Broken Mugs and Making Up by Kaed

Main Characters: Chris, Vin, Raine

Pairings: C/V

Warnings: Explicit m/m sex and lots of smarm.

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, don’t profit off ‘em, don’t mean any infringement.

Notes: Written for the fireworks challenge. It’s C/V, short and… well, mostly sweet. Everyone’s here, but other than Raine they didn’t seem to be very interested in talking. In their defense there was a game on. Also, Raine and Nathan’s son, Nathanial, is here. He first appeared in my story Hide and Seek and is also in The Greatest Gift. He’s my creation, so please don’t borrow him unless you let me know… I hate surprises ;)

Webmaster Note: This fic was previously hosted at another website and was moved to blackraptor in June 2012.

It was plain to see that something was wrong as soon as the two men entered the house. Chris Larabee and Vin Tanner were the last to arrive, entering the room like twin thunderheads. Denver’s ATF Team Seven had gathered at the Jackson’s home to celebrate Independence Day. While not their normal gathering place for such festivities, sixteen-month-old Nathanial was just recovering from an ear infection and Raine, over eight months pregnant, hadn’t felt like making the long drive to Larabee’s ranch. They still considered it “Larabee’s ranch” although Vin Tanner had resided there for some time, and had become an equal partner in the property’s ownership.

However, it crossed more than one mind that perhaps things weren’t going smoothly at the Larabee-Tanner home.

Soon after they arrived, Vin allowed himself to be persuaded to accompany his tiny godson to the backyard to play in his sandbox. While normally some comment would have passed between the slender Texan and his partner, he slipped out the back door without a glance toward the handsome blond.

Chris had joined those gathered in the living room to watch the baseball game. He was even quieter than normal, nursing a beer as he stared at the action on the TV. From time to time he made a remark in response to something one of the others said, but otherwise simply sat there like a hazel-eyed statue.

Raine, working on some of the last minute preparations in the kitchen, watched her friend and her son playing in the yard. She smiled as she realized that the little toddler had curled up in the grass, obviously asleep. Then her smile faltered as she watched Vin continue sitting there, one hand idly sifting through the sand. She caught a glimpse of something in the handsome face when he happened to turn in her direction. Setting aside the knife she was using to cut up vegetables, she made her way from the kitchen and out into the yard.

Tanner looked up when the young mother-to-be approached. He plastered on a smile and nodded toward the sleeping baby. “He must not be on top of ‘is game. Don’t reckon I’ve ever wore ‘im out before.”

Lowering herself onto the lawn chair that sat nearby, Raine said, “Just be glad the medicine’s kicked in. He was screaming a few hours ago.” Then, turning to look into the cloudy blue eyes, she asked point blank, “What’s wrong, Vin?”

Dropping his gaze, Tanner studied the blades of grass beneath his feet. For a long moment it didn’t look as if he was going to answer. Then, in little more than a whisper, he said, “Hoped it wasn’t gonna be that noticeable.”

Reaching out and stroking a long strand of brown hair back from the finely chiseled features, the woman said, “Hate to tell you this, sweetheart, but I think even Nathanial picked up on it.”

“Yeah, well, ‘Than’l’s always been a bright one… like his mama.”

“Stop trying to change the subject, Tanner. What’s going on between you and Chris?”

Heaving a sigh, the slender Texan said, “I broke a coffee mug.”

Frowning, the dark eyed beauty said, “I hope you’re going to explain that a bit more.”

Shrugging, Vin said, “That’s the only thing I’m certain of. The rest’s been a myst’ry.”

Leaning back and folding her hands over her heavy belly, Mrs. Jackson said, “Why don’t you start at the beginning?”

Vin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. “Yesterday afternoon I was puttin’ away the dishes. One of ‘em slipped and dropped. It was a coffee mug… had “#1 Dad” on it.”

The woman realized quickly what that meant. Vin had broken one of the few tangible mementos Chris had of his son’s. Before she could say anything, the heartbroken man continued.

“He come in while I was pickin’ up the pieces. He got a real strange look on ‘is face and said there wasn’t no reason t’ pick the pieces up careful, ‘cause there wasn’t no way it could ever be put back t’gether.

“It was easy t’ see that it damn near broke ‘is heart, but he just walked off. I gathered the pieces and put ‘em in a baggie. Stuck ‘em out in the mud room… figured I’d work on it anyway.

“A bit later, I got the horses ready… we’d planned t’ take a ride. Just as I was bringin’ ‘em outta the corral, Chris come out t’ meet me. Said he didn’t wanna go ridin’ after all.”

