Learning to Improvise…
Chapter 6

by Katherine

JD could easily read pain and disappointment in Ezra’s eyes as he watched the big man leave. Damn. That didn’t go well at all. "It’s not your fault, Ez."

The gambler’s lips quirked in a bitter smile. "I would not be so sure of that, JD."

"Well, I am." JD argued defiantly. "You and Vin didn’t do anything wrong."

"Was a little stupid of you to be kissing in here." Nathan commented dryly from where he continued to examine Vin’s throat. He’d loosened Vin’s bandana and was gently touching the bruises coming to the surface. "Not exactly the most private o’ places."

JD scowled. "Well it ain’t that public either, Nate. And them kissing isn’t reason enough for Josiah to be like that."

"I’m not excusing him, JD." Nathan sighed heavily. "I’m just saying that this probably wasn’t the best way for him to find out."

"Weren’t ‘xactly how we planned ta tell him." Vin pointed out, trying to slap Nathan’s hand and move away from him.

"Now stop that." Nathan scolded. "I’m not going to hurt you."

Vin grimaced, looking like he disagreed with that statement, but stopped trying to escape. Nathan shook his head. "C’mon upstairs. I need better light." He gave Vin a sharp glance. "You hurt anywhere else I should know about?"

"His back." Ezra answered overriding the negative shake of Vin’s head. "The ‘ruckus’ you heard from upstairs was Mr. Sanchez slamming Vin up against the wall repeatedly."

"Tattle tale." Vin growled.

Ezra just arched one eyebrow. "Tell me honestly that you wouldn’t have ratted me out and I’ll apologize."

Vin muttered something that JD was pretty sure wasn’t polite. Ezra chuckled. "That’s what I thought." He waved a hand toward the door. "Shall we sojourn to Mr. Jackson’s clinic upstairs then so that he can ascertain the true state of your health?"

Nathan led the way out of the stable and up the stairs. Vin followed slowly, clearly reluctant, but with Ezra on one side and JD on the other, the tracker really had no choice but to go to the clinic. JD figured Vin couldn’t be hurt too badly since he still moved with his usual fluid grace and silent tread.

"Take off you jacket and shirt, Vin. And sit down." Nathan ordered as he checked the temperature of the kettle he’d left earlier. JD didn’t think it would be too cool yet since they hadn’t even gotten to finish their tea when they had heard odd noises coming from downstairs.

"Would the tea you made for me when I suffered from a similar injury be available? I found it rather soothing." Ezra spoke quietly as he carefully folded Vin’s capote over the back of the chair. JD found it interesting that Ezra treated Vin’s less than pristine jacket just as well as he would one of his own well made, colorful garments.

Nathan nodded. "I’ve got some of that." The former slave took another look at Vin’s throat. "You have trouble breathing? Swallowing?"

"Nope." Vin answered.

"Hurt to talk?"


Nathan nodded, not looking surprised. JD winced in sympathy when Nathan had Vin sit forward enough to see his back. The bruises nearly covered Vin’s back from shoulder to hip. When Nathan let his hands lightly ghost of Vin’s back, checking the degree of bruising, JD was struck by the sharp contrast between the healer’s dark skin and Vin’s lighter complexion.

A hitch in the tracker’s breathing and Ezra’s hand shot out to capture Nathan’s wrist. Nathan looked at him in surprise.

"Gently." He admonished the healer, voice soft, but the tone was sharp.

JD was honestly surprised that Nathan didn’t snap at Ezra. Man doesn’t normally like anyone telling him how to do his job. Course, I think he knows that if it weren’t for Ezra he wouldn’t even get a chance to look Vin over.

"Vin, I think you may have cracked a rib." Nathan stated calmly. His dark eyes flickered to where Ezra’s hand still held his wrists. The gambler released his hold with a small nod of understanding.

"Ain’t anything broken, Nate." Vin argued, head turning enough so he could look over his shoulder. "I know what broken feels like, an’ this ain’t it."

