Disclaimers: I do not own Magnificent Seven or any the characters. I have absolutely no idea where I came up with this one, but decided to go with it. I hope you enjoy it.
Summary: Vin finds he needs help from the most unlikely person, as he is hurt and helpless. Guy Royal is not as bad as he puts on.
Spoilers: Everything in the TV show. Top Hat Bob did not happen and Royal is not as bad as the show lets on.
Warning: graphic sex between two men, angst, hurt/comfort, death of character, not one of the seven.
Pairing: Vin/Guy Royal, Vin/Chris
Guy Royal was sitting in his parlor reading when a pounding on his door made him put his book down and hurry into the hallway and to the front door.Sims, one of his wranglers was standing on his porch with a body slung over his shoulder.
Got you a present Mr. Royal, the man said smiling widely his blackened teeth turning the rancher's stomach.
Royal never had been able to stand Sims and the only reason he was still on the ranch was because he could break any horse around.
Royal wasnt a nice man, but he did have a few things he believed in. One, be polite to women, even that cantankerous old biddy Nettie Wells. Granted he had wanted her ranch but he hadnt cussed at her or laid a hand on her, underhanded yes, mean no. Two, once a man is down dont continue to beat on him. Three, he believed in that old saying cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Sims was a filthy man and looked like he hadnt bathed in a month. The man was also known to be rough with the saloon girls, but he did make Royal a lot of money on selling horses to the Army.
Sims walked into the hallway and dumped the body on the floor.
Royal gasped as he caught sight of the face of the man. It was Vin Tanner, a member of the Seven who guarded Four Corners, the best tracker this side of the Mississippi, a thorn in his side and a man who he had not been able to get out of his mind since the confrontation over Nettie Wells' ranch.
The young man had turned the tables on him something very few had ever been able to do and he had to admit it was something he admired the young sharpshooter for doing.
Tanner moaned, letting Royal know that he was still alive. Kneeling down Royal pushed the tousled head to the side and saw the bullet crease down the side of the head.
What the hell happened, he hissed as anger coursed through him. Where that anger was coming from he refused to think about.
Bastard was riding down the road as big as you please, like he owned it. Breed was to fucking dumb to know that I was there and didnt even see me until it was to late, the shot took him right out of his saddle, Sims gleefully admitted.
So you ambushed him? Royal questioned slowly standing up.
Hell yeah, I know how much you hate him and I figured youd want to finish him off. His horse took off for town, couldnt stop him, but no one will tie Tanners death to you. Now ah do I get a bonus for bringing the bastard to you? Sims was practically drooling at the thought of getting more money.
Youll get just what you deserve. Just let me move him and Ill be right back.
Royal knelt down and easily scooped the slender man into his arms. Tanners head lolled onto the older man's shoulder and the rancher felt the tracker's breath on his neck.
Sims wondered where his boss was taking Tanner, but figured ,what the hell, rich people were weird, and maybe he wanted to make Tanner suffer before he died.
Sims shrugged and waited patiently by the front door. Didnt matter to him how Tanner died he just wanted his money.
Royal walked into the spare bedroom and lay the young man down.
As he straightened up he noticed Tanners blue eyes were open and staring straight at him, he tensed waiting for Tanner to make a sarcastic comment or threaten him. Yeah, the boy had balls enough to threaten him even when he was hurt.
To his surprise the injured man reached up and brushed his fingers down Royals arm.
Who are you where where, Tanner's eyes slid shut as pain tore across his head.
Royal felt something he had not felt in years as he saw tears of pain run out of the corners of Tanners eyes. Royal felt his world shift and knew that lying on this bed was the reason he had been looking for to go on and not just end his life. A thought he had been thinking about seriously. After all he had no family, no one who cared about him except his housekeeper. Life was lonely and sad.
In this young man, a man hell more like a boy considering the age difference he found someone he could take care of, someone he could admire, at least until Larabee and the others came looking for him.
Sh youre going to be fine, Vin. Ill be right back, Royal soothed brushing the silky soft yet tangled hair off the beautiful face.
Vin opened his eyes again, causing Royal to catch his breath. The vivid blue eyes stared right into his soul and wrenched his cold heart into beating again.
Vin is that that my name, then pain tore through him again and Vin cried out as he reached out for the man looming above him, Help me please,
Royal felt his gut clench as the hand fell away and the boy lost consciousness. Frantically he checked for a pulse and sighed in relief as he found one. Granted it was slow and sluggish but it was there.
A voice suddenly intruded on his perusal of the injured man.
Mr. Royal Im still waiting, Sims yelled.
Royal stood up and gazed down at the pale face. While Royal was not one given to deep thinking he knew that his life had indeed now changed and for however long he had it would be for the better.
Going into the den he grabbed up his revolver and tucked it into his belt and went down the hallway.
Lets go out here, I dont want anyone to know you brought Tanner back, Royal said ushering Sims out the door.
Before Sims could react Royal had shot him point blank in the chest.
As Sims lay dying, Royal growled, You shot him like the coward you are. But now that I have him, no one is going to know that he is with me at least not until I allow it, therefore you need to die.
Sims died just as some of Royals men reached the porch.
Royal informed them that Sims had tried to force his way into the house and he had been forced to shoot him. The men knew better than to question their boss, they just hauled the body away as Royal turned and went back into the house shutting the door and locking it.
Royals foreman looked back at the house. He didnt believe his boss, but Randy knew better than to question the man. Besides Randy had gotten close to the man at least had shared his bed a few times and if he worked his cards right, this prosperous ranch would be his one day.
Royal hurriedly woke up his housekeeper, he would need help with the injured man and Agnes adored him, she would never turn on him.
Agness son was in medical school with her boss paying the bills so in her eyes Guy Royal could do no wrong.
Agnes started boiling water and getting what was going to be needed to fix the young man up.
Royal started stripping the young man who remained unconscious. Getting the buckskin coat off he tossed it over a nearby chair and began unbuttoning the shirt and long underwear.
Gently he pulled the slender body that was already hot to the touch into his arms cradling the head to his shoulder as he slipped the shirt and underwear off leaving the upper body bare.
Laying Vin back down he worked the boots and socks off then stripped the rest of the slender body.
Royal caught his breath as he gazed down at the most gorgeous man he had seen in a long time. Sure he had noticed Tanner was one good-looking man, only an idiot would not have noticed that, but damn that coat hid a lot of the solid gorgeous body.
Tanner while slender was in shape, with his muscles well defined. The shoulders gave way to a flat stomach and slim waist that tapered down hips that were just the perfect size.
Before that thought had barely crystallized Royal watched as his hands moved to grip the hips coming to rest over the hipbones.
The boy needed to get some meat on his bones, was his first thought, and then he thought this boy was beautiful all over.
From the slender arched feet to the golden brown head of tousled curls and everything in between.
Royal heard Agnes puttering around in the kitchen and knew she would be here in just a few minutes.
One hand left the hip and gently brushed across the lax cock nestled in the bed of golden brown curls.
He knew he shouldnt touch the boy was helpless but he couldnt resist.
So soft, so velvet soft was his first reflection on the feel of the shaft he held in his hand like he would a newborn baby kitten.
The boy was utterly vulnerable and at his mercy. He would take very good care of the treasure that had been so cruelly deposited in his house.
