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Possession |
June 26, 2002
I remember the last time Chris fucked me God or the Devil himself, maybe it was the first time I really knew that he owned me; body and soul.Couldnt remember it bein so hot, the air practically chokin us as we rode toward his shack. And that was just natures heat. Chriss heat, though Damn, the look in that mans eyes, the way he can tell ya that somewhere, sometime soon, hes gonna fuck ya like there aint no tomorrow well, that brought the temperature up even more. I could feel myself just meltin under the suns of his eyes. Hell, with that look, I woulda stripped naked in the middle of town and let him do me, if he told me to.
By the time we actually got to the shack, my dick was the only thing that hadnt melted on me. How the hell he could still look so cool and calm and so damn hot at the same time is beyond me.
It seemed to take forever for us to get the horses unsaddled and watered, but finally, he looked at me and tilted his head toward the pond. I couldnt help but smile at him and follow his command.
It felt so good to finally shuck my sweat soaked and dust covered clothes. I was up to my knees in the water before Id realized he wasnt following me. Looking back toward the edge of the pond, I saw him sit down and take his hat off. And just sit there. Like he was gonna watch me. Just watch me. This was somethin new. Him wantin to just watch me, naked and wet, and it sent another wave of heat through me. I thought the pond would start to boil.
I couldnt keep my eyes off him, neither. How my body remembered to wash itself was beyond me, but a few minutes later, I was clean, if not cooled off some. At least on the outside. Inside, Chriss gaze was still burnin me up. I couldnt take too much more of it, I needed him to burn me with the rest of his body.
"Come here," he finally said, and I obeyed.
Theres a part of me that wonders how I can remember any of this. I was intoxicated with the man. Same way your body feels when youre drunk, like nothin in the world matters except whats there and then, yet at the same time youre not a part of it at all. Nothin can touch ya. Nothin can hurt ya. You forget all your troubles Maybe because I wanted him to touch me and I knew he couldnt hurt me and to forget was the last thing I wanted to do
I remember watchin the sky, seein how blue it was, watchin the stray puff of white float by, feelin that beautiful cool breeze that had started up. But mostly, I remember feelin Chris. God, what the man could do with that mouth of his! He burned hot trails up and down my body, lickin and kissin me, leavin no inch of skin untouched. I remember feelin the blades of grass ticklin my back as I arched up at his touch, it leavin me hangin just inches off the ground. I remember feelin the individual strands of it between my fingers as I pulled them from the ground, crying out as he sucked the head of my dick. I felt sure that when I came, anyone within two miles of that shack would hear me scream. Yet all I could hear beyond the blood rushin through my body was Chris whisperin to me.
"Not yet," he said.
Not yet? How the hell he expected me to hold off on the best comin of my life was beyond me, but somehow somehow, I knew that if I could, hed make it worth my while.
I remember gulpin for air, grabbin onto his arms to bring him close to me, to get that sweet, hot mouth of his away from my dick, him shushin me, tellin me it was gonna be alright, that he was gonna take care of me.
Then he started kissin me again, and I felt that tongue of his cool me off and heat me up all over again. I musta been swearin at and prayin to every god, devil and spirit I knew of, wantin Chris to both end this burnin heat wave and make it last forever.
And that was when he pushed me over and started on my back, trailin his tongue and lips down my spine, hittin all those sensitive spots, makin me jump and quiver some more, makin me grind my dick into the soft grass below.
But then God I remember hell, how could I ever forget when he kept goin down, and down, his hands pullin my ass apart as he licked and kissed I think I actually did scream for mercy when his tongue touched my hole, pushed inside.
I dont ever remember wantin to be fucked so bad, so hard, so immediately, in all my life. I wanted his tongue inside me, I wanted his fingers inside me, I wanted his dick inside me anything. Any part of Chris I could get, I wanted, and wanted right then.
But he just kept up on the tease, lickin and kissin and touchin me, gettin me so close to comin and then backin down again.
I dont know what finally made him stop, made him decide that it was time to put me outta my misery, give me what I needed. But I felt him pull me up to my hands and knees, felt him give me one last tonguin. Then I felt that glorious burnin heat that Id truly been wantin, waitin for, when he put his dick into me. I mustve screamed for joy then, cause I sure wasnt screamin in pain, despite the heat, despite the size of him, despite the bite mark he left on my shoulder when he brought me back to him, to sit on his lap.
I remember raisin myself up and slammin my ass down on him, takin him as deep inside me as I could. I remember feelin him diggin his fingers into my hips, holdin onto me, pushin me up and pullin me down, and I didnt want him to let go. I felt as if I was a buckin bronco and he was my rider, and I wanted him to break me. Was waitin for him to.
Then, finally, he did. "Mine," he whispered as he clamped his hand around my dick and gave it a rough stroke.
I musta shot as high as that blue sky, I came so hard. Screamin out Chriss name as I felt him pumpin his come into me, it was the best feelin in the world. I was possessed by this man, his soul burnin into mine as his body branded me.
I remember him bringin me back into the pond later on, washin us both down, coolin us off. And the only thing I could say, the only word that would come out of my mouth, was, "Yours."