A Sequel to Bounty Hunter
Disclaimer: They do not belong to me and I am not making any money. This is just for fun.
Warnings: Slash explicit m/m sex.
Pairings: C/V
Thanks: I want to thank SueN and Giselle for their beta work and continued support. They have given me lots of valuable advice and continued encouragement. Thank you, ladies, very much.
Also a belated thank you to Mog for creating the ATF AU and allowing us to play in it.
Notes: This fic is in response to the requests I received for a sequel to my first story. I hope you enjoy it.
Feedback: Yes, but please be kind.
As Chris drank his morning coffee, he glanced at the clock.Hmmm, he thought, it's early, the horses can wait a bit.
He studied the tracker over the rim of his mug and wondered, not for the first time, how Vin would respond if he made his feelings known and kissed the guy.
If he threw caution to the wind, would Vin shoot him or punch him out?
Hmmm, he thought again, t-shirt, jeans, barefoot...
Surely he didn't have a gun on him, so he couldn't shoot him.
And with the wound in his shoulder, well, Chris was sure he could take Vin before the guy beat him too badly.
Chris smiled wickedly.
Only one way to find out if he'd misread Vin's signals.
Vin noticed the change of expression on Larabee's face, felt a surge of panic run through his body and took a step back only to find himself backed up against the kitchen counter.
Chris silently moved across the room to where Vin stood and gently cupped a hand to his cheek, leaned in and kissed him lightly.
Vin unconsciously leaned into that caress and offered no resistance.
Chris pulled back a bit, looked into Tanner's eyes, leaned in and kissed him again, this time wrapping one hand in the silky hair and the other around his back.
Vin leaned into the kiss, no longer feeling the panic of moments ago, slipped his arms around the lean waist of the man holding him and opened his mouth in invitation. Chris explored the sweet mouth then sucked on the willing tongue.
Each pulled back slightly, tongues still playing, foreheads touching, both breathing heavily. "What now?" Vin drawled.
Chris sighed, pulled back a bit more and took a deep breath. "Vin, you know I have baggage, issues." He looked into Vin's eyes, ran his fingers in a light caress up and down the man's arms and continued. "Besides drinking too much, I'm prone to black moods, a nasty temper and I've heard some people say I have control issues. Now, I don't see that in myself, but..."
"Hell Chris, I know all about baggage," Vin interupted. "And a feller your age is just bound ta be a bit cranky once in a while. Ain't no help fer that. As fer the other stuff, well, I'm thinkin' we kin work through it. I wanna be with ya, cowboy."
"I want to be with you too, pard, but I want you to understand exactly what you're getting into." Chris smiled at him.
"Cranky, huh!" Vin shrugged.
"Ain't no help fer it cowboy."
He grinned and continued. "I know what I'm gittin' inta, Chris, but I trust ya."
"Let's take this to the bedroom, then."
"'Kay," was all he was able to say as he returned Larabee's advances.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
Chris lay in his bed, one arm behind his head as he relaxed against the headboard and pillows, the other wrapped around his partner's healing shoulder.
Vin's head was pillowed on his chest.
As he listened to Vin's gentle breathing, Chris was awed by what had just happened between them. It had been a first for both, so they hadn't gone all the way. That would happen later.
For now they had just touched, tasted and explored each other's body until they had been completely sated and satisfied.
Chris felt totally spent and, as he watched Vin sleep, he tried to think of words to describe the feelings he'd just experienced. Oh, it had felt different, feeling hard muscle and bone instead of a women's softness, but still very satisfying to the body and calming to his psyche.
Vin was pressed up against him in a perfect fit, as if an artist had sculpted their bodies from one piece of clay, then separated them.
Chris kissed the top of his head, moved his hand to Vin's naked back and caressed him with feather light touches.
He felt a warm glow deep inside and chuckled to himself as he remembered.
He had been softly moving his fingers down Vin's ribcage when Vin had scrunched up and sort of laughed.
"Ticklish are we?" he'd asked.
"No," Vin had answered, but had laughed when Chris tickled him again. His partner was so full of surprises and Larabee wanted to learn each and every one.