Then as he heard his housekeeper heading down the hallway he covered the slender body up not wanting anyone to see what he was already considering his possession.
For the next week Royal and his housekeeper fought a slight infection and a high fever that threatened to take the young man away from them. At one point Royal himself had ridden into Eagle Bend and got some medicine from the doctor there just telling the doctor that he had a man down with an infection and fever.
Agnes never questioned her employer why he was keeping the young man a secret, but she thought she knew even if he didnt.
Agnes knew Guy Royal better than he knew himself.
Royal at one time had been a happy family man with a wife and a couple of kids. Then a sickness had swept the area and he had lost his family. After that he became a hard man, at times heartless and ruthless. The only ones allowed into his bed were just a very few women and even some young men. People who knew the score and wouldnt expect anymore from him than he wanted to give, although Agnes worried that Randy might think he had a future with his boss.
Royal had then spent his time buying up smaller ranches and throwing his weight around, never allowing anyone close.
Agnes had watched as the seven men from Four Corners had infuriated her boss, but they had also gotten his attention like no else had for years especially the boy lying in the bosss house.
No one had stood up to Guy Royal for years yet this slender soft spoken righteous man had not only stood up to him but beat him at his own game. That was something to be admired even as her boss was pissed at the tracker.
Now as the young man's temperature went down and he was looking like he could regain consciousness at any time Agnes could not help but wonder if he would remember everything or still have his memory loss due to being shot.
The answer came in the middle of the night while she was sound asleep. Royal had taken to checking on the younger man every couple of hours or so during the night. This night as he walked into the room he saw the blue eyes were open and for the first time in over a week were clear and coherent.
Getting a glass of water Royal raised the tousled head and gave the boy a drink of fresh water.
Gently laying the boy back down Royal brushed the long hair off the handsome face as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
How are you feeling, Vin? he asked calmly although his insides were churning. Just how much would the boy remember, would he lose the boy before he had even had the chance to claim him?
My head hurts most of all, Vin said wincing at the pain.
That will go away. Youve been real sick for a week. We almost lost you a couple of times, Royal said.
Vin frowned trying to remember something anything.
I I still dont remember anything.
Dont worry about it. All you have to remember is that Im here, and youre safe, Royal soothed relieved that Tanner was still unaware who he was.
But but wont someone be looking for me, Vin asked fearfully. Something was telling him that people would be looking for him, whether they were good people or not he didnt know.
Royal thought back four days before when Chris Larabee and Ezra Standish had ridden in looking for the sharpshooter. It seemed that Vins horse had made it back to town and the men had begun searching for their missing friend.
Guy Royal had walked out on the porch, rifle in his hands when the two men had ridden up. Randy and one of the ranch hands had come over to give him some backup.
Royal had assured the two peacekeepers that he had not seen Tanner and had ordered them off his property.
As the two men left Larabee had turned and hissed, If youre lying Royal and you have something to do with Vin missing youll pay with your life.
As the two peacekeepers rode off Royal smiled and under his breath his said, He did not remember you, Larabee and possession is nine tenths of the law and right now I possess him.
Bringing his thoughts back to the present Royal said, You are home, Vin. I am your family, then as the boys eyes questioned him, Royal took a gamble and added, I am your lover, Vin and have been for several years.
Vin looked at him in shock, Lover? Why dont I remember that?
You were shot and have no memory right now. Just know this we have been together for a long time. I have taken good care of you and will continue to do so. You are safe, no one can hurt you while I am around.
Vin frowned, as his headache grew worse. Pictures flashed through his mind.
A blond man, a black man and several other men yet this man who claimed to be his lover he couldnt visualize.
Vin groaned, as a very urgent matter demanded his attention.
Blushing he dropped his eyes and whispered, I ah I have to go to the privy.
Royal was delighted at the blush. This boy amazed him, smart, deadly, beautiful and so shy.
I have taken care of your needs for a week, I can continue to do so. You are to weak to walk right now, besides you have nothing that I have not seen many times.
Royal leaned down and picked up the bowl he had used all week. Quickly and without fuss he pulled down the blanket baring the slender body to his gaze.
Royal slipped his arm around Vins back and raised him up resting the boy against him. The slender body was smaller than his more compact broad one and he exhilarated at the feeling of power and strength that surged through him. The feel of Vins warm body against his nearly made him lose control.
But he held himself under strict control, he did not want to move to fast and scare the boy. After all he had no way of knowing whether Vin had ever had a male lover.
Royal thought of Larabee and had to admit that maybe the blond had already claimed the boy he held. Then he dismissed that notion. Larabee was still tied up in his familys death to look at Vin as nothing more than a friend.
Vin reached down and picked up his shaft while Royal held the bowl. As he relieved himself he sighed. That felt much better.
Royal felt Vin slump against him as even this slight exertion was too much for the weak man. Sitting the bowl on the floor he lay Vin back down on the bed.
Vin felt himself covered up and the blankets tucked in. Blearily he opened his eyes.
You wont leave me, he whispered mentally cringing when he heard the needy tone in his voice. Something told him that he was not used to being needy, that he was used to standing on his own two feet. But right now he was confused, to hurt to question the man who seemed to be his only lifeline.
I wont leave you, Royal promised sensing that he was one step closer to claiming the boy he desired.
Vin saw the dark shadows under his lovers eyes, his lover at least that was what he had been told and saw no reason not to believe it. The man had been good to him and taken care of him when he had not been able to do anything for himself.
Feeling guilty he said, Go ahead and go to bed. You look tired.
Im fine. Ill wait until you get to sleep.
Vin looked at the older man and then smiled his sweet smile and drifted off to sleep.
Royal gasped as he felt more of his hard heart loosen up at that innocent smile.
Staring down at the boy he had in his possession Royal swore that he would not him go and that he would make sure Tanner had every thing he would ever want in life as long as he never left Royal.
Therefore Royal vowed he would do nothing to help Vin get his memory back, he would plant new memories, ones in which they were lovers. After all what life could Tanner have working in Four Corners risking his life for people who didnt give a shit about him? No the boy was better off with him where he could give me a safe happy future.
It was in Vins best interest to stay with him, he had the money and the power to take care of him.
Tomorrow he would ride back to Eagles Bend and pick up some clothes for Vin and anything else he might want and need, he also needed to talk to his lawyer.
Eventually they would have to move, the seven would never give up looking for their friend and he couldnt keep Vin locked up in the house forever. He would have to plan for the future.
Chris slammed into the saloon after another fruitless day of hunting for Vin. The blond gunslinger was beginning to think that Vin was dead and he would never see his best friend again.
Never be able to tell him how much their friendship had come to mean to him and how much he had wanted it to be more.
No Chris had poor timing once again. He had put off telling Vin that he loved him and wanted to be his lover and now it might be to late.
The six men continued to look for their lost friend, but could not pick up a trail; after all it was their tracker extraordinaire who was missing.
Ezra and Josiah had headed towards Tuscosa just in case a bounty hunter had grabbed Vin and was headed in that direction. Every town they passed they telegraphed back to report on their progress and to pass on the bad news that there was no sign of the tracker.
