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I do not own the Magnificent Seven. They are owned by the alphabet guys.
Pairings: Chris/Vin Ezra/Buck implied
This fic was inspired by a book written by Matthew J Reilly called Ice Station.
Thank you FaraD for the beta work, good advice and terrific suggestions.
And many thanks to KET for her medical advice and expertise. What would we do without you KET?
"SEALs, Salvage and Terrorists" is an open AU, so if you'd like to play in it, please feel free to do so.
Feedback: Yes, I'd like to know what you think of the story.
Late September, 2001
Zebra Ice Station
The two scientists walked side by side down the corridor, headed for the living quarters of the Ice Station. They were discussing the new discovery that the core samples had brought up from deep within the depths of the frozen ice shelf. As head scientist of the station, Dr. Joel Greeley would be the one to reap most of the benefits from the discovery. but with potential book deals, TV specials and personal appearances everyone on the ice station could possibly share in the rewards.
His companion listened as Dr. Greeley prattled on about the invitations he was likely to receive from the Ivy League Universities. Scientists lived off the money they made from grants and speaking engagements and this particular find was worth millions in potential rewards from his colleagues.
Dr. Gaines stopped Dr. Greeley by laying her hand gently on his upper right arm and turned him to face her. "Joel," she started, smiling, "let me share in this discovery. Ken won't mind. Once you announce this to the world, we'll be famous. Nothing will be able to stop us."
"Ella, you know I love you, but Ken Reed would never agree to letting me add your name to this gold mine. It truly is his baby. It was his idea, after all, to send the core drill deeper into the ice and to tilt it to that particular angle. Now please, let's not hear another word on this subject."
"Okay," she said, still smiling. She leaned in and placed a small kiss on his cheek. In her left hand was a syringe that she'd hidden in the pocket of her lab coat. While bestowing the kiss on his cheek, she raised her hand and skillfully plunged it into the nape of her companion's neck. "I really didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice." Dr. Greeley's eyes went wide in shock as he grabbed at his neck. "You do understand that, don't you," she purred.
Joel Greeley fell to the ground as the seizure took over his body. He writhed on the floor as his body twisted and contorted, the venom rapidly coursing through his body.
Stepping back, Ella watched as the seizure subsided. Joel suffered one last death throe as he took his last breath.
Knowing it was time for Dr. Reed to report to the lab, Dr. Gaines stood in the doorway of the drilling lab and waited.
Dr. Reed was whistling a nameless tune as he came down the stairs. He was preoccupied, as he had an experiment going and was anxious to see the results. Seeing his colleague laying on the floor, he ran towards him, calling his name. "Joel, Joel, my God, Joel what's wrong." Reaching his mentor, Ken bent over him, but recoiled when he saw the state of the man's body. He knelt down, again, and checked for a pulse and finding none, whispered to himself, "He's dead."
Ella watched this encounter from the door and decided now would be a good time to show herself. Stepping out into the hall, she started screaming.... "Help, help, Dr. Reed just killed Dr. Joel! Stay away from me you monster. Help, someone help!"
Dr. Reed looked up at the woman in shock. "No, I didn't kill him, he was here on the floor. I found him here on the floor," Ken Reed repeated.
She answered coolly, "There was no one here but you, Ken, so you must have killed him." She frowned as the other scientists began to arrive.
"What happened, what's wrong with Dr. Joel? Is he sick?" Joel lay in a heap at their feet, blood seeping from his mouth and nose. Everyone began talking at once.
"Kenneth killed him!" She accused, "We were headed to dinner and Kenneth walked up to us and accused Joel of trying to steal his new discovery. It was horrible!" She started to cry.
Kenneth, still in shock, wondered why Ella was blaming him for Dr. Joel's death and tried to defend himself.
"No, I wouldn't do this. Joel was my mentor, I looked up to him. I would never hurt Joel," Dr. Reed stated. "How did you get here so damn quick, Ella?"
"I loved Joel, you can't seriously believe I'd hurt him." Tears poured down her cheeks.
Dr. James Young looked around at his colleagues and said, "Ken, until we can get this straightened out, I think you ought to confine yourself to your room. I'll contact McMurdo and have them send someone to investigate this."
"Is she being confined to her quarters, too?" Ken Reed demanded. "And anyway," he looked at her accusingly, "What were you doing in the drilling lab?"
Ella gave him an appraising look. "I don't have to answer to you," she stated, haughtily.
"I believe her." Dr. Young frowned, and looking around at the others, he said, "Anyone here believe she did this?" The three scientists standing behind Dr. Young, looked stunned and in disbelief slowly shook their heads. Dr. Young continued, "Everyone knew they were lovers. What possible reason could she have to kill him?"
"I had no reason to kill him either. He was my mentor, I looked up to him," Dr Reed continued with conviction.
"Ken, until we can get this sorted out, lets be reasonable. The two of you should stay away from each other. You can eat with us in the mess, but I think it's best if you stayed in your room. The rest of us will pick up your duties until someone gets here from McMurdo. It's only a matter of a day or so."
Sighing heavily and feeling very distressed, Dr. Kenneth Reed went to the pantry, picked up a few items and stalked back to his room. The remaining six people, although astonished and still shocked by the murder of their friend, drifted back to whatever tasks they had been assigned, leaving a stunned Dr. Young to supervise the cleanup and contact headquarters.+ + + + + + +
They said it was Summer in the Antarctica. If thirty degrees above zero could be called Summer, Ezra mused to himself. He wondered why he had became a member of this ragtag group of men. Indeed, if they weren't crawling around in some mud puddle during a monsoon, they were participating in cold weather training in this God-forsaken piece of real-estate. Whatever had Mr. Larabee been thinking when he agreed to this folly? He sat back and sighed.
Vin was feeling much the same as Standish. Unlike Ezra, however, Tanner could see the beauty of the barren landscape, but he was too cold to care... And due to their accommodations, he and Larabee had been separated most of the time they had been on the ice-shelf. Luckily they were returning home in another week, which couldn't come soon enough for Tanner. He thought about why they were in this chopper, flying out to this Ice Station in the first place. McMurdo Ice Station had lost contact with this remote outpost. So here they were, racing over the ice to Zebra Ice Station to check it out and find out what the problem was. Their batteries probably needed charging, Vin mused, shivering.
Josiah and Nathan weren't doing any better. Nathan wanted to get home to his wife and son. Joshua Jackson had been born in May and Nathan really missed him. To Chris's credit, he had offered to let Nathan sit this one out, but Nathan had declined and choose to come with them. He was still trying to figure out why.
Josiah, had finally met Ezra's mother, Maude, and had a huge schoolboy crush on her. He was anxious to return home and continue his pursuit of the lady.
Buck and JD, on the other hand was having a great time. There were several ladies stationed at the base and after three weeks, Buck knew all of them. Some more intimately than others.
JD was having a grand time, also. He'd been skiing, played hockey on the ice pack, met several new friends and played every sport or game that could be played on one of the gigantic TV screens available to them. The rec room was large and had been designed to keep the men and women assigned to McMurdo Base entertained on their off-duty time.
As Josiah flew the large helicopter over the icy terrain, Chris sat next to him watching the scenery as it whizzed past. Chris was lost in thought.
Larabee was thinking back to the day he'd agreed to this training. Raphael had asked to be transferred back to Washington, D.C. after his friend and lover, Chanu Grey Eyes had been assigned to the Pentagon in Virginia. Chris's Team had been assigned a new CIA liaison handler, named Charles Yosemite.
Mr. Yosemite had arranged to meet the team at Inez's Cantina, their local hangout, have a drink and get to know them. It was a bear of a man, tall, large and muscular, that introduced himself and insisted they call him Tiny. The evening had been a fun rousing success, the liquor and beer had flowed unendingly and everyone went home happy. A few days later Tiny called Chris and ask him to come see him in his office. After shaking hands and sharing pleasantries, Tiny asked Chris, "Your Team ever do any official cold weather training?"
Chris thought about it and shook his head no. "We've had missions in the Afghan and Pakistan Mountains, but no real formal training. Why?"
Tiny nodded, "Well, the Government is offering a month's training at McMurdo Air Force Base in Antarctica. It's Summer down there, so the weather shouldn't be to bad. I'd like you and your team to take advantage of this offer. The Government will pick up the tab," Tiny assured Chris. He handed Larabee the Itinerary and plane tickets. "You fellows leave at the end of the week." Tiny smiled.
Chris's thought process went straight to his head, imagining long nights with Vin curled up against him. Snuggling under a quilt while a storm raged outside. Making love every night, a night that went on forever. "Yeah, it might be a good experience," Chris agreed. "One thing, though, one of my men, Nathan Jackson, just became a new father. He may not want to leave his family right now."
"That's all right, Chris," Tiny smiled. "You fellows can fill him in, if he chooses to stay home. However, after the disaster a few weeks ago, you fellas will be spending a lot more time in those mountains, so I hope he'll attend the training with you.
"I hope we get the chance to go after these fuckers," Chris agreed.
Chris had gone home and found Vin sitting on the beach. Sitting down behind him, Chris wrapped his arms around Vin and whispered, "I've got a big surprise for you, pard, guess where we're going?" kissing the side of Vin's neck.
"Afghanistan?" came the answer.
"No," Larabee laughed, "we're headed down under."
"Australia?" Vin perked up. "I hear that's a great place to go, cowboy. When are we leavin'?" Vin started to turn around.
