AU where homosexual relationships are commonplace
Spoilers for Sin of the Past
It was the day after the Seminole village victory and the seven were headed back to Four Corners. They were traveling slower this time due to Buck and Josiah's injuries and so had to make camp for the night. With Nathan busy tending the uncooperative wounded, JD still suffering from extreme awe and hero worship, Ezra refusing to do any sort of menial work, and Chris wanting to stick close to camp to keep watch, Vin was chosen to scout the trail home and find some dinner.As soon as Buck was sure Vin was out of earshot, he grinned and let out a low whistle. "What was that for?" Chris demanded.
"Just enjoying the sights," Buck laughed.
"What sights? You can't see anything out here, there's not even a moon out tonight," JD asked confused.
"Just love watching Vin walk away," Buck explained, which made JD even more confused as was evident on his young nave face.
"Actually I do believe that Mr. Tanner is just as lovely from any angle," Ezra decided, understanding Buck's meaning.
"Well, I won't argue with you on that," Buck laughed. "Chris, do you think he's going to be sticking around for a bit?"
"Up to him. He's got a little business that needs taking care of, but I don't know if he's really going to be doing that now. Why? What are you planning?" Chris narrowed his eyes and stared at his old friend.
"Just that he's a beautiful creature and I hope he stays around long enough for me to convince him to share my bed. I figure it shouldn't take that long," Buck grinned again, feeling very sure of himself. Or was that the morphine?
"That I am not so sure of Mr. Wilmington. Mr. Tanner did not seem so impressed by your reputation or supposed charms. I fear he may be immune," Ezra smirked.
"What?" JD asked.
"He said that Buck couldn't seduce Vin," Nathan translated. "And I actually think he's right for once."
"Well thank you Mr. Jackson for your generous support," Ezra said enjoying the growing expression on Buck's face.
"What?" Buck declared, looking purely outraged. He could understand that coming from Ezra, but Nathan?
"Wait a minute, you want to be with Vin?" JD realized in shock.
"Well what's wrong with that?" Buck asked JD and then turned to the two who had disagreed with him. "And why don't you two think I can seduce Vin?" Buck griped.
"You should make that three Brother Buck," Josiah chimed in his thoughts on the matter.
"Four," Chris added.
"What! Okay, why don't you think I can do it. Do you know how many men and women I've bedded," Buck declared.
"Doesn't matter. Vin is different, he doesn't respond to outright flirting. And don't get yourself so riled or you'll tear those nice stitches I put in there," Nathan reprimanded.
"How do you know what would work with Vin?" Buck questioned.
"I was in town with him for awhile before you boys showed up. As far as I can tell, he stuck by himself and wasn't with anyone even though he had plenty of offers," Nathan explained.
"Oh, were you watching him that much?" Buck insinuated.
"Well," Nathan looked away, "he is eye-catching."
"I got it. You want him for yourself," Buck eyed the healer, now sizing him up as competition.
"Well I wouldn't turn him away but I really think you couldn't get him," Nathan continued.
"You think you can," Buck realized.
"Maybe," Nathan admitted.
"How about the rest of you?" Buck demanded, looking around at the rest of the group.
"I think Vin would respond to me better than you," Josiah told Buck.
"Vin and I understand each other. And I've seen how you work," Chris said as much of an affirmative as he would offer.
"Perhaps Mr. Tanner would respond to a more sophisticated gentleman," Ezra offered.
"Well then, I think this calls for a bet. Whoever seduces Vin first wins. Who's in?" Buck said, still feeling positive he would win.
"Wins what?" JD asked, trying to get back into the conversation.
"We each put five dollars into the pot. Winner gets it," Buck decided.
"As I previously stated, I do so abhor games of chance, but I believe I would be the victor in this endeavor," Ezra said.
"So you're in?" Buck clarified, a little unsure as to what Ezra had just said.
"Yes," Ezra answered with a sigh.
"I'm in," Josiah said suddenly and then looked like he had surprised himself.
"Me too," Nathan added.
"Count me in," Chris echoed.
"JD, want to join in?" Buck enticed.
JD glanced at each expectant man's face and sighed. "Okay," he agreed, secretly hoping Vin would choose him.
As each man shook on it, a shadow slipped unnoticed back into the darkness.
