Guilt and Secrets

by Wgang

Disclaimer: Magnificent Seven does not belong to me and never will. This story is for enjoyment only.

Author's Note: All spelling and grammar errors are mine. I am not an English teacher. This is for fun. Thanks to MOG for creating the ATF universe.

Pairing: Vin and Chris

Feedback welcome, no flames. Thanks

Buck glanced up as Vin walked into the office and headed for the break room. Looking up at the clock he noted that the sharpshooter was over an hour late. Actually Vin generally beat the rest of the team to the office so in reality he was almost two hours late.

Buck followed the younger man into the break room and watched as Vin gingerly sat down and began to eat a donut.

Buck frowned and when he saw Vin reach down and rub his knee he saw red.

That fucking prick hurt Junior again.

Buck stalked over to the table and sat down next to his young teammate.

Vin looked up startled not by Buck’s appearance but by the fact that the bigger man had been able to sneak up on him.

Vin saw the look on his teammates face and decided to stop the argument in the bud.

“I don’t want to hear it Bucklin. I’m fine, we were wrestling around and I fell, it was an accident. I twisted my knee and hit my hip, no big deal. We just got a little carried away, and he already apologized. Besides it’s my business.”

Buck hissed as his anger took over, he hated to see someone he cared about in an abusive relationship and he just could not fathom how someone as smart as Vin would allow it. Besides there was a part of him that wondered if there wasn’t more to Vin’s injuries than what the kid was admitting to. He wouldn’t put it past the bastard to have forced himself on Vin.

“It may be your business, but we worry about you. He’s supposedly 'getting carried away' more and more. How long before you end up in the hospital? When that happens can we get involved?”

Vin stood up wincing as his sore ass, knees and thighs protested the movement. There was no way that he was letting on to his friend that it had been more than just fooling around that had caused his injuries. If Buck really knew what had caused him to be hurt the big man would commit murder.

“I said leave it alone, now I have work to do,” Vin said as he slowly left the room.

Buck sat there fuming until Nathan walked in and looked at him, the question he wanted to ask clear to see.

“Don’t bother, Nathan. Junior said it was his business, said he was fine and it was an accident. Fucking prick is going to send that boy to the hospital one day, you know it and I know it.”

Josiah overheard the ladies man comment as he came to stand beside Nathan.

“That might be true, Buck, but until Vin admits there is a problem there is nothing we can do except stand by him and support him,” Josiah said his temper frayed at the edges after watching Vin carefully sit down at his desk clearly in pain.

“Where the hell is Chris?” Buck snarled.

“He got in right after Vin,” Nathan replied.

As Buck stomped out of the room towards the team leader's office, Nathan and Josiah just stared at each other hoping that blood was not about to be shed.

They knew this confrontation was a long time coming. Buck was tired of Chris hiding from the situation and letting it go on. It looked like the big man was going to grab the bull by the horns and God help them all.

Chris looked up as Buck barged into his office, shutting the door none to quietly behind him.

Buck threw himself into the chair across from Chris and just glared at his old friend.

Chris sighed and leaned back in his chair folding his hand across his stomach.

“What has you so pissed off this Friday morning?”

“You have to talk to Vin. That fucking prick Russ has hurt Vin again. The kid can barely sit down, his knee is killing him, it's damn abuse and it needs to stop,” Buck vented his face getting red with fury.

Chris controlled his own infamous temper with difficulty. It would not do for both of them to lose it. This was not a new situation but it was getting worse and happening more frequently.

Vin had been with the team for almost a year. Chris had felt a connection with the longhaired sharpshooter from the very beginning and the fact that the younger man was gay didn’t faze him or the team in the least. In fact it made him look at Vin in a new light, but before he could make a move on the younger man and maybe have a future with him, Russ Hawman had arrived in town and the next thing anyone knew he had moved in with Vin. That had been two months ago and it became apparent from almost the very beginning that Hawman was a possessive bastard and kept Vin on a very short leash.

Vin seldom came out to the ranch anymore and chances were if he did then Russ was with him. Then came the first time Vin showed up at work with a vivid bruise on his cheek. He had laughed it off as just being clumsy but no one believed it. Vin Tanner was not a clumsy person, but over the course of the last couple of months Vin seemed to suffer from various falls and accidents all of which he claimed were his fault.

