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Pairing: Chris/Vin
Notes: It was inevitable. I mean SOMETHING had to come of the chocolate covered cowboy conversation taking place on the Black and Buckskin adult list. Didn’t it? As for the chocolate, I have no idea as to how hot a vat of it would be, so just remember... it's only a story ;)
Webmaster Note: This story was previously hosted at another website and was moved to blackraptor in June 2012.
They were all laughing at him, even if they were trying very hard not to show it. Hell, he couldn’t blame them, he’d be laughing too… if he could open his mouth to do so. He looked up to see the handsome blond leader of their little pack approaching, laughter glittering in his love-filled eyes.
“Damn Tanner, I knew you were a chocoholic, but I didn’t realize it had gotten this far out of hand!”
“Piss off,” Vin mumbled.
Chris Larabee ran an appraising eye over the team sharpshooter. Vin Tanner, nimble, fleet-footed guardian angel of their team, was head to toe covered in chocolate. “How the hell do you get yourself into these messes?”
“'Cause you want the impossible.” It was becoming more and more difficult to talk as the chocolate hardened around his mouth and jaw.
“Don’t blame me for this. All I asked you to do was to cover Ezra and Buck when they went in for the buy. I don’t recall asking you to try skirting around the edge of a vat of chocolate.”
They had been on assignment, routing out a gang of drug dealers who were operating out of a candy factory. Ezra Standish had spent nearly two weeks setting the buy up, and then brought Buck Wilmington in as the buyer. The others had taken up positions around the factory perimeter, while Vin had been sent to the cat-walk and rafters above.
The operation had gone off without a hitch, not even a shot fired as they brought down the drug dealers, impressive even for Team Seven. As the last of the bad guys had been taken into custody, Chris called his team in, ordering Vin down from above. Tanner had decided to take a short cut, walking gracefully around the edge of a big vat of milk chocolate. The aroma had wafted toward the young man with a headiness that sent his senses spiraling. Feeling like Charlie in the chocolate factory, he fought the temptation to sample the warm liquid. But then, like the other children in the story, he more than got his wish. A splatter of hot liquid on the rim of the vat caught him off-guard, and he found himself spiraling out of control over the edge.
Chris caught sight of his younger partner falling head-over-heels out of sight into the vat. “Ah, hell!”
The others looked from Chris to the vat and back again, as the blond made a mad dash for the big container. Leaving the drug dealers with Ezra, JD and Josiah, Buck and Nathan followed their boss up the access ladder onto the walkway that surrounded the big vats of heated chocolate liquid. They peered down to see a splashing, spluttering, candy-coated Tanner struggling to keep his head above the surface.
With the other two men holding onto him, Chris knelt and leaned out over the vat, calling to the Texan as he reached out to him. After several attempts, he finally managed to snag one outstretched hand, struggling to hold onto it through the slick mess. Very slowly he pulled Vin toward the edge, where the three of them retrieved him from the vat. They held onto him as he slipped and slid along the cat-walk and down the ladder, only releasing him when they got to the floor of the factory. Buck and Nathan, laughing freely now, returned to help with cataloging the confiscated items and questioning the prisoners. Chris moved over to confer with his counterpart on Team Three, his eyes traveling back to his lover time and again.
Tanner managed to slosh across the factory and dropped with a sigh onto an old packing crate. He wiped ineffectively at the goo covering his body, trying to at least get it out of his eyes and nose. It was then that Chris had come over, smiling with only a hint of sympathy and teasing him about the accident.
“Okay, I’ve got Buck staying here to take my place. Lets get you back to the office so you can shower before we have to chip the damn stuff off you.”
“Obliged,” Vin managed.
Using a tarp he found in his trunk, Chris spread it out over the seat before he allowed his friend to get into his vehicle. They drove as quickly as possible across town to the federal building. Ordering Vin not to touch anything, the blond moved around to the passenger side, opening the door for him and making certain that the young man could get out without leaving a chocolate trail. He grabbed the tarp as he followed the crackling, shedding man to the elevator.
Vin tried hard not to see the looks the others in the building gave him as he and Chris made their way to Team Seven’s suite of offices. It was hard not to hear the snickers and whispered comments though, especially those by the young women who already knew what lay beneath that chocolate. Just another reason to dodge the water coolers and other gossip areas for awhile, he sighed.
They made it into the suite, Chris leading the way into his own office. Closing the door behind them, he locked it, then spread the tarp over the carpeted floor. “stand in the middle of it, let’s get you striped down before you shed that damned stuff all over my furniture.”
“Picky,” Vin managed through the steel-like grip of the hardened confection. He stepped dutifully onto the tarp, going to the middle.
Chris joined him, a smile spread across his handsome face. Taking the chocolate-coated face in his hands, he kissed the sweetened lips. Tilting his head back to look into the deep blue eyes, he whispered, “thought you tasted good before.”
