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Part of the Reunion Series
Disclaimer; Don’t own ‘em. Don’t own anything, as a matter of fact except a computer and a few text books. The rest is rented or my parents’.
Rating; One NC-17 part.
Part One
Maggie Larabee hadn’t been to Colorado in nearly four years. Not since the funeral for her daughter in law and grandson. Her memories of the place were colored by that time now…it seemed so big, empty…lonely spaces at every turn. Much like her son had changed after that late spring so long ago that sometimes seemed like yesterday. Chris had never been a truly light-hearted boy, there was a natural seriousness and intensity about him that had been tempered by contentment for most of his life. Much as his father had been. It was a stark contrast to their other four children. The three girls, and the oldest boy Mike, had been outgoing, happy, social types. Chris’ tendency to seriousness had deepened into a true depression for almost two years after his wife and son’s death, and even last month at the family reunion there had been an underlying tension and loneliness in her younger son. She had talked occasionally to Chris over the phone over the past few years, she knew that he headed up an ATF team, a highly successful one at that, and that his team members had become increasingly important to her son. Of course, that one of them was Buck Wilmington hardly surprised her. Buck had been around since those boys were in the Navy together, had lived through hell with Chris when Sarah and Adam were killed and evidently had come through the other side with him still. The other men however, she’d never met…and she was determined now that Chris seemed willing to be a part of the family again, that she would meet each and every one of the men she would no doubt be adopting much as she had Buck all those years ago. So, here she was, paying a cab to drive her to the ranch from the airport, knowing that Chris hated surprises, but not particularly concerned. It was Sunday morning, certainly he would be home and not at work. It was the only day of the week Maggie could be sure her son wasn’t working.
Pulling up to the ranch house, she was surprised to see that not much had physically changed, but the mood of the house, the ranch itself, seemed lighter. It was a relief to a mother who never once quit worrying about her son halfway across a continent. There was only one car visible in the driveway, but considering it was a convertible that looked very expensive and very impractical, she knew it wasn’t Chris’. Maybe the girl who’d been on her mind since her call six weeks ago that had clearly interrupted something. Her suitcase in hand, Maggie strode up to the door, and knocked loudly, preparing herself to deal with a surprised, and possibly slightly unhappy son.
Nothing could have prepared her for what happened when the door actually opened.
“ Since when do you not barge in-” Ezra stopped when he saw who was at the door. He’d never met Chris’ mother, but there were just enough pictures around the house for him to identify the woman at the door as Margaret Larabee.
Maggie was speechless. She had certainly never expected to be greeted to her son’s home by a strange young man, who had one towel wrapped around his waist while he tried to dry his hair with another. As was typical for her, she was not speechless long.
“ Well, are you going to stare or let me in to my son’s home young man?”
Part Two
“ Of course. Forgive my appalling manners, we were expecting our compatriots, madam.”
“ Where’s Chris?” Maggie asked, noting the bruising around the ribcage.
“ Mr. Larabee.” Ezra called down the hall, and Chris appeared immediately. Ezra NEVER called him that at home…not in ten months now. Who the hell was at the door that-SHIT! Chris swore loudly to himself as he stepped into the living room to see his mother. Maggie smiled at her son, but Chris still couldn’t help but feel that this was going to be bad.
“ Mom, what’re you doing here?”
“ I came for a visit, Christopher. May I assume the guest room is still there?” Maggie made to go down the hall, but Ezra stopped her.
“ I can take your bag for you, Mrs. Larabee.”
“ That would be most kind, young man. However, I would like to be able to call you something other than the mostly naked boy who answered the door.” Ezra glanced down and remembered his undress, blushing brightly from ears to toes.
“ Good Lord.”
“ Mom, this is Ezra Standish. Ezra, my mom.” Chris introduced quickly. “Ez, put her in where Buck usually is.”
“ Certainly.” Ezra disappeared down the hall, and Chris turned his attention back to his mother.
“ What brings you here, unannounced?”
“ I had a wonderful trip, thank you. I was just hoping to see my son, visit a little. Meet all these people he mentions on the phone.”
“ You could have told me you were coming.” Chris sighed, knowing that he may be nearly forty years old, but Mom would still check up on his life at inopportune times. Like when Ezra was firmly ensconced at the ranch…half the things in Chris’ bedroom were Ezra’s. The southerner kept the townhouse, even slept there on the rare occasion but he lived at the ranch. Hell, the closet in the bedroom Chris had added onto the house eighteen months ago for Ezra was full of those designer suits. Latching on to an idea to salvage this, Chris gestured for his mother to sit, and joined her on the sofa.
“ You would have told me you were too busy with work to entertain me.”
“ I AM busy, in fact we’re in the middle-”
“ Christopher, I don’t need a babysitter. I can manage to keep myself entertained safely while you go to work.”
“ I know that. Its just that-”
“ I promise not to snoop.” Maggie joked, and Chris managed a tight smile. She wouldn’t need to snoop. Her presence alone would wreak havoc on his routine. Besides, Ezra was all over the house, from the anally organized refrigerator to the indexed attic and even those little air freshener/potpourri things the undercover swore would keep the whole house from smelling like horses. It kinda smelled good, but Chris hadn’t minded the horse smell all that much either.
“ Lunch will be ready in about fifteen minutes.” Ezra popped his head back in the living room.
“ Thanks, Trouble.” Chris answered, not noticing until after that he had used one of his favorite nicknames for his lover, and his mother was now staring at him oddly.
“ Trouble?”
“ Wait ‘til you get to know him. He could find trouble in a monastery.”
