Star Trek Universe
I want to thank Deb Moen for giving me the idea for this fic. For some reason she likes Vulcan Vin ;-)
Captain Larabee of the USS Maverick was going out of his mind. For the past two weeks he was trying to keep a secret from a very curious Vulcan. Vin Tanner was the Vulcan driving him crazy. Chris was trying to put together a surprise birthday party for his friend and lover. At first he figured it would be a piece of cake but now he was ready to throw in the towel. The party was tomorrow and so far he'd been able to keep Vin from finding out. As preparations were made for the festivities it was getting harder. The other senior crewmembers were in on the deception and had done a valiant job of keeping Vin busy. Chris strode down the corridor on his way to the 'Saloon'. As Chris neared the doors they opened automatically and he stepped inside. He smiled when he saw Vin sitting at a table waiting for him. They were meeting for lunch before they went on duty. Chris walked over to the table and sat down.
"Howdy, Chris," Vin smiled.
"Vin," Chris said as he sat down.
"I got a surprise for you," Vin said excitedly. "I made reservations for dinner at that expensive restaurant on the Starbase for tomorrow night."
Chris tried to think of a valid excuse to refuse Vin. He'd never lied to the Vulcan and he hated doing it now but he didn't have a choice.
"Sorry, Vin, I can't go," Chris said. "Since were docked here for repairs I have a meeting with the chief engineer of the station tomorrow night."
"I could get a later time," Vin said in disappointment.
"Sorry," Chris apologized. "They said it would take most of the night."
"Alright," Vin sighed.
Inez came over to take their order. When she was done she walked back over to the bar. Chris watched as Vin fiddled with his napkin. The captain felt terrible. He knew how hard it was to get reservations for McDonalds. Ever since a resourceful Ferengi had found the mention of this restaurant in Ancient Earth history and opened one he'd been racking in the money. Inez brought their order and they ate in silence. When they were done they left and headed for the bridge. Just as the turbo lift doors were about to open Chris turned to Vin.
"I'm really sorry, Vin," Chris said.
"It's alright," Vin sighed. "I guess I'll asked Ezra if he wants to go."
Chris cursed silently. He knew Vin would ask all his friends and they would refuse him. He couldn't wait until tomorrow was over.
+ + + + + + +
Vin couldn't believe all his friends were busy tomorrow. He'd asked all of them to go to McDonald's but they refused. JD was excited when he found out Vin had reservations to the restaurant and almost said yes. That was until Buck kicked him under the table. Vin suspected something was going on but he didn't know what. He was on his way to the 'Saloon' when he heard the others up ahead. Vin slowed down to see what was going on. He didn't mean to eavesdrop. It wasn't his fault his hearing was better than humans.
"Damn, Chris, you should have seen his face when I told him I couldn't go," Buck sighed.
"I know but what can we do?" Chris asked. "We've been planning for tomorrow for two weeks."
"Maybe we should just tell Vin the truth," JD suggested.
"I think not," Ezra said. "It's only one more day."
"Yes we have made all the arrangements," Nathan said. "Tomorrow nights party will be great."
"Vin will understand why we didn't tell him," Josiah said as they went into the saloon.
Vin couldn't believe it. They were going to a party without him. He hadn't been invited. Vin knew he wasn't the most popular being on board. Most humans didn't know what to make of him when they found out he was a Vulcan. He wasn't a true Vulcan since he showed his emotions but that was because humans raised him. Vin's adoptive parents had found him when he was very young. He was the only survivor from a remote Vulcan research facility.
Vin couldn't go to the Saloon now. He didn't want to be with the men he thought were his friends. The thing that hurt the most was Vin thought Chris would have at least told him since Chris was his lover. Obviously Chris didn't feel the same way Vin did. Vin walked back the way he'd come.
+ + + + + + +
"Hey wasn't Vin supposed to be meeting us here?" JD asked.
"He said he was coming," Nathan said. "I saw him earlier and reminded him of our poker game."
"Maybe he lost track of time," Buck said. "You know how he gets."
"Yeah," JD laughed. "Like that time on the holodeck when he played at being a knight for over sixteen hours."