Nathan sighed heavily, moving to where Vin could see him more easily. "I didn’t say broken. I said cracked. There is a difference you know. And I doubt you’ve ever been slammed around quite like that before, so how would you know what cracking a rib from the back feels like?"

Vin scowled. He opened his mouth to retort, but Ezra laid a hand on his shoulder. "You are in pain?"

"Not really." A raised eyebrow was all it took to prompt Vin to say more. "Only really bothered me when Nate hit a sore spot. That’s all. I’ve had worse."

"Having experienced worse is no reason to dismiss your present condition." The chastise was gentle. "Taking care of minor ailments properly will prevent them from becoming major ones."

Vin snorted. "I’m gonna remind you that you said that next time you need tendin’ to."

Ezra smiled slightly and said something in French JD didn’t understand. To his surprise Vin responded in the same language, although slower, obviously less fluent and sure of himself than the gambler. Whatever he said made Ezra roll his eyes. Don’t that beat all. Wonder when Ezra started teaching him that? Wonder if I could get him to teach me French too.

Nathan interrupted their by-play. "Vin, does it bother you at all to breathe deeply?"

Vin took an experimental breath. He shook his head. "Faint twinge but that’s it."

Nathan nodded. "Don’t see much benefit to wrapping your chest then. Probably won’t find sleeping on you back very comfortable for a while. If the pain gets worse or you start having trouble breathing I want you to let me know."

"Can I get dressed now?"

"Sure." Nathan moved to the stove and poured out a cup of hot water from the kettle. "Want you to drink some of that tea I gave Ezra. It’ll help with your throat. Oh, and no riding for a bit. Rib might only be cracked, but rough riding could make it a break for sure." He let the ingredients steep, oblivious to the reaction his statement caused.

Vin’s hands had frozen in the act of buttoning his shirt. JD found something disturbing about the looks on both Vin and Ezra’s faces, and the look that passed between them. His eyes darted from one to the other trying to read what was going on.

Ezra lightly patted Vin’s shoulder. "But if he were to ride at a sedate pace?" JD was sure there was more than simple concern or curiosity in that question. I know Vin likes to get out of town, and ride, but a few days wouldn’t be too hard to handle. Gotta more to it.

The healer frowned. "Probably wouldn’t hurt riding slow, but still think it’s better safe than sorry. So, no riding for at least a week. Give that rib a chance to get started healing okay." Nathan offered the cup to Vin.

Vin slowly took the cup, but he didn’t drink. Blue eyes sought green. "I’ve ridden with a lot worse, Ez."

Ezra shook his head in firm denial. "There is no reason to put yourself at risk."

Vin scowled. "We don’t know what he’s gonna do. Not safe ta stay here if he gets to shooting his mouth off. If we rode slow, took our time--"

"Wait a minute." JD interrupted. "You’re talking about leaving?!"

"Mr. Sanchez was most strident in his objections to our relationship." Ezra made a movement with one shoulder that was far too elegant and precise to really be considered a shrug.

"He thought Vin was hurting you."

"So his rational response to diffusing a threat to my person is to assault the man in return?" The gambler clucked his tongue and arched an eyebrow. "Had I truly been in danger, all the situation would have required was for him to have pulled my assailant away, restrain him. Something a man of Mr. Sanchez’s size and strength would not have found difficult to do." Green eyes turned bleak. "I had to force him to release Vin. I was not joking when I said he tried to strangle the life out of him."

JD swallowed hard. He’d seen Josiah in a blind rage once. Explains why they both had their guns drawn. Not sure I’d want to face Josiah when he’s like that.

"Even when disabused of the notion I was in danger, he made no move to apologize, exhibited no regret or remorse over his actions." The set of Ezra’s jaw and look in his eyes was telling. The gambler would not easily forgive Josiah for hurting Vin of that JD was certain.

"He stated vehemently his objections to our relationship. Condemning us to hell."