“ He seems awful young to be an undercover agent…shouldn’t he have more experience of something?” Maggie asked, remembering Chris mentioning Ezra’s specific talent on the team.
“ That boy could convince the Arabs they needed sandboxes imported from America for their children.”
“ I take umbrage at that.” Ezra’s voice broke in. “I am hardly a boy, as you well know.”
Chris caught the very subtle innuendo, and smiled right back at his lover.
“ I guess I do. Just getting used to the young‘ins.”
“ Excuse me?” Maggie asked, a little confused.
“ Mr. Tanner, Mr. Dunne and myself. The older gentlemen feel it appropriate to refer to us collectively as the ‘young-ins’ as if we were not only incapable of caring for ourselves but still clad in diapers as well.”
“ I take it the others are your age as well?”
“ Mr. Tanner is close to my age, a year or so my junior. Mr. Dunne is four years my junior.”
“ Just how old are you?” Maggie asked, looking carefully over the young man in front of her. He was probably in his mid to late twenties…thirty at the most.
“ A gentlemen never tells.”
“ ISn’t that supposed to be a ‘lady never tells’?” A sarcastic Texas twang asked from the front door.
“ Yes, well, I don’t believe in double standards, Mr. Tanner.”
“ Course not. Ma’am.”
“ Vin Tanner, I’m assuming? Sharpshooter and genuine cowboy extraordinaire?”
“ Heck, Chris here’s the cowboy.”
“ I much prefer to think of him as the honorable gunslinger if western allusions are called for.” Chris could gladly smack his lover on occasion. His mother, who didn’t know about their relationship at all, was in the room and he kept dropping innuendos. Innuendos that usually resulted in the two of them in bed, rather quickly. The rest of the team wasn’t far behind Vin, filing in the door only to stop at seeing Mrs. Larabee sitting there.
Part Three
“ Hey, Mom.” Buck greeted, wrapping his arms around the older woman in a signature Buck hug. “You look wonderful.”
“ Thank you. You look good yourself, Buck. Its been a long time.”
“ The old war dog keeps us busy.”
“ I’m sure he does.”
“ Mom, these are the rest of my team. That’s Vin Tanner, the one in sore need of a hair cut. Josiah Sanchez, Nathan Jackson and JD Dunne. Guys, this is my Mom.”
“ Ma’am.” They greeted as one. The almost formal atmosphere lasted about thirty seconds.
“ So, Ez, what’s for lunch? I’m starving.”
“ JD, you’re always starving.”
“ Reckon I could eat.”
“ Vin, you aren’t helping.” Chris reprimanded lightly.
“ Lunch? I thought one of you was bringing food?” Ezra played his part perfectly. If Chris didn’t know that there was a pot full of stew on right now, he would have believed the southerner.
“ Oh, come on, Ez. You always cook.” JD argued.
“ I believe Mr. Wilmington professed to be craving pizza, and I reasoned that to be mean he would be bringing said food item with him.”
“ Are you serious?” Buck asked, looking to Chris, who called on every acting ability he had not to smile. Vin and JD looked at each other, then at Ezra, and then back to each other.
“ There ain’t any lunch?” Vin sounded so pitiful, helped in his begging by puppy dog eyes he shot at Ezra. “ But I was hoping there’d be some of that stew waiting, you cook real good Ezra.”
“ Yeah, real good.” JD chimed in, and Ezra sighed. He was a sucker. Even if he really hadn’t made anything, he would be starting it now.
“ Good Lord, turn off the eyes. There’s beef stew on the stove-” Ezra put out a hand to stop the two younger men from practically hurtling themselves into the kitchen. “-and it will be ready in a short while. Now sit down, act like I taught you some manners and be polite to the company.”
“ Ah, but don’t it need to be tasted first? Make sure its seasoned right an all that?” Vin asked, as Ezra pointed to the living room.
“ Sit. Anyone comes in my kitchen before I say and they don’t eat. Got it?” Vin and JD nodded dejectedly, and sat in their usually seats, as Maggie smiled.
“ Spoken like a true mother, Ezra.”
“ Hardly. If I let them ‘taste-test’ the food none of it would make it to the table.” Ezra disappeared back into the kitchen, and Maggie turned to Chris.
“ He appears rather comfortable in your kitchen, Chris.”
“ Hell, Ezra’s out here more than he’s at his own place.” JD piped up, earning scathingly looks from the rest of the team. Everyone knew Chris’ family had no idea he and Ezra were together, but sometimes JD’s mouth ran ahead of his brain.
“ Why is that?”
“ Stubborn fool southerner needs a babysitter, that’s why.” Nathan quickly covered. “He’d be doing something he ain’t supposed to with them ribs if he was on his own.”
“ Ezra bruised up his ribs pretty bad in a minor bust last week.” Josiah explained.
“ He’s hurt routinely then?”
“ I told you he could find trouble.” Chris shrugged. “He’s got a bunch of stuff in his room here, and besides, he cooks when he’s here.”
“ Mr. Larabee, would you care to be my taste-tester?” Ezra asked, and Chris stood, ignoring the slight pouts and stuck out tongues of his two youngest agents. Shutting the kitchen door behind him, and hearing Buck launch into a story to entertain his mother, Chris slid his arms around the lithe man currently stirring lunch. Ezra leaned back into him out of habit, head twisting around for a quick peck on the lips. When Chris leaned in for another taste of his lover’s mouth, he was met instead with a spoon of stew. Obediently eating the spoonful, the leader savored the taste.
“ Perfect.”
