Spoilers: "Love and Honor"
Summary: Wall-Sex - for the Sassy-and-Sara-Wall-Sex Challenge, 2007
Pairing: Chris/Vin/Rafael
Warnings: Slash, some kink, a question of Vin's motivation - all the good stuff. . . . well, okay, most of the good stuff. Next time, I'll get the ropes and chains . .
Author's Notes : if you can't figure out the Spanish words, assume the worst - even though 'querido' means 'beloved'.
He hadn't meant to watch. He knew he wasn't meant to see.
They were just visible in the dim light cast by the late afternoon sun - in truth, had the sun not been as low as it was, it would never have reached into the corner of the small barn that was just visible if one was standing, as he was, off to one side of the door.
The pretty one, of course, the one with the wild blue eyes who had kept Inez from getting herself killed. The one with the smart mouth.
That mouth now . . . . yes, it could do things to a man, other than work his temper, he saw as it worked along Larabee's neck, biting and teasing and kissing. And moaning, making noises that needed no words.
But Larabee, El Magnifico, he was the one who held Rafael's eye, as he had from the start. There was strength there, and power.
La marica had used his charms to get the man's shirt off and what a sight it was - slick bare flesh, pale even in this light, but tight over muscles that were used to hard work. Rafael had seen the man use a gun, and a hammer. He wielded both expertly and his body showed it.
There were scars, as there should be - El Magnifico was a man of action and men of action bore the results. But they only enhanced his appeal and his power. Would that his Don's brat, Paulo, had understood that.
His action now was in getting rid of another shirt, which he did with the ease of long practice. What was between these two was not new, Rafael saw, and it made him smile. He had known the pretty one had fire, had seen it often enough these last few days. Had seen it last when El Magnifico was standing in the street, saved from death only by Rafael's own speed - and the betrayal of his Don. Indeed, the chica had been worried, but now Rafael recognized the other thing that had shown in those brilliant blue eyes - love.
And why not? El Magnifico commanded it, and so much more. He stood, his arms wrapped around la chica's slim waist, slimmer than it appeared under all those clothes he wore. Indeed, the young man was almost spare, and appeared younger without the armor of his cloth.
El Magnifico's hands were running over the tanned skin as though he owned it. But also treasured it. El Magnifico cared for his marica as well.
"Ya almost died," la marica said, his words rough, "if he hadn't been so fast - "
"Shhhh, Vin, it's all right." El Magnifico's hands rose to card through the thick curls, stilling the pretty one. They stared at each other, into each other's eyes in a way that made Rafael both aroused and ashamed for watching.
But he couldn't look away, not when all of that power, that presence, filled the small barn.
They kissed, soft at first, but blooming quickly to a heat that rivaled the mid-afternoon sun. La chica's mouth opened, accepting the offering of El Magnifico's attention, and his back arched in his own surrender.
One of El Magnifico's hands moved down, languidly, over the rangy body, until it cupped the firm ass. Their groins pressed together even tighter, and Rafael grinned at the low moans drawn from la chica's throat. He was a hot one, this marica, but with his fire, he would be a challenge that someone like El Magnifico needed. Someone to push against, to tame, but not break.
And la marica would not break. Bend, as he was now, backwards, and then, suddenly, forwards.
Rafael blinked with the surprise of it, the speed and grace with which la chica drew free of El Magnifico's grasp and fell to his knees. His hands reached for the gunbelt, but stayed just before touching, his hair swinging along his shoulder as his head tilted up in question. Of course he knew the rules, knew to ask before touching.
El Magnifico smiled down at him, his own hands finding their way back into the long strands of hair as he nodded. Rafael carefully took a step forward, entering the barn. The view was better here.
The gunbelt came off with efficient movements, but la chica was not stupid; he drew it quickly to rest across his knees, close for both of them. Even here, in the privacy of his own land, El Magnifico protected himself, and his marica did as well.
Rafael almost laughed. Of course there was always danger - was he not standing here, unknown to them, watching them? Had he not first met El Magnifico while crossing his land in the company of his patron's useless son who had tried to have El Magnifico killed - on his own land, so they could simply take his horse?
But his humor evaporated in a wave of lust as those deft fingers jerked at the opening of the black pants, freeing the proof of El Magnifico's need. Like the man, it was slender, solid, and determined.
La chica took it one slow advance, stretching with an elegance that showed every tendon of his strong neck and rounded his taut cheeks to thin hollows. The sight was so sensuous that Rafael gasped in painful need.
