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Forgotten Bride
by Squeakypeep
Warning: Explicit Sex - Het.
Disclaimer: Characters from the Magnificent Seven belong to others, I just borrowed them. No profits are received from this story.
Universe: OW
Follows: The Squaw
I was asked to do Bucks story next but figured he has enough women keeping him busy. It helps to understand this if you read The Squaw first.
The rickety old Stage crested the rise and started down the gentle slope that led into the small dusty town of Four Corners.
On the boardwalk, in front of the hotel, three of the towns seven peacekeepers watched its approach. Vin Tanner sat in his usual position, precariously balanced on the rear legs of the wooden chair, seemingly defying gravity. On either side of the scruffy Ex-Bounty Hunter, Buck Wilmington and JD Dunne exchanged looks and then climbed to their feet.
Lets see what the stage is bringing us, kid. I hope theres some pretty little filly ready to be shown a good time. My animal magnetism is running strong today, I can feel it.
You sure it aint that you ate too many beans on the trail Buck? JD grinned at the taller man. He and Tanner had just returned from escorting a prisoner to Yuma and had spent three days on trail food. The smell of those beansll kill any other signal youre letting off.
Buck swiped at him but JD was ready and ducked.
The two were still nudging and teasing each other as the stage drew to a halt in front of them. Swinging the door open a portly man in an Eastern suit stepped out. JD and Bucks eyes met. Salesman. He was instantly dismissed.
The only other occupant of the coach was slow to descend, staying hidden in the shadows until the driver leaned over the side and banged on the wood.
This is your stop maam. Can ya hurry up, Im on a schedule. There was a queue of people waiting to embark.
Slowly the young Lady stepped out of the vehicle, gazing around the small town, wide-eyed. JDs jaw dropped. Buck stepped forward.
Howdy, Miss. Welcome to Four Corners. Im Buck Wilmington. May I escort you to wherever youre headed? The woman turned her gaze on the tall moustached Cowboy. Her eyes were a curious shade of dark grey, not dissimilar to the color of gunmetal. They stood huge in her small face, thickly surrounded by impossibly long black lashes. Her skin was alabaster white and her mouth formed a delicate pink bow beneath a small tilted nose. Black hair, so dark it was shining blue in the sunlight, cascaded down her back in fat ringlets which bounced as she shook her head.
No Thank you. She turned her back on him and spoke to the driver of the stage, thanking him politely as he handed down her carpetbag. Her voice was slightly husky and her words cultured.
JD moved to stand beside the gaping Wilmington. Set ya back good, old man. His voice was low and he grinned at the taller man as he blustered.
Miss? JD stepped forward. Im the Sheriff here in town he flashed his tin badge, perhaps you would let me show you to the hotel. My name is
JD Dunne. The woman smiled at him.
You know me, Miss? She laughed, a tinkling chime that sent shivers down both mens spines. No, Mr Dunne, we have not yet been formally introduced. I have, however, heard much about you and your friends, she cast a reproachful look at Buck, I feel as if I know you. She turned to Vin as he ambled closer, curious as to what was going on. Mr Tanner. She smiled at the tracker who nodded back politely. If I may prevail upon you to escort me to the saloon? I believe Mr Standish will be found there at this time of day?
Youre a saloon girl? Dressed mighty fine aint ya? Buck was beginning to drool. He hadnt seen a girl like this in a saloon since well, ever.
I will ignore your crass comment Mr Wilmington, since you have no idea who I am and considering my question, your assumption would not be entirely without foundation. I am no woman of easy virtue. Nor am I forgiving. Do not make the same mistake again. The grey eyes were stormy as she glared at him.
Pardon me Miss ?
She ignored him. Mr Tanner?
Vin picked up her bag. I kin show ya the saloon but Ez aint here. He watched as her face fell. You a friend o his?
Not exactly. Is his departure permanent or are you anticipating his return?
Should be back tonight. He went ta Eagle Bend with Josiah.
Ah yes. The estimable Mr Sanchez. Very well. Perhaps I will just retire to the hotel and await his arrival. Gentlemen, good day. She nodded to JD and Buck and followed Vin into the hotel.