JD winced. He’d heard that part of the argument. He’d been rather impressed with the gambler’s response. Never knew the Bible said it was okay for people to own slaves. Don’t seem right at all. And I can’t really believe God would send them to hell for just loving each other. Doesn’t seem as big a sin as murder.

Ezra’s expression turned contemplative. "I wonder how much hotter Mr. Sanchez expects the fires of damnation to be for this transgression. After all, it’s not as if I were an innocent before I met Vin." He grinned wolfishly. "According to Dante there is a special level in Hell reserved for people like us."

"Dante?" Nathan asked, both eyebrows rising.

"He wrote a treatise on Heaven, Hell and Purgatory." Ezra stated calmly. "The Inferno covered the nine levels of hell, detailing the types of sinners, and their respective punishments."

JD shook his head. Kind of glad I missed that one. "Look, we all know Josiah can get a little carried away when he gets mad."

"Damn sight more than a little." Vin raised his free hand toward his throat eloquently drawing attention to the bruises. He ignored the silence that followed his verbal bombshell and took a sip of the tea Nathan had handed him. "Hey, this ain’t bad, Nate. Feels good too."

The healer rolled his eyes. "I told you it would help."

"The point is, "JD raised his voice slightly trying to draw attention back to the issue, "once Josiah cools off, I’m sure he’s going to feel bad about what he did. You just have to give him some time to think."

"And if he uses that time to convince himself of the righteousness of his position?" Ezra cocked his head to one side, small worry lines furrowing his brow. "What if he turns to some of the residents of this dusty metropolis for guidance and inadvertently exposes us to ridicule and scorn? Or decides to elicit support to simply run us out of town?"

"Josiah wouldn’t do that." Nathan stated in defense of his long time friend. "I know he wouldn’t."

"Yes, well at one time I never thought he would attack a friend while stone cold sober, but clearly I was mistaken."

JD sighed. I hate it when Ezra doesn’t pull his punches. Man is just too good with words when he’s pissed. Course he’s good with words at any old time, but he’s a lot more cutthroat about it when he’s not happy. And he’s usually right.

"You might be right. We don’t honestly know what Josiah will or won’t do." JD held up a hand halting the words Nathan looked ready to voice. "So there is no reason for you to make any hasty decisions." He scowled. "Like planning to leave. At least not yet."

"Better not to be in town if things go bad." Vin commented quietly, still sipping his tea.

"And if Josiah comes around after he gets a chance to do some thinking you don’t want to be too far away." JD countered. He refused to only see the down side. JD’s gaze shifted from Vin to Ezra. "Do you?"

"No." Ezra bit his lower lip. Ezra’s gaze shifted to Vin, and they shared another look. Ezra squared his shoulders, eyes meeting JD’s again. "If possible, we would prefer to stay."

"Okay." JD nodded once firmly. "Then don’t be in such an all fire hurry to call it quits. Don’t need to pack your bags just yet."

Ezra smiled sadly. "A bit too late for that I’m afraid."


"JD, I never unpacked."

JD stared at him, flabbergasted. That can’t be right. "You got all kinds of stuff in your room."

The gambler shrugged. "None of that is important. It can be replaced." Ezra made a meaningless, graceful gesture. "The things I truly value, those items that I have deemed irreplaceable…they are seldom out of reach."

"So if you wanted to you—"

"I could leave now." Ezra finished for him.

Nathan’s mouth dropped open. "All those fancy clothes, the books, the—"

"As I said," Ezra shrugged one shoulder, "it can all be replaced."

"Vin?" Nathan stared at the tracker clearly asking if he felt the same way.

Vin’s trademark half smile appeared as handed the now empty cup back to Nathan. "Stuff in my wagon is nice ta have, but I can live without it. Have before."

JD shook his head. How long will I know these two before I really know them. And from the look on Nate’s face I’m not the only one thinking that.

