Go ahead and scrawl your mark. Just look who else has....
Ridgecrest, CA USA
So are you born July 19 1971? Saw it on the performance page. So you are 29? You were born amonth and a week after I saw David Cassidy in concert in San Diego! I'm feeling my age. Take care
- Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 16:39:40 (PST)
Colleen Rebecca
Oh wow. My Comments were erased but my name and city is retained. I've left 4 messages today and none have worked. let' check now.
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 21:15:55 (PST)
Ridgecrest, CA USA
Is this sight working now? It sure took me a long time to see the David Cassidy movie. Andy goes way back. Didn't own a tv till 1990... I have a 10 yr old son. So we see what he likes... Hope this works.[the wall]
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 21:12:12 (PST)
RIdgecrest, CA USA
I just saw David Cassidy and Andy in photos together on this website. Andy is way more handsome. And I loved David in the 70's! They both are unique though.
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 20:18:54 (PST)
Ridgecrest, CA USA
I just saw David Cassidy and Andy together on this website. I loved David Cassidy in the 70's. But Andy is way more handsome! If he wants as many fans as David had he'll to get in the bopper mags. I'm sure David would discourage this!
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 20:14:14 (PST)
Ridgecrest, CA USA
I just saw David Cassidy and Andy together on this website. I loved David Cassidy in the 70's. But Andy is way more handsome! If he wants as many fans as David had he'll to get in the bopper mags. I'm sure David would discourage this!
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 20:13:36 (PST)
Ridgecrest, CA USA
I just saw the photos of Andy and David Cassidy together. I loved David Cassidy in the 70's. But I think Andy is way more attractive! Don't let David know. If we wants as many fans as David he's gonna have to get in the bopper mags. I'm sure David discourages this!
- Friday, December 29, 2000 at 20:07:45 (PST)
Colleen Rebecca
Ridgecrest, CA USA
I was just dissconnected by the internet. I'll try again. Hello. I've been curious about you since the David Cassidy Story. You really moved me in this movie. I cry every time I see it. I was his fan in 1970 on. But I related about the struggles with his alcoholic Dad. I had no idea what he went through. I was amazed he found someone with a beautiful face. You fit the part well. You looked tall next to David in the end. What is your birthday. I'm guessing your 26? Well I'll end this before I get cut off again. Take care! Colleen
- Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 12:25:01 (PST)
Roach, MO USA
Just finished watching Terror in the Family for the first time, very awesome movie! But it just kinda dropped off at the end. . . .could have definately made it longer. Just came to say hey. . . .and the thing about the movie. . . you know. Shutting up now.
- Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 20:05:25 (PST)
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Hey Andy!!
I gotta tell u that i really love seeing u play as JD Dunne.U really do a great job.But the think is that The mag 7 has been showed here 4 only in about 2 months.And that the only film in which u acted that had ever been showed was The Great Mom...
So i don't really know u.
I found this site accidentally.
I really like it.
Thanx 4 making it easier 4 me 2 get an info about Andy!!
- Sunday, December 24, 2000 at 22:13:06 (PST)
Gladys Davila
West Covina, CA USA
Hey Andy,
You are one terrific actor! I've seen almost everything you've done. I was in high school when I saw you on My So-Called Life...around 1995 or 1996. I was so inspired that I tried writing to Aron Spelling, but the only address I had was Tori Spelling's fan mail address. Being the loving fan that I am I sent in the letter anyway asking Mr. Spelling to consider hiring you for roles and stuff. But alas it was sent back address unknown. I was so pissed! Like Tori couldn't give to him...little brat!
Anyways, here I am a mommy to a brand new 3 month baby girl named Pauline Amanda. The only free time I get is roaming the internet while she is asleep. For some reason you popped into my head and I used yahoo's search engine to find your website. So here I am writing to you in the wee hours of the morning.
I was wondering if you ever went to college. I will be returning to USC this January.
Anyways congrats on the role and may God bless you with tons of success. Love ya!
- Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 02:22:21 (PST)
G. M. Atwater
near Gardnerville, NV USA
Dear Andy,
Greetings once again from the sagebrush country. Yegads ~ see, I'm becoming a "fan," afer all! :-) However, I just wanted to offer my CONGRATULATIONS on your new part in "Lessons Learned." Woe is me, we don't get HBO out here in the boonies, (insert swear words here,) but maybe I'll manage to get in a peek, somewhere, somehow...