Larabee reached for the buttons of Tanner’s shirt, tugging them one after another through the sticky holes. Each opened button revealed a little more chocolate smeared chest. The heated liquid had soaked through, covering the lean body as well. Chris dipped his head, sucking softly at the hardening candy. A sharp intake of breath and a soft groan told him that Vin was enjoying this as much as he was.
Finishing with the final button, the blond pulled at the stuck cloth until he freed it from his lover’s body. Dropping it to the tarp, he marveled at the chocolate frosted torso before him. Grinning lecherously, the older man moved in to taste the mixture of candy and sweet Texan, his lips sucking at the chocolate, tongue licking it free.
With a shuddering moan, Vin whispered, “oh… damn. Chris… oh damn… your gettin’… gettin’ it all over y’.”
Standing back, Larabee realized that it was true. There were smudges of chocolate on his hands and along the front of his jacket. Moving back, he began to quickly remove his own clothing, only returning to stand before the slender man when he was completely naked. Free to touch and fondle now, he smiled. “Where was I?”
“Right about… here,” Vin pressed a finger to the hollow at the base of his neck, just along the shoulder.
“Oh, yeah,” Larabee licked his lips, then moved to suck gently at the warm flesh. He wrapped his arms loosely around the slender body, kneading the long muscles of the man’s back. At the same time his lips trailed along the chocolate until they latched onto one chocolate coated nipple. He stopped there, sucking and nipping at the nub until it stood rigid against his mouth.
“Oh… shit,” Vin moaned, his knees almost buckling as desire burned through him. He wrapped his own arms around his lover, needing his strength to keep from falling. “Chris… I… oh damn.”
“Sh,” Larabee moved back to cover the trembling lips. “Let me take care of you, cowboy.”
Vin moaned softly, the sound muffled by his lover’s mouth. He clung desperately to the other man as his world spun out of control. He felt Chris’ hands go to his jeans, struggling to loosen the candy encased zipper. Finally it gave in and lowered; his growing erection pushing out of the opening. Larabee slowly pulled the chocolate jeans down to his knees.
Moving back, Chris lowered Vin to the tarp, dropping down beside him. While Tanner watched, hunger glowing on his handsome face, he pulled off boots, socks, jeans and boxers. Now the entire chocolate-coated sharpshooter was revealed to him. He smiled. Dried rivulets of candy striped his lover’s trim body from waist to thigh, smudges of the dark candy covering his hard cock. Managing to drag his attention from that last, he looked back into the brilliant blue eyes. Dark with lust now, they watched his every move.
Chris pushed Vin onto his back, kneeling beside the outstretched form. “Damn, they ought to package this… it’d make a helluva Valentine’s Day gift.”
Smiling, Vin reached out and drew the other man toward him. Once more their lips met, Tanner opening his and coaxing the other man’s tongue into his mouth. There he massaged it with his own tongue, caressing and sucking at it for long moments. He felt Chris’ hand stroking gently down his side, coming to rest at his hip. He shifted slightly, allowing the other man access to massage his ass. His own hands began to stroke down the smooth flesh of Larabee’s body, coming to rest at the other man’s heavy cock. He sucked hard at the second tongue in his mouth as he began to fondle the hard, pulsing muscle.
Shifting slightly so that Vin could move along his aching member freely, Chris broke off the kiss to move slowly down the chocolate path along the long neck. With deliberate hesitation, he suckled the candy from the man’s flesh, eliciting a series of soft moans. At the hollow at the base of his neck, the blond hovered for long moments, licking and nibbling the hardened candy until the flesh shone clean and pink.
“Oh damn… Chris… can’t take… much more of… this,” Vin panted out.
“Patience,” Larabee whispered, “patience.”
Vin braided long fingers through the thick blond hair, pressing the other man tight against him. His other hand moved along the man’s heavy cock, from base to tip and back. At the tip he felt the warmth of a single drop of pre cum, and rubbed it over the thick head. Then his fingers trailed a hot bath along the thick vein that bulged and pulsed along the length of the man’s cock. Finally his fingers found the bulging sacs below, pulling and tugging gently at them.
Chris arched and moaned as his lover moved along his body, knowing all of his secrets and teasing at all those places that only the two of them knew. Twisting slightly, he moved to the man’s chest, suckling the other nipple until it, too, rose hard above the trim chest. Then he sucked and licked at the trails of chocolate between the well-honed pecs, down across the hard belly to the chocolate-tipped thatch of hair of his groin.
Tanner had forgotten who or what he was, where he was or even that life existed beyond their two bodies. He squirmed and moaned as his lover set him on fire with his mouth, begging softly for release from the heavenly torment. “Oh… God… Chris… please… oh…”
Chris felt the hand at his groin tighten convulsively as his lover’s own need grew in intensity. He gasped, jerking back as Tanner nearly brought him over the edge with his own desire. Grasping the man’s wrist, he coaxed, “sh, slow down, cowboy. We’ve got all the time in the world. Sh, let me take care of you now, okay?”
