reckon we could use us a shower.”
“Mm hm.”
Tanner chuckled at the blond’s responses, even less vocal than usual. Pushing away from his lover, he reached down and pulled Larabee’s pants back up. “Tell y’ what, since I’m already ‘bout nekkid, I’m gonna go shower. You finish the pots.”
Sighing, Chris gave him a wistful smile. “We could shower together. Save some –“
Pressing his fingers against the full lips, Vin shook his head. “Buck ‘ll be here pretty soon. We ain’t gonna save nothin’ showerin’ together, ‘n Bucklin’ll find us still in there.” Grinning wickedly, he kissed the older man and padded from the room, only slightly unsteady on his feet.
Larabee watched him leave, bare ass peeking from the tail of his tee shirt. With a satisfied smile, he wondered if there was any chance that the game would be as exciting.
Part Two: The Half Time Show
Chris Larabee leaned against the door jamb, enjoying the scene before him as he looked into his den. Buck Wilmington and Vin Tanner lounged on the big, deep green couch, trading genial barbs as they watched the game on his big screen TV.
Both men meant more to him than he could ever put into words. Buck had been a friend, and a source of strength, for almost half his life. And, although he had known Vin for less than two years, Josiah would say that their souls had known one another for a lifetime. Being more pragmatic than the spiritual profiler, Chris just knew that he couldn’t imagine life without him. Without either of them. And he prayed every day that he’d never be put to that test.
Their relationships were complicated, but the men had never had a problem moving from one role to another. He and Buck had been friends in college, and had ‘experimented’ with a same sex relationship for a short time. But then Sarah Connolly had come into the picture, and Buck had become a ‘player’ and their relationship had returned to the status of ‘friends’. After Sarah and their son Adam had died, Buck had stepped in and become more than a friend once more, taking on the role of protector, confidant and sometimes even punching bag.
When Vin came into the picture, things changed once again. During his first weeks as a part of ATF Team Seven, Tanner had formed casual relationships with both Ezra Standish and Buck Wilmington. Buck had gone to Vin when the younger man had been hurting, and later they had enjoyed a free-wheeling on and off-again relationship. But then Vin had come to realize who it was he really wanted to be with, and Chris had entered the mix once more.
And now they were who they were meant to be. Life partners, lovers, friends. They were together.
“You gonna come in here ‘n sit down, or y’ just gonna stand there grinnin’ like a fool?” Vin’s blue eyes caught him like a deer in headlights, disrupting his thoughts.
“Just trying to decide if it’s safe to come in,” Larabee teased, even as he pushed away from the wall and made his way to the couch. He shot the two men a questioning look as they moved away from one another, letting him know they wanted him between them. Settling into the thick cushions, the blond found himself the recipient of the huge tub of popcorn that had been sitting on the coffee table. “Gee… thanks.”
“No problem, stud,” Buck said with a grin as he grabbed a handful of the buttered kernels.
“Figured you’d like t’ hold onto the bowl so y’ know we ain’t makin’ a mess,” Vin said through a mouthful of the warm snack.
Looking at the bits of damp, white stuff snowing down onto his tee shirt, Chris frowned and replied, “Yeah, wouldn’t want you two makin’ a mess or anything.”
Wilmington handed his boss and oldest friend a bottle of beer, and said, “we were beginnin’ to think you weren’t comin’ back. What did Travis want, anyway?”
With a sigh, Larabee spoke of the long phone call with their AD he’d only now completed. “He needed some information on the Durston case. What did I miss?”
“Damn near all of the second quarter, ol’ man,” Vin chimed in. “Half-time ought’a be comin’ up here pretty soon.”
Chris cursed under his breath, and tried to assimilate the plays they told him about while watching the current action. They were down to 30 seconds by the time he was caught up, and the men spent the next ten minutes or so enjoying the game. There was little noise in the big room other than the soft crunch of the trio eating popcorn, punctuated by an occasional yell or curse in response to a play.