After securing a room she headed up the stairs, the skirts of her silver gown making a swishing noise in accompaniment to the clip of Tanners boot heels.
Here ya go. He swung open the door for her and allowed her to precede him into the room. He set the carpetbag down on a chair. Ya need anything else?
No thank you, Mr Tanner. She watched him watching her. He made no move to leave. Is there something I can help you with?
Why me?
I beg your pardon?
Buck an JD both offered t escort ya. Why ask me? An howd ya know so much about us?
I correspond on a regular basis with Mr Standish. He has told me a great deal about all of you. Vin looked wary.
Please do not be alarmed. I am a careful confidant. As to your initial question, I chose you because of that knowledge. Mr Dunne is young and in awe of females generally. I did not wish to alarm him. Mr Wilmington is well perhaps I can just say he is himself. I am sure you comprehend my meaning. Vin grinned and nodded. You, I understand, have a charming young wife with a wicked right hook. Despite appearances to the contrary, I know Ezra considers you a gentleman, her smile took the sting from the insult and Vins grin widened at the knowledge that the dapper gambler had to have written good things about him for the girl to have chosen to trust him, he trusts you and I trust his judgement.
So do I, Miss. He touched his finger to the brim of his hat and nodded to her.
Good day Mr Tanner.
When he gained the bottom of the stairs he found JD and Buck fighting over the hotel register. Whasit say? They both jumped.
Damn Vin dont do that! Buck was panting.
We havent seen yet. JD turned back to the register and whistled.
K. A. Standish, Kazoo, Mississippi. Shes a relative of Ezs. The three stood still, contemplating that.
Lets hope shes not as much trouble as his mother. Buck smacked JD on the back of his head, sending the hated headgear rolling across the hallway. Dang it Buck! He chased after his beloved Bat Masterson hat.
Aint no way that pretty little girl is trouble. She looks like an Angel. No offence Vin.
She dont look nothin like my Angel. Vin hooked his thumb into his pants. Tho I aint seen her in three days. Time I went home ta my wife boys. See ya later. He leered at his friends.
Woo wee, looks like Mrs Tanners in for a fun afternoon!
Vin didnt have to go far before he found Angel. She was coming out of the livery, deep in discussion with Yosemite.
Just leave the poultice on for three hours and then bind it with a clean cloth. Ill look again tomorrow. Hello, Sky-in-his-eyes, welcome home. She smiled at her husband as Yosemite melted away along the street.
Somethin wrong with one o the horses? Angel had a strange way with animals, able to gain their trust and acquiescence easily. She was being called on more and more to care for injured livestock, earning a reputation as an animal healer. Her time with the Indian tribe had taught her respect for both the land and its inhabitants. She was what Vin would call a whisperer.
Liberty caught a bramble this morning when Nathan was on patrol. I was just checking her. She stepped close to the wiry Texan, into his personal space. He smiled lopsidedly at her and placed his hands on her hips.
Got some time fer me?
Her smouldering look was an open invitation and Vin felt the blood rushing south. Grabbing her hand he towed her back into the livery and hustled her up the ladder before him, enjoying the view from below. By the time they reached the platform he had been given more than a few flashes of calves, thighs and bare buttocks and his pants were uncomfortably tight.
Turning, Angel brushed her hand over his obvious bulge. Got something for me Cowboy?
Tanner groaned and pulled her against his chest angling his mouth across hers in a brutal, heated kiss. Running his hands down her back he grabbed fistfuls of her skirts and yanked them up to her waist before grasping both buttocks and hauling her hips towards him. He ground his erection into her pelvis and she chuckled.
Was there something you wanted?
Yep. He ran his tongue around the inside of her lower lip and she trembled in his arms giving in to the sensations flooding through her body and feeling the telltale dampness beginning to flow between her legs.
Mmmm. Dont stop. She thrust her hips towards him trying to increase the pressure between his hard cock and her pulsing nerve center.
Vin shook his head at her and grinned, pushing her slightly away. He reached for his fly and deftly released his straining member. Turn around.
