Okay, this is mostly a PWP from the POV of a Christmas gift. Read carefully, the first person pronouns (I, me, my) are the gift most of the time unless one of the guys is talking.
He bought me as an afterthought. It was Christmas Eve and he stopped at the mall to pick up a last minute gift for the secretary at their office. I was just laying there in the display case, waiting for someone to choose me.May I look at that scarf? the handsome blond man asked of the sales lady. She picked me up and placed me gently in the mans calloused hands. He smiled as my brushed cotton softness caressed him. The stores light bounced off of me and gave me depth and highlights.
Ill take it. Can you gift wrap it for me? the man asked. Oh joy! I was going to be a gift from the handsome blond man! The sales lady swathed me in tissue paper and placed me lovingly in an azure blue box and tied the box with a bright red ribbon. I could barely contain my excitement as I waited in the bag. I heard several voices when the man took me out of the bag. One voice, pitched more softly than the others, inquired if I might me for him. The handsome blond said something I couldnt hear and I was placed with other packages waiting to be opened.
Some time later, I was taken up to be opened. The soft voice said, You didnt have to do this.
The handsome blond replied with, I saw it and I thought of you.
The ribbon parted and the paper was carefully torn away. The box was revealed and the soft voice gasped. The lid was removed and the tissue paper fluttered as the air was drawn inside. Long, elegant fingers plucked at the tissue paper and the light hit me for the first time. I was lifted from the paper and held in the air. It was then that I got my first glimpse of my new owner. The man had a kind and gentle face and long hair that hung down around his slightly square jaw. Immediately, I knew why the blond man chose me. His eyes. His eyes are almost the same color as I am.
Do you like it? the blond asked.
Its beautiful. Thanks, Cowboy, the man said. I saw something in the way they looked at each other, something warm and caring. My new owner draped me around his neck and lifted his long sienna locks so I rested against the bare skin of his neck. Oh, ecstasy and complete joy, he likes me!
For the rest of the evening, I lay around the gorgeous mans neck. He mingled with the other people in the office. One man, a dark skinned man, told the blond that I would be good for my new owner, keep the cold air off of his neck. Another man commented that he would need me as long as he drove that death trap on wheels. He would have liked my friend, the emerald green scarf would have beautifully accented his eyes. Another man, with graying hair and eyes a couple of shades darker than me, commented in his deep bass voice that I would certainly draw attention to the young man.
Finally, it seemed that the party was breaking up. The youngest man in the group hugged my owner and clapped him soundly on the back before telling him that he was off to see Casey. Another man sidled up and asked if my owner had plans for the evening. I felt the warmth around his neck increase slightly as he blushed. The mustached man smiled warmly and the light caught his eyes. He would have almost been perfect for me, his eyes were just a shade darker than me.
I was tucked snuggly against my owners throat and tucked inside of his leather bomber jacket as he gathered up his other gifts. I tried not to be too proud that he wasnt wearing any of his other gifts. In the elevator, the handsome blond leaned close to my owner and nuzzled against me. It was really cold and I protected my owner from the chill of the air as he got into the big black Dodge truck. On the drive home, the blond pulled me away from my owners neck so he could run his fingers along the pulse point he found there. I was afraid that I might be discarded in favor of the insistent fingers that were worming their way into my owners clothing but I was nuzzled and his warm breath caressed my fibers. When they arrived home, I was tucked securely around his throat again before he got out of the truck. Inside the house, the bomber jacket was peeled off and hung on a peg on the wall but I stayed, warm and cozy around his neck. The blond stepped close to my owner and wrapped his arms around us.
Lets head for the bedroom, Vin, he said as he took hold of both ends of me and pulled my owner through the house. I was pleased to know his name. I was thrilled that I was going with Vin to the bedroom.
In the bedroom, the blond pressed Vin against the wall and covered his lips in a soul-searing kiss. I felt Vins heart begin to race. The blond began to unbutton Vins brushed denim shirt and pulled his tee shirt out of his pants.
Chris? Can I tap a kidney before we get too far along here? Vin asked as he disentangled himself from the blond. I went with him to the bathroom. As he was washing his hands, I got to see how beautiful I looked draped around his neck. His eyes were dark with unrestrained lust as he headed back into the bedroom.
Come over here, theres something I need you to take a look at, Chris called to Vin. As we got closer to the bed, we saw that Chris had taken off his clothes and was leaning against the headboard of the bed, stroking himself. Around his shaft was a red satin ribbon with gold thread accents.
I thought you already gave me my gift, Vin said as he pulled off his clothes and crawled up the length of the bed.
I like to give you things, Chris purred as he reached out and snagged me again, pulling Vin closer. I involuntarily tightened around Vins neck as he moved closer. I was afraid I would be tugged off and discarded but as soon as Chris stopped pulling on me, I silkily slid apart and hung loosely again.
