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Pairing: Ezra/Nathan
A/N: This is a sequel to my earlier fic, The Naked Truth
Ezra was slouched in his favorite seat, a large overstuffed armchair covered in petal-soft smoky gray suede, reading a book. The television in the corner was on and Nathan gave it a glance, noting that it was showing one of those old black and white film noire productions that Ezra loved, mostly for the entertainment of mocking the stilted tough-guy dialogue. This time, however, Ezra was not even watching the show. He was deeply engrossed in the novel, to the point that he did not even realize that his rapidly shifting eyes were as wide as a childs on Christmas morning or that his lips were moving ever so slightly as he devoured the pages. Shifting in his chair, the restless movement telling his unnoticed audience that the plot must be picking up to some exciting point, Ezra pulled one leg up and hooked the ankle underneath his opposite knee. Nathan could not wipe the grin off his face as he watched Ezra lift his left hand, the book being held in his right, and actually start nibbling at the edge of his thumbnail.Leaning his back against the wall and folding his arms across his chest, Nathans grin softened into a tender smile. There had been a time, not too long in the past, when Ezra never would have let his guard down so fully as to be unaware that he had company. He still didnt let it down that much around anyone else, not even the rest of their friends, but Nathan had been granted the very special gift of Ezra Standishs complete and utter trust and it swelled his heart to near-bursting every time he thought about it.
Dark eyes traveling appreciatively over the other mans lean, muscular frame, Nathan mused that there had also been a time, not too long ago, when it would have shocked him into a hasty, highly-embarrassed retreat to walk into a room and find Ezra sitting so casually naked within it. It still startled him sometimes, even five months after the weekend retreat in which Ezra had haltingly confessed that he had a preference, maybe even a psychological need, toward engaging in nudity within his own home.
Now their own home.
Nathans smile widened at that thought. When his apartment lease had ended a month ago, Ezra had shyly invited him to move in, assuring him of plenty of room to spread out and privacy whenever he required it. Knowing that their occasionally volatile temperaments would never stand for sharing space 24/7, Nathan had appreciated the reassurance and had come willingly. So far, things could not be working out better.
Ezra had understood that it would take some time for Nathan to overcome the instinctive discomfort over his unusual personal preference, so without being asked he had made a willing concession to remaining dressed after they returned home from work each evening, until it was time for bed. Nathan, in return, never asked or expected Ezra to dress on weekends unless they were going out.
Sometimes, in the spirit of compromise, Nathan did not dress on Saturday mornings either. His smile turned smug, thinking about how those days almost inevitably led to Ezra being overcome with passion and jumping him at some point. He had not quite decided whether it was gratitude for his understanding, appreciation of his efforts, or simply his hedonistic boyfriends inability to resist temptation, but even with such ample rewards being offered, Nathan could not bring himself to indulge very often. Sometimes he wished he could be more free-spirited, but the fact was that it embarrassed him deeply to go parading around in the buff. He could certainly never settle in for a quiet afternoon of books and TV without any sense of self-consciousness. He was very glad, however, that Ezra could and did. It warmed him, in a way that had nothing to do with sexual interest, to see his partner so at ease.
Ezra shifted again, pulling his other foot up to sit cross-legged in the wide chair cushion and scrunch down more securely against the deep protection of its back. He gave a tiny shiver of reaction over whatever he was reading, completely unaware that this new position left his genitals fully exposed and resting on the slightly raised cushion of the chair. Nathans groin tightened as the sight suddenly reminded him of the fantasy he had drawn for Ezra during their very first coupling.
Quietly leaving the room, Nathan stepped out of his shoes and padded barefoot into the kitchen, helping himself to a glass of ice, over which he poured a can of coke. In his recitation to Ezra it had been rum & coke, but he remembered Ezras disinclination toward that combination and stuck with the pure soda-pop. He popped a straw into the glass and slipped back into the living room.
Ezra had not moved except that he was now holding the book in both hands and chewing on his bottom lip.
Grinning to himself, Nathan set the glass down and silently stripped off his clothes, leaving them in a pile on the seat of his easy-chair. Retrieving the beverage, he crossed the room and placed it on Ezras side table, then dropped to his knees and glided his hands up his lovers strong pale thighs.
GAAAH! Ezra bellowed at the touch, his entire body jerking in fright and the book flying up out of his hands so suddenly that it smacked the ceiling and became lost somewhere on the floor. Gripping the armrests of his chair, eyes as big as saucers, he stared at Nathan and squeaked, Are you tryin to give me a heart-attack?
Unable to help himself, Nathan began to laugh. Im sorry, Ezra. I knew you were interested in that story but I figured you knew I was here when I walked right up to you and set that drink down beside your chair.
He laughed even harder at Ezras sheepish grin when he looked to where Nathan pointed and saw the proof of his claim. My apologies. I, uh, guess I had become a little too caught up in the narrative.