"That's because he had to finish the quest assigned to him by the princess," Ezra smiled.
"Computer, locate Lieutenant Tanner," Chris said tapping his combadge.
"Lieutenant Tanner is not on the Maverick," the female voice answered.
"That's odd," Chris said.
"Face it Chris," Josiah laughed. "How often does Vin get to a experience the excitement of a Starbase."
"Yeah he's probably over there now and forgot the time," Buck said.
"Wish Vin had gotten reservations for tonight," JD sighed. "I really wanted to go to McDonald's."
"Me too, son, me too," Josiah added.
The six of them enjoyed the evening playing cards. Ezra of course won most of them time but Nathan had given him a run for his money. Chris called it a night and ordered them all to bed since they had to be on bridge duty in the morning. Chris asked the computer if Vin had returned. When the computer said no he started to worry. Vin didn't usually stay gone so long. Chris told the computer to inform him the minute Vin returned. He walked to his cabin and was met by Lila. The big cat bumped against his hip and rubbed her head against him. Obviously Vin forgot to feed her before he left. She followed Chris inside and walked over to the replicator. Chris smiled and ordered up a plate of raw steaks. After they appeared on the platform Chris picked them up and put the plate on the floor. Lila was purring loudly as she ate. Chris smiled as he watched her. He never expected the big cat to adjust to life on a starship. Chris knew the cat would be happy wherever Vin was. Chris pulled off his boots and sat on the couch. He leaned his head back and got comfortable. Chris had been sitting there for a few minutes when Lila bolted out the door. Just as she left the computer informed Chris that Vin was back on board. Chris knew Vin wouldn't be long and went to the bedroom to get changed. When Vin didn't show up Chris hit the call button for Vin's room.
"Yeah," Vin said.
"Thought you were coming over," Chris said.
"Sorry, Chris, I can't. I'm busy," Vin said and ended the transmission.
"Aw hell!" Chris cursed and lay back in the bed.
+ + + + + + +
Vin was angry. Not only was he angry he was drunk. He'd found a Ferengi selling real chocolate on the station and bought a couple of pounds. After he bought the chocolate Vin went to one of the holodecks on the station. After programming the computer to a park setting Vin sat on the grass and ate the chocolate. He was still angry that his friends were going to a party without him. He wasn't angry that he wasn't invited but they could've at least told him the truth. Instead they all made up excuses why they couldn't go to the restaurant with him. Vin lay on the grass looking up at the stars. He didn't recognize any of them and wondered what world the holodeck had put him on. After the chocolate was gone Vin didn't feel any better. Actually he felt worse. When Chris had given him the chocolate they'd spent the night making love. Now he had nobody to share his arousal with but himself. It wasn't what Vin wanted but he couldn't ignore the signals his body kept giving him. His thoughts turned to Chris and Vin could feel his penis getting harder. Vin reached down and caressed himself and moaned. Vin undid his pants and slid his hand down to his engorged shaft. Vin's hips bucked when his hands made contact and Vin began to stroke himself. Vin released his seed quickly not giving him any satisfaction. Not only was Vin not satisfied he was now frustrated. He knew he could go to Chris and get what he need but he was still angry. Vin sighed and rearranged his clothes then headed for the door. Vin staggered down the corridor and people avoided him as he made his way back to the ship. Once on board Vin went to his cabin. He went to his bedroom and dropped on the bed. He wasn't sure how long he lay there when the comlink went off. Vin answered it and wasn't surprised it was Chris. Vin remembered mumbling something then closing the link. Next thing he knew he was oblivious to everything.
+ + + + + + +
Next morning Vin woke to an annoying buzzing in his ears. He rolled over and tried to ignore it but it wouldn't go away. He opened his eyes and instantly regretted it. The buzzing was still as loud as ever and Vin slowly realized it was his alarm. He cautiously opened his eyes again and look at the clock. It took his eyes a little while to focus and when he did Vin sat up cursing. He was late for duty and his head felt like it was going to explode. Vin tried to remember what he did last night but it was no use. He stumbled to the bathroom and into the shower. Maybe if he was lucky Chris hadn't noticed he was late.