“Did he say why?”

Shaking his head, the heartsick man said, “No. I didn’t give ‘im much of a chance, though, I reckon. Just took one look at ‘im an’ rode out alone. Me and Peso had us a nice long ride. It was a full moon, so we didn’t come back ‘til after midnight. He was already in bed, so I slept in the guest room. Got up in time t’ get ready before we come here.”

“So you haven’t talked about it?”

Shaking his head, Vin said, “Ain’t for certain what t’ say.”

“How about… Chris, I owe Buck two dollars for that busted coffee mug?”

Tanner’s head shot up at the sound of the soft voice behind him. Turning, he found his lover standing there, arms folded across his chest. Then the man’s words sank in and he rasped, “Buck?”

With a short nod, Larabee said, “Yeah. Buck.”

“I figgered…”

“You figured it had been a gift from Adam. No, it was something Buck bought me a few months after we started working together on the DPD. He was always teasing me that I looked after him like a father at times. That mug was sitting on my desk one morning, full of coffee, with a doughnut sitting beside it. He thought he’d get my goat and stop me riding roughshod over him. It didn’t of course.”

Vin frowned up at his partner. “But, the look y’ had on your face…”

Chris heaved a heavy sigh. “That look on my face was there because of the look you gave me when I walked into the room.” Larabee moved closer, kneeling in front of the other man. He laid one hand atop the tightly clenched ones of his lover. Looking into the sad countenance, he said, “You looked like a pup, waiting for a beating. I’ve seen that look before, any time you think you’ve damaged something I have of Sarah or Adam’s.”

His frown deepening, the younger man said, “But those things are important to y’.”

“Yes, they’re important Vin… but they’re things.”

“Things that’s got memories attached to ‘em,” The younger man argued.

With a faint smile, the blond nodded. “Yes, they do. But even if I lost every last one of those things, I’d still have the memories. You can’t take them away by breaking something.”

“But if you weren’t upset, why’d y’ come out an’ tell me y’ didn’t wanna go ridin’?”

A faint blush colored the blond’s ruddy features and he shot an apologetic look toward the woman nearby. Turning back to his young lover, he said softly, “I was horny, Tanner. I wanted to drag you back into the house…”

Clearing her voice noisily, Nathan’s young wife said, “I think I’ll take Nathaniel inside and let him finish his nap in bed.”

Responding with matching, sheepish grins, the two men stood. Vin gently scooped up the sleeping child and handed him over to his mother. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on Raine’s cheek. “Thanks, Lady.”

“You’re welcome.”

They watched as the woman made her way back to the house, the sleeping baby draped over her shoulder. As she disappeared inside the house, Larabee slipped his arms around the narrow waist of the other man from behind. In response, Tanner sighed and leaned back against him.

Dropping his chin to one broad shoulder, Chris said, “When I saw her out here talking to you, I figured she’d get to the bottom of things.”

“She’s pretty good at it, ain’t she?”

With a chuckle, the blond said, “I think I should try and recruit her for the team.” Then, sobering, he said, “Can we get something straight right here and now?”

Stealing himself, still worried about the happenings of the day before, Vin said, “Yeah.”

“I need you to stop treating the house… our house… like a shrine.”

Of all the things his lover could say, he hadn’t expected that. “A shrine?”

Knowing that their actions were hidden behind the tall spite fence that surrounded the yard, Chris kissed the other man’s long neck. Leaning back, he said, “Yeah, a shrine. You act as if you have to ask my permission before you so much as move a coaster, in case it’s sitting where Sarah put it.

“Vin Tanner, I will always love my wife and son, and part of me will always mourn them. But they’re not here now… and you are. And I love you. And I want you in my life until the day I die. But for some reason, that knowledge, and being an equal partner in the ranch, doesn’t seem to help you feel as if it’s your home, then I'll have to do something about it. If it will help, then I’ll box up and put away everything that has some memory attached to it.”

“Don’t wan’cha doin’ that. It’s yer house – “

“Our house,” Larabee adamantly interrupted. “What do we need to do to make you understand that?”

Softly, his voice filled with emotion, the Texan said, “Ain’t that, it’s just…”

“Just that sometimes you act as if you’re living in the middle of a shrine.”

The younger man frowned deeply. “Just tryin’ to respect Sarah and Adam.”

Reaching up to stroke the long, brown locks, Larabee said softly, “Vin, I wish you had known Sarah. Believe me when I tell you that she’d be the first one to tell you that the things she left behind are just that. Things.” With a chuckle, he said, “Hell, knowing her, she’d have broken two or three coffee mugs, just to show you that it’s okay.”