Vin stirred in his sleep, as if aware of Chris's scrutiny. "Shhh, it's okay," he whispered and smiled again when Vin settled back into slumber.
When they had reached the bedroom, Vin had been painfully shy and Chris marveled at that discovery.
He vowed to himself never to dishonor the trust Vin had placed in him.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
A while later Tanner woke, stretched and sat up.
Glancing at Chris, he'd blushed, grinned and stretched again.
He winced and rubbed his shoulder.
"You okay? Your shoulder hurt?"
"I'm fine, cowboy! In fact I'm better 'n fine. Ain't sure I ever felt this good b'fore. I reckon it's time ta git this day started." He grinned, glancing at the bedside clock.
"I think we're off to a good start already, don't you?" Chris smirked as he massaged Vin's shoulder. "I'd rather just stay in bed with you."
Vin gave his lopsided grin and said "Me too, but iffen we're gonna git some 'a that work done ya got planned, we need ta git started. 'Sides I'm hungry. When's breakfast?"
He knew Vin was right. On Friday night at the Saloon, he'd been talking about all the work he needed to get done at home. Vin had offered to help and someone else had suggested pot luck and football at the ranch on Sunday. He still wasn't sure he'd agreed, but plans had been made and finalized.
In truth, he didn't mind as he was beginning to enjoy the close knit ties that were developing within his team.
He grinned at Vin, who had been watching him. "Breakfast! You want breakfast?" Chris teased.
"Hell yeah, I want breakfast. It's the least ya kin do. Ya always so cheerful in the mornin'?"
"Yeah, rainy morning's always bring me peace and good cheer, now get outta my way so I can fix ya some breakfast." Chris said as he pulled on his pants and started for the kitchen.
A rumble of thunder could be heard outside as he left the room.
Vin grinned, shook his head as he dressed and followed.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
A short time later, Larabee spooned scrambled eggs and ham onto plates. Vin fixed toast and poured them more coffee.
They sat at the breakfast bar and started to eat.
Thunder continued to rumble and rain hit against the windows. Chris sighed, "I really need to get the barn cleaned today and the horses taken care of. With this rain, I guess that's about all I'll be able to finish."
"I'll help ya with it."
Chris looked at him quizzically and asked, "You know anything about horses?"
Vin looked at him like he couldn't believe the question. "Hell yeah, I'm from Texas, ain't I?" he retorted sharply, as if that explained everything. Chris continued his questioning look. Vin sighed. He really hated this, but he reckoned he could tell Chris. "I don't know if you know this, but after my Mama died I was in foster care..."
"How old were you?" Chris inquired, interupting.
"Five." Checking Chris's gaze for pity and finding none, only concern, he continued. "I kept runnin' away. Didn't much like them places." He shrugged. "Anyways they'd find me and drag me back until finally a judge sent me ta the State Boys Ranch. I reckon it was little more 'n a prison, but I's happy there. Took right to the place, work 'n all. I learn't the basic's of caring for a large spread, ta ride, tend horses and tack. Lotsa things, I reckon. So yeah, I kin clean a barn."
Vin glanced away lost in happy memories.
It was the time after he wanted to forget. A clap of thunder brought him back to the present.
"All right then, when I get ready to start mending fence, I'll be calling ya."
"Don't know nothin' 'bout mending fences," Vin drawled, joking.
"Where we goin' shoppin'? Denver?"
"Nah, there's a piss-ant town just west of here with a Walmart, named Four Corners. I usually do my shopping there. It's closer and keeps me from having to drive back into Denver on the weekends. Once we get finished with the barn, we'll drive over there and have lunch, then get what we need.
"Okay cowboy, let's git started." They finished breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and headed for the barn.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
Chris picked up two apples on his way out the door.
Vin had asked about the horses. "Only have two left. Pony and Peso. Used ta have more, but I sold 'em."
"Ya ride 'em?"
"Used to, but not for a long time, now." He handed one of the apples to Vin as they walked into the barn and headed straight for the two occupied stalls.
Vin quickly made friends with both horses, talking gently and petting them both.
Chris had warned Vin about Peso's habit of biting, but so far, the big horse was behaving himself, as he munched on the apple given to him by this stranger.
Chores were divided and work began. While Vin worked, he started thinking about what had happened that morning.
