Author's Note: My response to Carla's, It Ain't Right from which several lines shamelessly stolen. Go ahead, try to sue me!
Dean woke to his brother's cry and immediately went to his side. "Sam?" he called, grabbing the younger man's shoulders and giving them a shake. "Sammy!"
But Sam didn't reply. Watching as his brother brought his hands to his head, fingers digging into his temples as his body rocked back and forth, Dean knew Sam was in the midst of another vision. "Dammit. . ."
He and Dean were in Denver, Colorado, of all places. Walking along a city street. Only he was seeing them through another's eyes. . . through the scope of a rifle. They were right in the center of the crosshairs. . .
No! Dean!
He felt the satisfaction in the shooter. . . saw himself and Dean lying on the sidewalk, blood pooling around their bodies. . .felt the sick satisfaction. . . the sexual. . .need. . .in the man's mind.
Dean watched helplessly as the vision ravaged his brother's body - his breathing bordering on hyperventilation.
"Sammy? Come on, Dude, you're starting to scare me here." Then Dean became confused as Sam's groans of pain and fear turned more carnal - as if he were having sex - and he dared to look toward Sam's groin. "Whoa, Sammy, now you're really scaring me."
"Oh, God, Vin. You didn't?"
"Oh yeah, Cowboy. I sure as hell did."
He saw the two men - Vin - he was the shooter - the one that killed him and Dean. He wanted to kill him. He needed to, if he was to keep himself and Dean alive. They were in a house - on a ranch somewhere outside Denver.
He saw as the other one - Chris - watched Vin sucking down a beer. It was the most erotic thing the man had seen in a while. His pants were getting tight just thinking of Vin sucking him, like he was that bottle. Oh yeah. What Vin did tonight, it was so right.
Sam saw his and Dean's bodies again - splayed out on the sidewalk for anyone to see - the police and media showing up to gawk, to see their dead, broken bodies. . .
No! No!
"Easy, Sammy," Dean soothed, seeing the change in his brother's reaction to the vision - the fear and dread and pain back. "Come on, bro, snap out of it," he begged.
"Ya can't let us fuck like rabbits day in and day out, and then just cut us off. Hell, that's just plain wrong, Pard. It's just plain wrong."
The blond clearly didn't know what to say. Vin was right. Right about everything.
"I figured the only way to get things back to normal was to fix it myself, so I tracked 'em down, and had them in my sight," the shooter said.
Dean sighed in relief when Sam finally opened his eyes, his breathing slowing.
"Dean!" Sam cried in relief, grabbing onto his older brother, hugging him fiercely. "Oh, God! Dean! We have to go to Denver!"
"What? What's going on, Sammy? What's happening in Denver?"
"They're gonna kill us! He's gonna shoot us and we're gonna die, just so they can fuck each other!" Sam shouted, rising from the bed so quickly that he lost his balance.
Dean quickly caught him and shoved him back down to sit on the bed. "Whoa, whoa. Dude! What are you talking about? What did you see?" he asked.
"These two guys - one guy - he shoots us! I mean, he hunts us down - has us in the crosshairs of his rifle and shoots us - on purpose!" Sam replies excitedly, pushing past Dean to get up again and go to his duffel bag.
"Sounds like we need to stay away from Denver, then - not go to Denver!" Dean retorts, giving his little brother a look that says, "Duh!"
Sam stops and turns toward Dean. "I know. But. . . these guys - the shooter and another guy - Vin and Chris are their names. . . They're. . ." How did he explain this to Dean? "They're lovers. Or they were, until we came along. Well, they really never stopped being lovers; just they stopped having sex so much and-"
"Wait a minute, wait a minute!" Dean interrupted, coming to stand in front of Sam. "What the fuck are you talking about, Sam? And why do I need to know about two guys fucking each other??" Not that I haven't tried it. . . it's fun and hot and. . . "Sam?"
Sam sighs and drops his duffel back onto the bed just before he sits down next to it. "Somehow, some. . .way, this guy Vin thinks that we've been interfering with his sex life." He holds up his hand, stopping Dean from interrupting him, saying, "I know - crazy as it seems. . . but that seems to be the way of thinking. That these guys somehow think that as long as we're around, they can't have sex."
"That's bullshit!" Dean replied.
"I know. That's why we do have to go to Denver. To talk to these guys and convince them that we aren't any threat to them - that we can coexist in this world - that we can each have lives and they can fuck like. . . fucking bunnies. . . if that's what they want, and we won't stop them."
"And if we just ignore your vision and don't go to Denver?" Dean asked.
"I get the feeling that this Vin guy would hunt us down anywhere, anytime, to get what he wants," Sam replied. He smiled unconsciously, remembering the feeling he got from the man. "He's one horny dude."
Dean nodded his head, understanding completely. "Never come between a guy and his. . .guy."00000
Dean and Sam pulled the Impala over and parked on one of Denver's side streets.
"This is where he lives?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. You'd think some guy on the government payroll could afford better," Sam replied. "You sure about this? I mean, this isn't our usual gig," he added.
Dean nodded his head, but put a hand to Sam's arm, preventing his brother from getting out of the car yet. "Sam," he started. He blew out a breath. "I. . .uh. . ."
Sam smiled. "Dean," he said, his eyes and voice showing understanding. "I know it's not my usual gig. I know about. . . you know. . .you going both. . . how you. . ."
"Dude. I got it. You got it," Dean said, stopping Sam's stammering.
"Let's do this," Dean said and grabbed one of the backpacks from the back seat of the car before getting out.
The two brothers walked around the block to the apartment building where Vin Tanner lived. Then they walked around to the back of the building and began climbing the stairs.
When they reached Tanner's floor, they quietly stole out of the stairwell and crept toward the man's apartment. As Sam put his ear to the door, a look of confusion came to his face. Dean, seeing this, put his ear to the door as well. A smile came to his face.
"Oh, yeah, Vin! Come on, suck me harder!! Yeah, that's it, let me fuck your mouth; that pretty mouth of yours!"
"Doesn't sound like they aren't having sex to me," Dean whispered to Sam before putting his ear back to the door.
"I'd rather have you fuckin' my ass, Cowboy."
"Oh, that can be arranged. Turn around and spread 'em, Tanner!"
Sam heard some movement - what sounded like furniture being rearranged.
"Oh, God, Chris! Yeah, shove that big dick of yours up my ass! Yeah, ride me, Cowboy! Fuck me hard!"
"Yeah. . .yeah. . .oh, baby! Oh, God!"
"Oh, Jesus, Chris!"
Dean's grin grew as he began to pick the locks on the door, being as quiet as he could. After a few seconds he nodded to Sam, to let him know to be ready. He put one hand on the doorknob and the other he used to silently count to three. On "three," he threw open the door, letting Sam rush in, his camera phone out and already taking pictures.
"What the fuck!" Chris cried, reaching for his pants, looking for his gun
"Shit!" Vin cried, the gun he kept between the couch cushions already in his hand, pointing at the Winchester brothers.
Dean had his hands full with two Glocks pointing at the lovers, backing his brother up. "Howdy, boys," he greeted them, kicking the door behind them closed. "I think we have a few things to talk about."00000
The four naked men sat on Vin's bed, each with a satisfied look on his face.
"I guess there is enough room in the world for all of us," Vin spoke up, one hand on Chris's still hard cock, the other on Dean's ass.The End