Jealousy by Kaed

Disclaimer: I own no rights, I claim no rights, I have only a never ending love for Magnificent Seven in many of their incarnations.

Rating: FRAO for sexual and other violent acts.

Synopsis: First time C/V. Vin has a new friend and Chris is jealous.

Acknowledgements: Happy Birthday, Cyndi! Cyndi asked for a story about jealousy. This is a little dark in the beginning, but I promise, there will be romance ahead! Anyway, hope this fits the bill!

"Where the hell is Tanner?" Chris Larabee growled from where he sat at the conference table. They had already delayed a good ten minutes waiting for JD to retrieve some files that Ezra had inadvertently deleted. He wasn't in any mood to wait any longer.

The answer didn't make him feel any better.

"He and Charlie were down at the firing range," Buck offered. "They're still working on that issue with the new weapon."

"He has work to do here, too. I don't remember giving him the okay to go to the range."

Inwardly grimacing Wilmington nonetheless responded with, "They went down at lunch. Reckon they just lost track - "

The big brunet's words cut off as the object of their discussion all but ran into the room, flushed and out of breath. As he slid into his chair, he smiled, opening his mouth to speak. Before he could offer an explanation, Chris cut him off.

"Nice of you to join us. Did we interrupt your long lunch with the job?"

Frowning at the other man's sharp tone, Vin said, "Sorry, boss. The elevator wasn't runnin', so, me 'n Charlie had ta take the stairs." He broke off as a fit of coughing threatened to shake him off his chair.

Pouring a plastic cup full of water, Nathan slid it over to him. "Don't tell me you walked up all eleven flights."

Swallowing the water and recovering from the coughing spell, Vin said nonchalantly, "Nah, we ran the last four."

"Vin, you just came off sick leave last week. Pneumonia's nothing to - "

"Can we save the lecture for later, agents?" Larabee's tone left not room for argument. With no further interruptions, the staffing began.


"Hey, what's up?" Charlie Warren looked up from his beer as Vin slid into the chair across the table from him.

"Nothin'." Tanner motioned for a beer.

"Your face doesn't look like 'nothing'. Bad day at work?"

"Could say that."

"Sheesh, Tanner, I didn't know we were gonna play 20 questions here."

Slouching down in the seat, the Texan muttered, "Sorry. Jist ain't in the mood ta talk about it."

"That's cool. Look, you wanna stay here, or should we get a six pack and go back to my place?"

"Nah, jist as soon stay here." Vin nodded to the waitress and handed over a bill, waving off the change.

"Okay, just thought maybe you'd like some peace and quiet."

"Jist as soon listen to the music and forget about the day."

"That's cool," Warren repeated. He was just barely successful at hiding his look of disappointment at the other man's refusal of his offer. Vin almost always managed to keep the two of them in public places; the shooting range, a bar, never any place where it was just the two of them. He'd have to find some way to change that.

"So, tell me about this horse of yours, and that pond where you catch the 'best fish this side 'a heaven'."

With a smile, Vin began to tell the other man about his horse.


"Where the hell is Tanner?" He felt like he'd said that a thousand times over the last three weeks. That was just shortly after Charlie Warren had transferred from Washington to the Denver bureau, joining Team Four to fill a vacancy left by a retiring member. Ever since the two weapons specialists had met, they had become nearly inseparable.

And, try as he might to deny it, Chris Larabee was jealous.

He tried to say that Vin's distraction was putting the team at risk, but nobody bought that. Tanner was just as efficient as ever. The only difference was that, when they'd gone to the Saloon at the end of the last bust, he had begged off, going to meet Charlie for drinks at another bar.

He tried to say that Tanner's new relationship was taking too much time away from his regular duties, but no one bought that, either. He and Charlie confined their time at the firing range to lunchtime and after hours. It wasn't as if he could blame the one time Vin had been late because of the elevator. No matter how much he wanted to.

He tried on a more personal level to protest the hours Vin spent with the new agent. Tanner had spent five days in the hospital after his "cold" was diagnosed as pneumonia. He was still on limited duty and, although even Nathan seemed to think otherwise, he voiced concern that the Texan could suffer a relapse.

Other than a few "mother hen" jokes from Buck, no one even responded to that theory.

Chris didn't voice the real reason he was so focused on Tanner's activities. He couldn't even admit it to himself.

He was jealous. He begrudged every minute that Vin Tanner spent with Charlie Warren. He hated losing the closeness he had shared with the quiet, witty and charming younger man. They had seemed to know one another from the first minute they met, and that relationship had only grown more important to him ever since. He had thought it was just as important to Vin, but evidently not.

Which meant that hadn't been love he'd read in the other man's eyes so many times. At least not the type of love he wanted it to be.

He couldn't believe that he was in love with another man.

The blond had long ago reconciled his occasional interest in another man but, outside of Buck, it had never gone farther than admiration at a distance. And even their physical relationship had been nothing more than exploratory.

He wanted far more from Vin Tanner.

"Hey, Boss?" Josiah's deep voice broke into the SAC's thoughts. "It's five; we're headin' over to the Saloon. You interested?"

Thinking for a moment, the blond shook his head. "Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm gonna head on home. See you boys on Monday."

Nodding, the older man said, "Okay, have a good weekend."

Chris managed a smile and nod, replying with, "You, too."


Larabee dropped the hammer he was holding to his side, wiping the sweat from his brow with his free arm. The day was hot, not even the hint of a breeze to stir the air. He had spent the morning checking the fence around his pasture, and was replacing one of the cross posts now.

