Sequel to: Fresh Air Is Wonderful
Buck, Vin and Chris were sitting around the table at the local bar. It wasnt their usual place to gather, but it was close to work and Inezs place was being remodeled and was closed for a couple of weeks. They decided to stop in for a couple of drinks after work. It would be nice to have an evening out before they went their separate ways for the weekend. Ezra was supposed to drop in later.The men had all had a couple of beers and were chatting casually about work and home life. Buck and Vin couldnt help but smile as Chris went on and on about Ez and how his life was so much better since the green-eyed undercover agent had captured his heart. Ez had moved out to the ranch about a month ago. When Vin had joined the team Chris had found the other half of his soul; he became a calmer more balanced person. When he hooked up with Ezra Standish as his lover Chris found his life and his world wrapped up in that wonderful male package.
Laughing at Chris description of Ez learning how to muck the horse stalls Buck noticed a couple of men across the room staring at them, no they were staring at Vin in particular. Just then Buck's pager went off.
"Be right back, JD broke down a couple of blocks from here. I told that boy to have that starter looked at. Itll just take me about fifteen minutes to get it fixed and Ill be right back."
As Buck pushed his chair out to get up, Vin said, "Ill go with you, Bucklin"
"No, Vin you stay here and visit with Chris. Besides Ez will be here before long. I wont be gone long, then Ill pick you up and we can go home."
As Buck was making his way across the crowded bar he glanced over at the two men he noticed earlier. It was obvious that the two men had been drinking for awhile. One of the men a big muscular brunette licked his lips and grabbed his crotch as he motioned at Vin at least Buck thought he was pointing at Vin.
Buck felt a slow burn in the pit of his stomach. Vin was his and damned if some yuppie prick was going to point and make obscene gestures at his lover.
Stalking over to the two men, Buck got right in their faces.
"Just who the hell are the two of you leering at?" he demanded noting with satisfaction that both men took a step back from his obvious fury.
"Hey, take it easy, dude. We were just admiring the longhaired guy. He sure is a beauty and we were wondering if he was available thats all," the brunette commented his eyes glinting as he resented being pushed around in front of his blond lover.
"Didnt mean no harm, just wondered if hed want a threesome," the slightly smaller blond said stuttered.
"Well, hes not available and he wouldnt be interested. Keep your eyes off him and if you approach him Ill break you into small pieces."
"O kay, mister. We got the idea. The guy belongs to you and youre real possessive. Dont worry he might be gorgeous, but not worth getting into a fight over."
"Maybe not to you, but Id kill for him," Buck replied. Buck gave one last glare at the two men and satisfied that he had made a lasting impression he stalked out of the bar.
Unfortunately neither Chris nor Vin had noticed the altercation if they had then Vin would have been prepared for what happened later and Chris would not have left his friend alone.
Ten minutes after Buck had left Ezra showed up. The three men shared a beer then when it was obvious that the two lovers wanted to get home, Vin told them to leave.
"Go on home you two, Buck will be back in a few minutes. By the time I finish this beer hell be back. Go on, if I know you two you have a full weekend planned and Im sure its not all work," Vin said smiling in true amusement. He couldnt help it. The relationship was still so new to Chris and Ez that the two men would still get a little sheepish when teased.
"Takes one to know one, cowboy," Chris replied his cheeks just barely turning a pale pink.
"That is correct, Mr. Tanner. I highly doubt that you and Mr. Wilmington plan on working and slaving away the whole weekend without a thought to more entertaining amusements," Ez said. The undercover agent had tried for a haughty tone in his voice but couldnt contain a hint of laughter. Vin was absolutely correct. Ez had plans for his lean blond lover and they didnt include mucking out the barn.
Vin waved his hand as though dismissing the two men.
"Go on you two. Have fun. Im a big boy and can manage on my own for the next five minutes or so."
After his two friends had left, Vin settled back in the seat to wait for Buck to get back.
Meanwhile, Buck was not having an easy time with JDs car. It turned out not to be the starter, Buck messed with the engine for almost thirty minutes before he had to tell JD to call Andy a friend of theirs that ran a mechanics shop. JD would have to have the car towed. That was fine with the young man since Casey could pick him up and they were going away for the weekend for a camping trip.