Buck watched as Chris scowled when he looked at Vin's seat. The Vulcan was late and the ensign from the rotation before his was forced to stay until Vin arrived. Buck wasn't sure what was going on with the Vulcan but he sure wished he'd get his act together. Chris glanced at Buck and saw him staring.
"Is there a problem, Commander?" Chris asked scathingly.
"Not with me there isn't," Buck said holding up his hands.
Just as Buck answered Chris the turbo lift doors opened and Vin stepped out. Buck stifled a laugh at the Vulcan's haphazard appearance. Vin had dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he was ready to fall over. Chris took one look at him and he got angrier. If Buck didn't know better he'd guess Vin had a hang over. There was only one thing that would do it to Vin and Buck smiled. He hoped the Vulcan enjoyed the chocolate. Vin made it to his seat and relieved the ensign. He gratefully dropped in his chair with a sigh.
"Enjoy yourself last night Lieutenant?" Chris asked harshly.
"Yeah," Vin said quietly not looking at Chris.
"Good than I hope you enjoy this," Chris said as he pushed the button for the red alert signal. "Attention crew this is a drill. Everyone man your stations and report."
Buck looked at Vin in sympathy as the claxon obviously hurt the Vulcan's sensitive ears. JD turned to Buck with a worried look on his face. Buck shook his head and JD reluctantly turned back to his console. Ezra was standing at security when Josiah and Nathan reported to the bridge. This was there assigned area during a red alert.
"Captain, all areas of the ship reporting in secure," Ezra said.
"Thank you Lieutenant commander," Chris said and checked his watch. "Not bad. You can stand down from red alert."
Ezra turned off the claxon and they watched Vin visibly slump in relief. Nathan glanced at Buck who shrugged.
"Do you need us here Chris?" Nathan asked.
"No, Nathan, you can return to sick bay," Chris said.
"Think I'll go with you," Josiah said making a hasty retreat.
"Coward," Ezra said under his breath as Josiah passed.
"Hell yes," Josiah smiled as he got on the turbolift with Nathan.
The rest of the shift went smoothly if a bit tense. Since they were docked at the Starbase for repairs manning the bridge was just procedure. Buck was so happy when his replacement showed up. Vin avoided getting on the lift with the others by pretending to check something on his console before he gave up his seat. Once the others were gone Vin sighed and leaned back.
"Damn, Vin, you look terrible," Chanu said from the command chair.
"Got some chocolate on the station last night," Vin said as he stood up. "Guess I shouldn't have eaten it all at once."
"Guess not," Chanu laughed. "I'm just glad chocolate doesn't make me drunk. I like it too much."
"Yeah so do I," Vin sighed. "That's my problem."
"You better go see Nathan," Chanu suggested. "Maybe he could give you something for it."
"Yeah, see ya."
Vin left the bridge but he was not going to see Nathan. The Chief medical officer would only lecture him and Vin just wasn't in the mood. The Vulcan decided to head for the stellar cartography dome to take a nap. As he walked down the long corridor he heard Lila coming up behind him. When she was close enough she rubbed her head on his left hip. Vin put his hand down to pet her head. Once he was at the room he opened the dome to reveal the stars. Vin got comfortable on one of the chairs and instantly fell asleep.
+ + + + + + +
"Damn, Chris, weren't you a little hard on Vin," Buck accused.
"No I don't think so," Chris said. "He showed up on duty hung over."
"Well you only have yourself to blame," Buck said.
"How do you figure that?" Chris asked angrily.
"You're the one who introduced him to real chocolate," Buck pointed out. "He was perfectly contain with the replicated stuff before you got the real thing."
"Commander Wilmington is right," Ezra said.
"Oh now we hear from the peanut gallery," Chris said sarcastically.
"I don't know why you're so mad," JD said. "Maybe Vin is upset we all refused to go to McDonald's with him. I know how hard it is to get reservations for that place. I tried to get some for me and Casey."
"Out of the mouths of babes," Ezra replied.
"Maybe we should just tell Vin about his party," Buck suggested.
"I wanted it to be a surprise," Chris sighed. "He'll be happy once he knows."
"I sure hope so," JD said.