Once in the bedroom, there had been some initial awkardness, but Chris had taken charge and moved them towards the bed, whoile pulling off his shirt.
As they crawled onto the bed, Chris had removed his own clothing and wrapped himself around Vin, holding him close. Once boxers and jeans were off, Chris had held him and made him feel warm, cozy, needed and wanted.
Vin smiled at the memory.
When Buck talked about toe-tingling sex, he'd had no idea what the big guy was talking about.
Well, he did now!
He knew there was more to it, more to come, but he trusted Chris and was sure that between the two of them, they'd figure it out.
Just thinking about it was getting his cock's attention.
He adjusted himself and paid better attention to his labors. As he was finishing, he glanced over at Chris and admired the flow of muscle under skin as he stretched to hang up one of the tools he'd been using.
Vin couldn't believe how good it felt to stand there and watch Chris.
"Better get back to work," Larabee called over.
"I'm almost finished." Tanner blushed and grinned at being caught and hurried to finish up.
As he was putting the tool's away, Chris walked over. "I was coming to help you."
"I'm done, cowboy! When's lunch?"
"Shit, Vin, ya just ate breakfast," he glanced at his watch, "five hours ago!"
"Now I know how ya keep people away. Hell, ya work 'em then starve 'em ta death."
"Well it doesn't appear to have worked with you, you're still wantin' lunch! Come on, let's get cleaned up some and head to town. I'm hungry, too!"
"Sounds good ta me!" They continued back and forth as they headed for the house dodging raindrops. As they headed out for the Ram and town, Chris was sure he would never see the sun again! It had rained off and on for two straight weeks.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
The rain had slowed to a drizzle as they headed for the town of Four Corners. The trip had been made in comfortable silence as neither man was prone to small talk.
As they neared the outskirts of the village, Vin asked, "What all we gotta git in town?"
"Let's see, I need a few groceries, beer and snacks for tomorrow, dinner tonight and something for later when we have dessert."
Chris leered at Vin wickedly, as he reached over and squeezed his hand. "You are okay with this, aren't you?" he asked as Vin blushed.
With a small grin he nodded and returned the squeeze affectionately. Larabee pulled into the parking lot of the local cafe, parked, shut off the motor and sighed.
"Do ya think it'll ever stop raining?" he asked his partner.
"Dunno, cowboy!" came the answer.
They left the truck and headed inside the cafe. Once seated, they gave the menus a cursory glance and placed their orders.
Once the food arrived, Chris shook his head in wonder. Vin had ordered the same cheeseburger and fries Chris had, but had also added jalapeno poppers and a slice of apple pie. "I can't believe you're going to eat that much, pard. Where do you put it?"
"I'm hungry, cowboy! I'm eatin' light, though. Ya'll notice I left the ice cream off my pie."
Chris just stared at him in awe, shook his head again and said, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to put a few extra pounds on your scrawny ass."
"Seems ta me ya weren't so partic'alur 'bout my ass this mornin'," Vin said quietly, with a sly grin and a wink.
Chris choked, blushed, looked around the crowded cafe and glared at Vin, who grinned back at him with a twinkle in his eyes. He could feel that grin all the down to his groin. Chris squirmed.
"Somethin' wrong, cowboy?" Vin drawled still grinning.
"Ya know, Tanner, you're just plain evil, sent by the devil ta complicate my life and make it..."
Chris stopped there, not knowing how to continue, since Vin had brought something very special back into his life and made him feel whole again. He helped himself to a piece of Vin's pie and scowled again.
"What kinda stuff ya plannin' on tomorrow?" Vin asked, wisely changing the subject.
"Let's see, Josiah will bring chili, Nathan, those cut up veggies, Buck and JD, chicken wings and Ezra is ordering from the gourmet shop by his place. Our contribution will be beer, soda and snacks." He paused. "What say we rustle up a couple steaks for dinner tonight?"
"Sounds like a plan ta me, pard!" Vin nodded in agreement.
They finished their meal, paid and left the cafe.
It had stopped raining, but the sky was still overcast, bringing the threat of more rain later in the day.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
The Walmart store was about half a mile from the cafe where they had lunch. The parking lot was crowded, but they found a spot at the end of a lane. Both commented the walk would do them good as they started for the store entrance.