Not one member of the team believed it, but Vin was an adult and there was nothing they could do about it.

“I’ve tried to talk to Vin and he told me to mind my own business. He is not a child, Buck. If we push too hard we might lose him.”

“I know he’s not a fucking child. If he were I’d blister his ass then go kill that bastard for hurting him. Vin said they had gotten carried away and he hurt his knee.”

There was silence between the two old friends for a few minutes then Buck quietly asked, “Do you think that prick has raped him?”

Chris flinched at the question; it was one he had thought about.

“I pray that hasn’t happened, but until Vin asks us for help, or God forbid ends up in the hospital, there is nothing we can do about it.”

“Are they coming to the ranch on Sunday for the BBQ?” Buck asked.

“Vin said they would both be there, so be pleasant for Vin’s sake,” Chris replied.

“We should talk to Russ, you and I corner him and talk to him. Just let him know that we have noticed Vin seems to be having a lot of accidents and let him know we are watching.”

Chris looked away for a minute then replied, “We can do that. Vin might be pissed but I think we should try.”

Buck stood up sighing in relief.

“Okay, I feel better that at least we can let the prick know we aren’t oblivious to what is going on. I swear Chris if the asshole is forcing that boy to have sex then I’ll kill him.”

Buck shut the office door behind him and didn’t hear Chris whisper, “You’ll have to stand in line. I’ll kill the bastard first.”

When Vin went down to leave at the end of the day he found that his old jeep wouldn’t start. Frustration overwhelmed him as he kicked the tire in anger.

Chris chuckled as Vin whirled around to face him.

“Get in, I’ll give you a lift home. Want to stop for a beer first?”

Vin nodded sheepishly. Russ wouldn’t be home until late. He had to go out of town for the day on business and it would be close to midnight before he got back.

The two best friends had a great evening, sharing a good meal and a few beers.

Chris dropped Vin off at his apartment in Purgatory with the reminder of the BBQ on Sunday. Vin promised they would be there.

Vin watched Chris drive off then went into his apartment building. The sharpshooter unlocked his door and went inside shutting and locking the door behind him.

Suddenly a heavy body slammed into him knocking him into the wall.

Vin started to fight back then he slumped against the person as he realized who it was. Russ was home early.

Russ grabbed Vin’s hair in one fist and tossed him to the floor on his back then he straddled the slim body.

“You fucking prick. I saw who brought you home; you figure you’d fuck the blond tight ass while I was gone or maybe let him fuck you. Surprise I’m home. Your pretty little ass belongs to me and only me. Don’t forget you owe me, Tanner.”

Vin tried to placate the angry man but there was no calming Russ down, he was irrational in his anger and jealousy.

Russ unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. As he stroked it to hardness he kept his eyes trained on Vin’s.

The blue eyes were filled with resignation, sorrow and a little fear. Russ was under no illusions that Vin was terrified of him, he knew better.

Tanner had been one of the best, if not the best, sharpshooter in the Army Rangers and was definitely not a man who feared much.

Russ’s hold on him was much more personal and one that Vin felt bound to pay even if it was with his own body and his own sense of worth.

Russ slid forward until his cock nudged Vin’s mouth as he used his lower legs to keep the slim shoulders pinned to the floor. Russ kept his knees on either side of Vin’s head holding it still.

Vin slowly opened his mouth and gagged when the wet hard cock was forced inside sliding deep. Russ sighed at the sensation, no one had a mouth as sweet as Vin’s and he sure loved to fuck it, but not as much as he loved fucking the man's tight hot ass.

Vin shut his eyes as he felt hard hands grip his hair holding his head in place as Russ began thrusting inside the mouth, Vin tried using his tongue and lips to get the man off hoping to end the torment sooner but Russ wasn’t having any of it.

The big man moved one hand and covered Vin’s nose keeping the other hand buried in the long hair. Sliding forward even further the cock slipped deep inside Vin’s mouth blocking his airway.

Vin started to panic when he couldn’t breathe but he couldn’t get away because Russ had him pinned with his bigger body. Just as he was blacking out Russ let go of his nose and pulled his cock out.

Russ grabbed Vin by the hair hauling him to his feet and dragging the semi-conscious body with him to the bedroom.

Vin was flung onto the bed face down and was stripped of his clothes. Russ left his clothes on. He only cared about his own release, and Vin’s feelings meant nothing to him.