Vin reached out and untied the bow from around Chriss erection and caressed it with his long, sensitive fingers. Chris groaned as the ribbon slid across his flesh and for a moment, I wondered what it would feel like to slide around Vins shaft. Even as I was thinking that, Vin leaned down and rubbed the tip of his nose down Chriss erection from tip to base. As he was sliding back up, I slipped off of his shoulder and draped across Chriss thigh.
Ohhh, that feels good, Chris moaned as Vin wrapped his lips around the crown of his shaft. He passed his hand over Vins head and fingered me along the back of Vins neck. While Chris was smoothing and stroking me, Vins talented lips and tongue were stimulating his erection. Chriss hand tightened on me and he groaned as he thrust toward Vin. I was surprised when Vin covered his palm with me and began to massage Chriss testicles. He must have liked the way it felt because his hand closed into a fist, trapping Vins hair and me as he cried out in pleasure.
You liked that, didnt you? Vin teased as he continued to rub me against Chriss groin and thighs. He kissed his way upward, dragging me along the blond mans body as he reached out to suck on one of Chriss nipples. I dangled along his ribs. I must have touched a ticklish spot because Chris jumped and squirmed.
Need you, Chris murmured as he tugged on me and I slipped from around Vins neck.
Oh no! I fluttered to the mattress next to Chris. I could only watch as Vin dipped closer to the blond mans lips. Helplessly, I lay growing cold as Vin lowered his body to meld with Chris. The calloused fingers gripped Vins ribs and worked over his shoulder blades to his neck. Oh, I want to be there too! Chriss hand clenches slowly in the long, slightly curly hair and he rolls Vin to his back. His other hand closes on me and he pulls me up to rub along Vins cheek. Oh joy!
I want to try something. Will you let me? Chris whispers into Vins ear.
What? Vin asks as I caress his skin.
Let me blindfold you. He drags me slowly across the blue eyes. Let me love you with this over your eyes. Vin nods, arching his neck to nip at Chriss chin. I am gently drawn tight across Vins eyes and tied behind his head. Now, as I covered his eyes, Vins breathing sped up. Chris lowered his forehead to press against me as he captured Vins lips in a kiss. Vin arched and moaned into the open mouth as his tongue dueled with the other.
Chris groaned at the sight that lay before him. Vin extended his arms above his head to grasp the edge of the headboard. Their groins rubbed together, leaving wet smudges where the touched. Vin curled one leg around Chriss waist so he could increase the friction between them. He whimpered when the blond pulled back, denying the satisfying pressure.
Not going anywhere. Just getting something to ease things. Lay still.
The lube was cool and Vin jumped as it touched his heated flesh.
Shh ohhh yeah, Vins voice trailed off to a contented moan as he swiveled his hips on the finger breaching him. More more, he begged.
Take it easy. Ive got you, Chris soothed as he worked the tight ring of muscle. He added another finger as he moved to suckle a tender nipple into a pert, erect state. Vins hands shook as he writhed under the oral onslaught. A tender smile pulled at Chriss cheeks as he watched Vin. His mouth was agape and he was drawing great breaths as he tried to draw the fingers deeper into his body. Ready for more? Chris asked.
I watched as Chris shifted to kneeling between Vins thighs. Rolling a pillow, he used it to raise Vins hips. Chris slowly impaled Vin on his shaft until the tops of his thighs met the cheeks of Vins ass. I was nearly dislodged as Vin dug the back of his head into the mattress. I wicked away the sweat that broke on his forehead. Vin wrapped one leg around Chriss hip again as one arm swept the air until it came into contact with Chriss shoulder. Vin pulled him down and lifted his head for a kiss.
Gaaahhhddd Vin relax youre gonna crush me, Chris whispered as Vins body tightened around him like a vise. As the taut muscles loosened around him, the blond blew lightly and leaned in to capture a kiss.
As the two men settled into a steady rhythm, I watched them both. Their bodies twined and flowed against each other as only the sighs of pleasure filled the room. Vins strong legs wrapped around Chriss hips, drawing him impossibly closer as Chriss hands curled under Vins shoulders to hold him steady to better receive the deep thrusts.
S-s-sooo good, Chrissss, Vin whispered as he cradled the back of the blond mans head and pulled it closer.
So beautiful, Vin, Chris countered before he licked the dry lips that beckoned to him. He breathed deeply of the scent of the thrashing body beneath him as he came, filling Vin with his essence. Vin came a moment later, grinding the back of his head into the mattress as he tightened his legs around Chris. After both men had regained their breath, Chris brushed me from around Vins eyes and gazed tenderly into the blue orbs.
I cant wait to see what else youre giving me for Christmas, Cowboy, Vin whispered.