“Damn it, Vin,” Larabee said softly as his partner, distracted by the final play of the half, dropped an entire handful of greasy snack food down his chest.
“Oops, sorry,” Tanner gave him a sideways glance, a wicked grin on his handsome face. “I’ll clean it up.”
“Here, I’ll help,” Buck said, barely suppressing a grin.
Chris knew then that he had been had. He just didn’t quite know in how many ways.
Tanner grabbed up the bowl, setting it back on the coffee table, and he and Wilmington began cleaning up the spilled food. One kernel at a time. Eating each one as they claimed it. Larabee leaned back on the couch, his breathing quickening as he watched the two men work.
As they finished the last bite, Vin looked up at his lover with a soft smile. “Damn, we got y’ all messy. What a y’ think, Bucklin… should we help ‘m outta these greasy clothes?”
“What are you two up… to?” Chris gasped as Tanner went high and Wilmington went low. Vin slipped the blond’s tee shirt up, pulling it over his head, while Buck slipped his thumbs under the waistbands of his sweats and boxers, pulling them down and off and carrying his socks with them. When the two men straightened, Larabee was completely naked.
“Well, looky here,” Wilmington growled softly as he stroked a finger along the nude man’s growing erection.
“Ohhhhh… shit,” Chris groaned, leaning heavily against the couch. He looked up to find Vin staring back at him. With a widening grin, he carded the fingers of his left hand through the younger man’s long hair, pulling him toward him. Their lips met, parting so that their tongues sought one another out.
Dropping to the floor in front of the couch, Buck coaxed Larabee’s long legs apart, settling in between them. One hand slid along the couch, burrowing beneath the blond’s ass until one finger found the other man’s puckered hole. Glancing upward, he watched as Chris broke away from Vin long enough to look down at him, smiling his acceptance of the action. Winking at his old friend, he pressed the long finger upward, past the tight ring of muscle.
Larabee moaned, pressing down toward the invading hand. His eyes closed, releasing the last of his control over the situation. He felt Vin lean in to reclaim his mouth for another kiss, then the broad lips moved downward toward his neck, settling on one of his nipples. He gasped as Tanner nipped and sucked until the brown nub grew hard. By the time the man’s mouth sought out his other nipple, he was moaning with nearly every breath.
Buck thrust his finger into the tight hole, then withdrew it, repeating the process. Wilmington bent down to take one of the furry sacs beneath the jutting cock into his mouth. He heard Larabee cry out as he began sucking on the swelling ball. Spurred on by the man’s reaction, his finger and mouth found a rhythm that would send the blond farther toward the precipice.
Vin moved back upward, reclaiming his lover’s mouth. Urging the blond’s mouth open, drawing his tongue into his own mouth and sucking on it while one hand slid downward. Wrapping his fingers around the older man’s throbbing cock, he began to pump it as he continued to suck Larabee’s tongue.
Chris trembled as the multitude of sensations threatened to overwhelm him. His mind spun with disjointed thoughts and images, while the hands and mouths of the two other men drove him toward the temporary insanity of sexual bliss. His body arched and quivered as they sent him farther and farther toward the orgasm that was building from the center of his being and spreading outward at warp speed.
The room filled with the sounds of ecstasy, as Tanner and Wilmington worked their magic on Larabee. The blond’s body twitched and trembled, arched and bowed as he struggled between begging for completion and praying for the moment to never end. The fingers wrapped in Vin’s chestnut hair tugged at the long locks and pressed the man closer. His other hand clawed at the cushion beside him, all but tearing the fabric to shreds. He moaned and groaned, the sounds muffled by the mouth pressed against his. His legs strained, feet pressing hard against the floor beneath them. Head to toe he quivered and shook until, with a final convulsive jerk, he came. As his seed spurted upward, coating Vin’s hand and splattering against his belly, he slowly sank into the couch.