"Uh, no Vin, We're headed to Antarctica. The whole team. Well, unless Nathan decides to stay home with Raine."
Pulling away from his lover, Vin frowned, "You do know it's cold down there, don't you, cowboy? You think I can stay home with Raine, too? I've learned how to change a mean diaper."
Using all of his powers of persuasion, he'd been able to convince Tanner it'd be a fun, new adventure. Now though, watching Josiah, Chris sighed and thought, he should have used his brains instead of his head. It was Summer down here all right and the daylight was almost perpetual. The cold was bone-chilling, even with the sun shining. And forget about him and Vin sleeping together. Once their transport had landed at McMurdo, his team had been assigned to a Quonset hut, much like they used in boot camp. The trouble was, they were sharing the hut with a SEAL Team from Florida that was way too gung ho for Chris's likes. And these men seemed really young, while his men were feeling their age. Well, other than JD and Vin, of course.
Lieutenant Cory Robertson had heard of Larabee's Team Seven and felt his SEAL Team was in direct competition with the Seven. Every hike had become a race, every exercise was turned into an endurance test. The rivalry was beginning to wear on Chris's nerves.
And since they were sharing quarters, Vin had to share the sleeping quarters with the other men. Chris and Vin had tried to sneak out of the hut once, but the weather had been too cold for comfort. Another time Larabee tried to sneak Vin into his quarters, but Lt. Robertson was a light sleeper and heard them whispering. The Lt. surprised them by knocking on Larabee's door and demanded to know what was going on. Chris had snapped and with a deadly glare, growled at the Lt. for interrupting, "I need to talk to this man, is that all right with you?" he said. Luckily, they hadn't been caught in a compromising position.
So consequently, it had been three long weeks since the two men had gotten together for some intimate time. Not only was Chris mad as hell, but he was horny as well.
Sighing again, he looked over at Josiah, "How much longer do you think it'll be,?"
"Maybe another two hours before we get there. You think maybe it's just the batteries gone dead, boss, like they said? And what exactly is this place, anyway?"
"It's called a Resource Exploration Station and if dead batteries is all it is, I'm gonna fucking kill someone. You'd think they'd know how to replace batteries without sending out SOS calls."
"Yeah, that was strange. The radio operator at McMurdo said when he received the first call, someone said something about someone being killed, then, when he asked them to repeat it, all he got was garbled noise and static. He hasn't been able to raise them since. All he gets is static." Josiah mused for a few seconds and went on, "Then he received that SOS from Zebra, then, again, nothing."
"Well, at least this little trip got us away from the Lt. for a few days. Tell me Josiah, was I ever that young, that gung ho?" Chris grinned at the thought.
"I hate to say it, but yes you were. Hell Chris," Josiah grinned his toothy grin, "there were a few times I wanted to kill you myself, but then, there were times I wanted to hug you, too. You've saved my ass plenty of times. In the field and out." Josiah looked over at his boss, still grinning.
"Yeah well, you've saved mine too, so I guess we're even on that score. But Lt. Robertson is like something on the bottom of my shoe I can't get rid of. He follows me around like a little kid. I'm sure he'd follow me to the shithouse if I'd let him."
"That's pure hero worship, Chris." Josiah laughed, "Since we're going home next week, we'll probably never see him again, well, unless we get an assignment with him. I heard he wanted to come with us on this little jaunt."
Larabee nodded, "The Lt. thought a rescue mission would be good training. Since we aren't military, we could go right away, but the SEAL Team would need clearance from the top and that would take a few hours. According to the barometer, there's a storm brewing off-shore and they wanted someone out here immediately in case there has been an accident or worse."
Josiah nodded and checked his GPS Unit. "We should be getting there soon," he said. "The wind is picking up, so we'll have to approach from the seaward side."
Larabee looked behind him and found Vin glancing his way. He smiled at him and received a wink and grin back. God, how he wished he could climb back there and gather Vin to him. Hell, at this point, he'd settle for a cuddle. Who was he kidding, he thought, a cuddle that went straight to rip-roaring, clothes-tearing, hot and heavy sex. Larabee sighed, knowing he'd have to stop thinking about it or suffer the consequences. Oops, too late as he felt his cock begin to stir.+ + + + + + +
Josiah had swung out over the Ross Sea and approached Zebra Ice Station, which was about a mile inland, from the western side. The lights emanating from the building gave out an eerie glow across the barren land. A Quonset hut acted as a garage, protecting the Sno-Cat, snowmobiles and other machinery. It looked big enough for the chopper to fit in as well, if the coming storm reached landfall before they could leave.
The Ice Station hardly looked like a 'station' and more like a motley collection of squat, dome-like structures, half buried in ice and snow. The main dome was a large round building, mounted on a square base, about three stories high and maybe, a 100 foot across. The only light was a soft glow burning from several windows within the dome and a red beacon light rotating on the roof of the main structure. A photoelectric cell cast an eerie glow over each of the doors of the various structures.
The Team emerged from the chopper and checked the parameter. There were several small sheds, dotting the area, some with weather equipment on top of them, sitting at various angles around the compound. Chris walked over to the main dome, checked the door and was surprised to find a doorbell. Giving it a twist, he waited. The door was soon opened by a young man, about JD's age, who welcomed them in.
"God, am I glad to see you fellas! You are the rescue party, aren't you? Everyone's waiting in the dining room. After the second murder, we've all been afraid to be alone," he said "Come on in, my names Phil, by the way."
The words 'second murder' made its way into Larabee's tired brain. Looking at the young man, perplexed, he said, "Wait up a minute. You said a second murder? Are you sure?"
"Yes, of course, I'm sure. Dr. Reed is suspected of killing Dr. Greeley, but now, we're not so sure, because whoever killed Dr. Marston, well, let's just say it was pretty brutal." Phil shuddered, he turned saying, "This way."
Larabee and his team followed him in through a short hallway. On each side of the hall was winter gear hanging on pegs or leaning against the wall. The group went up three steps, along a corridor, up some more steps, traversed a catwalk and emerged into a room holding a long table with several people sitting around it.
A man stood up and introduced himself, "I'm Dr. Young and these are my colleagues. Would you gentlemen like some coffee? It's fresh. You can leave your coats on those pegs." With a wave of his hand, he directed their attention to the hooks, "it's warm in here. so you should be comfortable enough."
Chris looked at the man standing and said, "I'm Chris Larabee, are you in charge here?"
"Well, I guess technically Dr. Gaines is." Dr. Young motioned toward a comely woman, who was starring at Chris.
She rose from her chair and came forward to shake Chris's hand. "I'm Dr. Ella Gaines and I guess I am in charge here. When can we get off this ice station and back to civilization. Everyone here is afraid they'll be murdered next."
As the team pealed out of their parkas, Vin noticed the group at the table. Each person had a look of desperation or dejection. "What's been goin' on here?" He questioned.
Ella ignored him, taking Chris by the arm, she said, "Let me show you around."
"That can wait a few minutes, we need to find out what you can tell us about these murders." Chris said.
Dr. Young asked again, "Would you gentlemen like some coffee. We just brewed it?"
Josiah, Nathan and Buck nodded, that yes, coffee sounded good. Dr. Young set about filling a carafe full of coffee and setting some cups on the table, he said, "Sit, please sit and we'll explain everything."
Larabee unhooked Dr Gaines hand from his arm and pulled out a chair for her. "First, can I get your names?" Chris had been given and had memorized the list of the people who was stationed there before leaving McMurdo, but he wanted to know who was who at the table.
"Well, you know Jim Young. He's our Marine Biologist." Ella pointed out, "Next to him is Dr. Abigail, uh Abby Clark, and next to her is Dr. Karen or Kat Fielding. Their both Geophysicists. Phillip met you at the door... He's our Radio Operator and general handyman. He keeps the place running smoothly." Ella smiled at him. "Don't you, Phil?"
Phillip handed JD a coke, sat down and nodded, "I guess so, I try anyway. I'm studying for my Master's in Geophysics. I get extra credit for my time here."
"Okay," Chris said. "Now that we know who everyone is, tell me what happened."
Ella started to explain. "We've had an unusual find here and Dr. Joel, he's our err.. was our Paleontologist. Well, he and I were discussing the discovery, when I stepped into the drilling lab for a few seconds. Dr. Reed came along and started screaming about how Joel had stolen his find. He then punched Joel in the face and started choking him. I was shocked! I tried to reason with Kenneth, but he choked Joel until he was dead. It was horrible!" She started to cry, soft whimpering sounds. Vin stared at her.
"You say there was a second murder?" Chris continued.
This time Phillip said from his chair, "After Dr. Joel was put... put..." Phillip paused, took a deep breath and continued, "taken care of, Dr. Greg, ah, I mean Dr. Marston and I went to the radio room to call McMurdo to ask for help. That was when we found the radio had been smashed. He and I worked on it for a couple of hours before we had it working. That's when we sent the SOS. We weren't even sure you guys got it. After that Dr. Greg ask me to go to A Deck for some plugs and a new battery. When I returned with them, he was.. he was," Phillip choked back a sob, "he was on the floor, all bloody. I guess I screamed, 'cause everyone came running."
Vin and Ezra had been watching everyone's reaction to the stories the two people had told. It was easy to see the two scientists, Abby and Karen were shell-shocked and hardly able to function. Karen gave Vin a thin smile and added, "I can't believe one of us is a cold-blooded murderer, but Dr. Reed has been locked up in his room, so he couldn't have killed Greg....."