Russ put lube on two fingers and shoved them inside the younger man's ass. Vin bit his lip hard so he wouldn’t scream.

If he screamed he would just get hurt worse. Last night he had screamed when Russ had used a whip on his back, the man had been livid at the noise and had thrown Vin to the floor where he had kicked him in the knee and the side, hence the hurt knee that Buck had commented on.

“Guess I’ve loosened you up enough. After all if I loosen you too much where is the fun in that for me?” Russ said as he put a small dab of lube on the end of his large cock.

Using his big hands Russ spread Vin’s ass cheeks apart and in one thrust drilled into the body spread out before him.

A strangled groan escaped Vin’s mouth as a drop of blood fell from his lip where he had bitten down at the intense burning where the cock forced its way inside his body.

Russ hissed at he felt tight muscles involuntarily trying to repel his cock. It just made him shove in faster and deeper, reveling in his domination of his former Ranger teammate and now ATF agent. Vin was a very dangerous man and he was the one who was mounting and fucking Vin, forcing his cock inside a body that didn’t want it but was submitting to him for a tragedy that had occurred in a time of war.

Russ yanked Vin to his knees where he continued to drill inside the shaking body, not caring that now there was a tiny trickle of blood running down one slender thigh.

All Vin could think was please God let him finish fast and maybe he’ll leave me alone for a while. Then a fleeting thought crossed his mind.

‘I need you Chris, I wish I could confide in you cowboy.’

Russ was totally absorbed in inflicting the most punishment he could on Vin.

Momentarily he stopped his thrusts as he wrapped an arm around Vin’s neck pulling the sharpshooter up until Vin’s back was pressed to his chest.

The burning was worse and Vin tried to shift but whimpered when his waist was grabbed and he was slammed down until his ass was resting on Russ’s lap, the hard cock even deeper in his hurting bowels.

Russ kept one arm around Vin’s neck as he began drilling inside the slender body again. He moved the long hair out of the way, finding the bruise he had made several weeks ago and kept on the sharpshooter. It was hidden by the long hair but he knew it was there and he made sure Vin knew it was there. Russ attached his teeth to the sensitive neck and bit down until the body he held began writhing in more pain, gasps escaping Vin’s mouth.

With his mouth marking Vin’s neck, his arm all but strangling the younger man and his cock fucking as hard as he could thrust inside the grasping hot passage Russ never heard the front door being unlocked and someone walk inside.

It wasn’t until a gun barrel was placed at the side of his head and a very low ice-cold lethal voice hissed, “Get your hands off him, your cock out of him, and move off the bed.”

Russ froze. He had to think fast or all would be lost. His vengeance would never be fulfilled.

Vin would never file charges against him. Tanner felt too guilty for what had happened. But, he didn’t want to miss out on the violence he enjoyed inflicting on a compliant body.

Russ let go of Vin who collapsed forward on the bed unconscious. A combination of the unrelenting burning and pain and then hearing the one man's voice he admired and loved above all others. Knowing that Chris was seeing him at his lowest he allowed the darkness to claim him.

Chris growled because when Russ shifted he saw the cock had blood on it. As Vin collapsed little drops of blood fell onto the white sheets. Glancing down quickly the blond was thankful that the blood was not flowing out of his friend.

Russ licked his lips and sneered, “What do you want prick? You interrupted Tanner and I having some fun.”

Chris raised his gun and whipped it across the man's face, the gun sight cutting a gash into the right cheek. Russ gasped and stumbled backwards.

Holding one hand over the bleeding cheek he said, “I’ll have you up on charges for that, just think about Vin going through a trial and having to confess he’s a fag.”

Chris coldly replied, “You try it asshole and I’ll make sure you’re dead and buried long before he ever has to utter a word. I got plenty of land to hide a body like yours, or I’ll just feed your carcass to the animals. I also have plenty of friends to help me, friends who will take great exception to the way you have treated one of their teammates.”

Russ backtracked when his threat didn’t work. Right before he opened his mouth to plead with the irate blond ATF leader a soft voice came from the bed.

“Chrissss...let him go,” Vin managed to say, too tired and in too much pain to raise his head.

Chris held his gun on Russ as he went and knelt by the bed. He put his hand on top of Vin’s head and stroked the long hair back from his friend's face.

