Star Trek Universe
Vin walked eagerly down the corridors of the USS Maverick. Usually on his days off he didn't know what to do with himself but not today. Nettie was telling stories at the Learning Center and Vin never missed them. He nodded to his fellow shipmates as he walked past them but didn't stop. He was running late and didn't want to miss anything. Vin slipped inside and stood quietly by the door. Billy looked up and saw Vin standing there.
"Hey, Vin," Billy cried. "Nettie has been waiting for you before she would start."
"Didn't mean to be late," Vin said as he sat amongst the children.
"It's alright, son," Nettie smiled. "I wanted to teach these children about patience."
"Come on, Miss Nettie, now that Vin's here you can start," one of the girls stated.
"Alright," she smiled. "First I'll tell you the story of the Headless Horseman."
Vin thought this was an odd piece to start with but didn't say anything. Soon he was caught up in the story and sat and listened intently just like the children. Nettie spent the morning telling scary tales and Halloween stories. Vin wasn't exactly sure what the holiday was and said so.
"You mean you never went trick or treating?" Billy asked.
"No," Vin said. "What's that?"
"You get to dress up as anything you want," Amanda said.
"Yeah, then you go from house to house and get candy," Michael added.
"But why?" Vin asked.
"It's an old tradition," Nettie said with a smile. She told Vin and the other children about the history of Halloween and how children on Earth used to celebrate the holiday. By the time she was finished, Vin was grinning from ear to ear. He loved the idea of dressing up and getting free candy.
"What are you going to be for Halloween, Vin?" Carl asked.
"I don't know," Vin shrugged.
"I'm going as a princess," Amber, the youngest, said. "You can go as my prince."
"Nah. Vin doesn't want to go as a boring prince," Billy said. "He can go as a cowboy like me."
"Now children I think the lieutenant is a little old to go trick or treating," said the teacher.
"I can't go?" Vin asked crestfallen. "I've never done it before."
"Of course you can go," Nettie said. "You can be the children's chaperone."
"Yeah!" Billy said excitedly. "This is going to be so much fun."
"What do I have to do?" Vin asked.
"Decide who you want to dress as and come here tomorrow," Nettie said. "Then you can take the children around habitation area of the ship."
"Okay," Vin agreed. "I'll see everyone then."
Vin still had the rest of the afternoon off so he went to the holodeck. He wasn't sure what to be for the holiday and decided to try out the simulations to see what would work best.+ + + + + + +
Chris finished his tour of duty and headed for his cabin. He was glad he didn't get any calls from Nathan telling him that Vin had hurt himself in the holodeck. Before leaving the bridge he had asked the computer to locate Vin and was a little surprised when the computer said Vin was in his cabin. Most of the crew knew of their relationship but Vin tried to keep it quiet. The Vulcan was a very private being and he didn't want people to know. Not that a relationship like theirs made a difference nowadays. Chris headed for his cabin nodding to junior officers as he went. When Chris stepped in front of the door to his cabin it opened automatically. While he knew that the Vulcan was in the cabin, he hadnt expected to find Vin sitting in the middle of the floor with a picnic spread around him.
"Hey, Chris," Vin called. "Thought we could have a picnic."
"So I see," Chris smiled as he stepped in and the door closed. "Computer, lock door."
Chris heard the locks engage and walked over to Vin. He could see that the Vulcan was in a happy mood and Chris was glad. He knew that sometimes Vin felt out of place on the ship. He wasn't your typical Vulcan and sometimes that caused some rather unique problems. Humans had raised Vin and so he had a temper as well as other human emotions. Josiah, the ship's counselor, found it fascinating that Vin was so different from other Vulcans. Sometimes Vin would go to him and talk about things that were bothering him. Josiah was honored that Vin placed such trust in their friendship but the one he turned to the most was Chris. At first, Vin was a junior officer being guided by a more seasoned captain. When Vin had experienced Pon Far, and they almost lost him, their relationship had gone much further. Chris was never sorry it happened.
"So, what do you want?" Vin asked pulling Chris from his memories. "Hotdog or hamburger?"
"I know how much you like hotdogs," Chris said, "so just replicate them."
Vin moved over to the replicator and asked for all the items he liked for a picnic. When everything was ready, he carried over a tray of hotdogs, lemonade and apple pie topped with whipped cream. Chris took a seat leaning back against the couch, stretching out his legs with a sigh of relief. Vin grabbed a hotdog and laid down with his head on Chris's thigh. Chris smiled as Vin contentedly ate his food. He leaned over and grabbed one of the hotdogs from the tray. Vin wasn't in a talkative mood and that was fine with Chris. They finished dinner and just sat there quietly for awhilea while. Chris could see Vin was trying to figure out how to ask him something but wasn't sure where to start. He knew Vin would work it out eventually so didn't say anything.