JD and Nathan kept an eye on the town while Buck and Chris scoured the countryside. Buck refused to let Chris go alone knowing the volatile blond was on a very short fuse and if he exploded then Buck would need to be around to control him.
Of course if Vin were dead then Buck figured Chris was lost to the rest of them anyway. Buck had seen how Chris gravitated towards the younger man seeking his company out and worrying over him.
Buck knew before Chris that the blond had fallen in love with the sharpshooter and had watched hoping that Chris would say something because he knew that Vin returned the feelings but was to shy to make the first move.
Now it might be to late and Chris might have lost another person he loved.
Buck sat down at the table with his old friend and handed him a drink, but he had noticed that Chris had not been drinking much focusing all his attention on finding the missing man.
Well find him, Chris, Buck stated.
You dont know that Buck. We have looked everywhere, its like hes fallen off the edge of the world. Someone has him, I just know it.
That just doesnt make sense. Why would someone hold him and if hes hurt they surely would have contacted us or Vin would have told them to let us know, Buck said.
I dont know, its just a feeling. If Vin could have he would have gotten word to us. I cant lose him, Buck. I just cant.
You wont Chris. We wont stop looking until we find that contrary Texas river rat.
Chris smiled at his old friend.
Thanks Buck. I dont know what Id do without you here to ground me.
Buck felt a jolt of pride shoot through him. It was nice to be needed, especially by your oldest friend, a friend he had thought he had lost years ago.
Buck raised his glass and tapped Chriss whiskey glass.
Heres to that Texas river rat and I swear we will find him in the next few days. I just have a feeling.
Chris tossed back his drink and then pushed the glass aside, he didnt want anymore.
I get the feeling that maybe youre right. I do promise you this that whoever has him and kept him from me will die, the blond vowed his green eyes bright with anger, fear and hatred.
Meanwhile as the men continued to look for Vin Tanner, Guy Royal was taking very good care of the young man in his house.
After Vin had regained consciousness he quickly got his strength back. Of course that was helped by the fact that Agnes was already doting on him and Royal made sure that he finished every bite on his plate.
After eating a couple of meals in bed he had insisted on going to the dining room and eating. Royal stayed right by his side making sure that he didnt fall.
Vin was glad of the older man's arm around his waist, as his knees still got a little wobbly. But when the arm gripped him to help him walk another face flashed in his head. That of a green eyed blond who he sensed had done for him what Guy was doing for him now. Just as soon as the picture entered his head it was gone.
Now Vin was walking on his own and Royal could tell he was getting restless. He had kept Vin inside by telling him that the man who had shot him was still on the loose and he was safer in the house.
While Vin understood that he felt a need to get outside and smell the fresh air.
Royal decided to compromise and told Vin that after dinner they would go out to the porch when it was dark and enjoy the clear star filled sky and fresh air. After dark no one would see Vin and he would be safer.
Vin smiled not knowing that when he did that Royals heart beat faster and the man felt the need to just taste his mouth.
Late that night a week and a half after the shooting Vin and Royal were sitting outside on a cushioned bench.
Guy usually sat in a nearby chair but he wanted to be close to the boy, tonight he planned on tasting Vin. He had a feeling time was running out and he needed to step up his seduction of the younger man so he could spirit them both out of the territory.
Royal laid one arm across the back of the bench, his fingers playing gently with the long hair of the one he had chosen to spend his life with.
Vin felt goose bumps as he felt his hair being gently pulled as fingers ran through the long strands.
Guy cupped the back of Vins head and when the gorgeous face turned to look at him he leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on the soft lips.
Pulling back he glanced down and saw that Vin had shut his eyes, the cheeks were red, but the mouth was slightly parted.
Royal put his other hand on Vins hip, turning the sharpshooter a little to face him then holding him in place.
Vin rested one hand on Royal's arm while the other one had landed on the older man's thigh.
Royal felt the heat from that hand burn through his clothes. He had to have more.
Leaning down again the rancher slipped his tongue inside that sweet mouth and sucked on Vins tongue.
As Vin gasped and moved closer to him, Royal knew that he had won. Vin was not used to being this close to anyone, his bodys reaction was testimony to that.
Royal pulled Vin even closer deepening the kiss until they broke apart both men gasping for air.
Did we do this often? Vin asked his lips swollen from the kiss.
All the time, you are my life, Vin. You make life worth living, Guy Royal said and realized that it was the truth.
Vin blushed even more as he hesitantly said, Did we do more than kiss?
Royal was triumphant as he said, A lot more, but I dont want to move to fast. Why dont you come up here? No one is around to see. Do you know how adorable you are when you blush?
Vin suddenly found himself straddling Royals thighs as hands framed his face and pulled him in for another breath stealing kiss.
Vin reciprocated putting one arm around the broad shoulders of his lover while the other one rested on Royal's side.
Guy again cupped Vins head loving the feel of all that golden brown silk in his hand as his other hand drifted lower resting Vins jean clad butt.
As Vin moaned deep in his throat Royal rubbed the tight ass, letting go of the sweet mouth as he nuzzled at Vins throat nipping sharply at the smooth skin.
Guy felt Vin thrust forward a bit and knew the younger man was hard. There was no way he was going to take the boy tonight, it was to early, but there were other ways to get pleasure and he was determined that Vin would be pleasured tonight.
Trust me, Vin? Royal asked.
Lust filled blue eyes looked at him.
Yes, came the soft response.
Royal stood up and quickly got Vins jeans and underwear shoved to the boys ankles baring him from the waist down.
Vin was pushed gently back to sit on the bench as Royal knelt between the spread knees.
After assuring his young lover that the ranch hands were asleep in the bunkhouse and Agnes had gone to bed hours ago Royal kissed the tip of the red cock.
Vin whimpered as the kiss changed to licks and nibbles. He had no way of knowing that this was the first time Royal had given a blowjob.
Guy Royal just did not do this for other men, sure he demanded it of them, but there was no way he would put his mouth on another man's cock.
Vin Tanner changed all that; Guy wanted to do everything with and for the younger man. He wanted to taste and have every aspect of the younger man.
Royal remembered what he liked so he swallowed the cock and felt a jolt of pride when he heard Vin groan and hands bury themselves in his hair.
He was doing this, he was making this gorgeous boy, this deadly sharpshooter and awesome tracker moan and arch into his mouth.
Reaching down Royal gently cupped Vins balls and rolled them in his fingers as the first drops of salty pre-cum hit his tongue.
Royal let his tongue lap at the drops of salty fluid getting used to the taste and knowing he would never get enough of it.
Feeling his own cock swell in his jeans he knew it wouldnt take much for him to go over the edge, this boy excited him more than anyone had in a long time.
Pulling his mouth off the slick cock he held his fingers up to Vin and hoarsely said Wet them for me.
Vin looked at him puzzled but since he wanted more of that fantastic mouth he did as he was told.
Royals gut clenched as the wet heat surrounded his fingers laving them lovingly.
Royal watched Vin watch him as he then slicked the fingers further with Vins own pre-cum.
When Royal slipped one finger inside Vins most private entrance the younger man's face blushed even further as he gasped at the intrusion.
There was a little pain and he tensed up.
Guy took his time massaging gently, as Vin relaxed and allowed the finger in deeper; he again swallowed the red wet cock.