Chris grabbed a shopping cart and scowled some more at the crowded store. Chris had a list of items he absolutely needed in his head and began to tick them off as he found them. Food stuff soon found its way into the cart along with beer, junk food and a bottle of Jack Daniels.
Chris made a discreet inquiry about where condoms would be sold and they found themselves in the feminine hygiene department looking at a shelf of various cremes and lubricants. Vin looked at the shelf, then looked at Chris, then back at the shelf. He checked out the floor, the ceiling and back at Chris.
"Well?" he growled, staring at Chris.
Chris looked over at Vin and thought his face was going to burst into flames, it was that red.
He studied Vin and said, "We need to pick one, pard, so whatta ya think?"
"I don't care, I ain't touchin' 'em!" he said in a voice so low Larabee had to strain to hear him.
Vin was checking out the pattern on the floor again.
"We have to make a decision here, Vin." They stood there a few minutes more, looking at the shelf, saying nothing. "Vin?" Chris queired.
"I said, I don't care, I ain't touchin' 'em!" Vin fairly hissed. Chris looked at the shelf again and tried to remember if it had been this hard buying tampons for Sarah.
No, he didn't think it had been. Dammit, they had to make a decision and it should be an equal one, both having a say. He was beginning to feel unreasonably angry at the situation.
"Excuse me!" said a middle aged woman.
Vin jumped as if he'd been shot and Chris gave her a startled look, which quickly became a glare.
"I need to get around you, you're blocking the aisle."
"Sorry," Chris mumbled, moving the cart.
He looked over at Vin who was trying to sink into the floor.
He'd laugh, but he was sure Tanner would not see the humor of the situation and would probably shoot him. Chris was sure he did not want to die in this particular department.
"Look Vin, they're not gonna jump off the shelf into the cart by themselves, so let's make a decision and get the hell outta here," he said placatingly.
Vin looked at him with a horrified look and said, "Maybe yer deaf, I said I ain't touchin' 'em. I don't care what ya git, jist git one and let's go. I'm leavin'"
Actually, he didn't think his feet would move and heaved a sigh of relief when they did.
He swore to himself, next time, Larabee was coming alone. Chris looked at Tanner's retreating back, looked at the shelf, again, closed his eyes, grabbed one, tossed it into the cart and followed Vin. Why had he thought this would be easy?
He hoped Buck never heard about this trip, the big guy would tease them relentlessly.
Damn, he thought, how would Buck ever hear about this trip?
Hell, I'm losing my goddamn mind! Chris grinned to himself. He followed Vin to the checkout counter, where they divided up the articles.
Chris noticed Vin still would not touch the fragrant lotion he'd picked out.
This was one trip he'd never forget! They loaded everything into the truck, covered it with a tarp and headed for the ranch.
They looked at each other and both started laughing. Yep, this trip would be remembered for a long time to come. Once they arrived at home, they put things away.
Chris put the steaks in to marinate, then tended the horses.
Vin showered, shaved and helped Chris get dinner on the table.
Afterwards, Vin cleaned up the kitchen while Chris took a long hot shower.
Outside, it was beginning to rain again.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
The fire in the fireplace cast a warm glow around the dim room.
Chris and Vin sat snuggled on the sofa watching TV.
Chris brought Vin's hand up to his lips and kissed the fingertips lightly.
Vin gave him a small half smile that never failed to arouse him, and rubbed his head against his shoulder.
Chris kissed his fingers again and sucked one into his mouth.
Vin turned on the sofa and Chris let go of his fingers, pulled Vin to him and kissed him gently.
Vin opened his mouth, trying to snuggle closer, and let his tongue slip inside to explore the hot cavern of his mouth.
Vin swung his leg over Chris's, rubbing his bare foot up and down his partner's leg.
Chris took hold of the upper thigh and pulled him closer still.
Vin straddled his lap while Chris wrapped both arms around his body, all the while brushing kisses on his lips, eyelids and finally sucking his earlobe in for a gentle bite.
He laved his tongue around the shell of the ear.
