Disclaimer: Lets see - not mine - just playing
Spoilers: Wagon Train (like someone out there hasn't either seen or heard it described in detail by now...)
A special thanks to my beta - Annie - as usual she has made sense of my typos and mis-punctuations - thanks so much. also thanks to my friend and co-conspirator - you know who you are.
It had been a long, rough month since the seven had returned to Four Corners after escorting the wagon train out to their new land. But for some of the seven it had been particularly trying.Chris Larabee had realized, during that excursion, just how much...or rather how little, he actually felt for Mary Travis. He had been surprised to find himself rooting for the widower Gerard and hoping that the nosy, demanding widow would accept his proposal.
But what really surprised him was his discovery of how strong his feelings for another person were.
That what he felt for Vin Tanner was so much more than just friendship.
It was, he reasoned, when Tanner rode off with the woman, Charlotte, that his feelings for the man had risen up from that hidden place inside and screamed that he was about to lose the one person he needed...the person he loved.
His relief when the Texan returned the next day was tempered by his realization that, despite his own feelings for Vin, he had no idea how Tanner felt about him - whether Vin would even consider entering into a relationship with a man. He now knew, without question, that Tanner was attracted to women. Why else would he have ridden off with Charlotte?
When Mary had decided not to marry Gerard, Chris had felt a knot tighten in his gut. He was pretty sure that she was refusing Gerard because she hoped that he would court and eventually marry her - something that he had no intention of doing. Sure, he spent time with Billy. He was a fatherless boy and Chris was the kind of man who would take him under his wing...but he had no desire to be the boy's father.
Meanwhile, Vin Tanner watched. He watched as they led the wagon train, watched as Mary stayed close to Chris, watched while she practically begged him to stop her from marrying Gerard. And watched as Chris seemed to be giving her some encouragement.
At least that was how it looked to Vin as he rode in and out, spending only small amounts of time with the rest as he scouted ahead for the best route.
Then Charlotte had started to flirt with him... and, feeling frustrated with Chris and his attention to Mary, he had played along.
Why on earth had he thought that it would make Chris jealous...that it would make the gunfighter him want him. Hoping that Chris would want him was like wishing he could clear his name...just one more unobtainable goal.
So when Charlotte followed him and wanted to run off...away from her husband and from the territory, Vin thought, maybe...maybe it would be best if he left. Because he sure didn't want to stay here and watch as Chris and Mary fell in love and got married.
That was something that his heart just couldn't take...because he loved Chris more than he ever thought he could love anything.
Now they were back in town and, after Chris's curt dismissal on the ride back, Vin wasn't sure that he should, or could, stand to stay in the same town with him.
Maybe it was time to move on. But before he could make plans and head out, things changed.
Vin noticed that Chris started to stay clear for the widow Travis - refusing her offers for dinner, avoiding her on the street, and sidestepping her when she approached.
Maybe he'd been mistaken.
Maybe Chris didn't want a relationship with the pretty, but annoying woman.
Chris had also watched Vin as they returned to Four Corners. First, because he wasn't so sure that Vin was "fine" after he had fallen down the hillside when a stick of dynamite had exploded practically on top of him. Second, because he needed to figure out just what he was feeling for the man. He needed to know if Vin had really been in love with Charlotte when he had run off with her, or if she had just used Vin's innate kindness to make her husband notice her again.
For the past few days since their return, it had become obvious that Vin was upset...restless, and Chris was afraid that he was about to move on...for good.
His fear of the latter was what finally got him to make his move.
Now, after an extremely awkward, but ultimately rewarding weekend at his cabin, he and Vin were "together", and suddenly everything was right with the world.
Well, everything except for the fact that Mary Travis was practically throwing herself at him, much to his consternation -- especially when Buck kept nudging him and urging him to go "pluck the lovely flower".
Now as the big ladies' man once more pushed him at the newspaper woman he decided that he'd had enough of Buck's meddling. He glared at his old friend and finally growled at him. "If you're so attracted to the widow...why don't YOU court her."