Guess so. Suspense story, I take it?
Yes, and a very gripping example of the genre.
Nathan lowered his head and kissed the inside of one creamy thigh, his hands massaging up and down the firm flesh of his partners legs. Ah, sorry I interrupted you, then. Brushing his lightly stubbled cheek against the sensitive flesh of the other thigh, he dropped a second kiss on the tender scrotum dangling between them. Ezras breath hitched. Skimming his palms back to rub at Ezras bent knees; Nathans questing fingers found the soles of his bare feet and pushed firmly along the arches, an action that he knew the other man loved. Should I let you get back to your book?
Ezras throat constricted in a gulp. No, no need. I b-believe I had reached an acceptable stopping place.
Good, Nathan purred, moving up to pepper tiny kisses over Ezras belly, tickling his sensitive navel with the very tip of his tongue. Ezras hands gripped his shoulders, silently begging him to continue, but Nathan paused, helping himself to a drink from the glass he had brought.
Ignoring the straw, he sucked the sweet beverage over his lips, then swished it in his mouth for a moment before swallowing and stretching up to Ezras lips, letting him share in the sweetness as they kissed. Slipping his right hand over the back of Ezras neck, he deepened the kiss and gently massaged the tense neck muscles, at the same time twisting one fingertip through the fine baby-soft locks that grew just past the base of Ezras skull. He had quickly learned that this was a sure fire turn-on for his partner, and he smiled around their kisses when he felt the soft cock underneath his left hand grow instantly firmer.
Oh, my, Ezra sighed as Nathan pulled away. I thought you were planning to work on case-studies this afternoon. What brought all this on?
Needed a snack, he murmured, dropping his head to suckle his partners collar-bone, clamping a bit of skin between his teeth. Ezra pressed a hand against the back of Nathans head, urging him to continue. The flesh under Nathans warm hand firmed even more as he continued to plant tiny sucking kisses all along Ezras clavicle. You were just too delicious to resist.
Ezra moaned, dropping his forehead into the crook of his lovers neck and shoulder. Turning his head, he kissed Nathans throat and cheek, slipping a warm tongue-tip inside the curve of his ear. More? he said hopefully.
Settling back on his haunches, Nathan reached for the drink and pulled out an ice cube, crushing it between his teeth. He then drew half a straw-full of coke from the glass, stopping the end of the straw with his finger and bringing a curious look from his partner.
What are you planning? Ezra asked him, one fine reddish eyebrow lifting in question.
With a suggestive hitch of his own brows, Nathan moved the straw to Ezras pectorals and allowed some of the fluid to escape. Ezra gasped sharply at the cold liquid sliding down his chest, and then again when Nathans icy tongue began laving the chilly streams away with long thorough strokes.
Oh, my, Ezra breathed, eyes closing in pleasure when Nathan oozed a few more drops of coke onto each of his stiffly budding nipples then cleaned them away again with fast swirling flicks of his tongue.
Feel good? Nathan asked, placing a soft kiss on each tender little bud.
So good, Ezra told him, stroking his hands over Nathans contrastingly hot skin, throat working convulsively when his teasing lover dribbled the last of the liquid from the straw over the head of Ezras cock, then immediately chased the sliding rivulets with his mouth.
Nathans tongue swirled, tickled and teased at the firm flesh until Ezra could do nothing but moan wordless encouragement.
A new idea struck Nathan and he released Ezras cock to slide both hands underneath his thighs, drawing Ezras folded legs out of the chair and around his own body.
Thats more like it, he murmured, pushing his palms beneath the firm cheeks and increasing his access to the soft downy pouch of Ezras balls and the tiny pink pucker underneath.
Ezras left hand clenched the arm of his chair in a grip of steel, the other reaching out to take a shaking grasp on the still half-full glass of coke. He lifted it to his mouth and frantically gulped down a few icy swallows as sweat broke out over his entire body with the magnitude of what Nathans strong determined tongue was doing to him.
That feels . . . incredible, he panted. Squirming with ever-increasing desire, Ezra began to stroke trembling fingers over his lovers tight curls. You know, in . . . in all of the years since I first acknowledged . . . oh! Oh my lord, dont stop!
Nathan had paused for a moment to gather a bit of extra saliva, and now he grinned as he heard the desperate plea and looked up into Ezras flushed face. Extended his tongue again Nathan resumed his gentle probing, loving the gasps and soft mews of pleasure this act was bringing.
What was I saying? Ezra tried again, eyes fluttering open. Oh, yes . . . ever since I first acknowledged my homosexuality, Ive been hearing about this technique, but Ive never actually experienced it before.
Surprised, Nathan pulled back to look at him. Seriously? You never been rimmed before?