Buck glanced at his watch and cussed under his breath as he headed back to the bar. He had told Vin fifteen minutes and it would be more than forty-five minutes since he had left his lover and old friend in the bar.
Vin glanced at the waitress standing next to him. She was holding a drink and smiled as she informed him that a friend had sent this over for him.
Vin smiled back and thanked her. Thinking that Chris and Ez had sent the drink over since they were leaving him alone Vin started slowly sipping at the beer.
Watching across the room the two men silently congratulated each other. They had watched the blond and other man leave and then sent a drink over to Vin. Before the waitress took the drink the brunette made sure to slip the drug into the beer. He would show that big guy who was the man here. NO one threatened Russ, especially in front of Jeff and got by with it. If the blue eyed beauty was the instrument they needed to get revenge then so be it. At least Russ would get to taste that mouth and fuck that tight ass before they sent the beauty to the hospital. After all Russ had to keep up appearances with Jeff. Jeff looked up to Russ and if Russ wanted to keep his blond haired sex toy happy then he needed to keep the upper hand in all situations.
Vin started to feel a little funny. The room seemed to tilt to the side and his mouth was suddenly dry. It got real hot all of a sudden. Getting to his feet, Vin figured he needed some fresh air. He would wait for Buck to pick him up outside. Staggering slightly he made his way through the crowd and out the door. As he stepped onto the sidewalk he felt his arms being grabbed by two men.
"Here, let me help you, mister. You dont look so good," Russ said as he gripped Vin's arm. He looked over as Jeff took the other arm.
The two men all but drug the semi-conscious man over to the parking lot. There was no one around to see as Russ pushed Vin up against the side of a truck.
"Keep an eye out and let me know if you see anyone," Russ hissed.
Jeff nodded his head and kept one eye on the surrounding area and one eye on what Russ was doing to the nearly unconscious man.
Russ used his larger body to keep Vin pinned against the truck. He grabbed a handful of hair and held Vin in place as he ground his mouth on Vin's. He shoved his tongue inside and sucked hard on Vin's tongue biting the lower lip as he moved on down to the neck. He bit and sucked on the sensitive skin.
Vin put his hands out trying to push Russ away. Russ slid his knee between Vin's legs and pushed up hard against Vin's genitals. Vin groaned at the pain his arms dropping to his sides.
Russ yanked the tousled head to one side; he ripped Vin's shirt and attacked the unresisting body. Keeping his knee between Vin's legs Russ started roughly rubbing Vin's crotch through the jeans. Russ unbuttoned the top button on the beautys jeans and started to pull down the zipper. He could hardly wait to get his hands on the cock he felt under the underwear.
Russ smiled as his adrenaline pumped through his body. He loved this. Loved having someone at his total mercy. This was just a sample of what he was going to do to the drugged man. Sucking at the neck and then moving on down to the bared nipples Russ pushed the torn shirt back off the shoulders.
Vin again raised his hands trying to get away from the man that was causing him pain. Russ doubled up his fist and slammed it into Vin's unprotected stomach. Vin groaned loudly as he slumped only being held up by the knee between his legs and man who was biting, pulling and pinching at him.
Jeff had quit watching for witnesses and was watching his partner assaulting the innocent young man. He felt a flicker of remorse, but it was quickly gone as he felt his own cock stir at the arousing sight in front of him. He never noticed the furious storm that was descending down on him.
Jeffs arousal died quickly as he was grabbed from behind and tossed into a nearby SUV. His head impacted with the side of the red SUV and he was unconscious as he slid to the ground.
Buck barely gave Jeff a glance as he headed for Vin.
The big man had arrived at the bar and had to park on the curb, as there were no parking places in the lot. He had passed by the parking lot on his way to the bar when something had told him to look to the right.
Buck had seen movement in the parking lot and as he investigated he had seen Vin being assaulted by that damned prick from the bar. Buck had seen Vin raise his hands trying to push the man off him and seen the massive fist drive into Vin's stomach.