Buck looked shocked at Chris's suggestion. "You know that I ain't the settlin' down sort...and that widow is looking to settle down...besides, it's you that she wants."
"Too bad, cause I don't want her," Chris rasped back, tired of everyone assuming that just because he was a widower and she was a widow, that they should get married and raise up a brood.
Buck stared at his friend. "You don't want her?"
The glare deepened. "That's what I said."
"Well shoot, Chris, all ya had to say was that you weren't interested."
"That's what I said, now leave it alone, Buck," Chris replied, then turned, crushed his cheroot out under his boot heel and walked away, thankful when the well meaning but overly nosy ladies' man didn't follow.
Where he was going...who he was going to see, needed no witnesses.
He slipped into the livery, knowing that he was a few minutes early for his rendezvous with Vin, but he wanted some time alone to savor the upcoming tryst.
He pulled the door shut and turned to find Vin beside him.
"Damn, Vin," Chris gasped, "you nearly scared the shit out of me...what are you doing here so early?"
"Could ask you the same thing," Vin replied as he moved closer, backing the slightly taller man up against the closed doors. He reached up and ran a calloused hand along Chris's jaw before moving in to take his lips in a deep, wet kiss.
"Mmmmp," Chris attempted to reply, before melting into the embrace.
They writhed against each other for a few minutes before Vin pulled back.
"Got Pony and Peso tacked up." His voice a soft whispered rasp. "Let's get outta here before some nosy cowboy catches us."
Chris grunted his agreement, shifting as he straightened, trying to get his too tight pants adjusted so he could mount and ride a horse...instead of Vin.
Vin watched his struggle and smirked at Chris's discomfort. "That's what ya get for wearing them jeans two sizes too small." He ignored the glare and easliy slipped past leading Peso outside and mounting.
"Ya coming?" he called back into the livery.
"Apparently not yet," came the grumbled reply as Chris led Pony outside.
They had already told Buck and the others that they would be working on Chris's corral the next day and wouldn't be back until Friday...in time for the big town party and dance. Neither man wanted to attend, but were expected to be there since the entire town would be celebrating their Founder's Day event.
Both men were feeling smug and sated as they rode into town early Friday afternoon.
They found the entire hamlet abuzz with excitement, the weekend would be filled with special Founder's Day events, starting with the big dance that evening. A large area had been cleared of any debris and marked off as the main dance "floor". Tables erected to one side were already being filled with food and drinks, and every local musician had been conscripted into the "band" that would provide the music.
The children were bursting with excitement, laughing and chasing as they helped the ladies set up the adjoining area for the younger set.
Vin watched as Mary ran up to Chris, scolding him for arriving so late. She had planned for him to assist in the set up and decorating for the dance. He couldn't help the shiver of fear and jealousy that ran up his spine as he saw her latch onto his lover to lead him away with her.
Vin's fears were allayed when Chris stopped, refusing to be led, lifted her hand from his arm and informed her that it was not his job to set up decorations for a dance. He turned, winking at Vin as he walked away from the open-mouthed woman.
Chris knew that despite their deepening relationship, Vin was still afraid that he would leave him for the widow, and so he had made a vow to himself that he would prove to the younger man that he already had exactly what...who he wanted.
What Chris couldn't see was the stubborn, determined look that came over the widow's face as he walked away, but Vin knew, at that moment, that Mary was not about to give up on her dream to get Chris Larabee to the altar and into her bed.
The night was beautiful, warm with a cool breeze, the lanterns and bonfires creating a festive atmosphere. The music enthuiastic, if not always on key, the dance "floor" crowded with the town's men and women all outfitted in their fanciest garb. It was mid-evening, the party still going strong, when Mary approached Chris for the third time. He had politely refused to dance earlier but now, with Judge Travis looking on, he decided that he would have to take her out on the floor for one obligatory dance. He glanced over at Vin who nodded, seeming to understand that another refusal would only cause problems. Chris knew that he and Vin would be leaving the party soon anyway, so he sighed and took Mary's hand, leading her out into the dance.