"Me too," Buck added.
+ + + + + + +
Vin woke up with a start. He'd been dreaming that he and Chris had a big fight. Vin sighed as he looked up at the stars. He hated that Chris was angry with him but all he'd done was be a little late for duty. Vin looked at his watch and saw it was 1800hrs. His reservation for Macdonald's was at 1900hrs. Just because the others didn't want to go with him didn't mean he was going to miss it.
"Come on Lila," Vin said as he headed for the door.
Vin got back to the cabin and fed Lila. He took a quick shower and changed out of his uniform. Vin left the ship at 1845hrs with Lila close behind. This was going to be fun, he thought. Vin got odd looks with the large tawny cat following him but he didn't care. He got to the restaurant and waited on line. The place was crowded with groups of people waiting for their reservation. Vin felt self conscious being there alone. He bit his lower lip and lowered his head. He could swear everyone was looking at him. Vin decided it wasn't worth it and got off the line. He'd go grab some food from one of the replicators on the station. Then he'd go looking for that Ferengi.
+ + + + + + +
Chris looked around the Saloon and smiled. Inez had out done herself with the decorations. There were colorful balloons all over the place. Ancient party hats were placed on all the tables. A huge white cake with Vin's name on it sat on a table by itself. Chris knew Vin was going to like it. Some of the guests started to appear and Chris greeted them. Buck came in with JD and Casey.
"Hey Chris, don't you think you better go round up Vin?" Buck said. "We'll watch the place."
"Maybe you're right," Chris agreed. "Computer locate Lieutenant Tanner."
"Lieutenant Tanner is not aboard the Maverick," came the reply.
"Damn!" Chris cursed. "When did he leave?"
"He could be anywhere," JD said.
"Maybe he went to eat at McDonald's," Buck said. "He did have reservations."
"He did?" Casey said surprised.
"JD you and Casey stay here and get everything ready," Chris said. "Come on Buck let's go find Vin."
Chris and Buck searched the station for an hour. The party was supposed to have started already but they couldn't find the guest of honor. Chris couldn't believe this was happening. He'd planned this for weeks and now everything was falling apart. They headed back for the Maverick and were greeted by a security detail by the hatch. As Buck and Chris approached they noticed the two security personal held Vin between them. Lila was sitting at there feet.
"Are you Captain Larabee?"
"I am," Chris answered.
"We brought back one of your crew," the security guard said.
"Did he do anything wrong?" Buck asked as he took Vin from their grasp.
"No," he answered. "We found him sitting on a bench talking to himself. He seemed upset about something but wouldn't tell us what was wrong. If I didn't know any better I would say he was drunk. But that isn't possible on synthahol."
"Thank you," Chris said. "I'll take it from here."
They watched as the security personal left. Once they were gone Chris grabbed Vin's chin and lifted his head. Vin looked at him and blinked.
"How much Vin?" Chris asked.
"What's it to you," Vin said pulling away from them. "Not like any of you cared."
"Vin what are you talking about?" Buck asked before Chris could say something he'd regret.
"Y'all lied to me," Vin accused.
"When Vin?" Buck asked.
"Didn't care that you were all going to a party and I wasn't invited," Vin explained. "Happens all the time. What hurt was you all lied to me and made excuses so you wouldn't have to go to dinner with me."
"Is that what this is about?" Chris asked surprised.
"Ain't it enough?" Vin asked angrily.
"Vin," Chris said and smiled. "The party was for you. It was supposed to be a surprise."
"Why?" Vin asked confused.
"It's your birthday," Chris said and Vin looked confused. "May 24th."
"That's not my birthday," Vin said. "I don't know when my birthday is. That's just the day my parents found me. We never celebrated cause I didn't like it. Brought back too many memories."
"I'm sorry Vin," Chris said.
"You went through all that trouble for me?" Vin asked surprised.
"Sure, Elf," Buck said. "You seemed to enjoy JD's birthday party so much we wanted to throw one for you."
"But now I ruined everything," Vin sighed. "Everyone's been waiting for me."
"It's not too late," Buck said. "Come on."