He frowned as he heard the sound of horses approaching, not from the pasture, but from behind him. Turning, he saw two riders coming his way. All of the men boarded their horses at his ranch, in exchange for the occasional odd job. They all shared in paying Tiny Moran to handle the day to day care of the animals. One he easily recognized as Vin, sitting relaxed on Peso. Beside him was another figure, sitting astride Buck's horse, Beavis. But it wasn't Buck.

"Hey, Boss," Tanner said in way of greeting.

"Hey," Larabee replied, warily.

"I cleared it with Buck, so Charlie could borrow the Beast." It was a team joke regarding the most passive animal of the group. Wilmington insisted that the gentle animal was a chick magnet. The rest of them insisted that he couldn't handle the other animals. "I thought I'd show 'im the pond, do a little fishin' and maybe some campin'. That okay?"

He tried to quickly come up with some excuse that would keep the two men off his property. But there was nothing.

Looking up at Warren, he saw something in the other man's eyes that he knew only too well. Hunger. And he knew only too well where he was getting his appetite.

He wanted Vin, too.

"Yeah... yeah, that's fine."

Reading something in his friend's face, Tanner asked, "Ya sure?"

"Yeah." He managed a smile. "Wish I could join you, but..." waving his arm around him, he managed another look into Charlie's face. The man looked practically frightened. Enjoying that look allowed him a true smile. "Just too much to do here."

"Ya want some help? I mean, we could give ya a hand, then we could all three go - "

"Hey, I didn't sign on for a weekend of home improvement," the new man said in a joking tone. "Besides, I'm all thumbs when it comes to all that DIY stuff."

"You guys go on, no sense in ruining the weekend." 'For you' he added silently.

Looking somewhat torn, Vin said, "Ya sure?"

"Positive. Now, get the hell outta here, so I can get back to work."

"Well... okay." Tanner nudged his horse to a walk. As they moved away, he glanced over his shoulder and called out, "if ya get finished early, ya know where we'll be. You can clean the fish!"

Chris chuckled, extending a middle finger in response. He watched as the two men moved away, laughing and joking as they rode, side by side. His smile faded quickly, replaced by a frown.

What did Vin see in Charlie Warren?


The two men sat close together, gilded silhouettes in firelight. It was deep in the night, and they had spent most of the day drinking and fishing.

"So... we've caught the fish, cleaned the fish, cooked the fish and eaten the fish. What's next?"

Handing another bottle over, chilled from the pond, Vin replied, "We kill a few more bottles 'a this."

"Sounds good... good lookin'."

Blue eyes rolled. "Shit. Ain't nothin' - "

Reaching out, Charlie pressed his fingers against those broad lips. "Don't you dare say that."

"What?" The word was spoken around those warm digits.

"That. Put yourself down. It's not funny."

Frowning, Vin moved away slightly. "Didn't mean it ta be funny. 'S jist... I don't know..."

"Well, I do. You listen to too many people who put you down. You don't deserve that." Moving closer until he captured those luscious lips with his own, he murmured, "You deserve this..."

Gasping in surprise, Tanner moved away, climbing to his feet. "Hey, Charlie, I like ya man, but - "

"But what?" Warren was up as well, moving toward him once more. "But you're just a tease? You leadin' me on, Tanner? Huh? You like to play games?" His voice grew louder with each syllable.

"Hey, Charlie, look. We're both a little drunk, okay? Jist settle down, and we can - "

"No!" Without warning, Warren leapt, knocking Vin back, off his feet.

"Umph!" Was the only thing Tanner could say as the air rushed out of his lungs. He saw an enraged Charlie Warren looming over him, surrounded by stars and darkness. He tried to fight back, but couldn't gather the strength to defend himself. He couldn't even draw a breath.

Warren began beating the other man, spurred on by some internal rage that had found its vent thanks to the alcohol. Tanner made an attempt to defend himself but, thanks to the surprise attack, couldn't coordinate his actions well enough to do more than struggle to get away from the other man. Warren hit, slapped, punched and bit the target his rage had chosen, smiling as blood began to spray the air.

Finally, tiring of that, his rage took a different avenue. Leaning back, he grabbed at Vin's belt, struggling to undo it. Finally accomplishing that, he quickly unfastened and unzipped Tanner's jeans, managing to pull them below the tan, narrow hips. He grinned coldly as he took in the fact that the Texan wore no underwear. "Mm-mm... I do love a commando raid."


Chris stared into the dying flames of the brush pile he'd gathered during the day. He had set fire to it only after bringing a few beers from the house. Then, he sat back and watched the flames dance in the darkness.

He sat. And thought.

And grew angry.

"Damn, smart ass, son of a bitching, mother fucking, bastard!" He threw the empty bottle into the dying fire, smirking at the sound of the glass bursting into shards.

"God Damned Texan! What the hell does he think he's doing? Who the hell does he think he is? Son of a bitch, walks into my life..." He sighed. "Walks into my life and turns it around. Makes the world make sense again. Makes me make sense again... then he just walks away."

"Damn it!" He stood and crossed to the popping fire and began kicking dirt into the dying flames, kicking harder and harder, until he was grunting and sweating. It didn't help much, but he finally stood, slumped over, gasping for breath. At least it helped him to expend a bit of the energy that had pent up over the last few weeks. Energy that had come from the anger he'd fought to hide from his friends, co-workers, and especially from a certain blue-eyed bastard who had broken his heart without even trying.

"Jesus, Larabee... a little melodramatic, don't you think?" He muttered to himself. "Hell, he probably never even knew what was going on. It's not like you've got a track record on the other side of the fence. And him? Just because he doesn't date much, doesn't mean he's queer... for you or anyone else."

Scrubbing a hand over his face, Chris shook his head and stared blearily up at the out of focus stars. "Wonder what he and Charlie are doing right now?"


