It was a gorgeous summer day at Coors Field — bright, sunny, warm. Perfect. Impossibly, Ezra had scored them seven tickets: section 130, right behind home plate. The seats were so good, everyone was afraid to ask how Ezra had gotten a hold of them. Of course, it didn't really matter: they'd all played hooky from work just to be there, so they could hardly point fingers.

Vin leaned forward in his seat, staring at the squatting form of the catcher, Brent Mayne. His friends were all staring as well, though they were much more interested in the actual game, an inter-league match between the Rockies and the Giants. It was the third of a three-game series and, as of the top of the four inning, the Rockies were in the lead. At least that's what the scoreboard said. Vin wasn't paying much attention to anything but the catcher's tight ass and the accompanying throbbing in his own jeans.

Strike three and the Rockies were up to bat. That was Vin's cue — he had to walk off the hard-on he'd been nursing. "Guys, I'm gonna hit the food court. Anybody want beer?"

His six co-workers all raised their nearly full cups; the concessionaire had just been by and Vin hadn't even noticed. "Hot dogs?"

The boys held up their foot-long wieners and Vin just sighed. He couldn't imagine what his friends were thinking of him at the moment. All the more reason to take a break from the stands.

Up on the concourse, Vin just wandered around, checking out the vast assortment of foods — it wasn't just hot dogs, beer, and ice cream anymore. They had veggie burgers, baked potatoes, pizza, Chinese food, clam chowder in bread bowls, chili, fajitas, nachos.... Yum. Hot food at the concession stands, hot guys in tight uniforms on the field — yeah, baseball was an okay game, Vin smiled to himself.

He finally stopped at one of the beer stands, behind section 106. While he was waiting in line, he suddenly felt someone bump into him. He shook it off, shifted position and continued to wait. Then he felt it again, though not quite a bump this time; it was more of a brush, even a caress, right up between his butt cheeks.

Vin turned around, angry, but by then the man was moving away. He stopped briefly and looked back, catching Vin's eye. Vin was shocked at how attractive the man was — tall, blond, light eyes — and immediately his anger faded. The man began to walk away again, but stopped once more to glance back at Vin, who was still just standing there, staring. The man winked and smiled before finally walking away.

Vin forgot all about his thirst and blindly obeyed his hunger, moving through the thin crowd to follow the handsome stranger. Vin was closing on him quickly, but then someone knocked hard into him, or he into them. They both apologized, but when Vin looked up again, he'd lost the man he'd been following.

Vin sighed, then saw the entry to the men's room and decided he might as well. The restroom wasn't crowded, but Vin chose a stall anyway — he really didn't like pissing in public, never had. But before he could lock the stall door, he heard a knock. Frowning, Vin slowly pulled the door open.

It was the man from the concourse, the one who had brushed up against him in line. Vin just stood there. He had no idea what to do. The man smiled, his light eyes sparkling beneath his dark-blue baseball hat. Vin couldn't help but smile back.

As the man stepped forward into the stall, Vin took a few steps backward until he was straddling the toilet. The man kept smiling at him, even as he closed and locked the door, leaning back against it to give Vin more room within the stall.

Vin immediately moved forward until his body was pressed against the stranger's, their lips meeting in a deep, warm kiss.

His mind screamed. What the fuck was he doing? He didn't even know this guy. He was in a goddamned stall in a bathroom in Coors Field while his six closest friends sat in complete ignorance watching the Rockies kick the Giants' foggy asses.

The man then shoved his tongue down Vin's throat, and all thoughts of anything except this guy were chased from his mind. He felt the man's strong hands cup his ass, kneading the flesh. He tasted his sweet tongue as it danced inside his mouth. He felt the man's hard rod of flesh press hotly against his thigh.

Oh, God, what was he doing?!

A moment later, they were fumbling with their own pants — undoing the buttons, unzipping the flies. The stranger then reached into Vin's pants, through the slit in his briefs, to fondle his throbbing erection.

He threw his head back and almost moaned aloud at the incredible feeling of the man's touch. Vin pressed his own palm against the stranger's cock, still trapped inside the cotton of his briefs, then began to move his hand up and down the firm, thick organ.

A few moments later, the man produced a condom, silently holding it up in the small space now between them. Vin immediately placed his hands on his hips and wiggled his pants down, then turned around, placing his hands against the wall at the rear of the stall.

He felt warm, strong hands on his bare cheeks, again kneading the firm flesh until fingers slipped between, playing over his puckered entryway, easing inside, but there was no thrusting — instead, the man moved his hand in a circle, eliciting the most incredible sensations vibrating outward from the band of muscle.

The fingers were then removed and Vin heard the tearing of the condom package. A moment later, he felt the man's hands on his hips and his slick, sheathed cock pressing between his cheeks. Vin pushed against him until....

Oh God!

It was incredible. Hot and thick, completely filling him, but the best was yet to come as he felt the man begin to move inside of him. Each thrust rammed against that sweet spot deep within him, sending wave after wave of intense sensations coursing through him. Vin didn't know how he was not screaming with every thrust.

Oh God, more!! Please!!

He then felt the man's hand on his cock again, that incredible hand with those amazing fingers which worked his flesh until Vin actually quivered beneath the man's touch.

He felt himself tense — tingle — spasm. He was so close....

So fucking close!!

The man's thrusting inside of him slowly began to increase in both speed and intensity until he was pounding harder and harder into Vin, grinding his hips against Vin's tight ass. The waves from within began to crash over Vin until he shuddered. His knees buckled under him, but the man's arms, now encircling his waist, kept him upright as he shot his seed into the water-filled bowl beneath him.

Then the stranger tightened his grip on him, squeezing him close as his hips thrust deep into Vin, pausing, then thrusting hard again. He felt the stranger quake against him, heard his ragged exhalations.

They were holding each other upright at that point — Vin with his hands against the wall, the stranger with his arms around Vin's thin waist. As they waited for the strength to return to their limbs, the man lavished tender kisses over the back of Vin's neck, behind his ears, in his hair. Soon, he began to move very slowly inside of Vin again, not much, not fast, not deep, but enough to make Vin's cock begin to twitch again with the first pangs of a newly growing hunger.

Too soon, though, the man pulled out of him. He tossed the full condom between Vin's legs into the toilet, and then began doing up his pants.

Vin turned around. He wanted to see the man's face again. He was smiling and they kissed, tongues teasing and probing. Vin again felt the man's hand on his cock, but this time it was to return it to the confines of his briefs. He gave Vin one last kiss, and then unlocked the door and slipping out.

Vin realized his pants were still undone, so he closed and locked the door again, before pulling his jeans back over his hips and fastening them shut.

He stood there for the longest time, staring at the back of the stall door. It had been the most incredible thing — the best kiss, the best fuck he could ever remember having.

And he hadn't even gotten the guy's phone number.

~ fade ~

Series Index


April 2001

Please do NOT repost this story anywhere outside of the Blackraptor Fiction Website.

Characters from "The Magnificent Seven," were used without permission and this story in no way signifies support of, or affiliation with, The Mirisch Group, MGM, Trilogy Entertainment, or CBS Worldwide, Inc. The M7-ATF universe was created by Mog, and extra thanks go to her for allowing other people to play within it. The story itself and any non-Magnificent Seven characters belong to the author. This story will not be sold for any reason.

Thanks to my beta reader for all of her help and encouragement!