Vin silently returned to the camp and dropped two rabbits in front of JD, who jumped about a foot in surprise. "Trails all clear," Vin reported.
"Good," Chris answered and started preparing one of the rabbits.
Vin sat down and grabbed the other. Out of the corner of his eye, Vin saw Nathan and Buck looking at him speculatively. Hearing a noise next to him, he glanced at JD who looked guilty and ducked his head. Sighing at his comrade's strangeness, Vin ignored him and went back to work. Thinking to himself, he decided that these fellows seemed like an interesting group. He was a mite curious as to what might happen to them if they stayed together. Maybe Tuscosa could wait for a bit. He didn't know what would happen next, but he wanted to be around when it did. Yeah, Tuscosa could wait a bit, Vin decided.
Vin watched as one by one, the five men before him agreed to stay and be the law in the town. When it came to be his turn, he already knew he was going to stay so he grudgingly agreed. Can't appear too eager can he. He did hide a grin when he heard Chris mutter his acceptance of the deal and then walked beside him to the saloon to celebrate. He was getting to really like Chris. The man had even planned to go with him to Tuscosa when he was ready. Not many people would go with you to a place where you were considered a murderer and were to be hanged.
Once seated with a glass of whiskey in hand, Chris stared at his companions. He never would have imagined this group together but here they were and they all appeared to be staying. As for Vin, Chris already trusted and respected the tracker, but now he was coming to rely on his friendship too. It was beginning to make him feel a little guilty about that stupid bet. Though thinking about it, Chris decided that if someone was going to win that bet, it should be someone who had a friendship with the man. Turning back to Vin, he caught the man's eye and smiled slightly.
A month later, no one had even come close to winning the bet. Ezra, Josiah, and JD had already given up as Vin completely ignored all of their attempts to woo him. They complimented each other on their good tries and then sat back to watch the remaining contenders in action. Buck was the best to watch as he would still occasionally just come out with an obvious flirtatious remark and fully expect Vin to fall into his arms. He always looked surprised when it never worked.
Ezra still liked flirting with the man and to his surprise, Vin started flirting back. It became common place between the two, almost like a game. Another surprise was that Ezra liked the unsophisticated tracker. He was very non-assuming and saw through all of his facades. For this first time, Ezra could say that someone actually saw him and there was no way that he was going to risk that for one little bet.
"How does he do that?" Buck cried, storming over to Ezra's table in the saloon.
"What and who pray tell are you referring to that has got you so distraught?" Ezra asked politely.
"Chris. I don't know how he does it. He gets farther with Vin with one look that I do in an entire day," Buck declared throwing up his hands.
"You are discussing that idiotic wager we made so long ago?" Ezra said shuffling his cards.
"Of course."
"After so long, why are you still pursuing it?"
"Chris and Nathan are still in too," Buck protested.
"They would back down if you backed down," Ezra said.
"Well, I don't want to back down. This has become a personal challenge to me."
Vin and Chris entered then and sat at a nearby table. Buck glared as Chris and Vin talked comfortably. Deciding to try and stake a claim again, he sauntered over to their table and sat next to Vin. "Hey, feel like going for a swim in the pond. It's so hot, I would just love to get out of these clothes, wouldn't you," Buck purred suggestively.
"Sorry Buck, but I'm just not in the mood for swimming today," Vin answered.
Buck was about to make another attempt when the telegraph operator came into the saloon and headed directly for Chris. "Mr. Larabee," he said and handed him the telegraph, leaving after Chris nodded.
"What is it?" Buck asked.
"Some important papers were shipped here by mistake. They need to go to Bridgewater immediately. Vin, you know the way, you go. But you should take someone with you," Chris said.
Buck was ecstatic, this would give him some time alone with Vin. Perfect. He was just about to volunteer when Chris spoke again. "Ezra, you go with him."
Buck looked on in outrage while Ezra simply nodded and when to prepare his horse. Vin left to ready his own things and get the package. Buck was still fuming long after they had left.
The trip to the other town was uneventful for once and they managed to deliver the papers without the slightest hint of a problem. It was on the voyage home, that trouble began when a thunderstorm came up rapidly and continued to grow in force. They continued to travel, hoping the weather would lighten, but when a tree crashed to the ground near them, they knew it was not meant to be."Storm's getting worse," Vin shouted the understatement over the roaring wind. "We need to find shelter."