Vin groaned and tried to snuggle even closer, his cock rubbing against Chris's through their clothing. He reached under Chris's shirt, felt bare skin and massaged his back. Larabee pushed Tanner back down to the couch, taking off Vin's shirt, then his own and tossed them aside.
Laying side by side on the couch, both breathing heavily, they found each other's mouths and continued a passionate kiss until the need to breathe beset them. Vin raised up, latched onto Chris's neck and sucked near the clavicle as if marking his prey.
They were rubbing their bodies together, relishing the feel of the other's arousal.
"Chris, Chris," Vin whispered in a low rasp.
Chris's answer was to rise, balance himself on his elbows and follow the lines of Vin's body, kissing, petting, licking and sucking as he went. He caressed the brown nubs of Vin's nipples, thumbing them, then sucking one into his mouth and rubbing his tongue over it.
Vin whimpered, clutching the skin of Larabee's back.
Chris moved farther down to the navel and ran his tongue around the little well, biting the edges and caressing the lithe body that he craved and that was going to belong to him.
Raising up, he scooted back up the couch, lay down by Vin's side, took him in his arms and kissed him passionately. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?" he whispered.
Vin licked his lips. "What's wrong with right here, cowboy?"
"First time should always be in a bed, Vin, and I happen to know where there is a big comfy one. Besides I put the lube in the bedroom," Chris said as he kissed Vin's nose.
"I'm ready. Anywhere ya say is good for me," he answered in a low raspy voice, nuzzling Chris's neck.
"Let's go then."
Chris raised himself off the sofa, gave Vin a hand up and they started for the bedroom, touching and kissing as they went. Once in the bedroom, they removed their jeans, leaving their boxers on and crawled onto the bed.
Chris took Vin in his arms and started kissing him again, pushing him down gently on the bed and laving his body with tender bites.
Vin got one foot up on the bed, pushed Chris over onto his back and started an attack of his own.
He straddled Larabee's hips, bent over and licked at one nipple, sucking it into his mouth and running his tongue over it.
Laying his fingers over the other bud, he massaged it with his thumb. It was Chris's turn to writhe under Vin's ministrations. Chris ran his hands down Vin's back and under his shorts.
Feeling the softness of his skin, he tugged at the offending piece of clothing.
He ran his hands down Vin's buttocks and tugged at the shorts again. "Take these off," he ordered in a quiet but no-nonsense voice. Vin stopped what he was doing and stripped off his shorts, while Larabee did the same.
Vin crawled back on top of Chris and looked into his eyes.
Chris brought his hand up and laid it on Vin's cheek, caressing it with his thumb.
Kissing him lightly, his hands then went to Vin's ass as he pulled him closer, their cocks touching and rubbing together. Vin gasped, then whimpered while Chris continued to stroke his body. Vin kissed and sucked on Chris's mouth, whimpering from the sensations that poured through him.
He lay down next to his partner, his feet feathering the other's legs as they lay entwined.
No parts of their bodies were left untouched by hands seeking the pleasure spots of the other.
His hand's embraced Larabee's body as if it were a temple, only he could worship at. Chris rose and covered Vin's body with his own.
He nipped and nuzzled his way down the hard body until he encountered Vin's cock standing proud against his belly.
He pushed his legs apart so he had free access to the inner thigh and began to kiss the leg and suck on the sensitive skin as the body writhed and moved beneath him.
Using his fingers to fondle Vin's ball sac, he lapped at the pearl drop glistening on the head of his hard dick and engulfed the cock.
Vin gasped and whimpered again as Larabee mouth sucked on him without mercy.
One hand massaged the root of his cock, the other his balls, while his mouth and tongue worked the large vein of his swollen member.
"Oh god, ohmigod, Chris, ohmigod, I'm gonna cum, Chris, I'm...ahhh!" Vin drawled breathlessly. Chris had backed up a bit, but kept stroking and fondling Vin's cock until he spewed his juices onto his stomach, covering himself and Chris, his body doing a dance of ecstacy.
When he was completely spent, he slumped back on the bed, trying to get his breathing under control. Chris gave his softened member a swipe with his tongue and a kiss.
He crawled back up the bed, took Vin in his arms, kissed him and whispered, "Do you want to taste yourself?"
