ATF Universe
Thanks to my cyber-sis Deb for the feedback. :-)
Chris looked up from the stack of papers on his desk at the sound of Buck Wilmington´s booming voice. With an indulgent smile and a small shake of his head, he tried to return to his work.But he couldn´t keep Buck´s jovial excitement from making its way through the closed door. With a sigh, he leaned back in his chair. Soon Valentine´s Day would be over and, just maybe, they could get the amorous Wilmington´s mind back on more mundane subjects like keeping Denver´s streets safe.
Instantly, he realized his thoughts were being unfair to his old friend. Buck was a damned good agent and took his job as seriously as any of them. But that didn´t stop him from making personal plans during office hours, especially when things were as slow as they had been for the past two weeks.
He flexed his shoulder as he was reminded of the reasons for the period of unusual inactivity. Their last op had left Chris with a bullet wound in his shoulder and Josiah with a matching one in his leg, not to mention a broken arm. With two agents restricted to desk duty, Travis had steered a few cases to other teams and left Team Seven to recuperate physically while taking care of reports and other various paperwork duties.
The forced downtime had each of them chomping at the bit to get back in the field and Buck had taken it upon himself to ease some of the tension that had been building among them by regaling them of his intricate plans for the upcoming 14th of February.
Chris shook his head again as Buck´s voice filtered through the office door. How in the Hell the man could manage dates with three lovers for the same night was beyond him.
Especially when he, himself, was struggling with how to plan for one.
A vision of dancing blue eyes came to mind at the thought and he got to his feet, making his way to the large window separating him from the bullpen where the others worked. The sharpshooter was at his desk, his expression indicating amusement as he listened to Buck´s plans for Valentine´s Day. As though realizing he was being watched, the Texan turned slightly in his chair, blue gaze locking with green through the glass between them. After a moment, he offered a quick smile and turned his attention back to what Buck was saying.
And Chris breathed a heavy sigh.
Vin Tanner had been his best friend pretty much since the moment he´d joined the team a year and a half ago and his lover since they´d finally admitted their mutual attraction to one another six weeks earlier.
Since that first time, they´d spent more nights together than apart. Vin maintained his apartment in the rundown borough known as Purgatorio, but chose to spend a lot of his free time at the ranch, working the horses, helping with the chores
and engaging in the most mind-blowing sex Chris had ever experienced.
He felt a slight stirring in his groin as his thoughts drifted to the previous night´s activities. A comfortable meal of pizza and beer in front of the TV had somehow morphed into some of the hottest, most intense lovemaking he could remember.
A small pang of guilt accompanied the otherwise pleasant thoughts. It wasn´t that his life with Sarah had been anything less than satisfying in every aspect. She´d been his wife, his partner, the single most important person in his life until she´d given him a son whom he´d cherished equally. Their small family had been a happy one, making plans for their future, for more children, oblivious to the fact that fate had deemed it not to be.
For three long years after his family had been taken from him in a horrific car bombing, Chris had lost himself in wave after wave of misery, often accompanied on the journey by a bottle of some indistinguishable origin. It was only in the last two years he´d begun to be able to remember the good times without the all encompassing grief that had threatened to tear him apart.
And a great deal of that healing had come in the form of a young, blue-eyed sharpshooter from Texas. The bond between them had been instant each recognizing something in the other that had been too long missing from their lives. And when their strong friendship had evolved into something even deeper, Chris had discovered, to his own amazement, that his scarred, tortured heart was still capable of love. The part of him he´d thought long dead now threatened to burst from his chest at the mere thought of the younger man. He´d been given a second chance at love and he didn´t want to waste a moment of it.
And that was where the problem came in.
He´d never had trouble deciding what to do for Valentine´s Day when he was married. Roses, lingerie, a romantic dinner usually followed by a night of tender, loving sex had been the norm. Now, he was in a relationship with a man, a man who was as dangerous as any he´d known, as untamed in many ways as the wilderness he loved so much and as exciting a lover as he´d ever had. The traditional rules didn´t apply here. Flowers and candlelight just didn´t seem like Vin´s style.
Not to mention the fact that the mere mention of lingerie was likely to get him shot.