“ The stew is done then.”
“ Was talking about the cook, but the stew ain’t bad either.” Chris joked, nuzzling at Ezra’s neck, forgetting for a moment that his mother was in the next room. He turned them so that Ezra was leaning lightly against the corner of the refrigerator, as the older man brought their lips together. Gentle kisses gradually deepened, as both men lost track of time, and their location. Chris’ hands rested possessively on Ezra’s ass, pinning the southerner to him tightly. Ezra’s hands ran through the short blond hair, occasionally dropping down to caress his lover’s neck.
Part Four
“Break it up, boys. Lunch’ll burn and then there’ll be a riot.” Josiah’s deep voice broke the slightly embarrassed looking men apart.
“ Oh, Lord.” Ezra quickly turned the burner off, and dropped the lid on it. Stepping in to the living room, batting away the playful hands Chris aimed at him, Ezra was greeted by JD jumping to his feet. “ Good God, Mr. Dunne, settle down.”
“ Isn’t lunch ready yet?”
“ Yes, it is, but you needn’t race to get to the table. There is plenty to go around.”
“ Sure. Not if Vin gets there first.” JD argued, grabbing on to the sharpshooter so that the Texan couldn’t get too big of a headstart.
In the kitchen, Josiah had pulled Chris aside before the leader could head into the dining room. The profiler enjoyed seeing the tender moments between his two friends, both men blossomed when together, but he was concerned with Mrs. Larabee here as well that Chris’ big secret would not stay that way long.
“ Chris, I think it might be best for Ezra to stay at the townhouse, just while your mother is here.”
“ Why? Ezra can stay in his old room, he’s got enough clothes and all his things are here. Mom won’t get suspicious, just tell her he’s here because his ribs are busted up.”
“ Chris, you two can’t keep your hands off each other for fifteen minutes, let alone the entire time your Mother will be here. A little distance might help.”
“ Is it really fair to ask Ez to move out…I mean I want this to be his home too.”
“ It is, Chris. It is. Is it any fairer to ask the Ezra we all know and love, to live here with you, but stay in a room he hasn’t slept in in nearly a year, and act as if you aren’t lovers? Assuming the little flirt could actually keep his hands off.”
“ Damn it. I hate it when you’re right.”
“ What if I had been your mother?”
“ Lord, first he’s on a date with my mother, and now he’s your mother…Does that make us step-brothers in the hypothetical?” Ezra joked, and Josiah just shook his head. Maude was a beautiful woman, charming and a great conversationalist. She was also the one of the most erratic mothers the profiler had ever met.
“ We were discussing the living arrangements while Mom is here.” Chris explained, and Ezra nodded for him to continue. “Josiah suggested you stay at your place just while she’s here.”
“ That sounds logical. I will miss you, though.” Ezra stepped right up to Chris, bringing their bodies into as much contact as possible before dropping a perfectly chaste kiss on his lips. “ I’ll retrieve a few things this afternoon before I leave.” Grabbing the pot of stew, Ezra was back into the dining room before Chris moved.
“ God, I’m gonna miss that little firecracker.”
“ Its only a few days…did your mother mention how long she’ll be staying?”
“ No. If there’s a God, it’ll be a week at most. She’s been known to drop in on Mike for a month at a time, since he lives in Florida now.”
“ Perhaps you should speak to her about-”
“ No! Look, you know I love Ezra. I do.”
“ Then why not-”
“ Leave it alone, Josiah. Its between Ezra and I, okay? He’s fine with it the way it is.”
“ Fine.”
“ Hey, cowboy, ‘Siah, get in here! Ez ain’t lettin’ anyone eat ‘til we’re all at the table.” Vin’s call made both men grin before they dutifully appeared at their designated seats around the table.
Part Five
Maggie had decided over lunch that she like these men, and the rest of the day only confirmed her preliminary feelings. Buck and JD bickered like brothers, entertaining everyone with their off-the-wall commentary. It reassured the older woman though, that there were a few times in the course of the day, that Chris and Buck would share a look, a few words, that conveyed the same friendship they had always had between them. Other men may have joined their family, but that core friendship still blossomed. Josiah and Nathan had been engrossed in a discussion of the mission Josiah volunteered at, and the clinic they were hoping to start. Ezra and Vin had disappeared somewhere, and Maggie hadn’t known them long enough to share in the apprehension of the others at that. Sure enough, A water balloon seemed to drop from the sky, landing smack on top of Buck’s head. Turning, the team was unsurprised to see their squirrels on the roof, buckets full of balloons with them.
“ Should he be up there with those ribs?” Maggie asked, remembering that the southerner had been injured.
“ No. Damn idiot southerner. I’m gonna kill him.” Chris answered quickly. “Ezra., get your scrawny ass down here before I come up and bring it down!”
“ I assure you I am fine, Chris-”
“ Get down NOW! You too, Tanner.”
“ You know he’s got bruised ribs, Vin.”
“ Aw, hell. Let’s go, Ez. Mother hen is cackling.” Vin easily slid from the roof, landing lightly on his feet. Before Ezra could follow Chris glared at him and pointed to the other side of the roof.
“Use the ladder you came up.”
“ Uhm…”
“ DAMN IT EZRA! How did you get up there?”
“ Your porch railing works as a wonderful step stool.”
“ Fine. Jump down. You hurt yourself and I’m ordering Nathan to dope you up so much I won’t have to worry about you doing another fool stunt til those ribs are healed.” Ezra just nodded, sliding down as Vin had, but smothering a groan and a grimace as he hit and jarred his ribs well and good.
