What is Love, Really?

by Willow

+ + + + + + +

“Come on kid, give Ezra his present.”

“I’m waiting on Vin.” JD protested as Buck tried to grab the bag.

The nurse came in at that moment sending a look of displeasure at the antics of Buck and JD.

“Ezra here’s that lovely nurse of yours.” Buck flashed her a big smile as he knocked JD’s hat off.

Ezra tried not to smile since it made his mouth hurt and his lip crack open.

“Ready for some pain medicine Mr. Standish?”

He nodded and leaned over to reach his coffee before she moved the tray out of her way. He winced as he leaned too far.

“I’ll get that son.” Josiah moved from his spot beside the bathroom door.

“Thanks.” Ezra said as he took the cup from Josiah.

“You’re welcome.” He patted his leg.

As the nurse left Vin came back in the door. He glanced around but said nothing and headed back to the chair by Ezra’s bed. He sat down, stretching his long legs out in front of him. He looked at Ezra and winked.

“Well Vin’s back kid. Let’s have at it.”

JD gave Buck a playful push as he headed to the bed. He placed a decorative bag beside Ezra.

“We got you a little something Ezra. Figured it would come in handy. Hope you like it.”

They were all watching Ezra and were taken aback by the look of surprise on his face, which he quickly hid. He reached inside the bag and pulled a flat wrapped present, no thicker than a pad of paper and a card.

Vin saw his fingers tremble slightly as he opened the card. He made to grab the package on pretense it was shifting and lightly touched Ezra’s leg. Ezra’s eye flicked to him and Vin smiled reassuringly. He saw a slight twitch to Ezra’s mouth. He opened the card and read then tried not to laugh. He handed the card to Vin.

The outside read “Remember the number 1 hospital rule –

Inside said, “Bottoms up!” with a picture of a man face down on a hospital bed, wearing a gown with a large thermometer stuck in his butt.

Vin laughed and passed it around. “Hell Ez you got the gown part down.” He looked at Ezra with a twinkle in his eye.

“Go ahead,” Buck said. “Open it up.”

Ezra looked at him smiling. Buck was a big a kid as JD was. He tore off the paper.

Inside was something he had never seen before. It looked a legal pad, same size too but no paper. It had a transparent sheet on top. Underneath looked like, well he didn’t know what it looked like. It was black and thick. One the top of the pad was a sort of pen held in place by Velcro. Vin, who had closer view, gasped.

“Hey, I ain’t seen one of those in a long time.”

Ezra turned a questioning gaze to him.

“I don’t know what you call it but ya write on it. Look.”

He took it from Ezra and pulled the pen loose. He wrote “Vin” on it. The pen rubbed the surface of the film making black marks in the layer below which showed through.

“See?” He turned the pad back to Ezra. “And ya erase it like this.” He grabbed the film at the bottom and pulled it up easily. And when he let it go the word was gone.

Ezra had such a look of child like wonder on his face they all laughed. Vin handed him the pen and Ezra wrote –

“Thanks, this is a wonderful invention JD.” And held it up for them all to see.

JD grinned. “I thought that would be easier on you Ezra than trying to talk.”

Ezra ripped the sheet up and wrote.

“Damn he even writes long.” Chris moaned and everyone laughed again.

Ezra held up – “You are quite astute JD. This marvelous instrument will come in most handy.”

“Oh no.” Buck said. “Now we gotta read those $5 words too!”

Ezra was scribbling again and when he held up the pad there was a L with Boo Hoo written beside it.

“Ezra.” Chris’ tone was business like and he saw Ezra look up warily.

“Do you remember any more from last night?”


“How many were there?”


Ezra ripped the pad again. “When can I do home?”

“Doc says a couple of days.”

Rip. “I am FINE.”

Chris shook his head. “You are staying here. End of argument.

Rip. L with it’s tongue sticking out.

“You know.” Chris smiled that sly evil grin of his. “I could get use to this.”

“Ha Ha” Ezra mumbled.

Ezra’s eye was drooping and he tried not to yawn. He settle back on the bed and lowered the head a little. Chris could see the meds were starting to take effect.

“Come on. Let’s go. Ezra needs to rest.”

Everyone said good bye as they left. Ezra held up – “Thanks. Bye!”

Vin stood by the bed as the others filed out.

“Need anything?”

Ezra flicked his eye up and then down. He flushed slightly. He wrote –

“Help to the bathroom?”

“Think I can handle that.” He put the pad on the table and helped Ezra sit up on the side of the bed. Ezra swayed.

“Easy there Ez.” Take a deep breath.” He held one hand on Ezra’s shoulder as he reached over the bed to pull the IV pole to that side.


Ezra nodded.

“OK. Stand slow and then get your balance. I’ve got you.” Vin put both hands under Ezra’s elbows. Ezra’s hands were on Vin’s upper arms.

Ezra stood shakily.

“There ya go.” Vin beamed. “You’re up!”

Ezra tried to roll his eye but it hurt too much so he settled for a snort.