"None of that really matters." He waved one hand in a dismissive gesture. "At least not right now. What matters is that you both agree not to leave until Josiah has a chance to calm down. Give us a chance to talk to him…convince him to see reason."

Ezra took a deep breath. "How long?"

JD looked toward Nathan. "You’ve known him the longest. You think two days will be enough?"

Nathan played with the cup in his hand, clearly thinking over the question. Dark eyes meet blue and green. "Don’t know if two days will be enough for him to accept you. Really no telling just how long that would take, but it will be more than long enough for you to know if he really meant what he said downstairs and how he intends to behave from here on out."

Ezra nodded slowly, accepting that answer. "You have two days, JD." JD’s sigh of relief was cut short by Ezra’s next statement. "I do believe Vin was right when he stated it may not be best for either of us to remain in town. So for the duration of our agreed upon time frame, we will simply be elsewhere."

"Where?" JD didn’t so much ask as demand an answer.

"Better not to say." Vin shook his head as he stood up. "We’ll meet you at Chris’ place in two days. And yes, Nate, I’ll take it easy."

"I’ll see that he does." Ezra’s tone left no doubt in JD’s mind that the gambler would do just that.

The healer nodded, accepting with surprising grace that this was not an issue he couldn’t win so there was no point in arguing. He silently offered a small packet of tea to Vin. The tracker took it with a small smile of thanks.

"Chris’ ranch. Two days." JD reiterated, wanting to be very certain the two men he considered part of his family understood that he was counting on them to be there.

Both Vin and Ezra raised two fingers in the gambler’s usual salute. Despite being a seemingly casual gesture, JD knew it was as good as a promise. It didn’t bother him to let Vin and Ezra leave when he knew that no matter what he’d be seeing them both in two days.

"Now what?" Nathan asked quietly after the door had closed behind Vin and Ezra.

JD wasn’t sure if he should be surprised or pleased that Nathan was asking him what they should to. Guess I’d be pleased if I knew what the hell to do. As it is, I’m sort of just working it out as I go. Sort of hoped he’d know what to do.

The young sheriff sighed. If he’d learned anything in the past year, it was to keep things simple. "We find Josiah and we talk some sense into him." And if that doesn’t work, well then I guess Vin and Ezra won’t be the only ones leaving.

+ + + + + + +

Buck wiped his brow. Replacing rotted corral posts and setting new ones properly was not an easy job. He didn’t mind hard work. Enjoyed it from time to time, but he was damn glad Chris didn’t ask him to do this often.

He stretched his back, working out the kinks that had formed over the course of the day. Buck blinked, surprised to see two horses walking up the road. He lightly slapped Chris’ arm. "Looks like we got company coming."

Chris stepped back from where he was digging out a post-hole, and followed Buck’s line of sight. Dark blue eyes narrowed. "Trouble?"

Buck shook his head. "Boys are ridin’ mighty slow for there to be too much for us to worry about." He frowned. "Still, ain’t no reason for them to be here otherwise."

Chris pursed his lips. He dropped the posthole digger into the hole and moved toward the watering trough. The lean gunslinger picked up the gun belt he’d hung from the railing, buckling it on as he continued walking. Buck was quick to follow suit.

Peso and Chaucer came to a halt in front of the trough. Buck expected Ezra and Vin to swing down, but neither man made a move to step out of their saddles. Buck’s gaze darted from one man to the other trying to read something from their faces. Guessing whatever it is, it can’t be good.

"What happened?" Chris asked.

Ezra answered his expression an odd mixture of defiance and apology. "Vin and I were in the tack room. Kissing. When Mr. Sanchez entered unexpectedly, he saw us, and reacted…badly."

Ezra’s clipped recitation of the facts reminded Buck of scouts reporting in during the war. The fact that the gambler was so brief and direct didn’t bode well. Buck found himself wondering just exactly how bad Ezra meant by 'badly'.

Chris arched an eyebrow. "You wanna explain that last bit?"