She gaped at him. What?
The Texan laughed and spun her round directing her towards a saddle balanced over a low wall divider. Gently he bent her forward so her stomach was pressed comfortably on the worn leather, her feet still on the ground. He pushed her legs apart with his feet.
He remained silent. Flipping up her skirts over her head Vin admired the perfect creamy orbs of her buttocks. Placing both thumbs on the top of her crack he stroked them over the dip, downwards, his splayed fingers burning their own trail across the roundness of her cheeks. Finally his calloused thumbs reached her moist cavern and he pushed them inside gently, grinning at the muffled squeak coming from under the pile of cotton and calico over her head. She squirmed.
Turning his wrists outwards he brought the fingers of both hands round to her mound of golden curls, following his sense of touch alone. She groaned and thrust backwards.
Stay still Dancer. Ya caint move till I tell ya. The pile of material bobbed as she nodded. He could hear her panting.
Vin pressed both thumbs towards the floor and she cried out as the gentle pressure touched something glorious inside her. The wetness increased dramatically as the walls of her channel gripped and released in spasms around the invaders.
Please, Vin, Please. I need you now. Please.
Whatcha want Dancer? His cock was growing increasing painful as he strained to keep from thrusting himself into her. Tell me.
You I want you in me make love to me... please... NOW VIN!
Since ya asked so purty. Vin withdrew his hands, brushing over her clitoris and making both of them shiver. He gripped both hips firmly.
Ya sure ya want
Holy Shit Vin, for Gods sake! Take Me!
Grinning, Vin jerked his hips forwards, thrusting his aching cock deep into her body in one smooth move, relishing the tight, wet heat of home. Without pause he withdrew and slammed in again, setting up a frantic rhythm, drawing them both closer and closer to fulfilment. Dancer gripped the wooden boards on either side of the saddle and hung on for dear life. The hot, hard cock grinding into her body the only sensation she was aware of as she spiralled out of control. She came first, crying out her ecstasy into the dusty air of the loft.
Vin howled his own completion, unable to stem the tide of burning pleasure that flowed through his limbs as her muscles pulsed tightly around his rigid shaft. He rode out the tense, throbbing spurts of his cock with ever decreasing thrusts, bringing them both gently back to earth.
Reluctantly he withdrew, dropping to his knees and placing an open mouthed kiss on her gently pulsing clit, before tugging down her skirts and pulling her upright. She sagged against the saddle as she dazedly watched him refasten his pants.
You didnt even take your gun belt off! She sounded indignant and he grinned.
Ya complainin woman?
No. Ive never had sex with a dangerous armed cowboy before, she teased.
I know.
Sure of yourself arent you? She cocked a brow at him.
I trust ya.
There was a moment of silence as she gazed at him, a half smile on her face. Vin shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny.
Thank you, Sky-in-his-eyes. I love you too.
Vin was startled. His heart was beating a loud tattoo in his chest. He felt the blush climbing across his cheeks. Ya do?
Yes, I do. I love you and now I know you love me. She looked smug.
Howd ya come ta that?
You trust me. You dont trust many people Vin. You wouldnt trust me if you didnt love me would you? She sounded like she was explaining it to a three year old.
He shuffled his feet and looked away. Reckon not.
Reckon not? Is that all you can say?
He stared, mute.
Say it.
Please Vin. She stepped closer and placed her soft palm against the stubbled cheek. He automatically leaned in to her touch. She was looking expectantly at him. He leaned forward and kissed her, gently, without heat. Drawing back slightly he whispered against her lips, Love ya. Dancer smiled and opened her mouth to respond but hed turned on his heel and disappeared down the ladder.
Ya comin? The disembodied Texas drawl came from below and she shook her head and leaned over the hatch.
I think I may stay up here for a few
Now. He frowned at her and pointed to the ground in front of his feet. She did as she was told.
What was that about? she asked once she was stood back on solid ground.
Ya aint climbin no ladders without me. Who knows whod be standin underneath watchin the show. My show. Aint ya got any drawers Dancer?