He knew he could probably choose to overlook the upcoming day; it might even be easier, considering the fact that Vin hadn´t mentioned it once. It might be easier, but it wouldn´t be what Chris really wanted. He wanted to let Vin know what a change he´d made in his life, to know how happy he´d made him. He wanted no, needed the younger man to know just how much he loved him.
And he did. He loved the blue-eyed, stubborn, scruffy, gentle Texan more than he would have thought possible.
Pulling himself from his daydreaming, he watched his lover a moment longer before turning away. He knew Vin loved him too, though the Texan had never said the words. Chris accepted that it was just easier for him to express his feelings verbally. He knew what love was, had experienced it, in one form or another, his whole life. And when his wife and son had been so cruelly taken from him, he´d realized how important it was to speak those words while you had the chance.
An insight driven home the hard way, but one he´d taken to heart. He´d told Vin he loved him on many occasions, always getting a shy smile in response. He had the feeling that it made the younger man uncomfortable in a way, but he couldn´t help it. He wanted Vin Tanner to know he was loved and he´d keep saying it until the day he died.
And he had no doubt that someday the words would be returned.
But that didn´t help him with his current indecision. With Valentine´s Day only days away, he needed to figure out what he was going to do, if anything.
A knock at the door pulled him from his reverie and he looked up. Yeah, he called softly. The door opened and Buck leaned in.
Wait´ll you hear, Chris, the tall agent was beaming.
You´ve managed dates with Christy, Tina and Tiffany for Valentine´s Day, Chris said with a teasing smile. You weren´t exactly whispering, pard.
Buck chuckled, closing the door and folding his long frame into one of the chairs facing his friend´s desk. Well, now that my plans are public knowledge, he teased, his eyebrows waggling, what about you?
What about me? Chris asked, a slight frown marring his features. Though Buck was aware of his relationship with Vin, that didn´t mean it was open for discussion.
What are your plans? Buck pressed with a shrug, oblivious to the other man´s discomfort. Surely you got something in mind for Junior.
I don´t think Vin´s quite the Valentine´s Day type, Buck, Chris replied in an attempt to brush it off.
Not the type? Buck repeated with a frown. Hell, Chris, if anybody deserves a little love in his life, it´s that boy.
I never said he didn´t deserve it, the blond retorted a little more sharply than he´d intended. He sighed, shaking his head. I just He allowed the words to trail off, reluctant to admit his uncertainty.
You just what? Buck prodded, leaning forward in his chair.
Sighing again, Chris dropped wearily into his own chair. Given the chance to do it all over, he would simply have told Buck that his plans were private ones and left it at that. Now that the lanky agent had latched on to Chris´ indecision, he wouldn´t stop until he´d not only discovered the problem, but done his level best to solve it.
It´s just different, he finally said in a quiet voice. Valentine´s Day is mushy cards and flowers, romance and candlelight. His expression indicated his inner struggle as he looked up to meet Buck´s gaze. With Vin, it´s just different.
Wilmington leaned back in his chair with a chuckle. You need to think outside the box, ol´ dog, he teased. Valentine´s Day isn´t cards and flowers, it´s about celebrating love. You do love Vin, don´t you?
Chris was slightly taken aback by the brazen question. He could feel the colour rising in his cheeks, but to deny his feelings would seem like a betrayal of that love. Yeah, he finally replied. I do.
Buck nodded with a warm smile. All right, then, he said softly. Then you just have to express it in a way that feels right to you. If that means a wild, sweaty tumble in the hayloft instead of moonlight and candles, so be it.
Jesus, Buck, Chris growled, the colour in his cheeks deepening.
Buck just chuckled again. All I´m saying is, it´s not how you celebrate that´s important. You love each other and as long as you´re together, that´s what really matters, right?
Chris couldn´t resist a small smile as he thought about the words. As usual, when it came to matters of the heart, Buck was right. He didn´t need to worry about wining and dining his lover, he just had to be with him, let him know that there wasn´t another place on earth he´d rather be than by his side on Valentine´s Day or any other.
Yeah, he finally said quietly.
A couple of steaks, a fire roaring in the fireplace, Buck suggested. Maybe something nice and gooey for dessert, chocolate, of course...
