Disclaimer: Nope, not mine though I wish No infringement intended on the songs! And no money won with those so don't sue me, there's nothing to win I'm broke! Unless you consider compliments as riches like me, then I think I can consider myself a millionaire :)
Rating: PG 13 (m/m implied but not shown well, okay, except for a kiss or two or maybe three )
Warning: Huh Having hankies around might be a good idea
Pairing: This is about Love with a capital 'L' so some are slash and some aren't and I'm not sorry!
Notes: The five first songs in this series come from a CD of 'Hope Floats'. In fact, they were just so heartwrenching that when I heard them tears came to my eyes and I could just imagine one or the other of the guys as I heard the words The two last songs were added afterwards, since you can't not do all seven of them, that just wouldn't be fair. Those two songs are from country music singer Randy Travis, from his duet album 'Heroes and Friends' Also, it's best to read the stories in the order they've been written since they overlap and follow each other
Thanks: To my beta Judy. Hope you didn't cry too much ;D
Summary: A few bad weeks, a bad end to a mission, long days of rain and here are the guys, at the saloon, where the atmosphere doesn't really help since everybody has the blues. And the jukebox plays on
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They had entered the Saloon without their usual
banter and their 'us against the whole world' attitude. As she was looking
at them, Inez reflected that they looked like broken puppets
like the
strings keeping them up and straight had been suddenly cut without a
and they didn't know what to do about it, how to go around
without that support
Fearfully, she recounted them
no, they were
all there, each and every single one of them
The black clad leader,
the lean sharpshooter, the wiry conman, the unsmiling scoundrel, the subdued
techboy, the worried ex-medic and the sad profiler
they were all accounted
As she was wondering the cause of such a bleary mood, her gaze crossed that
of the leader
and the light of fear hardly kept hidden deep inside
his eyes and the way his shoulders were stooping as if under the weight of
an unbearable burden told her something had gone very wrong this day. Without
a word, she brought their usual drinks to their table even before they asked.
They thanked her with a simple nod.
Chris looked around at his team. Nobody was talking, not a word was ushered.
Even the everboilant JD was subdued. Then again, they all had good reasons
for that. Another case closed. With no injury to the Team. They should be
rejoicing, they should be bantering among themselves. But they were not.
They all had that look upon their faces, that look that said that it could
have been one of them, lying around in the dirt, bleeding to death, scared
to feel the life flow out of him with each beat of his heart
a heart
that should have told him he was alive
a heart whose beating was drawing
him ever closer to nothingness
And in the background, Chris heard the song playing
and looking at
Vin, he let the song overwhelm him
What makes you stay, When your world falls apart What makes you try one more time |
1 : What Makes You Stay (Chris)
2 : To Get Me To You (Vin)
3 : Smile (Ezra)
4 : When You Love Someone (JD)
5 : To Make You Feel My Love (Buck)
6 : Heroes and Friends (Nathan)
7 : Walk Our Own Road (Josiah)
Comments: Sen'em all to thalia0965@yahoo.com