“Little steps Ez. Here. Hold on ta the IV pole.” He put his arm around Ezra’s back and Ezra gripped Vin’s left arm tightly. They shuffled towards the bathroom.

Vin kicked the door open with the toe of his boot and they headed inside.

“Need help?” He grinned. Ezra frowned at him.

“OK! Hold on to this handle. I’ll crack the door and you let me know when you’re done.”

Vin smiled as he stepped out the door. Ezra’s gown was wide open in the back and he had a nice view of his backside. Yep he thought. Looks better outta those fancy pants.

He heard the toilet flush.


“You ready?” He peaked back in the door to see Ezra glaring at him, one hand clutching the gown closed behind him. Vin raised an eyebrow.

“Ass!” Ezra mumbled narrowing his eye and pointing behind him.

“Yep, and ya got a nice one Ez.” He laughed as he reached to put his arm around Ezra’s back. He enjoyed the feel of Ezra’s skin on his arm. “How about I stop by your place and pick you up some clothes?”

Ezra was concentrating too much on staying upright and moving to answer. He was shaky as Vin helped him back to bed. The combination of walking and the medicine left him exhausted. He picked up the pad as he layed back in the bed.

“Sorry. Tired.”

“Ain’t nothing to be sorry for. You rest. I’ll sit with you till you fall asleep then go pack a few things for ya.”

“Bring presents later?”

“Sure.” He took the pad from Ezra’s hand. He poured him a glass of water.

“Here. Have a drink.”

Ezra drank deeply. He mouth hurt and seemed to be always dry. He guessed it was a side effect of the medicine.

Vin sat the glass back down and lowered the head of the bed some more. He pulled the chair up and took Ezra’s hand in both of his.

“You rest now.”

Ezra squeezed Vin’s hand and closed his eyes. He hated being in hospitals. Hated being alone in a strange place and the drugs made him feel out of control. Like he would float away and become lost. He squeezed Vin’s hand again and Vin squeezed his back. Vin lightly rubbed his finers up and down the skin of Ezra’s arm. He enjoyed the feel of him, soft and satiny. Ezra sighed deeply, eyes still close and Vin smiled. Ezra felt safe and Vin’s hand kept him firmly anchored as he drifted off to sleep.

+ + + + + + +

Chris and Buck sat behind Inez’s bar. Chris glanced at his watch. 10 till 12. Tony should be there soon. They had been by the office and had one of the video guys print out pictures for them. They could have gotten JD to do it but they didn’t want anyone else in on this until they knew what “this” was.

Chris looked up as a black Chevy S-10 truck pulled into the back parking lot. Chris couldn’t suppress a smile. Tony liked to tell him he got a black truck so he could be just like Chris. Tony backed in beside Chris’ Ford and got out. He leaned back against his passenger door.

“Larabee. Buck.”

“Hey Tony. How’s it hanging?” Buck grinned over at him.

Can’t complain Buck.

“Got some photos for you.” Chris reached behind the seat for a manila envelope. “Not sure these are the ones but they left right after Ezra.”

Tony opend the folder and flipped through the pictures. “Okay. I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Give me a call later?”

“No problem Chris.”

“Thanks Tony. I owe you.”

“Shit Chris. You don’t owe me for this. I told you, I like that southern fried bastard.” He grinned and headed around to the front of the bar.

“Whadda ya think?”

Chris rested his hands on the steering wheel. He glanced over at the dumpster where they had found Ezra. His hands tightened, his knuckles white.

“I don’t know Buck. This has personnal written all over it. I think Ezra remembers more than he’s saying. I’m gonna help him whether he likes it or not.”

Buck smiled widely and pulled at his mustache. “Hell Chris, that’s what family is about.”

+ + + + + + +

Ezra jerked awake. Damn nightmare again. Just how many times did he have to relive it? But this nightmare kept growing. Vin had been added to it. Now after being beaten he was forced to watch them do the same to Vin. Vin called his name asking why?

He rubbed his hand over his face. What time was it? He could see it was still daylight. He looked to his tray. No lunch. Shit. He needed to go to the bathroom. Could he get up? Hell he was a grown man. He could go to the bathroom himself. He sat up. God his stomach muscles hurt. He moved the IV stand around to the left side of the bed. He felt light headed as he sat up on the side. He took some deep breathes. You can do this. He took a firm grip on the IV pole.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Ezra looked up. There stood Vin in the doorway. Bags in hand.


“Not by yourself ya ain’t.”

Vin put the bags down near the bed. Ezra sat hunched on the side of the bed, willing his muscles to stop quivering.

“What am I gonna do with ya?” Vin moved the IV stand to Ezra’s right side and put his right arm around Ezra’s back.


Ezra nodded. He put his left arm around Vin’s waist and stood up. Head rush!

“Wait.” He gripped Vin tightly.

“Want to sit back down?”

Ezra shook his head. He took a few deep breaths and then lessened his hold. He nodded again.

“OK.” Vin looked down. “Damn Ez, we forgot your slippers.”

Ezra shook his head again.

“Ok, but it’s gonna make shuffling harder.” Vin laughed.

“Ha, Ha.” Ezra walked slowly, feeling like he was 90.