And found himself staring into the barrels of two guns.
Both Americanos were breathing fast, the marica's hand trembling slightly but not enough to spoil his aim, not at this distance.
El Magnifico was steady as always, his gaze cold. He was, indeed, a man of great strength for he stood tall and deadly, even with his pants open and his pinga hanging out.
But still quite proud.
"You feel like dying today?" El Magnifico asked softly.
Rafael stood for a few seconds, gauging the other man's mood. La marica's trembling had stopped, but his hold on the gun was still tight. "Today is as good as any other," he answered with a tilt of his head.
El Magnifico's lips quirked slightly but the steel remained in his voice. "Enjoying yourself?"
Rafael held out his arms, away from his body. "My clothing is as fitted as yours, senor. The answer, I think, is clear."
El Magnifico's gaze was quick but heavy as it moved over his body and back up. La marica's eyes didn't waver from Rafael's face, however, and he wondered how well these two really knew each other. It was if they thought exactly alike - and knew it.
El Magnifico didn't seem to move at all, certainly the gun did not lower, but the level of tension in the room eased a bit.
"What are you doing here?" Still El Magnifico; la marica knew his place.
Rafael took a deep breath. There was no real way to answer that because he had come here to do - almost what he was doing.
"Looking for you," he said simply. "I thought perhaps I could convince you to ride with me." He looked to la marica, not surprised to see those supple lips thinning into an angry line. "I see that it would be two of you I would have to convince." He hesitated, but not for long. "I apologize for my intrusion. But I cannot, in good faith, apologize for my enjoyment of what I saw." He glanced again to the pretty one. "Your chinga is quite talented."
La marica stiffened, lips curling into a snarl, but again, it was El Magnifico who answered.
"He's not my chinga," he said quietly, almost spitting the last word. "He's mi querido."
Rafael tried not to let the confusion show in his eyes. He must have failed, for he saw the annoyance in the green eyes meeting his. "If any other man had seen what you did, he'd be dead now."
Rafael nodded his understanding. "You would kill to protect his honor."
"I'd kill to protect him," he said, and Rafael knew it was as simple as that.
"I will tell no one," Rafael said softly. "You have my word."
They stood for a few seconds, studying each other, then El Magnifico nodded, once. He lowered his gun and shifted his weight, his posture loosening.
La marica wasn't as forgiving, Rafael noticed peripherally. His gun dropped a few inches, but the barrel was still pointed at him. He still wore his gunbelt, the leather tie at his thigh pulled tight against the tensed muscle as he crouched on the floor.
"Ain't much need of talking," El Magnifico said conversationally. "I'm not ready to leave yet." He gestured around with the hand not holding his revolver. "Got all this to look after."
Rafael smiled. "You do not seem like a man ready to settle into one place," he said. "This is a pleasant diversion, but you are not a man who is ready for home."
He knew he had said the wrong thing, moreso at the way la marica stiffened and his gun came back up. But El Magnifico had changed as well, the tightness returning.
"Don't push, Rafael," he said softly. "I don't like to be pushed."
"Again, my apologies, senor." He was sincere, he had meant no offense. "Perhaps, then, there is something else I can do to convince you?"
It was the other man's turn to be confused, and it showed on his face as well. It wasn't an expression he wore well, nor was it one Rafael particularly liked there. But he was pleased to see that he had some advantage over the man, slight though it might be.
"Don't have no one who needs killing," El Magnifico said, his lips quirking again. "And I don't think your honor - or mine - would allow you to do anything illegal. You offering to help me build fences?"
The idea was so ludicrous that Rafael couldn't stop the laugh. El Magnifico laughed as well, leaving the pretty one to finally lower his gun and stand. His face was grim, his jaw clenched, and he seemed to grow angry as they laughed.
"No, senor, I fear my talents do not extend to fence-building," he said. He glanced to la marica - Vin, he tried to tell himself. "Send him on," he said. "I can see to your . . . needs."
El Magnifico's face showed shock, Rafael noticed, but it was the only observation he could make before he was shoved hard. His back hit the wall of the barn and he barely checked his hand as it closed on his gun.
"Fuck you!" la chica yelled into his face, his eyes brilliant in their fury. "I ain't no whore to be sent away - "
"Vin, Vin," El Magnifico was behind the smaller man, then between them, his hand pushing at the bare chest of Rafael's attacker. "It's all right," he continued to sooth, "you know he doesn't understand."