"He got a little physical, Cowboy." The roughness of Vin’s voice as he answered made Buck wince in sympathy. Haven’t heard anyone sound that bad since that stupid bank robber tried ta strangle Ez. Ah shit.

Chris growled. There was no other way to describe the noise he made. And Buck knew his long time friend had made the same connection he had. "You okay?"

"Will be." The tracker shrugged. "Nothin’ a little time won’t cure."

Buck looked toward Ezra. The gambler didn’t look hurt, but that didn’t mean anything. Man could be missin’ a limb and he’d still be able ta make you think he was all right. An’ he’s a lot smaller than Josiah. Preacher could do some serious damage without breakin’ a sweat.

"What about you?" Buck knew his concern and anger were evident in his voice, but then he never bothered to hide his emotions. Blue eyes raked the other man in a quick, but thorough study. "He hurt you too, Ez?"

"I am unharmed." Ezra cocked his head, and seemed momentarily taken aback by Buck’s intense interest in his well being. "It was Vin who bore the brunt of Mr. Sanchez’s wrath."

"Just how upset was he?" Chris stared hard at Vin demanding an honest answer. Buck knew Chris was just trying to assess the situation much the same way as he’d assessed Ezra’s appearance just a second ago.

Vin’s jaw tightened. "If Ez hadn’t gotten a little physical himself, pretty sure Josiah woulda killed me."

Chris cursed, softly but vehemently. And not for the first time was Buck grateful that his friend wasn’t prone to shouting. Man sounds vicious enough at normal volume. Can’t imagine what he’d be like if he was the sort to shout stuff like that.

Buck’s blue eyes widened slightly thinking over what Vin had said. He had trouble picturing Ezra being able to manhandle someone Josiah’s size. Ez would have to do something to even up the odds a bit. Something more than just a dirty trick or two.//

Suddenly apprehensive about why they might have come to Chris’ ranch, Buck asked hesitantly, "Ez…you didn’t kill Josiah, did ya?"

Ezra rolled his eyes. "No, Buck, I didn’t kill him." The gambler took a deep breath. "There was a moment when I feared lethal force might have been necessary to convince Mr. Sanchez to relinquish his hold on Vin. Fortunately, the threat of a mortal wound was sufficient inducement."

Buck correctly interpreted that to mean Ezra had pulled a gun on Josiah but hadn’t used it. "You two just hightail it out of there then?"

"Nope." Vin shook his head. He opened his mouth to say more, but Ezra laid a hand on his arm and shook his head. The gambler silently withdrew a small bag from his pocket and handed it to Vin. The tracker grinned when he opened the bag. He dug into the bag and popped something in his mouth.

Seeing the questioning look on Buck and Chris’ faces, Ezra shrugged. "Lemon drops. When I suffered a similar injury I found them to be invaluable in helping ease the discomfort. And I was admonished by Mr. Jackson not to speak unduly. An order I believe applies to Vin as well."

It was on the tip of Buck’s tongue to ask if Nathan had checked Vin over. Know he don’t like the clinic or having anyone fuss over him. Course, from the looks of things Ez is doing his best to take care o’ Vin. Still, would be best ta have Nate take a look. Buck opened his mouth to ask, but Ezra was speaking again before he had the chance.

"JD and Mr. Jackson were present to witness the tail end of our altercation. Their presence seemed to help defuse the situation slightly, although, Mr. Sanchez continued to verbally express some residual hostility toward Vin and myself. Mr. Sanchez is now aware that others know of our relationship. He was," Ezra hesitated and then sighed softly. "I believe he was distraught to learn JD and Nathan did not share in his disapproval."

Buck winced. He had no trouble reading the disappointment and sorrow in that last statement. God damn preacher. Ez might not have appreciated being called ‘son’ but that don’t mean he didn’t want the man to be happy for him, accept him.