“Oh… shit, Chris…I can’t… oh,” Vin mumbled incoherently, twisting in painful ecstasy on the tarp. He felt Chris coax his hand away from his cock, reaching out to reclaim the heavy member. “Chris… need y’… c’mere…oh…”
“Sh,” Chris rose on unsteady legs and went to his desk. Retrieving a bottle of lube, he returned to drop down beside his lover. “I’m right here, cowboy, I’m going to take care of you. Sh.”
He coated his heaving cock with the thick gel, then moved between the other man’s straining legs. Slipping a finger inside the tight hole beneath Tanner, he began rubbing at the muscles. He watched, enraptured, as Vin twisted and turned on the floor, his head thrown back in excitement. Tousled, chocolate-covered curls framed the flushed face in wild abandon, and the broad mouth was opened wide. From time to time the tip of Vin’s tongue ran along his lips, then disappeared once more. His breathing was little more than shallow pants and breathless moans.
A second finger joined the first, and Tanner’s movements became even more frantic. By the time the third finger scissored along the pulsing muscles, the younger man could do little more than thrust against them, begging with wordless cries for Chris to put an end to his pain.
With a greedy smile, Larabee stilled the man’s movements with a hand on one trim hip. He lifted the chocolate painted limbs up, settling them over his shoulders. Vin’s eyes opened, cleared, stared up at him hungrily. He grinned, pressing the head of his cock against the warm hole. Slowly he eased passed the straining muscles, stroking the trembling hips gently as he waited for the other man to relax into the pain of his entrance.
Tanner’s eyes rolled back in his head, and he arched against the feel of being entered. Slowly his body relaxed, and he moaned softly. “Oh… Chris… please… now…”
Larabee began to move along the pulsing muscles, pushing upward his entire length. He grasped the other man’s trim hips, pulling him even tighter against him. As he did, he turned his head to one side, licking at the chocolate covering one long thigh. His lover arched even higher, pressing against him as tightly as possible, his thighs straining to pull the blond into their embrace.
The office soon rang with the sounds of love-making as the two men abandoned every vestige of civilization and resorted to the most primal of emotions. Chris rocked with more and more insistence, his cock striking at the gland inside the other man’s body. In response, Vin cried out over and over again, his body struggling to pull his lover just one more millimeter farther inside.
Reaching down, Chris found Tanner’s own cock, massaging it in rhythm with his thrusts. Both men were beyond time, reality or even existence now. They constituted the entire universe for those long, glorious moments. Nothing else mattered. Then the blond threw back his head, emitting a wild cry as his seed exploded deep within the other’s body. He jerked and trembled, finally stilling as he was emptied of that most primal of passions.
With a shiver Larabee looked to see that Vin was still hard, right at the edge, but yet to join him beyond the abyss. Slowly he pulled his softening shaft from the tight hole, eliciting a cry of protest from his lover. He replaced his cock with his fingers, rubbing them along the walls of muscles as he dropped his head toward the other body. Slowly he engulfed the heavy cock, taking its entire length into his willing mouth.
“Oh… oh… oh… Chris… Chris… Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!” Vin arched against the warm mouth, pressed down against the stroking fingers. His body shook and trembled as he was taken over by want, need, and desire. He couldn’t breathe any longer, but it didn’t matter. His heart was exploding inside his chest, but he couldn’t care less. He could die right here and now, and it would be a fitting death.
Chris felt the trim body beneath him rocking, heaving, straining as he moved closer and closer toward orgasm. He fought hard just to keep from being knocked away from the rampaging body, barely able to maintain his hold on the throbbing cock.
Vin arched upward until only his head and heels remained on the floor. His mouth opened in a soundless cry, every muscle and vein bulging and straining. Frozen, he hung like that, tight as a bow, for an endless moment. With a shutter that traveled the entire length of his body, he jerked. His seed filled the blond’s waiting mouth. Then, spent, he collapsed bonelessly to the tarp.
Slowly pulling his fingers from the other man’s ass, letting the wilting cock slide from his mouth, Larabee gathered the exhausted young man into his arms. Holding him close, he whispered softly to him, the words meaning far less than the simple contact. He felt the other man melt against him, relaxing into his embrace.
It was a good ten minutes before either of them moved. They lay there, trembling, their breathing finally reaching something near normal. Slowly awareness returned, and they realized that the others would be returning soon.
“Reckon I’d better go get… that shower,” Tanner sighed.
“Reckon… kind of hate to see that happen, though.”
Frowning, the younger man said, “why?”
With a tired, but wicked grin, the blond said, “because I kind of like having my own chocolate covered cowboy!”
The End
Feedback to: lara_mee@yahoo.com