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Vin cocked his head to the side and raised one curious eyebrow high as he watched the USS Maverick's executive officer, Commander Buck Wilmington, stride off toward a bevy of female officers."What did the Commander mean by 'Apro-dizzy-ache'?" he asked the others who remained at the table.
"Aphrodisiac," Ezra corrected, the word rolling off his tongue with practiced ease. "Well, simply put, Lieutenant Tanner, it is any substance that causes increased ... interest."
"Interest?" Vin asked, cocking his head in the other direction.
"You know, Vin. Like Buck over there." JD pointed toward Buck across the crowded room. "He wants them girls to be interested in him."
"And so he must use some substance on them to make them interested?"
Josiah laughed. He couldn't seem to help himself, but Vin wasn't sure what was funny. "Don't let Buck hear you say that! Buck thinks he's the only aphrodisiac a woman needs."
"Too bad the girls don't always see it that way," Ezra chuckled. "Actually, Lieutenant Tanner, an aphrodisiac is something you'd use after someone has shown some interest, but you would like to hurry things along or to keep them interested. Does that make sense?"
Vin frowned. It wasn't that he didn't understand so much as he wondered why this seemingly important information hadn't been in any of the data files he'd read regarding human mating customs.
He would have to do further research. "Thank you," he said to his fellow officers as he rose from the table, then left Ten Forward.
If what Ezra said was correct, then perhaps that was Chris's problem. He would just have to do something to keep Chris interested in him.
"Just have a seat, Captain, and let me take a look."Chris settled uncomfortably on the exam table and submitted himself to the medical scan.
Nathan shook his head at the Tricorder read-out. "Can you be a little more specific about the problem, Chris?" Nathan finally asked.
"It's just that I've been getting ... tired lately."
"Chris, you're healthier than most humans. Hell, you can out-distance most men half your age. And all the read-outs are normal," Nathan assured him.
Chris Larabee hung his head. This really wasn't something a starship captain should be talking to anyone about, even the chief medical officer. Still, he was feeling so ... inadequate lately. That damn Vulcan had more energy than a Volmerian rabbit. He'd held out a small hope that maybe his problem was correctable and not simply a human limitation.
"Nathan," he finally said, deciding to just come right out with it, admit his weaknesses and see if there wasn't a way around them. "It's Vin. He's---"
"A Vulcan, Chris. You can't expect to have the same stamina as another species. There's something about that copper-based blood of his, those extra organs the Federation medical journals have not adequately described. And his age -- you know he's a lot younger in Vulcan development than he looks. Physiologically, he has the constitution of a teenager."
"Great. Thanks for reminding me that I'm robbing the cradle."
"That's not what I meant, Chris," Nathan assured him. "Mentally, he's as mature as you or I. But he's Vulcan and you gotta take that into account."
"So, isn't there anything you can do for me? Give me? Some hypo-spray or something so I don't feel like such an old man around him?"
"You mean, in bed?" Nathan finally asked.
These scientific types, Chris thought to himself; they ought to just post a sign: "No innuendoes, no metaphors. Just get to the damn clinical point."
Chris nodded.
Nathan turned away from him, walking casually over to the medical console. He pressed a few buttons, then pulled a small bottle from the replicator chamber. "This may seem old-fashioned, but...." Nathan handed him a small bottle of pills. "Take two of these and, please, don't call me in the morning. I really don't want to know how it all turns out."
Chris smiled and took the pills from him, then headed out. "Thanks, Nate," he called over his shoulder as he turned to head back to his cabin. Vin was going to be in for a surprise tonight!
Chris stopped off in the officer's mess on the way, grabbing a glass of water and downing the pills. They tasted rather bitter, but Chris didn't mind, not if it meant finally keeping up with Vin.Outside his cabin, he pressed the appropriate buttons on the panel and the doors whooshed open. Inside, the lights were on, but dim. Chris could smell vanilla and ... cinnamon. He walked further in, finally noticing the trail of rose petals on the carpet -- he followed them into the bedroom.
Laid out on a small table were about twenty different dishes. Vin was sitting lazily on the bed, smiling as Chris entered.
"What's all this?" he asked.
"Aphrodisiacs," Vin stated. "According to my research, something here should keep you interested in me for a little longer than usual. We just have to figure out what."
