Gone Dark

by Ice Bear

Reviews: Welcome

Disclaimer: Don't own them, just want to play with them for a while.

It had been a busy six weeks. Between their case load, court appearances, and backup work for other teams, Chris and Vin had spent little time together, unless you counted driving to work. Chris was really looking forward to having an entire weekend alone with his sharpshooter. On the drive in Friday morning, he was rattling off proposed plans for the next 48 hours when he realized he did not have his passenger's attention.

"Vin, you still with me?" He smiled, but asked again in a more serious tone when he got no response. The blue eyes flashed at him, and he saw worry before they went back to studying the road.

"Sorry cowboy, what did you say?"

"If there is something wrong, you known you can tell me," Chris said gently, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

The blue eyes sought him again. "I know Chris, but nothing's wrong, just a little tired." The eyes were warm this time and Chris settled.

Ezra walked into the sharpshooter's office in time to hear "Damn it!" half shouted and see a crumpled piece of paper fly across the room.

"Something wrong Mr. Tanner?" Ezra was worried. Vin rarely swore and almost never raised his voice. Added to that was the look of apprehension and bewilderment in the blue eyes before they pulled away.

Ezra walked to the wastebasket and straightened out the crumpled piece of paper. The word 'Bastard' was written in red crayon in the way it might look to a dyslexic.

"Vin," Ezra's voice was soft, his green eyes dark with concern. "this is not the first such note is it?"

"No," was whispered from behind the hands that hid the man's face.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Three weeks."


The blue eyes found the green. "Williamson."

Ezra took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Exactly what else has he done?"

"Questioned my hair, my looks, my manhood, my education...left earrings in the jeep."

"Have you told Mr. Larabee?"

"No!" Vin whispered harshly as he came out of his chair and began pacing the small office. "This is my problem, and I will handle it."

"This man is harassing you! That is a violation of federal law and Bureau policy," Ezra responded with equal passion.

"I know Ez," Vin's tone softened, "but I have to handle this myself."

"You need to file a complaint and put an end to this now," Ezra said while waiving the crumpled piece of paper, "before it gets out of hand."

"Words never killed anybody," Vin whispered almost to himself as he stood staring out the window at the far away mountain peaks. "What I don't understand is why."

"My guess is he has been a bully since he was born, and for some reason he has picked you as his latest victim."

"Thanks for understanding Ez." The vivid blue eyes flashed a look that warmed the older man. Ezra had come to greatly value the slight young man as a friend, one of the few he had been blessed with in his life.

That afternoon Vin and Buck were in the elevator in the midst of conversation when Williamson boarded.

"Wilmington." He acknowledged the older agent, but ignored Vin.

Buck saw the mask that slipped over Vin's face as the other man entered, and the white knuckled fists that hung by his side. As they exited the elevator, he grabbed Vin's arm and tugged him into the coffee room, closing the door.

"What the hell is going on junior?" he demanded.

"Nothing Buck," Vin said taking a step back from the obviously angry man.

"Don't you lie to me! You were ready to deck him simply for stepping into the elevator. What has he done to you?"

"There you are!" JD opened the door. "Chris wants everyday in the conference room now."

Vin slipped past Buck and fled into the bigger room, taking his customary seat next to Chris. The team leader doled out assignments for the next week and told them all to go home.

Sunday Vin suggested they ride to the lake. Chris packed a lunch while Vin got the horses ready. Two hours later they dismounted and stripped the tack off Peso and Pony.

After eating, Vin moved down to the lake. He stood for a long time, staring at the calm blue water.

Chris watched him from where he sat on the blanket. "Wish you'd just le me help you cowboy," he whispered.

"Chris?" Vin asked as he lay in bed that night, on his back with the covers pulled up to his chin.

"Right here cowboy."

"I...there's something I need to tell ya." His voice was small and soft.

Chris felt his breath catch in his throat. "You know you can tell me anything, Vin. Anything at all." The blonde rolled onto his right side to look at his lover. Vin kept his eyes on the ceiling.

"I'm, I'm being harassed by another agent. Williamson from Team 3. Started about three weeks ago before they backed us up at the Logan raid."