"Where is he now?" Buck asked, laying a hand on Chris’ arm to hold the gunslinger still. He didn’t want the other man going off half-cocked. And if I’m keeping him from doing it, I’ll be too busy ta do it myself.

"He left." Ezra shrugged. "I have no idea of his whereabouts." Buck got the impression Ezra really didn’t want to know either.

"You let Nate look you over?" Chris watched Vin like a hawk.

The tracker nodded. "Jus’ need ta take it easy for a bit."

"That why you rode up here so slow?"

"Mr. Jackson thinks Vin might have cracked a rib. He advised him against any rough riding."

Buck knew first hand that riding with bruised ribs was not a pleasant experience. So why ride at all? Why do it if you don’t have to? They could have waited for us to come back to town. We were plannin’ ta be back tomorrow for lunch.

"You boys didn’t come all the way out here just to tell us this." The tall cowboy frowned. The fact that they still had yet to dismount seemed even more significant. "Did you?"

"Not solely that. No." Ezra bit his lower lip.

"You’re leaving." Chris stated flatly, almost accusing. "Running out."

"That had been our first inclination." Ezra admitted, spine straight, shoulders square. Buck was impressed that the gambler didn’t even try to lie, that he didn’t back down. He didn’t know very many men who could face Chris without flinching the way Ezra did almost daily without even batting an eye.

Green eyes met and held dark blue. "It was an established condition that our relationship would not affect our work. Having Mr. Sanchez be openly hostile could have deadly consequences in relation to our peacekeeping duties. Mr. Larabee….Chris, you know as well as I that if we can’t function as a team, someone will suffer for it."

Buck’s jaw tightened. He knew Ezra had promised Chris that his being involved with Vin would not get in the way of doing the job. And despite appearances to the contrary, Ezra took giving his word very seriously.

The gambler’s lips twisted in a bitter smile. "And our leaving could be explained easily. No one ever expected me to stay. It would take little to convince them I have moved on for greener pastures. And Vin is a wanted man. Our exodus is unlikely to garner much attention."

Buck scowled. "Josiah’s going could be explained just as easily."

Ezra shook his head. "Not if he didn’t choose to go willingly. How would you explain forcing him to leave, Buck? And what would guarantee the man’s silence? You know there are townspeople who would be more than happy to forcibly eject the likes of Vin and I from the territory. Assuming of course they didn’t opt to simply lynch us."

"Said leaving was your first inclination." Chris tipped his head. "Sounds like you changed your minds."

"We did." Vin responded. "Sort of."

"What the hell does that mean?" Chris ground out between his teeth.

"It means, JD thinks once Mr. Sanchez is given some time to gain perspective he will realize he acted in haste, spoke out of turn and will come to see reason." Ezra’s tone clearly expressed his doubts, but Buck knew the gambler wanted the young sheriff to be right. He silently cheered his protégé for being able to talk Vin and Ezra into not leaving.

"Givin’ JD and Nate a chance ta talk to him. Figure if they can’t get him to get his head outta his ass in two days, then we’ll leave." Vin added. "Reckoned it would be better for us not ta be in town, jus’ in case Josiah gets ta shootin’ his mouth off."

"You two plannin’ ta stay here?" Buck asked thinking the ranch would be as good a place as any to spend two days. And if it ends up taking more than two days, we could find a way ta keep them here longer.

"No." Both Vin and Ezra answer simultaneously. They shared a brief look before Ezra continued speaking. "There is a possibility that some of Mr. Sanchez’s anger is related to the fact that he was not informed about…us. That others knew before he did."

The gambler made a graceful, meaningless gesture. "As you are aware, it was not our intent to isolate him or deliberately keep him uninformed. But he may feel that we have done so. If that is the case, it would be best for him not to have any more justification for feeling wronged. Nor would it be wise to place Chris in such an untenable situation. It would not be right for us to impose."

"I can speak for myself, Ezra." Chris frowned heavily. "You’re friends of mine. That ought to be reason enough for you to be staying here. You are welcome any time and it’s not an imposition." Chris’ hand came to rest on his gun. "I can handle trouble."