Buck released the emptying sacs, letting his finger slip from the still pulsing hole, gently massaging the other man’s ass for a moment. He leaned back, looking up to lock eyes with Tanner.
The Texan looked down into the dark blue eyes, the two men smiling at one another. Vin released the wilting cock, tenderly stroking his other hand through Chris’ short cropped blond hair. “How y’ doin’ there, pard?”
“Mmmmm,” was the man’s only response.
Buck went into the bathroom, returning with a warm wash cloth. He found Chris leaning heavily against Vin, a contented smile on his handsome face. Sitting on the blond’s other side, he gently washed the sticky residue from his belly and Tanner’s hand. Pulling the afghan from the back of the couch, Wilmington covered the quickly chilling body, then settled back on the couch.
Shifting to sit beside his partner, Vin retrieved the bowl of popcorn and settled it back on the blond’s lap. He looked to see Larabee trying hard to glare at him, but failing miserably to get it past the utter look of contentment. Favoring him with a lopsided grin and a quick kiss, Tanner’s attention went to the television. “Hey, great, we’re just in time fer th’ second half.”
Larabee responded with a satisfied smile and a raspy chuckle. Curling up against his young lover, he watched the play begin through half-closed eyes.
Part Three: Post-game Highlights
As the game ended, Chris surveyed the wreckage of his den. Bottles, cans, bags and bowls littered every surface, including the floor. He considered renting a bulldozer to plough the entire mess under, but decided he didn’t really want to re-build.
He had pulled on his clothes, much to the protest of the other men, and stretched up from the couch with a soft groan. All of them had drunk their share of beer, and he for one was feeling it. Turning to his old friend, he said, “you’re not driving home.”
Buck grinned at him, “Was hopin’ you’d say that. JD and Casey are havin’ a ‘romantic evening’ there, anyway.”
“Oh lord, reckon he’s havin’ her help make fishin’ lures… again?” Vin asked.
Laughing the big man said, “Believe it or not, I saw candles and the good dishes on the table before I left.”
Chris and Vin exchanged a look. Finally the blond said, “He’d better behave, or I’ll have to kick his ass.”
“He’d better behave, or Nettie’ll kick our asses,” Vin said woefully.
“Well, long as it’s just JD that needs to behave,” Buck leered at the two other men. All three shared a laugh as they began cleaning up the aftermath of the game.
As they finished the clean-up, the three men started down the hall toward the bedrooms. Buck started to turn in at the guest room, but Chris grabbed his arm. He turned to the blond with a puzzled look.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Larabee asked in a low voice.
“To bed. Got something else in mind?”
“Yep,” Tanner joined in. The partners pushed their guest down the hall toward the master bedroom.
“I think I’ve been blindsided,” Wilmington exclaimed as he was propelled through the door.
They headed toward the bed, pausing only long enough to fumble with their clothes, helping one another to strip. Chris pulled the comforter down to the end of the bed, while Vin shoved the pillows toward the head. Then the three men tumbled onto the mattress as lust took the playing field.
Chris pinned Buck’s arms up over his head, dipping down to capture the lips half hidden beneath the thick mustache. He didn’t settle on the big man’s lips long, but ran his mouth down the long neck to the hollow of his throat. He felt the vibrations as Buck moaned soft and low, and sucked at the soft flesh there.
Vin started at the other end, massaging Wilmington’s feet as he watched the other two men. His eyes grew dark with desire as he watched his lover’s back, the strong muscles rippling beneath the tanned skin as Chris moved down the strong body beneath him. Tanner moved upward, his hands working the taut muscles of Wilmington’s calves.
Buck shuddered as he felt Larabee’s warm lips move down his body with slow precision. Then the feel of Vin’s long, strong fingers kneading the muscles of his legs added to the multiple sensations, and he felt himself spinning out of control.