They go to the door which Vin opened and helped Ezra in.


“Yep, still there.” Vin laughed and closed the door.

“Barrassing.” Ezra stepped into his silk pajama bottoms that Vin had brought. His hand were on Vin’s shoulders. Vin was bent over holding them.

“Ain’t nothing to be embarrassed about.” He moved the bottoms up Ezra’s legs and hips.

“I like helping ya. Glad ya trust me to.” He looked into Ezra’s eyes.

Ezra held his gaze and then looked down and started to pull off the gown.

“God Ezra.” Vin’s voice was shocked.

Ezra’s chest and stomach were covered with deep purple bruises. Finger and hand shaped bruises were on his upper arms. Ezra was surprised himself. He hadn’t seen what he looked like. He avoided the mirrow in the bathroom. He reached to the bed and grabbed his shirt.


Vin grabbed the shirt from him. “It ain’t nothing. I’m gonna find those fellas. Wish you trusted me enough to tell me what happened.”

Ezra looked up to Vin’s face. His blue eyes were blazing. Unconsciously Ezra took a step back.

Vin was stunned to see the look of fear cross Ezra’s face.

“Ez, Ez I’m sorry.” He reached up to touch Ezra’s face.

The door opened and the dietary people came in with the lunch tray.

“Damn it.” Vin muttered. He helped Ezra put his shirt on and started buttoning it.

“Ez, I’m sorry.” He murmered as the lady placed the tray on the table. Ezra patted his hand as Vin helped him get settled back in the bed.

“Let’s see what they brought ya.” Vin turned to uncover the tray. A liquid lunch lay underneath. Bouillion. Juice,coffee and jello.

“Yum, yum.” Ezra wished he could roll his eyes.

“Ain’t that bad.” Vin smiled at him. “Just gotta use your ‘magination.”


“Whadda ya mean, no?”

Ezra grabbed his pad. “I am not eating that swill.”

“Yes ya are. You don’t eat. You don’t go home.”

Ezra scowled.

“How about a trade?”

Ezra raised an eyebrow.

“You eat some lunch, ya get a reward.”

Ezra crossed his arms.

“Whadda ya want?”

Ezra thought on that one. What did he want? Had to be something he could have. He glanced over at Vin. Well he couldn’t have that. Food. He wanted something to eat. The lack of being able to chew narrowed that list down considerably.

He grabbed his pad and wrote, then handed it to Vin.

Vin smiled slowly. “I think that could be arranged.”

+ + + + + + +

“Ya did good Ez.”

Ezra had finished all the vile bouillion and the juice. He couldn’t quite figure out what to do with the jello. He refused to try to suck it through his teeth, besides his jaw muscles hurt too much for that.

The nurse came in. “I need to check your vitals.”

“I’ll go get that iced mocha for ya.” Ezra smiled as Vin left.

Vin flipped open his phone as he got into the hall.


“Any news cowboy?”

Chris paused. “Nothing concrete. Got some feelers out.”

“How can these guy just disappear Chris?”

“We’ll find them Vin.”

“Or I will.”

“Vin, we’re in this together. Ezra say anything.”

“Nothing yet. Can you get everyone over here around 5?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“Ezra’s got something for ya. And can you bring him some milkshakes?”


“Yeah, he hates the liquid diet the hospital has him on. He wants a variety of shakes. Not too thick.”

Chris chuckled. “No problem cowboy. See ya at 5.”

+ + + + + + +


“Hey Chris.”

“Tony, got something for me?”

“Yeah can we meet?”

“Sure, where?”

“Time to walk on the wild side. Meet me at Gianetto’s. 30 minutes?”

“Ok Marconi. I’ll be there.”

+ + + + + + +

Chris walked into Gianetto’s, a little pub in the old part of the city. Team 5’s favorite hangout. A big wooden bar lined the left side of the wall and Chris saw booths to the right. Further back the room opened up and was littered with tables and along the back wall were dart boards. He saw another room off to the right with pool tables. Tony waved him over from a table near the back wall. As Chris approached, Tony stood up and put out his hand.

“Chris, welcome to the intersanctum of Team 5.”

“I’m honored.” He shook Tony’s hand and sat down. Tony raised a hand to the waitress and she brought over a cold mug. He nodded to the pitcher. “Help yourself.”

Chris poured a beer and leaned back in his chair.

“Any trouble?”

“Nah. Man I’m made for this undercover stuff. In fact I’m too good. Plus these assholes are stupid.”

Chris grinned.

“I saw a couple of them there from the pictures you gave me. I played a little pool with them, bought some beer. Then I said I heard there was some excitement there Saturday night. They hemmed and hawed then said they heard some fairy got beat up.”


“That’s what they said. Seems they saw 2 fairys and I’m using their words, flitting around and it offended them. They saw one go out and followed him to show him their displeasure. They said they told him if he ID’d them they’d come back and take care of his boyfriend. His long haired boyfriend.”

Chris sipped his beer. This was one scenario he hadn’t thought of. And he guessed he knew why Ezra wouldn’t talk.