Royal only allowed the one finger inside the hot channel and with a twist of his hand he brushed across Vins prostate just as he sucked the cock deeper.
Vin couldnt help it he started to scream but bit the sound off, as he didnt want anyone around to see what was going on.
Royal swallowed every drop of the salty fluid wanting to savor every drop. After the shaft was licked clean he slipped his finger out of the grasping hole and sat back down pulling a docile Vin into his lap his jeans still around his ankles.
Holding Vin on his lap like a woman would hold a nursing child, Royal bent down and claimed his lovers mouth sharing the taste.
He knew that he could easily claim the boy now, Vin would not fight him, but he found that he did not want to do that. He would not take the boy out here, there were more comfortable places for a first time and he would wait. Who would have known that Guy Royal could have this kind of patience?
Vin finally raised shy eyes and whispered, That was great, I cant believe I dont remember us doing that before.
Royal felt a brief moment of guilt but quickly shoved it aside, as he firmly believed he was the best person to take care of Vin.
It may all come back, but if it doesnt then we will make new memories.
Vin suddenly looked worried.
You...I can do that for you...I dont want to be selfish.
Guy almost laughed. He knew enough about Vin Tanner to know that he was one of the most unselfish people around.
You arent being selfish. I loved seeing your reaction so much that I came to.
Seeing Vins doubtful look Royal took one of the tracker's hands and laid it on the front of his wet jeans.
Astonishment filled Vins eyes as he realized that he had caused this self-confident man this much pleasure without even trying.
Vin shivered as a breeze blew in. Royal took note of the shiver and quickly stood them both up. He refused to allow Vin to dress himself.
Vin stood quietly as his underwear and jeans were pulled up and buttoned.
Lets go inside now. Maybe tomorrow we can go for a ride in the afternoon and tomorrow night we can pleasure each other again.
Okay, as long as you let me do more, Vin insisted.
Its a deal, Royal agreed as he ushered them both inside.
As soon as the door shut and locked Randy appeared out of the bushes where he had been watching. He had hopes of sharing Royals bed that night, but it looked like his boss had someone else now.
What was so shocking was that it was that damn tracker who worked in Four Corners. Randy thought Royal hated the man, but it looked like Royal was really taken with him.
Thinking back Randy remembered Sims being shot and then Larabee and his man showing up looking for Tanner. Royal was keeping Tanners presence a secret for some reason, but there was no way that Tanner was taking his place.
Even if Royal had never sucked his cock Randy still expected to be the one in his bosss bed in the future and that meant that Tanner had to go. He just had to plan it very carefully.
The next morning Royal made sure that all his wranglers left early to check on the herd.
Then after a good hearty breakfast served by a beaming Agnes he took Vin down to the barn and let him have the pick of the horses.
Royal was in a good mood, after he had taken Vin back into the house the night before the younger man had insisted that they share the bed.
Royal had smiled and said that his bed was bigger and had taken Vin into the master bedroom, which was twice as large as the bedroom Vin had been in.
At Vins slightly questioning look, Royal had explained that since Vin was injured he had not wanted to share the same bed worrying that he might inadvertently hit the side of his lover's head and do further harm.
Vin had undressed down to his long johns and climbed into the big feather bed. Royal had wiped his stomach and groin clean and then lay on his back in the middle of the bed.
He was gratified when Vin curled up next to him laying his head on the broad shoulder. Royal couldnt remember the last time he had such a good nights sleep.
Waking up with Vin still curled up in his arms Royal carefully slipped out of the bed without waking the younger man.
That gave him the chance to send his wranglers off to tend the herd.
Now as he watched Vin look the horses over he was exhilarated, he was going to spend the day with this delightful beautiful man, just the two of them. Then then tonight he would claim Vin Tanner as his own.
Royal felt a moments feeling of disquiet as Vin picked out a horse that looked a lot like the one Chris Larabee rode. Was Vins memories attempting to surface.
Why that one, Vin? he asked quietly resting one hand on the back of Vins neck unconsciously copying the same gesture that Larabee used with his best friend.
Vin frowned as images again rose up in his mind. The same blond haired brooding man accompanied by six other men. For a few seconds he saw each man's face until he came to the last man whose face was a blur.
Blinking Vin shook his head wishing the images would just leave, as they bothered him.
Smiling up a Royal, Vin said, Because he looks like he might be contrary and Im ready for a good ride.
Royal groaned to himself as the images that innocent statement conjured up made his mouth go dry and he wondered if he could get by with tossing the boy into the sweet smelling hay and giving him the ride he was wanting.
Royal sternly told himself that he had more control than that, tonight was soon enough to take what was his.
Whats wrong Guy, you have a funny look on your face, Vin inquired cocking his head to one side.
Nothing is wrong. Just want to make sure that you are up to riding the horse he can be a wild one.
Dont worry, once I get my legs wrapped around him, hell do exactly what I want, Vin innocently added as he went to saddle the horse leaving behind a man who was really beginning to wonder if being alone with him was really safe for either one of them.
After saddling the horses Guy led them away from the ranch house and away from where he had sent his men.
The day passed quickly, to quickly for the two men. Vin was thrilled to finally be away from the house and free to enjoy the sun and wildness of nature. For Guy it was bittersweet, he was looking forward to the night he had planned, but he was enjoying seeing the different sides of Vin.
Galloping across the land Vin was laughing, his blue eyes sparkling and cheeks flushed with excitement. Later as Guy leaned over Vin found himself meeting he older man halfway as their lips met in short but loving kiss.
Then mischief filled the blue eyes as Vin galloped away shouting back for Guy to catch him if he could.
Guy found himself laughing as he followed the younger man.
Vin had already arrived at a shady spot by a rushing stream and was sitting down leaning against a tree.
Slow poke, he teased.
Guy just shook his head as he dismounted and headed over to sit next to Vin.
For the next several hours the two men just sat there enjoying nature and their quiet companionship.
Vin felt a twinge at the corner of his mind that he had shared this same type of quiet moment with someone else but the memory just wouldnt come.
As the morning wore on Vin yawned and finally agreed to lie down with his head in Guys lap.
Despite what he thought Vin still got a little tired during the day and Royal always tried to get him to rest.
Vin fell asleep with his lovers fingers carding through his long hair.
It was at times like this that Guy Royal was sorely torn. Vin trusted him and he truly did love the boy as much as he could love anyone. But he was lying to him, yet he didnt want to lose him. What would happen if he took Vin away and the boy regained his memories, what would Vin do?
Guy Royal was still selfish enough to grab what happiness he could, though he did believe that he could provide best for Vin and give him a safe, secure future.
On that thought he too closed his eyes and dropped off to sleep. The horses would warn him if any danger approached.
Randy stood on the hill hidden by some trees and watched the two men. This had to be stopped right now. Tanner was not just going to step in and take what he felt was rightly his. Randy had bent over to many times and taken his bosss cock up his ass to just let someone else take the prize.
Randy quietly rode off in the direction of Four Corners. Reaching town he quickly wrote a note that told Larabee where to find Vin Tanner. That should take care of the problem, as he didnt want to kill the man. All that would accomplish would be to bring Larabee down on his head as well as Guy Royal, this way Tanner would be taken back to town by his friends and he would be the one to console his boss.