A red haze descended over Buck. The feral animal in him came out as he saw his mate being attacked. Buck barely noticed picking the blond up and tossing him aside. His sole focus was Vin, getting to Vin and killing that piece of shit that was assaulting him. Buck's vision narrowed down until all he could see was the back of the brunette as the man groped and grabbed at the tender vulnerable skin under his hands.
A growl erupted out of Bucks mouth as he reached his feebly struggling lover.
Russ looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening in terror as he beheld the furious man behind him. Russ gripped Vin by the hair and shoved him at Buck. Vin dazed and only semi-conscious stumbled. Buck grabbed his lover around the waist and in one swift motion lay Vin gently on the ground and lunged at the brunette who had taken a couple of steps away from the furious man.
Russ didnt even get a punch off as Buck planted a huge fist in his face. Russ screeched, as his nose was broken. The brunette landed on the concrete, but was immediately pulled up by his hair. Buck held the man upright by his hair as he pummeled his face and body. Buck let the man drop to ground unconscious. Buck kicked the man a couple of times in the ribs. Hearing a satisfying snap as a rib broke, Buck smiled. Buck leaned down and wiped his hands on Russs shirt. The big man's knuckles were bleeding and bruised. Sensing a movement behind him, Buck whirled around to see the blond trying to crawl away from the scene.
In two strides he on the blond and grabbing him by his throat, Buck lifted him off the ground. He watched as the man's face started to turn red.
"Now you listen to me, asshole. That man you assaulted is a Federal Agent. Now what do you think is going to happen to you when you face the judge? Im also a Federal Agent so if you think you can nail me for assault think again. I was defending my partner. My partner at work and at home, hes my life. You pick up that piece of shit youre with and get out of town. If I see either of you around town again I will put a bullet in your head and that will be after I beat your partner to death in front of you. That isnt a threat thats a promise, Buck snarled in the blondes face. He tossed the blond to one side and headed for Vin.
Out of the corner of his eye Buck watched Jeff drag Russ towards their car, then drive off.
Buck knelt down next to his lover. His eyes filled with tears as he saw the condition his lover was in.
Buck saw that Vin's jeans were undone, but thankfully the bastard had not been able to pull down the underwear. However little it might seem it was a mercy that the animals hands did not actually touch Vin's cock.
Buck carefully zipped the pants back up. He left them unbuttoned. Vin had taken a hard hit to the stomach and Buck thought it would feel better if there was nothing binding it. Buck slid his arms under Vin's shoulders and under his legs picking him up as easily as though he were a child. Vin moaned as his head flopped against Buck shoulder.
Buck looked down and saw that Vin's shirt was in shreds and hanging around the slender body. He could see that Vin's lip had been bit and was a little swollen.
With his voice husky as he tried to keep control, Buck whispered, "Itll be okay, baby. Im taking you to the hospital. Theyll check you over real good."
Vin was fighting to wake up. He wasnt sure what the hell had happened, but his whole body hurt. He heard a familiar voice talking to him.
Forcing his eyes open, Vin looked at Buck. He saw tears in his big lovers eyes. It took him a couple of tries but he finally managed to say "Bu Bucklin"
Buck had reached their truck. He slipped Vin into the passenger seat and hurried around to climb in the drivers side. Not caring who might be watching he moved closer to Vin and pulled his lover into his arms.
"Sh sh sweatheart. Ive got ya. Taking you to the hospital. Have them check you out."
Buck was surprised when Vin jerked out of his arms and almost toppled off the seat.
Buck grabbed him and pulled him back into his arms.
"Youre safe, baby. I took care of those two bastards."
Buck took Vin's head in both hands and tilted the beautiful face up so he could look in Vin's eyes.
Buck had been cop long before he became an ATF agent and he had seen enough people doped up. Vin's eyes were glazed and it was obvious he was having trouble focusing. Vin had been drugged, probably one of those date rape drugs that seemed so prevalent nowadays. No wonder those animals had been able to grab him.
Vin blinked and Buck could tell the younger man was really concentrating on what he was saying.