“He needs to pay Vin for hurting you,” Chris protested, the urge to pull the trigger so strong he had a death grip on the gun.

“Please cowboy. Let him go...I am fucking tired,” Vin whispered as he again lost the battle to stay awake.

Russ had been keeping him up late at night forcing him to watch TV, go clubbing or just seeing how many ways he could make Vin twist and turn as Russ fucked him.

Russ laughed, he was home free, and the stupid blond adored Tanner and would go along with his wishes.

Chris climbed to his feet and walked over to the man. Chris placed his gun until the barrel rested against Russ’s forehead.

“I see you near him again, you call him or try to contact him in any way and you will die. That is not a threat that is a promise. Now you have five minutes to get out of this apartment and I would suggest you leave this city,” Chris said very calmly.

Russ swallowed his laughter and forgetting about the blood on his face he packed his one suitcase and with Chris following him left the apartment.

Right before Chris shut the door in his face, Russ said, “You tell Tanner that his debt is still owed. Let’s see how he wallows in his guilt.”

Chris gritted his teeth and barely managed to stop from slamming the door in total fury.

In the next few minutes he had contacted Buck and told him to come over to Vin’s but not to say anything to anybody else. Buck had been entertaining his current lady friend but he left immediately the tone in his old friend's voice told him that something bad had gone down.

Chris went back to check on Vin. The bleeding had stopped and it looked like it wasn’t as much damage as all the blood had indicated earlier. As Chris cleaned his friend up he noticed a small tear and realized that Russ had done that when he was raping Vin and that was where the blood had come from.

Chris was appalled to see the welts on the slim back, put there no doubt by a whip or a belt. Fuck, what the hell had Vin been suffering for the past few weeks and didn’t tell anyone?

Chris kept an eye and ear out for Vin to wake up and was finally rewarded when the younger man stirred and the blue eyes opened.

Vin met his eyes then started to turn away as a flicker of shame and fear flashed across the expressive eyes.

Chris sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Vin’s cheek forcing him to look at him.

“Now you listen very carefully to what I’m going to say. I am going to make it very plain. You have not done anything wrong here today. There is absolutely nothing in this world that you could ever do to make me turn my back on you...NOTHING. Do you understand?”

Vin nodded his head as a feeling of warmth invaded the coldness of his soul. Ever since Russ had arrived he had pushed everyone away and kept Chris far away because he knew the blond could read him like no one else.

“I kicked the bastard out, but you need to be checked over by a doctor and then you are going to the ranch with me. I would prefer it if you just moved out there for a while. It would ease my mind and I am sure it would ease yours. How about it for this old man? We could watch each other’s backs.”

Vin slightly smiled at the old man comment. It was a running joke with them. Chris would tease him about being a Texas river rat and he would tease Chris about being an old man.

Chris wasn’t stupid - he knew that if he added the part about watching each other’s backs Vin would go along with it. Vin would never let him be hurt by someone.

Knowing that Chris would do nothing but worry about him Vin knew it was the right thing to do to move out to the ranch. At least he would have someone at his back and he could watch over Chris. Russ would have the blond in his sights now.

“Okay. Would it be alright if I just brought all my stuff out there? It’s just clothes and a few personal things. The furniture belongs here. I think it's time I moved somewhere a little safer,” Vin admitted.

Chris felt immense relief sweep through him. The team had been after Vin to move to a better place for months. If he worked it right then he might be able to keep Vin at the ranch for a long time. After all, he had plenty of room and the ranch could get lonely at times.

Chris determinedly ignored the little voice that was reminding him that it would be his chance to seduce Vin to his bed. Now was not the time to think about that. Vin had just been raped. The younger man might not consider it rape since he had not actively fought Russ, but it was rape. Russ used coercion and emotional blackmail to get what he wanted and Chris was going to get to the bottom of it, for Vin’s sake.

“That would be fine, Vin. I’ll be glad of the company. Now let's get you up and dressed. I want you to be checked by a doctor. I didn’t think you’d want Nathan to check you over.”

Vin slowly sat up with his friend's help. The pain shot through his battered and abused body. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to sit down without pain.

In a low whisper he said, “No I don’t want the guys to know, although I think Bucklin has figured it out.”

Chris wasn’t about to tell the young man that the whole team had figured out something was going on and was worried about him.

“Buck figured out that you were being hurt and he even mentioned that Russ might be abusing you sexually.” Here Chris hesitated as Vin averted his face.