It was apparant to Chris that Mary must have had several cups of the punch that some over-enthusiastic partier had spiked. The contaminated bowls had been dumped and refilled with fresh juice, but not before many of the attendees had consumed a fair amount. The alcohol had loosened her inhibitions and Chris found that he had a real challenge keeping her hands in appropriate places as they danced. He tried to simply remove the offending appendages as politely as possible, and continued to dance as if nothing untoward was occuring, but by the time the dance ended he was literally peeling the clinging woman from his body. He turned and practically ran from the dance floor as the music ended.
It didn't help to find Vin sitting on the sidelines snickering at his predicament.
"Let's get out of here before she comes back," Chris whispered as he reached Vin's side.
"You afraid of one little ol' widow?" Vin asked as innocently as he could while trying to hold in his laughter.
Chris just glared, grabbed Vin's sleeve, grateful for the darkeness where they stood off to the side, and dragged the smug man away from the party.
"You ain't much of a party boy, Larabee," Vin commented as they headed down the street.
"Not true, Tanner...I love to party...and I'm gonna show you just how much as soon as we get somewhere private," Chris answered in a quiet rasp as they hurried towards the boarding house.
"Not worried about someone seein' us together?" Vin drawled as he was pulled along.
"Not tonight - too many folks, too much to drink, hell, even Mary was plastered. Who's gonna notice." Chris responded with a grin.
"Think you're right," Vin whispered as he noticed another couple in a passionate embrace on the boardwalk. "Looks like most of 'em are pretty busy."
They reached the boarding house and split up, Chris heading in the front while Vin headed down the alley towards his wagon. Once he was sure no one was around, he cut behind the boarding house and headed up the back staircase, slipping into the hall, then into room 7.
Chris was there waiting, his gunbelt already hanging on the bedpost, boots off and shirt unbuttoned.
"Gettin' started without me, Cowboy?" Vin drawled with a grin.
"Nah...just getting comfortable."
"Be kinda hard..." Vin commented as he indicated the front of Chris's overfull, overtight pants. "That can't be very comfortable."
Chris grinned, looked down at the straining denim and then back into the flushed face of his lover. "Thought maybe you could help me...get comfortable."
"That might not been such a good plan, Larabee..." Vin whispered as he moved closer and stroked the denim covered hardness. "Seems to me that yer problem's gotten even worse since I got here."
Chris growled, grabbing Vin and pulling him against him and grinding his groin against Vin's. "Seems to me that you are about to get a mite uncomfortable yourself," he snarled before he pushed back, forcing Vin against, and then onto the bed.
"How about we work together and solve both our problems," Chris purred against Vin's ear as he nuzzled through the soft, silky hair.
"Ummm..." Vin breathed as Chris's tongue laved his ear then left a moist trail down his neck and began to nuzzle into the top of the still buttoned shirt Vin wore.
They shuffled a bit, hands grabbing at buttons as they both wiggled out of shirts, slid longjohns down and reached for the buttons on their pants. Vin's pulled off easily, but Chris's needed to be peeled off, the bulging erection and sweat causing the heavy material to cling.
They spent a few more minutes wrestling with clothes, Chris's snarling causing Vin to snicker, which in turn caused Chris to chuckle.
Then they were naked.
The small room was dimly lit by the small lantern on the dresser, bodies limned by the flames. They stayed still for a minute, just looking each other over. They had spent a number of nights together but this was still very new. Until now, most nights found them so desperate to touch that they hadn't stopped to simply look and appreciate each other...tonight was only a little different.
As much as they liked what they saw, neither man was willing to wait more than a moment.
This time Chris moved first, flipping Vin down onto the bed and kneeling over him, he continued his earlier attack, lapping down the sparsely haired chest, his tongue making detours to nuzzle first one then the other small nipple before returning to follow the line of hair that led down the lean, tightly muscled chest.
Vin was in heaven...and hell, as Chris's tongue made its way down his chest. His hips bucked, but Larabee grabbed him, holding him still as he feasted on his concave stomach, delving into the small depression at his navel.