"I absolutely concur. Where do you suggest we look?" Ezra gratefully responded. He did not wish to get any more drenched or disheveled than he already was.
"We need to get out from under here," Vin declared, indicating the surrounding trees. "Head to the open area near the river and follow the tree-line. There's an old barn up ahead we can stay in."
Ezra nodded and urged his horse to follow Vin. The rain began to come down so hard that Vin and his horse became a moving blur. Ezra slowed his horse for a brief moment when a large wet leaf hit and stuck to his face. With a grimace of pure disgust, Ezra wiped the leaf away and in that second, he lost sight of Vin.
"Mr. Tanner!" Ezra yelled, eyeing everything that resembled a horse and rider very carefully.
Ezra's yell was very nearly drowned out by the howling wind, but Vin's keen hearing caught the faint sound. Pulling on his reins, Vin halted his nervous horse and twisted his body in the saddle to search the area behind him. "Ezra, this way!" he called after glimpsing the startling red jacket Ezra often wore, which Vin was now glad of for the first time since he had met the man.
Ezra followed the tracker's voice until he turned a corner and caught sight of him again. Letting out the breath he wasn't even aware he was holding, Ezra eagerly urged Chaucer in his companion's direction. Ezra wiped the rain from his face and as his vision cleared the smile immediately faded from his face.
"Vin!" Ezra screamed, forgetting all formality.
Vin tracked Ezra's progress very carefully, quietly swearing to himself for letting the gambler get so far behind. Once he was positive Ezra was close enough to follow with no problem, he turned back around in his saddle. Finding the trail that would take them to the much-needed shelter again, he ignored the ominous crack as just another background noise. It was Ezra's scream that was impossible not to notice. Before Vin could even think, 'now what', he was knocked from his saddle and a sharp pain encompassed his entire left side. After landing, he lay there dazed for several minutes before realizing that something did not feel right.
Ezra watched in horror as his warning came too late and the large tree branch fell directly in Vin's path and struck him with enough force to cause him to tumble down the embankment toward the river. Finding himself sliding down the embankment after Vin surprised Ezra, as he did not even remember dismounting his horse. This time, he found Vin immediately and to his great relief, Vin had managed not to fall directly into the river, but instead lay on the bank. His relief did not last long as he reached Vin and realized that with the water lapping up at his chest, his clothes were already soaked through to the skin. Grabbing Vin under his arms, Ezra dragged him to dry land and examined him. "Vin," Ezra called urgently, trying to rouse the man.
Vin began to respond immediately as he groaned and tried to move. "Wha..?" Vin mumbled.
"You were knocked off of your horse," Ezra answered and helped Vin sit up. "How do you feel?"
"Cold. My horse?"
"He's all right, just waiting up there for you. Come on, we need to get you moving and get out of here. Do you think you can ride?"
"Yeah," Vin answered determinedly standing up and then nearly fell back to his knees.
"Okay, let's try standing first before riding," Ezra smiled.
"I'm fine," Vin retorted and managed to stay on his feet this time.
With Ezra's help, that Vin grudgingly allowed, they both got to the top of the embankment and found their horses that amazingly had not run off somewhere. Vin clumsily climbed into his saddle and urged his horse back in the correct direction. Ezra rode along side, ready to lend a hand if Vin became unsteady, which if he did he was able to hide very well. Within fifteen minutes, they reached the old barn and gratefully led their horses inside the shelter. Both quickly tended their horses, Ezra finishing before Vin. After making sure Chaucer had food and water for the rest of the night, Ezra went to see how Vin was doing. He really did not believe that Vin was as all right as he was trying to show.
Vin was just exiting the stall was Ezra appeared. "Vin! My goodness," Ezra declared.
Vin face was almost white while his fingernails were turning a lovely shade of blue. What was most disturbing to Ezra was that he was only shivering a small amount. Ezra had heard about people who got too cold and stopped shivering and then died. He was deathly afraid that this was what was happening to Vin. With a determination he wasn't aware he possessed, he grabbed Vin by the arm and sat him down on a hay bale. Handing him a blanket he ordered the tracker to start taking off his wet clothes and to his surprise, Vin obeyed without an argument. Ezra wasn't sure whether that was because he understood or he simply didn't have the energy to argue. He turned his back to Vin to give him some privacy and worked at starting a fire in the old stove. When the fire caught he turned back to Vin to find him drifting off to sleep wrapped in the blanket.