"He ain't gotta understand that he ain't welcome here," la marica shot back, his eyes still blazing as they turned on El Magnifico. "And that you ain't interested in being shared."
Rafael knew he now wore the shock, that this boy - no matter how pretty and dangerous - would brave speaking to El Magnifico this way.
And his shock grew as El Magnifico, instead of striking him as he should have, merely stood between them, letting his hand move up to cup la marica's jaw. "Weren't you the one who mentioned that he saved my life today?" The words were quiet, Rafael barely heard them.
But they had an effect; the smaller man's anger ebbed a bit, and the sawed off rifle he had been holding in both hands, as a sort of club, dropped to rest across his hips.
"Fine," la marica snapped, "we're even - you saved his life just now."
El Magnifico chuckled and took a step closer to his chica. Rafael watched in appreciation as the planes in his back shifted sinuously when he leaned down to rub his cheek along the other man's. "I love you, Vin," he said with the tone of man placating his woman before leaving for the nearest saloon. "Don't worry."
But la marica wasn't stupid, Rafael noted and even though he didn't say anything, he didn't stand down either.
El Magnifico sighed, canting his head to kiss the anger-lined forehead, before turning around to face Rafael. It occurred to the Mexican that he should have been honored that El Magnifico would turn his back to start with. But then again, la marica looked ready to kill him and those beautiful eyes had never been far away from him, so perhaps El Magnifico hadn't been doing him any honors. And El Magnifico had stated that he knew that Rafael wouldn't shoot him in the back; it was not the way of their code.
"That's a very generous offer," he said with a smile. "Under other circumstances, I would consider it."
Rafael arched an eyebrow, pleased. He saw the flash of an answering desire in the other's eyes, but past him, he saw the darkening thunder of la marica. "A shame, then, that I interrupted what I did."
The corner of El Magnifico's lip twitched, and Rafael knew he agreed.
"It is a shame," El Magnifico mused, his eyes shining a little, "that we will never know who is the . . . faster."
Rafael laughed again. He reached out, letting his arm fall of the other man's bare shoulder. The skin was sticky with sweat, but slick, and pliant beneath his finger tips.
"In some things, speed is not a good thing, no?" he asked, his voice dropping a little.
He heard la marica hiss, saw him start forward, but El Magnifico was the one who caught his arm and pulled it gently down between them. "No, sometimes speed isn't. Nor is timing." But Rafael's hand brushed against the hot erection, again at its strongest, and knew that it was no accident.
"Perhaps I have not made myself clear," he said, keeping his gaze on El Magnifico's even as his arm was released. "I could also offer my attentions to your compadre."
He wasn't quite certain what reaction he saw in the other man's eyes, but la marica was definitely startled.
"After all," he continued, his words easy, "we would need someone to judge, no?"
El Magnifico stared at him for a few seconds, then smiled.
La marica couldn't see his face, but something in the other man's body must have changed, for he said, "Chris, I ain't interested - "
"Hush," El Magnifico ordered. His tone was gentle, but there was no mistaking the command in the word. "Rafael, that's an interesting proposition," he continued, shifting a little to the right so that he was more decidedly between Rafael and the pretty one. "What did you have in mind?"
What he had had in mind was the kind of sex two men like them had - hard, fast, a fight for domination that ended in both of them finding release in the most intense manner imaginable.
But that was the kind of sex two men of their power and abilities had - and enjoyed. The kind of sex they would have if they shared la marica -
"No." La chica was angry now, but this time, it was at El Magnifico. "You want him, go on, then," he spat. He whipped around, his long legs covering half the small barn's length before El Magnifico caught him by the shoulder.
Rafael watched and waited, both amused and confused by the way El Magnifico allowed this pretty one to behave.
"Just calm down," El Magnifico commanded, using his hands, careful with the one still holding his revolver, to force the smaller man to face him. "This ain't about me and him, Vin, he's willing for it to be all three of us. Wants it to be all three of us."
La marica stared at him, those eyes as big as a senorita's showing every thought in his lovely head. His thoughts were not as lovely as his face. "I ain't interested - "
"You sure?" The commanding voice was more a purr now, and one hand, the one without the gun, dropped to the junction of the young man's legs. "Seems to be you got something needs some attention - "
"Not from him," la marica snapped, but his body swayed a bit, responding to a touch it knew well.