Vin managed to peel open one eye, making a valiant attempt to make sense of the blurs around him. Trying to make split lips work, he mumbled, "Sh... Shar-ie?"

"About time you woke up, Vinnie. I do hate to party alone."


Leaning down, Warren grasped Tanner's shirt, yanking the beaten man upward. "C'mon, Vinnie... don't tell me you didn't know where things were goin'. Don't tell me you didn't mean to shake that fine ass just a little more than usual when we were together. Don't tell me that every thing you did or said wasn't all planned out pretty thing." He enunciated each syllable, grinding his crotch into Vin's in time.

Tanner knew without a doubt what Warren wanted. He also knew that there was no way the drunken man was going to be able to perform any time soon.

"You... can't e-even... gi' it... up..." he managed. He knew as soon as the words were out just what the other man's reaction was going to be. All he could do was to take as deep a breath as possible and await the blows.

Charlie staggered to his feet and stumbled away a few steps, as he fought to fix his own clothing. The entire time, he was cursing the prone man, his words slurred. As soon as he could find his balance, he began kicking Tanner.

Vin struggled to move, his mind screaming at his body to respond, only to be ignored. He found it a blessing when the world began to slid away, and he tumbled into blessed oblivion.


Chris pushed himself to his feet with a soft grunt, grumbling about aging as he did. Slowly shuffling across the ground, he headed toward home. The moon was little more than a sliver, but he didn't really need light. He kned the way instinctively, and made his way toward his back door.

The image of Vin and Charlie, curled up together at the camp chewed at him. The night was nearly as stifling as the day had been, heat lightening cracking from time to time. The weather report promised rain around sunrise; he hoped it came true.

Reaching his back door, he entered the house, closing and locking it behind him. Without turning on any of the lights he toed off his work boots and proceeded to strip where he was. Going to the refrigerator he grabbed another longneck.

Moving through the house, swallowing some of the bitter brew as he did, he struggled to banish those unwanted images of Tanner and Warren. He walked into the master bath, turning on the water as hot as he could stand it before entering and standing beneath the spray. Still holding the beer, he tilted it back, swallowing gulp after gulp until the bottle was empty. Setting it down outside the shower, he quickly scrubbed the grime from his body. A few minutes later found Larabee exiting the bath, toweling himself off. Dropping the towel beside the bed, he crawled beneath the covers and was quickly asleep.


He woke sometime deep in the night, to find nothing but the normal night sounds around him. it took the battered man a few minutes to clear his mind enough to remember what had happened. Tanner barely stifled a cry as the pain finally brought him to full wakefulness.

Tentatively he turned his head toward the camp, trying to find just where Charlie was. A soft snort startled him, his heartbeat slowing only after there was no attack. Listening, he realized that the other man was asleep, or unconscious. It didn't matter; he just knew he had to get away.

If only he could make his tortured body move.


Chris woke hard and aching, the fading memory of a dream taunting him. He and Vin, wrapped around one another, kissing and exploring every inch of one another. "Ah, hell."

Sliding his hand beneath the covers, he found his steel hard cock and worked to relieve himself. He closed his eyes, finding those laughing blue eyes staring back at him. He could almost taste that broad, smiling mouth; smell the mixture of smells that meant Vin Tanner. Silently he arched, a thick stream of come soaking the sheets.

Dissatisfied and uncaring, he rolled over onto the dry side of the bed, and dropped back off to sleep.


Panting, barely able to stand, let alone move, he nonetheless managed a smile when he heard the welcoming snort of his horse. Reaching the big black, he leaned against the warm body, struggling to draw a full breath. It was impossible; he hurt to bad to do more than moan.

They had removed everything but harness and reins from both horses, but there was no way he could tack Peso. Twisting long fingers into the thick mane and bracing himself with the other hand, he slowly pulled himself onto the broad back. Pulling the reins to himself, he nudged the gelding into a walk. Nearby, Beavis stood, dozing. Normally Tanner would have taken the second horse as well, but this wasn't a normal occurrence. And Vin Tanner was far from his normal self.

Only one thought managed to push itself through the fog that kept the Texan isolated in his own mind. "Get to Chris." Chris would help him; take care of him... love him.

A sound, somewhere between a groan and a sob wafted into the blowing wind. Chris would never love him. Not in the way he wanted him to. Chris was a widower, a father, a straight arrow. There was no way he would look at Vin like he wanted him to.

Holding himself tightly erect to keep the pain from becoming overwhelming, Vin kicked his mount to a cantor. A short time later it dawned on him that he was getting wet. Squinting upward he slowly recognized that it was raining.

"Ah, hell," He cursed, urging Peso a little faster. In the darkness they risked injury, but he had faith in the sure-footed animal. Without thinking, he murmured, "Git me home, pard."


Charlie Warren woke with a groan, trying his best to figure out why he was wet. Managing to peel gritty lids open, he stared upward, cursing as something splashed with more insistence over his face. Finally he realized what was happening. "Fuckin' rain."

Slowly he rolled to his stomach, grunting as the alcohol threatened every fiber of his body with retribution for that movement. Then his brain got in on the act, pouring forth memories of what had happened sometime before.


He had to get Vin to understand. It happened sometimes. He hadn't meant for it to get that far, but anytime alcohol was involved and he was in a certain mood...

It was Tanner's fault, after all. That lean, muscular body, those eyes, that mouth... the way he wore his jeans, tight without being too tight. Just enough to show off that sweet ass.

And it had been Vin's suggestion to bring the beer. Okay, so he'd augmented it with some whiskey; he'd offered some to the other man. Hell, if Tanner had just accepted, this would have gone off a lot different.

It had been Vin's suggestion to come out here for the weekend. Tanner had teased him with that smile of his, every sign and suggestion leading him to believe that it would be more than just a camping trip. After all, he wasn't one for camping, surely Vin knew that. He was a city boy, born and bred.

