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Thank you Pamikae for giving this fic a look-see & for your helpful suggestions.
Although this is a C/V slash fic, there is nothing graphic.
Alternate Universe SEALs, Salvage and Terrorists
Dressed in cut-offs and bare-footed, Vin stepped through the back door of the ocean-front cottage, just as his house-mate and lover entered the front door. Chris had stopped at the post office on his way home from work and held a stack of mail in his hand that he was sorting through. Looking up as Vin came close, he accepted the welcome home kiss.Chris said, "You have a letter from the Youth Civic Center. Handing Vin the envelop, he placed the rest of the mail on his desk.
Taking the letter, Vin questioned, "Anythin' important?"
"Nah, just bills and flyers."
Opening his letter, Vin started to read it. Chris wrapped his arms around Vin's waist and read over his shoulder, while kissing the inviting neck. The letter began;
Dear Mr. Tanner,
"Hey, I like the mister part, Vin. Makes you sound, I don't know, kinda sophisticated." Chris said, sticking his tongue into the shell of his lover's ear.
Vin smiled, leaning back into the caress he continued to read;
We want to thank you, again, for the generous donation you made towards the Children's Award dinner. The caterer, Ms. Inez Recillos, that you and Mr. Sanchez recommended did an excellent job of providing a wonderful meal and cleanup of our facilities. All members of the committee were exceedingly happy with the evenings results.
Enclosed, you'll find a check for $27.77, the amount that was left over after all of the bills were paid from the banquet. Thank you, once more, for your generous support.
Yours truly,
Purgatory Youth Center
Mrs. Emma Perez, President
Vin looked at the check. "Now why didn't they just keep this and add it to their fundraisin' money?" he muttered. "Maybe give the kids a pizza party or somethin'"
Chris shrugged, and pulled the neck of his partner's t-shirt aside, and began sucking on Vin's shoulder. "You know Vin," he whispered, "We can play put on airs. You could dress up and we could do poor man, rich man slumming. You could be the rich man picking up the poor guy and have your way with him." Chris said hopefully.
"I reckon if I hadn't ruined my tux a few months back, we could'a done that." Vin agreed with his partner.
A frown touched Chris' forehead. "That's right, pard, I still owe you a new tuxedo," he said.
Vin turned around and wrapped his arms around Chris's waist. "Hey, hey, you're lucky ta be alive and you don't owe me a god-damned thing, just git that outta your head, cowboy, but I swear, if you ever step in front of a bullet again, I'm gonna shoot you myself! I love you too much to lose you, Chris." He kissed his partner passionately as they held on to each other.
After a few minutes, Vin stepped back, and turned to lay the check on the desk. "I reckon I'll sign that over to Josiah and give it to him. He can take it over to the ladies at the center and give it to them." Glancing back at his partner, he said, "How about a walk on the beach?"
Still holding his lover, Chris grinned, "I was thinking more along the lines of a walk to the bedroom."
Vin turned and kissed Chris again, he muttered, "Ain't that what I said?"
<SST /M7>
The following day, Chris pulled his truck into the large warehouse that housed his salvage business, parked and headed for the office. Getting out of the truck, Vin looked around for Josiah and found him and Buck in the break room making coffee. "Buck, 'Siah," he nodded, "how's it goin'? Coffee 'bout ready?"
"It's almost ready," Buck said. "Where were you yesterday?"
"Just needed a day off, Buck, that's all. 'Siah, I got a letter from the nice ladies over at the center with a check in it." He took the check out of his jacket pocket and handed it to Josiah. "It ain't that much, but I thought I'd just give it back to 'em as a donation. Maybe suggest givin' the kids a pizza party or somethin'. Would you mind takin' it and givin' it back to 'em?"
Josiah looked at the check, then handed it to Buck, who looked it over and handed it back to Vin.
"I'm sorry Vin, but I'm leaving on Thursday to go visit Hannah. I'm planning on taking a long weekend." Josiah stated. "So I won't be seeing anyone from the center, but I'll be happy to match the donation. I'm sure everyone else will match it too."
Vin took the check back. "Reckon I'll just call them then and see if I can, maybe, mail it to 'em."
"How's Hannah doing, Josiah?" Buck asked.
"You know, Buck," Josiah brightened, "since she's been on this new medication, she is doing so much better. She's more aware of what is going on, and when I visit, she knows who I am. Of course, she'll never be 100%, but I prefer her as she is now." Turning to Vin, Josiah continued, "She always asks about you, Vin," Josiah said.
"Next time you're going for the weekend let me know and I'll go with you. She's a real nice lady and I like visitin' with her," Vin stated.
"Who's a nice lady?" Chris asked as he entered the room looking for coffee.