El Magnifico leaned in a little closer, his body rubbing against his lover's. "Would be good, Vin," he said so softly that Rafael barely heard it. "You, me, him, one time. Right here, right now. He'll be gone afterwards, nothing to compete with. One time."
"Ya bored with me already?" These words were whispered, and Rafael didn't hear them so much as understand them in the desperation bleeding from the somber face.
El Magnifico stopped all movement, letting his gaze catch the other's. This answer Rafael did not hear, he wasn't supposed to. But he saw the care with which la marica was pulled into an embrace, the intent with which his lips were sought out and kissed, his body worshipped.
It would, indeed, be only one time, he knew, if at all. La marica was not the passing whim of a strong man. He was a mate, perhaps the only one.
And he understood also, and with no little disquiet, that he and El Magnifico would not be sharing la chica, it was he who would be shared by them.
The negotiation took a while, mostly, Rafael assumed, because la marica had to be convinced that his place was unchallenged. It ended as he had known it would - El Magnifico pulling his lover against him, then looking past him to Rafael. La marica - Vin, was not happy, Rafael knew, but he would do as he was told. Who could argue with El Magnifico?
Rafael might, he thought with a smile of his own, but not yet. Who knew what the night would bring?
As if sensing his thought, El Magnifico grinned at him, one eyebrow arching in a sort of challenge.
There was little need for talk, Rafael reaching for the buckle on his gunbelt even as he walked toward the corner of the barn where this had all started. The sun was still up enough to cast the long shadows of early evening, but as he gathered his gunbelt, he noticed that El Magnifico was taking the time to light a lantern that was set on a nail high in the wall. He set it low, no need to waste oil, but best to have it lit.
Vin stood off to one side, having not moved from where he had stood during El Magnifico's talk with him, except to face the other two men. The rifle was still in his hands as a club, his hands alternately flexing with tension.
"Vin?" El Magnifico's call was gentle but firm.
La marica's eyes were still on Rafael, but now unexpressive. He really didn't want this, Rafael realized, and a part of him worried; he didn't wish the younger one to be forced, even if it might be to his pleasure.
"Vin?" The call was stronger this time, less patient.
La marica moved as if through sludge, but he did move, walking toward his leader. El Magnifico took the rifle from his hands, as careful with it as he had been with his own gun which now lay on a nearby wooden crate. He lay the shotgun beside it, then nodded to Rafael that he could place his gunbelt as well. Rafael laid it down carefully, then placed his hat and coat to the side distractedly; his attention was still on El Magnifico, who was watching his lover.
The Americano didn't say anything, just tapped the buckle of Vin's gunbelt. The younger man's fingers followed the direction, first untying the leather strap around his thigh then removing the belt itself. Despite himself, Rafael was fascinated by the supple fingers that worried loose the knot, then the play of tendons in the ropy forearms. This one wasn't just pretty, he was, like El Magnifico, a force in his own right.
And the key, Rafael knew, to getting what he wanted.
As la marica set aside his gunbelt, Rafael did something rare for him; he dropped to his knees before the pretty one - who wasn't prepared for it. Startled, he stepped back and almost tripped over the hay bail. Rafael's hands caught at his bony hips, allowing him balance.
He was first aware of the heat of the young one's body, a wet warmth that smelled of the desert and sun and life. Then the flat lines of the man - his body had no excess, every inch composed of muscle or bone. Nothing soft about this one, and Rafael knew that the body spoke of the life it had lived. La marica didn't trade on his looks, not now.
He placed his hands on each side of the buttons of the brown pants, looking to El Magnifico before going farther. As with a man's gunbelt, a wise man also made no assumptions about a man's chinga.
El Magnifico was watching, of course, a look in his eye that Rafael knew well. He gave a slight shrug, permission, but not. "Vin?" he asked, and Rafael looked up to find sad eyes staring down at him.
Vin said nothing, just blinked slowly in surrender.
The disquiet jostled Rafael again, but he ignored it as he tugged open the thick fabric.
La marica wasn't erect, not fully, but he wasn't completely opposed to the situation. It may have been El Magnifico's hand on him mere moments ago, but Rafael took advantage of what he had, his touch light but knowing. He tugged carefully at first, not wanting to intimidate, and when he saw the first signs of his success, he bent closer, blowing over the filling head.
He heard the soft gasp above him and knew he was succeeding.