Want to be ready for you. Only you know Im naked under here Vin. She indicated her skirts. Every time you see me walking down the street, talking to folks, you think about that! She winked saucily at him. Im going to visit with Mary.
Vin stood still, gaping. She was deliberately trying to keep him on the edge of arousal. Goddamn siren.
He wouldnt change that for anything.
Half an hour later he was sitting in the saloon with Buck, Nathan and JD when Chris came in from patrol.
Boys. Chris settled at the table and nodded in thanks to Inez when she set a bottle and glass in front of him.
New arrival on the stage today, stud. Chris raised his brows at Buck. Smart little Lady. Checked into the Hotel as K. A. Standish.
Who is she? His defences came up. One Standish in town was more than enough trouble.
Ask Vin. He spent more time with her than any of us. JD sounded truculent.
Vin just smiled and shrugged at the questioning look.
She knows a lot about us. Buck focused on the tracker.
Ez writes letters.
So you did talk to her when you showed her to her room in the Hotel? Chris choked on his shot.
Dancer know about that?
Vin shrugged.
What did this woman say to you?
What woman? The rumbling question came from behind as Josiah and Ezra approached the table. The five peacekeepers already seated stared at the Southerner.
Gentlemen? Is something amiss? He eased himself into a chair, Josiah collecting their drinks from Inez and settling beside Nathan.
We were hoping Ez could tell us, Josiah.
Tell you what? Ezra sipped at the malt and licked his lips.
The new woman in town. Small, black hair, grey eyes. Ezra paused, and then briefly shook his head as if to clear it.
Why would you assume I would be acquainted with the woman?
She knew all about us. Said you told her. Vin gazed at the man beside him from his slumped position at his right elbow. Ezra gazed back.
Is that so?
Mr Tanner, I am not in the habit of revealing details about my acquaintances to my correspondents, I rarely reveal anything to anyone, as you are aware. Who is this woman and what does she know? He took another sip of his drink, which promptly choked him as JD answered his question.
She signed into the hotel as K.A. Standish out of Kazoo, Mississippi.
Vin thumped the gambler on the back as he started turning blue.
You are jesting! His words came out on a gasping cough.
Nope. Something ya wanna share Ez?
Ezra looked shaken. He gathered his wits, flicking nervously at his sleeves. The others looked on curiously. Their poker-faced brother was rarely visibly rattled.
Not yet Mr Tanner. First I need to ascertain whether the young Lady in question is in fact who she claims to be. She is at the Hotel?
Buck nodded. Room 3.
The Gambler rose to his feet. If you will excuse me gentlemen. He turned and walked out of the saloon.
Behind him the six remaining men looked at each other. As one they set off to follow.
Ezra had only travelled partway down the boardwalk when he heard a musical voice calling his name. He stopped dead and slowly turned.
The diminutive beauty in the stylish silver dress smiled at him.
What are you doing here?
Her laughter chimed out as she stepped close into his side and pressed a light kiss on his smooth cheek. He remained perfectly still.
Why, Ive come to claim that which is mine, of course. You have not forgotten your parting words have you, Ezra? I waited, as you asked, and now here I am.
Youre not serious? Now you are of age there is no need to continue the ruse, you may be free if you choose to be.
She blushed. I choose not to be. I have made my choice. Now you must make yours. She turned to the assembled audience. Gentlemen. She nodded to them. Let me know when you decide. I am staying at the hotel. Good evening, husband. She glided away and disappeared into the mercantile.
Did she say youre her husband? Chriss look was speculative.
Ezra was in a daze. Vin nudged him. Ez?
Mr Tanner?
That yer wife?
Not exactly.
I hate ta tell ya pard but she either is or she aint, Vin chuckled.
That is not precisely accurate, Mr Tanner. There is a third alternative. I can see you gentlemen require an explanation. He took a deep breath. And I need a drink. Let us adjourn to the Saloon and I will tell you an interesting tale.
Once the seven were seated back at the table, which still held their drinks, exactly as they had left it, there was a long expectant silence.