Ella snapped, "Oh grow up, Kat. Of course, he killed Greg. Who else could it have been?"
Although visibly upset, Karen retorted back, "I don't care what you say, Ken did not kill Dr. Joel and after the investigation, that'll be proven! And he couldn't have killed Dr. Greg either."
The Team watched the interplay between the two women, and finally Ezra asked, "After, Joel? was it? The first man to be slain?"
After receiving an affirmative nod, Ezra went on, "Where was everyone when you were putting him on ice, shall we say?"
Abby spoke up, "Karen and I went back to the lab, although, nothing was done after that, We were too upset."
Phillip added, "Greg and I helped Jim, uh, Dr. Young, get a body bag. We put the remains in the cold storage on B Deck. Then Jim, Greg and I headed for the radio room. That's when we found the radio had been vandalized."
Josiah interrupted, "The barometer is steadily dropping. I need a few of you fellas to help me get the chopper battened down." Buck and Vin rose and left with Josiah to secure their transportation.
Chris looked around and settled on Dr. Gaines. "You're the only one not accounted for, Dr., where were you when all this was going on?"
Anger flared in her eyes and she cried indignantly, "You surely don't think I had anything to do with this. Joel and I were very close friends."
"I'd say you were more than close friends," Abby put in. "You were sleeping with him."
"You should mind your own business, Abby. Anyway, he was just a distraction while we were on this assignment." She smiled coyly at Larabee. "I can show you around now, if you're ready."
Larabee nodded and rose from the chair. "Where is Dr. Reed now?" he asked.....
"Ken has been locked in his quarters. I'll show you." Ella rose also and, once again, latched onto Chris's arm.
As they left the dining area, Chris asked, "From the outside it looks like three stories, but from the catwalk this place looks like it might be larger. Why is that?"
"Well," she started, "two stories of the station are sunk into the ground. A and B Decks are under the ice and where we keep supplies, specimens and food stores. C and D Decks are Labs and work areas, while E Deck is our living quarters."
"I see, so everything has a place. Where's the weather station?"
"In the radio room is where we keep the weather equipment. Dr. Young is not only a Marine Biologist, but also our meteorologist. He's mentoring Phillip. Teaching him the ins and outs of weather and Kat, err.. Dr Karen is mentoring him in geophysics." She paused, "I suppose you and your men can bunk in the lounge during this storm, unless, of course, you want to use Joel and Greg's rooms."
Inwardly Chris shuddered "My men and I'll be fine. We've bunked in worse places than this."
She smiled and winked her eye at Larabee. "I just thought we may want some privacy, that's all."
They walked by the padlocked door of Dr. Reed's room and Larabee asked, "In as few words as possible, what's his story?"
"Dr. Ken is a Geologist from Stanford University. He's here studying ice core samples with Joel. They were digging deeper than anyone had ever dug before and they have found some amazing minerals. Then Ken suggested they change the angle of the drilling vector and at 1500 feet they really hit it big. The discovery was imbedded in an ice field that was probably around three million years old."
"This is important?" Chris shrugged.
"Well for a scientist it's like the proverbial pot of gold. It's worth millions on the lecture circuit alone. Not to mention book deals and TV specials."
"Is there any way out of his room, other than through this door?"
"No, our rooms are steel-lined. I don't see how he could get out. After he was confined to quarters, he took about a week's worth of supplies with him into his room."
"Okay, we'll leave him there for the time being. I'll talk to him later...."
"I hope we can leave him here, once the storm blows itself out. I'd be frightened of what he might do trying to escape." Ella frowned as she expressed her concerns.
Larabee glanced over at her, trying to figure out what she was afraid of. "We can't really leave him here. He'll have to come with us. Don't worry, we'll handcuff him and everyone will be kept safe." Larabee assured her.
"I still think he should be left here. Whoever comes for the bodies can take him back to base," she said.
They descended onto D Deck and Chris noticed the doors had designated signs on them, such as Core Lab and Drilling Room. On C Deck one door was labeled "Biotoxin Lab" and below the name, "no admittance" was clearly stated.
"What's in here?" Chris asked, nodding towards the door.
"Nothing important," she dismissed with a wave of her hand as she glided by.
He shrugged and continued to follow her.+ + + + + + +
While Buck and Vin helped Josiah battened down the chopper and close off the doors to the vehicle hut, JD checked his equipment and made his way to the radio room. The storm was close and the wind was picking up The temperature was rapidly dropping.
Phillip tagged along with JD and helped set up the new radio. It wasn't long before JD was able to send a message to McMurdo that they had arrived at the station and Larabee would be sending them a report shortly. JD then sat back and relaxed, surreptitiously keeping watch to be sure nothing happened to this new radio.
Larabee and Dr. Gaines returned to the living area just as the others were coming in from outside.
"Whew, it's getting colder out there. It won't be long before that storm is on top of us and we're gonna be stuck here until it's over," Buck announced.
"I have to agree, although, I think the front of the storm is already upon us," Josiah stated. "No one is going anywhere for awhile. JD got the radio working yet?" he asked.
Chris nodded, "I was just going to check it out. We need to get some kind of report back to McMurdo." He started towards the communications room and Ella followed. Chris stopped and frowned at her. "Why don't you stay here and help organize the others?" Looking around he noticed everyone huddled together at the table, looking scared and uncertain. "You know these people, you can help put them at ease. Assure them everything's going to be all right."
"I'll come with you," Ella smiled. "They won't listen to me anyway."
Chris bristled, not used to having his orders questioned, and said, "No you're not! I'll be back in a few minutes and I want these people calm by then. If they won't listen to you, find someone they will trust."
With that he turned and stalked off.
In the communications room, he greeted JD. "The radio up?"
JD and Phil nodded, and Chris looked at Phil. "Will you join the others? Everyone seems to be pretty upset. When we finish here, I'll come and talk to everyone."
"Sure," Phillip said and left the room.
Larabee sat at the table, put the call letters in and raised McMurdo Base... The Commander, who'd been waiting for his call came on the line. "What's going on, Chris?"
"Sir, we have two dead, a Dr. Joel Greeley and a Dr. Gregory Marston. Everyone here seems to be pretty scared, except a Dr. James Young and Dr. Ella Gaines. When I asked, everyone seemed to agree as to where they were when the two men were killed, except for Dr. Gaines. I can't get a straight answer out of her."
"What about Dr. Reed?"
"He's locked in his quarters and apparently there's no way out of there. The storm is just about on us, so we'll have to wait it out. Any word on when that'll be?" Chris asked.
"It's a summer storm, so probably in a day or two it'll blow itself out. Just keep everyone together and try and keep them safe. They're a bunch of scientists, for God's sake, not mass murderers. How hard can it be?"
"Well," Chris started, "someone has killed two of them, so my money's on the fact that one of 'em is a mass murderer."
"Just do your best, Chris," the Commander said, but static interrupted the communication, and Chris heard part of, "I'm out."
Taking the headset off, Chris looked at JD, "You're in charge of this radio. Dismantle it, and keep it with you at all times. Someone destroyed the main radio, I don't want this one destroyed too.
JD nodded, "I'll take care of it."
Ella came to the door. "Everything all right in here?"
Chris glanced up and frowned. "Yeah everything's fine. JD, come to the dining hall once you're finished." Rising from the chair, he took hold of Ella's upper arm and started for the living quarters.
Once back in the dining hall, Larabee stood at the head of the table and said, "Okay, the storm is about over us, so we're all going to be here for a few days. I understand everyone has projects going on, so if you want to work, it's fine. If you want to sleep in your quarters, that's fine too. My men and I will set up a camp of sorts here in the lounge area. If any of you will feel safer sleeping out here with us, that'll be all right. One of us will always be on watch duty, so if you feel safer out here, feel free to bring a blanket and pillow and make yourselves comfortable."
There was a murmur of agreement to staying together.
Karen spoke up, "I'd feel safer in here. I guess we need to eat, so if Phillip will help me, I'll get dinner started."
Phillip nodded and both rose and headed for the kitchen area
Chris gathered his men in a corner and gave out watch assignments. They set up bedrolls and relaxed as the evening rolled around.+ + + + + + +
The following morning, Chris and Ezra decided to explore the interior of the ice station. Chris wanted to get a feel for its size and place everyone, in his mind, where they were at the time of the second murder.
As he and Ezra rounded a corner they came face to face with a stranger. Surprised, Chris held his ground, but the man took a step back. "Are you the rescue crew?" asked the stranger, a tall thin man, whose face sported several days growth of beard.
Chris glared at the guy and the stranger took another another step back. "Who the hell are you?" Chris growled.
"I'm Dr. Kenneth Reed," he answered. "God, am I glad to see you." He stuck out his hand.
Chris ignored the proffered hand and said, "You're suppose to be locked in your quarters, how're you out running the deck?"
"Oh, that's easy," Ken said, as he shook hands with Ezra. "My room has a dumbwaiter in it. It lets out on B Deck in the storeroom I guess my room was a supply room at one time. My predecessor was rather paranoid and kept the elevator in good running shape. He liked to spy on his fellow scientists."
"And you," Larabee began, "do you like to spy on your fellow scientists?"