A crooked, embarrassed-looking smile creased Ezras cheeks. Im afraid I always thought the process sounded entirely too disgusting; pressing ones tongue into that particular orifice.
Nathan realized that he should not have been surprised. Sometimes Ezras fastidious nature simply got the better of him and refused to allow such considerations as passion to overrule it.
And now?
Fortunately, I didnt realize what you intended until youd already begun.
He grinned. Fortunately?
A smirk tilted Ezras mouth. Perhaps some things are simply meant to be experienced, without over-thinking the process.
Nathan chuckled. I suppose so. If you think about it, though, doing this isnt really any worse than sucking another guys dick. And I know you enjoy that, no matter which end of it youre on.
A blush heated Ezras face but he could not quit smiling. I do, indeed. In fact, I would be more than happy to demonstrate, if you like. So far, I seem to be getting all the advantage in this encounter.
I wouldnt say that, Nathan disagreed, pushing back so that he could straighten his legs and stand, revealing exactly how much he had been enjoying himself.
Green eyes flared brightly at the sight of the full, eagerly-jutting erection. Enjoying the reaction, Nathan ran both hands slowly over his broad chest, rolling and pinching his nipples then brushing over the well delineated muscles of his abdomen before giving his stiffly engorged cock a few suggestive strokes.
Ezra licked his lips at the sight and Nathan smiled. If its all right with you, Ezra, all I want right now is to bury myself deep inside your sweet, sweet body and ride you to just this side of heaven.
I would love nothing more, Ezra vowed, voice so husky and deep with desire that it sent a shot of pure pleasure through Nathans sex.
Ezra pulled his feet up to brace his heels against the chair cushion as his legs fell open wide. His spine arched as if he could already feel his partners touch within him, long fingers wrapping around his swollen cock and reaching to stroke thick pearls of pre-cum over the head.
Spreading a few glistening drops of his own, Nathan braced his knee on the edge of the soft chair cushion and drew Ezras legs up over his shoulders as he centered himself and pushed firmly. Both men groaned in pleasure when the well-prepared channel swallowed him smoothly.
Ezra arched again, holding on to Nathans strong biceps as the long, powerful cock filled him all the way up. Yes, he hissed. Again.
Happy to comply, Nathan pulled all the way out, paused for a moment and then pushed back in, drawing a shuddering gasp from his partner. He repeated the process twice more, leaving just the head inside on the last stroke and shoving back in again hard. On this last push, Ezras eyelids squeezed shut and he gave a strangled-sounding yelp, the strange noise startling Nathan.
You okay? Was that too hard?
No! Ezra gasped. Its . . . this position. Im not sure, but I think you may be scraping against my prostate.
Nathan grinned at the wonder in his voice. Ezra had once told him, only half-jokingly, that he wasnt entirely sure that he had such a gland. It seemed that his lovers, Nathan included, had never been capable of finding it. Knew you liked this chair for a reason, he teased, thrusting once more and bringing another startled cry of enjoyment from his partner.
Oh, Nathan, you have no idea! he gasped. Its such a-a . . . sexy feeling. Words are simply inadequate to describe it. Please, do it again.
Happy to comply, Nathan bent forward and captured Ezras mouth in a deep kiss, forcing the other mans thighs up tight against his chest as he pistoned his own hips in long strokes, reducing Ezras elocution to short ecstatic grunts.
Neither of them even noticed that the force of Nathans movements were scooting the chair back until they suddenly struck the rear wall. The force of impact jerked Ezra forward just as Nathan thrust into him again and he barked out a sound of triumph at feeling Nathans seed suddenly burst deep within him.
For a while, as he released his hold on Ezras legs and slumped back, Nathan simply panted, too dazed by the force of his completion to move. He was startled when Ezra suddenly surged forward, throwing both arms and legs around his body and kissing for all he was worth. After a minute, feeling that hed got his second wind, Nathan braced his legs and stood up, carrying Ezra with him.
Caught up in his own feeling of afterglow, Nathan barely felt his softening cock slip free of Ezras body, but as the other man continued to kiss him, at the same time grinding against him with short frantic motions, he suddenly realized that his orgasm had been one-sided and that Ezra remained unrelieved.
Lowering him to the floor, Nathan asked, You want to take me?
Fuck, yes! Ezra agreed harshly, too far gone to his need to worry about polite phrasing.
Nathan did not hesitate. For a split-second, he thought about finishing this in the comfort of their bed, but then a sudden animalistic impulse took him and he dropped down to all fours instead, turning around and offering his ass to Ezra. Do it! I want to feel you takin me right here and now.
Ezra did not waste any time debating. Pushed by his own desperation and the pure lustful excitement of Nathans offer, he slicked some of the pre-cum seeping copiously from the head down the entire length of his cock, gripped Nathans thick round cheeks in his hands and shoved. Nathan groaned at the sudden entry, ignoring the twinge of pain in favor of the much deeper feeling of pleasure.