Randy grabbed one of the town kids and handed them the note telling them to give it to Chris Larabee.
Randy then rode off satisfied that he had started the ball rolling and soon everything would return to normal.
Unfortunately Larabee was not in town and the note was shoved in the pocket of the overalls the kid wore and was promptly forgotten as he continued to play with his friends.
It was late when Randy got back to the ranch. Royal and Tanner had gotten back a few hours ago. Royal had his tub filled with hot water and had insisted that Vin take a nice hot bath. While the younger man was upstairs in the bedroom doing that Guy was reading or trying to read. Instead of words he pictured the young lithe body sitting in that hot soapy water, the long hair damp and falling in tight curls touching the wet smooth tanned skin.
Royal finally couldnt wait any longer and went upstairs. Vin had taken his bath then had laid down on their bed their bed that had a nice ring to it.
The tracker was asleep, the slightly damp hair spread across the pillow in a halo of golden brown curls. Vin had not gotten dressed, but had covered up with a light blanket.
Royal quickly undressed and took his bath quietly, drying off he slipped into bed next to the slumbering man.
Vin was lying on his back the blanket bunched around his waist.
Royal leaned over and nibbled on one tanned shoulder, smiling as Vin murmured and turned his head.
Blue eyes opened and that Tanner smile appeared.
Wondered where you were, he whispered as he raised his arms and wrapped them around the older man.
Royal slid into the arms with a sigh, feeling like he had finally come home.
Royal bent his head claiming the lush mouth as he maneuvered his way to lie on top of Vin, his legs between the tracker's .
Royal was an accomplished lover and he brought all that to bear while seducing the young man. It wasnt long before the slim body was writhing beneath him. Vin had ignited so fast that Royal figured he had been right; the boy had not had many lovers, and maybe no male lovers.
Vin was whimpering, arching up wanting something, what he didnt know, but he craved more...more of the mouth, the fingers that were driving him crazy.
Royal reached for the grease, ready to prepare his lovers hole so he could mount the sweet body.
As he took the lid off he paused as Vin whispered, I love you...please...please more.
Do you trust me? Royal asked the words wrenched out of his mouth.
Yes...yes, Vin cried out as a strong hand stroked his cock.
Royal put the lid back on the grease. The boy trusted him and he would not take that trust and violate it anymore than he already had.
Vin would still get his pleasure and so would he but he would not take the boy... not tonight.
Using their combined juices Royal's grabbed both their cocks in his hand and began stroking them together while he laved Vins nipples with his mouth and tongue.
Vin screamed as he came clutching at the shoulders of the man lying over him. Royal held back his scream as he spilled over his hand following his lover over the edge.
Vin shuddered barely noticing that Royal had gotten up. A wet cloth wiped his stomach and chest, then his lover climbed back into bed pulling him close.
Royal covered them both up and it wasnt long before Vin dropped off to sleep.
Royal lay awake for a while thinking. There was only one thing he could do...the right thing. Come morning he would sit Vin down and they would talk. He would come clean and tell Vin who he was and where he lived. Then hopefully Vin would forgive him and stay or at least not write him off completely.
Royal tugged Vin closer and fell asleep.
Meanwhile back in Four Corners a note was slipped under the door of Chris Larabees room. The boy had forgotten to deliver the note and when he remembered he had been afraid that he would be in trouble for not letting the scary gunslinger know about the note.
So he slipped the note under the door and ran back home.
The next morning Larabee found the note and read it, a roar of anger erupted from the man.
Storming downstairs he found Buck, Nathan and JD in the saloon having breakfast. Ez and Josiah had reached Tuscosa and telegraphed back that Vin was not there. They would hang around for a couple of days then come back home.
Chris showed his friends the note, whereby the four men immediately headed out to Royal's ranch.
Buck took one look at his old friends face and knew that today someone was going to die and if Vin was hurt or worse then a lot of people were going to die.
All Chris could think about was that he now knew where Vin was. The sharpshooter better be okay or he would burn that ranch to the ground.
Royal and Vin had finished breakfast and were sitting out on the front porch. The ranch hands were busy and only a few men were down at the barn and corral. Agnes was in the kitchen cleaning up and thinking about what to fix for lunch.
Royal looked at Vin sitting next to him and said, I need to talk to you for a few minutes. I hope that you wont hate me and will understand why I did what I did.
Vin turned puzzled eyes to his lover.
I couldnt hate you, Guy. I love you, he said.
Guy leaned forward and pressed a light kiss on his lovers mouth.
Guy opened his mouth, but his head jerked around as he heard horses coming fast.
Jerking around Guy saw Chris Larabee and three of his men heading for the ranch house. He cursed under his breath, damn what fucking timing, there was no time to get Vin back into the house.
Looking to the side Royal saw Randy standing there with his rifle, by the smug self satisfied look on his face Royal knew that his foreman was the one who had told Larabee where his friend was.
Randy saw the hate filled look sent his way and knew that his boss had figured it out and that it wouldnt matter if Tanner left, Royal would never be his.
Vin stood like a statue as the four men pulled up several yards in front of the porch.
Royal thought about pulling his gun, but he knew that Larabee was faster than him and he really did not want to get into gunfight. Vin was standing next to him and could get hurt and if the boy remembered his friends then he sure didnt want to be responsible for them getting hurt.
JD gasped Vins name, Nathan immediately started looking the slender body over to see if he could locate any wounds, Buck looked relieved and kept one eye on Larabee.
Chris was shell-shocked, Vin was alive, not dead and lying somewhere. While he had hoped on the ride that Vin was alive seeing him was heart stopping.
Chris stepped down off his horse and took a few steps toward the two men on the porch.
As he opened his mouth to say something to Vin he noticed the confused look on his friends face.
At the hard glance that the blond sent his way, Royal stood up straighter placing a hand on Vins wrist in a comforting gesture.
The men from Four Corners saw the movement and their lips tightened. They had wondered why Vin had not greeted them and thought maybe it was because Vin was protecting them, but this looked like something totally different.
What in the hell had happened to their friend and what was Guy Royal up to?
Vin was shot by one of my men and brought here. The bullet grazed the side of his head. Sims thought I would want to finish him off myself. He learned differently as I killed him. My housekeeper and I took care of him and nursed him back to health. He had no memory of his life before he came to me.
Turning to Vin, Royal reached out and cupped one cheek.
I was afraid to tell you who you were because I figured you would leave and I needed you with me. You made my miserable life worth living again. But I realized last night that I had to tell you the truth, you trusted me and it has been a long time since anyone has trusted me, Guy said.
Vin heard the silent or loved me at the end of Royal's sentence, the words they had spoken between the two of them would stay between the two of them.
Vin knew in his heart that Royal had been going to tell him the truth. Looking at the four men gazing at him with such affection, and relief Vin felt another one of his bad headaches coming on.
Images flashed of these four men and two others.
As Vin was trying to control the pictures in his head Chris had had enough of this bullshit.
Pulling his gun Chris pointed it at Royal and snarled, You saved his life and I thank you for that. You should have told Ez and I when we were out here that Vin was alive, not kept him from his friends Vin come here Im taking you home.
Vin had shut his eyes trying to keep the headache from getting worse; now the pictures were of an Indian village, a blond headed woman, a judge and a saloon.
