FEEDBACK: On and off is good...and only if you want to...FB is good.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: With thanks to Jude...and not Kim. Her fault <G>
DISCLAIMER: Don't own them, if I did, you wouldn't believe the things I would have them doing ...sigh At least they would be still on TV if I did own 'em, or at least DVD...*#%#$#&*#$#$* All rights belong to those who thought, produced, paid and did all the hard work. Ain't all that much hard work to watch 'em. No copyright infringement is intended, none at all. Mind you the slash part is mine <G> Well okay, I didn't invent M/M sex... (Demanded and done, now leave me alone you know who you are)
Okay, where is she? Wilmington demanded as he frantically searched the hotel room, looking for the woman that he was sure that Chris had been with the night before. I know shes here somewhere. I know you werent alone last night, and no one has left this room.
I was here alone, Buck, Chris snarled as he yanked the bed sheet that Buck was checking under out of the moustached agents hand. Damn it, Buck, were in New York, havent you got anything better to do than guard my door, and my business?
I know that look, Larabee, Ive seen it enough times in the mirror. You got laid. Who was she? Mary? Was it that blonde that made eyes at you at the front desk, what was her name, Mady, Laura? I know it was Peggy? He continued to interrogate his oldest friend as he searched the room.
About to give up his quest as a lost cause, Bucks focus fell on a rumpled shirt - a very familiar rumpled shirt - poking out from under the narrow gap under the bed.
Studying his friend a little closer, Buck suddenly realized that he, Buck Wilmington, was now biggest idiot in New York.
Well, Buck casually pondered, as sauntered to the hotel room window. As I dont think this is that particular breed of Vixen that can suck their way up their own ass and disappear, a now somewhat amused Wilmington concluded with a smile. I would say that our resident sharpshooter, and I might add our naked resident sharpshooter, he chuckled as he bent down and picked at Vins discarded clothes that Buck hoped had been haphazardly removed in some sexual frenzy with Chris. Is making quite a spectacle of himself.
Unable to control himself any longer as his friend turned a bright shade of crimson, Buck let out a deep roar of laughter that came deep from his belly.
Damn it, Buck, Chris growled as he pushed his friend to the side and slid the window open. With his heart in his throat threatening to choke him as he saw the situation his lover had got himself in, Chris just shook his head. Damn it, Tanner, youre not fucking Spiderman, get your ass back in here.
The End