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Author's Note: Decided to indulge my craving for Ezra and Vin in a tender established-partners love scene.
He awoke to the wonderful sensation of being kissed.Sliding his arms around the warm muscular body pressing him into the mattress, Ezra moved his lips against the softness touching them, licking sensuously against the tongue that had begun darting and teasing against his own.
He often thought that there might be nothing in the world quite as wonderful as this. He loved the excitement of a first kiss that carried the promise of something more, and the satisfaction when that promise was fulfilled. It was so much more than just the precursor to satiation. It was question and answer, foreplay and afterglow, praise and thanks.
Most of all, he loved this. Waking up to the press of soft lips and the embrace of strong arms, feeling all over again that thrill of knowing he truly belonged to another human being.
Opening sleepy green eyes, Ezra smiled up into the tender gaze of his lover. Good morning.
Vin dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose and smiled back. Mornin, Ez. Have a good sleep?
Mm hmm. Nose twitching, Ezra said, Have you been out jogging?
Yeah. Sorry I didnt stop for a shower but you looked so invitin all tucked up in the blankets here that I couldnt resist a detour.
Im glad, he murmured, capturing that sweet mouth again. I love the way you smell. Sweat and antiperspirant mingled with the fainter scents of soap and spring air, all mixed together with that indefinable something that is simply you.
Vin laughed. You make me sound like some kind of cologne. Texas Tanner . . . the scent of a man!
Ezra chuckled along with him. Wed make millions if we could market it.
Nah. Then youd have guys beatin down the door wanting to get their hands on me, he teased. His light blue eyes darkened with passion as he pressed a kiss into Ezras palm. And these are the only hands I ever want touching me.
In reply, Ezra stroked his way down Vins T-shirt covered back to burrow beneath the elastic waistband of his running shorts. He grinned when his fingers encountered nothing but bare flesh. Going commando today, I see. Doesnt that get a bit uncomfortable when you run?
One bony shoulder shrugged. Shorts got a lining in em. Not like I was out there swingin free in the breeze.
What a shame. Pushing the shorts down as far as he could, Ezra resumed the interrupted kissing, claiming Vins mouth with a thoroughness that had his lover moaning and pressing hard against the agile hands that had moved to caress his rapidly swelling cock. I rather like the idea of you swinging free.
Vins eyelids slid half-closed as he thrust into the gently squeezing grip. What about you? he whispered, lowering his head to press nibbling kisses along Ezras jawline. Giving the shell of his ear a tiny lick, he teased, Want to come play on the swing-set with me?
Ezras eyes sparkled at the suggestion, and he teased right back, Are you sure you wouldnt rather go down the slide?
Grinning, Vin lifted up so that Ezra could push away the blankets that separated them. Vins blue eyes flashed greedily at the sight of Ezras newly revealed body. This is a nice surprise. Werent you wearin those pajama pants with the hot peppers on em when you came to bed last night?
I took them off when I got up to use the bathroom earlier. Ezra licked his lips, eyes shining with a look of mischief that Vin adored. I was feeling optimistic.
Vin also licked his lips in joyful anticipation, observing that his partners shaft was already standing hard and ready for his attention. God, I love mornins, he said, swooping down to swallow the impressive erection.
Ezra cried out breathless encouragement and the leg not pinned down by Vins weight lifted in an instinctive attempt to offer more of himself to his lovers experienced touch. He grabbed a handful of blanket with his free hand, squeezing it in time with the bobbing of Vins head as that sinfully hot mouth continued to devour him.
The concentrated suction of cheeks and tongue told him that Vin was creating extra saliva to lubricate him, so Ezra hung on, not allowing himself to give all the way in to that glorious feeling.
Ready? Vin asked after a while.
So ready, he groaned, hands clumsy with need as he tried to tug Vin into place.
Glad to hear it, Vin told him, his voice husky with desire. Swirling his agile tongue over the crown one last time, Vin stood and stepped out of his shorts, stripping his t-shirt off overhead. Carefully straddling Ezras hips, Vin reached between his legs and took a firm grip on Ezras wet straining sex, positioning them both for the joining.
Even as he bore down, Vin bent forward to press a long passionate kiss against his partners beautifully swollen lips. Ezra moaned into his mouth as he felt Vin slowly and firmly take possession of his cock, squeezing his way down every throbbing inch.
Ezras breath released in a long contented, Ooooh, as he felt that tight embrace. Oh, Vin. How is that no matter how often we do this, each time feels better than the one before?
Reckon its because we were made for each other, Vin replied, his eyes and voice both filled with tenderness as he rose up and lowered himself back down even slower than before.
Ezra reached up to encircle his long torso, holding his partner in a loving embrace just as he was held within Vin. As one, their joined bodies began to move together in a shallow lingering rhythm, both taking their time and enjoying every moment to the fullest.
Their tongues slid and dueled with slow passion as the heat began to build between them. Taking their time, they allowed that amazing sensation of connected passion to build and grow until finally Vin gasped harshly and threw his head back, eyelashes fluttering as the first tiny shockwaves began to course through his belly. As his cock and balls began to throb and tighten in anticipation, he lightly gripped Ezras shoulders and began to ride him more forcefully.
Feeling the answering jolts in his own sex, Ezra gripped Vins small perfect buttocks in both hands, parting them and encouraging his partner to take him even deeper.
Oh, man, thats good, Vin rasped, arching his back and lifting his knees higher on the bed as he sat up and pressed both palms flat against Ezras hard pectorals, thigh muscles quivering as he squeezed his cheeks together, rising and falling with ever-increasing speed along the thick column of flesh.
An incoherent shout ripped from Ezras throat as he suddenly became lost in the powerful throes of climax, hips bucking and thrusting as he strove for even more. Vin hoarsely shouted his partners name as the added stimulation brought him to matching completion. Both men gasped and panted, moaned and swore in utter ecstasy as they rode out the intense orgasm together.
Jesus, Vin whispered when the shockwave finally passed. That was amazin.
Pulling loose from Ezras gradually relaxing penis, Vin stretched out beside him and gathered him close. They were both sweaty and sticky but neither man cared as their arms and legs intertwined and their mouths met, lips and tongues touching with soft exploratory caresses. Love you, Ezra.
Arms tightening, pulling him into a closer embrace, Ezra silently thanked whatever gods above had deemed him worthy of this mans heart. Dearest, Vin. I love you, too. So much.
Dont have to go to work today, Vin murmured, kissing Ezras soft auburn hair and taking a tiny nibble of one perfect little ear. What do you say we spend the whole day right here?
Reaching out blindly, Ezra tugged the heavy comforter back over their bodies. Stroking his hands tenderly over Vins skin beneath the concealing cover, he felt warm and blissfully happy. Theres nowhere on earth I would rather be.
And the kissing began again.
The End