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Warning: Explicit m/m sexual situations...several situations...over and over... Notes: Just a piece of smutfic that came to mind while writing Kap’s birthday story. Guess that makes this her fault? (2012) This was one of my first attempts at slash, and is basically a f**kfic with a little bit of story added to fill it out. Synopsis: Not much to know...Chris has been gone for a week to a conference. He and Vin have a lot of catching up to do... Webmaster Note This story was previously hosted at another website and was moved to blackraptor in July 2012. A week. One long, dull, boring week filled with dull, boring workshops, lectures and discussion groups. Chris Larabee had come to re-evaluate his desire to remain a member of Denver’s ATF and the leader of Team Seven. If it meant more conferences of this sort, he’d rather earn a living flipping burgers. Even more painful was the fact that he and Vin had been apart all that time; their longest separation since becoming partners in more than work a little over a month ago. But now, as the Eastern sky began to hint at sunrise, he entered the long drive that lead to his home. He could have opted for a later flight back, but traveling back to Colorado on the night flight was worth it. He would have three full days to spend with Vin before returning to work. Chris had called the house as he left the airport, only slightly shocked when it was answered at the second ring. “Lar’bee?” The gravelly, sleep-filled rasp filled him instantly with want and desire. “Morning,” he said with a chuckle. “Thought I’d let you know I’ll be home in about half an hour.” “Yeah?” he could hear the excitement growing in the younger man’s voice “Yeah. Want me to pick something up for breakfast on the way?” “Huh-uh. I got everything we need right here waitin’ on y’.” “Yeah?” “Yeah,” the sultry voice sighed. “I’ll be there in fifteen.” ~o~ Stopping at the drive’s end, his smile faltered when he saw no lights in the sprawling ranch house. Then a movement at the big front window restored his smile. Vin was waiting. Leaving his luggage in the Ram, he bounded from the car and hurried to the front door. As he reached the porch, Vin slipped from the darkened doorway and fairly leapt on him. With a surprised hoot of laughter, Chris gathered the lithe body into his arms and crushed those lusting lips with his own. Tanner wrapped himself around the other man and growled against the long neck. “Damn, I thought I’d lose my mind before y’ got home, ol’ man.” “That makes two of us,” Chris whispered, nuzzling the long brown curls that smelled of shampoo and Vin’s own, earthy, musk. “God it feels good to hold you.” Vin stood pressed against him as both men groped and fondled one another. Without losing contact with him, Tanner began to undo the buttons of the blond’s shirt. Yanking the tail out of the tight jeans, he slipped the shirt off those strong arms that could take his breath away with a single touch. With Chris striped to the waist, he began kissing shoulders, pecs, nipples, anything he could reach. His tongue teased the little golden ring that pierced the other man’s nipple, enjoying the startled exclamation it drew from him. Chris lifted Vin’s face to meet his, wanting to taste the other man’s lips once more. As Tanner rose, he got his first good look at him. “Damn, kid, what have you got in mind?” With a smile, the blue-eyed man stepped back to allow his lover a full view. “We’re goin’ for a sunrise ride.” Hazel eyes ran over the length of the lean frame with heated desire. Tanner wore a leather harness, decorated with silver studs, that criss-crossed his tight, muscular chest. Then, riding low on his hips, he wore leather chaps. He also wore boots...but nothing else. Larabee’s focus settled below the broad silver buckle of the chaps. The sharpshooter’s cock bulged from its nest of silken curls, fully erect. He reached for the heavy shaft. “Let’s ride then.” Vin pushed him away. “Huh-uh,” he said in a raspy growl, “not here. We’re ridin ‘.” Chris looked at him quizzically, allowing the younger man to pull him from the porch and to the corral. He barely noticed that Peso stood, waiting patiently at the fence, his attention was still on his semi-nude lover. The blond let his long-haired soul-mate guide him in his actions. Soon he was mounting the big horse, a soft groan escaping his parted lips as he settled on the leather saddle. Taking the other man’s arm, he watched him swing onto the beast, backwards, into the saddle as well. Vin perched on the other man’s lap, his lean legs wrapping themselves around Chris’ waist. He groaned as his pulsing cock pressed against the blond’s taut stomach. “God...that feels so...so good,” he rubbed against Larabee’s hard belly, feeling his balls tense even more. With a shudder, he made himself stop. Reaching behind him for the reins, he slid them to Chris. “We’re goin’ to our place,” he instructed. Smiling, Larabee started them off, but for the most part he let the big black animal pick its way along. They made the ride at least once a week; the horse needed no guidance. That allowed him the opportunity to concentrate on the man sitting astride his hips. Unable to resist any longer, he reached down between the two of them, long fingers teasing the younger man’s erection. “Oh