+ + + + + + +

Chris opened the door to Ezra’s room. Vin had his feet propped up on the railing of bed. His chair at the head. He was laughing and looking at a piece of paper.

“Hey Cowboy.”

Vin and Ezra both looked over as Chris came in. He noticed they were both smiling.

“Feeling better Ezra?”

Ezra nodded and wrote – T.L.C

Vin smiled over at him. Ezra looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

Vin looked over at Chris. “You bring the milkshakes?”

“Damn. I left the cooler in the truck. You mind getting it?” Chris pulled his keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Vin.

Vin caught them and stood up. “Yeah, I need to stretch my legs. Be right back.” He smiled over at Ezra and headed out.

Chris walked over to the bed and Ezra was suddenly on alert. Something in Chris’ look told him trouble was coming. Chris stopped near the bed.

“Since you can’t remember anything from the other night, I’ve been doing some checking.”

Ezra glared and started writing.

“Found out some things. Not all, yet.”

My business!

“When someone beats up a friend of mine, I make it my business. And you are my friend as well as a member of my team.”

That stopped Ezra for a minute. Well he thought. I hadn’t expected that.

I will handle it.

“And we will help. For now we are just looking for four guys who beat you up. The details stay with us. But I think you should tell Vin.

So. He knew.


“It’s up to you but…..”

Vin came through the door, cooler in hand. Ezra turned to the wall, struggling to get his composure back.

“Hey Ez, wait till you see what Chris got ya.”

Vin hesitated as he came in. He could feel the tension in the air, hell you could cut it with a knife. He looked at Chris who smiled, his look saying everything was fine.

Ezra looke back at Vin, poker face in place and motioned him over. Just what the hell had happened while he was gone? Damn it had only been 5 minutes. He shot Chris a glance that said we’ll discuss this later.

Ezra picked up his pad. What delicacies did Mr. Larabee bring?

Vin looked at him searching his face for some sign of the problem but Ezra was unreadable again. He placed the cooler down by the bed and removed the lid.

“We got chocolate, vanilla..”


“My personal favorite.” Vin smiled and handed him the shake and grabbed the straw from the glass of water. He popped the straw in the lid.

Ezra’s smile was tight. He took a few sips and wrote then held up the pad.

Thank you Mr. Larabee.

“I’m always here to help you Ezra.” Chris gave him a meaningful glare.

Luckily for all three men the door opened at that point and in came the rest of Team Seven.

“Ezra, how are you feeling?” Nathan led the way in.

Ezra waved a hand indicating he was fine.

Buck laughed. “Course he’s fine Nate. Don’t he look it.” JD punched him. Buck had his hands full with another cooler and had to settle for giving JD a playful kick.

“Watch out kid. Carrying medical supplies here.”

JD rolled his eyes. “We heard about the milkshakes Ezra. We brought you some and brought dry ice.”

Thank you JD, Mr. Wilmington. Ezra wrote.

“Nate and I will take the next shake run. If you’d write down what you like son.” Josiah pulled up a chair by Nathan.

Ezra smiled at them all and bent to write and then handed the pad to Vin, who had sat in his chair by the bed.

Would you do the honors Mr. Tanner?

Mr Tanner again was it. He shot another look at Chris.

“Sure thing Ez. Well fellas we did a little shopping the other day and then Ez here added his own special touch.” He gave Ezra a warm smile that made Ezra’s stomach hurt. These past few days had been the best and the worst. Even though he had gotten the shit beat out of him he’d love having this time alone with Vin. It made him ache for what he knew couldn’t be and that it was tiem to end it. He smiled weakly back. Vin put his hand out to touch his but Ezra moved his, reaching for his milkshake.

Vin frowned. He intended to get to the bottom of this as soon as everyone left. He reached into the shopping bag and then to the stacks of paper on the foot of the bed.

“JD.” He handed something to JD from the bag.

JD took it and held it up. It was a black T shirt with Bad Boys written across the front. Then he took the paper that Vin handed to him. It was a characture of JD in a scene from the movie. He was drawn shooting it out back to back with Buck.

“Hey this is great! Did you draw this Ezra?” Ezra nodded.

Vin handed out T shirts and drawings to wach man. Ezra had done a remarkable job of drawing each man. They each expressed their thanks to Vin and Ezra.

Ezra was happy they had each enjoyed their present. Part of giving them each a shirt was he wanted to share his pleasure of the night he and Vin had gone out. Of course now the sight of those shirts was bittersweet. His head was starting to split. He’d put off taking his pain medicine so he would be alert when the guys showed up. He had a feeling Vin was going to insist on hanging around after the rest left and he wasn’t up for that tonight. He pressed his call button.

The nurse arrived a few minutes later. “Do you need your pain medicine Mr. Standish? “

He nodded.

“ Do you need anything else?”

He handed her the pad. She read it and nodded. “I’ll be right back.”

JD and Buck were telling them all about Buck’s latest date which JD had unknowingly interrupted when the nurse returned. She eased through the laughing men and injected the medicine into Ezra’s IV.