Vin wasn't as impressive as El Magnifico, more slender and shorter, but he was just as proud. Rafael was reluctant, both at the idea and at the cock, but he had broken one trust today, which was already one too many.
The small cry he heard as his lips closed around the swollen flesh gave him satisfaction. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that El Magnifico was appreciative as well, one of his hands stroking himself lightly.
He knew better than to try what la marica had been doing before - he was long out of practice at this sport, and he had never been especially good at it. So he used his tongue instead, appreciating the musky taste that dropped from the small slit at the end, the softness of the sensitive skin.
Another soft cry from above, and the body under his hands jerked, wanting to thrust yet trying not to. Trying to give nothing of himself away.
A soft step on the hay-strewn floor and El Magnifico was behind, one hand around his lover's chest, the other rubbing lazily over that long throat. La marica's head fell back, rolling on El Magnifico's shoulder, and Rafael pictured them this way, knew that El Magnifico often took the younger man from behind, holding him up while taking his own pleasure. No, he corrected as those hands roamed over the burnished chest and belly, stopping at every scar and hurt, loving the man while taking his own pleasure. El Magnifico knew this body as he knew his own, perhaps better. The evidence was in the attention he gave to certain places only they knew, the way he coaxed and guided the one in his arms toward completion.
"Need ya," la marica moaned as Rafael sucked him a little deeper, flicking at the underside of the slender shaft. He found the pulse point and trilled it, and la marica couldn't stop the snap of his hips.
"It's all right, Vin," he heard El Magnifico sooth, "go on, let it go."
He worked a little faster, the body under his hands coiling; la chica was close now, but still holding back.
"Need ya in me," he heard the whine, and almost smiled. It wasn't true, he knew how close Vin was. And he could tell by the soft smile he caught when he glanced up that El Magnifico knew it as well. La marica was afraid, afraid of losing El Magnifico's attentions, but perhaps more afraid of losing himself.
He saw something move, and after a second or two, knew that El Magnifico's hand was on his lover's face - no, in that smart mouth. He could see it in his mind, those deadly fingers being laved and suckled with the same concentration he was giving the cock in his mouth. The thought of it made his own erection throb against his pants and he groaned himself.
The vibration drew a stifled whimper from la marica, and a soft chuckle from El Magnifico.
A button dragged against Rafael's cheek, and he used one hand to help El Magnifico tug the rough pants down. Vin whimpered again, this time more clearly, as the fingers in his mouth were withdrawn, then he moaned long and low as they found a new place in his body.
No, not new, Rafael almost laughed, they had been here before; they found what they were looking for with the precision of long practice.
El Magnifico set the pace and Rafael followed; la marica was trapped between them, his supple body strung tighter and tighter as they played two different but complementary notes, tuning him to a pitch that finally shattered when El Magnifico added the one last accompaniment, capturing a pointed nipple and twisting just enough.
Rafael took the wash of seed eagerly - the taste was strong but not too bitter, this release not the first one of the day. He imagined that El Magnifico had had need of his chinga this morning, tense with anticipation of the early battle, and he understood now that any pleasure the man took would be shared with his lover. He was generous, maybe to a fault.
But those were thoughts for later, when he was alone. Now, he paid extra attention to the placement of the softening cock, nestling it carefully in the folds of cloth before rising to his feet.
El Magnifico held la marica closely, murmuring something in his ear between soft kisses to his cheek. La marica's arms were folded over El Magnifico's where they rested on his heaving body, a soft trap, Rafael knew.
But El Magnifico was not a man to trifle with. With a patience Rafael rarely saw in a man of his ability, the Americano guided his lover to a pile of hay nearby. A blanket lay folded on it, tossed, by the look of it, perhaps earlier, when they had first arrived, and El Magnifico sat the younger man on it, holding him up with one hand while spreading the blanket out as best he could with the other. He leaned in again, whispering something, then withdrew slowly, rising to face Rafael.
The smile he wore now was not a lover's smile, but it was smile that promised danger and heat and sex.
Rafael felt the same smile spread across his face.
"Take your shirt off," El Magnifico commanded, and Rafael straightened in defiance. But the other man shook his head. "I don't want to have an unfair advantage," he explained, waving one hand toward his own state of undress.
Rafael laughed, understanding. But as he reached for the bolero at his throat, he said, "You already have the advantage, if your chi- your querido is any indication. I suspect you have the advantage of a more recent . . . encounter - this morning, perhaps?"