The young Texan crawled up the mattress, working on Wilmington’s thigh muscles next. He smiled as he saw the other man’s reaction, watching as the thick cock came to life between his legs. The more he massaged the thick muscles the harder Buck grew, until the shaft arched long and thick from the thick patch of silky hair.
“Well, howdy there, big fella,” Vin teased. His hand brushed along the erection, rubbing across the sensitive head. He felt his own hard on arching upward, and slid his other hand along the heavy muscle.
Chris heard his lover groan and turned to see him with a penis in each hand. With a sharp intake of breath, he felt his own cock twitch in response. “Greedy cuss, ain’t y’?”
“Damn straight,” Tanner growled.
Larabee smiled, a wicked glint in his eyes. He moved down, meeting his partner on either side of their friend’s hips. “Yeah, well I’m thinking someone needs to teach you a lesson.”
“Hey you two, don’t be fightin’ in my end zone… there’s some delicate parts I’d rather not see get hurt,” Buck exclaimed. He had risen on his elbows, watching the two men face off. They turned as one, looking at him. Slowly, twin smiles grew on their faces, and they turned their attention back to the bigger man.
“Oh, Lord,” Wilmington moaned as Chris stretched out on one side of him and Vin the other.
“Well, if it’s too delicate, reckon we won’t pay no more attention to it,” Vin murmured soft and low.
“Ain’t that delicate,” Buck protested.
“Good,” Chris growled, his hand sliding down to pull gently at the man’s hard on. “Cause I’m in the mood to play.”
Several minutes passed before another intelligible word was spoken. Hands, arms, feet, legs, mouths… all came into play as the trio rolled about the bed, fondling and teasing at one another with heated passion. They ended up wrapped around one another, back to chest, each man’s cock pressed between him and the man in front of him.
No one was ever sure who had the idea, but they all agreed it was a good one.
Chris, sandwiched between the other two men, pressed the head of his cock against the tight hole of his lover’s ass. Wrapping an arm around the slender abdomen, he pushed slowly forward, entering the hot channel. He leaned forward, kissing a wide shoulder tenderly, holding steady until Vin relaxed. Then his eyes widened and he gasped as he felt Buck move behind him.
Wilmington moved slowly, pressing his cock upward into the blond’s ass. At the soft sound of pain, he hesitated, unsure of what he should do next. Larabee answered his unspoken question, pushing back against him with a groan.
The three men began moving, sometimes in unison, sometimes against the others rhythm. Larabee reached over his younger lover’s hip and wrapped his hand around his cock. He began stroking it, moving in rhythm with his thrusts inside the man’s ass. At the same time he could feel Buck’s thrust and retreat, his body tensing and relaxing with each movement.
Buck reached one long arm around, pulling the other two men toward him as he felt the sensations building up in his belly, telling him that he wasn’t going to last much longer. In response, he felt both men pushing back toward him, urging him on. Time seemed to stand still for all three men, and only the movements of the three sweaty bodies, growing sounds of sexual excitement, and the sharp slap of flesh on flesh existed. There was nothing beyond the bed that rocked and creaked beneath them.
Then, one by one, they came, seed filling dark cavities or spilling into the air. They thrashed against one another, cries of pleasure echoing through the room. Slowly they began to quiet, their bodies melting against one another and into the mattress. Buck moved, pulling himself out of Chris, Larabee mimicking the action as he slid from Vin.
“Damn,” Buck gasped as he rolled to his back.
“Yeah,” Chris agreed, shifting as Vin curled up against him.
Tanner’s only response was a soft sigh, followed very shortly by an even softer snore.
Larabee woke up, momentarily confused by the sensation of being between two bodies. Slowly the memories of a few hours earlier returned, and he smiled. Pushing himself upward, he managed to crawl out of the bed without waking either of the other men. He shuffled into the bathroom, blinking against the light as he flipped the switch.