"No, not really," Dr. Reed said testily, "but with the recent turn of events, I want to know what's going on. And first of all, no matter what they say, I did not kill Dr. Joel. I suspect Dr. Gaines killed Joel, but no one would believe me. Well, Karen and Abby might, I think. Jim has a crush on Ella, so he'd go along with anything she said. But I can prove I didn't kill Joel. The man was my mentor."
"Jim?" Chris raised an eyebrow.
"Dr. Jim Young. How did they say I killed him?" Dr. Reed asked.
"I heard you strangled him," Chris said.
"I'll bet Ella suggested you leave me here. That would be real convenient for her, if she was the one. But one look at Joel and they'll know what killed him."
"So, what did kill him?" Ezra was curious.
"You're lawmen, look at the body and tell me if you've ever seen someone that's been strangled look like that. I heard Greg has been killed as well."
Chris smiled a humorless smile. "We're not the law. My men and I are here to get you guys off this ice shelf, that's all. And yes, Dr. Marston is also dead, which looks real bad for you. No one knew you could get out of your room."
Dr. Reed started walking towards the stairs headed for B Deck. Chris and Ezra followed him. "Do me a favor, just check the body," Dr. Reed told them, "and promise you won't leave me here when you leave."
"We aren't leaving anyone here, except for the bodies. Where is Dr. Joel, by the way?" Chris asked as Ken crawled back into the dumbwaiter.
"Across the hall in cold storage." And just like Santa Claus, Ken disappeared up into what appeared to be a chimney, but actually was the dumbwaiter shaft.
Larabee glanced at Ezra, "Well, what do you think? Do you believe him?"
"Lord, help me, but I do. I liked the guy. He sure has balls, that's for sure. He hardly flinched when we ran into him. So Mr. Larabee, are we going to check the body?"
"We're right here, Ez, I say we have a look." Crossing the hall, they entered the cold storage room. The temperature dropped dramatically and both men shivered. In the corner lay two body bags. They opened the first and found a middle-aged man who had been severely beaten. Shaking their heads, they closed it up and unzipped the second bag.
Dr. Joel Greeley stared up at them with lifeless eyes. He was an old man, pudgy and bald. Larabee checked his eyes first, which were red around the rims and bloodshot. Next they moved to the dead man's bloody mouth which was closed. Larabee tried to open it, but it was clamped shut. He moved the jaw around trying to pry it open so he could examine the tongue, but the jaw was locked tight. Larabee took out his pocketknife and stuck it between Joel's lips and teeth and pried on it. The mouth fell part-way open and Ezra stepped back to keep from losing his breakfast Dr. Joel had bitten off his tongue.
"How could a man being strangled bite off his tongue?" Ezra quizzed, glancing away from the nauseating sight.
"I don't think he can, Ezra. If you're being choked, you'd be gasping for air, but a better question is, what could cause a man to bite down so hard that he'd cut his tongue in half?" Shaking his head, Larabee continued, "Damn, that had to hurt!" Turning Joel's head to the side Chris discovered a small pinprick in the corpse's neck. Chris shivered and not from the cold. "Let's get out of here," he said, rezipping the bag.
They closed the door and started up the steps to the upper decks. As they were approaching the catwalk for D Deck, Ella started down the steps. "I was looking for you, Chris." Glancing over at Ezra, she smiled. "I'd like to speak to Chris alone for a minute."
Ezra started to move on, but Chris stopped him. "You can talk freely in front of Ezra. What is it you want Dr. Gaines?"
Shrugging, she placed what she perceived to be a provocative smile on her face, and said. "When this is all over and we're back in civilization, why don't we have a drink somewhere, Chris, just the two of us?"
"I don't think Vin would like that, Dr. Gaines."
"Vin?" She questioned.
"Vin, my partner," Chris explained.
"Oh," Ella said, as her smile faltered.
Chris watched as two small lines appeared on her forehead. He'd always called them the 'I want' lines. They would grace his wife, Sarah's face when she wanted something she knew he wouldn't agree with. He remembered when she decided she wanted to have a baby. He saw them appear on her forehead every time the discussion came up. He was a Navy SEAL, could go wheels up at any given time to places he couldn't talk about, doing things he didn't want to talk about, even if he could, which he couldn't And here Sarah wanted to have a kid. A ghost of a smile graced his lips at the memory. Adam's birth had been one of Chris's greatest joys.
Ella, mistaking that smile for acquiescence, stepped closer, pressed her ample breast against his arm and said in a low throaty voice, "Oh, I'm sure Vin won't mind if we step out for a drink, do you?" Still smiling, she nodded at Ezra and strolled slowly away from them, headed for the lab.
"Mr. Larabee, I fear there's going to be another killing before we leave this god-forsaken place." Ezra shook his head sadly.
Chris looked over at his friend and cocked an eyebrow.
"Mr. Tanner is going to have your balls on a platter if you persist in this flirtation."
Chris gave Ezra an incredulous look. "Me! What'd I do?"
"Or better yet, her head," Ezra finished in his droll manner. Grinning, they continued up the stairs.+ + + + + + +
By late afternoon the storm had hit full on. The scientists had reluctantly returned to work, although no one wanted to be alone in the labs. They worked out a system where two people worked in the same area at all times.
As the storm raged on, JD set up the radio in the lounge where they made their camp. Josiah kept an eye on the weather station and Nathan checked out their meager medical facilities. Chris helped Buck, Vin and Ezra with watches, patrolling the station and keeping up-to-date on everyone's whereabouts.
Upon their return from the morning walk, Chris had called a team meeting and informed the others of Dr. Reed's forays from his room.
Vin asked, "Could he have killed the second guy?"
Ezra answered, "Yes, he could have, but truthfully, I don't believe he did. We checked out Dr. Joel's body and tell me, Mr. Tanner, could a person bite their tongue in half while being strangled?"
Vin's head snapped up, "No! Let me strangle you, Ez, and see if you can close your mouth."
"I'll take your word on it." Ezra frowned at his friend.
Chris looked at Nathan. "Nate, I'd like you to look at the body and see if you can figure out what could have caused such a reaction. I warn you though, it's pretty nasty."
Nathan frowned. "I don't have to look at it to know it had to be some sort of poison. Barring any other medical problems, it'd take a quick-acting poison to cause a seizure that violent. Did you happen to notice any needle marks on the body?"
"Yes," Larabee said, "right about here," and he pointed to his own neck to show Nathan.
Nodding, Nathan went on, "They have a biotoxin lab here. I'm sure it's kept locked, but someone has a key. And isn't Dr. Young a Marine Biologist? That would be where he'd keep any toxic specimens."
Chris agreed, "Okay, let's keep track of him and also let's keep a special watch on Ella Gaines."
Vin smirked, "I've noticed how she's kept ya in her sights. You gonna be the one watchin' her?"
Chris grinned, "No, you are. She's your assignment. And watch your back, pard, she may have been responsible for the death of two men."
"Knew there was somethin' 'bout her I didn't like," Vin muttered.
As the day wore on, boredom set in. The only escape was the patrols around the facility. The scientists worked until around three in the afternoon, then returned to the dining hall. Kat and Abby setup a board game, while Philip checked out their stores to prepare dinner.
Off of the main hallway, adjacent to the living quarters, Chris found a supply room filled with heavy coats, scarves, skis, and other winter equipment.
Chris watched as Vin climbed the stairs and walked around the catwalk. As he passed, Chris grabbed his lover by the arm and drug him into the closet, pinning him up against the wall.
"Damn cowboy, that's a good way ta get.." Vin started, but Larabee's mouth pressed up against his, cutting off anything else Vin had to say.
Moaning, Vin hooked a leg around his lover's leg and wrapped his arms around Larabee and pulled Chris's body closer to him. They stood there enjoying the first intimate kiss they'd shared in weeks. Larabee pulled Vin's shirts out of his pants, and caressed his back, running his hands up and down the warm skin. Needing air, they pulled back for a few seconds, then edged forward again into another kiss. Tongues dueling, Larabee kissed Vin's eyes, his nose and once again, those lips he loved. Vin's tongue was also exploring his lover's face and the shell of Chris's ear
"Goddamn, cowboy, I need you," Vin muttered.
"No more than I need you, pard," Chris whispered back. "I'm thinking, maybe, we can meet back in here after everyone's asleep and get this thing done," Larabee grinned.
Sounds like a plan, cowboy," and Vin kissed his partner again.+ + + + + + +
Ella hurried along the corridor, headed back to her room. She wanted to look especially nice at dinner tonight, so she could catch Chris's eye. She was sure he felt the same way about her, as she felt about him. She guessed he was probably a man of some importance and could picture herself on his arm, being introduced to all the beautiful people. The women would be jealous of her because she was with the most handsome man in the room She would be the queen of the ball. Smiling to herself, she thought, Chris Larabee was everything she'd ever wanted in a man.
She was angry with Kat for telling Chris about her dalliance with Joel. Although Joel could have greatly furthered her career, he was ugly as a rat and twice as fat. In bed, she'd had to close her eyes and pretend he was someone else. Fortunately, it didn't take Joel long to finish, so her ordeal didn't last too long.
She was sorry she'd had to kill him, but he'd informed her, he was not going to share the glory of their recent find with her. She couldn't allow him to take all the credit. Oh, she didn't care if he cut Ken Reed out, but he wasn't going to ignore her. So, it was really his own fault that she'd had to get rid of him. The find was worth millions on the lecture circuit. It was money and glory she felt that she deserved The other's be damned.