"He started off making comments, the usual stuff...my hair's too long, ya know. Didn't think much about it really...been there before. But then he started in on my education, my mother and, and he found out somehow that I'm dyslexic and has been leaving notes in my box...left earrings in the jeep. He pushed me down in the garage a few days ago - said he tripped." Vin could feel the anger building in the man next to him. "I'm telling ya this 'cause it's been bothering me. And I'm telling ya because I want to handle it myself." The blue eyes shut tight.

Chris felt his gut clench as he looked at the loving man beside him, and he tried to keep his voice calm despite the fact that all he wanted was retribution.

"Cowboy, he's way out of line. You need to file a complaint."

Vin sighed. "I know, and I will. I just don't understand it Chris." He turned his head, and Chris felt anger anew at the man who had brought the look of bewilderment and pain to those eyes. He slowly moved his hand to cradle Vin's cheek.

"There is nothing to understand. He's a guy who gets his kicks picking on others. He just isn't smart enough to figure out he picked on the wrong guy this time." Chris pulled his lover gently to his chest.

"Thanks for listening, and for letting me handle this."

Monday afternoon Ezra and Buck walked into the coffee room and both drew up short. Williamson had Vin pressed face first against the window with a knife to his ear. His 6'3" 260 pound frame looming over the 5'10" 150 pound Texan.

"Drop the knife and back off now!" Buck barked as both he and Ezra pulled their guns.

Williamson turned to the two, the knife still against Vin's ear.

"Geez guys, can't you take a joke. I was just trying to convince pretty boy here how good he'd look with his ears pierced."

"Get away from him now. I won't tell you again," Buck growled, his gun leveled to the man's chest.

Williamson raised his hands and did as he was told.

"If you ever touch him again," Ezra said, his icy words clear, short and concise. "I'll kill you."

"Unless I find you first," Buck added. "Now get the hell out of here."

As soon as Williamson left, Vin collapsed silently to the floor, hugging his knees to his chest.

"Vin you okay? Should I get Nathan?" Buck asked softly as he knelt by his friend.

"No. I'm okay. Thanks to you two." The shake in his voice was unmistakable.

"Let's get you up and back to your office. It's a little more private there," Ezra said offering a hand to the young man and then following him into the small office.

The youngest leaned against the window, his arms wrapped tightly across his chest.

"Vin," Buck started his fists still curled.

"It been going on for 3 weeks. He's tripped me before but never..." a shiver ran through him and he stopped.

"I'm going to get Chris." Ezra started for the door.

"Chris knows. I told him last night. I just wanted some coffee before proof reading the complaint. He had me in the corner before I realized who it was...I couldn't move him."

"Chris needs to know its escalated Vin. The man pulled a knife on you. Chris is your boss, and he needs to know." Buck's tone softened as he talked. His heart broke when the proud young man in front of him dropped his head in defeat.

"I'll finish the complaint and show it to him before I file it."

At 4 p.m. Vin took the complaint to Chris' office. The boss smiled up from his desk and motioned for the man to sit.

"There's something else you gotta know Chris...Williamson had me up against the window in the break room this afternoon. He had a knife."

Chris was out of his chair, fists balled, eyes blazing.

"Ez and Buck walked in and stopped him. It's all in the complaint. I filed it with Judge Travis half an hour ago."

"You did the right thing Vin. And I'm glad you told me. Assholes like that don't belong in law enforcement." The anger left his voice as the blue eyes found his. "He could have hurt you Vin, he's almost twice your size."

"Lucky for me my impeccable timing is rubbing off on Buck and Ez." A small ghost of a smile floated across his face.

"We need to tell the rest of the team cowboy...I know you don't want to, but they need to know. We're a team and that means we look out for each other." Chris put a hand on the shoulder of his partner and squeezed gently. "Let's go tell the boys."

"Thanks guys," Vin said at the end of the 20 minute meeting. He had seen only support for him and anger and indignation against Williamson from his teammates. For a man who had spent most of the last 22 years on his own, the unquestioning support of these six men was overwhelming.

For the next three days if Vin left the office, one of his teammates was always near. The notes, though, continued, and Thursday night they found a beheaded cat in Vin's jeep.