Chris was taken aback. He hadn't realized that his lack of stamina was so disappointing to his partner. He'd only gone to Nathan because he wanted to do more to please Vin. If he'd known that he hadn't been pleasing him at all, then maybe this relationship really wasn't meant to be.
"Did I do something wrong?" Vin asked, quickly standing up and moving over to Chris.
"No," the man sighed.
"Then, come here and try something!" Vin pulled him over to the table. "I tried these, but I don't see how a bottom-feeding bi-valve crustacean can do anything to hold one's interest. Plus they don't taste very good." He made a face and Chris laughed; he had never seen the appeal in raw oysters either.
It was obvious that Vin had gone to a lot of trouble and he'd gone to Nate, so maybe, if they were both still willing to try, this relationship could be saved.
"Here, try this one!" Vin said scooping up a large, dripping spoonful of cloudy amber goo and shoving it towards Chris's mouth. As if lactating Adelusian bees were any more sexy than oysters. Chris opened wide and took the mouthful of honey, then tried to swallow the thick, overly-sweet glob which seemed to cling to every surface inside his mouth.
"Mmddrr," he mumbled and Vin handed him a glass of clear liquid. But it wasn't water. It was Mondorian bat saliva. Chris nearly choked.
Where was the chocolate? Where was the champagne? Chris wondered. He'd have to have the data banks checked for completeness if Vin was going to be using them as his primary source of information on human relationships.
"Try this one," Vin said holding up what looked to be a Bavarian Cream Eclair.
Chris didn't know what it really was, but he smiled as he said, "You first."
"But I don't need an aphrodisiac. I am interested all the time," Vin reminded him. But he stuffed the thing all the way into his mouth, then began to chew.
Once he'd swallowed, Chris had to ask, "What was that?"
"Bavarian Cream Eclair."
Chris rolled his eyes. Then he looked over the table again, trying to choose something that wouldn't turn his stomach. He really did appreciate all of Vin's efforts. Vin began to choose things for himself, as if demonstrating to Chris that nothing on the table was going to kill him.
But just watching Vin eat made him hard. And soon Chris was ready to forget the food. He wanted Vin. He wanted to devour the Vulcan, body and soul. He reached over and brushed Vin's long, soft hair behind his ear, then ran his fingertip over the point. His cock spasmed when he saw the shudder run down Vin's lanky body.
"Vin," he said softly. "Thank you for all of this. But, can we eat later? I'm ready for you now."
Vin smiled as he stepped closer to Chris, threading his arms around his waist, and then opening his mouth as Chris planted a deep kiss on it. Chris's cock ached inside his uniform and he couldn't stop himself from rubbing against Vin. He wanted the Vulcan badly, like never before.
Soon, he was the one tearing at their clothing, trying to get both of them naked as quickly as possible. He wanted to feel Vin's skin against his. He wanted to be able to touch him, all of him. He wanted to stroke that rock-hard cock of his until he exploded.
"Vin, I love you so much," he said as he eased his partner down onto the bed.
Vin smiled and nodded. "Me, too," he sighed, but Chris was too caught up in his own passions to wonder at the man's oddly languid response.
Chris nibbled and bit his way down Vin's lanky frame, teasing a nipple along the way. Soon, he had the Vulcan's large, thick shaft in his mouth and he was sucking hard. Vin squirmed beneath him, sighing and moaning his contentment at his captain's ministrations.
Soon, Chris could stand it no longer. He reached over to the bedside table and pulled from the drawer a bottle of colored oil. He quickly coated his shaft, then rubbed his slick fingers over Vin's opening, slipping in to coat the inside walls as well.
Vin continued to smile, wiggling his hips, encouraging Chris's fingers to move deeper into him. A moment later, Chris removed his fingers and plunged his cock straight in. He met with no resistance and immediately began pounding into the Vulcan. He grabbed Vin's hips to help steady himself as he rammed harder and deeper each time.
Vin's head lulled to the side, a smile still gracing the sensuous curve of his lips. His hand came slowly to his cock and idly began stroking it, but Chris quickly took it in hand and began pumping the turgid flesh to the same furious rhythm as his thrusts. Within moments, jizz was spurting out over Vin's belly as soft gasps escaped his lips.