I sincerely hope so, as my husband is a Vietnam vet, and I can promise you that Vietnam was a war that touches everyone who gets near it, even now. I was just a kid at the time, (yeah, I'm younger than he,) but just knowing what he experienced, as a Marine in combat, has forever altered my own view of the world. Oh, heck, no, he's not some poor, tormented soul, but rather one of the best guys you'd ever want to know, loving every second of the life God spared to him. Still, war burns beyond the visible, and I find that I have come to view many things through the lens of his experience. Just remember, you will be wearing the skin of a lot of people's ghosts, every time you step before the camera.... You will, however, do the boys justice, I have every faith. You bring great artistry and sensitivity to whatever role you play.
Keep up the good work, sir. I have never heard anything but GOOD things about you, as an actor and a man.
Semper fi, and God bless,
Gloria M. Atwater
- Friday, December 15, 2000 at 15:01:22 (PST)
Trenton USA
Sorry, I realize that this is an "all andy" site
and I am a fan, but I was just wondering....When are you guyz gonna give us more info on the work done with the lessons learned cast??????
- Saturday, December 09, 2000 at 19:01:18 (PST)
Kelly Hughart
Farmersville, CA USA
I'd like to clear up a mistake I made in the message I wrote just before ths one. I didn't actually MEET David Cassidy, I just saw him perform in Vegas. Sorry about that, Andrew! LOL.
- Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 16:50:52 (PST)
Kelly Hughart
Farmersville, CA USA
Hi,Andy! I saw you in "The David Cassidy Story," and The Magnificent Seven." I've become quite a big fan of yours. Your performance in "The David Cassidy Story" was fantastic. You were a perfect choice for that role. I taped the movie the first night it came on, and I've watched it several times since. I was wondering if you did any of your own singing in the film. Working with David on the set must have been great! The last scene where the two of you were performing together on stage was awesome! I saw David in person when he did his "EFX" show in Las Vegas.
Being a big fan of David's as well, it was a dream come true. I'd like to meet you someday too.
J.D. was my favorite character in "The Magnificent Seven." He seemed so young and innocent compared to the other guys. I thought you did a good job on that show, too. I hope to see you in many more movies and TV series in the future. You go, Andrew!
- Tuesday, December 05, 2000 at 23:15:44 (PST)
Richmond, BC Canada
Hey Andy, Glad to hear about the new part. I knew you wouldn't stay away too long. All the best to you! Break a leg!
- Wednesday, November 08, 2000 at 18:50:46 (PST)
Shirley Berkovits
Los Angeles, CA USA
Hi andy i miss the m7 but i am so glad you will be in a new series i can't wait till it is on, i will be watching it every time it is on you are a wonderful actor keep up the good work and i hope to hear from you soon.
los angeles ca
- Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 10:18:30 (PDT)
edison, oh USA
loved you since i was a little girl so glad to see you back!
- Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 12:35:31 (PDT)
New York, NY USA
Wow!! So glad you will be on HBO. Now that's a good reason to finally get cable. I really miss the M-7,but now I have a good reason to watch tv. Our hero is finally back. Andy you deserve the best and can't wait to watch you!!!
- Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 15:17:31 (PDT)
New York, NY USA
Wow!! So glad you will be on HBO. Now that's a good reason to finally get cable. I really miss the M-7,but now I have a good reason to watch tv. Our hero is finally back. Andy you deserve the best and can't wait to watch you!!!
- Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 15:17:12 (PDT)
shirley berkovits
los angeles, CA USA
hi andy i am so happy you are going to be in a new series i just wish i had HBO but i will try anything so i could see your series, and please let us know when your movie meeksville ghost will be on tv. I hope you will get more parts on tv or in movies i wish you the best.
- Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 15:38:04 (PDT)
McDonough, Ga USA
Congrats on the new series!!! I've been a fan since the 80's when I use to watch you on "As the World Turns". I was extremely excited too see you again on "The Magnificent Seven." You are a truly gifted and talented actor. I know I will be watching HBO each week to see you again. Looking forward to it!!
- Friday, October 06, 2000 at 13:24:37 (PDT)
Greensboro, NC USA
Hey Andy! Congratulations on the new series! I can't wait to see the show, cause with actors like you in it I know it's gonna be awesome!