"Josiah's sister, Hannah," Vin told him.
Looking at Josiah, "I see you're taking Thursday through Monday off. Is that right?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, if that's okay with you, boss," Josiah answered.
Chris shrugged. "Sure. It's a slow time of year. May as well get vacations and everyone's time off out of the way."
Buck started pouring coffee into everyone's mugs.
"So Josiah, will it be a problem to turn Vin's check over to someone at the center?" Chris inquired.
"No, sorry Chris, I won't be going by there anytime soon. But like I told Vin, I'll be happy to match the amount. I'm sure all the other guys will donate too," Josiah replied.
Vin made a face and replied, "I ain't lookin' ta take up donations,'Siah, I just want ta get rid of this check."
"Whose taking up donations?" Nathan asked as he entered the break room.
"What check?" Ezra asked at the same time. He held out his cup for coffee then looked round and drew it back, "Did Vin make the coffee this morning?"
"Vin's received a big old check from the Civic Center. Seems there was an overpayment from the kids dinner the other night." Buck answered him, "and Josiah is obligating us to put in a matching amount. And no, I made the coffee."
Ezra frowned, but asked, "I don't mind. How much do you want, Vin?"
"Nothin', I don't want any donations, I just wanna give 'em back this check."
"What check?" JD inquired as he joined the others in the break room. He opened the refrigerator and took out a coke.
Vin shook his head, rolled his eyes and left the room.
JD shrugged his shoulders and looked around, "What?" he asked. "What I'd do?"
Chris chuckled, clapped JD on the shoulder and followed Vin into the office area. Vin sat down at his desk and picked up the phone.
<SST / M7>
The morning had been unusually busy, so there hadn't been much time for small talk. At lunch time the seven men walked over to the saloon and ordered their sandwiches.
Chris was curious and asked Vin about the check.
Vin swallowed his bite of sandwich, took a drink of his beer and sighed. "They don't take third party checks, even if it's their own, so I hafta go to the bank, deposit it and then send 'em another check. Hell, I'd just say forget it, but now they're expectin' me ta give the kids a pizza party and I can't see anyway around that, since I'm the one to suggest it. Not only that, but a pizza party is gonna be $50.00."
"Well, it isn't like you can't afford it, pard." Buck smiled.
"Hell Buck, you know I don't mind the 50 bucks. I'd give the kids more than that if it'd keep 'em off the streets and outta the gangs, but it's like that check is cursed or somethin'. I can't seem ta get rid of the damn thing."
"Shame on you Vin," Josiah chuckled, "I'm sure the good ladies at the center wouldn't send you a check that was cursed."
Everyone shared a laugh at Vin's frustration.
"Okay, okay," Chris relented, laughing along with the others. "They wouldn't send a cursed check on purpose, anyway. Why don't I take you to the bank in the morning before coming to work."
Vin brightened. "Sounds good, cowboy."
"Hear that, everyone, Vin and I are gonna be late in the morning. And don't call me a cowboy!" he smirked.
There was more general laughter as everyone headed back to work. Buck and Josiah patted Vin on the back and wished him good luck with the check.
<SST /M7>
As Chris scrambled eggs the following morning, Vin sat at the table and made out his deposit slip. Placing the check and slip into his pocket and he returned their checkbook to the desk drawer. Chris set the plates on the table just as Vin took his seat and the two men began to eat.
Chris took a drink of coffee and asked, "You want to hit the main bank or that small branch over by the Navy Base?"
Vin shrugged, "I think the one by the Navy Base is closer, don't you?"
Chris nodded and finished his coffee. After breakfast, Vin cleaned up the kitchen while Chris finished getting ready for work.
As they approached the bank drive-up window and Chris noticed that several cars were backed-up.
Seeing the line in front of the drive-thru window, Vin suggested, "Chris, just let me off at the curb, I'll run inside, take care a business & be back out in a sec."
"Okay," he answered. Looking pensive, Chris continued, "I wonder why that line at the drive-thru isn't moving?"
Vin shrugged, "Who knows."
Chris pulled up in front of the small branch, saw the 'no parking' sign and said, "I'll drive around the block and meet you back here. You carrying?"
"Yeah," Vin admitted and reached back to the small of his back and handed Chris his gun and holster.
This was a small branch and Vin knew that there were only three tellers, a guard and the manager that worked there full time.
In a hurry, Vin's mind was on getting the check deposited and back out to meet Chris. He failed to notice that the elderly man who worked as a guard wasn't at the door. After entering, Vin headed straight across the floor to the counter and looked for the teller, but she wasn't there either. He stopped and looked around and was surprised to see people laying on the floor face down. The next instant, Tanner felt the cold barrel of a gun press into the back of his neck.