Chris raged at Judge Travis. "What are you waiting for? 'Til he puts Vin in the hospital?"

"Chris, calm down. Mike Russell is sitting down with him tomorrow. They've been on stake out all week. I'm also having IA review his background. Somehow I doubt this is the first time he's tried this."

Friday night the Team went to Inez's for their weekly poker game. At 8:30 pm Vin got up to get another pitcher of beer. As he turned from the bar, pitcher in hand, he found himself staring at Williamson's service revolver.

"What's the matter Tanner, can't take a little ribbing? You cost me my job, asshole, and now you gotta pay."

The room had gone quiet, and Chris watched in horror as Vin thrust the pitcher toward Williamson's gun as two shots broke the silence.

"Ezra 911!" Nathan yelled as moved toward the downed man.

Buck's haunted eyes searched for Williamson. "Jordy, Russell, Mitch follow me," he yelled as members from 3 other ATF teams, weapons drawn headed for the door.

"Oh my God."' Chris sank to his knees beside his lover and went pale when he saw the amount of blood steaming down Vin's face. He grabbed his hand and started whispering. "It's okay Vin, it'll be okay. Just hang in there, stay with me cowboy."

"JD I need towels. Josiah, get my bag." Nathan was all business trying to stop the flow of blood and determine how much damage had been done.

They worked in muted silence for 8 minutes before the ambulance crew ran in. Josiah had to pull Chris away to give the paramedics room to work. Chris's haunted eyes never left the bloody face. At the hospital, the profiler had to physically restrain his boss from following the gurney into a treatment room.

"Chris they can't help him if you're in the way. Let's go sit down." Chris collapsed into a plastic chair, his head on his knees. Josiah kept a firm hand on his back. Ezra and JD ran in, stopping short when they saw Chris' bent body.

"They just put him in a treatment room," Josiah explained quickly, seeing the look of fear on both faces.

"Buck is coordinating the search. We are on our way to join him...just wanted to check on Vin," Ezra said quickly, his use of all the first names telling Josiah just how upset he truly was.

"I'll call as soon as we know anything." The two men nodded, turned and left.

"Oh my God, Oh my God," Chris was chanting two hours later, still hunched over in the chair, rocking slightly. He was lost in so much pain. He kept seeing the gun blast in slow motion just inches from Vin's face.

"Chris the doctor's here," Nathan said at 1:15 a.m. and Chris wearily lifted his head and stood.

"He is still alive. He has a bullet in the left collar bone that has done some damage. The second bullet gazed a deep path along the side of his head, about here." She ran her finger parallel to her left eye. "Right now I'm not getting any reaction from either eye. I have called in a specialist to check him over in the morning. It could be damage from the powder and flash, if so it will clear up. If it is damage from the bullet, it could be irreversible."

She stopped for a moment to let the three men in front of her process the news. "I'm sorry, but I've always been upfront with you. This is very serious, but I have seen Vin Tanner walk away when all the odds were set against him before. He's being taken up to ICU in about 20 minutes. Once they get him settled, they'll let you in."

On the way up to ICU they passed the chapel, and Josiah stopped and ushered Chris in. He stood in the back of the small dark room as Chris moved to a pew up front. The blonde lowered his head and the tears began to fall.

"Please," he whispered, "please don't do this to him. He's been hurt so much. I just don't know how much more he can take. Please help him."

Judge Travis joined them in the ICU waiting room twenty minutes later. When Chris caught sight of him, his face suddenly came alive with anger.

"God dam you Orrin. I begged you!" he roared, his fists halfway up in fighting position.

Josiah moved to step between the two men, but Chris turned away and went to a window, his back to the Judge.

"Josiah how is Vin?" The Judge asked.

"He's.. he's blind, and they don't know if there will be other problems yet. They have an eye specialist coming in the morning."

"Chris," Kathy one of the ICU nurses who was a Team 7 favorite, called from the doorway, "you can see him now."

"Hey cowboy. I just knew you couldn't beat your three month, no hospital record. Guess Ezra owes me $50." He talked as his right hand gently stroked a pale cheek. "Oh God Vin, you had me so scared." The tears ran silently down his face.