Chris wanted to kiss those lips again, but he felt Vin's muscles clamp down around his cock, causing his own orgasm deep inside the Vulcan. He pumped hard into Vin, harder than before to overcome the constriction of those strong muscles. He felt himself shudder as a primal cry was ripped from his lungs.
Without removing his cock from Vin, Chris fell down beside the Vulcan, spooning him close, kissing his neck and shoulders. Normally he would sleep after such a session and it would be Vin who would keep him awake with more erotic fun and games, but not tonight. Surprisingly, he felt himself growing hard again, still inside Vin.
He began thrusting slowing into his partner. He couldn't believe it. Never had he come so intensely and then become so hard again so quickly. It usually took him an hour and a nap before he was ever ready for another go.
Chris settled himself in for a nice, slow fuck, but soon found the urge for release burning through his groin. He began to thrust faster into Vin, harder, knowing he would not hurt the strong, resilient Vulcan. It just felt so damn good being inside Vin, feeling completely enveloped by his warmth.
"Vin, you are the most incredible creature in the known universe," he managed to whisper in the Vulcan's pointed ear, even as he caressed the tip and outer channels with his tongue.
His arms, wrapped around Vin's waist, slipped lower, searching for his cock. He ran his hand slowly over the smooth skin. It still surprised Chris; Vin had such gorgeous, long hair on his head, but the rest of his body was entirely bare. Had he been human, Chris would have wondered about it, but knowing he was Vulcan, he'd just accepted it and had even found it sexy. He traced his fingers over the smooth skin just above his cock and balls, then moved his hand down further to capture the organ, but to his surprise, Vin was flaccid. Vin was never flaccid. Not when they were together anyway. Not since his Pon Far.
Chris gently kneaded the flesh, stroked it, caressed it, but it remained limp in his palm. He was about to pull out of Vin, to roll the Vulcan on his back and use his mouth to bring on the erection, but before he could, he felt a tensing begin deep in his belly.
He was moments away and he was loathe to pull himself from Vin. They had all night. A good twelve more hours until either of them needed to be back on duty. He shifted his hips and thrust himself into Vin. His seed shot deep into the Vulcan with each thrust, the spasms of his cock sending wave after wave of pleasure through his body.
"You are so incredible, Vin," he breathed into his ear. "I want you. I want to feel your hot cock buried deep inside me now."
He moved his hand down to Vin's cock again, but still the organ was flaccid. He pulled himself out of the Vulcan, then rolled him onto this back in order to ply his mouth and tongue to the uncooperative tissue. But as he sucked and swirled he found the only cock he was having an effect on was his own. He was hard again. Impossibly so. And he ached.
Chris scooted himself up Vin's body, rubbing his hard penis against the Vulcan. He kissed his belly and his chest -- pausing to nip and suck at his two small nipples -- then he moved up to Vin's neck and chin, finally finding and capturing his mouth.
But something was very wrong. He leveraged himself up on his arms and looked down at the Vulcan. His blue eyes were closed. His breathing slow and even. Vin had not kissed him back for a reason. The damn Vulcan was asleep. Sound asleep. No wonder his cock hadn't responded.
"Vin," Chris whispered. "Vin!" He slipped off him and began to shake his shoulders. "VIN!" But there was no response.
Vin was a Vulcan and, so, rarely slept. When he did, it was a light slumber and he was always easily roused from it. Chris quickly became worried. He slid off the bed and found his com badge. "Dr. Jackson, report to the Captain's quarters."
"On my way, sir," came the response.
Chris fumbled around for his clothes as he waited. Inside his pants, his cock still ached. He not only wanted Vin, he needed him, like he'd never imagined needing the Vulcan.
He draped a blanket over Vin's naked form, then moved out into the front room. He began to pace the floor, trying to think of things that would soften his cock, but nothing was working. Just knowing Vin was in the other room, in his bed was enough, even in his incapacitated state. God, he hoped Vin was all right.
When the bell on his door sounded, Chris nearly jumped out of his skin. "Come in."
Nathan looked around the room, but obviously failed to see anything amiss.
"In the bedroom," Chris said, leading the way. "It's Vin."
Nathan eyed the table full of exotic dishes but did not pause. He kneeled beside Vin on the bed and began to scan his form through the blanket that covered him.