damn, I’ve missed this.” “Me too,” Tanner moaned. His hands sought out Chris’ shoulders, holding onto them as he leaned back to allow the blond better access. He slid his hips closer to the other man, long legs straining along the horse’s rump. His hands gripped the broad shoulders harder in his passion. His mouth opened as he groaned wantonly, the pleasurable pain growing ever stronger. “Chriiiiiis,” he growled. In answer, Larabee began stroking the heaving muscle, pumping it with more insistence. Reaching up he wound his other hand through the leather and silver of the harness, coaxing Vin to lean even farther back. His eyes drank in the other man hungrily, watched him as he threw his head back, crying out as he drew ever closer to an orgasm. Sensing that his partner was reaching a climax, he moved ever faster, his own body arching with pain as Tanner’s nails dug into the flesh of his shoulders. The final explosive spasm sent the Texan’s salty juices spraying across both men. He ground his ass against the other man, wordless cries taking what little breath he had maintained. Finally, spent, he hung there limply, held only by Chris’ grip on his harness. Vin felt himself pulled up to rest against the warm, broad chest of his lover. As he finally managed to catch his breath, he whispered, “I missed...this...sooooo...much.” Smiling, Chris wrapped his arms around the trembling body before him, gently rubbing the strong back. He held Vin like that throughout most of the ride, only relinquishing when the younger man began teasing his nipple ring once more. Cuffing the curly brown head, he said, “sometimes I think you only talked me into getting this damn thing so you could play with it.” With a final, gentle, tug, the sharpshooter sat back. “What makes y’ say that?” He asked with mock innocence. Tilting the smiling face back, Larabee said, “just a feeling.” Once more he kissed his younger lover. Grinning shamelessly, Vin disentangled himself from the other man, managed to turn in the saddle, and took the reins. With a quick snap, he urged the big black horse to a full gallop. “Think we best get t’ where we’re goin’ ol’ man. Don’t know that I got it in me t’ wait much longer!” ~o~ They reached the sheltered clearing in the hills as sunlight was just beginning to glitter through the trees. Chris’ arms were wrapped around the younger man, his head nestled against Vin’s shoulder. He brushed the lean, muscular shoulder with soft, teasing kisses while his hands lightly massaged the satin-and-steel chest. Both men were trembling with excitement, their needs attempting to overshadow everything else. Sliding from the broad black back, Vin held out a hand to his lover. He watched as Chris took in the setting he had arranged in their special place. Vin beamed with pride as the slow smile of amazement brightened the handsome face. Larabee shook his head, sliding down to embrace his lover once more. “You never cease to amaze me, Junior,” the blond whispered against his partner’s square jaw. “How long did it take you to put this together?” Shrugging, Vin said, “not long. Y’ like it?” Chuckling, Larabee looked around them. Tanner had brought their king-sized air mattress to the clearing, covering it with red silk sheets and a black silk comforter. A fire pit had been laid out nearby, only needing to be lit. At the head of the bed sat a big chest cooler and the leather bag Chris knew only too well. Vin performed magic from that bag; he kept it well-stocked with all manner of toys, oils, gels, even candles and incense. While he watched, the younger man stepped to the cooler, opened it, and produced a silver bucket filled with ice and a bottle of champagne. He followed that with containers of fruit, croissants and finally a pair of chilled glasses. Settling them all on top of the chest, he smiled and beckoned to his lover. “Hungry?” “Starved,” Chris grinned, “and the food looks good, too.” Blushing under the wanton gaze, the Texan drawled, “food first, cowboy. Y’ need yer strength ‘fore we get t’ anything else.” Sighing, Chris moved to the mattress, and both men sat down, cross-legged, on the bed. They sat close, their legs pressed against one another. Vin filled the glasses, handing one of them to the blond. They toasted one another and drank the crisp liquor. The food was eaten slowly, the two men keeping their gaze on one another. Finally, that appetite sated, they moved to satisfy the other. Chris stood, toeing off his shoes and removing his clothes quickly. Completely nude, he leaned over the sharpshooter, pressing him back on the thick silk bedding. Straddling his thighs, he reached down and captured those sensual lips once more. He teased the other man’s mouth open and pushed his tongue past Vin’s teeth. The other man’s tongue met his quickly, and the two organs caressed each other as if by their own volition. It was his turn to tease the Texan’s own gold nipple ring. He listened to the other man groan softly as he tugged at the little piece of jewelry gently. Chris’ hand slid downward, searching for the object of his lust. He could feel his own cock throbbing as his desire grew. He was practically panting now, and could hear Vin’s breathing quicken as he massaged the once more hardening muscle. He stretched out beside the leather-clad man on his side, drawing the tousled head toward