The prisoner was delivered and both men were ready to get back home. Nathan had been uncomfortable taking the lead in handing over the convicted man, but Bill Poe's medical conditions had necessitated the healer's presence. Vin hadn't seen any reason why Nathan shouldn't be in charge, especially since he didn't know diddly-squat about the crime or Poe's condition. By rights Chris or Buck should have been here in Vin's place, but those two snakes had worked on Tanner's soft heartedness to get him to go in their stead. But now the job was over and Vin was feeling generous again, so he decided to forgive his two friends.Riding through the warmth of the day, without a reason to hurry or worry was a pleasant change for both Vin and Nathan. It didn't happen too often that no one was after them or needing them to rush to the rescue. Nathan was even relaxed enough to hum and finally started singing, mostly to himself. Vin was surprised at just how well Nathan could sing.
"Nathan I never knew ya could sing." The tracker moved closer to hear the words of the song. "What's that song? Don't think I know it."
"It's just something my Momma used sing when I was little, while she was working. She'd sing to keep me quiet I guess." Nathan's smile was sad and Vin felt sympathy for the healer.
"Sorry Nate, it's just ya got a real nice voice, pleasing to hear. But I kinda understand. I lost my Momma when I was just a little feller. I wish I remembered her better." Sounding wistful, Vin eased Peso back a little to give Nathan more privacy.
"Nah it's all right Vin," Nathan struggled to find the right words, "I don't think about it too much, I don't mind you listening, I know I ain't been good company on this trip." Nathan slowed Quinn to ride beside Vin. "I guess I let them deputies get to me. The way they was actin' .like a black man can't be a lawman. bothered me more than it should have," Nathan admitted quietly.
Vin looked over at Nathan in some surprise. "They say something to you like that?" He'd never heard a hint of this problem.
"Nah, they didn't say it. It was more the way that they kept looking at you when they asked any question about Poe, like they didn't see me or hear me answering them." Nathan shrugged, pretending it didn't matter. Useless to pretend when it was so clearly bothering him, Vin felt the heat of anger rising inside.
"Stupid of them!" Vin snorted, "I didn't know nothing about them fits Poe has. Couldn't tell them a damn thing about what he did neither!" Vin reached over and gripped Nathan's forearm and looked into the warm brown eyes. "You're a hell of a lot smarter than me Nathan, I know it and you should know it! Hell, everybody in town knows how good you are at healing and they know I can't read worth a lick and you read them big medical books you got with words a mile long. I bet even Ezra can't read some of them words." Vin grinned at Nathan, "Specially since no one would pay him to." The joke made both men chuckle. The fact that Ezra was slow to do anything unless there was profit in it for him was a kind of running joke. The real joke was on Ezra as he seemed determined to deny that he no longer thought of profit first. They rode together in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, then Nathan started singing again, this time a little louder.
"Fly away little bird and take my tears with you. Fly away little bird; what master bids me I must do." Nathan's voice broke off and his chin dropped, hiding his mournful eyes. Vin felt the sorrow that gripped his friend and again reached out a consoling hand to comfort the taller man.
"Must have been hard, hell worse than hard, having to live all the time never knowing what someone will decide you have to do." Vin felt ashamed that he'd never stopped to think of all the terrible hardships Nathan had had to overcome in his life. "I'm real sorry Nathan."
"Vin Tanner you ain't got nothing to be sorry about!" Nathan sounded almost angry, "You ain't never done a thing to hurt me, nor anyone else that wasn't needin' to be shot. Least ways not since I known you." The fierceness of the words seemed to shock both men and they rode in silence for awhile.
Then Nathan continued,"I just meant. it's like you tryin' to help Chanu and his wife. You always try to do the right thing, even if no one else understands what the right thing is. Even when we don't back you like you need us to, you stand up for what you think is right. Like you stood up for me that first day when them cowboys tried to hang me." Nathan let his gaze skitter over the slim Texan. "I never can thank you enough for what you did, you and Chris both. I'm proud to count you as my friend." The words were softly spoken, but the sincerity came through quite clearly and Vin felt a surge of warmth go right through him.
Cheeks burning with embarrassment at the unexpected honor Vin ducked his head. "Thanks Nathan. I'm truly proud..." Vin had to stop and clear his throat. " have you as my friend too."
Nathan lowered his chin so that his hat brim hid most of his grin.
A smile rested on the tracker's face for the rest of the day and both men turned their thoughts and conversations to happier topics as the day progressed. Late afternoon found them more than half way home and ready to stop when they reached a small stream.
"Be good to camp here abouts tonight, good grazing for the horses." Vin looked questioningly at Nathan to see if his suggestion was acceptable.
"Might not be anyplace as good 'tween here and Four Corners, leastways not before full dark," Nathan agreed easily. Happily in accord, the two men set about the usual tasks of setting up camp. Horses taken care of, Vin stretched. He could feel the sweat trickling down his back. The tracker was grimy with trail dust and sweat. He looked at the sun sparkling on the water longingly.
Nathan grunted as he laid another arm load of firewood beside the ring of stones he'd made. Kneeling down, he wiped a once clean bandana over his grit covered face and grimaced. Nathan wasn't quite as finicky as Ezra, but he liked to keep clean and neat nearly as much. Rolling his shoulders, the healer took one look at Vin's sweat soaked shirt and made a decision.