At 6:30 a.m. Buck squeezed his old friend's shoulder to get his attention. "Long night pard?"

The green eyes sought an answer from the grey ones. "We got him. Unfortunately he surrendered," Buck said darkly. "He's in custody for attempted murder of a federal agent. How's junior doing?"

"Don't you go giving up on him Chris Larabee!" Buck said harshly. "That boy never gave up on you, though God knows you gave him plenty of reason to. And he never gave up on himself - never! So don't you dare or you and me are going to tangle."

Chris looked up at his oldest friend and saw the anger, but also the support and love. He shook his head slightly. "I won't give up on him. I couldn't...although I still think I could take you," he finished with a slight smile.

Buck laughed. "Come on, let's get some breakfast. Ez is here and he'll sit with Vin. We also brought you some clean clothes." Chris realized for the first time that his shirt and pants were covered in blood, Vin's blood, and he shivered.

"Dr. Harmon, this is Chris Larabee, Agent Tanner's boss and half brother." Dr. Anderson flashed a brief smile at Chris to make sure he understood that she had never bought that particular line.

Dr. Harmon was alone with the patient for 30 minutes before joining Chris in the waiting room. "Agent Larabee, there is a great deal of swelling along the optical nerve path. That's to be expected given the trauma it suffered. I would like to wait 48 hours and do another exam. It is possible that when the swelling goes down and the pressure is relieved that his sight will return. Dr. Anderson was quite firm that I be straight up with you. I think his odds are about 50/50 right now. Not great but that does give him a fighting chance."

Chris was watching TV Sunday afternoon, with Vin's hand in his. At first he wasn't sure what drew his attention away from the game, but then he felt it again, a squeeze.

"Vin, can you hear me?"

"Cowboy, where am I?"


"Oh...why is it so dark in here. Turn on the light, I need to see ya...Chris?"

"Cowboy your eyes are wrapped. The first bullet did a number on the side of your head. There is some swelling in the optical nerves right now."

"So I'm blind?"

"We don't know yet. Dr. Anderson brought in an eye specialist, and he is going to take another look tomorrow. He'll have a better idea then of what is going on. Cowboy it will be alright. I'll be right here. Forever." Chris bent down and gently kissed his lover.

"Always," Vin said after the kiss, knowing without seeing Chris that he meant every word.

"Do you know why?" Vin asked about 20 minutes later.

"Judge says Williamson wanted a spot on the team and thought he could drive you out."


"He was under the impression that you were alone."

"I take it I am missing the infamous Larabee glare," Vin said with a hint of a smile.

"Oh yeah," and Chris laughed as his hand stroked Vin's check. Vin nuzzled into the hand and fell asleep.

"Chris?" Vin called out.

"He is at the CDC catching up on his beauty sleep Mr. Tanner. Is there something I can do for you?" The Southerner grabbed the hand that came up off the bed.

"Hey Ez. Is Chris okay?"

"He's holding up pretty well, considering his age" They both laughed.

"I could tell him you said that," Vin half threatened.

"I would deny it, and suggest you were delirious."

"Ezra, I don't know what to do." The patient's bandaged face was turned to the con man and Ezra missed being able to read the emotion in the sky blue eyes.

"Do about what Vin?"

"If I'm blind Ez. If I'm blind what am I going to do?"

"Vin, you are a man of many talents, and we will figure out which of those talents to highlight, if that is the case. But I want you to know that my money is on your full recovery, and you know my reputation, I only bet on sure things."

"Thanks Ez...do you think I could still train horses?" Vin asked, his tone serious.

"I don't know why not. A few modifications at the barn...I've watched you, you train by voice and touch....It is a very real possibility."

"That's what I was thinking. I could break'em. Might need a hand now and then to know they were doing alright."

"I think you'd know..." and they were still discussing the issue when Chris returned two hours later.

"What have I missed?" Chris asked, smiling his thanks at Ezra while taking Vin's hand.

"A most interesting discussion on the philosophy of horse training. I will drop by tomorrow to check on you."

"Ez?" Vin called out.

"Yes Mr. Tanner," he answered from the doorway.

Thanks, for everything."

"My pleasure."

"Horse training?" Chris asked.

