This follows I'm Taking Control of My Life in the M7-SoA crossover A/U.
Week three, Friday evening:
The first week after Chris had put the green light on, Vin's time had been in constant demand. One member after another had followed him up the stairs. Monday, his designated off-day had seemed like it was a year away.
Eli Joe, who Vin was fast developing a full-fledged hate for, had tried to make Vin take him upstairs on Monday, but to Vin's surprise, Ezra had interceded and told the rat fuck asshole that he'd have to wait until Tuesday. Vin had been surprised, but Ezra had waved off his thanks. "Every business has rules," Ezra had told him. "I simply reminded Eli Joe of the rules of this establishment."
Things had settled down some. Tuesday he'd taken half a dozen guys upstairs, including Eli Joe and Wednesday only three of them, including Rory, who Vin was fast developing a full-fledged like for. Rory was cute and his idea of a good time was a lot more fun than any of the other guys Vin had taken upstairs. Yesterday the clubhouse hadn't been very busy. Vin had only gone upstairs twice before Ezra had closed the bar.
Chris hadn't asked for his company once - until now. Vin was nervous, something he felt ridiculous about.
"Come in." Vin heard the muffled words. He took a deep breath and turned the doorknob.
"Buck said you wanted me," Vin said.
"I do," Chris said. "Lock the door and then sit." He motioned to the chair in front of his desk.
Vin complied. He watched Chris fiddle with a pencil on his desk and then drop it.
"I, uh, just wanted-" Chris hesitated.
He's nervous, Vin thought. He's as nervous as me. He probably feels as stupid about it as I do. It ain't like we don't know what we're doin' here. The realization that Chris was feeling the same nervousness as he was eased Vin's apprehension. He smiled at Chris. "What's your pleasure?" he asked.
Chris was a little surprised. Vin was acting like that night and the past week hadn't happened. Chris had holed up in his office for the past week, alternating between drinking and fucking Lydia or Inez, but Buck had kept him apprised of what was going on in the clubhouse. Vin coming in the next night and the yellow light had been a surprise, but the way Buck told it, Vin's decision to work made perfect sense. The rest of the last week had gone just about the way Buck had predicted. Guys who would have had no interest in Vin if Chris hadn't put him off limits had been sure to get what they considered their due.
Now Vin was acting as if none of that had happened.
"You aren't pissed at me?" Chris couldn't help ask.
Vin's grin faded. "Ain't no point in getting' pissed about stuff that ain't gonna change," he said.
"I can't change being stupid for the first couple of weeks," Chris admitted. "But, I can promise not to be that fucking stupid again."
Vin nodded his head. "Thanks," he said.
"I'm sorry," Chris apologized.
"It's done." Vin dismissed Chris' apology.
"Just like that?" Chris asked unable to believe that anyone would be able to just put the past week aside.
"Yeah," Vin said. "You fucked up, but I didn't fight you on it. The truth is it was good with you. I was havin' a good time. I was thinkin' with my dick instead of my brain. I shoulda kicked your ass and told you to put the green light on, the night you fucked me the first time."
Chris snorted. "You think you can kick my ass."
"Maybe not," Vin said. "But you'd regret it if I tried."
Chris laughed and shook his head in amusement. "I might at that," he conceded. "You're really not mad?" he asked.
Vin shook his head. "I was," he admitted. "Some at you. Mostly at me."
"At yourself." Chris was surprised. "Why?"
"I knew better," Vin said. "I let my guard down, didn't pay attention."
"Jesus, Vin," Chris said. "Cut yourself a break. You can't go through life always on guard."
"Lettin' your guard down gets a man dead in my line of work," Vin said his face and voice dead serious.
"Not here," Chris said softly.
"Everywhere," Vin said just as softly.
"Not here," Chris said.
Vin shook his head. He got up and walked around the side of Chris' desk. "Don't make promises you can't keep," he said. He reached out and unbuckled Chris's belt. "This is what you can promise," he said, "a good fuck."
"Is that all you want?" Chris asked.
Vin shook his head. "It ain't about what I want. It's just how it is." He tugged Chris up out of the chair. "Fuck me," he said.
"Smoke one?" Chris asked while he was fastening his pants.
"No, thanks," Vin said. "I should get out there." He found his shirt and pulled it on.
"Take a few minutes," Chris urged.
Vin shook his head. "I don't think so," he said. "It's Friday night. There's gonna be twenty guys out there. If I hang out in here, they might get the idea that you're fixin' to put the red light back on. I ain't gonna let that happen."
"I'm sorry about that," Chris said.
Vin shook his head. "Sorry ain't gonna stop them guys from thinkin' I owe 'em another ride on the train. I gotta go," he said pulling on his boots.
"I'll see you later," Chris said.
"Yeah, you will," Vin said and grinned at him.
NEXT: The Observations of a