"No no hospital home just just bruised feel dirty want you home clean please Buck nobody else touch me " Vin's rambling ended in a sob as he tried to bury himself in Buck's arms.
"Okay, baby okay but if I think you need to be seen, Ill have Nathan come out to the ranch Okay?" Buck held Vin close and stroked the shaking back as he dropped little kisses on top of the golden brown head.
Buck felt Vin nod. As Buck went to slide over behind the steering wheel, Vin gasped and gripped his lover harder thinking Buck was leaving him.
"Just gonna drive us home. Tell you what. You lay down and put your head in my lap and shut those big beautiful blue eyes. Well be home before you know it." Buck slid behind the wheel and moved the seat back. He helped Vin lay down and put his arm over his young lovers back. To hell with the two hands on the wheel rule, he wasnt letting go of Vin.
Vin tucked his face into Bucks stomach and one hand gripped the front of Bucks shirt.
Vin would murmur indistinctly at times all the way home, but he never completely regained consciousness. Buck thought they would never get home. He parked the car and then picked Vin up and carried him inside.
He lay Vin down on the bed and started the shower in the master bathroom. He had headed back into the bedroom when he heard Vin cry out. Buck reached the bedroom in time to see Vin jerk upright on the bed staring around in fear. It was obvious the sharpshooter had no idea where he was or how he got there.
Buck hurried over and sat down next to Vin pulling him into his arms.
Vin began struggling against his lover, mumbling loudly.
"No, let me go stop stop you bastards Buck " Buck felt his eyes fill with tears. He held Vin tighter and stroked his lovers back and long hair until he felt Vin relax against him.
Vin took a long shuddering sigh. Resting his head on the broad shoulder of his big lover, Vin snuggled closer.
"Youre okay, babe. Youre safe. Were home and Ive got ya. Beat the bastards half to death and sent them out of town. Sh sh youre safe. I think I need to call Nathan."
"No, dont dont need Nathan. Just need you. They they just hit me a couple of times and kis touch well they just hit me a couple of times."
Buck gritted his teeth at Vin's stumbling speech. While he wanted Nathan there to check Vin out, he didnt want to upset his lover. Buck finally made a decision. He just hoped it was the right one.
Pushing Vin back a little so he could see the blue eyes, Buck said "No Nathan unless you start feeling worse or I deem it necessary. I expect you to tell me exactly how you feel. Okay?"
Vin nodded a little smile of gratitude crossing his face.
Buck's face softened as he gazed down at his lover. He loved Vin so much; Vin had become his whole life in just a matter of weeks.
Dropping a quick kiss on Vin's forehead, Buck said, "Were going to take a shower then take a nice long soak in the hot tub."
A few minutes later Buck had Vin standing under the shower spray. Buck poured some shampoo in his hand and began washing Vin's hair.
Buck felt his rage build up again although he never let the fury reach the fingers that were gently stroking through the golden brown silk mane of hair.
He was glad Vin wanted a shower because Buck was sure he could smell that animal on his lover. Buck rinsed off the hair then proceeded to soap up the slender body. He kept one hand on Vin's hip keeping his lover steady. Buck figured since Vin was not a big drinker that he probably did not get a full dose of the drug. Vin was more coherent and was a little steadier on his feet.
Buck turned Vin around and washed the long neck and shoulders. Buck could see red marks on his lover; a couple of the marks were starting to bruise. Buck cussed to himself. That bastard had marked Vin, marked his lover, and marked the one man that Buck loved above all others.
Buck glanced down and saw that Vin was watching him. The big blue eyes were wary and almost seemed a little afraid. Buck was puzzled for a minute, He knew Vin was not afraid of him. Then it hit the big man. Vin was afraid that Buck would not want to make love to him again, because someone else had touched him. Well Buck knew how to put Vin's fear to rest.
Carefully, Buck pulled Vin into his arms, tipping the head back so he could look into the blue eyes.
"I love you, Vin. There was no way you could have known your drink was spiked. You were an innocent helpless victim. This type of drugs slow the reflexes and disorients people and if you drink enough youre unconscious. Nothing will ever make me stop loving and desiring you especially when you did nothing wrong nothing." Buck watched, as Vin's eyes while still showing the effects of the drug seemed to calm as the soothing words washed over him.