“Saw that. Nathan?” CHris pointed to Ezra, and the EMT obediently pulled up the t-shirt and prodded the ribs looking for any fresh injury.
“ No new damage. Just a bit more sore, I’d reckon. He needs to actually rest, Chris.”
“ Fine. Ezra, take tomorrow off. And sleep. No going to the Children’s Hospital, no cleaning, no washing the car, nothing but rest.”
“ We should really all get going anyway.” Buck announced grabbing his keys. “I have to call Amanda tonight.”
“ Isn’t that the stripper?”
“ Exotic dancer.” Buck corrected knowingly. He and JD headed for the truck, after quick goodbyes Nathan followed them.
“ May I have my keys, Mr. Larabee?”
“ Sure.” Chris handed over the keys he’d been safeguarding since the original injury to keep the southerner from driving.
“ I thought you were staying here.” Maggie questioned.
“ I could not possibly impose any longer on this long overdue visit between mother and son. I shall return to my rather neglected domicile and-”
“ Nonsense. You can stay right here, its no imposition, is it Christopher?”
“ Mom-”
“ I insist. You stay here.”
“ I really should go back to the townhouse, ma’am-”
“ Ezra Standish, you are not going anywhere. I insist. No more cooking either, I can handle that. You just rest up, young man.”
“ Mr. Larabee?” Ezra looked to Chris for help. He offered none.
“ It’ll be fine, Ez.”
“Then, I guess I can hardly refuse such a kind and generous offer. Thank you, Mrs. Larabee.”
“ Just call me Maggie, please. Mrs. Larabee is far too formal.”
“ I couldn’t possibly presume to be so forward, ma’am. We are hardly more than acquaintances, and as such a certain polite distance is only proper-”
“ Son, just listen to me. You call me Maggie, and I won’t call you Mr. Standish, agreed?”
“ Actually, I have no objection to being addressed in the formal, Mrs. Larabee. It is my compatriots who seem to believe that one must always be called by their given name rather than the surname-”
“ Just give up, Mom. It took him awhile to break down and learn our names too.” Chris interrupted, smiling. Actually, Chris had broken him of the habit, as it was hard to refer to your lover as Mr. Larabee constantly. No need to tell his mom that though.
“ I see. Well, I suppose I’ll allow it for now.”
“ Well, good night, brothers. I believe an early night may be called for, it has been an eventful day.” Josiah headed for his suburban, and was soon headed down the drive towards the road.
“Josiah’s right. You should be resting, Ezra.” Chris announced, not relenting when he saw those big green eyes doing a fair impression of JD’s puppy dog eyes.
“ It is still early, Chris. Hardly time for one to retire-”
“ Go to bed. The quicker those ribs get better, the quicker you can get back to your normal activities.”
“ I shall acquiesce this evening, as I do feel a bit tired. Do not expect a trend to start, however.”
“ I know, ya stubborn-headed mule. Just go to bed.” Chris restrained his desire to smack Ezra’s ass as the man walked by, wishing to God he could reasonably ask his mother to stay at a hotel.
“ I’m feeling a bit jet-lagged myself. I think I’m going to take a shower and then go to bed myself.”
“ Night, Mom. How long are you in town for, anyway?” Chris hoped he sounded nonchalant. He loved his mother, but as the reunion had driven home last month, he couldn’t live with her anymore. He didn’t need a mother, and she had never learned to be anything but. Besides, the sooner she left, the sooner Ezra moved back into the master bedroom.
“ Not long, Christopher. I wish I could stay longer, but I have to be back home for the Reverend Wilson’s thirtieth anniversary as pastor. There’s quite a celebration the ladies’ have put together.”
“ That’s when, next week?”
“ August 3. So, I’ll have to leave here the first.”
“ Okay. Well, the towels are fresh in the hall bath, some of Ezra’s stuff is in there, hope you don’t mind sharing a bathroom with him.” Chris silently rejoiced. She’d be gone on Thursday, that was only four days away. He could survive four days…right?
Part Six
Three days later, Chris was really questioning his ability to survive a couple more days with both his mother and Ezra in the house. Ezra, bless his heart, had never once entered Chris’ personal space in the last few days. That distance was exactly what was driving Chris insane. He could see Ezra, imagine touching him, it was like having the prize dangled in front of you but you can never reach it.
Maggie was causing whole other headaches. She had completely reorganized the kitchen, and Chris again thanked his lover quietly for not biting her head off. Ezra’s need for order was compulsive, and the older man knew it was killing Ezra not to put everything back in its place. Her cooking, while good, was hardly the sort of thing Ezra was accustomed to, much more the meat and potatoes type of diet Chris had grown up on. Ezra had a distinctly southern and cajun palate, neither of which Maggie had any experience with. And she had pretty much taken over the house, cleaning and reorganizing closets and making sure Ezra did nothing but rest. There were two rooms Maggie left untouched, one had been Chris’ bedroom, the other was Adam’s old room. Even Ezra’s ‘guest’ bedroom had suffered a minor makeover as Maggie cleaned. Both days Ezra had suggested returning to his own home, but Maggie declined.
This morning, Maggie had announced that she would borrow the Ram, and head into town. Chris had scheduled the rest of this week off, having originally planned for he and Ezra to take a short trip to a very quiet, very discreet little bed and breakfast Buck had discovered a few years ago. He was hoping to salvage some of the planned vacation after his mother left Thursday morning. Only…19 hours to go, Chris consoled himself. And right now, his mother was in Denver, shopping with an old friend she evidently knew in the area, and that meant that he and Ezra had the ranch to themselves for the afternoon. Wandering onto the back deck, he found his lover ensconced in the hammock, his nose in a book. Ezra’s hair glinted in the sun, his deeply tanned chest bare in the summer heat and Chris decided to join him in their large hammock.