him. They kissed, lips moving hungrily as both men found themselves becoming more and more aroused. Vin’s hand found Chris’ cock, kneading it in rhythm to Larabee’s manipulation of his own. As they both became painfully hard, Larabee pulled away, eliciting a groan from both men. Reaching for the leather bag, he quickly found a bottle of lubricant. Turning back, he saw a pair of glittering blue eyes watching him. “It’s time to ride,” he growled. Vin rolled to his belly, legs and ass both opening for his lover. He gasped as he felt Chris’ finger rub the cool gel along his crack, then rim the tight hole. He groaned, and lifted his ass slightly off the bed as he felt one long finger ease inside him. Crying out as a second joined the first, his fingers clawed into the bedding. “God, Chris... please.” Rubbing the lubricant over his hard-on, Larabee used one hand to open the other man, while the other guided the throbbing cock inside him. His hands moved to the slender hips, holding onto them as he pushed himself deep inside his lover. Vin pulled his knees up under himself, pushing back against the other man. On hands and knees, he began rocking in concert with the man behind him. He felt Larabee slide one hand along his hip, groping for his cock. Finding it, he once more began massaging the heavy shaft. The little glade filled with sound of raw passion and desire for several long minutes. With a final, feverish burst Vin bucked back against Chris, as Chris’ back arched, his head thrown back. A last shudder ran through Larabee and he slumped forward, barely catching himself before he trapped Tanner between himself and the bed. Wrapping one arm around the heaving chest beneath him, he slid both of them to the mattress on their sides. Still inside his partner, he pushed his legs between Vin’s leather bound ones, and curled up behind the younger man. Tanner took Chris’ hand in his, twinning their fingers together and pulling them both against his widely beating heart. He felt his muscles still contracting, their movements growing slower, around the other man’s softening cock. He felt the soft, warm breath of the older man, against the back of his neck. Those breaths slowed and evened out, and he knew that Chris had drifted to sleep. Larabee had been up for at least twenty-four hours, anxious to return home. With a wistful smile, he closed his eyes as well, allowing the morning sun to lull him to sleep as well. ~o~ Chris yawned and stretched, looking around him in confusion for a few seconds. Realizing where he was, he smiled. His arms were still wrapped around his partner, their bodies twined together. The man beside him moaned softly as he pulled away from him, and the blond reached forward to kiss the tanned neck and shoulders softly. Vin’s eyes cracked open slowly. “Where y’ goin’?” “Getting a drink. You want one?” “Mm,” Tanner smiled and stretched lithely. “Sounds good. Hurry up though, come back over here.” Chuckling, the older man said, “You miss me this week?” Affecting a pout, the Texan said, “wasn’t the same a’tall, sleepin’ out here by my lonesome.” By that time, Chris had returned with the champagne and glasses. Kneeling beside the other man, he said seriously, “I missed you, too. Never thought I’d say that to anyone again.” Vin reached up, cupping the handsome face in his hand. Drawing his lover toward him, he kissed him deeply. Looking into the hazel green eyes that hinted at sadness beneath the passion, he searched for something to say. Then he realized that there was no need for words; no words adequate for what he felt. Instead, he slowly kissed him again. Drawing back with a sigh, Chris poured the champagne and handed one to his partner. They drank without talking, and filled the glasses once more. By the time the glasses were emptied again, both men were grinning wantonly at one another. Taking the glasses away, Chris deposited them, along with the half-empty bottle, in the cooler. Returning to where Vin still lay, he slid his hands along the black leather and said, “ain’t you hot in this?” “I’m hot anytime, anywhere, in anything,” Tanner smiled. “’Sides, don’cha think it brings out some a my best features?” The young man rubbed his crotch suggestively, his tongue rimming his lips as he eyed his partner. “Oh, yeah,” Larabee agreed. He batted the other man’s hands away and began fondling the hardening cock. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue along the head, eliciting a soft moan from Tanner. Exploring the length of the muscle, he sucked and licked his way downward to the tightening balls, suckling at the furry sac. He felt Vin go rigid; heard him cry out; felt his hand pressing against the back of his head. Sitting back, he continued to fondle his partner with one hand, while he teased at the hardening nipples with the other. “You gonna play with ‘em fore—ever?” Tanner gasped as Larabee pinched his nipple. “Yeah...think I will,” the blond teased. “Like watching you.” Smiling, Vin said, “got the toys over there if you’re of a mind t’ watch.” “Mm,” hunger-filled eyes glittering, Chris whispered, “nu-uh, right now I want just you and me.” His grin wolfish now, the long-haired man said, “like that idea myself. Seen enough of them things this week.” The blond’s mouth flew open, then he laughed. “What?” Tanner asked, then he drawled, “you think I’s goin’ a