"We were talking about what I could do if I'm blind."

"Vin!" Chris' voice was sharp with anger.

"Cowboy, I just want to keep my options open. You've taught me that I can look beyond today. I just want to have a back up plan" Vin's tone was thoughtful as his hand sought his lover's face.

Chris nuzzled the hand gently. "Sorry."

"I know, me too. But Chris, as long as I have you, I can face whatever comes. I've finally figured that out." He felt the tears on his hand. "It's okay Cowboy," he crooned as he gently caressed the face he loved.

"God Vin, you just never cease to amaze me," Chris murmured, leaning into the hand that brought him comfort.

Vin sent Chris to have breakfast when Dr. Harmon arrived. The doctor spent an hour with Vin before removing the bandages.

"I don't except anything today, Vin, it's too early." He removed the pads and Vin could not see anything. He tried not to let the panic overwhelm him.

"There is a slight reduction in the swelling, but not as much as I had hoped. Sorry Vin. I know the wait isn't easy but let's give it another 10 days before we try again."

"Ten days?"

"I don't see a point in raising your hope every two days only to tell you nothing has changed. In ten days we will know for sure, one way or the other."

Dr. Anderson discharged Vin the next day. The ride home was odd. He was excited and happy but scared as well. So was Chris, but he tried to rein in his fear for his partner's sake. Once out of the truck, Chris took Vin's arm.

"Just walk beside me Chris. I'm not a little old lady," Vin said lightly patting the arm before it was removed.

In the house, he moved cautiously. He often roamed the house in the dark, and he tried to place every object in his mind. He began to move more confidently after his first run through, making Chris smile.

"I have a surprise for you cowboy," Chris said after lunch. "Let's go to the barn."

Vin met him at the front door and followed Chris off the porch. Once in the driveway he felt the first reflector.

"What is this?" he asked as his boot worried the round object in the ground.

"A path to the barn, courtesy of Buck, JD and Ezra. Follow it."

He did and was smiling by the time he reached the barn door. He walked carefully up to the stall and ran a hand over Peso's head.

They "watched" an early movie before going to bed. As they settled in, Vin reached out to touch Chris' face. "Not to worry Cowboy, I always did my best work in this room in the dark anyway."

Chris laughed and hugged the lithe body to his chest. "I've missed you," he said as he moved his lips to cover Vin's.

"Feelings mutual," Vin said coming up for air. He felt more himself in that next hour. He didn't need his eyes to touch and caress and love this man.

They went for a short ride three days later. Vin felt free for that hour, and Chris was relieved to see him smile. It was hard without being able to see his eyes to know all that was going on inside. They had always communicated without talking, and for two men who were not noted for their conversational skills, finding words was hard.

Chris hired a home health aide. He and Vin fought over it, with the younger man finally relenting. He hated the idea of a stranger at the ranch and of being baby sat. But he knew that he had to adjust or Chris would pay the price. And if Chris believed this was best, and it would keep him from worrying, then he would do it. Judy Walker was a friendly, quiet woman in her mid-40s. She assured Vin that she was not there to 'baby sit' but to help him learn to adjust to what might be his new life. Vin listened carefully.

Chris came home the first day to find Vin in the barn. Judy explained that he had spent the afternoon out there, after they had reorganized the kitchen to ensure Vin would be able to find what he needed to eat or drink without help. Chris wanted to go to the barn, but he made himself shower and start dinner. He hadn't realized just how tense he was until he heard the front door close.

"Tough day at the office cowboy?" Vin asked as he moved up behind him at the sink. Chris laughed and turned into the embrace. "Mmm you smell good," he said as he inhaled the scent of hay, horses and Vin.

"Oh no Cowboy, not until you finish making dinner, I'm starved," Vin laughed as he moved to extract himself from the embrace.

Ezra arrived just after lunch time the next day with a new training book on tape, and he and Vin went to the barn. The spent two hours with the horses while talking through some of the training philosophy from the second tape Ezra had provided. When they were finished with the 'chores", Vin sat on a hay bale against the wall and Ezra joined him.

"Ez, I'm really scared. I don't know what I am going to do if I never see again. I just don't want to be a burden to Chris," he said it softly, but in one long breath as though it escaped unbidden from his mouth.