Ezra didn’t look up until Chris sat on the end of the hammock, nearly sending the distracted southerner rolling into his older lover.
“Join you?” Chris asked, and Ezra merely scooted closer to the other side in reply. The leader easily slid into the hammock, and Ezra moved back in closer despite the heat.
“Whatcha reading?”
“ Something JD recommended, the Fellowship of the Rings. He tells me I can’t see the movie until I’ve at least read the first book. Its quite engaging, normally I dislike fantasy novels.”
“ I loved those books. Named my old dog Strider as a matter of fact. Where are you at?”
“ They have just begun their journey to Mordor.”
“ You mind?” Chris gestured to the book, and Ezra shook his head as he handed over the book. Chris settled in comfortably, and then began reading aloud the story he had loved as a teenager. Ezra nestled in to his lover’s side, resting his head on the strong shoulder as he listened to his lover’s easy mid-western tones weave the tale. Absently rubbing circles on Chris’ chest, the southerner soon began to doze, enjoying the proximity of his lover and the warmth of the summer sun. The older man realized that Ezra was nearly asleep as the hand that had been rubbing his chest softly had stopped. Marking the page they were on, Chris dropped the book to the ground and wrapped an arm around his lover, Ezra shifting naturally to accommodate him without really waking. Laying a gentle kiss on the soft chestnut hair, Chris planned to enjoy the feeling of having his firecracker once again in his arms.
Part Seven
Chris hadn’t realized he was sleeping himself until he woke up, still in the hammock and Ezra now laying practically on top of him. His shifting must have disturbed the other man, as green eyes cracked open, then drifted shut again. Checking his watch, Chris smiled at the thought that his mother wouldn’t be home until after dinner, probably eight at the earliest. They still had four hours to themselves, with no secrets that needed to be kept or any reason to not touch each other. It wasn’t the sex that Chris missed the most, although that was always hot and indescribably wonderful, but the simple basic touches that had become so much a part of their routine, the morning kisses, sharing his recliner, taking naps in the hammock, and the other seemingly hundreds of little things that made up a life together. It really came as no surprise to Chris that he so strongly missed that aspect of his life in just a few short days. It had been the same with Sarah, once you had Chris’ heart it was completely yours, and being apart would drive the man crazy quickly. It was time to get up though, they’d been out here for three hours, Ezra for more like five. Despite the tan the southerner sported, much longer in the sun with his upper body unprotected would have the man slightly uncomfortable with a sunburn.
“Time to get up, Ezra. Head inside.”
“ Comfy.” Ezra mumbled, burrowing even closer into Chris’ chest.
“ More so inside, with shade and air conditioning.”
“ You out here.” The words were highly muffled, spoken into Chris’ chest, the expelled air warming the older man’s closest nipple and it began to peak slightly.
“ I’ll join you inside. Come on.”
“ Is that a promise?” Ezra seemed more awake, green eyes glinting with a mischief that sent a tingle racing through the leader’s body.
“ Yeah. Come on inside, baby.” Ezra nodded, and let Chris help him from the hammock. Grabbing the book from its place in the grass, Ezra followed his lover back into the ranch house, and into the living room. Chris stretched out on the couch before shooting his own beckoning gaze at the undercover. For his part, the younger man obeyed that look, sinking into the sofa pressed wonderfully up close to his lover. Nestling his face into the space between shoulder and neck, Ezra breathed deeply the scent of the love of his life. The simple aftershave Chris favored mingled with the Armani cologne Ezra preferred, as well as the scent of horses, and under it all was the naturally simple smell of Chris the man. Content to lay here forever, Ezra was quickly dozing once more, his hand idly tracing random patterns on the t-shirt covered chest below him. Wrapping one arm around his lover’s waist and entwining their legs, Ezra surrendered to the sleep that had been eluding him the last few nights. Chris was not far behind, falling into a comfortable slumber as well. He managed to stay awake long enough to set his watch alarm to go off at 5:30 so they could eat dinner and be cleaned up before Maggie came back to the ranch.
“ WHAT THE HELL?!” The yell, accompanied by the sound of something loudly hitting the wood floor of the entrance way jerked both men from their repose. Ezra pushed away from his lover instinctively, landing on the floor at the foot of the couch. Chris, oddly calm as his mother stood in the doorway looking shocked, appalled and incensed, merely sat up, laying a gentle but strong grip on his lover’s shoulder. “CHRISTOPHER JAMES LARABEE WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?”
Part Eight
“ Actually I was taking a nap. You’re home early.”
“ I’m supposed to meet Libby at the restaurant at seven, but that’s not important here. What exactly- I mean, why are you- what does this-how-why?” Maggie stuttered out, her mind trying to think of alternate reasons for finding her son and a half-dressed MAN for God’s sake, on top of each other on his living room sofa.
“ I was tired.” Chris deliberately ignored her real questions, as his mind raced for ways to explain the situation.
“ I think I deserve an explanation of why you and Mr Standish were so…comfortable.”
“ We’re lovers.” Chris admitted, straightforward, sometimes crude blunt truth had always worked for him before. Maggie grabbed the recliner for support as she actually felt that confession hit her, almost like a physical force. Her son and this man were…they were…
“ Lovers? You’re sleeping together.” She managed to state. “You, Christopher, are sleeping with another man?”