So it was Vin's fault.

Maybe it was time for another lesson.

"Vinnie! Hey Vinnie!" He pulled himself to his feet, staggering toward where he vaguely recalled leaving the other man. "You ready for another go round?!"

"Vin? Vin!" Charlie cut loose with a string of curses when he realized that the other man was gone. Slipping and sliding over the now muddy ground, he made his way toward where they'd left the horses. Arriving at that place, he saw that only the horse he had ridden was there.

Tanner was gone.

"God damn, son of a bitch, mother fucking, cock teasing, bastard!" He managed to catch up the horse's reins and then tried to figure out how to proceed. He had no idea of how to saddle the beast. It couldn't be that difficult though, could it? "That stupid fucker can do it, I can, too."

Pulling the peaceful horse behind him, Warren headed toward where they had stored the saddles beneath a tarp.


Chris woke to the sound of thunder and the pierce of lightening beyond his window. He rolled to his back, folding his arms below his head. Vin and Charlie were probably holed up in the tent Tanner always brought "just in case", snug and dry. The visual of the two men, curled up together in the two-person tent, caused the blond to taste bile.

Cursing under his breath, Larabee climbed out of bed and moved toward the bathroom. There wouldn't be any more sleep for now, even though the clock informed him that it was only 6:00 AM.

A few minutes later he re-emerged, just tying the drawstring of the baggy pair of pajama pants he was wearing. Heading now toward the kitchen, he flipped on the coffee maker before heading toward the den. Going to the glass doors, cracking one open, he stared out into the darkness. The rain was coming down hard, the wind blowing strong enough to send the precipitation nearly horizontal with each gust.

Maybe not so snug and comfortable, after all. He felt a sharp stab of... something... guilt? Fear? As he pictured Vin in the hills during the storm. The young man was resourceful, though, and would have come up with a solution that would keep both men dry.

Or maybe not.

Chris realized that he was seeing a light in the barn. Tracing by memory the hidden line of the structure, he came to the door just as light spilled briefly from it and he glimpsed movement. Figuring Vin would have the decency to enter through the mud room, he went to unlock the door. No matter how much he despised what was going on and hated Charlie Warren, he wouldn't turn them away.

Unlocking the door, he moved back to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. Leaning back against the counter, he stared off into space, his mind screaming its protests. It was unfair that he should be expected to play host to the man taking away the most important person in his life.

It took a few minutes for it to sink into the troubled mind that no one had entered the mud room. With a frown, Larabee crossed and opened the door, calling out, "Vin?"

No answer.

No, wait...


Tuning, he hurried back into the den, spotting the source of that call slumped just inside the open door. "Jesus, Vin!" Dropping to his knees beside the other man, he grimaced to see that he was covered in mud, blood and bruises. Without thinking, he gently stroked long, sodden locks back from the beaten face.

Softly now, he asked, "What happened?"

"Ch-Ch-" Tanner tried to speak but his teeth were chattering too hard.

"Charlie?" When the other man offered a brief nod, he asked, "Where is he? Is he hurt, too?" He could envision the other man out there, in the wilderness, hurt even more badly than his friend.

"N-no... he... he... d-d-did... it..."

Frowning now, Larabee growled, "He beat you up?" When his answer was a brief nod of the head, he said, "that bastard! What the fuck was he - "

"Hurt... h-h-he hu-hu-hu-hurt... m-me..."

"Sh... sh... he won't hurt you again," Larabee swallowed his anger and spoke softly as he tenderly stroked his hand along the side of the bruised and bloodied face. Shocked, he found himself suddenly cradling that face as Vin nuzzled against his hand. Gently he wrapped his other arm around the sagging body, and in response the battered man slumped against him. "We need to get you to the hos—"

"No!" Vin whimpered, barely conscious now. "N-no hos-hos-hos-'tal."

"You could be bleeding inside, you could be busted up, you could - "

"Tr-tried ta r-r-rape... me."

Oh God. "He just tried... it's gonna be all right, no one has to know, okay?"

Managing to squint up at the other man's face, Vin asked in a child-like voice, "Promise?"

"Promise. I'll be with you, I won't let anyone hurt you, Vin, I swear."

Snuggling back in against the broad chest, Tanner mumbled, "'Kay."


Chris sat beside the bed, watching read-outs that he only vaguely understood, and listening to the soft hiss and blip of machines. The object of his affection and, at the moment, his concern, lay amongst all that machinery. They had been here, in the quiet, for over three hours, and it was already mid afternoon. It had taken so long to get Tanner to the hospital and seen by the doctors; so long for them to diagnose his injuries and start them on the road to recovery.

He would recover. Chris would make certain of that. While he had not shared the attempted rape with the medical professionals, he knew Vin would be haunted. Even though he hadn't been taken physically, the emotional act would haunt him for a long time. And Chris would be right beside him, helping him fight those demons.

First things first, however. They had to get the sharpshooter physically healed.

"Hey, Boss."

Larabee looked up, thinking at first that Tanner had woken. The lax features told him otherwise. Turning, he found Buck and JD entering the room. He'd contacted the other five members of the team and let them know what was going on. They had been quick to respond, going in search of Charlie Warren and answers. "Hey. Find anything?"

Shaking his head, the tall brunet said, "Beavis was waitin' for us at the corral fence. We searched the entire property, but no sign of that scumbag."

"Why'd he do that to Vin?" JD wondered aloud.

"Only two people know, I reckon," Wilmington replied, watching for a reaction from his old friend. Getting nothing, he continued, "Charlie and Vin. Reckon we'll have to wait for Junior to wake up."