As she passed the wardroom, she heard Chris's voice and started to enter, but stopped when she saw he had someone pressed up against the wall, kissing them. Who, she wondered. Who could it be? Kat maybe? Kat had always been jealous of her, maybe she had decided to seduce Chris, herself. Stepping back from the entrance, she heard a man's voice whisper, "Sounds like a plan, cowboy." Ella gasped from shock. That was one of his men. The long-haired one.
Ella slipped away from the room in a rage. "How dare he do that to me," she thought, and with a man! "This has to be stopped!" Her fury escalated. "He'll learn he can't trifle with my feelings". She reached her quarters and went inside, slamming the door. Leaning against the doorjamb, her fists squeezed shut, Ella tried to get her breathing under control. Calming herself, a small smile touched her mouth as she figured out a way to alleviate the problem. Chris would be hers! She just needed to visit the Biotoxin Lab again.+ + + + + + +
Vin was only halfway listening as Buck recalled one of his previous rendezvous with some woman. They were on a patrol of the Ice Station during their watch. Vin's mind was on the upcoming encounter he and Chris had planned. It was already midnight and soon his and Buck's shift would be over. Then Nathan and Josiah would take over the watch. At that time, he and Chris would head for the wardroom for some intimate time together. They'd have to be quiet, Vin knew, couldn't have the entire station waking up and catching them. Thinking of getting caught tickled his funny bone and Vin chuckled.
"What's so funny?" Buck looked pained, "I mean, me and Darlene's mix-up wasn't anything to laugh at, Junior. When she hit me, it really hurt," he whined.
"Sorry, Buck." Pausing, Vin said, "she actually hit you?" He realized he didn't have a clue what Buck had been talking about.
"Who was that?" Vin asked, seeing someone step into the hall. Knowing Dr.. Ken had a habit of strolling through the corridors at odd hours, Buck called out, "Hey, you, stop right there!"
Ella Gaines turned around, saw the two men and started to pick up her pace. Buck yelled again, "I said stop!"
Vin took off after her, with Buck following. As Vin rounded a corner, he found her leaning up against the wall, arms crossed over her chest. He stopped in front of her and said, "What are you doing out of your quarters? Chris told y'all to stay put tonight, it's for your own safety."
She smiled at him, but the smile was anything but friendly. It reminded Vin of a shark he'd once encountered while diving. He took a step away from her, but she stepped towards him and reached out as if to touch his arm.
Vin knew Buck was right behind him and turned to see how close Buck was when he felt a jab to his left side. 'Damn,' he thought, 'she packs a wallop of a punch.' He gasp as pain suddenly ripped through his body. Vin grabbed his side with his hand and fell back against the railing of the catwalk, a look of shock written on his face.
"What the hell's going on here?" Buck said as Vin leaned against the rail and began sliding to the floor. His hand clutched to his side.
Ella stared at Buck wild-eyed then lunged at him holding a knife, ready to strike. But Buck side-stepped her and grabbed a hold of her arm. He bashed her hand against the wall, saying, "Drop it! I said drop it, or I swear I'll break your arm, lady."
She screamed as she fought with Buck. "You fool, he's mine, he can't have him." Ella pulled on his hair and tried to bite Buck on the hand.
"Have who? What the hell are you talking about?" Holding her back with his elbow, Buck squeezed her arm and knocked her hand against the wall, again.
Ella shrieked, but this time she dropped the knife and after wrenching away from Buck, she scurried away, headed down the hall.
Buck wanted to follow, but with Vin on the floor, he knew he couldn't He squatted down next to his friend, "Let me see, Vin, let me see how bad it is."
Vin looked up at him with pain filled eyes. "I reckon we need Nate," Vin panted, trying to get his breath.
Buck knew Vin was hurt bad from the amount of blood seeping between his fingers and started yelling, "Nathan, Nathan, come quick, Nathan, we need you down here."
Nathan was dreaming of his wife, Raine, when she started screaming, "Nathan, Nathan, come quick." His eyes flew open and sensing his wife was in trouble he scrambled out of bed. Almost awake, he again heard his name being called. 'Buck', he thought. Grabbing for his kit, he scrambled for the catwalk to see where all the noise was coming from.
Buck's yelling had awakened the others and along with Nathan had brought everyone out to the catwalk. Nathan shouted over the railing, "Where are you, Buck?"
"Down here Nathan, Deck C, by the lab. Vin's been hurt."
Everyone, including Chris had started down the stairs, but he turned around, and growled to the scientists, "Everyone stay up here and stay together until I get back." And with that, Chris turned and continued on down the stairs.
Buck was sitting on the floor, trying to help Vin, but he moved as soon as Nathan appeared. Nathan gently checked to see how bad the wound was, but Vin was still clutching at his side as blood oozed between his fingers..
"Oh no, Vin. How bad is it, Nate?" Chris asked, as he squatted on the floor, next to his lover.
"It was Ella," Vin said, weakly, gasping, trying to breathe. "My fault," Vin gasped, "I can't git my breath, Nate," he wheezed. "My fault," he repeated, "I acted like a rookie, Chris."
"I don't believe you," Dr. Young interrupted. "Ella, Dr Gaines is a wonderful woman and not capable of such treachery."
Chris looked up in surprise and growled, "I thought I told you to stay with the others."
"I came to see what was going on. I'm sure if Dr. Gaines attacked you, she was provoked," Jim Young sniffed in righteous indignation.
Vin looked up at Chris and Nathan, "How... bad.. is it?" he gasped.
"Shh, shh, Vin, come on, stay with me, pard. Save your breath." Chris whispered.
"Stop trying to talk Vin." Nathan turned to Chris, "Get me a couple of pressure dressings from my bag. I gotta get this bleeding stopped."
Chris handed over the dressings and as Nathan pressed them into Vin's side, he sucked in a breath from the pain. Panting, trying to get away from the hurt, he said, again, "I turned.. I turned my back.. on her. It felt like she.. she punched me."
"It wasn't a needle, was it Vin?" Nathan ask, just to be sure.
"Didn't see.. see no. needle." Vin was fading fast, and leaned against Chris's shoulder. Chris placed a hand on Vin's right shoulder and caressed his lover's head to his chest.
"What happened, Buck?" Chris inquired.
"I ain't sure, one minute we were talking, the next Vin is chasing Ella down the hall. At first we thought it was Dr. Reed, but it turned out to be Dr. Gaines. She'd already stabbed Vin and she tried to stick me with that damn pig-sticker. I knocked it outta her hand." Buck looked around for the knife and nodded, "There it is, in the corner, there."
"This is ridiculous! I will not allow you to smear an upstanding scientist like Dr. Gaines. She's a wonderful woman and I will not stand by and hear you malign her good name."
Ignoring Dr. Young, Nathan said, "Chris, we gotta get Vin to the infirmary, now! He's bleeding pretty bad and I need to get that stopped. He's having trouble breathing. I need to see how much damage is done."
Vin tried to rise, but Nathan and Chris gently pushed him back down. JD had been hovering nearby, said, "I'll get a stretcher for him."
Vin looked at Chris and said, "I reckon.. I'll have.. ta take a.. rain check.. rain check.. on ta..night." Vin gave Chris a weak grin and closed his eyes.
"Vin, no, no, stay with me, Vin." Chris said as he held his partner.
Chris felt a rage begin in his gut he'd thought was no longer possible. "I'll kill that fucking bitch," he muttered.+ + + + + + +
Ella darted towards the stairs and down to B Deck. She couldn't believe she'd actually been caught by those men. She was almost to the biotoxin lab when they'd spotted her. Now she have to wait for another opportunity to get inside and retrieve more of the Sea Snake Venom. Her initial plan had been to kill Joel and blame Ken Reed. But as she watched Joel's seizure, it dawned on her that once they were rescued, there would be an investigation and they would know at once that Joel hadn't been choked or punched. Ken would go free. Of course, there was no real evidence against her and if she could just convince everyone to leave Ken here and have him rescued when the authorities came back to pick up the bodies, well, once back at McMurdo, she could leave Antarctica and go anywhere she pleased. Now it looked like she'd have to do away with everyone on this station. She was sure she could enlist Chris Larabee to help her once that long-haired cretin was out of the way.
JD returned with a stretcher and Vin was carefully transported to the medical facility on the station. The infirmary was small, allowing only two beds, a few emergency supplies and some antibiotics, but no area for surgery, should any need to be performed. Vin was made as comfortable as he could be on the gurney, while Chris helped Nathan remove Vin's clothing.
Once the wound was revealed and the blood wiped away, Nathan shook his head and looked over at Dr. Young, who had followed them. " Any of you guys medical doctors?" he asked Dr. Young Chris frowned; the idea of any of these people working on Vin made him uneasy, but Nathan just looked at his boss and shook his head. "Vin needs a doctor, Chris."
Getting a look at the wound, Dr. Young grimaced. "Dr. Reed has a medical degree," he answered, "but I don't believe he's ever actually practiced medicine. He changed his major to research after he finished his internship."
"Ezra, you and Buck get Dr. Reed up here, now!" Chris ordered.
"Will do," answered Buck and the two men departed for Ken Reed's quarters......
Stepping up to the padlocked door, Buck beat on the door with the side of his fist.
"Yes, what is it?" came the sleepy voice.
"Are you perchance a medical doctor?" Ezra asked through the door.