“ I’m in love with Ezra.” Chris corrected without missing a beat. Maggie looked over at the young southerner, knowing and accepting the physical appeal of him, but her son was not homosexual. She had nothing against gays, they were as deserving of acceptance and tolerance as any other person. But other people had gay children, not her. Her five were, or had been, married, with children. Normal relationships. Happy relationships. Chris had adored Sarah, and their son was the epicenter of their life. How could a loving husband and father suddenly become interested in other men? It didn’t make sense.
“ I’m…leaving. I’ll be back later.” Maggie went to the truck on autopilot, her mind still reeling from this bombshell. Her logical, practical mind struggled with the new information about her son, as another part of her rejoiced that Chris was able to love again, after the tragedy with Sarah and Adam. Her confusion was growing rapidly as she headed back towards the city, hoping to straighten out her mind before she said something that could ruin her relationship with her son.
Back inside the ranch, Ezra had pulled away from Chris, wrapping his own arms tightly around his body as memories of a similar conversation/confrontation with Maude ran through his mind. Maude had been bemoaning Ezra’s lack of a love life or prospects for her own grandchildren (something she had all but previously forbidden Ezra to do, make her ‘Grandma’). Ezra had decided that now was as a good a time as any and simply stated, straight out, that he was in love with a man. Maude looked shocked, and had ranted about the previous girlfriends and women Ezra had been involved with, how it was impossible that she, Maude Standish, had raised a homosexual. Her son was raised right, he liked women…he wasn’t defective or whatever was wrong in the brain with gays. Ezra had insisted that he was indeed, in love with someone who was very much a man. Maude, in typical fashion, demanded to know who it was. When her son told her it was his boss, Chris Larabee, she said absolutely nothing, just got up, walked out of the townhouse and had not been seen or heard from since. The southerner tried to remind himself that Maude had disappeared for longer before, that this wasn’t finally the last time his mother would just leave, that she would come back yet again to wreak havoc on whatever equilibrium he had attained. It wasn’t working though.
“ I’m sorry, Chris. I should’ve gone back to the townhouse when she arrived. I know you didn’t want to tell her about me, that you love me, and certainly not in this manner. I’m sorry.”
Part Nine
“ Ezra, I want to tell the whole damn world I’m in love with you. I just didn’t know…didn’t know how to say it, how she’d react. Its not your fault, I should’ve told her months ago, really. I was…”
“ Scared that she’d never speak to you again? Declare that her son could never be so defective as to be sexually involved with another man? That she’d do exactly as my mother did?”
“ Defective?!” Chris nearly forgot his own mother’s reaction at that revelation. Maude had told Ezra he was defective, like a machine that didn’t do its job correctly or something. “ Ezra, you are not defective. Neither am I. Loving anyone is not wrong. We know that, no matter what anyone says, right?”
“ I know that it feels right.”
“ It is right, Ezra. I think I’d have to be ‘defective’ NOT to love you, baby.” Chris wrapped his arms around his younger lover, no longer giving a damn if his mother approved or not, only caring that this man in his arm stayed right here for the rest of their mortal existence. His firecracker leant into him, laying his head back against Chris’ shoulder. “Ezra, I’m glad Mom knows. Relieved. Now I don’t have to hide that I’m the luckiest ‘cowboy’ in the world. I’ve had two strong, beautiful, and sensitive once-in-a-lifetime lovers.”
“ I love you, Christopher James.” Ezra whispered, basking in the unconditional love this man bestowed on him.
“ Want you Ezra Peyton. Want to forget anyone’s mother for tonight. Just us.” Chris replied, his lips moving along the jaw, trailing kisses from ear to chin.
“Your mother could be back anytime.”
“ So? There is a perfectly good bedroom calling our names. Door locks.” Chris explained, tilting Ezra’s head so he could gain access to his lover’s neck. “Considering what she just learned, I think she’ll understand not to disturb us.”
The feel of Chris’ kisses, and voice, drifting across his neck nearly had Ezra melting where he stood. Chris began earnestly licking and nipping along the parts of the southerner’s neck and shoulders he could reach at this angle and thoughts of either mother dropped from both men’s minds. Turning in his lover’s arms, Ezra brought their lips together, and opened easily for the instantly probing tongue. Sliding his hands down Chris’ back, he slipped them inside the waistband of the jeans, caressing the toned ass he loved through the boxers. Chris finally broke the kiss, needing to breathe.
“ Take this to the bedroom, or its not going to get there.” Ezra merely nodded, allowing his leader, his lover, to guide him down the hall to his, no THEIR, bedroom. Chris locked the door behind them, before wrapping his arms once more around his own personal firebrand and initiating another long passionate kiss. As they broke to breathe, Ezra pulled his lover’s t-shirt up and over his head, at the same time as Chris’ watch alarm went off causing both men to jump.
Part Ten
“ Time to get up.” Chris whispered, pinning Ezra against the dresser as he dropped the watch from his wrist and insinuating a leg between the smaller man’s to rub against his groin.
“ I’m…uh, definitely getting up.” Ezra commented, running his hands between their bodies and over the defined chest before him. He gently attended to the nipples, hands massaging, and tweaking the little nubs to points quickly. Chris turned them again, heading for the king sized bed while he deftly unbuttoned and unzipped Ezra’s jeans so they fell to the floor revealing…bare skin?
“ Commando?” Chris asked, surprised. Ezra NEVER went commando, he said the silk boxers avoided chafing…Chris was far more likely to skip the boxers than Ezra was.