"Vin, wake up!" Ezra ordered and shook Vin until his eyes were blinking rapidly.
"What?" he grumbled.
"Come on. Let's get closer to the fire," Ezra suggested and Vin nodded.
Once he had Vin settled, Ezra sighed and began to strip himself. He nearly yelped when he got under the blanket with Vin and pulled the pliant man toward him. "What're you doing?" Vin mumbled sleepily.
"You need to get warm. It's all right," Ezra soothed.
Vin murmured something and then rested his head on Ezra's shoulder and relaxed. Ezra ran his hand down Vin's back, trying to get some warmth back into the man, while his other finger-combed the tangles from his damp hair.
Hours later, Vin was deeply asleep and snuggled tightly against Ezra's side. Ezra was still a little concerned, but he didn't think Vin was dangerously cold anymore. Looking at the beautiful man in his arms, Ezra felt strangely content despite the situation.
The next morning Ezra awoke to find himself staring into a pair of very coherent blue eyes. After a moment of silence as they contemplated their situation, Vin finally smiled slightly and said, "I guess I should thank you for saving my life."
There was something in his eyes that made Ezra wonder if the tracker was offering something else, but he realized even if he was, he could not accept. Smiling in return, he shifted out of Vin's arms and grabbed for his now dry clothes. "How do you feel?" he asked as he dressed.
"Warmer," Vin answered and also began to dress.
As the two prepared for their journey back to Four Corners, Vin kept shooting puzzled looks at Ezra. The gambler just continued to surprise him on this trip.
Neither said anything as they rode toward home until Vin broke the silence. "Why?" he asked.
"Whatever do you mean?" Ezra questioned, though he believed he knew what Vin meant.
"I was giving you a chance to win the bet, why didn't you?" Vin elaborated.
Now Ezra was surprised. No, he was plainly shocked. "You knew about the bet. Since when?" he demanded.
"Since that night you made it," Vin smirked.
"But, why did you not say something?"
"Where would the fun in that be."
Ezra stared and than just began to laugh. "You've been enjoying this," he accused.
Vin just grinned his answer and then looked pensive. "You didn't answer my question."
"Then you were offering this morning," Ezra said and Vin nodded. "Vin yes I took the bet, but I also dropped out of the running two months ago. I do not have many friends and even less people I truly care about and I am not about to ruin that for a juvenile bet. You mean more to me than that," Ezra admitted softly.
"Ezra. You mean a great deal to me too."
Silence then descended but it was a comfortable companionable silence.
Ezra watched the train carrying Maude off to another unsuspecting town to charm, leave the station. He hadn't realized how much he had changed until he felt how badly it hurt when his mother had stolen his saloon and dreams from him in what she considered good fun. She had been so disappointed in him because he had used his own money to buy the saloon, but he was actually proud and knew that he would do it again. Sighing, he went back to the saloon and just looked at it. The place was dirty and very unsophisticated, but it had been his. Ezra took a bottle of scotch from his secret stash and went back to his room.
Across the town, Vin remained silent as Chris and Buck discussed what to do with Eli Jo's body. It did have a sizeable bounty they could collect but it might also draw unwanted attention to the town and then maybe to Vin. Vin stared at the body so deeply lost in his thoughts that it took Chris calling his name three times to catch his attention.
"Vin, what do you want us to do?" Chris questioned.
"Get rid of it however you want," Vin answered tightly feeling suddenly very tired. It was like all of the running and looking over his shoulder all caught up with him at that moment.
Vin walked past the concerned glances, choosing to ignore them, and headed toward his wagon. He sat there thinking for a bit before grabbing a bottle of whiskey and sauntering over to the boarding house. When he reached the second floor, he shyly knocked on a door and nervously waited.
After a moment, the door was angrily jerked open and the occupant stared at Vin in shocked silence. "I thought that you could use some company," Vin said simply as an answer to the unasked question.
"As we have both had a similar type of wretched day, I think you might be right. Come in," Ezra offered.
Vin nodded and entered Ezra's room for what was actually the first time. Unlike the other boys' rooms, Ezra's clothes were neatly hung and there were a few touches about that made the room feel a little fancier. The only surprise was that the bed was unmade and a mess. The sheets were rumpled and strewn about while the blanket now resided on the floor. That small amount of messiness brought a tiny grin to Vin's face.