Chris again reached out and made Vin meet his eyes. A deep blush covered the gorgeous face.

“Don’t look away from me. You are innocent of any wrongdoing. Remember Buck’s mom and what she did for a living, he has seen a lot in his life and is no stranger to sexual abuse. Some of the things he told about his mom and the abuse she took to keep him safe and give him what he needed was down right scary. He knew what to look for, but I don’t believe any of the others guessed. Okay?”

Vin swallowed nervously but nodded his head.

“Okay, just going to take some getting used to knowing that the two of you know what he did.”

“Just remember that we are here for you, all of us are at your back. Hell Vin I heard you cry out for me, that’s why I showed up,” Chris admitted.

“You heard me, but...damn cowboy that’s scary. The guys always say we know what is in each other's minds and I guess they’re right.”

Chris continued with small talk all the while getting Vin up and dressed in loose fitting clothes. When he made mention of a hospital again Vin declined, saying he had a friend down the street that ran a free clinic and that was where Vin had been going.

Chris didn’t ask how long Vin had been going there. He had a feeling Vin’s visits had increased dramatically since Russ had shown up.

Vin was on the phone making arrangements to meet his friend Art down at the clinic in about fifteen minutes.

While Vin was on the phone there came a knock at the door. Chris went and answered it, his gun out just in case Russ was stupid enough to come back.

Buck was standing there and stalked inside when the door opened.

Buck growled, “Where did that mother fucker go? I’m going to kill that bastard with my bare hands.”

Chris grasped Buck by the arm and pulled him across the room away from Vin who had glanced up in alarm at Buck’s comment.

Buck yanked his arm out of Chris’s grasp. The big man put his hands on his hips but he spoke in a low tone not wanting Vin to hear what he had to say.

“What the fuck Chris. That bastard raped that boy; beat him and who knows what he would have done if you hadn’t shown back up. What’s to stop him from coming back?”

“Nothing will stop him from coming back. Vin asked me to let him go and I did it for him. There is some kind of history in their backgrounds Buck and we need to know the whole story before we act. This is Vin’s past we are talking about and his future. We cannot act until we know everything. You have no fucking idea how close I came to blowing his brains out,” Chris replied standing toe to toe with his friend.

Buck strove to calm down, to think things through, to actually hear what Chris said.

“Fine, but if I see that animal I’m not promising what will happen.”

Chris sighed and walked over putting a hand on Buck’s shoulder.

When Buck turned around his blue eyes still filled with anger and hatred Chris said, “I’ll be right beside you Bucklin.”

Buck swallowed as Chris used the name that Vin always called him. Looking closely now that his temper was slowly coming under control he saw how much this was taking out of Chris and the next few days were not going to be easy.

Buck pulled Chris in for a Wilmington bear hug that was guaranteed to make people feel at least a little better.

Chris relaxed just a bit. It was so nice to have such good friends, men you could count on, and right now it was good to know that he did not have to carry the whole burden himself.

Buck swallowed, shut his eyes, took a deep breath and let it out feeling the blond relax a bit in his arms. If Chris could hold it together loving Vin like he did, then so could Buck.

Vin hung up the phone and turned to face the two men.

Buck saw the apprehensive look on the pale face looking at him and was distressed.

Buck slowly walked over to his young teammate not wanting to startle the boy. To his relief Vin didn’t back away from him.

“You okay, Junior?”

Vin nodded his head even as he turned red with embarrassment and glanced down.

Buck unknowingly mirrored Chris’s gesture when he reached out cupping Vin’s cheek and bringing the expressive face up to look at him.

“I don’t want you look away from me, kid. You sure as hell didn’t deserve what’s been happening to you and you don’t be ashamed. Got it?”

Vin had to give the big scoundrel a smile, Buck was so worried about him. His teammate wore his heart on his sleeve and there was no doubt that Buck was anxious about him.

“Got it, Bucklin. Sorry you had to get out tonight,” Vin said.

“I’m not. That is what friends are for,” Buck replied then gathered the younger man up into his arms. Vin caught back a sob at the gentle gesture and wondered again how he had been so lucky to have these men in his life.

Chris gently took Vin by the arm and headed him for the door. Chris told Buck to pack Vin’s few things and bring them out to the ranch.