"How is he?" Was Dunne's next question.

"Doctor says that the biggest concern is a recurrence of the pneumonia. There are a few hairline fractures, look like defensive wounds."

"Sounds like the bastard caught him by surprise."

"Well, hell yeah! Vin would have taken the guy in 10 seconds otherwise, and his sorry ass would be laying here."

Smiling at JD's devotion, Larabee agreed. "Damn straight."

Sobering the mood, Buck informed them, "According to Nate, there were a lot of empties at the campsite. And a whiskey bottle with about an ounce left in it. Looks like they were partyin' pretty hard."

"So, they probably got into an argument and Charlie went postal, surprised Vin, and clobbered him." It was that cut and dry to the young computer specialist.

"You takin' over my job now, Kid?" Josiah's voice boomed from the doorway.

Smiling, Dunne asked, "How'd I do?"

Coming to stand at the end of the bed, Sanchez said, "sounds plausible. I checked Warren's file and he has several old citations for inappropriate behavior. He also has several recommendations to the department psychiatrist. Sounds like ol' Charlie's got issues."

"Had issues."

They turned to find Nathan and Ezra entering the room now. These two had organized a manhunt to search for Tanner's attacker. Chris found his voice first. "What?"

"We found him... dead."

"On the trail," Ezra clarified. "Preliminary reports say it looks as if he tried to ride bareback, difficult under the best of circumstances."

"He managed to get about halfway down the hill... at least on Beavis."

"Yes, it would appear that he lost his balance, fell from the Beast, and made his way the rest of the way on his face."

"Ouch" JD interjected.


"He had several broken bones, including his neck and every bone in his face. Even if he'd survived the fall he'd have drown in his own blood."

"Good riddance," JD grumbled.

"Not very charitable," Josiah observed.

Shrugging, Dunne said, "At least he won't ever touch Vin again."

Chris sighed, hoping that was true but knowing that it wouldn't be.


"No... stop... Ch-Charlie... stop... no..."

Chris woke to find himself sitting in one of those marginally comfortable on the short term chairs, beside a narrow hospital bed. The occupant of that bed was thrashing weakly, hair plastered to his ashen face. Larabee leaned forward and took one of the other man's hands, squeezing gently and feeling those long fingers grip his hand with a strength he didn't expect. "Vin... hey, it's okay. Sh, you're okay, pard. You're safe."

Glassy, unfocused eyes opened part way, searching for whoever was speaking to him. After several seconds he found a blur he identified. "Chris?"

"Right here."

"Wh-where is he? Where's Ch-Charlie?"

"He's not here, cowboy. You're safe. He can't hurt you any more."

"No... he wants... wants ta hurt... please, find 'im... stop 'im."

"We already found him, Vin. He won't hurt you. He can't hurt you, ever again. Understand? He can't hurt you again."


Lowering the side of the bed, Larabee perched on the edge of the mattress. Reaching out to stroke the perspiration-soaked hair back, he repeated, "No, he can't. Okay? You're safe, pard. You're safe."

Nodding slightly, Vin murmured softly, "'kay," before slipping back to sleep.

Chris continued stroking a hand through the long, tangled locks, until he was certain Tanner was once more deeply asleep.


"Take it easy... just let go... I've got you..." Chris murmured the words as Vin coughed and gagged, bringing up phlegm until he was drenched in cold sweat and wheezing painfully. The pneumonia had made a reappearance, and was now complicated by his injuries. But all he could do was hold him and rub his heaving back as he coughed up more of the crud that was threatening to take over his lungs.

As the current spell calmed, Chris lowered the trembling body back onto the narrow hospital bed. Setting aside the pan he was holding, he took up a cool cloth and began bathing the grey features. Replacing the canula to help Vin breathe, he continued to speak in a soft, loving voice. "Just relax, pard. It's gonna get better, it's just gonna take time. We'll get through this, Vin, you'll be up and running soon. Okay?"

"We?" Vin managed to open watery eyes, a half smile on his face.

Feeling his face flush at the unintentional slip, Chris managed, "Well, yeah, I mean, we... we are friends after all."

Tanner's expression changed when he realized what he'd done. He'd hoped so long for something with Chris Larabee that he'd allowed his imagination to get away from him. "I... yeah, I mean... that's what... that's what I meant."

"Oh, yeah, it just sounded like... ah hell." He was tired of dancing. "Vin... I -"

"Dinner time!" chimed a cheerful, female voice from the doorway. Chris sighed as a little blonde brought a tray in and sat it on the table. Retaining her smile even while she took the fetid pan into the bathroom for disposal, she returned, donning fresh gloves. She uncovered the tray and said brightly, "I know the liquid diet isn't much fun, but you should be on the soft stuff in a day or so. Any flavor of oatmeal you want!"

"Great," Vin muttered as he pulled himself more upright in the bed. Then he managed a wan smile as Chris was there, helping him settle.

"Okay, need anything else?" Buffy the CNA asked.

"No, I think we're good," Larabee managed a tight lipped smile, worried that the other man would be sick all over again if she continued speaking. As she left he turned to the bed ridden man, rolling his eyes. The smile and brief chuckle caused his own face to light up.

The moment had been lost, so Larabee simply focused on helping the other man with the liquid meal. Tanner was weak and trembled at the smallest exertion. Still wiped out from the recent coughing attack, he had trouble just closing his hand around the cup holding what looked like beef broth.

"Want some help?" His hand hovered near the other man's.

"I c'n do it." Tanner's accent had been strong during the last week while he was in the hospital; a sure sign he was too tired to care.

"Okay. How 'bout something to cover your shirt?"

"Ain't a shirt... 's a dress. Ya sayin' I c'n't feed m'self?"

"Awful grouchy, aren't we?"