"Have a seat," Ezra suggested, while sitting back down on the bed.
Vin pulled out a chair and eased into it. He then looked from the bottle in his hand to the one Ezra continued to hold. "What've you got?" Vin asked.
"Scotch. A fine liquor that causes one to lose themselves and their problems for a short time. And yours?"
"Sounds delightful. May I?" Ezra indicated his glass.
Vin handed over the bottle and watched Ezra pour himself a whiskey and then pour some of the scotch into a glass that he handed back to Vin. The tracker looked at it warily but still downed the drink in one gulp and then immediately coughed a bit.
"I should have warned you. The scotch burns a bit, but one does get used to it and in fact enjoys it. Cheers," Ezra said and then downed his own glass.
"I'm sorry about your saloon. You would have done good by it," Vin said softly.
"Thank you. I too wish that what happened with Eli Jo could have turned out differently. You do not deserve to have to be a fugitive. I had hoped we could have cleared you or at least have made him suffer," Ezra stated and then hurriedly took a drink to hide his embarrassment for saying too much.
Vin boldly studied Ezra's face for a few minutes, while Ezra pretended not to notice and refused to look anywhere in Vin's direction. Finally Vin came to a decision.
"I'd like to make a toast," Vin said suddenly.Ezra looked at the tracker plainly startled. "What? A toast?"
"Yes," Vin answered lightly and raised his glass. After a brief moment, Ezra hesitantly raised his and waited to see what Vin would say. "A toast to missed dreams. We've both had our share and I don't intend to miss any others," Vin said and took a drink without his gaze ever leaving Ezra's eyes.
Ezra hesitantly sipped his glass while finding himself unable to tear his eyes away from Vin's stare. When Vin's glass was empty, he placed it on the dresser and walked determinedly over to where Ezra sat on the bed.
"Vin," Ezra started but found himself unable to continue when Vin began to stroke his cheek.
Ezra shuddered and caught Vin's hand in his own to still it. "If this is about the bet?"
"It hasn't been about the bet for awhile, has it?" Vin stated huskily.
"No, it hasn't. It is also not just about one night either?" Ezra said, already knowing his answer.
Vin was done with talking, so he decided some action was appropriate now. Before anything more could be said, he leaned down and caught Ezra's lips in a gentle teasing kiss, refusing to deepen it until Ezra responded, which did not take long at all.
Once Ezra was sure that this was what Vin truly desired, he very quickly became a man of action. Grasping Vin by the hips, he easily pulled the tracker down onto the bed and immediately rolled the younger man beneath him. The kisses grew more passionate and fevered, only breaking apart when the two men needed to breathe. When Ezra pulled away to catch his breath, Vin changed tactics and began to kiss and nip the gambler's neck, while his fingers worked quickly to undo the buttons on his silk shirt. Ezra realized Vin's intention and decided that it was a marvelous idea and so decided to reciprocate and help the tracker from his own clothing.
Once the two men were both naked, Ezra took a moment to admire the beautiful body as he licked his way across the man's chest until presented with a nipple that just demanded to be nibbled. Vin gasped as the mouth gently grasped and licked his nipple until it was so erect that it was almost sore. Ezra then moved on to the other one and gave it the same treatment until Vin could take no more. Deciding to see if the rest of Vin tasted so delightful, Ezra began to move down the rest of his body, though choosing to skip the part in the need of the most attention. Instead, Ezra nipped and kissed the inside of Vin's thighs, enjoying the pleading moans the man was making. Ezra grinned to discover that Vin was actually quite a vocal lover. Finally he took pity on the man and took the head of his penis in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. As Vin's cries became more fevered, he took more and more into his mouth until he had swallowed it to the root.
"Ah, hell, Ezra," Vin panted.
Ezra eagerly swallowed all of the seed Vin spilled as he watched in awe of how beautiful Vin was in the throes of his orgasm, with his head thrown back and sweat glistening on his face. Ezra was truly happy at that moment.