"If you weren't scared, I'd be worried Vin. I think you need to take it a day at a time until the doctors can be more definitive. You..," the brunette paused searching for the proper word, "you are a tough, independent man Vin, and you will find a way to make this work. Just as you have made it through in the past. What you need to remember though, is that this time you have six sets of shoulders to lean on. You don't have to do this by yourself." Ezra affectionately squeezed Vin shoulder before continuing. "As for Mr. Larabee, he loves you. Right now he is afraid, afraid that he can't help you when you need him the most."

"But..." Vin tried to protest.

"He is afraid, but that man would go to hell and back for you and don't you ever forget it."

Chris woke up at 5:30 that morning and realized that Vin wasn't with him. He checked the bathroom and the kitchen before panic started, but he found him on the deck, wrapped in a blanket, facing the sunrise. Chris slide into a chair beside him and waited.

"I hate this Chris. I can't run from it, can't escape it, all I can do is face it. And I just don't know if I am strong enough to do that." Chris took his hand and held it to his heart as the sun began to rise.

"I hate it too. I hate that you hurt and I can't fix it. I hate that I let that animal do this to you. I hate that...I'm afraid. Afraid I'll lose you." The last words were almost lost in a whisper as Vin settled in Chris' lap. He lay there with a hand on Chris' face and felt the tears. He sighed and fit his head against Chris' shoulder and felt himself pulled into a tight embrace.

"I ain't ever gonna leave you Chris. So unless you plan on kicking me out, you're pretty much stuck with me."

That earned him a kiss on the top of his head.

"As for Williamson, we did it by the book. Not sure we could have changed it even if we knew the outcome. He did this to me Chris - not you..." They were silent for a while as the first rays of morning sun hit them. Vin could feel the warmth and turned his head toward the light.

"Ain't we a couple of sorry-assed cowboys," Vin said with a slight grin working its way to his lips. "So much for that macho AFT warrior shit." That earned him a laugh and a tighter embrace.

"I do love you Vin Tanner."

At 6:30 a.m. Chris somewhat unwillingly woke the dozing man.

"Come on Vin, I gotta go get dressed. If I'm late Buck won't let me hear the end of it."

"Anyone ever tell you, you work too hard?" Vin said slipping from the chair. "I'll go make coffee while you take a shower."

"On no! The only good thing about his entire affair is the fact that I don't have to EAT your coffee."

"Geez Chris, you trying to hurt my feelings?" Before Chris could reach him, he had slipped through the sliding glass doors and locked them. His boss' bellow was lost on the young man as he made his way to the kitchen.

Chris was still issuing threats 8 minutes later when Vin came back with coffee. "Before you deck me, try the coffee Larabee" he said before unlocking the doors and holding out a mug. Growling promises of bodily harm, Chris took the mug.

"You didn't make this. This is real coffe," he said after the second sip.

"I figured a hard working man such as yourself deserved a decent cup - even it if is basically colored water. Ms. Walters likes "real" coffee, so I'll have mine with her."

Chris' green eyes gazed at the man in front of him and he smiled through a new round of moisture. So generous, warm and loving, regardless of the fact that his world was upside down.

"Something wrong cowboy?" Vin's head was cocked slightly, a familiar sight, and Chris could almost see the concern in the blue eyes hidden beneath the bandages.

"Not a thing," he responded, meaning every word of it.

Buck took Chris to lunch that afternoon. "Thought maybe you could use someone to talk to."

"You always know Buck. Have I told you lately how much your friendship means to me?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Bucked smiled and ducked his head to try and hide his pleasure, " So talk."

"I just don't know Buck. He's trying so hard. Instead of yelling, being mad at the world, he is just trying to deal with it. Somehow that makes it harder."

"Ez said Vin was afraid he'd become a burden to you." Buck let that though sit for a minute.

"We've talked about that," he said in response to Buck's skeptical look. "You may find this hard to believe, but without being able to communicate in our usual way, we actually do talk to each other..."

Buck laughed. "For two guys, who between them maybe say six, seven words a day, I am impressed!"