- Friday, October 06, 2000 at 03:55:27 (PDT)
Toronto, ON Canada
Congratulations, Andy! I was so looking forward to seeing you work again, and on an HBO series no less, Wow! With that track record I'm sure the series will shine. I truly hope the 'Lessons Learned' experience will be an enjoyable and prosperous one for you. Maybe HBO will even let you play behind the camera, too! Just remember to enjoy yourself while you're working so hard on all these projects! All the best! Marla
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 20:18:24 (PDT)
Penny M
Memphis, TN USA
Oh, man, I'm thrilled for you! Get the mantle ready for those Emmys! Now, completely make my day and tell me you'll be playing one of the good guys. You're just too darn skilled and convincing an actor to play a baddie and not have me wanting to smack you every week. I'll watch no matter what, but I'm really hoping your character will be a meritorious guy - you do those so well. Congratulations!
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 19:39:32 (PDT)
Karin Millgan
Andover, ME USA
Congrats on the new part! I'm soooo behind on news...I just got back online last week, last time I turned a computer on was back in June! Imagine my surprise that I still have my sanity! Three kids and 14 dogs...okay, forget that sanity thing. Anyways, glad to see you've been so very busy, can't wait to see you every week again!
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 17:53:13 (PDT)
Swansea, IL USA
Andy ~ Congrats on the new job!! You deserve it and I can't wait to see you every week again. It will seem like visting an old friend. Not that your old...you'll always be our "kid". ;)
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 17:03:41 (PDT)
Hippy chick
Tucson, AZ USA
Hey, congrats on the seiries Andy. Viatnam, wow, now thats an interesting topic. My Dad fought in that war. I was also a hippy in my years at high school. Well I was just called that, because I was into the sixties (still am). Its too bad I don't get HBO in my dorm room.
Well anyway I'm a theatre major in my freshman year of college, and just wondering if you do research on all your acting parts. Like what was happening socialy, and economically, and ect..
I know you probably wont be able to write back, but I just wanted to ask. Because thats is what I have to do for my monologue.
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 16:22:38 (PDT)
Springfield, MO USA
Congrats Andy. Unfortunately I don't watch Vietnam war shows (I just don't was a teenager during that time and had my fill of it). Good luck. I wish it was Magnificent Seven.
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 11:10:32 (PDT)
Kathy Dalton
Oxford, NY USA
Hi, Andy!
Not only will I send love, but prayers for you on Tuesday. Sure hope you get into that series! Even though I can't afford HBO, I'll make sure I have some way to watch Lessons Learned, especially if you're on it. Take care!
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 10:26:19 (PDT)
Cindy S.
San Jose, CA USA
Congratulations Andy! This is great news! I agree with Nancy, it will be wonderful to see you in a weekly series again ;-)
Take care,
- Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 09:53:31 (PDT)
Nancy W.
Portland, ME USA
Congratulations Andy!!! That is wonderful news! It will be good to see you in a weekly series again! Love ya!!
- Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 23:04:19 (PDT)
Andy K.
H-Wood, CA USA
Thank you to everyone who said a little prayer for me last week. It worked, I got the job...I'm going to Vietnam...well you know what I mean. I do appreciate your well wishes and that much good karma can't be defeated. Thank you.
- Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 19:52:52 (PDT)
Round Rock, Tx USA
Dear David,
I have always admired you as an actor and even more so now.. You blew me away in The David Cassidy Story..And I consider you one of my favorite actors of all time. I look forward to any and all of your up coming projects. You have my vote for Best Actor. Take care and God Bless.
- Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 21:52:03 (PDT)
Fort Collins, CO USA
Hey Andy!
I finally got to catch "The David Cassidy Story" when it was on VH-1 and I really enjoyed it. I think you did a "magnificent" job. :-) I look forward to your upcoming projects! Keep up the great work and good luck to you in all you do.
- Friday, September 29, 2000 at 13:20:41 (PDT)
Robin Potter
Jefferson, MD USA
Dear Andy,
As I said in an earlier email to you, your Wall represents the kind of freedom that we are so very fortunate to enjoy. A 12 foot section of the Berlin Wall is currently standing in The Ronald Reagan Building (WASH DC) as a reminder that many people lost their lives trying to escape over that Wall in order to reach freedom.
I recently saw you in The David Cassidy Story and you were great, absolutely perfect for the part! Seeing you in the movie brought back some memories for me. I met David Cassidy when he came to WKYC-TV (NBC, Cleveland) in the mid 70s. I had to mic him for an interview. David was really a nice guy and it was a pleasure meeting him. You played the part as he really was. And I know that if it had been you, you would have been just a nice. (Of course you would have been a lot younger then...) All you have to do is take a look at the comments on this wall and you can tell that your fans know what a great guy you are! We are all supporting and praying for you.