Now it was time to put his words into action.
Buck gently pushed the younger man back against the shower wall. When he was satisfied that Vin was braced Buck slid to his knees and slipped his hands around the slender hips holding Vin in place. Buck began to nibble and nip at Vin's stomach traveling south until he reached the semi-hard cock.
Buck licked at the cock head sliding his tongue into the slit. He felt Vin's hands rest on his head grasping his hair.
Buck licked and sucked slowly bringing his lover off. He was very careful to gently stroke the balls. He remembered that bastard had his leg between Vin's and figured his lover was a little tender. Slipping a soapy finger inside his lovers hot channel Buck stroked Vin's prostrate gland. As Vin moaned and shot his seed down his lovers throat Buck felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness sweep over him.
Sucking Vin dry, Buck stood up keeping Vin within the circle of his arms. Vin dropped his head on Bucks shoulder. Buck could feel the slender body trembling.
Buck knew that Vin was about to fall asleep. The combination of the drug, the trauma of what had happened and the fact that he just had a great orgasm was putting the young sharpshooter into dreamland.
Buck was hard and ready to explode, but he willed himself to think only of Vin. His personal needs could wait.
Buck finished up and then scooped Vin up in his arms. He grabbed a couple of large towels and headed out to the hot tub.
Buck stepped into the hot tub and settled into the lounger seat. He cradled Vin on top of him. Turning on the jets he let the hot water start soothing sore muscles. Vin just sighed and curled up in Bucks arms settling into a deeper sleep, knowing that he was safe in his lovers arms.
Buck sat in the hot tube for an hour and a half. After about forty-five minutes he turned the heat down a bit, the evening was nice and warm.
About twenty minutes later Vin began to stir. Yawning the younger man shifted and raised his head off Bucks shoulder to look at his protector.
Smiling that little smile he reserved only for his lover, Vin said, "Feel much better, Bucklin. Think my skin is all wrinkled now, but I sure feel better. Thanks"
Buck hugged the younger man tightly.
"No thanks needed. That what lovers do for each other. Take care of each other, love each other and make each other laugh and make each other eat if necessary."
Buck laughed as Vin wrinkled up his nose. He knew that Vin was probably not feeling up to eating, but he was going to insist. He wanted Vin to drink a lot of water to help get his system cleaned out.
The two men wandered into the house. After they had dressed in sweatpants the two men wandered into the kitchen. Buck made Vin sit at the kitchen table while he fixed a quick dinner.
Buck put the chicken noodle soup and cheese sandwich in front of his lover. Vin raised his eyebrows as they seldom had soup and only if one of them was sick. When Buck went to put a glass of milk in front of him, Vin put his hand out.
"No way, Bucklin. The soup and sandwich look good, but there is not way Im drinking milk. I hate milk. If I cant have a beer then a glass of iced tea will be fine."
Buck opened his mouth to argue that milk was good for him. The look on Vin's face stopped the words from leaving his mouth. He brought back a glass of iced tea.
Dinner was eaten in relative silence. Vin was starting to worry that Buck was now going to start treating him like a fine piece of porcelain or spun glass. Vin was not about to be treated like he was fragile. He knew Buck was not disgusted with him, the little scene in the shower assured him of that. Well maybe he would just have to show Buck that he was a hell of a lot tougher than he looked even if he was a basket case earlier.
Buck watched Vin eat and could tell by the look on his lovers face that Vin was doing some heavy thinking. Buck hoped Vin was still not worried that Buck found him undesirable. Well if that was what his young lover thought, then later Buck would make slow sweet love to him. That should show Vin that he was desired and loved. Nothing rough, Vin did not need that after the attack in the parking lot.
Buck sent Vin into the family room to find something on the TV to watch. He quickly cleaned up the kitchen then joined his lover on the sofa.
Buck propped his feet up on the coffee table and urged Vin to lay down on the sofa.