Chris took a step forward, but stopped abruptly when Vin stepped in front of Royal. The blond immediately put his gun away, there was no way he could force Vin to go with him, the younger man could get hurt and there was no way that Chris wanted Vin to be any more hurt than he was.
The slow honey Texas drawl said, I dont remember any of you. Im sorry. I get flashes of pictures in my head and I see you in my head, but thats all. Guy has taken care of me and while he didnt tell me the truth he has been there for me. If it hadnt been for him I would be dead. I think it would be best if you left. If I remember anything I know where to find you.
JD and Nathan looked at each other in surprise. Vin was refusing to come home with them. Buck immediately shot a look at the blond.
Chris was in shock. Vin actually did not remember him and was refusing to come home.
Chris, he doesnt remember. You cant take him from the one place he feels safe, Nathan said trying to ease the charged atmosphere.
Chris swallowed back his comment and looked deeply into Vins blue eyes, eyes he had lost his soul to.
At that moment Chris sent a silent message to his soul mate.
I will leave you for now Vin, but I will be back. We are soul mates and I love you, cowboy.
Chris mounted his horse and nodded to Vin.
I will be back, Royal and you best take good care of him, Chris snarled.
No harm will come to him, Royal vowed.
Vin stood silent he had heard Chriss words in his head. Suddenly a blinding light flashed in his head, he gasped putting his hand up to his head.
Vin stepped off the porch and took several steps after the four men.
Everything suddenly crystallized, he remembered things, and his life before getting shot and all the care that Guy Royal had given him.
Barely above a whisper Vin said, Cowboy.
Chris pulled up and turned his horse, he saw Vin off the porch staring after him.
Louder Vin said, Chris wait.
Chris smiled and headed back to the man waiting for him.
Guy Royal felt his heart break, Vin remembered everything and he was leaving.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Randy raise his rifle and point it at Vin. The foreman figured he had nothing to lose so he might as well destroy as many lives as he could.
Screaming Vins name Royal launched himself off the porch totally forgetting his own gun, only knowing that he needed to reach the man he loved.
Royal threw himself at Vin just as Randy fired the rifle.
Vin found himself propelled forward and landed hard on the ground a heavy weight on top of him.
Darkness encroached on his vision, as he heard more gunshots and screams of men.
The weight was removed and Vin found himself held in Chris Larabees failsafe arms.
Chris gasped his best friends name and pulled Vin close holding him to tight to his chest.
Buck had gone to check Randy and yelled back that the man was dead.
Nathan whispered, Chris, Royal isnt going to make it. He took a bullet in the back protecting Vin.
Vin flinched and pulled away from his friend.
Yes his best friend for Vin Tanner did remember everything.
Guy was lying on his back, blood covering his shirt and pooling underneath him.
Vin scrambled over to him...his lover for over a week. A man he once hated and a man he had loved for such a short time.
Guy looked up at Vin who pulled him into his arms. Vin felt tears fill his eyes and roll down his cheeks.
Dont you cry, boy. We had a good time together. You made my life worth living even...if it was for such a short time. Dont hate me for...for keeping the truth from...from you.
Vin whispered his throat clogged with emotion, I dont hate you. You saved my life, you gave me a home, and you loved me. You did what you thought was best and besides you were going to tell me everything this morning.
Youre a good boy, Vin...Larabee you best take good care of him. He is a treasure and deserves better than...than continually risking his life in that dusty town...for people whom...who dont appreciate him. I...I have given him a choice...do what is best for him, Guy gasped.
Vin sobbed as Guy Royal died in his arms. It was too much, his memory returning, being shoved to the ground when his head already felt like it was going to explode, now Guy was dead.
Vin felt Royal gently taken from his arms as Buck carried the body inside, Agnes holding the door open and having her bosss body brought to the parlor until arrangements could be made.
Nathan reached for Vin and gently checked the side of his head. The bullet graze he had suffered was healing nicely.
Chris held his friend close wishing he could snap his fingers and make the last two weeks disappear.
Vin looked up into worried green eyes and whispered, Dont leave me, Chris.
Vins eyes then rolled back in his head and he passed out.
Nathan checked his pulse and said to a panicked blonde, He just passed out, Chris. Too much has happened to him in a short time span. Lets get him inside out of the heat.
With Nathans help Chris carried the slender body into the house.
Agnes led them upstairs to the master bedroom just saying that it was the boys room now.
The peacekeepers didnt make a comment just raised their eyebrows.
Agnes then calmly stated that Royal had informed her that he had changed his will and when something happened to him then Vin would inherit the ranch.
JD and Buck took care of the horses, then headed back to town with Randys body and to tell everyone that Vin was alive.
Buck sought out one of the older men Alan, and after having a nice long chat with him, put him in charge of making sure the ranch continue to run smoothly until things were straightened out.
When Alan found out that it looked like the ranch was going to Vin Tanner he figured that if he did a good job the foreman position would be his and from what he had heard Tanner was a good fair man.
Nathan and Chris stripped Vin down to his long johns and covered him lightly with a sheet.
Both men noticed that the clothes Vin had on were new and the long johns were made of the finest softest cotton. It was apparent that Royal had been taking good care of Vin.
What neither man wanted to say was that it seemed like Vin and Royal were close, real close. Vin of course would have innocently believed what he was told by the man who cared for him.
Larabee looked at Nathan and said, I need to know if Royal took Vin as his lover?
Nathan balked, Chris, that just isnt any of our business.
Yes it is Nathan. We have to know how to help Vin. I have to know, because when everything settles down I plan on claiming Vin Tanner as my own. Something I should have done a long time ago. I dont want to hurt him by approaching him the wrong way.
Nathan still had his objections but knew that if he didnt then Chris was quite capable of checking Vin for anal sex. Nathan was very relieved when he looked at the blond who had taken a seat on the bed by Vins head and was able to tell the man that Vin had never been taken by anyone at least not recently.
Chris noticed the can of grease on the table and knew there were other ways to love a man without mounting him. But if Vin had found comfort and solace with Guy Royal then so be it, but it would be Chris Larabee who he would spend his life with.
It would be Chris Larabee who looked after the man who held his soul and would soon be his lover.
Chris couldnt really blame Royal if he had the opportunity to taste Vin. That mouth with the crooked little smile and that slim gorgeous body had his mouth either watering or dry as a bone all the time.
But from this point on Vin Tanner was his and only his. Let someone try to take the tracker from him and it would be the last thing they did. Chris could only think of all the time wasted that they could have spent learning and pleasuring each other.
But first things first, Chris sent Nathan out to talk to Alan. Soon a rider was sent to Eagle Bend to bring the lawyer back. They needed to find out if Vin was Royals heir, if he was then Chris was determined that Vin would have more out of his life than spending it in Four Corners.
Vin could live out here on the ranch in the wide-open spaces, never worry about money not that he had in the past but now he could indulge himself if he wanted to.
Chris was hoping that Vin would want him to live here with him. They could run the ranch and still be close by if the boys needed their help.
It would be a dream come true.
Vin woke up and with Chris and Nathan hovering at his side made his way downstairs. The gunslinger had helped him into some jeans and a blue flannel shirt. Chris noticed how the blue made his friends eyes even more vivid.