"I'm not licensed, but yes, I know my way around a sick bay. Why?" Dr. Reed answered.
"We need your help, Doctor and we need it now. One of our guys has been hurt," Buck shouted.
"Is he in sick bay?" Ken Reed inquired.
"Yes, he is!" Ezra answered.
"I'll be right there, gentlemen."
A few minutes later Ken appeared on the steps heading up from the supply closet on B Deck. He was running, taking the steps two at a time. Buck and Ezra turned from his door and headed back to where Vin lay.
Passing the residents of the Ice Station that had gathered in the dining room, Ken nodded to them and continued into the sickroom, saying over his shoulder, "Abby, I'm going to need a nurse. Are you up to it?"
"Yes," she answered, and rising from her seat, followed the men.
Dr. Reed took a quick look at Vin, shook his head and grimaced. Nathan was giving Vin oxygen, but he was still gasping for breath and his lips had a blue hue to them. While Ken and Abby washed their hands, Dr. Ken instructed everyone but Nathan to please leave the room. Looking at Nathan and Abby, Ken said, "Let's see what we can do to save this young man's life. What exactly happened here?"
Nathan answered, "Ella stabbed him, there," Nathan pointed to the wound, "you can see the laceration. He's having problems breathing and I've put him on...," as Nathan explained what he had done and rattled off Vin's vitals, Dr. Reed carefully assessed the situation and came to the same conclusion that Nathan had.
"She must have lacerated some lung tissue," Dr. Reed said to his two helpers. "He probably has blood collecting in his chest cavity. Damn it, I'm sure we don't have the necessary equipment here to insert a chest-tube, but we need to relieve the pressure." Dr. Reed frowned, "I've never looked, but let's see what we can find to improvise with. Maybe we can rig something until we can get him back to McMurdo."
Abby wiped Vin's face with a damp cloth while the two men searched the infirmary. They actually found some sterilized tubing and several sizes of sutures.
Chris, who had refused to leave his lover, sat on a stool, holding Vin's hand. He watched Nathan and Ken discuss the possibility of using the tube. Chris saw both men nod their heads in agreement, he figured they had made a decision. As Dr. Reed and Nathan approached the gurney again, he rose from his seat.
"Nathan?" he questioned. Nathan grimaced, but started to explain, "Chris, Vin has air and blood in his chest and we're going to have to insert this tube into the wound to relieve the pressure, so he can breath better."
Chris listened carefully while Nathan explained what they intended to do. He trusted Nathan explicitly, but Dr. Reed was an unknown factor. He looked at Vin, who was in and out of consciousness. Even with oxygen, his mouth had a blue tinge to it and Chris quickly realized he could lose Vin if they didn't act and soon. Chris nodded at Nathan, his mouth suddenly so dry he couldn't say the words. Licking his lips for moisture, he croaked, "Are you going to do it?"
"I can, but Dr. Reed is a real doctor. Don't you want...,"
"No! No offense doc, but I know Nathan."
"None taken, and I'll be right here with him."
"Okay, Vin" Nathan said to the barely conscious patient, "This is gonna hurt like hell, but it needs to be done, okay? I'm going to give you a local, that's all they have here. It will help take the edge off, but not much else. And you got to lay still and not fight us. Can you do that?"
Vin sort of nodded and closed his eyes. However, the three people positioned themselves around the patient to be sure no flying arms or legs connected with Nathan's head. He began to prepare Vin for the procedure.+ + + + + + +
The scientists of the ice station sat around the dining table in their nightwear. Someone made coffee. Buck started to organized a search of the station for Ella.
"She headed for one of the lab doors after our fight, but I'm not sure which one?"
"It wasn't biotoxin, was it?" Ezra questioned.
"Biotoxin was behind us on C Deck," Dr. Young answered. "But I won't believe she had anything to do with this."
"Where is she, then?" Kat asked, looking around at the group.
"Can she get into the biotoxin lab?" Ezra continued to question the group.....
Dr. Young spoke up, "I have a key and Dr. Joel had a key. No one else. I do research on Marine life and right now we're studying the effects of Sea Snake venom and Biotoxin is where I keep my specimens. The bite of a sea snake is 99% fatal. There is no antidote as of yet, I'm still working on that."
"Where is Dr. Joel's key?" Josiah wanted to know looking around the table...
Everyone either shook their heads or shrugged.
"You mean there is a key missing to a hazardous area on this facility and no one knows where it's at?" Josiah and Buck stared incredulously at the group. "Has Ella ever been in the biotoxin lab?" Josiah continued.
Dr. Young stood and paced around the table, "Once, I believe. I had been working in the lab and I always leave the door open while I'm in there. Ella came in. We chatted some and I showed her around, pointed out some of my research. She's a very intellectual woman, you know. She wanted to know everything. Joel was by far mentally inferior to her. I never understood that liaison. All he thought about was the core findings and after the big find, well," he paused, "that was all we heard about. I wanted to kill him myself."
"Could this venom cause a person to bite their tongue in half?" Ezra interrupted.
"Well, yes," Jim Young answered "It would cause an uncontrollable seizure of the nervous system. Death is almost always instantaneous."
"Did any of you bother to look at Joel's body?" Ezra asked.
This time Phillip answered, "Yes, it was horrible, but Dr. Gaines said that Dr. Ken choked Dr. Joel and since I've never seen a dead person before, well, I..." his voice trailed off, but he picked up, "Dr. Greg did say the body looked suspicious, but he didn't really say anything else, to me anyway."
"Dr. Joel was all about his big find," Kat said.
"What was this discovery, anyway?" Buck wanted to know.
Everyone at the table looked at each other and glanced down avoiding the question.
"Look people," Buck fumed, "Your friends have died, a member of our team is critically injured, now tell me!" Buck slapped the table hard, startling everyone.
"They discovered gold," Dr. Young spoke up. "Ken and Joel found a vein of gold about 1500 feet down in the ice. It's maybe, hmm, about three million years old. It was an incredible discovery."
Buck, and the others looked at each other and shrugged. Finally Buck spoke, "What can you do with it?"
"Nothing," Phillip said. "However, the TV specials on the History and Discovery Channels would be terrific exposure for research purposes."
Dr. Young snorted, "Let's not mention that Joel would have made millions on the lecture circuit. And then there were the book deals. We could have all profited if someone hadn't gotten greedy."
Buck shrugged, "How?"
Josiah answered, "A scientist lives by grants and endowments, Buck. If they're involved with a certain research project, they take donations, give speeches and, maybe, write a book to continue the funding for the research."
Buck rubbed his chin and scratched his beard and moustache. "I see," he said, "Well, we have to find Ella, before she can cause anymore problems." Looking around at the others, he continued, "She has to still be inside. The weather's too bad for her to wander around outside."
Josiah said, "Come on JD, let's check the lower decks." and the two men headed out of the lounge area.
A few minutes later, Chris, Nathan and Ken walked out of the infirmary with Nathan wiping his hands on a towel.
Nathan's shirt was covered in blood and Buck looked quickly at Chris, who gave him a small smile and nodded. Buck let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
Dr. Ken said, "Well, he's stable for now. The bleeding has been stopped and Nathan inserted a chest tube. He's lost blood, but once we're back at McMurdo, they'll have the equipment and supplies to help him. We just have to keep him comfortable and quiet. We'll let him sleep. Rest is what he needs now. Is there more coffee?"
Kat handed Ken and Nathan a cup and poured them a cupful. "Where's Abby," Kat asked.
"She's sitting with the patient," Ken answered.
"I'll take her a cup, too," Kat said, poured another cup and headed for the infirmary.
"She'll appreciate that," Nathan smiled at Kat as she disappeared.+ + + + + + +
Stepping into the dining room, Chris said, "We need to find that bitch. How many places are there to hide on this station?"
Dr. Young spoke up, "There are several, actually. I'll check Biotoxin myself, but I'm sure she isn't in there. I have to believe in her innocence," Jim said to himself as he left the room.
"Chris, why don't you, me and Ezra check the labs on D and C decks?" Buck said, "Plus we've just found out there's a key to the biotoxin lab that's missing."
Chris frowned, then nodded "JD and Josiah searching?"
"Yes, they're checking the lower decks."
" Good, Nathan can check the sleeping quarters and keep an eye on Vin. You people don't mind us checking your private quarters, do you?" Chris looked at them with a glare, challenging them to refuse.
Looking around no one seemed to mind the intrusion. No one wanted to find Ella hiding in their rooms.
Nathan grimaced, "Well come on then, let's get this over with. I need to change shirts while we're at it."+ + + + + + +
Dr. Young opened the door to the lab that he was responsible for. The light was switched on, so he entered cautiously calling out Ella's name. "Dr. Gaines, Dr. Gaines, are you in here?"
Ella stepped out from behind the far table smiling. "Jim, it's good to see you. Those people are all against me," she whined. "You know I would never do anything against Joel or Greg." She edged closer to Dr Young.
"I know you wouldn't and I came to your defense. I couldn't believe the accusations that young man was making. What did he do to you Ella? You are aware that you have a right to protect yourself."
"Yes, he attacked me first, Jim. Look what they did to my arm." Ella displayed her bruised wrist.
"Let's go up to the dining room and straighten this matter out. Don't worry, Dr. Gaines, you have a friend in me and I won't let them frighten you."