You feel wonderful, Ezra moaned, rocking with deep, energetic thrusts. I truly needed this; needed you surrounding me, embracing me, letting me feel the evidence of my love for you with every move I make.
Nathan groaned, as turned on by the roughly-voiced words of passion as he was by the exquisite sensation of his lovers heavy cock driving in and out of his body. Give it to me, Ezra. Let me feel it right along with you.
In response, Ezra pushed harder, pelvis jerking wildly as he struggled toward completion. Sometimes Ezra could climax easily and at other times he would get so powerfully aroused that his body simply refused to let go.
As he listened to his lover panting, struggling to reach that one perfect moment, his growing desperation becoming audible in every frustrated grunt, Nathan knew that this was one of the latter times. He pushed back against the thrusts, helpfully squeezing his inner muscles harder around Ezras driving cock, giving him something to work against. Finally, Ezra let go a keening rebel yell as an explosion of liquid heat burst deep inside Nathans channel.
Giving Ezra time to catch his breath, Nathan relaxed, waiting until his lover pulled free before rolling over and collapsing onto the deep pile carpet. Ezra flopped face-down next to him, laying his head on Nathans broad shoulder and wrapping an arm around his middle.
After a few seconds, Ezra squirmed and wiggled onto his side, emitting a small grunt of irritation.
Suppose we should get up off the floor, Nathan said, assuming the sound was indicative of displeasure over their location.
Floors fine, Ezra said, surprising him. I just cant lie comfortably on my front at the moment.
Glancing down, Nathan grinned at the sight of the other mans red, still-swollen penis. Little bit sensitive right now?
Yes, but the result of your little ice-cube seduction was well worth any difficulties I may be experiencing. I had no idea you indulged in such risqué ideas, Mr. Jackson.
Laughing a little at the formal address, grown to be a comfortable joke between them, he said, You just bring it out in me, I suppose. You dont know what it does to me, seeing that gorgeous body parading around naked in front of me all day.
Do tell, Ezra said with a smile, brushing his fingertips gently over one of Nathans tiny perked up nipples.
Sometimes I just want spend all day long kissing every inch of that soft perfect skin. I want to find every single hot-spot on your body, just lick and tease everywhere until youre so hot that youre begging me to take you.
Ezra smiled. That sounds very appealing. Now perhaps you understand how I feel whenever you serve up the tempting feast of yourself on the occasional Saturday. That wonderful derriere just begs me to reach out and squeeze it, maybe give it a love-bite so youll think about me every time you take a seat.
Nathan chuckled. Think Im gonna be doing that for the rest of today anyway. Youre quite the little bronc-rider when you let yourself go.
Looking surprised, Ezra joined in the laughter. You should talk. Ive taken yoga classes that didnt bend me into pretzels as much as you just did!
Hope I didnt hurt you.
Not at all, he said with a kiss. In fact, have you got any more plans for this exceptionally fine weekend that I should be made aware of?
Yeah, I do. Pulling himself up on one elbow, Nathan leaned over to kiss Ezra slow and deep. Go out with me tonight.
Puzzled, Ezra said, Excuse me?
I want to take you out on a date. A real romantic date with a candle-light dinner, a good bottle of wine, a moonlit walk if its nice out; and some of those amazing goodnight kisses that neither of us want to break off. He smiled and brushed a lock of hair out of Ezras eyes, gazing deeply into their sea-green depths. The kind where I say I should be going and you ask me if Id rather stay; and then we spend the whole night making slow, sweet love to each other.
Eyes shining with emotion, Ezra pressed up for a quick, chaste kiss. I would love that.
Good. Offering one last kiss, Nathan pressed himself up and gave his partner a hand as well. Im gonna go back to working on those briefings for a couple of hours. You finish your book or do whatever else you want to do until its time.
Skimming cool fingertips over Nathans light curly dusting of chest-hair, Ezra smiled. I dont seem to be in the right frame of mind to read about murder and mayhem anymore. Perhaps I would be better off taking a nap. It sounds as though I may need it.
Thats a good idea. Tell you what, Ill shower and get myself ready first, then wake you up and slip out so you can do the same.
Smiling, Ezra asked, Slip out where?
Kissing him on the palm of his hand, Nathans dark eyes sparkled. Why, to pick up some flowers for my best guy, of course. Ill pick you up at seven oclock.
A delighted laugh bubbled from Ezras lips. You are a romantic! I promise to be dressed in my best and ready for your arrival promptly at seven.
Brushing a fingertip down Ezras cheek, Nathan could not resist kissing him one more time. Ill be counting the hours.
Turning away before he could get too caught up in the passion he could already feel renewing itself, Nathan gathered his discarded clothing from the chair and slipped out of the room. He could hardly wait until tonight.
The End