I think I can take it from here, Buck, Chris cut him off, shaking his head in amusement.
The tall man nodded, getting to his feet and moving toward the door.
The mustached man turned, one eyebrow raised in question.
With a wink and a smile, he nodded and left the office.
Vin sat at his desk, trying to concentrate on the report spread out before him. He wasn´t much for paperwork; that was no secret. But at the moment, he found concentrating on the details even more difficult than usual and the reason was only a few feet away, hidden behind the closed office door.
With a sigh, he tossed down the long-suffering pencil and leaned back in his chair. He´d seen the look on Chris´ face earlier. The blond had managed to hide it quickly, but not before Vin recognized it for what it was the same indecision he saw when he looked in the mirror.
He knew Chris loved him, had known it even before he´d spoken the words the first time and he was just as certain that Chris knew he felt the same way. He´d never said it, but that didn´t mean he didn´t feel it, didn´t want to say it. He´d even tried practicing a few times when he was alone, but the words came foreign to his lips. He´d never said them, not to anyone.
But then, he´d never felt about anyone the way he felt about Chris Larabee.
And now this damned holiday was only two days away. He found himself, not for the first time, wishing that their timing had been a little better. If they´d been lovers longer, it might not seem so awkward. If they´d waited until later, they could have skipped it altogether. Instead, they´d acted on their feelings and now found themselves unsure how to approach the day set aside to celebrate those very emotions.
He thought he understood Chris´ reservations. He´d been married, had once had a wife with whom to celebrate. He was used to the more traditional roles, probably flowers and romantic dinners. He´d admitted that he´d never even considered a relationship with another man before Vin came into his life. Renowned for his ability to organize and execute the most intricate operations when it came to the job, he was at a loss as to how to handle their first Valentine´s Day as lovers. He´d never came out and said as much, of course, but the fact that he had yet to mention the upcoming day was a clear sign to someone adept at reading them.
Vin was experiencing those same feelings, but for entirely different reasons. He´d had a few lovers in his life, both male and female, but had never had to deal with the whole aspect of Valentine´s Day. He wondered briefly if that was merely coincidence, or part of a subconscious attempt to keep himself detached. Whatever the reason, he´d always found himself conveniently alone when the holiday rolled around and he´d never regretted it. Of course, now, he was thinking that a little past experience might go a long way in preventing him from making a total fool of himself.
He was so lost in thought he didn´t notice Chris´ door opening or the blond making his way toward his desk. Only when the familiar voice spoke to him did he register his presence, startling slightly.
You OK? Chris asked, frowning.
´m fine, Vin answered quickly. What did you say?
Chris raised an eyebrow but didn´t comment further on the younger man´s skittish behaviour. I was asking about dinner.
Dinner? Vin replied, blinking once.
You know, the evening meal, falls somewhere between lunch and breakfast, Chris deadpanned.
Vin´s eyes narrowed in a scowl. Yeah, I know what it is. What about it?
Is there anything specific you´re in the mood for? Chris repeated his original question.
Vin couldn´t resist a small smile as he leaned back in the chair. There´s one thing I´m always in the mood for, Larabee, he replied, his voice low so as not to be overheard.
Chris´ eyes still darted around, checking to be sure no one was paying any attention to their conversation. When the green gaze returned to Vin, it had a slightly more feral quality to it. I´ll have to see what I can do about that, he murmured seductively. Now that we´ve got dessert covered, any ideas for the main course?
Vin´s eyes twinkled mischievously and Chris chuckled, shaking his head. Let me put it this way, steaks sound good to you?
He finally nodded, letting the other man off the hook. Sounds good, Cowboy. Anything you need me to get?
Chris leaned closer, pretending to look over Vin´s shoulder at his computer screen. Yeah, I need you to get that ass of yours out to the ranch as soon as possible, he whispered, warm breath fanning across Vin´s cheek.
The Texan´s cock stirred in response and he closed his eyes briefly, trying to will away the impending hard-on before it became obvious. Chris´ low chuckle informed him that it was already too late for that. Asshole, he muttered under his breath.