"I thank you for the invitation." Ezra dipped his head in an abbreviated bow, green eyes warmer than they’d been a moment ago. He was clearly pleased to have been referred to as a friend and to be so openly welcomed. Buck read the head tip that Ezra did to be slightly deferential. "I never doubted your ability to ‘handle trouble’, Chris."

The gambler’s expression turned rueful. "Mr. Sanchez is not some desperado attempting to rob the bank. He was a comrade, an ally, and as such deserves a greater level of consideration. I think it best if we don’t exacerbate the situation." Ezra smiled sadly. "Your gun may well alter his actions, but I seriously doubt use of force will be sufficient to affect his intentions."

Buck grimaced. In other words…you can kill him, but you can’t change what he thinks. Damn shame that what he thinks matters, so treating him like the enemy just isn’t a real option here. Ez is right about that. Didn’t miss that Ezra used the past tense when he said Josiah was a ‘comrade’. Makes me wonder just what the hell the preacher said. Whatever it was, it sure did some damage. Never would have pegged Josiah for being intolerant, but hell, you never can tell with people.

"So where will you be?" The tall cowboy interjected before Chris could argue, knowing that their minds were made up and arguing would be a waste of time.

"Around." Vin answered with a smile that let Buck know he wasn’t getting a more detailed answer. "Told JD we’d meet up here in two days."

Buck nodded. He felt better knowing they’d already planned to meet up at the ranch. He wasn’t sure what to think about what to do if Josiah couldn’t be made to see reason. Staying in Four Corners without Vin and Ezra didn’t seem all that appealing.

"You got enough to hold you for a few days?" Chris asked. "Yep." Vin smirked, and patted his rifle. "Can always kill somethin’ ta eat if we run short."

Buck wasn’t surprised. Most of them made a habit of keeping a day or two worth of supplies in their saddlebags. Keeping the peace meant they never knew when they might have to hit the trail. Being on the trail with Ezra, Buck knew he routinely kept his saddlebags stocked. And if any one could live off the land…it’d be Vin.

Chris sighed. The gunslinger didn’t look happy but Buck knew he was willing to accept the situation, at least for the moment. "Things still quiet in town?"

"When we left, Four Corners was still sedate." Ezra replied. "No one noticed our exodus. Nor do I believe is anyone aware of the discord amongst our ranks."

"Two days?"

Vin and Ezra both nodded, obviously not bothered by Chris’ need for confirmation.

"Don’t be late." The lean man ordered. Buck knew it was implied that Chris would come to find them if they were. And he won’t be doing it alone either. Not letting them just sneak off. No sir.

Ezra touched two fingers to the brim of his hat acknowledging both what was said and unsaid. Vin just tipped his head slightly. When Peso and Chaucer stepped back from the trough moving together and turned, Buck knew the conversation was over. He idly wondered if he’d missed some signal between the two of them. Last time I saw a move that coordinated was on a parade ground. Kinda miss seeing that sort of horsemanship. Can’t say I miss the army one damn bit though.

As the two younger men disappeared, moving at the same slow, steady pace they’d rode up with, Buck sent a questioning glance toward his long time friend. Know JD is getting good at handling things, and he’s got Nate with him, but I’d still feel better being there. ‘Specially since JD’s bound ta try and talk to Josiah. The man attacked Vin, and Vin’s got some years, and size on the kid. Wouldn’t put it past the preacher ta try to do the same to him that he did to Vin. And it’ll be a cold day in hell ‘fore I let him do that to JD.

"We finished here?"

Chris pursed his lips, nodding his head more to himself than Buck. "Corral can wait until we know things are settled in town."

Buck breathed easier. He’d have stayed if Chris wanted him to, but he was really glad they were heading back to town. We get this shit straightened out. Everything else can wait a bit.


Comments: dragon00@chilitech.net