Buck nodded and as the door shut behind his friends he let loose a string of curses against the animal who had hurt such a gentle soul.

It didn’t take long to pack Vin’s few possessions and start out to the ranch. Buck vowed that he would be available to both men whenever they needed him. He prayed that when Vin recovered, the young man would stay at the ranch with the brooding blond.

Buck was convinced that the more Vin and Chris were together the harder it would be for either of them to deny the attraction they had for each other. He was sure it would a beneficial partnership for them both.

Vin would provide a focus for Chris’s protective and possessive instincts, someone he could love and care for. Chris would provide Vin with the security, stability and love he had been lacking his whole life.

A match made in heaven, the two stubborn men just needed to be smacked up the side of the head to see it. Unfortunately the attack on Vin may have provided that smack to the head. At least if it did, then one good thing would have come out of this nightmare.

Meanwhile as Buck was packing and worrying over his friends Chris was ushering Vin into the clinic.

The clinic was empty except for Doc Art, Vin’s buddy.

To Chris’s uneasiness the doctor just glared at Vin and pointed to a room. Vin didn’t say a word, just went into the room and shut the door.

Chris watched his friend slowly cross the room his heart was in his eyes. He just wanted to take Vin home and tuck him into bed then wrap around the slender body so no one could hurt Vin again.

The doctor stood with his legs apart and his arms crossed. He was obviously pissed and he was staring right at Chris.

“So since Vin has described all his teammates to me you must be Chris Larabee. I have to say it’s about fucking time one of you agents figured out what’s been happening to that boy,” the doctor growled.

Chris was taken aback at the attack. The only thing that kept him from lashing out at the man was the fact that he was Vin’s friend and had information that Chris wanted.

“I tried to talk to Vin, doctor. He told me it was none of my business and he wasn’t a child. Just what did you want to do to him?” Chris snapped back.

The doctor took a deep breath and then nodded to his office indicating that they could talk in there.

“Vin will be a while getting his clothes off. The last time I tried to help him he snapped my head off. We have time to have a little chat.”

Chris sat down across from the doctor and really looked at the man closely.

Art was not as young as he first appeared. The doctor was a black man about six feet tall, two hundred pounds. His hair was cut in a military buzz cut and his dark eyes pierced through Chris like a knife.

“I was with Vin in the Rangers, we worked Special Ops together. The kid means a lot to me and it has eaten me up inside to see what Russ has been doing to him and not only physically,” Art said starting the conversation.

“What can you tell me?” Chris asked resting his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward.

“Not much, since Vin is my patient. I truly don’t know what Russ has been holding over his head, but I do know that Vin Tanner would never do anything to make someone, let alone a former Ranger and friend, want to beat and rape him.”

Chris was silent for a minute then asked, “How many times did the bastard rape him?”

“I can’t tell you that, but I can tell you that I have seen Vin in my clinic three times since Russ came to town,” Art replied his answer evasive yet gave Chris the information he needed.

Chris sighed as he whispered, “Shit Vin, why didn’t you say anything.”

“Why didn’t you force him to talk? Vin’s not one to lay his soul bare, he always thinks he can handle anything without bothering anyone.”

“I was afraid to push, I didn’t want to push him away,” Chris replied.

“That probably part of it, but you were afraid that he would figure out how much you care about him. Isn’t that true Agent Larabee?”

Chris gaped in astonishment for a second then sputtered, “How did you figure that out?”

“I saw the look on your face when Vin went into the examining room. I would imagine it is a good bet that if I figured it out then Vin knows it too, though he would not admit it, too afraid to loose you if he was wrong. You will have to be the one to take the initiative, Chris. Vin won’t, he’s been slapped down to many times.”

“I’ll think on what you’ve said, but first we have to get him healthy and I plan on being in that exam room with him,” Chris said standing up.

Art smiled, stood up and walked around the desk.

The doctor stuck his hand out and shook Chris’s.

“I think you’ll do Agent Larabee. I think Vin’s life just took a turn for the better.”

Chris preceded Art out the door as he replied, “I don’t know about that, but I know my future is looking a hell of a lot brighter.”

The two men nodded at each other then headed over to the exam room. Vin was waiting for them and he came first.

Art would care for Vin physically and Chris would handle the rest, between them Vin would recover and Team 7 would be there for their sharpshooter also.

Guilt and Secrets II