Oh, yeah, Chris breathed before straightening and moving away from the desk with a slight squeeze to the other man´s shoulder.
Vin sat where he was for a long moment, staring at whatever was on his computer screen as he tried to regain control over his traitorous body. Goddamned Larabee knew exactly what he did to him and Vin didn´t mind in the least.
Chris had to stop on the way home to pick up a few things, so he wasn´t surprised to see Vin´s Jeep already parked at the ranch when he pulled in.
What did surprise him, however, was the body that pinned him to the door the moment he was inside.
Thought ya´d never get here, Vin whispered hoarsely, his lips trailing Chris´ jawline.
His initial surprise wore off quickly and he chuckled, dropping the bags carefully to the floor before slipping his arms around the slim waist pressed against him. Eager, aren´t we? he teased.
Ya´ve had me all hot´n bothered since that stunt you pulled at the office, the younger man accused. Don´t tell me ya didn´t know it.
Oh, I knew it, Chris growled, grabbing two handfuls of denim-clad Texan ass as the man´s warm mouth latched on to the sensitive skin at his throat. Don´t tell me you didn´t know it was mutual.
It was Vin´s turn to chuckle. Reckon maybe I did, he allowed. Question is, what´re we gonna do about it?
Well, the blond mused, nipping at the stubbled jaw before him. I figured I´d cook us up some dinner. Then later, we´d take our dessert into the den, snuggle up in front of the fire
Sounds good, Vin agreed, his lips lightly tracking across Chris´ collarbone. ´Cept maybe we could skip the dinner n the fire n the dessert. Get straight ta what comes after.
After? Chris teased, raising an eyebrow in feigned surprise. I´m afraid I didn´t have time to plan any further than that, pard.
Well ya know what they say, Vin murmured, nuzzling at the soft skin of Chris´ throat. The best plans are the ones ya make up as ya go.
They say that, do they? Chris chuckled in amusement.
Well, maybe it´s just me said it, Vin admitted. Don´t make it any less true.
Chris shuddered as Vin sucked gently on his neck, then blew across the moist skin. You´ve convinced me, he gasped. Just let me put these things away first or we´ll still be cleaning up double-chocolate fudge ice cream come Spring.
Vin pulled back, his eyes widening. Double-chocolate fudge?
In just the opposite reaction, Chris´ green gaze narrowed. Yeah, why? That change your plans all of a sudden?
Vin seemed to be considering it for a moment. Naww, he finally said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. Reckon I can wait a spell for ice cream.
Just for that, I´ll make you wait for something else, Chris chided playfully with a slap to the other man´s firm ass. Does me good to hear you beg every once in a while.
Yeah, well, you go put your ice cream away and we´ll see who ends up beggin´ who, Cowboy.
The seductive tone of the playful threat brought him up hard and he groaned softly as he pushed away from the wall, pulling the other man closer. To Hell with the ice cream, he murmured. He captured any protest the Texan might have been ready to make with a long, deep, soul-searing kiss. When he heard the small whimper in his lover´s throat, he smiled against the warm lips. If he could elicit such a response with just a kiss, it was going to be one helluva night.
He maneuvered them down the hall and into the bedroom without breaking the kiss, only releasing the panting, dazed man reluctantly when they reached the edge of the king-sized bed. Two sets of hands fumbled with buttons and zippers until both men stood naked, only inches apart.
God, Chris breathed, his gaze raking over the body before him. So beautiful.
Ain´t no woman, Larabee, Vin groused, eyes narrowing slightly.
Oh, I can see that, Chris leered, pointedly taking in the hard cock jutting from its nest of curls.
Vin blushed slightly under the blatant scrutiny. ´Nuff gawkin´, he growled, pulling his lover´s body close to him.
Chris had been about to argue that he´d never get enough of looking at the perfect form, but found his words crushed by Vin´s lips in a hard, passionate kiss. Letting all thoughts of speech fly from his mind, he wrapped his arms around the Texan´s bare back and gently tipped them both onto the bed.
For long moments, their lips exchanged hot, wet kisses while their hands stroked and kneaded every inch of flesh within reach. Jesus, Tanner, Chris gasped, their foreheads touching as they struggled to catch their breath, what you do to me.