“It’s time for you gentlemen to leave.” She stated firmly and began to take Ezra’s vital. “Mr. Standish has pushed himself too much this afternoon.” She shook her head as she read the thermometer. “He needs his rest.”

Chris nodded to her. “You heard the lady. Time for us to go.”

Everyone wished Ezra a good night as Chris followed them to the door. He stood with his hand on the handle as he looked back at Vin.

“Good night Ez. You take it easy.” He reached out and gentlely patted his leg. Ezra gave him a tired smile.

Chris stood waiting for Vin to go through the door. “Night Ezra.” And he closed the door after him.

“Thank you.” Ezra said to the nurse.

“It’s quite alright Mr. Standish. You rest.”

Ezra nodded and closed his eyes. He had asked the nurse to discretely get the others out. He didn’t want to be questioned anymore. He didn’t have answers to his own questions. He wanted oblivion. But his mind didn’t care. Just what the hell was he going to do? What was Chris thinking? Did Chris believe he was gay because the rednecks who accosted him thought so? What about Vin? He pushed that question aside. The only thing he could do until those lunatics were caught was to distance himself from Vin. If they didn’t see them together maybe Ezra would be able to track them down first. With that thought he fell asleep.

+ + + + + + +

“Just what the hell happened in there cowboy?”

Vin and Chris stood in the hospital parking lot by Chris’ truck.

“Nothing. I was asking Ezra about those men, what he remembered.”

“Don’t bullshit me. More than that went on. Ezra looked like he was caught in a bear trap and about to chew his leg off.”

Chris tried not to grin at that image. It was a perfect description of Ezra when he felt cornered.

“I told him I was looking into what happened and had heard a few rumors.”

“Like what?”

Shit, Chris thought. He wasn’t about to betray his word to Ezra but what could he say that would satisfy Vin?

“Told him I had heard it was 4 guys. Not regulars. They’d taken some dislike to Ezra and when they saw him go out they followed. All I know so far.”

Vin nodded. Some of that sounded about right. He knew a couple of men could never take advantage of Ezra. The man know how to take care of himself. Knew several martial arts. And ezra had a way of pissin’ some people off without trying. Add alcohol to the mix and it was possible. But why was Ezra so upset and why wouldn’t he say what exactly had happened?

“What else? He was pretty upset when I came back.”

Chris raised an eyebrow. Saying Ezra was acting pretty upset was like saying Nuns were exhibitionist. Ezra rarely showed any emotion. He’d seen Ezra flick that switch when Vin came in the room. Yes Ezra had been very upset – right before Vin came back. But Ezra had put on the mask of his and looked normal. Not happy like he’d been when Chris got there but neutral.

“Guess I pushed him about remembering.” Chris lied.

Vin looked at him hard. Obviously Chris wasn’t going to say anymore.

“I plan on doin’ some nosing around myself. Should be able to find these guys.”

“No.” Chris said too quickly. “I mean let’s do this together but give Ezra a few more days to remember.”

“Alright.” Vin said slowly.

+ + + + + + +

It was dark. Where was he? Damn. Hospital room. He looked and could see the line of light under the door. He felt trapped. He could feel his heart still racing from the nightmare. He was sick of this place. It was time to do what Ezra P. Standish did best when threatened. Retreat.

He turned the IV off and pulled the needle out. It took awhile to get dressed. Luckily Vin had brought clothes for him to change into once he was discharged. He stuffed his pajamas in the overnight bag. He was sweaty and light headed. He took a milkshake out of the cooler Chris had brought. Those were still soft enough to drink. He picked up the phone and called a cab, asking that the driver meet him in his room.

20 minutes later there was a knock at his door. In walked a man from City Cab.

“You call a taxi?”

Ezra nodded. He held out his pad.

I need your assistance. Is there a wheel chair outside?

“Yeah, saw one down the hall.”

Ezra nodded. Rip.

Could you get it please?

The man looked at him puzzled. Most people he picked up at the hospital waited out front and didn’t call at 1 am. He frowned.

Ezra wrote again. I will pay extra for any inconvenience.

The man nodded and stepped out into the hall. He was back in a couple of minutes. He helped Ezra into the chair and Ezra pointed to the cooler that Buck had brought. The cab driver picked it up and placed it in Ezra’s lap. Ezra grabbed the overnight bag.

“Check hall.”

The cab driver sighed deeply. He glanced out but saw no one. He guessed no one knew this guy was checking himself out. None of his business as long as he got paid. He looked back at Ezra.

“Wait here.” He moved quietly out the door and down to the elevators. He pushed the button and then went back to the room.

“Okay, let’s go.” He pushed the wheelchair out of the room, both him and Ezra scanning the hallways. Luckily since it was so late the elevator door was opening as they arrived.

Surprisingly they made it to the cab without being questioned. Ezra wrote his address on the pad and showed it to the driver. 30 minutes later they pulled up in front of Ezra’s condo. The driver helped him to the door, Ezra leaning heavily on him. Between the two of them they got the door open and Ezra inside to the couch. The driver reached over and turned on a table lamp then went out to get Ezra’s things.