Vin groaned softly, biting his lip to keep himself from crying out - the privacy of Chris's cabin traded for the convenience of a room in town causing its own restraints.
It was almost too much when the sweet lips opened up and took his heat inside, swallowing him deeply. He bucked harder, hands fisted in the blanket as he gave up his seed to Chris.
Chris smiled as he crawled back up to kiss his still reeling lover, he loved the dreamy expression on Vin's face as he floated in the aftermath of orgasm.
Minutes later the blue eyes refocused and a blinding smile followed. They cuddled for a few minutes before the hardness of Chris's cock against Vin's groin demanded attention. He looked up into Chris's eyes, no words needed to convey his need, his surrender...this was something Chris had wanted from the first, but had waited for, knowing that he could wait until Vin was ready.
"You sure?"
"Yeah...I want to feel you." Vin knew that the day would come that he would be the one to take Chris, but today...tonight, he was ready, even eager, if still a bit nervous.
Chris leaned over to pull a small tin of salve from the dresser. "I think this will help."
They took a few minutes figuring out some of the dynamics, then after a few false starts, Chris pushed inside.
Vin gasped, tensing, then remembered to breathe. It burned and ached like nothing he'd ever felt. Chris stopped, knowing that Vin was hurting.
"Maybe we should wait."
Vin took a breath, almost ready to agree, then the pain eased. "No...it's getting better..." He took another breath and suddenly the pain was gone, replaced by a fullness that didn't feel bad at all. Chris moved slightly, changing the angle of his penetration as he did so.
"It feels...better...aaah...feels...goood..."
Chris moved again, slowly in as far as he could, then back until he was almost out before moving back in.
"God...Chris, it feels...amazing." Vin pushed back against Chris's hardness, taking him all the way in.
Now Chris gasped.
Then they were moving, slowly at first but faster as they rocked against each other, frantic now, their thrusts becoming urgent and demanding.
They didn't last long, the intensity of the sensations too much. When Chris reached over to take Vin's rehardened shaft in his fist and began to pump in time with their thrusts, it was all over. Vin stiffened and came for a second time, clenching his internal muscles as he did, sending Chris over the edge, pumping his seed deeply inside Vin's willing body, and finally, they collapsed into a heap on the bed.
Exhausted, sated and smiling as they drifted off to sleep.
Back at the dance the music played on - the punch, somehow once again spiked, and the citizens having a very rowdy Founders' Day dance. The Judge retired to the hotel around midnight despite the fact that Mary refused to let him walk her home. He could tell that she had imbibed a bit too much punch, but rather than be an "overprotective" father-in-law, he left after asking Nathan and Buck to keep an eye on her.
Nathan and Rain had left around one, so at two, when the festivities finally wound down, it was up to Buck to see that she got home.
Unfortunately this was a case of the blind leading the blind since both were more than a bit drunk. Buck was somewhat amused to see the normally straight-laced widow so uninhibited, and being Buck, was flattered when she clung to him as they headed down the deserted street.
Mary was reeling, the night had been wonderful...and miserable. She had danced and partied and had fun, but could only get Chris out on the floor for one dance, and had hardly seen him the rest of the evening, not at all after their dance. On the other hand she felt just fine, in fact, she couldn't remember when she had felt this good. Now she was walking down the street with a big handsome man who seemed to enjoying her company and she was finding herself getting a bit excited. His arm around her waist felt good...it had been way too long since anyone had touched her like that.
They arrived at the house which was empty since Billy was spending the night with the Potter children, and so when Buck came in with her she wasn't concerned...in fact she was feeling quite pleased.