"I gotta get cleaned up some. Think that water is deep enough for swimming?" Nathan asked the tracker.
"Should be, and even if it ain't, that's the best idea I've heard all day." Vin was already stripping out of his clothes. With the grin of a school boy playing hooky, Nathan followed suit. Before long both men had cast off all their cloths along with any cares and were streaking towards the sun dappled water.
Shrieks of laughter accompanied their entry. The stream, though only waist deep in most places, was refreshing. Splashing and shouting encouragement, both Vin and Nathan quickly washed away the heat and dirt from the day's travel. Nathan turned to say something to the tracker about feeling better, but Vin seemed to have disappeared.
"Vin?" Nathan called, looking back to the shore. Cautiously, he took a step towards the muddy bank. "Vin!" A little alarm had crept into his voice. Suddenly Nathan felt his legs jerked out from beneath him by strong hands.
Vin popped to the surface cackling with laughter, watching from a safe distance as Nathan surged sputtering to the surface.
"Oh, you.know...this...means...war!" Nathan gasped out just before he lunged. Vin was quick, but Nathan's longer reach helped him. That, and the slippery mud on the stream bottom. Soon it was the tracker who was plunged into the deepest, coldest part of the current. Coughing and spitting, Vin made a lucky grab for Nathan. And found himself holding the wet muscular chest of the other man tightly pressed against his own. Vin was suddenly terribly aware of the heat from Nathan's body, the firmness of the sleek muscles under his hands and the ridges of old scars that his fingers were even now tracing.
Nathan felt paralyzed. He stared down into Vin's sky blue eyes in shock. First, he was absolutely sure he should not be feeling THIS! This surge of need and want! Nathan was a strong man, a moral man, he did not want Vin! He certainly did not want Vin in THAT way!
Second, Vin was one of the group of men that Nathan considered as close as family. Not an object of desire, not someone he wanted to touch, well NOT in that way! Yet his arms had moved, were still moving to encircle the slender waist, hands sliding down to cup over the curving softness of Vin's ass, pulling him even closer. Nathan swallowed the groan that he felt rising from deep inside him. It had been too long since he'd felt this way.
Vin was all but panting; his arousal so strong and so sudden the tracker didn't dare move. Feeling Nathan's hands pulling at him, the strong arms tightening their hold, Vin's hands of their own accord gripped the healer tighter, too. The press of their lower bodies revealing that both men were experiencing the same thing. Their swelling cocks rubbing against each other was excruciating to Vin. He was starved for the touch of another's skin sliding against his own. Vin opened his mouth wide in a soundless moan of desire and found his mouth covered by the Nathan's.
Nathan felt Vin lean into his embrace, saw the painful need, heard the gasping moan and acted on instinct. He pressed his mouth against Vin's, tentatively at first, but that quickly changed to devouring kisses, sliding of tongues, and swallowing cries of passion. Vin didn't hesitate, while he would never have presumed to make a move on Nathan, he wasn't about to let the opportunity pass him by.
Somehow the two men managed to make their way to the shore without ever breaking the contact between their bodies. Falling to the grass near their campsite they rolled together, hands exploring, hips thrusting, and legs entwining. It was not long before the sweet friction of body against body brought Vin to screaming completion with Nathan not far behind. Shuddering and riding the final waves of pleasure out Nathan drew a shaking breath and pushed himself to the side of the slighter tracker. Raising on one elbow Nathan gazed at the sweat and semen covered body beside him.
"Vin? You all right?" Nathan asked warily. He hardly knew what to say, how to ask if his friend.were they still friends? Nathan felt thoroughly confused. He had no frame of reference for what they had just done, no idea how to proceed. Helplessly he stared at Vin.
"I'm better than all right! Damn Nate..." At this point Vin reached up and pulled Nathan back down into a warm kiss that could leave no doubt as to the regard the tracker held the healer. The kiss was enthusiastically returned. When they broke apart for breath Vin continued, "I bet you kiss better than ole Buck!"
Nathan felt his face burn, and then in shock exclaimed, "You've kissed Buck!?"
"Nah, Nate. I ain't ever kissed him my own self." Vin stroked the brow and strong jaw above him and smiled. "But I've sure heard...well someone moaning when Bucklin was kissing 'em." Vin snickered at the memory. "I'd be willing to bet Ezra on it though, Buck's kisses got nothing on yours." Vin let his eyes linger on the broad shoulders and his thoughts strayed to the fine firm body that he still felt pressed against him. Skin like chocolate velvet molded against his side, Vin pressed closer.
"Buck nor any man's got anything on you, Nathan," Vin assured as he ran his fingers over and down the smooth skin. "Damn, Nate, damn!" While Nathan was unsure just what the tracker might mean by that outburst, he felt positive it was something he was glad that Vin was so sure of. Nathan smiled and allowed his own nimble hands to explore the tracker's wiry form.
Soon enough both of them were thoroughly aroused again. This time they took their pleasure slowly, drawing out the blissful feelings of skin on skin. The flavor of each others became familiar as they savored the tang of one another's flesh. The swollen cocks tasted and suckled and desire brought to completion more than once. Finally, lying together on their combined bedrolls, the dying breeze brushing the last zephyrs of delight over their heated skin, they slept.
Tomorrow they would return home, but for tonight at least they were sated and comfortable just to hold each other and dream. They were still friends and always would be, and Bucklin T. Wilmington was not the only great lover in their group!