He'd have sighed, but it required more breath than he could muster. Instead he shook his head. "Jist sick 'a bein' in here 's all."

"Don't blame you." He wouldn't be anywhere else, but he also wasn't thrilled at having spent so much time in the hospital for the last week and a half.

"Cain't ya break me outta here, then?"

Smiling, Larabee said, "I think the medical staff has grown immune to my glare."

Managing another smile, Vin said, "Damn... wish they'd share th' secret."

Growing serious now, the older man said, "Look, if you want... I'll see how much sooner we can get you out of here if you come out to the ranch with me."

Wondering if he was really hearing the note of hope he thought he heard, Vin said, "Got anythin' in mind?"

"Yeah, getting your scrawny ass well." Instead of the smile he expected, Tanner looked disappointed. "Hey, I was joking."

"I know. 'S jist..." he hesitated, knowing that this could be the biggest mistake of his life, and that he wouldn't have the energy to deal with the wrong answer. Still, he plunged ahead. "Earlier, 'fore that woman came in here... what were ya gittin' ready ta say?"

Fearing what the other man might say or do, and how it might affect his condition, Chris backpedaled. "Nothing... it wasn't important."

Like hell. It would mean a major change in their relationship.

"Oh... okay..." Vin covered his disappointment with the cup of beef broth.


Vin stared at the TV, unable to even find himself interested in an episode of Supernatural. Not even one of the brothers "Bitch." "Jerk." exchanges brought a smile to his face.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Turning his attention to his visitor, he said, "Hey, 'Siah. Nah, seen this one before." He hit the remote, turning off the television.

Settling in one of the chairs, Sanchez said, "You're looking better. How're you feelin'?"

"Bored. Restless. Ready ta git the hell outta here."

With a compassionate smile, the team profiler said, "I can imagine. I know that Chris is working on getting you out of here ASAP."

"Cain't be soon enough."

Josiah nodded. Then, he came to the reason for his visit. "I wanted to talk to you about Charlie Warren, if that's okay."

Vin paled. "I... do we... I mean..." He wasn't certain what Josiah knew. He remembered Chris promising that no one had to know about the attempted rape, and after all it was just an attempt. But had he let something slip? He'd been out of it for some time; it was hard telling what he'd said while he was semi-conscious...

"Vin? You okay?"

"Yeah... yeah... what did ya wanna talk about?"

Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped, Sanchez said, "You remember that Chris told you Charlie couldn't hurt you any more, right?"

"Yeah... 'member him sayin' somethin'. They caught Charlie? Or..." With a frown he asked, "What happened, 'Siah?"

In a compassionate tone, the older man said, "Vin, Charlie's dead."

"Dead? Did Chris... no, uh, what happened?"

"As best we can tell, he may have tried to saddle Beavis, one of the saddles had been pulled out from under the tarp. When he couldn't manage that, he attempted to ride bareback down the hill. Something caused him to lose his balance and he fell. Hard. Broke his neck and every bone in his face. He didn't have a chance."

For several long moments there was nothing but silence in the room and then, finally, "Shit."

Giving the bedridden man some time to process the information, Josiah said finally, "talk to me, Vin. What are you thinking?"

"I... I don't know, 'Siah. I... dead? I didn't mean for him ta... never wanted him ta be dead."

"We all know that, son. It was an accident, not your fault. I checked through Charlie's file, this wasn't the first time he'd done something... inappropriate."

"What sort 'a things?"

"Fights. Sexual inappropriateness. Things of that nature."

'Sexual inappropriateness' battered against the injured man's diminished defenses. "Sexual... uh... 'ginst a woman, or..."

"Both. Vin..." he paused, seeing the hint of panic in the weary face. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No. I... I was jist wonderin' what he'd done. Was he ever charged with battery 'r anything?"

"No. It would seem that mister Warren focused his misbehavior on fellow agents, and it seemed to have been handled in-house. Perhaps a power issue, needing to be in control of his peers. If I were to make a guess..."

"Reckon don't need ta hear more, 'Siah."

Nodding, the gray-haired man said, "I understand, son. Chris asked me to stay here until he arrives; he needed to check in at the ranch. So if you'd like to talk more about this, I'm more than happy to listen."

"Nah, reckon I'm talked out. In fact, think I'll take a nap, so if you don't wanna stay..."

"I'd like to stay. I really don't want to have to deal with a Larabee glare today."

With a weak smile, Tanner said, "'Kay. Reckon I ain't the best company... but yer welcome ta stay." That said, he rolled over, closed his eyes, and waited to hear Larabee arrive. He needed Chris here, to help him to make sense of things.


"Why didn't ya tell me?"

Chris glanced down, sighed, and shrugged his shoulders. Josiah had left as soon as he'd arrived, meeting him outside the door to fill him in on the discussion he had with Vin. He'd hoped that the profiler would be able to deliver the news of Charlie's death and help the Texan work through things. Obviously he was wrong.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"Ya knew I was havin' trouble dealin' with things... but ya handed it off ta 'Siah. Why?"

"I thought... well, with Josiah's background I thought he'd be better able to help you deal with it - "

"He know?"


"Does he know... what that bastard tried ta do?"

"No." Chris responded, shocked. "I told you I wouldn't tell anyone, and I haven't."

"Then how was he gonna help me?" Before Larabee could respond, he pushed on. "Ya jist couldn't stand ta talk about it. Look at ya now, ya cain't even stand ta look at me."

Focusing his gaze on the distraught man, Chris said, "That's not... it's not what happened that's gotten to me. It's what I'm... it's what I'm thinking... feeling. Vin, I just didn't want it to get in the way."

"Then tell me! What are ya thinkin' an' feelin'?" He broke off, overcome by a bout of coughing.