"Chris, have you ever been trick or treating?" Vin asked.
"What?" Chris said surprised.
"You know, Halloween," Vin said sitting up.
"I know what it is," Chris said. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, Nettie told us all sorts of stories today about Halloween," Vin said excitedly. "I'm going to be the children's chaperone tomorrow for trick or treating."
"I see," Chris smiled. "You'll have fun."
"No, I won't," Vin sighed.
"Why not?" Chris asked confused.
"I don't know who to be," Vin sighed. "I tried all sorts of things on the holodeck but none of them seemed right."
"I have the perfect costume for you," Chris smiled.
The next morning Vin practically ran down the corridor to the classroom. He never noticed the appreciative stares he got from the female members of the crew. Lila followed close behind Vin with her tail switching since she was part of Vin's costume. Vin walked through the door and Nettie looked up and shook her head when she saw him. Vin was dressed in a leather loincloth with a fake Jaguar skin draped over his right shoulder. With his long hair, sculpted body and a real live cat he made the perfect Tarzan. Nettie decided she would have to have a talk with Chris since she knew that the shy Vulcan would never have picked this outfit himself.
"Nettie," Vin said excitedly. "Is this okay?"
"It's perfect," Nettie smiled.
"I'll say," Carrie Brooks, the teacher said. Nettie poked her and she laughed.
"You don't like it?" Vin asked looking at the teacher.
"No, Vin, I like it," she smiled. "I think you and Lila will be very popular."
"Wow, Vin, cool outfit," Billy said as he walked in followed by his mother.
Billy grabbed Vin and showed him his sheriff's badge and all the other stuff for his cowboy outfit as Mary walked over to the other women.
"Chris should be ashamed," Mary said. "I know he picked out this outfit."
"Quit complaining," Carrie said.
"Who's complaining," Mary smiled. "I just said Chris should be ashamed. He's just lucky Vin is too excited about this to notice all the women staring at him."
"Not that it would matter," Nettie said.
"Nope," Mary laughed. "Chris is one lucky man. Well, I have to get back to my cabin. I have a special surprise for the children."
Mary told Billy to behave and listen to Vin. She gave Vin a hug then left. The other children arrived and they were finally ready. Nettie was going with them since she felt they needed a chaperone that wasn't a big kid himself. Vin was the first one out the door and the children followed him like he was the pied piper. Many of the women stopped to stare but one look from Nettie had them moving along. The habitation ring of a constellation size starship was pretty big so they had limited the children to one section. Other classrooms on the ship would be assigned different areas. This way the children wouldn't have to compete for candy. They trick or treated for an hour then headed for Mary's cabin where she had cakes and soda'ssodas waiting. She even had some old fashioned games for the kids to play. Vin had never bobbed for apples before and he thought it was great fun until Lila decided she wanted to get in on the fun and jumped into the basin. Vin tried to pull the over-excited feline out of the water while everyone else laughed. When Vin apologized to Mary for the mess, she assured Vin it was all right. They spent the rest of the day playing games and having a good time.+ + + + + + +
Chris was sitting on the bridge wondering if Vin was having a good time. He knew the outfit he picked for Vin would turn some heads. He was smiling when Buck came on the bridge laughing.
"Damn Chris, what are you trying to do to me?" he asked.
"Why, what's wrong?" JD asked.
"Well, you know today's Halloween right?" Buck asked and JD nodded. "Well Vin is chaperoning the kids dressed as Tarzan."
"Chris! You didn't," Josiah accused.
"Oh yeah he did," Buck laughed. "I may never get another date again."
"You never could in the first place," JD teased.
"Watch it kid," Buck said taking a swing at him.
"Now, Chris, why did you dress Vin up as Tarzan?" Josiah asked.
"He wanted an outfit that he could take Lila along," Chris said. "He asked me if I knew of a character that had a cat. I told him about Tarzan. He looked in the computer, read some of the stories and he was hooked."
"The fact that he'd be parading in a skimpy outfit never crossed your mind?" Buck teased.
"Nope, never," Chris lied. "Now, can we get back to work."+ + + + + + +
Chris was finally off duty. In order to let Vin go trick or treating all day he had to take two shifts to cover for the Vulcan. Chris didn't mind since he knew how much this day meant to Vin. He was just looking forward to spending the evening with Vin. He walked down the corridor leading to his cabin and saw a number of his crew dressed for the parties all around the ship. Chris nodded as he continued to his cabin. When he reached his cabin he stepped inside expecting to find Vin. He was surprised when he saw that the room was empty. As he made his way over to the couch he saw the bag of treats Vin had received. Next to the bag were a number of empty wrappers. Catching a glimpse of his favorite candy wrapper, Chris bent down to check the bag to get a piece of the candy. He swished his hand all around the inside of the bag and shook his head when he realized that all that were left were empty wrappers. When Chris stood up and walked over to the replicator, he noticed a small box sitting on the table. Chris picked it up and immediately knew what it was. He could smell the unique scent of chocolate coming from the box. Replicated chocolate just didn't have that distinctive aroma. Chris sighed and opened the box. He didn't know why he checked since he knew it would be empty.