“$22.50.” He said as he set the cooler down by the coffee table.

Ezra had an emergency stash of money in the side pocket of his overnight bag. He pulled out two twentys and a ten and gave it to the driver.

The man pocketed it without counting. “Thanks. You gonna be ok?”

Ezra tried to smile reassuringly.

The guy wasn’t convienced . “Ok, you take it easy buddy.”

Ezra sighed as the door closed. Home. He felt a little better just being here. He also felt like passing out. He had some pain pills in the bathroom but wondered if he would make it that far. The liquor cabinet was closer.

He eased off the couch, holding onto furniture as he made his way to the bar. He grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and took a slug. It burned the cuts in his mouth and a blaze to his stomach. He worked his way back to the couch, bottle in hand. This was as good a place as any to sleep. His bed was too far away. He had a few more long pulls from the bottle and layed down.

+ + + + + + +

The phone rang shrilly, waking him from a deep sleep. His hand groped out searching for it, not bothering to turn the light on.

“Larabee.” His voice was gruff.

“WHAT?” He sat up and looked at the clock. 2:30 AM. He clicked the light on.

“He’s gone? When?” Chris cursed.

“No. I’ll be right there.”

Damn no good sneaky bastard. Ezra had disappeared from the hospital. He thought about calling the others but changed his mind. He didn’t think Ezra could get too far. He got dressed and jumped in his truck. He called a few cab companies on his way. Thank god for directory assistance. He found a company that had taken a call to the hospital at 1 AM. After yelling, cussing and threatening the man had give him the address the cab had gone to. Ezra’s.

Chris went to the nurse’s desk and soothed everyone down. He promised his would be back in the morning to sign any papers. Yes, he knew all the legalities about patients checking themselves out AMA. He told them he expected prescriptions to be ready for Ezra when he came back. He went to Ezra’s room and picked up the cooler he had left behind. He was sorely tempted to go to Ezra’s and drag the man back but he knew that wouldn’t accomplish anything. As he was leaving Ezra’s nurse appeared.

“Here Mr Larabee.” She said handing him a bottle of liquid. “There is enough pain medicine to last Mr. Standish until you can get his prescription filled.”

“Thanks Cathy.”

She nodded. She was well acquainted with all of the members of Team 7 and their aversions to hospitals.

Chris decided to go check on Ezra next. He wanted to make sure he was alright and now about to skip town. He had keys to all the men’s places for emergencies. He saw a light on when he pulled up. He found Ezra laying on the couch, the bottle of Jack on the coffee table. He shook his head.

“Come on Ezra.” He pulled the man up.


“We are going to bed.” Chris walked him slowly to the bedroom. Ezra didn’t protest so Chris figured the alcohol must be doing it’s job. He sat Ezra on the bed and helped him lie down. Ezra groaned. Chris went to the kitchen and got a spoon. He got the medicine out of his coat pocket and measured some out.

“Here.” He propped Ezra’s head up a little. “Swallow this.”

Ezra did as he was told. Chris layed him back down and removed his shoes. Vin had picked sweat pants and shirt for Ezra to leave the hospital in and he figured that was okay for him to sleep in. He pulled the covers up.

“You stay put.” Chris went back out to the living room and made himself comfortable on the couch.

+ + + + + + +

Ezra smelled coffee. He guessed his alarm would be going off any minute. He rolled over to see what time it was and pain shot through his stomach. Shit. Now he remembered. He had left the hospital. How did he get to bed? Chris? Nah, he was sure he had dreamed that. He groaned as he tired to sit up. That wasn’t going to work. He rolled to his side and pushed himself up. Dizzy but better. He stood up slowly, gripping the table by his bed. Again holding onto furniture he made it to the bedroom door. Opening it the fragrance of coffee was stronger. Ah. He thought. Nector of the gods. He inched his way down the hall. There in his kitchen stood Chris Larabee. He turned as he heard Ezra shuffle in.

“Mornin’ Ezra.”

Ezra tried rolling his one open eye. Chris grinned at him.

“Sit down before you fall down.”

Ezra grunted as he sat at his small kitchen table. Chris poured Ezra a cup of coffee and sat it down in front of him.

“I would ask how you feel but I figure that’s pointless.


Chris nodded and picked up the bottle of pain medicen from the counter. He got a spoon from the drawer and squeezed the dose in.

“Open wide.” Chris grinned widely at him.

“Vury funny.”

Chris held the spoon for Ezra as his hands shook.

“So.” Chris said as he tossed the spoon in the sink and picked up his own cup of coffee.

So what, Ezra thought. He took a sip of coffee to wash the taste of the medicine down.

“Decided you had enough of the hospital?”

Obviously, Ezra thought again. And how the hell did you find out so quick? Ezra mimed writing.

Chris went back into the living room where he had seen Ezra’s bag. Inside was his pad from JD. He brought it back and laid it by Ezra.

Ezra rubbed his hand over his forehead. His head was pounding. Damn concussion. He wanted some of those kick ass drugs that went in the IV. What had Chris asked him?

He looked up at Chris and frowned.