"Ah, shit," Chris moved to the bedside, doing what he could to help Vin get the attack under control. For the next quarter hour the world shrank down to that room, that bed and that man. But, finally, with the medical staff's help, medication, and a change of bedding and clothing, things had quieted down. Finally Vin lay, as pale as the bedding, listless and exhausted, on the bed once more.

The younger man's eyes were closed, but the blond could tell he wasn't asleep. He wasn't about to say anything, however, concerned that anything he did say could start off another spell.

"What'd ya mean, Chris? What kept ya from talkin' to me 'bout Charlie?"

He was stuck. "Let's talk about it - "

"Now, Chris. Why cain't ya look at me? Been the same fer days, hell, maybe longer. Yer fine unless we get near ta what happened... then ya git like this. Stand-offish... cain't look at me... all I can figger is that ya don't wanna be 'round me—"

"No, damn it! All I want is to be around you! I can't stand to talk about Warren because the bastard hurt you... and all I want is to tear that son of a bitch into little pieces for hurting the man I love!"

It was out now, hanging in the air between them. He held his breath, waiting for a reaction. The reaction that would define the rest of his life.

The reaction was long in coming. Vin lay in the bed, staring at him for what seemed like hours. The silence was broken only by the faint sound of the oxygen that was helping the Texan breathe. Then, finally, "Ya... ya love me?"

Taking a deep breath, fearful of what the next word he said would do, Chris barely managed to whisper, "Yes."

Vin relaxed, seeming to nearly melt into the mattress. Then he smiled. "'Bout time."

Chris smiled. Then he chuckled. Finally both men began to laugh. Checking the hall to make certain they were alone, the big man came back and settled on the edge of the bed. Reaching out to stroke his hand down Tanner's cheek, he said softly, "Guess I'm slower than I thought."

"Reckon. Here I always thought you were the smart 'n." Vin reached up, folding his hand over the one caressing him. "It don't matter now, long's ya do love me."

"You feel the same way?"

"Hell, only since the day I met'cha."

Once more the two men were overcome by laughter. When they finally calmed, Vin seeming fine, Chris leaned forward. Capturing the warm, broad mouth, he delivered the first kiss the two men would share.

And he would do whatever he could to make sure that those kisses would continue for years to come.


After their discussion, it didn't take much to convince Vin to convalesce at the ranch. With some negotiation on Larabee's part, he was allowed to leave the hospital several days earlier than he would have otherwise.

Negotiation seemed to be the order of the day. Ezra's silver tongue was enlisted to explain Warren's death and Tanner's injuries. After a cursory investigation the death was deemed an accident occurring after Charlie had attacked Vin. It was the truth, after all, even if it wasn't the whole truth. Only three people knew that; one was dead and the other two would keep it to themselves.

For now.

Chris knew that none of this would be over until Vin had gotten closure. Vin recognized that he needed to deal with his feeling over the incident. But neither man was ready to face that quite yet. First they needed to get the younger man physically well.

And Chris Larabee intended to do that with a lot of tender loving care.

If he didn't kill the stubborn man first.

"Jesus, Tanner, would you calm down!?"

"I'm jist ready ta git outta here," Vin drawled. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, his left leg jiggling; the fingers of his right hand drumming on the bed table.

"And I'm ready for you to get out of here." Dr. Frank Gerry proclaimed as he entered the room.

Smiling, Larabee said, "Getting complaints from the nursing staff?"

"As usual. If I lose another good nurse to peds because of you guys, I'm going to fire you as patients."

"Ouch. I'll see if I can't hone their people skills."

"Their people skills?!"

"Yeah, okay, our people skills. Happy?"


"Hey, y'all mind cuttin' the chit-chat so I c'n git outta here?"

Frowning, Gerry said in a serious tone. "You know, Vincent, you're not sounding like yourself. Perhaps I should keep you - "

"Ha-ha. Don't make me laugh, Doc, I might have a relapse and be here, tormentin' yer nurses, fer a spell." He poured the accent on even thicker.

"In that case, let's see how quick we can get you out of here." He proceeded to give them both instructions, a job typically handled by the discharge nurse. However, with these men, he preferred to do it himself.

Vin would be taking home portable oxygen, primarily to use at night while he slept. He was also taking home three prescriptions which, Gerry informed them both, needed to be taken exactly as prescribed, down to the last pill.

He would be on sick leave for the next two weeks at which time, depending on his follow up appointment, he would return to light duty for at least a month, or remain on sick leave for another two weeks.

Wrapping up the instructions, Frank asked, "any questions?"

"Nope." Vin said quickly.

Chris matched Gerry raised eyebrow for eyebrow and simply shook his head. There was no way he was going to ask anything right now. If he needed to know something he'd call later.

"All right, consider yourself discharged. Take the wheelchair to the lobby at least; leave me my delusions that you actually listen to me."

With a smirk, Vin replied, "You been talkin' ta Nate?"

Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Frank Gerry, MD left the room without another word. Once again he wondered just what he had done to deserve every one of the ATF Team Seven members amongst his caseload.


By the time they rolled into the drive leading to Larabee's ranch, Vin was lolling like a big rag doll on the passenger seat. He had drifted in and out for the first half of the trip, but then had settled in for a true nap. Chris turned the music down low, both to make it quieter in the cab, and to listen for any respiratory problems his friend might have.

Parking the Ram at the end of the drive, as close to the back door as possible, Chris turned off the engine. Turning toward his companion, he reached out and brushed the unruly, chestnut locks that had fallen into the pale, but handsome, face. Softly he called out, "Hey, sleeping beauty, time to wake up."

Waking slowly and stretching in the seat, Vin asked, "Didn't Sleepin' Beauty get woke up with a kiss?"