When Vin collapsed back onto the bed, Ezra crawled back up his body and kissed him deeply. Vin lazily returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around Ezra, pulling his full weight down to lay on him. As he regained his energy, Vin took his turn at exploring Ezra's body, except he used his hands instead of his lips. Vin ran his hands all along Ezra's body, rubbing and teasing everything they came across like some form of massage. Ezra uttered a deep groan that Vin would never have believed would have come from the southerner if he had not heard it himself when Vin grasped and firmly stroked his cock. The gambler was so eager that it would not take much more than that, but that was not what Vin had in mind.
When the glorious hands left his body, Ezra's eyes shot open in surprise. "What?" he managed to ask.
"Just need to get something," Vin explained, rummaging through one of Ezra's drawers until he found something he could use.
Smiling Vin showed him the bottle of oil and moved down to kiss Ezra once more. "Vin?" Ezra asked once they broke apart, just to make sure.
"Yes," Vin answered huskily and moved to lie on his stomach.
Ezra poured some of the oil into his hand, warming it slightly, before inserting one finger into Vin's opening. Vin gasped and his body immediately tightened around the intruder.
"Are you all right?" Ezra asked concerned.
"Yeah," Vin mumbled.
"Is this your first time?" Ezra took a guess from the way Vin was reacting.
Vin tensed even more before answering quietly, "Yes."
"Maybe then we should not..." Ezra offered.
"No! Don't you dare stop. I want this Ezra," Vin declared.
"Then we will just have to take it slow," Ezra murmured and began rubbing his other hand in a soothing circular pattern on Vin's back.
As Vin relaxed, Ezra worked his finger in more until he was able to add another and then a third. When he removed the fingers, Vin moaned and reflexively moved backward a bit. "Easy, I'm coming," Ezra reassured. "Please tell me if this hurts too much."
Vin nodded, not trusting himself to speak and Ezra eased the head of his cock into Vin's opening. It did burn slightly, but Vin kept silent so he would not upset Ezra and cause the man to stop. After a moment, the burning ceased and Vin felt incredible pleasure. And then Ezra was all the way in and began to move and Vin could no longer think.
Ezra pulled out and then thrust back in to his lover in once nice thrust, knowing he found the prostate when Vin moaned so passionately. The heat and tightness of that body was like finding heaven. The two men found a rhythm and began thrusting against each as sweat dripped from their bodies. Ezra felt his climax approaching and sped up, pounding into the willing body. Vin came a second time and his spasming body triggered Ezra's release. Ezra eased out and fell next to Vin, pulling the man into an embrace.
"That was..." Ezra started, but then could not find the words.
"Yeah, it was," Vin agreed.
Nestled together, the two soon fell asleep.
Vin awoke the next morning a little later than usual, but still earlier than Ezra. He used that time to fully study the man who was currently using him as a pillow. Ezra looked younger than usual and more boyish with his hair all mussed and his face relaxed. Vin decided he liked seeing Ezra a little unkempt and was inwardly glad that he was the only one to see the gambler this way.
As much as Vin was enjoying lying there with Ezra, he had an early patrol he had promised Chris he would do. Vin shifted his position slightly and tried to ease out from under Ezra without waking him. It didn't work. As soon as Vin moved, Ezra awoke and looked at him somewhat sleepily.
"Good morning," Ezra said, blinking a great deal.
"Morning," Vin answered with a smile.
They just stared at each other, smiling languidly, until Vin remembered why he had been moving. "I have a patrol," he explained regretfully.
"Well then, as much as I loathe to admit it, you should attend to your duties. But I must insist that you join me for lunch later today," Ezra smiled.
"Wouldn't miss it," Vin declared and reached down to give Ezra a quick kiss.
Well he had planned it as a quick kiss, but Ezra had another idea. The gambler grasped Vin by the back of his head so he could not escape and continued to explore the tracker's mouth until they were both breathless. With a final caress, Ezra released Vin and allowed the tracker to get dressed. Vin looked up, ready to say good-bye, but quickly changed his tone to a whisper when he saw that Ezra was already back asleep. He decided that today, he might patrol a little quicker.
A few hours later, Ezra ran a brush one last time through his hair before leaving his room. When he reached the saloon, he saw the other five men talking quietly among themselves at one of the tables. Feeling pretty good, he decided to join them, since he figured he had probably another half an hour before Vin returned.
"Ah, so you finally decided to wake up. Busy night?" Buck asked innocently after Ezra sat down and greeted the boys.
"Actually, I awoke a little earlier than usual," Ezra retorted.