Saturday morning 7 am
Vin woke as the sunlight crept through the crack between the curtains, he stretched lazily, but knew he had to leave soon before anyone was up and around to see him leaving the boarding house. He spent a few minutes just savoring the feeling of waking beside his lover. Chris was snoring softly beside him, his dark golden hair falling down over his left eye, the smell of sweat and sex mingling to send a shiver of desire up Vin's spine. He sighed, wishing he could stay snuggled against his lover like they had at the cabin. Knowing it was a futile wish, he eased himself off the side of the bed, dressed quietly, leaned over to plant soft kisses on Chris's eyelids and slipped out of the room.Billy ate breakfast with Gloria Potter and her children. Her son, Andrew, was almost the same age as he, so after they ate the two boys headed out together planning to enjoy the day's various special activities for the children. Both were looking forward to the sack races and other games later in the afternoon. They ran down the street playing gunslingers and other games as they went, when they reached the newspaper office he was surprised to find that it wasn't open yet. They ran around to back and entered the small house where he and Mary lived. The fire was out and his mother was not in sight. Deciding that she must have gone out for the celebration, the boys ran upstairs to get Billy's slingshot.
As they walked down the hall they heard a soft groan coming from Mary's bedroom. Not knowing what to expect the two boys tiptoed over to the door and peeked in.
There in his mother's bed...with his mother...was Buck Wilmington.
Billy was shocked. The two adults were asleep, wrapped up in each other's arms, their clothes strewn all over around the room. Bare arms and shoulders showed where the covers were pushed back.
He heard Andrew gasp beside him and turned to his friend, finger over his lips.
"Shhh, don't wake them up," Billy whispered, not knowing what to think about his discovery.
The two boys hurried back downstairs and outside.
"Does that mean that Buck is gonna be your dad?" Andrew asked, wide-eyed. The big ladie's man was one of the town's reknowned peacekeepers and therefore a bit of a hero to the town's children.
"I don't know...I thought Mom and Chris were gonna get married some day," Billy ventured, unsure about what kind of dad Buck would be. He liked both men, but Chris was the one who took him fishing and showed him how to carve animals out of wood.
They headed down the street and soon became sidetracked as they watched a traveling acting troop as they set up for the afternoon's performance.
A little while later there was a loud groan in the bedroom where Mary and Buck slept. A groan that signaled a return to awareness, an awareness of a pounding headache and then, as Buck opened his eyes, another groan, as he saw who was sleeping beside him.
Jesus, God...he was in bed with Mary Travis! He looked down at himself, knowing by his nakedness...and by hers, that this was no innocent drunken sleep - they had made love.
Despite his shock at waking up in Mary's bed, Buck couldn't resist taking a quick peek beneath the covers at his bedmate, what he saw sent a jolt straight to his groin. The soft curves and tender flesh were as delectable as any that he had shared a bed with...too bad she was such a prude...and stuck on one Chris Larabee, who, Buck mused, would be a fool to let this one get away.
His left arm was underneath her head and he could tell by the way she was getting restless that she was about to wake up...something that he was beginning to dread. He tried to ease his arm out without waking her and had it mostly free when he heard the sharp intake of breath and looked up into her shocked gray eyes.
Mary stared for a moment...not sure yet if this was some sort of bad dream or nightmare...Buck Wilmington...in her bed. She looked at him, and could see that he wore no clothes, then, as that registered, she looked down at herself.
She and Buck.
Naked...together...in her bed.
Oh, Lord. She had slept with...had sex with him, she realized as she felt that once familiar ache between her legs.
NO...this couldn't be happening.
Her stomach turned, a result of shock and, most likely, from the leftover alcohol in her system. She realized as she assessed her condition...she had been drunk.
She stared a moment more, then pulled away, grabbing the blanket as she backed away from the equally surprised man in her bed.
"Ma'am..." Buck swallowed before continuing, "Lord, I'm sorry, Mary...I don't know what came over me...us.."
"Us?" Mary gasped. "What came over me was an immoral man taking advantage of a decent woman..."
Buck grimaced but also remembered how she had clung to him, hands roving where a "decent" woman's hands just didn't go.
"If I remember correctly...I wasn't the only one participating here last night..." He turned so she could see the marks she had left on his back...marks that suggested she was pulling him in...rather than pushing him away.