"Thank you, Jim. I knew I could count on you. You've always been a good friend," Ella purred and stepped closer to the scientist. "I just need to talk to the others. Assure them I didn't do this."
Ella reached out her left hand and Dr. Young automatically reached for it.... Expecting her to take his hand, his eyes widened in shock when she plunged the needle into his lower arm. Dr. Young felt the effects of the toxin immediately as the seizure struck his body and propelled him to the floor, twitching and jerking uncontrollably. It was over within minutes and Dr. Young lay dead at her feet.
Stepping over him, she moved to the door, but spied Larabee and two of his men coming down the stairs. She tried to close the door, but Dr. Young's foot was in the way. Ella scurried from the Toxin lab into the hall while keeping pressed close to the walls. She quietly entered the drilling lab that was down from biotoxin. Looking at the needle she still held in her hand, Ella saw the vial was half empty. "Damn," she muttered, she'd forgotten to refill it and Dr. Young would be discovered in another few minutes. Frowning, she thought, looking at the vial again, 'well, this will just have to be enough.'
Chris and his partners started their search of C Deck. After a few minutes the trio discovered the door to the Biotoxin lab ajar. Knowing Dr. Young was in there, they started to pass it by, but Buck noticed the wayward foot. He put a hand on Chris's shoulder and nodded towards the door. Ezra, who had spied the foot also, was already pushing the lab door open to discover their grisly find. Jim Young lay on the floor, hands extended into claws, reaching out for help, while blood dripped from his mouth. All three men shivered and looked around, but knew Ella had already left the area.
"We've got to find her and quick," Chris stated. The three men stepped back into the hall, looked around, before continuing the search of the labs on C deck. As two of them checked each room, one was left to guard the hallway. That way the hunt went quickly. As they were scrutinizing one lab, Chris found traces of Ella's former hiding place and said loudly, "Come, look at this,"
Buck was left to guard the doorway and turned to look in the lab, then quickly turned his attention back to the hall where he saw Ella scurry out from one lab to another. "Hey," he shouted, "We got her!" and hurriedly ran to the room where she'd disappeared. Pushing the door open, Buck saw her pop up into the ceiling into a crawl space. Buck ran over and quickly grabbed ahold of one of her legs before she could get away. She kicked at him savagely, connecting with his shoulder and cheek. Buck fell backwards and she was gone.
Ezra was behind him looking up at the hole she had disappeared through. "No telling where it goes."
There must be a lot of hidey holes in this station." Chris commented. "Let's get those people into someone's room and keep them there. It's the only way I know of to keep them safe. And I want to keep a guard on Vin... This woman's nuts! She's already killed three men and I'm sure she'll kill again if given half the chance. We've got to set a trap for her." he stated.
Buck stopped, "I wonder if she'll go after Vin? When I was trying to get her to put down the knife, she was saying something crazy, like 'he's mine and he can't have him'. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about, but Chris, what if you're right? She's mentally off and what if she thinks one of us belongs to her? You and Vin been sneaking off somewhere? Ezra and I haven't and we're in the same boat you two are. But Vin did say something about a rain check for tonight?"
Chris was surprised about Buck and Ezra, but tried not to show it. He suspected the two were closer than they let on, but he figured it was none of his business. "I found a closet and we were going to meet there after your watch was over."
"That could explain it then, she's been keeping mighty close to you," Ezra reminded Chris.
"But why would she want to hurt Vin?" Chris wondered aloud.
Buck and Ezra answered in unison. "Jealousy?"
If she's after Vin, we better get back up there," Larabee stated.+ + + + + + +
Ella crawled along the escape hatch, paused and sat up, cross-legged to catch her breath. It was a fairly large crawl space and had been added to all of the ice stations as a precaution against an unknown enemy. Everyone on the Antarctica ice shelf were allies to the Americans, but that didn't mean it would always be that way. These escape areas led from the living quarters to the labs on C Deck. The lab was a perfect place to exit as the outside door was close by and winter wear was always kept next to the outside entrance.
She knew this tunnel came out inside the wardroom closet. She could hide in there until the coast was clear and she could get into the infirmary. This was all that boy's fault. If he hadn't tried to interfere and come between her and Chris, she wouldn't have to kill him too. Ella sat there thinking, why couldn't people just let her rise to the place she deserved to be. She couldn't understand why others always stood in her way. She'd worked so hard to ascend that golden staircase to her throne. But no, someone was always in her way, trying to block her rightful path. Well, this time she was making it to the top. Chris Larabee would be her king and she, his queen.
Ella gathered herself and started crawling towards the living quarters.+ + + + + + +
Ella left the wardroom after carefully checking both hallways and crept silently into the infirmary. Looking around, again, she didn't see anyone and wondered where her colleagues were hiding. She quickly stepped inside the sick bay.
Vin was in bed, his eyes closed and she assumed he was asleep. Smiling and thinking this was going to be too easy, she removed the hypodermic needle from her pocket and moved towards the bed.
Vin heard the wisp of noise and opened his eyes, thinking, maybe, Chris was there to see him. At the sight of Ella, his eyes widened and he tried to rise up. He gasped as pain raced through his body. He nearly blacked out, but after a few seconds he continued trying to get into a position where he could defend himself. "Bes.." he started, stopped to catch his breath and continued, "Ya best.. get out of here, Chris.. is on.. his way," he gasped painfully. Wrapping an arm around his body to hold the agonizing pain at bay, he used his other arm as leverage to gain a sitting position.
"Isn't that sweet, you think he's coming to rescue you, don't you?" she continued to smile at him. "But you won't be seeing him again. He's mine, you know! He told me so, and sent me here to take care of you." She stepped up to the bed and grabbed his IV tube. Vin pulled the IV out of his arm and grabbed for her wrist. He was still weak from blood loss but used what strength he had left, twisting her hand backwards. Ella screamed, but still held the needle perilously close as she fought him off. Vin yelled and kicked out as she tried to grab his arm. As the IV stand crashed to the floor, Vin pulled his arm back and swung his fist at her connecting with her jaw. It was a glancing blow but caused her to back up into the corner. She was surprised at his strength and the fight left in him but knew he couldn't hold her off much longer.
Vin knew his only hope was that the noise would bring help.
Ella laughed, "You think you're going to win? You idiot, what would a man like Chris Larabee want with the likes of you?" Getting a better hold of her needle, she continued, "Don't worry, this will be quick, the agony only lasts a few minutes. Then Chris and I will get married and he'll forget all about you." She laughed again.
"It ain't gonna happen, Chris'll nev.. never mar.. marry you." Fighting with what little strength he had left, he told her, "You're a.. nut case, he'll most.. most likely kill ya." Vin tried to get his legs under him so he could get out of the bed, but instead, fell clumsily to the floor.
The blankets provided a cushion for his fall, but hitting the floor knocked the breath out of him and Vin knew he had lost the fight. He didn't have the strength left to defend himself as blackness descended over him and he lost consciousness.
Ella continued to smile as she bent over to inject the poison into Tanner... Suddenly she was savagely jerked back and pushed hard against the wall..
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Chris shouted fiercely. With Josiah guarding Ella and watching his back, Larabee knelt and checked his lover.
Nathan appeared, and appraising the scene before him, asked, "What happened? Why is Vin out of bed? He trying to kill himself?"
"This bitch was trying to kill him, Nathan. Look after him, will ya?" Grabbing Ella by her upper arm, Larabee pushed her out into the hallway. Looking around, he noticed that JD and Ezra were keeping the scientists in Dr. Young's private quarters.
"Chris," she purred. "You know you want to be with me. Let's get rid of him and he'll never bother us again," she whispered. "Tell me you want the same things I do, home, kids and family. You can't tell me you don't love me."
"I don't love you Ella, where would you get a crazy idea like that? Anyway, you're going to jail for the murder of Dr. Greenly and Dr. Marston." Chris removed his gun from his holster, but kept the hand holding the gun by his side. "I'm going to make a citizens arrest, Lady. Cuff her Buck!" Chris smirked, he'd always wanted to say that.
A look of pure evil flashed into her eyes. She reached into her pocket and the syringe appeared in her hand. "Murder?" she sneered, "Well, let me tell you what's going to happen. First I'll get a good attorney, then I'll plead insanity, and make no mistake, I will be acquitted." She then relaxed and smiled at Larabee. "Then, I'll go to a nice hospital somewhere and rest for awhile. After about six months, I'll be declared sane and released. Then I'll be back. You'll never be free of me. The first thing I'll do is take care of your toy in there." She smirked at him again. "There's no one in this world that can keep us apart and I'll kill anyone that tries. After I get rid of a few of your friends, you'll come crawling and beg me to take you back." She sneered at Larabee
He considered her words and wondered if she could be right Would he always be looking over his shoulder, afraid to let Vin out of his sight. And Vin, being Vin would never stand for that. He glared at her, "It'll never happen Dr. Gaines. You'll be going up for the long haul," Larabee glared at her.
Seeing the cold empty look in his eyes, she began to get nervous. "You couldn't kill me," she said and fingered the needle in her hand. "You love me," and with the speed of a viper, she lunged at him trying to insert the point of the syringe into his chest.
Chris jumped back, brought the gun up and pulled the trigger. The bullet left the chamber and entered her chest. "No, I don't," he said quietly.
As the bullet struck her, a look of shock and surprise filled her eyes. Ella was flung back against the wall, where she sank slowly to the floor, leaving a red streak behind her, her arm held out as if in supplication, begging Larabee to change his mind.