Spit it out Standish. Chriss tone was gruff. For the second time in as many months one of his men had unexpectedly produced a wife. This was getting to be a habit.
I am gathering my thoughts Mr Larabee. He pulled a worn deck out of his pocket and started idly manipulating the cards between dextrous fingers.
Six years ago I found myself in Easter, Mississippi. There was a small but thriving community in the town and I remained there for a few weeks for business purposes. I was twenty two years old and not looking for a wife. He glanced around the group, seeing their attention was firmly fixed on him. He smiled.
One evening, I was ensconced at my usual table when one of the other players, a fat, balding plantation owner of middle years, started to imbibe rather more heavily than was wise. During the course of his ramblings he started to boast that he had won the daughter of one of his late neighbours. Apparently the girl, who was fifteen at the time, had come under the guardianship of her uncle. The uncle had a taste for poker but sadly lacked the talent to support it. He had foolishly placed marriage to the girl on the table as his ante. The player at my table was intending to take the youngster to wife within the week. He proceeded to inform us, in disgusting detail, how he intended to teach her to please him. He confessed that the child was completely unwilling and had made several attempts to escape.
So you won her in a poker game and married her yourself? She was a child Ezra. Thats immoral. Nathan was appalled.
Indeed Mr Jackson but it was not as you portray. I am not interested in children and I deeply resent your implication. The Southerners tone was cutting.
So what happened? Vin glared at the Healer.
We married the following morning. I took the note to the Uncle and claimed my prize. We travelled directly to the preacher and exchanged vows. Keziah was easy to convince. He paused and waited. No-one spoke. They waited, sensing the story wasnt over.
Thank you for not voicing your condemnation. He glanced at Nathan. She was wedded but not bedded Mr Jackson. The dark healer nodded in apology before voicing what they were all thinking.
What did you do with her?
He smiled. I took her to a convent school in Kazoo, Mississippi. She has been there ever since, completing her education, safe from the immoral relative who sold her into unpaid, legalized child prostitution.
Ya paid fer her ta go ta school?
Yes, Mr Tanner. She was my responsibility.
So why is she here now? JD was enthralled, the men he rode with never ceased to amaze him.
We agreed that when she came of age we would either have the marriage annulled or make it genuine. The second choice was her suggestion, I hasten to add.
What did you get out of it?
Ezra smiled at the dark gunslinger. Nothing save peace of mind Mr Larabee.
She had no dowry? Seems to me a girl with that kind of class would have a dowry.
She had, and has, a substantial dowry. It is in a savings account in New Orleans, under her name. Now she is twenty-one she may claim it.
Couldda claimed it yerself. Tanners words were quiet, but ya didnt. He met Nathans eyes.
No. She is not in reality my wife. As I pointed out to you outside, there is another definition. She is actually only my bride.
And now she wants to make it a real marriage. What are you going to do? Buck was curious.
Ezra sighed. Frankly Mr Wilmington, I have no idea. I never really expected her to arrive on my doorstep demanding her conjugal rights.
Ya gonna keep her? I kin tell ya bein married aint half bad. Tanner leered and wriggled in his chair.
Ezra laughed. I can appreciate that there are some benefits. I will spend some time getting to know her
Not here.
The Gambler looked at their leader and nodded.
Why not? JD couldnt see any problem.
If we were to terminate our liaison, Mr Dunne, her reputation would be in tatters. He lapsed into thought.
Ya kin take her up ta Dancer. Slong as she dont come inta town she should be Okay for a couple o weeks. Vin and Angel were setting up a home in an abandoned homestead outside town, adjoining Chriss property. The house had three rooms, one of which could easily be given to Ezras wife for a short stay.
Thank you Mr Tanner. We would not want to impose, your being so newly wed
Aint no problem. Ill fetch Dancer, shes at Marys. Go fetch the girl. He climbed to his feet.
Its a good alternative, Ez, accept the offer in the spirit in which it was given. Josiah supported the idea and the others nodded in agreement.
Very well. Thank you Mr Tanner.Comments to: Squeakypeep@Hotmail.com