"Is there anything you would like to share with us?" Buck questioned smirking.
"Nothing comes to mind at the moment. Perhaps later," Ezra answered smoothly, hoping he was wrong about where this was leading.
"Ah come on," JD said exasperated.
"What?" Ezra asked.
"Ezra you can quit pretending. We know," Nathan explained.
"Know what?"
"Buck was walking past your room last night and heard some things," Josiah said.
"How the hell did you do it. And besides that, I thought you were out. Or was that just a con so you could win the bet," Buck demanded.
Ezra for once was at a loss for words so simply stared at them shocked. Seeing that the gambler was getting quite flustered, Josiah decided to come to his rescue. "He doesn't have to share any of his secrets or details with us. He won the bet, that's all that matters so give him the money."
"Fine," Buck said and handed the money pouch to Ezra. "But I would like some details. I never figured he would moan like that. Come on Ezra, you've got our money, least you could do is tell us what we were missing," Buck cajoled.
Ezra shook his head and looked up from the money he had been staring at to see Vin standing directly behind them outside the window. From the look on his face, he had heard enough. Ezra started to say something, but he was interrupted when Buck slapped him on the back and congratulated him once more on his winning. He looked back toward the window, but Vin was already gone. Dimly in the background, Ezra heard JD trying to get Buck's attention, but none of that mattered right now.
Pushing back his chair, Ezra stood up and faced Buck, tossing the money pouch down into his lap. "Keep the damn money," Ezra hissed, shocking everyone with the anger in his voice. "Nothing that happened last night had anything to do with some bet. And you had better hope you did not just ruin it."
Once that had been said, Ezra quickly left the saloon and began searching for Vin.
"What was that about?" Buck demanded.
"That was what I was trying to tell you," JD cried. "Vin was at the window, he heard us."
"Uh oh. But then why did Ezra get mad?" Buck asked.
"I think Ezra spoke the truth. I think he and Vin truly care for each other," Josiah wondered and liked the idea.
"They do," Chris said. "I've seen them looking at each other."
"You think it's a good idea?" Nathan asked.
"Yeah, they're good for each other," Chris decided.
"Damn," Buck swore. "I hope I didn't just ruin it then."
"If you did, then Ezra just might shoot ya. But I think Vin trusts Ezra enough to let him explain, so I wouldn't go hiding out just yet," Chris grinned. "But you never know, he just might shoot you for the hell of it."
Ezra hurried out to the street, but Vin was no where to be seen. Not for the first time, Ezra cursed Vin's ability to simply disappear. Ezra looked around the town, mentally evaluating the best place for Vin to have gone. His eyes swept over the boarding house and the Clarion, but when they reached the livery, all of his instincts pointed there.
Hoping he was right, Ezra quietly entered the stables and headed toward the back, glancing in each stall he passed. When he looked in one supposedly empty stall, he was caught in the gaze of two piercing blue-eyes.
"Did you take the money?" Vin asked without any preamble.
"No," Ezra answered honestly. "I did not ask for it, nor did I desire it."
"Good," Vin said sadly.
"Please believe me. Last night had nothing to do with the bet and I would not have ever considered cheapening it by requesting the money," Ezra pleaded.
"Ezra," Vin said pulling the man down into the hay with him. "I know. I know your heart and I know you would not do anything like that."
"Then why are you sitting sadly in the dark?" Ezra asked, feeling very concerned about his lover.
"They expected you to take the money. That means they think you were only with me to get the money and to prove you could beat Buck. It also means that if one of them had been with me, they would have accepted the money," Vin explained softly.
"Ah Vin," Ezra sighed. "They are not doing this to hurt you. And I do not think anyone of them have really been thinking about it seriously lately. None of them simply wish to admit defeat. As for me, I am simply seen as a con man, so why would I not accept my winnings. Their misperceptions of my character do not injure me," Ezra comforted.
"Yes they do, because they should know you better by now," Vin said.
"Attitudes are hard to change. Not everyone is as non-judgmental as you."
They sat silently in the hay for a few brief moments, each lost in their own thoughts. "They might start looking for us soon," Ezra commented.
"Want to just stay here anyway," Vin suggested.
"And what would we do besides get more dusty and dirty?"