“ Need to do laundry…but your mother…is NOT…washing my…boxers.” Ezra explained as he kissed his way down Chris’ chest until he was returning the favor and sliding Chris’ jeans to the floor, the underwear joining the pants quickly. Ezra licked his way around the hard penis, laving attention on the balls that hung below. Chris moaned in pleasure, hips thrusting forward slightly. Ezra took the not so subtle hint, and began showering his kisses on the cock itself, then ran his tongue from tip to base and back again before engulfing it whole in his mouth, the head hitting the back of his throat. He swallowed experimentally a few times, then released the now even harder penis and licking a trail up his lover’s abdomen and chest to the neck and jaw, then the lips. There, his tongue was captured and held by Chris’ mouth, the older man sucking harshly on Ezra’s tongue. Stepping from his jeans, and making sure Ezra did the same, Chris let himself drop onto the bed, pulling his lithe southerner down on top of him. Their cocks rubbing together hotly, they were soon thrusting against each other, neither one particularly desiring to go slowly this time. Slow would come later, right now was a hard, passionate reaffirmation of the rightness of their union. Scooting up higher on the bed, followed by a southern shadow, Chris was able to reach into the bedside table and grabbed the lube. Not bothering to shut the drawer again, Chris pressed the tube into his lover’s hand, earning a slightly surprised look from the younger man.
“ Need you tonight, Ezra. Make me yours again.” Ezra nodded solemnly, kissing his way once more down the long lean body below him. Slicking his first finger, Ezra rimmed that tight hole carefully, before gently penetrating the anus. Chris groaned, thrusting back against the exploring finger. Quickly adding a second finger, Ezra used his mouth to worship the rock hard manhood as he began stretching his lover to take him inside. A third finger soon joined the other two, scissoring and opening the hole further. By the time Ezra had four fingers inside his lover, Chris was thrusting back on the fingers and thrusting forward into his gambler’s mouth, moaning for Ezra to take him. Pulling away from the now heavily leaking penis, Ezra propped a pillow under Chris’ hips and rest his tall lover’s legs on his shoulders, placing his own member at Chris’ hole. He breached the ring as gently as possible, stopping to let the older man adjust before sliding smoothly inside until his balls hit Chris’ ass. Here, Ezra stopped again, reveling in the tight sensation of being encased in his lover’s heat. Chris thrust back against him, demanding that he move and the southerner gave in and began to thrust hard into the beautiful body under him. It felt like forever, and yet not long enough, until they were both climaxing, riding the waves of pleasure coursing through them. Ezra slipped from his lover’s body, and managed to collapse to the side. His original intention to doze was ruined when Chris rolled to straddle the younger man, hands quickly bringing the sensitive nipples back to little peaks as his shifting about soon had both their cocks beginning to rise again.
“ No sleeping yet, baby. I thought the younger one’s were supposed to have all the stamina.”
“ Mm. We do.” Ezra agreed, rising up to take possession of Chris’ mouth as they began another round of lovemaking.
Part Eleven
It was early the next morning, early for Ezra anyway, when the southerner opened his eyes, meeting the already open blue green eyes of his lover. Realizing he was oddly hungry for this hour of the morning, Ezra shifted to move from the bed. His slightly sore muscles reminded him of WHY he was so hungry. They never had made it to dinner last night, had in fact spent the evening and most of the night making love. A few special memories rose to the fore of his mind, and he felt himself stirring in response. Settling back in against his lover, Ezra was content to lay here for awhile, enjoying the contentment of a morning spent in the strong arms of his lover. Just a few moments later though, Chris dropped a quick kiss on his head, and rose from the bed.
“ Come on, trouble. Let’s get breakfast.”
“ Your mother leaves today.” Ezra noted, looking at the clock.
“ I know. I love her, but personally, I can’t wait to see her go either. Like to have my house back.”
“ Mmhmm. Be nice to have you take me in the living room again. Or the kitchen, or the hall, your office, the back deck…” Ezra trailed off, his eyes glinting as he saw Chris shift slightly as if the pants he had just slipped on were becoming to tight.
“ Later, baby. First, we have to get breakfast, and talk to my mother. Did you hear her come in last night?” Chris asked, knowing his lover was sensitive to noises not usually in the house.
“ No,” Ezra laughed lightly, “I was slightly distracted, remember?”
“ Let’s go, outta bed.” Chris prodded the southerner, who obediently slipped into his jeans still laying at the foot of the bed. Unlocking the door, Chris pushed his lover into the hall ahead of him, and down the hall to the kitchen. Letting his hand drop from the middle of the man’s back to his gorgeous ass, Chris didn’t move it despite Ezra’s stiffened posture as they stepped into the kitchen to see Maggie already making breakfast. Maggie looked up, and managed a tight smile at the contentment she could see in her son. It had taken her some time last night, and she was sure Libby knew something was wrong as she had been distracted all dinner, but as she usually did, Maggie had accepted this…twist to her son. Oh, she was still adjusting to the idea that her son was having sex with a man, one of his team members at that, but the mother in her had won out with relative happiness that Chris had found love again, and seemed to be genuinely enjoying his life again. If Ezra did that, well, Maggie would just have to make sure nothing ever happened to the charming young southerner. She would not be responsible for any more pain in her boy’s life, Chris had had more than his share already.
“ You boys want something to eat?”
“ Sure, Mom. Um, Mom, are you okay with this? I mean, Ezra and I?”