Vin had to admit he was still feeling a little fuzzy at times. He curled up on his side and rested his head on Bucks lap. Buck rested a hand on Vin's head and slowly stroked through the soft hair. It wasnt long before Vin fell asleep.
Buck wasnt going to let Vin sleep very long because the young man had rested in the hot tub and he wanted Vin to get a good nights sleep.
Watching the basketball game, it wasnt long before Buck fell asleep.
Vin woke up before his big lover. It took a few seconds for him to realize where he was.
Vin carefully sat up not wanting to wake Buck up. Glancing over at the clock Vin noticed that they had been asleep for about two hours.
Surprisingly he felt pretty good. He could feel that he was going to have some bruises, but if things went the way he had planned then the bruises inflicted by that animal would be covered by those Buck would give him.
Vin stood up and quickly took off his sweatpants leaving only his white briefs on. He knew that Buck loved it when he wore white briefs. The white set off his tanned body and molded to his tight ass and cock. Moving silently Vin straddled Bucks legs putting his hands on his big lovers shoulders.
Buck came awake with a jerk, almost toppling Vin off Bucks legs.
Buck automatically reached out and grabbed Vin around the waist. Buck blinked his eyes as he registered the fact that he was touching soft skin and Vin was straddling him.
Buck stared into the amused blue eyes of his lover and then allowed his gaze to wander down the slender beautiful body he had lusted after for so long and finally had in his bed.
Seeing Vin was wearing those white briefs that turned him on, Buck felt a jolt of desire in his groin as his cock began to harden.
Hearing Vin chuckle, Buck let his gaze rest on Vin face. Seeing the satisfaction and amusement resting on the beautiful face, Buck knew that Vin felt his arousal.
Suddenly a feeling of relief surged through the big man. He thanked God for sending Vin to him and for obviously sending him a message that Vin was not going to let the attack harm their relationship.
Buck growled deep in his throat in a way that he knew Vin loved. Vin said it made him feel like Buck was stalking him and gave him a thrill.
Buck pulled Vin to him plastering the young man against his chest. Buck rested one large hand on Vin's ass rubbing the firm mounds. His other hand he let slip into the long silky soft hair and held Vin's head in place.
Buck devoured his lovers mouth. He kissed, sucked and touched every inch inside of Vin's mouth. He definitely wanted his touch and taste in that mouth he loved. Buck made sure that he nipped at Vin's lip right where that animal had bitten the tender skin. When Vin looked in the mirror all he would remember was Buck nibbling at his lips. Buck planned on doing the same to the bruises on Vin body. Vin would remember Buck biting and sucking on his body not that animal. Buck realized that this was what Vin wanted. He didnt know how he knew that he just did. Maybe this is what lovers do; they start to read each others minds.
Buck kept his lips locked on Vin's as he stood up with his lover locked tightly in his arms. He kept one hand under the firm ass as Vin's legs wrapped themselves around Bucks waist.
Reaching the bedroom Buck gently deposited Vin on the bed. The big man followed his lover down, completely blanketing the smaller man with his body.
Buck felt Vin tense briefly then relax as Buck began kissing the beloved neck. He kept one hand in Vin's long hair, and let the other hand travel to the front of Vin's white briefs. Buck was relieved when the briefs were a little damp. Vin was obviously excited by their actions.
Buck quickly slipped their clothes off. Buck settled back on top of his lover and proceeded to drive Vin crazy. He kissed Vin breathless then sucked and nipped Vin's neck and shoulders. As the big man reached a mark left by Vin's attackers he sucked hard leaving his own mark. The only mark Vin would see. He knew Vin was aware of what he was doing. As he would suck at one of the marks Vin would place his hand on the back of Buck head press the big man's mouth and teeth closer to his skin.
Vin arched up with a hiss as Buck bit down on his shoulder blade. It was Bucks favorite place to mark him.
Buck let his lips and hands wander down the lean golden body. He reached the hard nipples and licked and sucked them. He loved to suck and lick at Vin's nipples, as he knew it drove his lover crazy.