Tanner couldn’t help but smile at that. “Buck’s told me a time or two that her temper was somethin’ t’ be reckoned with.”

Laughing now, the taller man said, “He’d be one to know. He was on the receiving end of it damn near as often as I was.” Then sobering, he said, “She’d also be the first one to tell you that you need to make our home yours now. I was being honest, pard, I’ll pack up every thing that belonged to her and Adam, and I’ll put it away. I don’t need to see them to know they’re there. And I don’t need to see them to keep my memories intact. What I do need is to know that you’re comfortable and happy in our home.”

Turning in his partner’s embrace, Vin wrapped his arms around Larabee’s neck and rested his head on one broad shoulder. “Ain’t sure I can be happy with y’ packin’ their stuff away.” He paused, an impish grin lighting his face. “’Sides, if y’ put away all her stuff, like as not the ranch would look a lot like Buck’s place.”

Chuckling, the bigger man playfully slapped one tight, denim covered ass cheek. “Are you intimating that I don’t have good taste?”

“Hell, didn’t think I’s intimatin’ nothin’. Think I was pretty plain about that. Y’ got lousy taste.”

Rubbing a hand gently over the well muscled back, Chris said softly, “I don’t know about that. I think I’ve got very good taste... in lovers.”

Nuzzling against his partner’s shoulder, Tanner replied, “Reckon I can’t argue with that.”

Wrapping his arms tighter around the other man, Larabee asked, “So, are we okay?”

“Reckon,” the younger man murmured.


The day brightened for the entire party when the two men returned to the house. Laughter rang out among the merry-makers as they finished the preparations for the big holiday meal. They ate together, enjoying the food as well as the camaraderie they had shared for almost four years now. Not only the seven teammates, but their wives, girlfriends and children had been drawn into the circle of friendship. The circle of family.

After they had cleaned up, the entire group moved into the darkening evening light to watch the fireworks display that would be filling the night sky from a nearby park. They settled in on lawn furniture and blankets spread out across the big back yard. The deepening shadows hid them from all but the closest scrutiny and Chris settled in on a chaise lounge, with Vin stretched out in front of him. The two men joined their friends in watching the light display, but found themselves much more interested in simply laying there, together.

The party broke up soon after the fireworks had ended, Raine having already said goodnight and taken Nathaniel off to bed. Nathan walked the others out, waving good-bye from the front steps.

The two men climbed into the cab of the big, black Ram, Chris behind the wheel. He started the truck, heading it toward home. Both men were anxious to get home; to act on the physical urges that had burned through their bodies for several hours.

As they neared the ranch, pulling off onto the infrequently traveled side road, Vin unfastened his seat-belt and slid across the bench seat. Coaxing Larabee’s hand off the steering wheel, he pulled it over his shoulder as he leaned against the other man’s side.

Casting a glance sideways toward his lover, the blond said, “You’re gonna explain this if we hit a roadblock tonight.”

“’Kay,” The young Texan said contentedly as he snuggled against the broad chest.

“You get too comfortable, you’re gonna fall asleep on me,” he admonished.

With a snort, the long-haired man replied, “not likely. You don’t pick up a little speed I’m like t’ shove this thing into park right here in the middle of the road an’ jump your bones.”

“Oh now that’d be a pretty picture… we cause a wreck and they pull us out of here with our pants around our ankles.”

“See that there’s your problem, Larabee, your just too damn practical. Always thinkin’ ‘bout what might happen, what could happen, and what’s dignified and upstandin’. Y’ just never seem t’ wanna do nothin’ on the spur of the moment.” That said, he playfully made a move toward the shift.

Chris was thankful to see the end of his drive appear just then. Turning the wheel sharply, he bounced the truck along the gravel road. Beside him, Vin’s reach changed, going instead to his shirt. He felt the long, tapered fingers slide beneath the loose tail of his tee-shirt, brushing lightly over his stomach. He couldn’t help but let lose a low, throaty, groan.

“Yeah, thought ya might like that. Reckon I ain’t the only one feelin’ a bit confined in m’ jeans. Course tight as y’ like wearin’ them black things ‘a yours, reckon y’ have that feelin’ a lot.”



“Fuck you.”

“Well, that’s what I’m hopin’ for here, in case y’ ain’t got the hint yet.”