"You're incorrigible," Nonetheless Larabee leaned over and pressed his lips against the smiling mouth.

A few minutes later found the two of them entering the house via the den. Chris was at Vin's elbow, even though the younger man seemed to be maneuvering just fine. Tanner did hesitate twice; once to stare at the barn, the second to stare out toward the hills. Each time the blond would stop beside him, not speaking, but only lending silent support, both emotional and physical.

They stopped a third time inside the den, Vin sighing contentedly. He leaned against the other man and said, "'S nice ta be out here."

"Home." When Vin turned a puzzled look his way, Chris said, "Home, Vin. I want you to think of this as home."

With a bashful grin, Tanner said, "Reckon I always have... jist didn't wanna..."

Cupping the square chin in his hand, Chris said, "Well, now you'd better wanna, okay? I want it to be your home, Vin. As long as you want it to be."

Smiling now, Tanner said, "How's forever sound?"

"Sounds good to me." He leaned in for another kiss, and only breaking off when he felt the body pressing against his shiver. "Come on, let's get you horizontal."

"That an offer?" Vin asked with an evil grin.

"You wish, Junior... you'd never make it through the preliminaries." Larabee started them toward the hall, deciding it wouldn't take an argument to get Tanner into the master bedroom.

"Now, don't be callin' me Junior, Ol' man... ya make me think 'a Bucklin, and I jist might not be able ta... hey, we jist passed the guest room."

"Mm hm."

"Why, Mister Larabee, what've ya got in mind?"

"Getting you into bed - "


"To rest. I have no intention of dragging your sorry ass back to the hospital and explaining why you keeled over."

"Ah, hell..."


They lay together on the big bed, watching a rebroadcast of the game played earlier. Vin was propped up on three pillows, bound and determined not to use the oxygen machine that sat beside him on the night stand. He was losing the battle, however, as the day's exertion was catching up with him.

"Damn it." He growled, nearly inaudibly.

Turning toward the other man, Chris said, "It's nothing to be upset about."

"The hell it ain't. Don't like the damn thing stickin' in my nose. It's a pain in the ass ta move with it. And, I jist don't... shit."

Muffling a chuckle, Chris replied, as sternly as he could, "We're not going to do anything, Vin. Not until the doctor gives you a clean bill of health. Period."

"Nothin'?" Tanner sounded like a petulant child.

"Maybe hold hands... cuddle..."

"Shit, ya sound like a girl, Larabee."

Moving until he was leaning over the other man, the blond punctuated each word with a kiss as he said, "I... am... not... a... girl."

"Mm. Reckon not. Ya need a shave - " The rest of his retort was lost as Chris began to kiss him in earnest. His mind began to reel with sensations he'd never known before.

By the time Vin recovered his senses, he found himself hooked up to the oxygen machine. "Ah, hell."

Turning off the television and settling them both into bed, Chris spooned up behind the younger man. He began to tenderly stroke his fingers through the long, chestnut locks, brushing gentle kisses along the finely chiseled face. "We've got all the time in the world, Vin Tanner."

"Mm... like the sound of that." Slowly the Texan drifted off to sleep.

Two weeks later

"Look, just because you're cleared for light duty, doesn't mean you're gonna do more than ride the desk, got it?" Chris glared sternly at the man who had become his lover during the last two weeks.

"I got it. 'Sides, ain't the desk I'm interested in ridin'." Vin grinned, reaching out to grab the other man's shirtfront.

Slapping Tanner's hand, Chris said, "Behave. It's Friday afternoon, not Saturday night."

Pouting, the Texan said, "Ya mean we're only gonna do 't once a week?"

"Until you're completely healed? Count yourself lucky if we do anything that often."

"Hell, Chris, I'm fine! Want me ta prove it?" Again, long fingered hands attempted to pull the other man closer.

"You're incorrigible." This time Larabee allowed himself to be moved. He wrapped his arms around the slender body and laid a kiss on a temple.

"Ya know," Tanner snuggled against the broad chest. "One 'a these days I'm gonna have ta look that word up... see if yer insultin' me or not."



"Shut up." He began to pull the other man along with him, heading toward the master bedroom... their room.

"Reckon I can do that."


Chris lay naked, sprawled out on the bed amongst the tangled bedding. Vin lay curled against him, head on his chest. Their first time at making love had been slow, gentle, fast, hard, amazing and exhilarating. Tanner had nearly passed out once or twice, his stamina hard pressed to keep up with his desires. But, despite his conviction to keep the younger man safe from himself, he had been tempted to begin again. They had spent most of the night exploring one another's bodies, learning one another's desires, and touching one another's souls.

He ran his fingers through long, perspiration soaked, tangled locks, listening to the easy breathing of his lover.


He had never expected to use that term again; not pertaining to himself. He still wasn't certain how it would all work, how he and Vin would manage two separate relationships; boss and subordinate at work and life partners the rest of the time.

As the soft words began, Chris knew that would have to take a back seat for now.

"No... Charlie... don't... I ain't... stop!"

"Sh, it's alright," He whispered as he continued his ministrations. Slowly, Vin calmed, finally falling more deeply asleep.

There were demons to face that had nothing to do with their beginning a love relationship. The Texan had only dealt with the attack on a very superficial level. The time was drawing near for him to face it square on; to banish those demons forever.

And he would be with him every step of the way.


"Right here. Go back to sleep."


He smiled at the trust inherent in that single word and in the way the other man relaxed so fully against him. The demons had been banished for now. And tomorrow, they would face them.


The End... For Now

PS: For those of you saying, "Wait! This can't be the end!" You're right. There is a therapy-heavy sequel in our future. Just not certain how soon.
