No plot, just pure indulgence about two men for whom I care deeply.
Do they belong to me? No.
Do I care? No - oh, who am I kidding?!!!!!
Chris glanced across at the semi-comatose Texan draped in the seat next to him and a small smile danced over his lips. How anyone who had just been knocked out by the bad guys and refused to go to a hospital could look as if he was only asleep was beyond him.The car turned gently and Vin fell towards Larabee who pushed him upright with a wider grin. This happened a couple of times more and then suddenly Chris swerved the car violently to avoid a deer in the road. Vin fell into his boss' lap and when Larabee was finally able to take in what had happened he found Vin's face resting snugly in his groin. Even to his surprised mind Chris realised that this was not a position Vin should have landed in naturally.
He looked sharply at Tanner's face which wore an innocent, almost angelic, expression and then had to force his attention back to the road as a tongue snaked out and licked his jeans just where his cock was. But it was his own body's reaction that took him totally unaware for he found his jeans beginning to tighten and his heart to beat faster.
With a groan he swung the car onto the hard shoulder and brought it to a juddering halt. With shaking hands he undid his jeans allowing his erection to spring free. Then he came out of his seat with a howl as a hot wet mouth engulfed his swollen penis.
A skilful tongue ran up and down the length of his cock and played deftly across its tip. Chris lay back in his seat, eyes closed, panting, letting the artist work to bring him to the edge. Then, with a primordial scream, he came down Vin's throat. As Chris sat feeling like jello, he heard a contented slurp and Vin moved lethargically back into his seat.
Fighting to return to normality Chris' attention was drawn by a whimper in the seat beside him and he became transfixed by Vin who was leaning back, licking his fingers and then allowing them to play across his nipples. Then one hand snaked down inside his jeans and Chris knew exactly what the younger man was going to do.
With a devilish smile Chris undid Vin's jeans and removed the Texan's hand from the swollen cock that was exposed. Gently he ran his finger up and down its length before encasing it in a firm fist and pulling very gently. He smiled as he felt Vin begin to thrust into his grip and then move more and more urgently until at last semen was spilling through his fingers and Tanner was arched exquisitely against the back of the seat.
While Vin came back to the land of the living, Chris zipped up their jeans and drove off. As he did so he glanced across at Vin once more who was as he had been before this had begun and he wondered if it had really happened or had just been a waking wet dream.