Chris returned the smile. "Right now words are all we have. It's funny, but I feel closer to him now...maybe its having to say everything out loud."

"He loves you Chris, and for that boy to love someone means everything."

"I know Buck, just can't figure out how I got lucky twice. By the way, what did Ezra say to Vin."

A big grin broadened under the mustache. "That you would ride to Hell and back for Vin and that he'd better never forget it"

"Remind me to thank Ezra for that."

After dinner the next night, which Vin had cooked with some help from Ms. Walters, they went to the back deck to watch the sun set. The deck was still warm from the sun, and the two settled in. For 30 minutes they sat in silence as mother nature painted the sky for them.

"Penny for your thoughts," Chris asked as the night finally stole the sky.

"What if on Monday..." Vin couldn't finish.

"What if?" Chris responded needing to know what terror lurked in Vin's heart.

"I'll resign, draw disability to start, buy a couple of 2 year olds..."

"We can expand the barn, add four maybe five stalls. Good time of year to get a few two years olds," Chris said following the thought. "And we find someone to teach you Braille and the other things you need to know...a dog?"

"Don't know, wouldn't need somebody with me all the time..."

"You know Vin, on Monday..." Chris stopped, not sure it was fair to raise his hopes.

"You know the way my luck runs Chris."

"Whatever happens Vin, we'll handle it together. Promise?" Chris grabbed his forearm.

"Promise," Vin responded, completing the handshake that was their's alone.

At 4:30 on Saturday afternoon, Chris picked up the phone.

"Chris...Williamson escaped," Buck said haltingly as he swerved around a slow car.

"Damn it Buck, how did that happened?" he roared in anger.

"He was being evaluated at the hospital."

"How long?"

"Eight hours."

"Jesus Christ Buck - I gotta get Vin!"

"Chris, Chris - we're on our way."

"Hurry!" he yelled before grabbing a gun and running for the barn.

"Vin! Vin!" he yelled as he ran.

"Geez Chris, I'm blind, not deaf," Vin said as he moved to the barn door. Two shoots rang out and Vin froze.

"Get down" Chris ordered before tackling Vin, then jumping up to close the barn doors. "Vin get the tack room door - lock it."

"Chris?" The voice sounded small, lost.

"Williamson, come on, we gotta move," Chris responded as he began slamming shut the outside doors on the stalls and locking them. Vin locked the tack room door and closed the interior shutter on the window.

"Chris, the top, I'll get it." Vin scrambled up the ladder to the hay loft. He moved cautiously along the wall until he found the sliding door and locked it. He moved back down the ladder and stopped. "Chris?" he called softly.

"Over here." Vin moved over to Pony's stall.

"You okay?" he asked suddenly anxious.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We have to hold him off. The boys are on the way."

Vin knelt by Chris and ran his right hand over his upper body. "You're hurt." He sighed as he felt blood on Chris' right shoulder.

"Just a knick."

"Can't fool me cowboy." Vin took a bandana from his pocket and tied off the wound. "Did you bring me a gun Chris?"


"Tell me where the target is Chris, and I'll hit it dead center, blindfolded," the talented sharpshooter stated.

"There's a 38 in the tack room, right hand side of the brush box."

Vin was back in moments. "Give me the Sig Chris."

"No Vin I..."

"I need the accuracy." He hefted the Sig for a moment. "Chris let's get you upstairs. He comes in it'll be down here." He helped the blonde up the ladder.

"Always did prefer the high ground didn't ya?" Chris asked, his hand settling on his partner's shoulder for a moment. They sat and waited.

"Chris, Peso's stall," Vin whispered.

Chris saw the top stall door jiggle. He was so busy watching, he failed to see Vin slip down the ladder. He had moved to the left of Peso's stall door before Chris noticed.

As Williamson entered the barn through the stall, Vin had the Sig at his head. "Freeze!"

He had ripped the bandages off his eyes and pulled his ball cap low, so the man wouldn't be able to see his eyes.

Williamson hesitated and then laughed. "You're blind, pretty boy." He raised his gun back up.

"Willing to risk it?" Vin challenged, his gun tracking Williamson.

"Look Tanner."

"Williamson, I've had enough. Drop the gun," Vin was growling, his body tense.