“That’s what you call this? A hint?” Larabee asked just as he pulled to the end of the drive. He stepped on the brake, and grinned as he watched the other man quickly put the truck in park. He released the seat-belt, letting it slide back even as he shifted to one side. Grabbing Tanner, he pulled him close and kissed him hard.

The two of them lingered in that kiss, their hands roaming over one another’s bodies as they did. Chris tugged at Vin’s shirt, pulling it off with a growl. He followed it with his own shirt then moved back in to kiss the other man once more. He felt Tanner’s fingers worrying at his jeans, sliding the button loose before tugging down the zipper. He returned the favor, yanking at the other man’s zipper and in the same instant they closed their hands around one another’s cocks.

Sounds of raw sex filled the cab as the actions of the two men grew more and more fevered. The truck began to rock as they wrestled across the seat. Chris pushed Vin back, leaning down over him as he continued fisting the throbbing cock in his hand. Tanner’s hand squeezed the cock in his hand, growling as his lover groaned.

As one they came, crying out together as their hot seed sprayed them both. Then, slowly, they relaxed, collapsing in one another’s arms as their sated bodies continued to tremble. They lay in a tangle of arms and legs for several minutes, panting as they tried to catch their breath.

Finally, Larabee leaned back just enough to look into the hazy, blue eyes. With a smile, he said, “Damn.”

With a silly grin spreading across his face, the younger man said, “Think that ‘bout covers it.”

Reaching up to stroke through the damp, disheveled curls, Chris said, “As much fun as that was, though, I want to take you inside and make love to you. I want to show you just how much I do love you, Tanner… wanna make love to you all night long.”

Sighing, the Texan said, “Sounds good t’ me.”

They straightened their clothes and Chris climbed out of the truck, coaxing Vin after him. Taking the other man’s hand, he led the way across the big yard. Just as they neared the back door, a sound drew their attention skyward.

“Looks like someone’s just gettin’ started on their celebratin’,” Tanner observed as a wide spray of red lit up the night sky.

Chris looked to see the little boy excitement in his lover’s face and knew immediately what he needed to do. Drawing Vin into is arms once more, he kissed a square jaw. “Stay here and enjoy the show, I’ll be right back,” he whispered.

Big eyes searching for an answer, Vin saw the light grow in the other man’s face and smiled. With a nod he released Chris’ hand just as another firework lit the sky.

The blond jogged toward the house, bounding up the stairs and entering the back door. He was quickly retracing his steps, sprinting back out into the yard. This time he was carrying the comforter off their bed and a tube of lube. While the sky continued to display the holiday’s colorful fire, the two men spread the comforter and then sat about undressing one another. Naked, they stretched out together on the soft covering, resuming their exploration of one another’s bodies.

Chris positioned his partner so that the younger man could watch the fireworks. With Vin on his back, he began to stroke and caress the tanned flesh. He showered kisses along the long neck, across the broad shoulders, and down the well muscled chest. Reaching one of the small brown nubs, he nipped at it, smiling at the small yip of surprise from his partner. Kissing his way across the trembling body, he sucked at the other nub, bringing them both erect.

“Ah… damn… Chris,” Tanner moaned as his lover’s actions sent his mind spinning.

Leaning up, the blond stroked a thumb over the flushed face. “Shhh… watch the fireworks.”

“Kind ‘a feel… like… got ‘em… goin’ on right… here,” Vin panted.

Smiling, Larabee kissed the full lips and repeated, “Just watch the fireworks. Let me take care of everything… let me make you feel good, Cowboy.”

Looking up into the dark eyes, the prone man could only nod. He shifted his gaze, watching as golden sparks spun out across the sky above them. Then the display blurred as his eyes unfocused under the ministrations of his lover. He whimpered, groaned and writhed as Chris continued kissing and sucking at every inch of flesh on his lean frame. He found himself wishing he were as big as Josiah or Buck so that the blond’s journey wouldn’t end so soon.

By the time he reached Tanner’s navel, Larabee could feel the gracefully arching cock rubbing against his shoulder. Above him, Vin was wordlessly begging for relief, but he wasn’t yet ready to let the man go. He detoured around the thick muscle, kissing his way along one strong, straining thigh.

The Texan was panting, glassy eyes staring skyward as he clawed at the soft material beneath him. Soft mews and groans escaped him, ushered through clenched teeth. Time and again he shifted, trying to coax that hot, talented mouth to consume his cock. And each time he growled and howled as his partner ignored him.