Agnes insisted that he eat and hovered over him like a mother hen. Chris was happy to see a small smile cross the beautiful face as the older woman teased him into cleaning his plate.
Vin then went into the parlor with Chris, and Agnes following him.
Royal had been placed on a sturdy table. Before Nathan had left to talk to Alan he had with Agness help cleaned the man up and put on his Sunday best suit.
If Vin didnt know better he would think Guy was just asleep.
Vin stood by the body with his head bowed; Chris placed his hand on Vins shoulder giving silent support.
Agnes patted him on the arm and wiped tears from her face with the corner of her apron.
He was a good man. I know you both saw another side of him, but he was deep down a good man despite the fact that he could be ruthless. Vin, he truly loved you, he was happier since you showed up than he has been for years since his family died.
Laughing a little Agnes said, After your confrontation over Nettie Wells farm he stormed back in here and every time he said your name he cussed. Then he calmed down and admitted that you were the most honest, loyal, stubborn and handsome man he had ever met. Do you know he said that if circumstances were different he really thought the two of you could be friends, he admired you Vin more than he had anybody else. Hold on to that thought when you want to be mad that he kept you from your friends. He admired you and he loved you.
Agnes reached up and kissed Vin on the cheek then she left the room.
Chris moved his hand to grip Vin firmly at the back of his neck. Squeezing lightly Chris whispered, Youll get through this Vin. Were just happy to have you back with us. It has been hell thinking that you were dead. Buck is going to telegraph Ez and Josiah. They went to Tuscosa to see if some bounty hunter had caught you and took you back there. They will be thrilled and I am sure will hurry right back.
Chris was starting to get worried when Vin did not say anything.
Finally Vin said, I will miss him, Chris. Even though I wasnt here long, he really cared for me, made me feel like I had a real home. Not just the wagon or a room in a hotel a real home. Its nice here, quiet and peaceful.
Nathan had come into the room and now stepped forward giving Chris a hard glance.
Vin you should know, a lawyer is on his way, and from what Royal said you will inherit his ranch.
Vins mouth dropped open, his face flushed with shock.
You can live here Vin if you want to. You will be the owner of this ranch and all the livestock and land that Royal owned, Chris said.
But...I...I, Vin turned panicked eyes to his friend.
He gasped out, Will you stay with me, help me?
Chris smiled, and then he took a great chance. Leaning forward Chris cupped Vins chin and holding the younger man in place he placed a chaste kiss on the full lips.
Vins eyes got wide, his fingers touching his lips.
I will stay as long you want me to. We belong at each others sides, Vin. Losing you and not knowing if you were alive or not has opened my eyes to how I feel about you and that I best not let any more time go by before I tell you.
Nathan discreetly left the room. He heard horses out front and figured the lawyer had arrived.
Tell me what exactly? Vin asked his blue eyes shining with hope.
Tell you that I love you. I have for a long time and I plan on being with you for the rest of our lives, Chris said his voice firm and sincere.
Vin smiled. Turning around he gently placed his hand on Guy Royal's shoulder.
I loved him, Chris, but the feelings I have for you is so much stronger. My love for you is based in friendship, trust, loyalty; it cant get any stronger than that. I want you here with me for the rest of our lives. I think Guy would want that. The ranch he built with his sweat, tears and the deaths of his family will continue on. He will know that love and happiness fill his house and I think he will be at peace, Vin said.
That was beautiful, son, Agnes said standing in the doorway. Behind her stood Nathan and a man in a suit.
Yes it was, Mr. Tanner I presume. Mr. Royal spoke very highly of you and described you perfectly. I am sorry for his death but I do know from talking to him how he felt about you. Mr. Childers said.
Over the next couple of hours Vin found out just what he was the new owner of. Royal had bequeathed to him the ranch house, several thousand acres of prime land perfect for ranching or raising horses. A large herd of several thousand heads of cattle. There were stocks, bonds and bank accounts that after a while made Vins head swim.
Vin asked the lawyer to leave everything and he would have Ezra Standish a friend look it over. Vin assured the lawyer that as far as he was concerned since Royal trusted him then he could continue to handle the business as usual.
While Vin was talking to the lawyer with Chris and Agnes standing by Nathan had arranged for a hole to be dug next to Mrs. Royal in preparation of burying Guy Royal.
That afternoon with Vin, Chris, Nathan, Buck and JD who had come back to the ranch, Agnes, Mr. Childers and the ranch hands in attendance Guy Royal was laid to rest.
Due to the heat of the day it was necessary to have a quick burial. Vin stated that when Josiah got back he wanted to have a few words said over the grave.
Vin told the ranch hands that they all still had their jobs and he expected them to continue doing it. Since Nathan and Buck had been impressed with Alan, Vin made it official that Alan was the new foreman.
Chris stood to the side and beamed with pride as Vin took control.
When Chris mentioned how proud he was of him, Vin just shrugged his shoulders and said that Guy would expect him to take over and keep things running.
Vin had a long chat with Agnes and assured her that her sons education would continue to be paid for and she had a home at the ranch for as long as she wanted one.
The woman cried and kissed her boy as she was taking to calling Vin. Then she whipped up a big meal for the men.
Mr. Childers declined to stay saying he would stop back by in a couple of weeks giving Vin time to settle in and Mr. Standish time to look everything over.
Buck, JD and Nathan stayed and ate praising the woman for a great meal.
Vin was quiet during the meal even as he smiled and responded when spoken to.
Nathan finally stood up and said that it was time for them to head back to town.
Vin glanced at Chris who smiled gently and replied that he would be staying at the ranch with Vin. If they needed him they knew where to look.
After the three men left, Agnes cleaned up and went to bed.
Vin and Chris sat on the front porch enjoying the quiet.
You know Chris, this was one of the best and worst days of my life, Vin confided.
In what way?
I woke up in love with one man and watched him die. I remembered my friends, my life and then found out that my life was changing. I buried the man I loved and inherited everything he owned. Then I found out that the man I have loved for a long time was in love with me, but I think the best part of the day is still to come.
What is that, cowboy?
Vin turned his head and looked right at the man who was sitting next to him on the bench. The same bench that Guy had made love to him the other night. The irony was not lost on him.
Guy and I were lovers, you know that, but he...never...ah, here Vin stumbled to a stop his cheeks bright red.
He never completely claimed you.
No...I mean, damn it Chris. Ive been with a couple of women but didnt really care for it. I have an idea what men do with men, but...shit I dont want to talk about this anymore, Vin said totally frustrated by his inability to make himself more clear. If he didnt know better he could almost hear Guy Royal chuckling and telling him he was adorable when he blushed.
Chris smiled.
How about I show you what its all about and we dont need to talk about it.
Chris stood up and held out his hand, gently grasping the slightly trembling hand of his soon to be lover.
Chris led the way upstairs but paused not sure if Vin would want to do this in the bed he had shared with Guy Royal.
Vin tugged the blond inside and softly said, I think Guy would like us to make love here. He wanted me to be happy and you make me happy.
Chris slowly undressed the younger man kissing and licking each patch of skin as it was bared.
By the time Vin was undressed he was shaking with need and clutching at the broad shoulders that loomed over him.