With a low growl, Vin wrapped his arms around the blond´s strong back and rolled, effectively reversing their positions. Straddling his lover, he gazed down into the surprised green eyes with a feral grin. Ain´t nothin´ compared to what I´m gonna do to ya, he rasped, his voice full of wicked promise. Without giving the other man a chance to respond, he captured the warm, moist lips with his own, his tongue delving deep into the velvet depths and eliciting a soft moan from the man beneath him.
Chris´ hands stroked the strong thighs bracketing him, moving up and around to grab the firm asscheeks. He kneaded the warm globes of flesh pushing them together then pulling them apart, reveling in the soft gasp that escaped his lover as the room´s cooler air caressed the hidden entrance.
As his fingers pinched and rolled the blond´s sensitive nipples, Vin´s mouth trailed a path along his jaw to the warm flesh at his neck, alternately nibbling and kissing along the way. When he reached the juncture of shoulder and neck, he bit down hard, moving with the body below him as Chris bucked with a startled gasp. Immediately, Vin soothed the tender skin with the tip of his tongue, then blew softly over it, causing the other man to squirm beneath him. As he began to suck avidly at the spot, his hands still caressing and stroking his heated flesh, Chris´ breathing dissolved into shallow pants. Vin! he managed hoarsely.
Only when he was satisfied with the mark he´d made did he lift his head. Hmmm? he murmured lazily.
Need you now! Chris growled, trying to roll the younger man over, only to be stopped by two strong hands on his shoulders.
Vin smiled wolfishly down at him. Thought we´s gonna hear some beggin´, he teased, sliding his hands down to twist Chris´ nipples between his fingers, just enough to elicit a sharp gasp of surprise without really hurting.
Chris swallowed hard, his eyes narrowing at his young lover. Never, he gasped.
Suit yerself, Vin drawled. Bracing his palms flat on the hard chest, he rotated his hips, grinding their bodies together.
Oh, God, Chris moaned, closing his eyes tight against the sensations coursing through him.
Vin chuckled. Might wanna open them eyes, Cowboy, he said softly. Don´t think you´ll be wantin´ ta miss this.
He reached for the nightstand and retrieved the tube of lube they kept there. With his gaze fixed on Chris´, he squeezed out a generous amount and warmed it between his hands.
Ya see, he drawled, I bin havin´ just a little trouble decidin´ here. He began to lazily stroke his own rock-hard cock. Do I wanna be insida ya? Drive ya real crazy first He shifted his hips again, eliciting a strangled groan of anticipation from the man. Before I push into ya, soooooo slow and deep.
Chris gulped, his gaze riveted to the look of pleasure on the other man´s face as he talked about what he´d do and how he´d do it.
Mmmm, feels so good, Chris, Vin practically purred as he squeezed his shaft harder. That sweet ass´a yers is so hot, so tight.
Chris´ eyes were glued to Vin´s hand where it continued to stroke. He´d never seen anything so provocative in his life and couldn´t believe how arousing it was to see the other man touching himself. His aching cock, however, was getting impatient, wanting to be in on the action.
When the Texan released his own throbbing shaft and grasped his, he thought he´d come on the spot.
Or, the sexy voice continued. Maybe I want ya inside me. He moved his hand slowly down the hard length. Pushin´ in till I´m takin´ all of ya, hard and deep and fast.
His hand gave action to the words, gripping the blond´s cock in imitation of the tight channel he could practically feel himself thrusting into.
Grasping the slender man´s hips, Chris rocked gently into that hand. Jesus, Vin, he gasped, his cock twitching in response.
A knowing smile touched the corner of the teasing man´s mouth and he shifted his weight slightly, pinning Chris more effectively to the bed. Now don´t go gettin´ ahead of yerself, Cowboy. Still need ta decide just what it is I want. He released the stiff cock in his hand and lightly stroked his own once again. This? He licked his lips and closed his eyes briefly against the sensation. After a few languid strokes, he returned to his lover´s throbbing erection. Or this.
Chris gasped the moment those fingers returned to his flesh. Either he panted, Either way just do something Vin please.