Chris sighed. “I’m taking you back to the ranch. You need someone to look after you, unless”, he paused looking at Ezra who was starting to write a protest, “you plan on letting me take you back to the hospital.”

Rip. No. Ezra traced the letters over and over. Want time alone.

Chris nodded. “Medical leave is in order. Can’t go undercover looking like that.”

Ezra tried a feeble smile.

“No one needs to knkow where you are exactly. But I think you should talk to Vin. He is worried about you.”

Ezra shook his head.

“Those guys threatened him too Ezra. Don’t you think it would be better if he was prepared?”

Ezra refused to look at him.

“Fine. I’ll pack your stuff for you.”

+ + + + + + +

“Chris.” Vin spoke before Chris had a chance to answer the phone.

“Ezra is gone. I’m at the hospital now.”

“Calm down Vin, he’s fine.”

“Fine? How can he be fine when he ain’t here?” He paused. “You know where he is?”

“He’s on medical leave. Said he needed some time alone.”

“Alone? Damn Chris he needs looking after. He’s hurt.”

“He promised to check in.”

“Check in?” Vin’s voice was rising.

“Vin, he is okay. I’ll see you at work.” And he hung up.

Chris was headed back to town. He’d gotten Ezra settled in the spare room with his promise to rest and behave. He hoped he wouldn’t have to handcuff him to the bed, but he had assured Ezra he would if necessary.

+ + + + + + +

Vin paced the office. No one was there yet which suited him fine. How could he have been so stupid? It was his fault Ezra had bolted. He’d been crowding him, acting like a love struck girl. Shit, Stupid! Now he had no idea where he was. Vin had tried his condo. He found signs he’d been there, some of his stuff was gone. But where was he? It had been 3 days.

He’d made coffee but he couldn’t sit still. So he wandered the office cup in hand as he had started doing every morning since Ezra left the hospital. He was nearing the elevator again when it opened.

“Any word?”

“I told you cowboy, he is fine.”

“But WHERE is he?”

Vin looked at Chris. He wasn’t acting normal. Chris should be tearing up the town by now, which is what he wanted to do.

“You know where he is.” Vin stated plainly.

Chris started for the breakroom.

“Chris I need to talk to him.”

“The man wants to be alone. I promised him. Why do you need to talk to him so bad?

“Ain’t none of your business. Ezra is upset and it’s my fault.”

Chris finished pouring his coffee. He couldn’t understand why Vin was so worried.

“Why do you think it’s your fault?”

“Somethin’ I need to talk with him, it’s ‘tween us.”

+ + + + + + +

“Cowboy I’m headin’ out.”

Chris gave him a look and nodded. “Go slow. If he runs again it’s your ass.”

Vin smiled and gave him Ezra’s two finger salute.

“You’re lookin’ better”

Ezra leaped up, the ice pack flew off and the hammock would have flipped if Vin hadn’t grabbed it.

“You scared the shit out of me!” Ezra made himself understood though the words were slurred.

Vin laughed. “Sorry Ez. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” He leaned down and picke up the ice pack, brushing it off. He handed it back to him along with the pad he had brought from the house.

How did you find me?

“I’m was a bounty hunter Ez.”

Exra rolled his eye and Ving grinned again. Damn it was a weight off him just seeing Ezra again. He knew he must be okay if Chris said so but he had to see for himself. Who was he fooling? He had to see Ezra. He’d been a wreck since Ezra had disappeared.

“Need to talk to ya.” He helped Ezra up and back to the front porch. He sat Ezra down on the glider.

“Sit here a minute.” Vin went into the house.

Shit, what was Vin doing here? His heart was still thumping wildly and not just from being surprised by Vin. Hell, he had missed him. Just seeing him standing there smiling was wonderful. But he wasn’t suppose to be here! He hadn’t decided what he was suppose to do yet.

Vin came back out with a foot stool for Ezra to prop his feet on and a milkshake. Vin smiled shyly. “Missed taking care of ya.”

Ezra’s stomach clenched. He closed his eyes.

“Want to apologize to ya.” He held up his hand to Ezra when he started to speak. Vin started to pace up and down the wooden porch. “Don’t know how to say this or how to start. Guess I’ll just spit it out.”

Ezra nodded.

“Care a lot about ya Ezra. Got feeling I don’t know what to do with. I know I got carried away when you were hurt. Honest Ez, I didn’t mean to crowd ya.” He looked at Ezra at that point and saw shock on his face. Ezra had gone pale.

“I’m sorry. I know ya don’t feel the same and ya probably want to knock the shit out of me right about now.” Vin looked down at his boots. “Don’t wanna lose your friendship Ezra but I felt I needed ta explain.” Vin’s Texas drawl had become thicker and his voice softer.

Ezra held up and hand and wrote Wait.

He looked at Vin sharply. Could this be true? I thought I imagined that he could, might be interested. Just wishful thinking. He glanced around then back at Vin. He looks sincere. Can’t think why he would just say all of this if it wasn’t true but could he trust this?

Vin meanwhile was studying Ezra. He saw hope, doubt, confusion and fear all cross his face.