"Well, there goes a quiet night," Chris smiled.
Chris had made the mistake of getting Vin some real chocolate one time, having no idea what it did to the Vulcan. Vin had devoured the entire box of sweets, getting high on caffeine. The next morning Chris had woken with sore muscles that he hadnt even known he had. Chris knew what would be waiting for him as soon as he walked into the bedroom. He smiled as he walked to the door and stepped inside the dark room. When he asked for lights and they didn't come on, Chris braced himself.
"Ahhh Eeeee Ahhhh Eeee Ahhhhh," Vin said using the classic Tarzan yodel. Next thing Chris knew, he was thrown on the bed with Vin crouching over him.
"Hey, Vin," Chris laughed.
Chris was taken off guard as Vin savagely claimed his mouth. He could taste the chocolate as Vin plunged his tongue deep in his mouth. He was gasping for air by the time Vin released him.
"What took you so long!" Vin demanded as he tried to undo Chris's uniform.
"Look, Jungle Boy, I had to work two shifts so you could get high," Chris laughed as Vin started cursing the closures on his uniform. "Take it easy."
"Take it off!" Vin demanded.
Chris's eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness and he was surprised when he saw Vin was naked. The sleek Vulcan had a fine sheen of sweat covering his body. Vin's engorged cock was tight against his abdomen. Chris could see Vin was breathing heavy and decided to take care of his problem first. Vin was standing over him and Chris eased up on his knees. He took Vin's cock in his hand and smiled when he heard Vin growl. Chris teasingly ran his tongue over the hot flesh making Vin jumped. Vin grabbed Chris's hair, trying to force him to take his cock in his mouth.
"No, Vin!" Chris said and smacked him hard. He knew that if he didn't get Vin's attention, the Vulcan would forget how much stronger he was.
"Yes!" Vin shouted.
Chris grabbed Vin behind his knees and flipped him onto his back. Vin was taken by surprise but didn't fight back.
"I'll get to you, Vin," Chris said as he straddled the Vulcan, "but you have to remember that you're stronger than me. Right now you aren't thinking too good."
"Oh, I'm thinking all right," Vin said as he grabbed the front of Chris uniform and ripped it apart.
"Aw hell," Chris said.
Chris gave into the inevitable and got rough with the Vulcan. He grabbed Vin's cock and squeezed it. Vin bucked hard, almost throwing him off. Chris eased his mouth over Vin's cock and began to suck. He was hard pressed to keep Vin from deep throating him every time Vin would thrust his hips forward. Chris could feel Vin's body begin to shiver as he continued sucking on his lover. He knew Vin was about to release his seed and took him deep in his mouth.
"Ahhhhhh," Vin yelled as his orgasm was released.
Chris took his mouth away knowing he wouldn't be able to consume all that Vin released. He continued to stroke and tease Vin as the Vulcan trust hard against his hands. When Vin was finished he slumped back against the pillows.
"Are you with me now?" Chris asked with a smile.
"Uh huh," Vin smiled and pulled Chris into a crushing hug.
Chris laughed and kissed Vin. He knew it wouldn't be long before Vin was ready to go again. He thrust his tongue deep into Vin's mouth and the Vulcan moaned. Chris could feel Vin's cock pulsing between them and his responded in kind. Vin growled and Chris knew he was in for a wild ride. The Vulcan surged up and flipped him onto his back.
"I want you, Chris," Vin growled. "Now!"
"I'm right here," Chris challenged.
Vin smiled and grabbed the lotion from where he put it on the nightstand. Chris took it from him and poured some in his palm. When he took Vin's shaft in his hand and coated it, Vin gasped and thrust against his hands. Chris decided to let Vin take him from behind and got on his hands and knees. This way he wouldn't have to brace himself against the headboard. Vin grabbed Chris around the waist and pulled his back against his chest as he bit Chris's shoulder. Chris was just glad Vin remembered to bite him so the uniform would cover the area. As Vin ravaged his neck, the Vulcan was also teasing his nipples. Chris moaned as Vin continued his torture by moving his hands to Chris's cock and beginning to stroke it.
"Shit!" Chris yelled and bucked against the Vulcan.
Vin chuckled as he continued to tease Chris. Chris could feel Vin's cock respond behind him. Vin kept his hands busy as he moved his mouth to Chris's ear. Vin nipped on Chris's lobe and growled. Chris reached behind him and squeezed Vin's ass.
"Aw hell!" Vin cursed.
"Thought you were in a hurry!" Chris gasped as Vin continued teasing his cock.