Chris pressed the slim body into the soft mattress, and then stepped back.
At Vins whimper at being abandoned Chris whispered, Got to get naked, cowboy. Want to feel your smooth skin up against mine, feel your hard cock rubbing up against mine.
Vins impossibly gorgeous eyes grew larger not only at the words that were being spoken but by the body that was being revealed to his hungry eyes.
Glancing down he saw how large Chriss cock was and was immediately worried. If Chris was going to put that thing where he thought he was going to put it then it just was not going to fit and it would hurt like hell.
Chris hurried and covered Vins body with his own. He had seen the look on Vin s face and didnt want the younger man to get worried and scared, he was going to make this good...real good, he wanted Vin to want this just as much as he did.
Vin gasped as the gunslinger's body covered his, their cocks lined up and rubbing against each other in wonderful friction.
Chris claimed Vins mouth for their first true deep kiss.
Vin opened his mouth and felt his lover's tongue immediately slip inside. Chris mapped out every inch of hot mouth; smiling to himself as Vin grew bolder and their tongues started dueling.
Vin jerked his mouth away with a gasp as he tried to catch his breath.
Chris satisfied himself with nibbling on his lovers neck nipping sharply over his lover's pulse point.
Vin just moaned and arched up trying to get Chris closer.
The blond could feel that Vins cock was hard and wet; the younger man gripping him so hard that he knew his shoulders were going to have bruises tomorrow.
Chris pushed Vins arms over his head and told him to leave them there.
Chris then proceeded to drive him crazy. Kissing his way down his lovers chest Chris paused to spend a lot of time on his lover's very sensitive nipples.
Vin was whimpered as his nipples were sucked, and nibbled on. Chris turned his head and rubbed his whiskers over the red highly sensitized skin causing Vin to yell beginning to beg Chris to touch him more.
Chris grasped one nipple with his teeth and pulled up just as he grasped Vins cock. All it took was one hard stroke and Vin screamed as he came, shooting his juices between the two men.
While Vin was shaking from his release Chris turned him over to his stomach. Spreading the long legs Chris then shoved a couple of pillows under the slim hips.
Using his hands Chris spread his lovers ass and then licked over the tight entrance. Vin yelled and jerked at the sensation.
Chris sucked at the tiny entrance slipping his tongue inside tasting Vin at his most private place.
As Vin gasped and shuddered he was amazed that this deadly man would do this for him, make him feel so cherished and so good. What had he ever done to be so lucky to have such a special man love him like this?
Chris coated his fingers with grease and then urging Vin to relax he slipped one finger inside the tight channel.
Vin moaned and tightened up his muscles trying to expel the invader as he felt a slight tinge of pain.
Rubbing his lover's back, Chris waited until Vin had relaxed then he worked the finger in further gasping at the heat that surrounded his finger.
Working slowly and carefully, Chris worked up to three fingers scissoring them to loosen the puckered entrance.
Reaching underneath Vin Chris was gratified to find that the younger man was hard again.
Coating up his cock, Chris then urged Vin to his hands and knees.
Just relax, cowboy. It will hurt a little at first then it is going to feel so good.
Holding his cock with one hand while the other one rested on Vins hip Chris guided his cock inside. When Vin tensed he paused until he felt the younger man relax again.
Finally he was buried inside the tight hot moist ass of the man he loved.
Chris paused waiting until Vins muscles adjusted to the invader.
Vin slightly pushed back moaning when the cock spearing him slid in a little further rubbing across something that made his whole body tingle.
Chris then slowly thrust further inside then slowly pulled out, in and out until Vin was pushing back against him harder and harder.
Chris let one hand play with Vins nipples as the other one grasped his lovers hard cock.
This time it was Chris who screamed Vins name as he shot his seed deep inside his lover filling his bowels.
Vin felt the warmth of his lovers juices inside his body and that sent him over the edge.
Both men collapsed to the bed, Chris turning at the last minute to land next to his lover.
Chris tugged Vin into his arms holding him tight and close.
After a few minutes of getting their breath back, Chris whispered, Did you enjoy it, cowboy?
Vin leaned up on elbow and looked down at the self-satisfied face of the blond.
Yes, I loved it. Did you? Vin asked a little shyly.
You are the most wonderful lover, Vin. So sweet, so giving, so responsive, I cant wait to feel you moving inside me.
At Vins look of surprise, Chris said, Yes, Vin. I want you to take me. We are partners in everything and I want you to claim me just like I claimed you.
I love you Chris, Vin whispered laying his head down on his lover's shoulder.
I love you to Vin. Now why dont we get some sleep, we can play some more tomorrow.
Chris knew he would get no response as Vin had gone to sleep.
The blond grimaced as he realized he was lying in the wet spot. Oh well, he wasnt about to wake Vin up and move him.
The next morning sure enough Vin Tanner laid claim to Chris Larabees mighty fine tight ass and according to the blond he did a mighty fine job of it.
The next few months were busy ones for the men.
Ezra came back and went over the books and the papers for Vin. The gambler assured Vin that the lawyer was doing a great job and seemed to be an honest man. Vin kept Mr. Childers on, but said that twice a year he wanted Ez to look things over.
Ez was proud to think that Vin trusted him and valued his opinion in this matter. He was further astonished when Vin loaned him the money to start up his own saloon and hotel. Ez accepted with the understanding that he would pay Vin back with interest. It turned out to be a very lucrative venture for both men.
Vin was truly a generous man. Josiah was given enough money to build his church and bring his sister to live with him accompanied by a full time caregiver to keep an eye on Hannah and her needs.
Nathan was given two trunks of medical books and Vin sent him to Colorado to attend some medical classes. When he got back it was to find a fully equipped clinic waiting for him and his doctors shingle out on the boardwalk.
Buck figured if Chris and Vin were together and happy then he would give it a shot. Buck finally got up the guts to express his love to the man he cared for. Needless to say Ezra was astonished when the scoundrel told him of his love.
Ez thankfully returned the love but made Buck court him for several months before giving in. There were a lot of upset women in Four Corners when Buck Wilmington stopped visiting their bedrooms. Ez kept his lover happy and totally satisfied. In fact more times than not it was Buck who was sitting down gingerly in the morning not Ezra who just looked very satisfied.
JD stayed on as sheriff and married Casey. Vin set them up on their own ranch right next to Netties, yet close enough to town for JD to keep watch on the people he swore to protect. Buck and Ez were always in town ready to help the younger man defend the town.
Vin and Chris had never been happier. Chris had insisted that with the money they clear Vins name, which they did with Judge Traviss help.
Now their days were spent running the ranch, riding the open plain and just enjoying life. Their evenings were spent reading or just watching the star filled sky. But the nights were the best, as the two men could never get enough of each other.
And they would never have it any other way and every couple of months both men would go to the cemetery and lay flowers on the grave of the man who had made all this possible not just for them but for their friends.
Guy Royal was remembered as a man who was not as bad as people thought. Just as a man who due to circumstances became hard and due to other circumstances found his soul albeit a blue eye one. A soul that helped him become the man he could have always been.
The same blue eyed soul that now shared Chris Larabees life and bed, the same soul that saved the blond man from his own demons.
A blue-eyed soul called Vin Tanner.
The End