Nathan ran into the hallway,"What happened?" he shouted. Seeing Ella, he bent down and checked her for life but found none. Looking at his boss, he shook his head.
Larabee pursed his lips and said, "She came at me with that needle. I had to stop her."
Buck stood next to him taking in the scene. "Well," he muttered, "she was like a rabid dog and we all know what to do with a mad dog, don't we?"
Larabee looked at Buck, "You heard her?"
Buck nodded.
Larabee snorted, "My report will include her coming at me with that needle. How's Vin?"
The gunshot had brought the other scientist's flocking into the corridor. "What happened?" everyone started to talk at once, but Buck held up his hand and said, "She tried to kill Vin. Chris stopped her, and she tried to kill Chris with that needle. He had to shoot her. Terrible thing it is. He tried to talk to her, but," he sighed, "there was no talking to her. She was raving and came at him. It's a terrible thing. Poor lady," Buck finished, shaking his head.
Nathan and Larabee stepped back into Vin's room. Dr. Reed, along with Kat and Abby were trying to get Vin back into bed. "We have to get that tube reset," Abby said.
Josiah appeared in the corridor and looked around. "Someone want to get a body bag?" he asked. "The storm's clearing, so we'll be leaving, soon. We'll leave the bodies here in the cooler and let the boys from McMurdo fetch them. They'll want to do autopsies anyway."
Phillip and JD volunteered to take care of Ella's body. Shaking his head, Dr. Reed admonished, "So much killing and for what? A chance to talk in front of a bunch of bored college students? What a terrible price to pay. I know I don't even want to think about that little bit of gold anymore much less lecture on it."
Kat Fielding answered him, "I think I'll still write a book about this, but call it fiction. No one will believe it anyway."
The four surviving scientists, agreed. Looking around, Abby commented, "Four dead and one wounded, was the cost worth the price? I don't think so."
Josiah glanced at Chris as he stood at Vin's door. "Can he travel?" Josiah queried.
"I hope so. I want to get as far away from here as I can." Chris said and turned back into Vin's room.
Nathan spoke up, "It'll be a few hours. He had a fight with Ella, that's why he was in the floor. He was pretty shaken up. Thankfully that stitch kept the tube in place. I gave him a light sedative to take the edge off the pain. He'll probably sleep for a bit."
About four hours later, everyone was ready to leave. The wind had settled and Josiah was anxious to get started back to their main base. Chris, Buck Nathan and Dr. Reed carried Vin's stretcher to the chopper and settled him in to travel. Vin, weary from the move was already asleep. The chopper took off and as the ice station receded into the background, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Vin pulled his Jeep into the garage, next to his partner's truck It was his last visit to the doctor and he'd been given a clean bill of health. His knife wound had healed nicely and all signs of infection gone.
Although he and Larabee had shared their bed since returning home, they had yet to resume love making. On the way home an infection had manifested itself in the wound causing a great deal of pain, discomfort and a short hospital stay. After Vin felt better, it was Chris who insisted on waiting for the doctor's okay.
Vin walked through the house looking for Larabee. He found him on the back porch stirring a drink. The blond smiled and handed Vin a glass and stuck an umbrella in it. Vin grinned, "You remembered," he said, taking a sip.
"Yeah," Chris said, giving his lover a quick kiss. "I remembered how much you liked those sweet drinks in St Croix, so I decided to make you one. Was it just last year we were there?"
Larabee poured himself a whiskey and after taking a sip ask, "What did the doctor say? You okay?"
"Fit as a fiddle. Today was my last visit so I reckon we're okay ta be together."
Larabee smiled and took Vin into his arms, kissing his neck, he whispered, " I've missed making love to you."
"I know, I've missed you too, cowboy," he whispered back and found his lover's mouth on his, Chris's tongue teasing against his lips.
Reluctantly the kiss ended, but the lovers still placed small kisses on each other's neck and throat. "I love you, pard," Chris whispered into Vin's ear, the sound like a quiet melody filling his being. "I've got a surprise for you," Chris said, stepping back.
"You don't have ta give me presents, cowboy. Anyway, the last surprise you gave me nearly got me killed." he chuckled, "Goin' to the bottom of the world was enough of a surprise to last me a lifetime."
Larabee laughed with him and picked up an envelope. "Okay, maybe going to Antarctica wasn't a real bright idea, but you're going to like this surprise."
Vin reached for the envelope and looked inside. His eyes lit up as he read the airline tickets. First class tickets to Key West. "Chris, you think we can really go?"
"Sure pard, we have nothing on our plate for awhile and I told Tiny we were going on vacation for a month. Spend some of our hard-earned money. On Monday we're hopping a plane for Key West where we'll be spending two weeks at a nice beach front hotel. Then we're going to spend a week aboard a live-in yacht, diving wrecks, kicking back and relaxing. You up for that?"
Vin grinned, "Yeah, reckon I am. I'm up for other things as well," he winked.
"Let's go see what we can do about that," Larabee whispered, taking Vin's drink from his hand, turning him around and with both hands on his shoulders, Chris pushed Vin lightly towards their bedroom.
In the bedroom they removed shirts, boots and pants, lightly kissing each other. Vin stretched out across the bed, pulling Chris with him, kissing the blond's shoulders and laving his neck and ears. Larabee removed Vin's briefs exposing his hard sex and reached for him again. Chris kissed Vin savagely, driving his tongue into Vin's mouth, sending hot, damp heat into the core of his lover's body.
Chris lightly fingered the scar Ella's knife had left. He kissed it and moved on to Vin's nipples. Sucking one into his mouth, he bit the brown bud, then blew air across it and watched it pucker. His tongue circled Vin's navel, while he bit and teased the edges. Biting and sucking on Vin's belly, he heard the groans of pleasure from his lover.
Vin's tongue was playing with the shell of Chris's ear and his fingers pinched his lover's nipples. One hand threaded through Chris's hair as he urged his partner to continue lower. Hot fierce need spiraled through Vin as Chris took a hold of his lover's hard cock, spread pre-cum with his thumb and jerked it once, then twice. Vin nearly screamed from the pleasure his body was receiving.
Chris continued, swallowing Vin's cock, sucking, laving his tongue across the slit, then moving on to his balls. Taking one, then the other into his mouth as he suckled. He pushed Vin's legs apart and licked the area behind his balls. Vin cried out as he arched and squirmed against Chris's body. Larabee turned around, giving Vin a view of his ass as he continued giving pleasure to his lover. Finding the little oval of Vin's ass, he tongued it lightly, then began to fuck it with his tongue.
Vin put both hands on Larabee's ass cheeks and kneaded them. Reaching around, he took hold of the blond's cock, rubbed the slit and reached for his balls, but the bliss he was feeling was too much as he felt his balls grow heavy. "Chris, Chris," he whispered, "ya gotta stop. Chris, please, I want ya inside of me when I come."
Grinning, Chris stopped and turned around facing his lover. Bending over, he kissed Vin and gently coaxed his legs farther apart and settled between them. He reached into the drawer for the lotion they kept there and squeezed some into his hand. After Vin was prepared, he pressed intimately into the small hot hole. Vin arched his hips, waiting for Chris to bury himself deep, but Chris moved slowly, carefully, sensuously, easing his hard length into Vin. He buried his cock up to his balls, eased himself out and thrust back in. Chris leaned over Vin and placed hot, wet kisses on his mouth as waves of heat washed over them.
Vin was burning inside, on fire with want and need. He grabbed Larabee's hips as he arched up to meet each of Chris's thrusts. He felt Larabee's hands slide under his bottom to lift him as he drove deeper inside of his lover.
Chris was pounding into Vin, riding him with deep thrusts and drag as he carried Tanner towards the pleasure they both craved. Taking hold of Vin's cock, he jerked it in time with his thrusts. Chris flexed his buttocks and drove himself harder and harder into Vin. He heard Vin cry out in ecstasy and felt Vin's release spew across his hand. His own balls drew up as he slipped over the edge, feeling the hot sweet spirals of his own massive release.
Neither of them spoke, both trying to catch their breath. Chris slumped on top of Vin, his lean body covered in sweat. Vin pushed back the damp hair that clung to his forehead.
"My God!," Vin whispered with something close to awe.
"That was incredible, wasn't it," Chris smiled back as he lay down along side of Vin. "I can't think of anything I'd rather do."
They lay there exhausted, but as strength returned to the cooled, sated bodies, Vin snuggled closer to his lover.
After a half hour or so, Vin asked his partner, "Now that we're back in civilization, you want to go get a beer?"
Chris shrugged, and started kissing Vin's shoulder and once more ran his finger over the new scar. It was still pink and puckered. "I'll never forget the way I felt when I saw you sitting on that floor bleeding. You looked at me like you were saying goodbye and I actually thought I was gonna be sick. I never want to feel like that again," he whispered.
"It's healing now, Chris. I'll be fine. You need to stop worrying on it.."
"I know, Vin, but I love you so much," he gathered Vin close to him and kissed him soundly. After a few minutes, Chris decided to lighten the mood, said "So, whadda ya say we go get that beer?"
"Hell yes, if I can still walk, that is." Vin chuckled. "Let's get a shower and then you can tell me about our vacation."
As they made their way to the bathroom, Chris started telling Vin about the plans he'd made for their escape to paradise.END