El Magnifico laughed as well, but his gaze was appreciative as he watched Rafael toss the tie to land on his jacket, then start to unbutton his shirt.
"Just like a gun fight, it's all in the moment," he said. "'Course, I also started before you this evening. Vin's got one hell of a touch."
Rafael laughed as well, pulling his shirt from his arms and dropping it to the rest of his clothes.
They stood staring at each other for a while, Rafael heating under the other man's gaze. The green eyes noted every scar on him as he noted every one on the other man. They were both warriors, both tested on the field of battle.
As in a gun fight, they both knew when the instant was upon them. The first clash was jarring, both grasping for purchase on sweat-slick skin. El Magnifico was as trim as his chinga, and Rafael's hands finally caught on the notched curve just above his hips. A second later, El Magnifico reciprocated with a bruising latch on his upper arms, pinning him in place. Their chests ground against each other, as did their mouths, a battle of dominance fought not so much with violence as with will.
El Magnifico's tongue swiped across Rafael's lips, demanding entry. At first, he resisted, using his own tongue to counter, until he felt the other man tense. Of course, he thought, and he opened his mouth, allowing the other to fall into it. There was a startled huff of air and flash of heat - anger; Rafael tasted of la marica, a taste El Magnifico knew and, now, resented. He did not share well, even though it had been his idea.
Or he wanted more, maybe; El Magnifico knotted a hand into Rafael's hair, trying to plunder his mouth, to control him. Rafael twisted, trying to gain his own advantage, and they rolled together, a sort of dance that ended when El Magnifico hit the wall.
The impact stunned them both, but only for a second. Rafael recovered first, taking the advantage by pushing past the other man's teeth and tasting bitter coffee, sweet cheroot, and the soft musk of la marica's sweat. He pressed in hard against his opponent, his erection heavy against the other's.
El Magnifico grunted, pushing back against Rafael, but not with his hands. Those were around Rafael's back, holding so tightly that Rafael had trouble drawing breath. They stayed locked together, time undefined, tongues and cocks demanding, until Rafael's vision dimmed and he burst away, needing air.
El Magnifico chuckled, but it was airy too, harsh as he panted. One hand dropped to Rafael's groin, cupping the bulge there and squeezing.
Rafael couldn't stop his instinct to grind and he heard the noise he made - a sort of burp that came not from his belly but far lower.
His pants were finally, blessedly, fumbled open and he almost came with the relief of the pressure.
"So - shall we see who is faster?" El Magnifico rumbled, his fingers wrapping around Rafael's shaft and pulling him free.
Rafael smiled into the other man's eyes, his hand finding the slender erection so near his own.
They started slow, a battle of dexterity and observation as keen as any gun fight. They watched each other closely, looking for any sign that a certain touch, a certain angle, caused a distraction or loss of control. Rafael saw it when the calloused tip of his thumb brushed past the center of the flare of El Magnifico's thick head; he knew that his opponent saw it when he tightened a little roughly, drawing on the loose skin of his shaft.
The tempo increased, their bodies torn between the pleasure of the hands on them and the commands of their minds. There was a certain level of surrender - both men knew that as with the drawing of a weapon, the trick was in convincing your opponent to hesitate, to wait. One had to appear to drop one's guard - to relax. To enjoy.
It was in the balancing of control and desire that the battle would be won or lost.
They teased and taunted and watched, at times drawing the other to the edge, but coming too close themselves and being forced to back away. The air around them grew heavy with the scent of sweat and musk and sex, their hands grew slick with it. El Magnifico made little noises that told of his need, while Rafael found it harder and harder to keep his eyes focused, to keep the friction of his hand separate from the friction on his cock.
El Magnifico ghosted a sound - "Vin," it seemed, and Rafael pulled a little faster. The man under him tensed, strained, pulling harder at him, a strong tug, the slight burn of too much touch -
Rafael lost his concentration, and the wave took him over the edge. From far away he heard the soft whimper of El Magnifico and thought it might have been a draw, but his body's release overwhelmed all else.
He came back to find himself held tightly against the other man, his cock softening and dripping between then, their groins sticky with seed. His seed only, though, he observed fuzzily. The other man's erection pressed against him, throbbing and hot enough to burn.
When he could gather enough strength, he grinned and tried to stand. For a second, El Magnifico resisted, his arms straining. He spoke, a slight whisper against Rafael's ear. "Wish we had more time. I'd like to . . . . test you more."