"Look, I understand how this could be embarrassing...so why don't I just slip out of here and we both pretend that it never happened?"
Mary stared at him, considered her options, and decided that it was the best one available to her.
She nodded, stomach still churning, her voice failing her for once.
Buck slipped out of the bed, gathered up his clothing, and dressed quickly while Mary sat up against the headboard and wondered how she would ever look the ladies' man in the face again. When he was dressed, he slipped out of the room, down the stairs and, after checking out the window to be sure no one was near, slid out the door and down the alley.
Billy and Andrew played hard all morning and when lunchtime came they both headed for the Potter house.
"Well hello, Billy," Mrs. Potter greeted him, as he followed Andrew into their kitchen. "I didn't expect to see you back so soon, would you like to join us for lunch?"
Billy opened his mouth to reply but before a word came out, Andrew had interrupted. "Mom...Mr. Wilmington was in bed with Billy's mom this morning!"
Mrs. Potter looked stunned as her son blurted out their discovery.
"Andrew!" She scolded. "Whatever you saw...or think you saw, it is something that polite people do not discuss...you will never say a word of this to anyone...do you understand me?"
"But Mom..." Andrew began, feeling unjustly scolded for simply telling her what they had seen.
"That's enough, young man, not another word about this to anyone. And that goes for you, too, Billy."
"Yes, Ma'am." The two boys replied in unison.
Chris and Vin were sitting out in front of the saloon drinking coffee when Buck came around the corner. Both men smiled as they noticed how pale the mustached man's face was this morning.
"Looks like someone had a busy night..." Chris observed. For all of Buck's carousing he rarely looked anything but well rested and ready to take on the world the next day. Today though, he looked like he'd been through the wringer.
"Must 'a been a wild one, Buck," Vin declared. "Either that or you're getting out of shape...you look about done in."
Buck groaned, looking down at the boardwalk...how on earth was he going to pull this off...one look and both Chris and Vin knew something was up.
"Must have been someone new..." Chris surmised, seeing Buck's face flush with embarrassment.
Buck was confused, tired and extremely hung over...and they were getting a bit too close to figuring out something was up...Buck snapped.
"Enough...it's none of your damn business," he declared and turned and left.
Vin and Chris looked at each other and smiled, both thinking the same thing - someone...namely Buck, seemed to have gotten up on the wrong side of the wrong person's bed this morning.
"I'd like to have been a fly on THAT wall," Vin breathed and he sat back to finish his coffee.
+ + + + + + +
Founder's Day was over, the weeks passed, and life in Four Corners went on, with no one the wiser about Vin and Chris's relationship, or, about other events of that drunken Friday night.
As summer set in, Buck could have sworn that he'd caught Billy and his friend Andrew giving him odd looks as he went about his usual routines. But, as the weeks passed, he decided it must have been his imagination fueled by his sense of guilt about the incident.
Vin and Chris were spending a lot of time out at the cabin, at first they simply stated that they were working on fixing up the house and outbuildings, then working on the corral. Finally, in part to mislead any suspicions, they bought a few mares and one really magnificent stallion and began raising horses. If anyone thought twice about the amount of time the two men were spending there, no one said anything. Buck, for one, was very happy to see Chris resume his earlier plans for a horse ranch, and if Vin was there to help him, all the better.
September came and went smoothly but October was another matter.
It was almost six months since the Founder's Day celebration.
Mary found herself feeling a bit off during the past couple of months,which she had attributed to the long hot summer, and to being very busy at the newspaper. The town was growing, and more and more businesses were paying for advertising in her paper. It was this busy schedule that was also the reason why she hadn't really noticed that her monthy cycle had been absent...that is, until the morning that she realized that the town wasn't the only thing growing.
She was pregnant.
Mary Travis, a widow...no, not just a widow, a respectable woman who was the daughter-in-law of the territorial judge, was expecting a child...outside of wedlock. And on top of all that, the only person who could possibly be the father was the womanizer, Buck Wilmington.
Not the man she had been planning to marry.