Could this be? Ezra thought. But what if it is true? Hell that was scarier. Rejection he ws use too. Could handle that. But could he try and then handle the inevitable hurt?

Vin could see the battle going on within Ezra. But he wasn’t sure if he should say anything yet. He was about to when Ezra started writing. Then he handed it to Vin.

Don’t know what to say. Hard to write what I feel. Think I feel the same but don’t know if something should act on.

Ezra was watching Vin now. He was nervous and his gut was churning again. Damn he could use a big dose of pain something!

Vin looked up stunned. “You feel the same?”

Ezra nodded and blushed. But then it hit him. What the hell was he doing? Shit Vin hadn’t been here five minutes and he had forgotten he was suppose to be staying away from him, protecting him.

Vin had been watching him, excited to find out Ezra felt the same way he didn’t but then he saw panic cross Erza’s face and he unconsciously touched his face. The he looked back guilt-ridden.

“Wait a minute.” Vin said slowly. “Did you get beat up cause of me?”

Ezra shook his head a little too quickly.

“Don’t lie to me Ezra Standish. “ Vin was getting angry. “I can see it on your face. If you don’t tell me ya know I’ll find out myself.”

E zra sighed to himself. Well he knew that was true enough. Vin was one stubborn bastard. Maybe Chris was right and it was better to warn Vin, so he would be prepared. So he picked up the pad and began to write. Vin stood behind him so he could read it. His fists clenched and unclenched as Ezra wrote. Finally he stalked away.

“Damn it!” He yelled. He stomped across the porch. “Damn it we were havin’ a good time.”

Ezra sighed again and nodded. Vin had to laugh. He saw the wistful look on Ezra’s face and found his anger evaporating. Ezra looked up when he heard Vin laugh, looking puzzled.

“Least we agree on that.”

Ezra looked at Vin and saw the happiness there. He felt himself flush and then Vin’s cell phone rang.

“Shit.” Vin mumbled. He looked at the phone and grinned.

“Yeah cowboy?”

“You there?”

“Yeah, I found him.” Vin grinned over at Ezra.

“Everything okay?”

“He seems alright.” Ezra laughed and headed inside in seach of his pain medicine.

“Make sure he eats something. I got soup and stuff. I’ll be home later, if you wanna stay for dinner.”

“Ok. And Chris…Thanks.”

Vin headed inside to the kitchen.

Ezra wandered into the kitchen a few minutes later. He couldn’t get the damn top off this pain medicine. Stupid child proof caps! He smelled something cooking. He saw Vin at the stove stirring a pot. He saw his pad laying on the table. Those two sights made him feel warm insdie. It was nice being looked after. He hadn’t had much of that growing up. Maude was not exactly the June Cleaver type. He had missed his time with Vin that he’d had in the hospital. Vin turned around and Ezra raised an eyebrow.

“Thought you might be hungry.”

“Chris say that?” Ezra said through his teeth.

“Might have suggested it.”

“Man counts soup cans.” Ezra grumbled as he stood in the doorway. Vin laughed and poured soup into the bowl he had placed on the table. Vin pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Come on Ez, you need to eat.”

Ezra took a deep breath and sat down. Tomato soup. Another sigh. He sure would like a grilled cheese sandwich to go with it.

They sat silently while Ezra ate. Vin got up and poured more soup when Ezra had finished the first bowl. Ezra gave him a look but Vin just smiled. Smart ass. Ezra thought.

Ezra reached over and grabbed his pad. After writing he pushed it towards Vin.

“Don’t know for sure what he knows. He ain’t said nothing ta me. I guessed where you were. Figured since Chris wasn’t tearing up Denver he had ta know.”

Ezra chuckled at that. He ripped the pad and started again, tilting it toward Vin when he was finished.

“Wonder how he found out myself. He ain’t said nothing about how he found out, said he’d heard rumors.”

“I want to go home.” Ezra spoke slowly so he’d be understood.

“Ya still need looking after Ez.” Ezra starte shaking his head.

“Yes you do. Shit Ez you can hardly zsee. How are ya gonna get around? And when is your doctor’s appointment?”


“How about I take ya? I don’t live far from you or I could stay on the couch?”

Ezra glanced over at him and then back at his soup.

“Think about it.”

Ezra layed down his spoon. His head was start to split in two. He rubbed his forehead. He heard Vin move and saw him reach across the table and grab the medicine bottle. He opened it and measure out a dose. Ezra smiled and held out his spoon.

“Come on. Ya need to get some rest.” Vin took him by the arm and led him into the living room. He sat Ezra on the couch and then sat down beside him.

“Here. Stretch out awhile until ya feel better.”

He put one of the small sofa pillow on his lap and patted it. He smiled. Ezra slowly stretched out, and put his head on Vin’s lap, his feet up on the couch. He close his eyes and groaned softly. Vin lightly stroked his hair. He was asleep in no time. It was Vin’s turn to sigh. He didn’t know why the simple act of taking care and being with Ezra made him so happy but it did. And who was he to argue with that?


Feedback – Welcome! Willow58@comcast.net