He shifted, helping Rafael to gain his balance, then pushing himself off the wall. Rafael shook his head as he tucked himself in. "It would seem that this time, senor, I am the faster."
El Magnifico laughed, pulling a rag from a nearby board and tossing it to Rafael. The rag smelled of saddle oil, and it left slick trails in its wake, but it was better than the itch it wiped away.
"Who knows what another day might bring?" the Americano said casually, his own need still bright in his eyes.
But before Rafael could answer, la marica was between them, silent, but tense. This time he was the one facing Rafael, and the fire in eyes had nothing to do with want - unless the want was to see Rafael dead.
"Vin," El Magnifico's hands slipped over the bare shoulders, pulling la marica back against him, "don't be rude."
"Want him gone," the chica said shortly, his voice more hoarse than Rafael had yet heard it.
"Not very neighborly," El Magnifico smiled, letting his nose nuzzle into the thick curls. "Not after what he did for you. The least we can do is let him stay the night - "
"He goes or I go." There was steel in his voice, and Rafael knew it for what it was - a line that El Magnifico would have to cross or back away from.
The idea skittered across his mind that it would be nice if El Magnifico crossed that line - now, it was even more obvious to him that they would enjoy riding together.
The same thought passed through the other man, he saw it in the sharp line of his jaw as it locked for a second.
But even as it tried to take root and they looked into the possibility, they both rejected it. They would have a good time together, there was no doubt. But they would also fight each other, for both were leaders, not followers. At some point, the fun would turn to anger.
La marica, however, didn't know that, and Rafael held a new respect for him. He was, indeed, a force of his own, and one that would not be played a fool.
He bowed his head to the pretty one, then stepped over to his clothing. He had saved El Magnifico from having to acknowledge the line - but he suspected it was only a delay. La marica would not compromise on a statement of claim.
As he drew on his shirt, buttoning it into place, El Magnifico spoke to his chinga, his words quiet but audible.
"You know my place is with you, and your place is here with me. No one's going to take that from you." There was a pause and a soft shuffle of steps. "He can stay in the barn - it's late, and I would hope that he's tired. He'll leave at first light."
There was a soft noise, and Rafael looked over his shoulder. He wasn't terribly surprised to find El Magnifico's hands moving over the slender chest, stroking the hard nipples while his mouth worked the strong jaw.
It was then that Rafael understood. La marica was a force to be reckoned with - strong, determined, and deadly, a man who could and would protect those he cared for and those he felt deserved it. He was the man who had faced down Don Paulo and Rafael himself to protect Inez and to protect his friends.
But one touch from his patron - from El Magnifico - and he would capitulate. Not entirely; he had his own standards, but he would give some ground.
They swayed together, El Magnifico's hips moving in a smooth, lazy circle, his cock nestled in the cleft it called home. La marica had buttoned his pants, but El Magnifico unbuttoned them again, with as much confidence as he had before.
"No, Chris," the chica mumbled, "not here, not - "
"He lost, Vin, to me, and most of all, to you. Let him watch. Let him see what he's missing." El Magnifico followed his words with a brush of his teeth on the ridge of muscle over the collar bone, and his lover almost whined. The green eyes met Rafael's and he saw the playfulness in them - and the lust. El Magnifico liked to show off, both his own prowess and his lover. He was a proud man, with every reason to be.
Fortunately for him, Rafael liked to watch, especially something this pretty.
He moved silently over to the blanket on the hay stack, settling as comfortably as possible. El Magnifico worked his magic on the man in his arms, moving them as well, but back to the wall itself. At first, Rafael thought he was going to turn la marica against it, and it saddened him. He wanted to see more of those eyes, more of that sweet body strung long in lust and need and finally abandon.
But he was delighted to find that El Magnifico had a better plan; as he had with Rafael, the Americano braced his own back against the wall, keeping the pretty one tight against him. His legs were bent slightly at the knee - enough to give him leverage.
The pants came down, El Magnifico taking care to draw the chica's erection - so soon, Rafael smiled, he was indeed younger than he looked - out before it could be hurt. He didn't push them far, not wanting to awaken the pretty one from his state of distraction.
For the first time Rafael got a look at the one El Magnifico claimed, and he approved. La marica's thighs were as chiseled as El Magnifico's, his body fine and cut from working and living rough. Hours in the saddle had rounded his ass to a fine flex of muscle that begged to be touched and held - and parted, as El Magnifico did now, searching for his own fit.