'Oh shit,' was his first thought.
"I thought I told you to lock that door, Ronnie!" the voice behind him shouted.
"I was just gettin' to that when that fella walked in. And don't be shouting my name out," came the reply.
The voice behind him said, "Okay asshole, just keep yer mouth shut and join them that's on the floor over there."
Putting his hands up, but making sure he stayed in plain sight of the door, Vin glanced back at the six people on the floor. He turned around to assess the situation. The first thing Vin noticed was that the thieves wore no masks. That was a bad sign. If they weren't afraid to be recognized they were either the dumbest bank robbers on the planet or they intended to kill everyone in the bank.
Vin looked at the man holding the gun gangster style. There was no silencer on this one, but one glance to his left and he could see that Ronnie's gun had a home-made device on the end. Tanner figured he was the hostages only hope, so he schooled his face into what he hoped was a look of fright.
"Ah dude," he whined, "please don't take my money. I'm jest here ta cash this little check so I kin feed my family." Pulling out the check, he thrust it at the thief. Wringing his hands nervously and staring uneasily at the gun pointed at him.
The young man snatched the check from him and looked at it. "My gawd," he said. "You can't feed a family on $27 bucks. And, this is from a charity? They're ripping you off man." Taking the deposit slip he looked it over.
Vin shrugged, bit his lip and kept his head down. He wanted this guy to be off his guard. "I'm beggin' ya man, don't take my money, it's all we have."
"Chris your girlfriend?" the robber asked, handing the check and slip back to Vin.
Tanner nodded.
"Keep yer check, it ain't gonna do you no good anyway." He handed the check back to Vin. "Ronnie," the man shouted, "you got the money, yet?" He looked past Vin and over to his accomplice who was stuffing money in a bag.
Vin stuck the items back into his coat pocket.
Hoping he wouldn't get killed or worse, he relaxed his body and checked the gun out again. He sighed and decided he'd have to move fast or this kid would shoot him. Like lightening, Vin lunged and grabbed the crook's hand. Bending it backwards, he shoved the perp back and taking hold of his arm, brought him forwards and head butted him. Vin snatched the gun away from the thief's hand and whipped around as the kid fell to the floor, out cold, with a shocked on his face.
Quickly, Vin spun around to where Ronnie was pilfering the teller's drawers. He had heard the commotion and glanced up to a view that nearly gave him a heart attack. The stupid asshole that had been begging for his lousy $27.00 was now pointing the business end of a gun at him.
By the look on his face, Ronnie knew without a doubt the the stranger would not hesitate to kill him. Ronnie couldn't believe the transformation. "What did ya do to Aaron?" Ronnie choked out.
As Vin pointed the gun, he said, "Put that gun down and slowly come around to this side of the counter." Ronnie noticed that Vin's gun didn't waver nor did the hand holding it shake.
Undecided, Ronnie hesitated, but Vin warned him. "Are you ready ta die today? Is this money worth dyin' for, 'cause that's what's goin' ta happen in about 30 seconds if you don't put that gun down and git over here."
Vin's tone of voice left him no choice.
Ronnie could see the guy wasn't bluffing, so he laid his gun on the counter, raised his hands and eased his way to where Vin was standing. "I give," he said, "Please don't kill me. I have a baby on the way."
"Ya shoulda thought about that 'fore ya started robbin' banks. Now, kneel on the floor and put yer hands behind yer head."
Ronnie did as he was told. Vin kept a sharp outlook on the two would-be bank robbers as the hostages sat up with relief in their eyes.
Vin asked the guard to call the police.
Just about that time Vin's cell began to ring. Seeing who was calling, he answered. "Hey Chris."
"Where the hell are you and what is taking so long?" Chris growled.
"I love you, too, cowboy," Vin grinned, "and I just stopped a bank hold-up."
As he was hanging up, he heard, "What the fuck!" and knew Larabee would be coming through the door in a few minutes.
Looking at the guard, Vin grinned. "Would you mind openin' the door for the black tornado that's tearin' up the walk?"
Larabee parked and jumped from his truck. He arrived immediately and the guard opened the door for him Next, the police and other authorities arrived. Statements were taken, the robbers arrested and taken away.
Once their statements were taken, the police allowed everyone to leave the bank. Since it was close to lunchtime, Chris and Vin decided to stop at the deli and pickup sandwiches for everyone.
Putting the food on the table in the break room, Larabee told everyone to help themselves.
As the men began to eat, Chris told the others what had happened at the bank that morning.
Buck couldn't resist asking Vin, "So after all that, did you get to deposit your check?"
Chris grinned and shook his head as Vin glared at him. "Hell no," he said, disgusted. "The manager closed up for the day, so the money could be counted and then some bigwig was supposed ta come from the main bank to check everythin' out."