Deciding he wanted a shower, the blond turned on the faucets, checking the temperature before he climbed inside. Letting the hot water hit him, he sighed, leaning against the wall beneath the pulsing jets.
Cold air caught him across the back and legs, and Larabee turned to find Vin stepping inside the glass door to join him. He smiled. “Tried not to wake you.”
“Y’ didn’t. Mind if I join y’?”
“Reckon you already have.”
Tanner moved up behind his lover, letting his hands gently massage the taut muscles beneath the water. He felt them tense, then slowly relax as he pressed his fingers deep into them. Vin continued his ministrations, enjoying the soft sounds of pleasure the older man made. Then, just as Chris had earlier, he felt a rush of chilly air slid over his back. He turned to see Buck standing in the opening, smiling at the two of them.
“Wondered where you two got off to,” the bigger man said with a wicked grin.
“Reckon we c’n make room fer three,” Vin smiled back.
Sliding inside the shower, Wilmington joined the two men. As he did, Chris turned beneath Tanner’s hands, staring at his old friend. Buck wasn’t certain if the blond welcomed his presence or not, until Larabee smiled at him. He moved to one side of the lean Texan while Chris was on the other. Locking eyes, they made a silent agreement. Turning they descended on they smaller man.
Each man took a nipple in their mouths, sucking until the nubs swelled and grew hard. At the same time they each reached down, Larabee teasing at the hardening cock while Wilmington rolled the swelling balls. Between them, Vin groaned, cried out and pressed himself hard into the corner of the shower. His body was rigid as he twisted and turned beneath the other two men.
“Oh… lord,” Tanner managed to gasp out. He arched his back, thrusting his hips toward the talented hands.
Larabee moved up, carding his fingers through the long, sodden locks. He kissed his lover long and hard, pushing his tongue into the open mouth. He felt Vin begin sucking on it greedily, sounds of pleasure muffled by his lover’s lips.
While one hand continued to fondle the tightening balls and his mouth suckled at the hard nub, Buck’s other hand moved behind the slender body. Searching blindly, he found Tanner’s hole and pressed a finger into it. Above him, the young man moaned as he was breached, shifting his legs to accommodate the invasion.
Beneath the onslaught of the other two men, the sharpshooter couldn’t last long. He thrust his hips forward time and again, his throbbing cock wrapped in his lover’s hand while the other man rolled his balls in one strong hand. He thrust his hips back, forcing the big man’s long finger upward into his pulsing channel. His arms were rigid, pressed hard against the cool tile walls and his head tilted back, drawing the other man with him. Then, in one massive explosion of sexual energy, the lean body convulsed as a wild orgasm overtook him. As his body went limp, he felt it held up by the other two men.
Buck and Chris looked across the trembling body, smiling at one another as they kept Vin from falling in a boneless heap on the floor of the shower. Their own rigid shafts made themselves known and, by unspoken invitation, they grasped one another’s hard-ons’. Leaning against the third man, they began to pump the long, thick organs with growing excitement.
Managing to open one dazed, blue eye, Vin looked to see what the other two men were doing. He smiled as he watched them, their bodies pressing against him as they rushed head-long toward completion. He watched excitedly as their movements grew more and more frantic, accompanied by frequent grunts of pleasure. Then, as one, they jerked and went rigid, hands continuing to pump the swollen cocks until they both spewed forth their milky seed. They continued to stroke one another, as their cocks slowly wilted.
Leaning heavily against one another, the three men climbed from the shower. Chris managed to get them each a towel, and they dried off as well as their sluggish, sated bodies would allow. That done, they stumbled toward the bed, all three of them collapsing onto the mattress. Barely managing to pull the comforter up over their chilling bodies, the trio of men wrapped themselves around one another. One by one they drifted into the deep, dreamless sleep of satiation and exhaustion.
Before succumbing to the darkness, Buck rallied enough to mutter, “helluva a game.”
The End
Feedback to: lara_mee@yahoo.com
October 2002