A few moments later, he got up and walked over to Chris. "What's the problem?"
Chris's mouth dropped in exasperation. "He's unconscious. What's the matter with him??"
"It's called sleep and there's nothing the matter with him."
"But," Chris stammered. "He can't be. I need--- I mean, he's a Vulcan."
Nathan nodded. "It is a bit unusual for them to sleep that soundly, but it's not unheard of." The doctor glanced back over at the table of food. "Is that what the two of you had for dinner?"
"Not really dinner. Vin nibbled on a few things, though."
Nathan stepped closer to the table to examine the food. "Hmm," he muttered. "Ahh."
"What?" Chris stepped up beside him, demanding answers.
"I don't suppose this has anything to do with why you came to see me earlier?"
Chris hung his head. "Vin read up on aphrodisiacs. He thought they'd help ... me." Chris then glared as he saw Nathan trying to stifle a laugh.
"Well, most of this stuff doesn't work on humans. Most of it's just myth and hearsay---" Nathan reached over suddenly and picked up a plate containing one half-eaten, white Risonian passion berry. "Did Vin eat these?" he asked and Chris nodded. "How many?"
Chris shrugged. "A handful -- six or seven, I guess. Why?"
"You'd better schedule someone to take his shift. To Vulcan's these passion fruits act as a narcotic. He'll be out cold for a good eighteen to twenty-six hours."
"Hours?" Chris was stunned. Then he did what every starship captain knows better than to do: he panicked. "Nathan, you gotta wake him up! You gotta give him something."
Chris's cock was straining painfully in his trousers. He wouldn't be able to wait eighteen hours in order to relieve his erection. He needed Vin now. He grabbed Nathan by the shoulders and shook him. "Wake him up!"
"I can't, Chris. There's nothing in my medical bay that can counteract the effect of those berries on a Vulcan. You're just going to have to let him sleep it off."
"Nathan, I can't. I ... I, um, took those pills you gave me. What am I gonna do?!"
Nathan held up his hands. "Don't look at me. I've got a thing for anthropologists, not starship captains," he said, referring to his long-time girlfriend Rain.
"Nathan, this isn't funny. This damn thing is beginning to hurt."
The doctor shrugged. "Have you considered taking matters into your own hands?" he asked, somehow managing to keep a straight face.
Chris hung his head, trying to hide the pain.
Nathan made his way to the door, but paused just out of sensor range. He turned back to Chris then. "Take a few deep breaths, Captain," he instructed. "If it helps any, those pills I gave you were just placebos." He then took another step forward and the doors to the corridor whooshed open. "I'll be sending you my bill," he said just before the doors closed behind him, leaving Chris and a sleeping Vin alone again.
The captain sank down onto the bed and ran his hands through his blond hair. Placebo. Then why was his dick still so damn hard? Chris wondered. He looked over at the sleeping Vulcan. He looked so young just lying there. But so beautiful.
Damn. He wasn't sure when Vin had fallen asleep, but, thinking back, it was likely it had happened before their second round. Which meant that Chris had violated him, practically raped him. Aw hell. Then again, it wasn't like Vin wouldn't have consented had he been awake....
Chris's cock still ached for release. He'd already done it once with the sleeping Vulcan. Could it hurt to do it again?
Then he shook his head to rid himself of the abhorrent thought. He would not use Vin in that way. He wouldn't.
Instead, he stripped out of his uniform and laid down next to his partner. He took his cock in his hand and began to stroke it. He loved Vin so much and if he couldn't have him at least he could stare at him and think about him as he pumped himself into release. Soon Chris's hips began to buck and he increased the cadence of his strokes, finally spurting thick, white jism onto his belly.
He pulled himself close to Vin then. He spooned up against the warm Vulcan's back, hugging him with the last of his energy, before willing himself to sleep. But all he dreamed about was having sex with Vin, over and over and over, and deep inside he knew that he'd be walking with a hitch for the next few days.
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This story takes place in the Alternate Universe of STAR TREK: Deep Space Nine. Permission for other writers to use the events, settings, scenarios and/or characterizations established in this story is freely granted by the author. | |
"Captain Larabee" and "Lieutenant Tanner" photos courtesy of Maria | |
Star Fleet 7 Story Index | Star Fleet 7 (Gen Only) Story Index |