One finger slid in easily, as before, then two, and la marica moaned, driving back. Rafael smiled at the neediness, and caught El Magnifico smiling as well. This one would make any man happy.
"Need you," Vin begged, and Rafael knew he had completely forgotten where he was and who he was with - other than El Magnifico. "Chris, please, now."
No, he would never have said those things had he remembered he was on display.
But El Magnifico was not to be commanded, not even in something that he wanted. He stretched around the other man, taking the erection in hand, matching rhythm and thrust to that of the fingers inside. Soon, la chica was almost sobbing his need, his body lost to the twin torments waged on him. His arms fell back around El Magnifico's neck and his hips jerked to his master's whims.
But El Magnifico was strung tight as well, and Rafael knew the breaking point was coming. He was not surprised when the motions slowed and then broke off, El Magnifico distracted by a quest for something on the floor.
Saddle oil, Rafael recognized, and remembered the rag from earlier.
This was apparently familiar as well, as the Americano opened it deftly with one hand, the other still pumping, though erratically, the cock it held. He even managed to drop a little on himself and set the bottle aside without knocking it over, a feat that was as much a sign of his talent as the shots he had fired over the past two days.
Rafael noted with way El Magnifico closed his own eyes when he touched himself, and Rafael looked for the signs he had missed earlier. The way he chewed at his lower lip, holding back any noise; the way his breathing hitched, catching for a second before resuming; the way the muscles of his upper arms strained as he fought not to pull too hard or too quickly.
He shifted, leaning forward to change his lover's angle, positioning himself. La marica trembled, arching more, then with a soft cry, he pushed back, fast and deliberate.
It was shocking, Rafael thought - and worried; it had to hurt - no matter how prepared -
But the look of determination quickly changed to rapture on the sweet face, and it set aside his concerns. Behind Vin, Rafael noted that El Magnifico had had a flash of anxiety as well, but it was replaced now by a look of intense concentration, and he wondered at the self-control of this man.
La marica moved, pulling forward, and El Magnifico gasped. It would not be long this time, and Rafael thought they might have a little competition of their own. If so, la marica was winning, his limber body setting the pace and tone of their joining.
But El Magnifico would not give up without some fight of his own. He pulled the other against him, his mouth finding the well-worn path along that neck, one hand finding a vulnerable nipple. He bit and pinched at the same time that he pulled the rigid cock and la marica exploded with the fury of one who had not known release for months.
He was - magnificent, Rafael thought. Head high, body taut and wild, untamed beauty held fast by only the hand of one man.
And that man was lost as well, his body straining to push as much of itself as possible into the haven of its mate, lost in the heart of the primal storm.
It was a gift he knew he could never repay, a trust he would hold dear for the rest of his life. The only return he could give was the illusion of privacy, and the hope that la marica would, indeed, forget he had been there.
He eased from the barn as quietly as possible, deciding to accept the gracious offer of El Magnifico to stay the night in the sanctuary they had so recently shared. Thus, when the two men walked into the falling dusk a short while later, he was brushing his horse, his saddle and saddle bags on the ground nearby.
"Hay in the barn," El Magnifico said unnecessarily, but it was an invitation. "Use it as you will."
"Gracias," Rafael glanced to him and nodded.
The other man had donned his shirt but not buttoned it, and it fluttered lightly in the faint breeze. His gunbelt was tight around his hips though, and his hat was settled on his back, the strings of it tight against his throat.
La marica stood a little farther away, and Rafael didn't look to him at first, unsure of his mood. He noted that he was more dressed, his red shirt on and buttoned all the way to his neck, and his buckskin jacket was on as well, though not buttoned or belted as he had worn it these past few days. His gunbelt was also in place, and Rafael felt a sting of disappointment that he had missed seeing him strap it to his thigh.
Unlike El Magnifico, the tanned skin of the pretty one still held the blush of passion, and Rafael wondered if he knew how seductive he looked in the aftermath.
As if reading his mind, El Magnifico said, "Vin, we got any cheese left? And any of Nettie's bread?"
La marica stood for a second, then with a snort of irritation, he turned and stomped across the yard toward the cabin. When he was well enough away, Rafael said very quietly, "He will make you pay for this."
El Magnifico laughed. "God, I hope so."
Rafael laughed as well. Come morning, he would be gone, but maybe one day he would be back. Who knew what the day might bring?End