Chris Larabee wasn’t satisfied until he had kissed and licked the sole of each narrow foot. He sat back on his heels, looking down at the quivering mass of nerve endings that, just a short time ago, had been his lover. Tanner was all but incoherent with the painful pleasure of lust. Reaching down, he stroked his fingers through the silky curling hair that nested the man’s cock. Scraping a nail over the rigid flesh of the swollen shaft, he watched as Tanner jerked and cried out. Leaning down, he once more kissed the broad mouth as he whispered, “I’ll take care of you, pard, just hold on.”

“Can’t… w-wait… much… lo… longer,” Vin grated out.

“No… not much longer.” Chris could feel his own needs reaching the point of no return, and knew he had to do something, and soon.

Grabbing up the lubricant, the blond squeezed some out onto his fingers. Rubbing it over the first two digits of his hand, he turned his attention back to his lover. He smiled to see that Vin had anticipated his need as always. The man’s legs were spread wide, his knees drawn up, making him as accessible as possible.

Teasing at the tightly puckered hole, Larabee slowly began to massage the ring of muscles, loosening them up. Then one of the fingers slid inside, brushing along the muscles there. He felt them squeeze reflexively, tightening up around his probing digit. He slipped the second finger inside, scissoring them to help loosen the passage.

“Ah… fuck… your killin’ me… here…” the writhing man whimpered, “fuck me… Chris… please, God… FUCK ME!”

“Shhh… calm down.” Larabee pressed a hand down against the bucking hips. “All night long, pard, remember?”

Vin shivered, hating that he felt so helpless and out of control, but loving it at the same time. Loosing a shuddering breath, he managed a brief nod. His hands fisted even tighter into the comforter he lay on, but he forced himself to calm a little.

“There, that’s better,” the older man crooned as he relaxed his hold on the thrusting hips. Feeling the muscles relax inside his lover, he reached once more for the lube. Spreading some over his own throbbing cock, he held himself in check so that he didn’t come at his own touch.

Lifting the long legs, he pulled them over his shoulders then lifted the trim ass onto his thighs. Leaning forward on one hand, he caught the other man’s attention. Staring into the unfocused eyes that were now more black than blue, he watched them widen as he pressed his cock inside the man’s ass. With a smile, he balanced himself on hands and knees, rocking as he buried his cock inside the hot ass, then pulled back, only to thrust once more.

“Oh… damn… you… feel… so… good…” Larabee grunted as he continued rocking inside his lover.

Unable to think clearly enough to form words, Tanner grunted, reaching up to grasp his lover’s upper arms. Latching his legs over the strong shoulders, he did everything he could to draw the other man deeper inside himself. He arched up, shoulders balanced on the comforter as he buried his head deeper inside the thick covering. He blinked, realizing that the light show continued above him. The flash and burn of red, blue, white, green, gold, silver and purple seemed to match the thrust and pulse of their love-making.

Above Vin, Chris continued to rock into his lover, maintaining his balance on one hand as the other reached for the swollen cock trapped between them. He wrapped his hand around it and began to massage the thick shaft in time with his thrusts. Both became more and more insistent as he brought them both closer and closer to orgasm.

Their pace grew more and more frenzied, their cries drowning out the pop and whistle of the fireworks display above them. Then, just as a particularly brilliant, multi-colored display lit up the entire sky, both men once more came. While Vin cried out Chris’ name, Chris cried out Vin’s. As the younger of the two shot thick ropes of come into the air, the elder filled his lover with his own seed.

Their bodies slowed and grew still, the occasional tremble coursing through one or the other for a few moments longer. Larabee leaned down over his lover, showering him with kisses once more. They were answered with a growing passion, as Vin leaned into those kisses. He sought out the gentle curve of his partner’s lower lip, sucking at it then taking it between his teeth.

The blond groaned, feeling his body responding with a desire he had just thought sated. He felt Vin’s legs sliding down his shoulders and moved to allow them to fall. The long, lean limbs wrapped around him, refusing to allow him to move away. It wasn’t something he had contemplated doing, anyway. He was more inclined to stay just as they were for the rest of his life.

Their lovemaking continued long after the night sky had grown quiet. They made their own fireworks as they exploded in a physical frenzy time and again, the night erupting with cries as they melded together as one. Far more frequently, though, they focused on bringing one another pleasure. They covered one another with long, deep kisses. They caressed and fondled, exploring one another’s body. Curves and angles already well known were stroked and massaged as if for the first time.

When they grew too exhausted to do anything more than lay in one another’s arms, they pulled the edges of the comforter up over their cooling bodies. As the first tentative fingers of dawn crept over the horizon, they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in one another’s embrace. The world of broken coffee mugs and shrines was a distant memory.

The End

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