"I want ta taste you," Vin breathed in Chris's mouth as he was wrapped in protective arms and held sungly.
A few minutes later Vin reached between their bodies, stroked Chris's hard cock and said, "I want ya inside me, cowboy."
"You sure?" he asked, nuzzling the side of Vin's face. "I don't want to take a chance of hurtin' you."
"Yeah, I'm sure. I trust ya, Chris," he rasped.
Chris kissed Vin, raised up and checked the nightstand. "Let's see what we have here."
Vin raised up on his elbow and grinned with anticipation. "What did we git?"
"Oh, so now you're interested, huh." Chris smirked at him as he squeezed a large dollop into his hand.
"Fuck you," Vin scowled.
"I think it's you that's gonna get fucked, pard." Chris smiled, warming the lube in his hand. Vin smiled back.
"Think this'll work?"
"Oh yeah!" Chris answered. Larabee sat back on his haunches and positioned Tanner's legs over his thighs, putting a pillow at his back. "This is probably gonna hurt some, but just remember to breathe.
Your body will have to adjust to mine, but once it does, it should be okay," Chris explained with more confidence than he felt.
"If the pain's too much, let me know, all right?"
Vin nodded, starting to feel a little skittish. Chris adjusted the pillow under Vin's hips and started to prepare him. He oiled his cock, then Vin's.
Chris closed his eyes at the feelings that coursed through his body.
He fondled Vin's ball sac and touched the sensitive area behind, finally reaching the tight little oval he was searching for, and inserted his finger.
When Vin gasped, Chris bent over him, kissed his belly and said, "Breathe, Vin, you need to breathe."
He inserted a second finger and began to scissor them until the tiny hole began to give.
He finally inserted a third digit, all the time whispering sweet nonsense to his partner, reminding him to breathe. One finger brushed Vin's prostate, causing his body to jerk.
"What's that?" he rasped out.
"Something sweet, just for you, pard. Are you ready?" Chris asked, biting Vin's belly again.
"Reckon," he nodded.
Larabee lined his cock up to Vin and worked it in. "Breathe for me, cowboy."
Vin released the breath he'd been holding as the pain turned to pleasure, causing Chris to slip in further.
He held back, afraid of hurting his lover, but heard Vin drawl, "Move Chris, please move." Thus began a dance that was older than time and set to a rhythm with its own pulse.
Holding on to each other tightly with an intimacy born from mutual affection, love and respect, they built up to a crescendo of music only the two of them could hear.
Reaching the highest note, they floated back to earth on a cloud of bliss and completeness, crying out each other's names as they gently landed. Chris laid his head on Vin's chest, trying to get his breathing under control. Vin laid a hand on his back and caressed him lightly. "I'm pulling out," he stated and fell to the side, gathering Vin in his arms. "Damn, that was...that was..."
Vin stammered. "Yeah, it was,"
Chris breathed. "Are you all right?" he asked after a few minutes.
"I'm better 'n all right. You?"
Chris pulled Vin tighter to him and kissed him soundly, then sighed as Vin rested his head on his chest.
They lay there entwined for several minutes. "Let me get something to clean us up, pard."
Chris slipped out of bed and brought back a warm washcloth, while Vin turned down the bed.
After cleaning up, Chris yawned, both of them slipped back into bed, cuddled up next to each other and sank into a deep slumber for the night.
M7 ~ M7 ~ M7
Chris woke to the clap of thunder outside his window and checked the bedside clock. It was early, but Vin was already up.
He thought about last night and smiled to himself.
He yawned and stretched, planted his feet on the floor and headed for the bathroom.
Then, he went looking for his lover and found him in the kitchen drinking coffee.
Chris poured himself a mug, took a sip and nodded at Vin.
"Morning." Vin nodded back with a lopsided grin and Chris could not resist. Placing his coffee mug on the counter, he walked over to Tanner and slipped his arms around Vin's waist, nuzzling into his neck and kissing him.
Vin wrapped his arms around Larabee's waist and leaned into Chris's body, returning the kiss with an affection he never had expected to feel or receive in return.
They held each other close, secure in the knowledge that whatever else happened, they would always have each other.