She sat in her kitchen thinking about her options. She couldn't picture the big ladies' man being happy settling down with her. And, truth be told, he wasn't her first pick either, even though he was a big, handsome man who really did know how to treat a lady...the problem was he never stuck to just one lady.
On the other hand, she would be very happy to settle down with Chris Larabee. He was the main reason that she had turned down Gerard, only to find that once Gerard, and that opportunity was gone, so, seemingly, was any interest in her on Chris's part, much to her chagrin. She had wanted him almost from the first time she'd seen him, gunfighter or not. And lately he seemed to be starting to settle down some, she'd heard that he had spent a lot of time fixing up his small homestead and was starting to buy a number of horses in order to begin breeding.
Now she just had to get him to marry her.
What if she claimed the baby was his? Could he forgive him for the lie once they were happily settled in with their new family...or would he hate her for the ruse. She could claim that he got drunk after one of the dinners she fixed for him...even though it had been an awfully long time since he'd accepted one of her invitations.
Maybe Buck had told him about their night together...maybe that was why he had been avoiding her all summer.
The more she thought about it, the more frustrated and angry she got. She had passed up a chance to marry Gerard because she wanted Chris...she was damned if she would lose him now. She would at least try to make her dream come true. She wasn't aware that her fluctuating hormones were affecting her ability to reason as she made her plan.
She would do almost anything to marry Chris Larabee...especially now...even if it meant lying to do so.
Vin and Chris had worked out a schedule with the other peacekeepers. They all stayed in town on the weekends since that was when there was a bigger chance of trouble. On Sunday, he and Vin headed out to the cabin to work with the horses and spend time together. While they were out of town, Buck, JD and Ezra took care of most problems and could call upon Nathan or Josiah if need be. When they returned to town on Wednesday morning, they took over for the rest of the week, again having Nathan and Josiah as backup, along with Ezra who was almost always available at the saloon, and with JD and Buck usually being nearby in an emergency. And if they were really needed, a rider could be sent to fetch them at any time.
It was Thursday morning when Mary approached Vin and Chris on the boardwalk as they drank their morning coffee.
"Good morning, Ma,am," Vin greeted as she joined them on the walkway.
"Good morning, Vin." she replied, turning to nod at Chris who hadn't acknowledged her yet.
"Morning, Mary." he replied warily, he could tell by her stance that she had something on her mind.
"Would it be possible for me to speak to you for a few minutes...alone?" Mary asked, in a tone that was more demand than question.
Chris was about to respond when Vin stood up.
"You two go ahead, I need to check on Peso," Vin said as he stepped off the boardwalk and headed toward the livery. He had the feeling that he really didn't want to know what she had in mind...and dreaded that he would soon find out. He knew that she still wanted Chris...her desire plain to see on her face every time Chris was near her.
He had barely begun to brush Peso when Chris burst into the livery. Every muscle in his body tight, his eyes set in a glare that was intense enough to worry even Vin...and he usually ignored Larabee's glares completely. Before he could ask what was up Chris smashed his fist into the side of an empty stall.
"That lying bitch!"
"Whoa, Cowboy...what's up?" Vin asked, his stomach tightening as he realized that his worst fears were about to see the light of day.
"She says that she's pregnant..and that it's mine."
"You know damn well that I never laid with her...not once, let alone in the past six months..." He hit the stall again.
"So, if it's not yours?"
"I don't know...maybe that fellow Gerard?"
"That was quite a while back...wouldn't she be a mite more...well... big, if it was him?" Vin wondered.
Chris thought back. Yeah, if it had been Gerard, she'd be almost ready to deliver about now.
"Then who?"
"I don't know. Vin, it ain't like I've really been paying any attention to her for the past months...I've had another person keeping me busy." He smiled at his lover.
"You think folks are gonna believe her?" Vin asked, then answered his own question. "For a while there everyone kinda thought you two were gonna get together...even me."
"I don't know, but I do know that I'm NOT gonna be marrying her and raising some other guy's bastard kid."