"Do as he says!" Chris ordered from the loft.

Williamson shifted his gun toward Chris and Vin fired, dropping the man with a shot between his eyes.

"Gun -- three o'clock!" Chris yelled as he started down the ladder. Vin kicked the gun out of the way and remained over the body, his gun cocked.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," Chris said as he slid a hand on Vin's arm, just as Ezra, Buck and JD stormed in. "Easy Cowboy, that's the cavalry," Chris said as the Sig swung toward the intruders.

"Buck, get Nathan. Chris is hurt," Vin ordered as he finally lowered the Sig, with Chris' hand still on his right arm.

"Mr. Tanner, please remind me not to play poker with you anymore," said Ezra as he surveyed the body.

Vin cocked his head, awaiting the explanation.

"Your bluffing has clearly improved -- immensely."

Ezra drove Vin to the hospital, and they waited for Chris in the cold, hard plastic chairs. It took two hours but no stitches were needed so Ezra drove them home. Vin put Chris to bed and sat beside him.

"Ya need anything Cowboy?" Vin asked as he turned off the light.

"Got everything I need right here," Chris said taking his hand.

Sunday they rode to the lake. After lunch, Vin turned to Chris. He pulled his face down and kissed him. They kissed tenderly at first and then the heat took over. They stripped, and Vin attacked Chris chest. He plundered the brown nipples with his mouth before moving down a straight line to his goal. He reveled in the smell of the man before taking him in his mouth. Chris was unable to speak, only moan and thrust as he lover licked and sucked him. He thought he would lose it all when Vin's mouth encased his balls, the soft tongue running quick patterns along the full sacs before returning to their main target. Chris came in torrents, which Vin swallowed like a drowning man.

Once he had recovered, Chris pulled his lover back up and plundered his mouth, tasting both himself and his mate. After a long, passionate kiss, he slipped a hand on Vin's chin and lifted it up.

"I think I'm going to have to start taking vitamins," Chris said as his thumb played gently across the soft lips. "That was beyond amazing pard."

Monday at the doctor's, Chris paced the waiting room while Vin endured three hours of tests. After a seemed eternity, a nurse brought Chris into the doctor's office. He gently rubbed Vin's shoulder before taking a seat.

"The swelling is down considerably, and I got a slight reaction to the light. My guess is that in a week - two at the outside - Mr. Larabee, you will have your sharpshooter back."

"In the meantime?" Vin asked.

"You will start seeing light and shadows. I want you to wear sunglasses at all times to protect your eyes"

"Will my sight return to what it had been?"

"It should, but we'll watch it. I'll see you in two weeks."

Once they were in the truck, Vin turned to Chris and hugged him tightly, his trembling body released of fear, pain and despair.

Chris brought Vin to the office to clean the guns three days later. The team was happy to be reunited, and in ones and twos they found a reason to pass through the room in order to talk with the sharpshooter.

With his eyes hidden by the sun glasses, it was hard to figure out if he was still blind as his hands ran calmly, confidently over each piece of each weapon. When Buck threw a candy bar at him, he caught it.

"Alright Junior, off with the glasses."


"No more playtime Junior." Buck removed the glasses and found a blank stare. "I don't..."

"I've always been aware of all that is around me Buck. I heard the wrapper crinkle and felt the change in the air."

"That doesn't explain Williamson."

"He was in my barn, Buck. I know that place like I know the back of my hand. I could tell by his voice, the sawdust on the floor where he was."

"Vin you put a bullet dead square between his eyes."

The hands stopped cleaning. "He was going to kill Chris."

"Glad you're on our side Vin," Buck said as he caught sight of Chris' face in the doorway.

"And now Buck is going back to work, right Buck?"

They sat on the deck two nights later, drinking beer and watching the sunset. It was a glorious display of reds, pink and light.

"Chris?" Vin called his name very tentatively.

"What's wrong Cowboy"

"I...I can see the sunset."

Chris knelt beside his mate and gently removed the sun glasses. He found himself looking into two sky blue orbs. Vin smiled and ran a hand softly along Chris' lips.

"God it's good to see you Chris," he whispered before moving in for a kiss.