week without? Y’ didn’t git no monk, Lar’bee. I’m young... got needs.” Shaking his head, the older man said, “hope you washed the sheets.” Then his head dipped back to take the hard cock into his mouth. “Knew I...fo...for...got...somethin’,” Vin teased, moaning as the man’s mouth sent a thrill of excitement through him. Chris slowly took the long shaft into his mouth, sucking harder as he moved back up. Holding only the head between his lips, he began massaging the throbbing dick with one hand while he tugged at the heaving sac with the other. Vin cried out as his partner delivered him over the threshold. “Oh oh oh... oh fuck...oh...FUCK!” Taking the hot cum in his mouth, the blond teased and massaged the balls, milking them dry. Vin lay limply on the mattress beneath him, trembling as his body rode through his orgasm. Finally he released the relaxing muscle and spit the salty fluid into the grass nearby. Easing himself down beside the dazed man, he pressed his own hard cock against one narrow hip. Enjoying the feel of his throbbing shaft rubbing the leather and warm flesh, he wrapped his legs around the other man’s thighs, wrapping his arms around the still heaving chest. Kissing the square jaw line from ear to chin, moving to trail kisses down the long neck, he continued moving slowly against his lover. “Damn,” Tanner sighed. “You’re hard ol’ man.” “Mm,” Larabee moaned, “feels good... wanna stay hard against you.” Twisting himself around, the younger man faced his older lover. He pressed himself hard against the blond, trapping the heavy cock between their bodies. Pulling Chris even closer, he began kissing the sultry lips. Tugging at his bottom lip, he sucked at it, then moved to cover the other man’s mouth with his own. Their tongues once more danced within his mouth, and he sucked hard on Larabee’s. He felt the other man’s body begin to strain, the muscles grow taut as his lover’s excitement intensified. Pressing one hand against the broad back, he tightened their embrace even more. Then, he ran his hand along the tight cheeks of the other man’s ass, finding the tensed crack. Pushing his hand between the cheeks, he found the tight hole and forced it open with a finger. His tongue still held captive by his partner, Chris could only moan as he felt the tight ring of his ass spread open by the long digit. His legs turned vice-like in their hold on Vin’s body, thrusting his hips harder against the other man’s. Moaning again, the moans vibrating against both their mouths, Larabee felt himself coming nearer to an orgasm. Then he gasped as he felt a second finger cleave the muscles of his ass. Vin began thrusting his fingers into the pulsing ass with more and more insistence. At the same time he sucked at the man’s tongue in rhythm, their pulses beating a counter-rhythm. Thrusting upward with his fingers with as much force as he could muster, he matched that force with his mouth around the other man’s tongue. He felt the hips thrust against him harder and harder as well. Finally, in a single, glorious moment of ecstasy, he felt Chris’ hot seed coat both their bellies. The blond moaned, his body collapsing like a deflated balloon. Vin released his mouth, his fingers slipping from Chris’ ass. He felt the younger man kissing him, stroking his back. They lay there quietly, wrapped in one another’s arms, slipping first into dazed, sex-soaked stupors, and then once more to sleep. ~o~ “Where you been?” Chris asked as he stretched his lean body out as far as he could. He had wakened to find his partner no where to be seen, a few minutes earlier. “Just checkin’ on the horse. Looks like a storm brewin’, figured it’d be best t’ picket ‘m in case things get too bad.” Looking up at the darkening sky, Chris said, “think we should go?” He shivered as a cool breeze moved through the clearing. “Not yet,” Vin said softly. He moved to the fire pit, lighting the wood. As the fire caught, lending warmth against the cooling air, he knelt next to the other man. Sitting back on his heels, he smiled, touching the broad chest lightly. Sighing at the familiar tingle that ran through him, Chris sat up, then moved to straddle the other man’s legs. His hands stroked through the mass of brown curls, moved lightly down the finely chiseled face, one thumb running across the smiling lips. “You look awfully pleased with yourself.” “Am.” “Oh?” Wrapping his arms around Chris, he snuggled against the broad chest. He felt the other man’s hands stroking his hair once more, and reveled in the touch. Kissing the heavy muscles he had buried his face in, he leaned back looking into the love-filled eyes that he knew reflected his own. As his hands rubbed light circles along the broad back, he felt the first, fat drops of the rainstorm. They held their gaze for several long minutes, each man reading the other’s soul. The rain fell with more intensity, until it dripped from hair, noses, chins. Snuggling against his younger lover once more, Larabee said, “you gonna answer me?” “Hm?” “What are you feeling so cocky about?” “Reckon I gave you a pretty memorable homecoming.” Chuckling, feeling his well-exercised muscles echo his pleasure, he tilted the almost elfin face toward his. Kissing the lids over the painfully blue eyes, he said, “that you did, cowboy. That you did.” The End
Feedback to: lara_mee@yahoo.com
April, 2002