They boarded the Maverick and headed for the Saloon. Buck told Vin he had to pretend to be surprised. Vin nodded as Chris hit his combadge and told JD they were on their way. When they got to the Saloon the doors opened and everything was dark. They stepped inside and everyone yelled surprise as the lights came on. Buck felt Vin tense and he figured the yelling wasn't helping the Vulcan's headache from the chocolate. Vin looked properly surprised as everyone came forward to wish him a happy birthday. The party got in full swing and Inez started serving the food. Everyone was having a good time when Ezra announced it was time to play pin the tail on the donkey. Vin gave him an odd look as the security chief explained the game. Since he was the party boy Vin got to go first. They blind folded him handed him one of the tails then Ezra mercilessly spun him around. Chris cringed in sympathy as Ezra let Vin go and he almost fell. Ezra pointed him in the direction of the board and started Vin on his way. The Vulcan immediately went off course and headed straight for Nettie. Nettie had her back to them and Vin ended up pinning the tail to her. Everyone laughed heartily as Vin pulled off the blind fold. Chris could see Vin wasn't happy and moved in before anything happened. He didn't have to worry as Nettie kissed Vin on the cheek and said she'd be his donkey any day. Vin blushed and quickly turned away and grabbed Ezra. Vin decided he was next. Ezra didn't fair any better after Vin spun him around and he pinned the tail on Lieutenant Flores. The tall brunette smiled at Ezra as he apologized to her. She smiled and told Ezra he'd have to do better than that as she took him off to the side. The party continued and Vin opened up all his presents. At first he didn't know what they were. He said it wasn't Christmas and didn't understand. Chris explained to him about the presents and Vin decided he liked birthday parties. He opened all the presents and thanked everyone. Vin didn't say anything but he was disappointed that there wasn't anything from Chris. Vin sat looking at all his presents while everyone went to enjoy the party.
"Looks like Vin is enjoying himself," Nettie said as she glanced at the Vulcan. Vin was trying to figure out the horseshoe puzzle Nettie had given him. "He's such a sweet young man."
"Wasn't sure he'd fit in when he first got here," Chris admitted. "Having a Vulcan on board that showed emotions took some getting used to."
"I'll say," Buck laughed. "He nearly took my head off that first day when I teased him about that long hair of his."
"I remember that," Josiah said chuckling. "When he found out you were the first officer I thought he was going to have a heart attack."
They reminisced about all the trouble Vin got into when he first joined. Chris couldn't believe they'd actually survived. Then Buck brought up how much trouble Vin and JD could get into together. Nettie decided it might be best if they just locked the two of them in the brig. Ezra pointed out that it probably wouldn't work. The two of them would more than likely take apart the force field holding them there. Buck glanced around the Saloon to see what JD was up to. The young Ensign was sitting in the corner and talking with Casey. Buck smiled then glanced towards Vin. Buck poked Chris and pointed at Vin.
"I think party boy has had it," Buck chuckled.
Chris excused himself from the conversation he was having with Mary and looked at Vin. The Vulcan was sound asleep with his head on the table. He still had Nettie's puzzle clutched in his hand. Lila had her head in his lap as she sat next to him.
"Aren't they cute," Rain said with a smile.
"Yeah real cute," Nathan said. "A one hundred pound cat and a Vulcan that can throw you across the room if he wanted."
"Your just jealous," Rain teased.
"Guess I better end the party," Chris said.
"Don't, Senor Chris," Inez said. "Everyone is still having a good time."
"She's right," Buck said. "Why don't you take Vin and put him to bed. I'll keep and eye on things."
"Chris you might want to stay with Vin," Nathan said. "He ate an awful lot of chocolate."
"Alright, Nathan, I will," Chris said smiling.
Chris walked over to Vin and Lila lifted her head. She purred loudly and rubbed against Chris's hand. The captain was very glad the cat liked him or there might be some trouble. Chris shook Vin's shoulder. Vin woke with a start and looked around.
"Come on, Cowboy, time to call it a night," Chris said.
"But my party," Vin said.
"Thought you didn't like birthday parties," Chris teased.
"I liked this one," Vin smiled.
"I'm glad," Chris said. "But you were sound asleep over here. Nathan wants me to take you back to the cabin so I can watch you."