"Kinda feel sorry fer her, it's gonna be hard when people find out...especially since she's always so worried about being respectable and all," Vin mused, a bit more relaxed after realizing how much Chris didn't want to be with Mary.
"She's gonna make trouble...I don't know how I can prove it's not mine, not unless I can find out whose it is."
"Well, then...that's what we're gonna do." Vin stated confidently.
+ + + + + + +
Mary made her move the next day, walking into the saloon at midday, announcing that Chris had taken advantage of her and that she was now carrying his child.
She further suggested that if he didn't "do the right thing" she would contact her father-in-law and ask for his assistance.
By mid afternoon the entire town was takling about the "scandal".
By late afternoon, Chris had announced, loudly, and within proximity of most of the town, that he had never lain with Mary and had no intentions of marrying her and raising her bastard whelp.
Vin cringed as he heard the things Chris said, and attributed the crudeness to the large amount of alcohol he had consumed during the past few hours.
By early evening Vin and Chris were halfway to the cabin.
"Ya came down on her pretty hard." Vin commented as they rode side by side.
"She's a lying bitch...deserved every word."
Vin sighed. He knew Chris was right but still wished they could have found a way to save Mary's dignity and Chris's both. As it was, nothing was settled...some of the town believed Mary and some believed Chris, now there was nothing they could do except wait to see what would happen.
Although Chris vowed that there was no way that he would EVER wed Mary.
They arrived, took care of Peso and Pony and headed inside. Neither was hungry, the day's tensions robbing them of any want or emotion except frustration.
They shared a bottle of whiskey and were soon locked in a fierce bout of sex that had much more to do with venting frustration than any love and affection. Vin understood that Chris needed to shed some of his anger and not only complied with his actions, but actually worked to spur Chris on.
Vin woke afterwards, stretched carefully, and slid out from beside Chris. The blond was deeply asleep, a combination of too much drink and too much frustration. His body was sore, Chris had used him hard, but there was a deep seated satisfaction that he could be there for his partner when he needed him...and the fact that his own orgasm had been one of the most intense of his life. He would have to find a way to get Larabee that fired up more often.
He headed out to the corral, stopping by the trough to wash off the remains of their lovemaking before pulling his pants back on. It was a warm fall night and he leaned back against the fence to watch the sky. It was an inky canopy dotted by innumerable bright stars, the chirping of the crickets and tree frogs resumed as he stood quietly pondering what the future would bring.
He knew Chris was up when the the chorus stopped abruptly, then he heard him as he padded down the steps, he made no move, simply waiting until the strong arms encircled his waist.
"You okay?" Chris asked, leaning over to nuzzle Vin's neck, licking the dark bruise where he had marked him earlier.
"I'm fine, Chris...you'd never hurt me."
"I was pretty rough."
"Yeah...but so was I...think we both needed it."
"No." Vin stood straighter. "I knew exactly what I was doing...and you didn't do anything I didn't want...so jist let it be."
When Vin heard no response he looked up to see Chris's grin in the bright starlight. He knew that Chris was still worried about what would happen back in town, but he also knew that he would never let anyone hurt Chris.
"Ya know..." Vin started as he leaned against Chris. "We been together nearly every night since before Founder's Day."
"Yeah," Chris agreed, wondering what Vin was getting at, the tone told him that his partner had something up his sleeve.
"Well, iffin' she tries to claim you was in her bed..."
"Aw, hell, Chris...ya don't even know what I was gonna say."
"I do...and there are some folks who would just as soon string you up if you said anything."
"I guess we could head on out, be a shame after all the work we done here."
"We aren't gonna run...and we aren't gonna tell them why I'm not interested in her. Hell, there aren't that many people it could have been...we just have to figure it out whose kid she's carrying and make HIM marry her."
Vin grinned. "That's all?"
"So, you gonna just ask around kinda sneaky like...oh, say...did you happen to sleep with Mary last spring?"
"Something like that." Chris answered with a glare.
Vin looked into the determined green eyes and nodded. "Yep...that jist might work."
Comments to: thekla@efn.org