Buck let his fingers slide between Vin's legs as he rolled his lovers balls in his long fingers. He allowed one finger to slip inside the hot body. As Vin arched up with a yelp Buck bit down on the tender thigh that was quivering by his mouth.
Vin reached down and grabbed a handful of Buck hair urging the big man mouth towards his hard leaking shaft.
Buck chuckled "Now, angel, patience. Planning on coming together tonight. Want to be deep inside your tight ass as you cum. Love to feel you writhe in my arms, your ass squeezing me so tight I feel like my cock is in a vice. Those soft little noises you make as you submit to me, as you give me permission to mount and ride you to completion."
Vin groaned "God, Bucklin, shut the hell up and fuck me."
Buck smiled.
He knew Vin loved it when he talked a little dirty to him. The younger man liked to pretend otherwise, but Buck knew better.
Buck kept his finger inside the hot channel as he reached and grabbed the lube. He pulled out and coated his fingers. Now he inserted two fingers and began stretching Vin.
Buck leaned down and licked Vin's leaking cock head. He let his tongue play with the slit then swallowed the hard cock whole.
Vin screamed. Buck winced as Vin yanked on his hair as he arched on the bed.
Buck licked and nibbled on the hard shaft as he inserted three fingers inside his lover. Buck knew Vin was close so he pulled his fingers out ignoring Vin's whimper as he scraped his fingernail across Vin's prostate.
Buck quickly turned Vin over on his side and slid in tight behind his slender lover. He put on large hand on the flat stomach and held Vin in place as he pushed inside Vin's hot body.
Vin was having none of this gentle coupling. He pushed back impaling himself in one surge on Bucks large cock.
Vin moaned as he was filled. He was stretched and felt totally complete as he felt Buck start to move.
"Okay, angel. I get the message; youre not made of glass and dont want to be treated like you are. So lets see if I can ride you into the bed."
Buck pulled back out and slammed back in. He picked up the pace as Vin moaned and reached for his own cock.
Buck slapped Vin's hand and snarled, "Get your hands over your head, sweetheart and leave them there."
As Vin followed Bucks orders, Buck flipped him over on his stomach. Vin groaned as his erection was shoved into the mattress. Buck knelt over the smaller man and gripped the slender hips tightly. He pushed the long legs further apart and raised the tight ass higher. He never stopped sliding inside the heat he so loved. Buck slipped his arm around Vin's waist holding his lover off the bed so he could grasp Vin's cock. Buck began pumping Vin's shaft as he kept sliding inside. Buck felt Vin moan as his muscles tightened. Vin screamed Buck's name as he came. Buck groaned and gripped Vin's cock tighter. He kept pumping Vin's cock until he milked his lover dry. Buck let Vin drop back onto the bed and slammed inside a couple more times before he shot his load deep inside Vin's body.
Buck collapsed on top of Vin, their sweat mingling. Buck stayed inside of Vin until the sweet body expelled him.
Buck kissed the nape of Vin's neck and whispered, "Stay still, angel, Ill be right back."
Buck brought back a towel and cleaned his lover and himself up. He was too tired to do more than toss a couple of towels over the wet spot. It was funny, neither man for all the rough sex they enjoyed liked to sleep in the wet spot. Buck crawled back into bed and pulled his sleepy lover into his arms making sure they were both under the blankets. As Vin settled against him, Buck wrapped both arms around the slender body.
"I hope I wasnt to rough with you tonight," Buck said a little hesitantly. He was a little concerned because Vin had not said anything.
"Werent to rough, Bucklin. Thats the way I wanted it. Wanted to make sure that just because those animals touched me it didnt change anything between us. They didnt change a damn thing. We won and they lost. If anything I love you more and more as time goes on," Vin said in a husky voice his Texas accent a little more noticeable because he was tired and sexually sated.
"Yeah, sweetheart we won. We won when that damn elevator got stuck and we keep on winning."
Vin sighed in total contentment and drifted off to sleep knowing he was secure in his lovers arms.
Buck stuck his nose in Vin's hair and followed his young lover into dreamland, Vin's scent surrounding him.
Their world was once again right. As long as they had each other they could and would survive anything.
The End