Vin smiled down at him. Close enough, he murmured, releasing the weeping member and leaning down to capture Chris´ lips in a slow, sweet kiss. When he straightened, he grabbed the lube once again and squeezed some onto the blond´s fingers. Ball´s in your court, Cowboy, he whispered throatily.
Needing no further invitation, Chris slipped his hand under the other man, finding his target easily. He pushed two long fingers into the pulsing hole and gasped as they were swallowed eagerly.
As he coated the blond´s hard shaft, the Texan continued to whisper throaty encouragement. Need ya, Cowboy, he rasped, grinding his ass onto the man´s fingers. Wanna feel ya inside me nice n deep.
Chris groaned. The words themselves were nearly enough to send him over the edge. He didn´t know how much longer he could hold out against his lover´s provocative teasing.
Sensing the other man´s need, Vin carefully raised himself, closing his eyes briefly at the loss of contact as the fingers slipped from his body. Adjusting his position, he lined his willing entrance up with the tip of his lover´s cock, pausing briefly while Chris took hold of his hips. With the blond´s hands in place to steady him, he began sinking onto the thick shaft, his breath hissing out as he was filled with the warm flesh.
Once fully seated, he took a moment, long hair framing his bowed head as he adjusted to the fullness. When he raised his eyes to meet Chris´, they mirrored the need there. Let´s ride, he said softly. Slowly, he raised himself up, thigh muscles straining, until only the head of his lover´s thick cock remained imbedded. Chris held him there briefly before allowing him to sink once again onto his rock-hard shaft.
Oh, God, Vin, he groaned. So good so tight.
Vin braced his hands on the hard chest once again and began moving in a slow, steady rhythm up and down the heated flesh. He clenched his muscles tight on every downstroke, clutching the hard cock from within. As their breathing quickened, so did the tempo, Chris thrusting his hips to plunge deep with every stroke.
Knowing he wasn´t going to last much longer, the blond reached for the other man´s weeping cock. Long fingers grasped his wrist and held tightly, causing him to raise questioning eyes to his lover. Vin merely shook his head, reaching with his other hand to retrieve the discarded tube of lubricant and pressing it into the hand he still held while maintaining the rhythm they´d established.
Chris bit his lip, trying to hold back the tide of his own release as he fulfilled the other man´s unspoken request. Leaving Vin to brace himself momentarily, he removed his hand from its steadying position on the slender body and quickly coated the Texan´s hard shaft. After tossing the tube aside, he grasped the lean hips in both hands and gave in to his impending completion, thrusting faster and harder until his seed shot deep into the younger man´s body.
Viiin! he gasped, his senses reeling from the intensity of his orgasm.
Vin used his muscles to milk every last drop from his lover, rivulets of sweat running into his eyes as he tried to hold his own release at bay. Only when he was sure the blond had no more to give did he carefully lift himself off the softening cock, pushing the man´s long legs back to reveal the puckered opening.
He lightly traced circles around the inviting hole, watching Chris´ face for any sign that it was too much after coming so hard. The blond only nodded once, pulling his legs back further. I´m ready, he panted. Vin need you now!
Vin took a deep breath and positioned his ready cock at the entrance, his gaze still fixed on that of his lover. When Chris suddenly pushed down, effectively impaling himself in one stroke, they both released a low moan of sheer pleasure. Vin was already on the edge and found his own relief after a few long, hard strokes.
Oh Lord, he gasped as he shot deep into his lover´s body. Chris! When he was completely spent, he dropped heavily onto the heaving chest beneath him. Damn.
Chris chuckled breathlessly. Yeah, he agreed, embracing the lithe body in trembling arms.
When he´d managed to gain control of his breathing, Vin rolled to the side, snuggling close to the long, lean body. That was somethin´ else, Cowboy, he whispered.
Pulling the comforter up, Chris tucked it around his lover´s body before planting a gentle kiss on the softly smiling lips. You´re something else, he countered.
Tilting his head up to regard the other man, Vin smiled. Yeah? he replied. Good nuff ta deserve double- chocolate fudge, ya reckon?