Vin growled and pushed Chris forward so he was on his hands and knees again. Vin guided his cock to Chris's opening and pushed inside. Chris cried out as he was impaled on Vin's shaft. Vin fought hard to stay motionless as Chris adjusted to the intrusion. Chris drew in a deep breath as he forced himself to relax and could feel Vin's muscles straining.
"You just gonna sit there?" Chris demanded through clenched teeth.
Vin pulled out slowly and thrust back in. Chris knew that Vin wouldn't be able to do that for long and braced himself. The Vulcan finally lost control and started thrusting harder. Chris moaned as Vin slammed his cock deep inside him. Vin hit his prostate gland and Chris gasped. Vin continued thrusting and pulling Chris's ass tight against his thighs as he did. Chris could feel his cock responding but knew Vin wouldn't be able to take care of him. He reached down and took his own cock in his hand and began to stroke it as Vin continued to slam into him.
"Oh shit!" Chris screamed as Vin hit his gland again.
Chris could feel Vin's thrust becoming more frantic and knew the Vulcan was about to cum. Chris stroked his cock harder and knew he was at his limit also, releasing his juices just before Vin. The Vulcan yelled as Chris orgasm contracted around his cock. Vin thrust deep into Chris as his orgasm quickly followed causing Chris to moan as Vin's hot juices were released. Vin sat down on his feet and pulled the panting Chris back against him, remaining inside of Chris as the captain sat on his lap.
"Damn it, Vin," Chris gasped. "One of these days you're going to kill me."
"Might be tonight," Vin growled.
Chris could feel Vin's cock get hard inside him. He moaned as Vin slowly lifted him then brought him back down. Vin repeated this and he moaned as he felt Chris hot flesh surrounded him. They'd never done this before and Chris let the Vulcan do all the work. Vin repeatedly lifted Chris up and down. Chris gasped and jumped as Vin brought him down hard causing Vin's cock to thrust deep inside him. Chris's reaction caused Vin to orgasm and the Vulcan moaned as he released himself inside Chris.
Chris didn't remember much more of the night as they both took turns ravaging each other. The next thing Chris knew was waking up lying on the floor with feet propped on the bed. He rolled over and instantly regretted it as his muscles protested the move. He slowly stood up and when he felt his back twinge, he knew he'd pulled a muscle. Chris walked around the bed to find Vin hanging upside down half on the bed and half off. He knew the Vulcan would have a splitting headache when he woke and decided to leave him sleeping. He tried to get Vin back on the bed but gave up when his back twinged again. He tossed a light blanket over the exhausted Vulcan and decided to get in the shower. Chris went into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. When it was the perfect temperature, he stepped in and let the hot water take the stiffness out of his muscles. He wasn't sure how long he'd been in there when he heard the door open and a bleary eyed Vulcan stepped into the shower. Vin hugged Chris from behind and let his head drop onto Chris' shoulder. Chris smiled and turned so the hot water would hit Vin also.
"What happened?" Vin murmured.
"You're asking me?" Chris laughed.
Chris put some soap on the cloth and began to wash Vin, smiling when he heard Vin sigh in pleasure. Chris pushed him against the tiled wall and washed his hair. When he was finished, Chris turned of the water and Vin gave him a dirty look. He pulled Vin out of the shower and the Vulcan cringed from the bright lights.
"Computer, dim lights," Chris commanded.
As soon as the lights were lowered, Vin was much happier. The day after a chocolate high was always pure torture for Vin. He went through withdrawals and was flat out miserable. Chris got Vin dressed in loose clothes before guiding him over to laylie down on the couch. He got an ice pack for the tortured man and when he placed it over his eyes a sigh escaped Vin. When he saw that Vin was a comfortable as he was going to be, Chris got dressed and straightened up the bedroom. As he walked out of the room, the chime sounded on his door making Vin moan and cover his ears. Chris opened the door to find Nathan standing there.
"Nathan," Chris said, standing aside to let him in.
"Came to check on Vin," Nathan said. "Mary asked if he liked the real chocolate she gave him and I knew Vin probably ate it all."
"Oh yeah he did," Chris smiled and stiffly followed Nathan over to Vin.
"Hey, Vin," Nathan called.
"Go away," Vin moaned.
"This will help," Nathan said as he laid a hypo spray against Vin's neck and injected him.
"Thanks, Nate," Chris smiled.
"Got this one for you," Nathan said holding up another one. "Figured you might be a bit stiff this morning."
Chris glared at the medic but Nathan just laughed. He knew what had happened the last time Vin got hold of some real chocolate. He quickly injected Chris and headed for the door. Chris followed to see him out.
"Guess Vin got a trick more than a treat," Nathan said.
"Don't worry," Chris smiled. "He got his treat."
Nathan laughed heartily as he walked out of cabin.
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