To answer his question, Vin grabbed his jacket and pulled Ezra in for a fevered kiss. After giving his lower lip a small nip, Vin released Ezra and smiled. "Still want to leave?"
Ezra grinned and tackled Vin and ended up pinning him in the hay by straddling his hips. Cupping his face gently, Ezra worked at arousing the younger man with a long loving kiss. In watched in delight as Vin's eyes darkened and his face flushed with desire. Ezra was just moving to suck on Vin's neck when slight cough startled both of them.
Grabbing their guns, they managed to aim at the intruder almost instantly. "Hate to interrupt," Josiah grinned. "But we just wanted to be sure everything was okay."
"We're fine," Ezra growled.
"Oh I see that," Josiah indicated their compromising position.
Ezra realized he was still straddling his lover and blushed. Vin merely grabbed his hat and covered his face with it to hide his laughter. Josiah just grinned even wider.
"Well as I see that everything seems to be fine, I'll just leave you boys alone to what you were doing," Josiah chuckled as he left.
Vin laughed harder and Ezra gave up and joined him. When they were both under control, Vin said, "We'd better get out of here before they send JD in after us."
"Yes, we would not want to cause that dear boy to faint, would we?" Ezra agreed as he stood up and then offered a hand to Vin.
"I think I might love you ya know," Vin said softly.
"Well, that is good, because I think I might also," Ezra answered just as softly and brushed some hair from Vin's face.
Smiling, they brushed the incriminating hay off of their clothing, shared one more breathless kiss, and then left the livery to face their comrades. As they saw the grinning faces awaiting them, Ezra felt like making an excuse to go hide in his room and even Vin felt an uncomfortable twinge in his stomach.
Buck just grinned and laughed at them until Nathan elbowed him in the ribs and glared. "Ah yeah, Vin I'm sorry you had to find out about our little wager like that," Buck started sheepishly.
Vin's mouth twitched and he ducked his head slightly so no one could see his face. The others, except for Ezra, took it as a bad sign and all continued to shoot deadly looks in Buck's direction. "Vin please don't take offense. It was supposed to be harmless and we made it so long ago..." Buck trailed off as Vin continued to look everywhere but at him.
Seeing how guilty Buck was beginning to look, Vin decided to let him off of the hook. "Buck, I just want to say one thing to you," Vin stated, his voice low and calm.
"What?" Buck responded nervously.
"That you should have listened to the others. Even if I hadn't know about the bet, you still wouldn't have been able to seduce me," Vin lifted his head and grinned.
"What?" JD cried.
"You've known," Buck realized.
"Since when have you known this?" Josiah asked, looking suspiciously at Ezra.
"Since the night you made the bet. And no Ezra didn't tell me, I came back early and overheard ya," Vin explained.
"You've known," Buck repeated.
Chris shook his head, trying to hide his grin. He should've known. "I take it that's why you would act like you had no idea we were flirting with you or trying to suggest things," Chris stated and Vin just shrugged. "You know, I was actually starting to believe that you were some kind of nave innocent virgin," Chris muttered.
"Oh I can assure you that that is definitely untrue," Ezra chuckled.
"I can't believe you've known," Buck groaned.
"If you knew about the bet, how did you know Ezra wasn't trying to win it?" JD asked and then took a step back as both Vin and Ezra glared at him.
"That would be a little personal. Maybe one day I shall explain, but for know just know that some people can read others so well that they can find the truth," Ezra said looking fondly at Vin.
"I believe this occasion deserves a drink. I'm buying," Nathan smiled. "Maybe Vin can teach you a few manners," he smirked as he headed to the saloon.
Chris and Josiah continued to chuckle as they followed Nathan. JD stared a little while longer and then grinned widely and left. Buck just shook his head at the two. "Vin you certainly gave me a run for my money. I have never had that much trouble, I was starting to doubt myself," Buck grinned.
"Well Buck, I'm sorry, but you're just not my type," Vin patted him on the shoulder and followed the other men.
Left alone, Ezra felt Buck's eyes on him. "Wanted to congratulate you and not on the bet this time. He'll do you good," Buck said seriously.
"I know," Ezra replied.
"I just have one question for you."
"How is he in bed? I mean I heard the moaning and growling. I thought you had some sort of wildcat in there for a second. Come on, I tell you boys everything. Just a few details, please. Ezra come on, stay here and give me details. Please? Ezra?"
~The end~