Ezra smiled, "There does, indeed, seem to be some truth to the fact that a curse may be on that check, Mr. Tanner. Perhaps, for a small fee I may be able to introduce you to a seer that might be able to help you, lift the curse, as it may."
Vin grinned, "Thanks, but no thanks, Ez. It'll probably cost me more ta lift the curse than the check is worth. If worse comes to worst, I'll just take the loss."
<SST /M7>
The following morning, Vin decided he would drive to work in his Jeep. It was a beautiful day, and since the Jeep had no top or doors it made a very pleasant trip to the office.
At lunchtime, he decided, he would visit the ATM at the main bank. Surely nothing could happen there.
Stopping in Chris's office, he said, "I'm headin' out now, I'll be back as soon as I can."
Chris looked up from behind his desk. "You mind if I ride along? We can stop at the Concord Grill for lunch. We haven't been there for awhile, now."
"Vin grinned, "Course not, and I can do with one of them big juicy burgers they're famous for."
Vin pulled up to the ATM, inserted his card, retrieved an envelope, filled it out and stuck the check in it. After sealing it up, he inserted the envelop into the slot. The envelope slid easily into the opening.
Then, Vin heard a weird noise, and was shocked when the message, 'We're sorry, we are unable to process your transaction at this time. Please check back later.' appeared.
Vin was dumbfounded! Then another message appeared; 'Your debit card has been confiscated and is being shredded.'
Larabee was about to tease his partner with a comical retort, when the unthinkable happened.
Vin completely lost it! He twisted in his seat and started to shout at the machine. "No! No! Give it back!
He crawled halfway out of the door opening of his Jeep and started to beat on the face of the ATM cover with his fists still shouting at it. He also kicked it just for good measure, growling obscenities at the machine.
Shocked at what was happening, Chris knew he needed to calm his partner down.
"Vin, Vin," he said, "Calm down." Larabee moved across the seat and wrapped his arms around Vin and dragged him back into his seat. Vin was still struggling to get at the ATM. "Gimme my gun, I'm gonna kill it!" Vin shouted, still struggling against his partner's tight hold.
Chris tried to maintain a calm facade, but couldn't help the chuckle that escaped. "Vin," he said, "Take a deep breath and calm down, there is a reasonable explanation for this. We'll just go inside and find out what it is. Okay?"
Vin was still breathing heavily he kicked out, once more half-heartedly at the machine. He'd never trusted machines and this just proved to him that machines couldn't be trusted!
Chris, trying to maintain a serious composure he didn't feel, had both arms wrapped around Vin's body. Still trying to calm his partner down, he said, "Come on now calm down, take a deep breath for me pard. That's it, let's just calm down now."
Vin felt himself responding to Chris's soothing voice. His breathing started to leveled out a bit, but his temper was still close to the surface.
As the fight went out of Vin, Chris asked him in a quiet voice, "You feel better, pard?" Vin shook his head and Chris continued, "Think you can drive around to the parking lot so we can go inside or you want me to drive?"
"I kin do it." he muttered. After righting himself in his seat, Vin found a place to park, took another deep breath, still trying to get a hold of his temper. Together they went inside the bank.
<SST /M7>
The seven men, plus Nathan's wife, Raine, Nettie, along with Casey and Inez were sitting in an alcove, reserved for large parties, off of the dining room of Luigi's Italian Restaurant.
Chris was telling them how Vin's check had finally made it into their account, plus how the bank had come to donate the $50.00 for the kids' pizza party.
Inside the bank, the manager had explained to a very angry Vin and an amused Chris about the mix-up. It seemed that the customer using the ATM before Vin had inserted his card, which had, also, been 'eaten' by the machine. The manger had promptly asked the assistant manager to call the service repair and shut down the ATM machine. The service people had been called, but the machine hadn't been shut down as yet. The people at the bank had apologized profusely and asked what they could do to restore their good relationship.
Vin was still too angry to respond, but Chris asked if they'd be willing to make a donation to the Purgatory Youth Center.
The manager of the bank couldn't believe they could get off so easily, instructed his secretary to write a check and send it off. Vin's check was retrieved from the ATM and deposited and a new debit card ordered that would be mailed to him.
Once Chris finished with the tale, Vin grinned sheepishly, a little embarrassed by the entire episode. Everyone had a good laugh over the situation.
After dinner, as the group headed out the door, JD laughed and asked Vin if he made a habit out of assaulting ATM machines. Buck clapped Vin on the shoulder, grinned and said, "Can you imagine all that trouble over $27.77!" Clapping Vin on the shoulder again Buck walked away still chuckling and shaking his head.
Feedback to: ceymre@yahoo.com