"Just watch," Vin smiled.
"That's not the only thing I plan on doing," Chris whispered in his ear.
"Ok let's go," Vin said jumping up and pulling Chris towards the door.
Chris wasn't expecting that and almost fell. He heard Buck explaining that Chris had his present for Vin back at his cabin. Chris was grateful the others covered for them. Granted Starfleet had no problems with same sex pairings, the problem was their difference in rank. Chris tired to get Vin to slow down but the Vulcan was stronger than he was. They made it to his cabin in record time. Once the door was closed and Lila lay down on the couch Vin grabbed Chris and pulled him into a crushing hug. Chris grunted as Vin wrapped his arms around him and claimed his mouth in a searing kiss. When Vin finally released him Chris had to sit down.
"I missed you," Vin said as he sat on the floor next to Chris's chair.
"So I see," Chris smiled. "There's one more present for you in the bedroom."
"Chocolate?" Vin asked hopefully.
"Don't you think you've had enough," Chris said exasperated.
"But you weren't around after I ate it," Vin complained. "I wasn't satisfied doing it to myself."
Chris just shook his head. "Go into the bedroom and get the box on my bed."
"Alright," Vin said eagerly and jumped up.
Chris couldn't believe it. Just fifteen minutes ago Vin had been dead to the universe. Now he had his second window and Chris figured it was going to be a long night. Vin came out carrying a box.
"Open it," Chris said.
Vin dropped to the floor and started ripping the paper to shreds. He pulled the lid of the box and pushed the tissue out of the way to reveal an old west outfit. The first article on top was a fringed buckskin jacket. Vin picked it up and was surprised to feel how soft it was. Next was a red scout shirt and tan pants. A pair of brown boots was next. At the bottom of the box was a gun and holster. It was the Mares Laig he had been admiring on their last visit to Earth. It was an ancient weapon that was still in working order.
"Oh Chris," Vin said in awe as he took it out of the box.
"You like it?" Chris asked.
"Uh huh," Vin said as he worked the lever and it made a satisfying click.
"The holster is in there also with three authentic bullets," Chris said.
"It's too much, Chris," Vin said looking at him.
"No it isn't," Chris said. "Besides what's the use of winning gold pressed latinum if you can't spend it."
"Can I try it on?" Vin said jumping up. "Can I?"
"Sure it's..." Chris never finished as Vin dashed for the bedroom.
Chris went over to the replicator and asked for a glass of water, cold. When it materialized on the platform he picked it up and took a sip.
"Hey, Chris," Vin said from behind him.
Chris turned and almost dropped the water. He couldn't believe they way Vin looked. The Vulcan was standing there in just the holster and boots with the gun in his right had.
"You like?"
"Oh yeah," Chris said as he advanced on the Navigator.
Chris grabbed him by the buckle on the holster and pulled Vin towards him. Vin laughed and wrapped his arms around Chris. Chris claimed Vin's mouth hungrily. When Chris was finished Vin was panting for air.
"Chris can we..." Vin pleaded.
"Oh yeah," Chris smiled and grabbed the buckle again and pulled Vin towards the bedroom.
Chris took the antique gun from Vin and placed it on the table. When it was safe he pushed Vin towards the bed. When he was close Vin unbuckled the holster and let it fall to the floor. Vin smiled as Chris pushed him back on the bed. Chris could see the Vulcan's penis was already hard and he felt his jump at the sight of Vin. Chris couldn't take any more and knelt on the floor at the edge of the bed and pulled Vin towards him. Without warning Chris took Vin's cock deep in his mouth.
"Aw hell! Chris!"
Vin's hips bucked and it took all Chris's strength to keep them pinned on the bed. Chris continued to suck on Vin's shaft as the Vulcan writhed beneath him. Chris starting going faster and harder and he could fell Vin shudder.
"Chris!" Vin shouted a he released his seed.
Chris was hard pressed to suck it all down. He finally had to give up and let the rest of Vin's seed soak the bed.
"Damn, Vin, were you saving it all for me?" Chris teased.
"I'm sorry," Vin said meaning it.