Chris laughed and placed a soft kiss on the sweaty brow. At least that good, he murmured. You stay here. I´ll go see if there´s any that´s not melted into the hardwood by now. Rolling off the bed, he pulled on a pair of sweats, made a quick stop in the adjoining bathroom to wash his hands and then left to see to the abandoned groceries.
When Vin joined him a few minutes later, he was just putting the last of the things away.
Good news, he said with a smile. The ice cream survived. A little softer than usual, but at least it´s not just a puddle in the hallway.
Vin slipped his arms around the man´s trim waist. Was a minute there when I thought I´s gonna be just a puddle in the hallway, he murmured. Looking into the soft green eyes, he added. Ain´t nobody ever made me feel the way you do, Chris.
Goes both ways, pard. Chris mirrored the loose embrace and kissed his lover lightly. I love you, Vin.
A slight tinge of pink crested the younger man´s cheeks and he offered a small smile before leaning in for a deeper, more thorough kiss.
When they pulled apart, Chris stroked his hands lightly up and down the strong back. You hungry? he asked.
Reckon, Vin replied with a nod. What can I do ta help?
They divided up the preparations and were soon seated at the table, a meal of steak, rice and steaming vegetables spread out before them. They ate in silence for a while, exchanging small smiles and barely- there touches as their hands fulfilled their need to be close.
A short time later found them on the sofa in the den, finishing off a shared bowl of ice cream. When Chris reached over to put the empty dish on the table, Vin snuggled close, breathing a contented sigh.
Smiling, the blond dropped his arm around the lithe frame, pulling him even closer. Comfortable?
Mmmm hmmm, Vin replied sleepily. Might just stay right here forever.
Can´t say as I´d mind, Chris breathed.
Vin went completely still at the words no, not just the words, but the slightly wistful tone in which they´d been spoken. His own comment had been in jest, for the most part, anyway. An offhand remark meant merely to express how comfortable he felt at the moment. Had Chris taken it to mean something else? Perhaps as an indication that he wanted something of a more permanent nature?
More importantly, was that what he actually did want?
His mind whirled with the thoughts. He didn´t doubt their feelings for one another, not for a second, but now he found himself wondering what Chris saw in their future. He´d never been one to actually believe in words like forever. He knew all too well how quickly things could change. But the alternative to that was a life without Chris and he suddenly realized he´d never ever be whole again without the man he´d come to love. The very thought sent a mild wave of panic through him. He couldn´t do this, wasn´t yet ready to believe that he could actually have everything he´d ever dreamed of.
But there was one thing he could do.
Chris? he finally said, breaking the silence.
He pulled back a little to look up at the other man. I´s thinkin´ He paused, swallowing once before continuing. I´s thinkin´ maybe I´d go off for a couple´a days.
The statement hit Chris like a physical blow. Vin was in full flight mode and he was the reason. He knew how inexperienced the other man was when it came to relationships and he´d vowed to himself that he´d take it slow, let him get used to the possibilities of them being together for the long-term before he even considered the next step. Now, with one careless comment, he´d manage to frighten his already skittish lover. Vin, I
A finger to his lips silenced him. Don´t say nothin´, Chris, he practically pleaded. This is somethin´ I gotta do somethin´ I wanna do.
Chris had no choice but to accept that. He wanted Vin with him always; he wasn´t sure he´d even realized how much until that moment. But that meant letting him go when he needed to, knowing that to do otherwise would be to risk losing him altogether.
You sure? He hadn´t meant to ask, but he couldn´t help it.
Vin pushed himself up until his face was even with Chris´. Looking deep into the green eyes, he saw the love he knew he´d find there. What he hadn´t been expecting was the fear that accompanied it. Touching his lover´s face gently, he whispered, I´m sure. Trust me, Cowboy.
Chris turned his head, closing his eyes as he placed a soft kiss in the Texan´s palm. I do, he finally assured the other man, knowing, despite his own fears, that the words had never been truer.
Vin swallowed as the truth in the words washed over him. Make love ta me, Chris, he whispered on impulse.
The green gaze lifted to meet blue, seeing the feelings mirrored there that words couldn´t convey not yet. As he pulled the other man into his arms for a deep, lingering kiss, he knew that it was enough for now.