“ I won’t lie to you, Christopher, I never have. I’m struggling with it. You loved Sarah and Adam. Everyone and anyone could see that. I just never thought that you would…fall in love, with a man. Live with a man. And don’t bother telling me Ezra has his own place, because all his clothes are here, and he certainly seems to be thoroughly at home here.”
“ Actually,” Ezra admitted sheepishly, “I’d say not even half of my clothes are here.”
“ The closet in that guest room is full! And I’m sure that walk in closet in Chris’ room has some of your things as well.”
“ Ezra’s a clothes horse, Mom. You’d have to meet Maude to understand.”
“ Maude?”
“ My mother.” Ezra supplied.
“ Oh, well, I suppose I should meet her then, since we’re practically family now.”
“ She’s out of the country right now. I think.” Ezra slipped outside, wishing to God his mother could have been more like Maggie Larabee. She was at least trying to accept her son and his lifestyle. Maude had just disappeared, again.
“ Think?” Maggie asked Chris, who followed Ezra’s progress to the horse corral with his eyes.
“ Maude didn’t take Ez’ announcement very well. She left. Hasn’t talked to him since.”
“ How long has it been?”
“ ‘Bout seven months now, I guess. He tries to pretend it doesn’t matter, but I think its tearing him up.”
“ How could any mother go that long without at least calling? I mean, if she’s out of the country, maybe a visit would be hard to swing, but a phone call is easy.”
“ Maude’s…flighty I guess.” Chris shrugged, unable to explain the unexplainable force that was Maude Standish. “ She’s been dumping Ezra at relatives’ and boarding schools since he was seven. She loves him, I’m pretty sure. Just can’t show it for some reason.”
“ His father?” Maggie asked, genuinely wanting to know more about the man who had so revitalized her son.
“ Ezra don’t talk about him hardly ever. I think Maude started that trend too. He did tell me once that his Dad died when he was about six. The rest of what I know I found out myself.”
“ How?”
“ I did some research. Ezra knows all about us, the whole family. I wanted to know Ez’. And he doesn’t know much, I don’t think.”
“ Well, I won’t push then. He’s not had a happy life, I take it?”
“ Most of my team hasn’t. Judge says we’re the most stubborn, scrappy and difficult little band of survivors he’s ever met. Think I like that idea. And thanks for breakfast Mom, but YOU need to catch a flight or you’ll miss the reverend’s party.”
“ The cab should be here anytime. I figured you’d want to spend your day off with Ezra.”
“ Yeah, and thanks for not…well for at least trying to deal with this.”
“ Chris, what hurt the most was that you deliberately mislead us. You lied to me. I know, I know. You were worried about what to say, how we’d take it. Our family has always been honest with each other Christopher. I want you to remember that. It may be harder in the short run, but in the long run, the truth is the always the best path.”
“ I’m sorry.” A horn honking out front signaled the arrival of the cab, and Maggie retrieved her suitcase and headed for the front door, her son right beside her. Hugging him tightly, Maggie smiled genuinely at him.
“ You take care of that boy out there, Christopher. He’s wonderful for you. And I expect to see you BOTH at the family reunion next year, you hear me?” Maggie called as she got into the cab. Chris just grinned, glad to know his mother would never change. She may not have fully adjusted or accepted yet, but she was willing to give it a try because Chris was her son.
Part Twelve
Turning to head towards the back, Chris was soon standing beside his lover, watching the horses move about in the paddock.
“ Beautiful.”
“ They are magnificent creatures.”
“ Was talking about you.” Chris corrected, sliding arms around the undercover agent.
“ Do you think she’ll come back?”
“ Mom? Oh yeah. She can’t stay away from her kids. Or out of their lives.”
“ Good. I like her. She’s…” Ezra trailed off, unable to explain. Chris understood though.
“ I know. She’s just Mom. She’s your Mom too now, you know. Trust me, she’ll send you sweaters and socks at Christmas, and call here just to pump you for information on the minutiae of your life. Come on, breakfast is getting cold, and I’m starving.”
“ You sound like Vin.”
“ Could be worse. I could sound like Josiah.”
“ Oh no, please, anything but parables. No Aesop in the bedroom.” Ezra laughed, and Chris was happy to see that easy smile again. Maude pushed to the back of their minds, they could spend the rest of the long weekend enjoying each other.
“ You know, I still have reservations at that bed and breakfast through Sunday.” Chris stopped their progress back towards the house to lean in for a gentle kiss. Ezra smiled into the kiss, and nodded.
“ We’ll back after breakfast, and call and let the others know we’ll be gone.”
“ Can‘t wait to get you all to myself again.” Chris grinned back, the thoughts of what they could do with three days alone, not even having to leave the bed if they didn’t want to, filling his mind.
“ Then eat quick, Chris. The sooner we leave, the sooner we get to bed.” Ezra sprinted for the house, leaving his laughing lover to head inside behind him. If nothing else, Ezra would keep him young for years to come, the little boy inside the southerner popping out at different times. Life was never simple, and there were a lot times Chris struggled with what to say, but he knew the only thing he ever had to DO to keep Ezra right here where he belonged was the one thing Ezra needed the most. All he had to do, was love the little firecracker, and THAT was the easiest and most natural thing in the world.
The End
Continues in Merry Christmas From the Family
Feedback to rebel_yell12@hotmail.com
Notes: Maggie Larabee is based heavily on my own mother, and how I think she would react to something like this. What can I say, I have great parents. If you think she should have reacted differently, feel free to write your own version of this story…Maggie is an open character, and I won’t care if you use my Reunion as a base or your own ideas. Hope you enjoyed the story.