"Vin," Chris sighed. Sometimes the Vulcan felt self conscious with their differences.
"I'm sor..." Vin stopped at the look from Chris and started to laugh.
"I'm glad you have the stamina cause I'm hardly finished with you," Chris said as he began to take off his clothes.
"Think you can keep up old man?" Vin asked as he began to stroke his cock back to hardness.
"Watch me," Chris said as he pulled off the rest of his clothes.
Chris slowly and seductively moved around the room gathering everything they would need. Taking his time to bend over and rummage in the draw looking for the lubricant. Chris heard Vin moan and turned to find the Vulcan thrusting hard against his hand.
"Oh yeah Vin," Chris said. "Pump it harder."
Vin could only do as Chris said, as his hard on become unbearable. Vin squeezed harder and stroked his cock. Chris watched in pleasure as Vin satisfied himself.
"Your almost there, Vin, show me what you got," Chris cheered him on.
"Chris!" Vin howled as he pushed one last time against his hand and released his seed for a second time.
Chris knew this was the only way he could last with Vin's stamina. He had to let the Vulcan find pleasure several times before he could get started. Not that Chris was complaining. Vin was beautiful to watch. Vin lay panting on the bed as Chris climbed on the bed pushing his legs apart. Chris lay on top of Vin luxuriating in the feel of the warm fluids coating Vin's chest and abdomen.
"Damn, Chris, this is what I ended up doing last night," Vin complained. "I want more."
"What do you want, Vin?" Chris asked seductively.
"Damn it all to hell I want you inside me!" Vin yelled.
"All you had to do was ask," Chris smiled and Vin growled in frustration.
Chris slid down Vin's body until he was kneeling between his legs. He wasn't surprised to see Vin's cock was already hard. Chris grabbed a pillow and put it under Vin's back to raise him up. Chris spread the lubricant on his right hand and spread it on his cock. This was some of the gel Vin had gotten that started out cold then got hotter as you began to move. When he was satisfied his cock was sufficiently coated he poured some more in his hand and took Vin's cock in his hands.
"Chris!" Vin complained as Chris slowly rubbed the gel into his flesh.
"Patience, Tanner, that's an order," Chris said.
Vin growled in frustration and pushed against Chris. The captain slapped his thigh and told him to wait. Chris knew, as the gel got warmer it would make the experience even wilder.
"Chris! Please!"
Chris wasn't surprised at Vin's outburst. He could feel the gel doing its work and he could hardly control himself. He placed his cock at Vin's opening and slowly pushed. Chris should have suspected Vin wouldn't be able to wait. He screamed in pleasure as Vin slammed against him impaling his cock into Vin's tight flesh.
"Shit, Vin!" Chris cursed as he tried to catch his breath.
"Chris, please!" Vin cried. "You gotta move."
Chris was more than happy to comply as he slowly pulled his cock out of Vin and pushed it back in. They started a rhythm that they were hard pressed to keep. Vin kept pushing back so hard Chris was afraid he'd fall off the bed. Chris grabbed Vin's cock and began to stroke it. This caused Vin to shudder and clench Chris's cock tight. Chris thrust hard one last time and released his seed deep inside Vin. Vin wrapped his legs around Chris back and pulled him tight against him. The feel of Vin's leather clad feet on his back only caused Chris to thrust deeper. Vin growled deep in his throat as he released his seed over Chris's hand. Vin's ejaculation was so hard it coated Chris's chest and face. Chris slumped forward over Vin's chest completely spent. Vin held him tight with his legs and arms not wanting Chris to pull out yet.
"Shit, Vin, you are gonna kill me," Chris groaned.
Vin only smiled and released Chris. Chris rolled off Vin and lay next to him. They were both soaked and Chris knew the towel wasn't going to do the job. Once he was rested he pulled a complaining Vin off the bed and into the shower. They didn't stay long because they were both tired. Once they were done they quickly stripped the bed and made it. They both crawled under the covers and got comfortable. Chris lay on his back as Vin lay across his chest with his leg draped over his body. The Vulcan sighed in pleasure as he caressed Chris' chest.
"This was the best birthday I ever had," Vin declared.
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