Your friend,
- Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 17:13:58 (PDT)
Kathy Teresa
St Louis, MO USA
Hope all went well on Tuesday with the interview..lit a candle to Our Lady of Perpetual Help after Mass for you and your interview....
- Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 22:11:22 (PDT)
Indpls., In USA
I'm not much into signing Fanpages...but i seen some of the movies you were in..and i think you have a gift. I know everything is scripted..but you give the Character of the movie Personality and Indepth. It's like you actually know what the Character is feeling. Believe me, I was in Acting School for 2 years and I never seen such a talented actor. Best Wishes to whatever comes your way.:-)
- Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 16:04:11 (PDT)
Denver USA
Andy -- thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to post here!! I know you can't always find the time, so I'm greatful for the updates to your career, even when you can't make them yourself! I mean, if you had time to post here all the time, then I'm sure that would mean we'd be seeing less of you on the screen in the future and I for one don't want that!
Best wishes on the series audition! It would be cool to see you every week again -- especially if it's doing something you really, really want to do! I hope someone will let us know when you get the part.
Keep up all the hard work! Hope you had fun in Vegas this past weekend!
- Monday, September 25, 2000 at 23:45:58 (PDT)
Roan Mountain, TN USA
Hi Andy. My name is Dorah. I think that you are a great actor. I loved The David Cassidy Story; you were wonderful. I also LOVE the Magnificent Seven. JD and Josiah are my favorites. Good Luck with your acting career.
- Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 14:36:27 (PDT)
Shelly B.
Bay City, MI USA
Thanks Andy! There are a lot of people who needed to hear from YOU...not your agents, that you are well and working. Best of luck in all your future endeveurs. About your goal of having more fans than David Cassidy...well, hey, if you're gonna dream, dream BIG!! I plan to follow your career as long as you're in the business and with more exposure, I'm sure your following will get larger and larger. Sooo, here's to big dreams and big goals...believe in yourself and you'll achieve the impossible.
Cheers right back at ya from Wolverine Country!!
- Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 09:00:37 (PDT)
Kathy Teresa
St Louis, MO USA
Many positive thoughts coming your way about the HBO movie...I'm sure you will do very well next Tues. but have appealed to a couple good Saints I know on your part....Still love watching you on Mag 7 reruns...Best of luck
- Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 18:58:24 (PDT)
Amy N.
Two Rivers, WI USA
I've been a fan since watching you on ATWT in the late 80's and early 90's. So glad to have finally found a site dedicated entirely to you! I really enjoyed The David Cassidy Story....you were wonderful! Hope to see you more on tv in the future! You are truly an amazing actor, and I hope you are around and acting for a long time!
Amy N.
I'd love to hear from you!!
- Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 17:24:58 (PDT)
Somehere, Inhere USA
"The tea's gone cold I wonder why
I got out of bed at all,
The morning rain clouds up my window,
I can't see at all,
But even if I could it would all be gray
But with your picture on my wall
It keeps reminding me that it's not so bad,
It's not so bad. . . . ."
Eminem~~~ "Stan"
- Friday, September 22, 2000 at 20:44:07 (PDT)
Nancy W
Portland, ME USA
Andy the albacore? Hmmmm.... well, it beats the Ryker's Island gig, I suppose ;-D
Thanx for posting and updating us, Andy! We will be keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you! We love ya!
- Friday, September 22, 2000 at 19:05:26 (PDT)
Andy K.
Hollywood, CA USA
Well I apologize to those of you who feel I haven't written. And while I haven't, I have been very busy. I do read your mail and e-mail and I also come visit the wall to read your thoughts. To prove it I'd like to tell the gentleman who wrote on July 12 from Rikers Island Penitentary that I am in fact quite pale but will unfortunately be unavailable for that "talk" you mentioned, as I am not planning a trip to that particular island any time in the near future. With that out of the way, I am going to Las Vegas to film "Rat Race" this weekend and I am up for a new HBO series about Vietnam called LESSONS LEARNED. It's one that I want so keep your fingers crossed and send some love this coming Tuesday when I will go before the HBO execs like a barely breathing albacore in front of sushi chefs on a buying spree. I appreciate each one of you who has visited the site and keep coming back.
Cheers Andy K.
- Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 22:05:09 (PDT)
- Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 21:40:40 (PDT)
Richmond, B.C Canada
Hey Michelle, thanks for keeping us posted on what's up with Andy. I think you made everyone's day a little brighter. Tell Andy we're all thinking about him. Bye!
- Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 19:04:45 (PDT)
shirley berkovits
los angeles, ca USA
hi andy i am writing again to say that i am waiting for along time when your movie meeksville ghost comes on tv, your were great in the magnificent seven i watch it every wednesday, i am so sad it is not this week i just can't wait till next week please let us fans know what you will be doing next.
- Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 12:56:21 (PDT)
Four Corners USA
OOps, I mean I have to check e-groups...(not e-bay, I'm not in the market to buy anything)
- Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 13:28:37 (PDT)
Four Corners USA
Thanks so much, Poloma!! I appreciate your response. Now to e-bay to see if I'm losing messages!
- Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 13:26:31 (PDT)
Four Corners USA
Michelle -- please check your akfanclub account at e-groups. I believe all of the fanclub posts are archived there for member viewing. If you missed any post, please write to the fanclub at fanclub@andykavovit.com and they will double check your subscription.
As far as what Andy is up to, well, all of the information he has given us is here on the website. He was recently on location in So. Africa shooting a movie with Judge Reinhold. He's also been extremely busy behind the scenes producing, directing, and securing financing for the independent film G.S.P.O.T. It's amazing the amount of time and effort such a project requires!! And then there are the things which he's not at liberty to talk about at this time ... I'm sure you understand.
So, please don't fret that Andy hasn't personally written. He's a busy guy these days, but WE ALL do our best to keep you, his fans, as up to date as possible.
- Monday, August 21, 2000 at 22:39:41 (PDT)
four corners USA
Paloma, you seem like you actually know Andy. If that is the case please tell us what he is doing these days to keep him from writing a few lines to us...If I told you my schedule you'd wonder how I have time to breathe let alone plunk on the computer for a bit. Please, please tell Andy to keep us informed about projects that are in the works or you can for that matter. Isn't that what this web-site is all about? Also I AM on the fan club list and haven't received anything from Andy to let us know he still out there. I worry sometimes because maybe I'm not getting things on my computer that I should. These things have been known to malfunction...Just in case I'm not receiveing some messages, what has he written recently? Is it about his new projects? Hopefully!! Now some one has to boost my spirits a little...:(
- Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 04:59:58 (PDT)
Four Corners USA
Just to let you all know, Andy has definitely NOT forgotten about you. Those members of his FREE fanclub already know this. For those of you who haven't signed up yet, what's stopping you??? Just go to the main page and click on FANCLUB from the menu options.
Also on the main page, for your viewing pleasure is info on where you can next see Andy perform. Currently his eps of THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN are airing on TNN every Wednesday. And coming August 30th is a repeat of THE DAVID CASSIDY STORY on VH1. Check the main page of this website for more detailed info.
Finally let me just say that Andy is a very busy man these days -- which eventually will be a good thing for us! Hopefully we will be seeing more of his fine self on screen in the near future.
- Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 08:42:40 (PDT)
Richmond, B.C Canada
Hi Andy fans, Do you guys ever think he'll write? I'm beginning to think he either has big plans in the works and is too busy to write or he's just sort of forgotten about us. Of course the last part is not true. Andy would never forget us. Would he? Somebody lift my spirits please!
- Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 19:05:21 (PDT)
Is it true they are re-running "The David Cassidy Story" on VH-1 sometime in the next few weeks?? Saw it on NBC, and I would love to see it again!! He was so excellent in that movie!
- Friday, August 04, 2000 at 17:47:13 (PDT)
Andy Wall
Old Greenwich, CT USA
Hail. My name is Andrew [Andy] Wall and I'm deeply offended that anyone would misuse my name in such a crappy way. Keep da' pr0n freE... -AWall
- Friday, August 04, 2000 at 09:19:40 (PDT)
G. M. Atwater
Near Gardnerville, NV USA
Dear Andrew,
I feel more than a bit out of place on a fan page, as I always figured I'm a bit too ... well, I just ain't the giggle and scream type, LOL! But I figured a few lines to complement you on your work on "The Magnificent Seven" would not be out of place.
Sir, I will tell you straight out, I don't much care for most TV programming, am more likely to watch documentaries than the run-of-the-mill TV series. But "The Mag Seven" was and is the most entertaining show I have seen in a very long while. I'm a bit biased, I supposed, as I am a Westerner by birth and occupation, small-town raised and in the livestock business most of my adult life. My biggest cheer for TV programming was when "Lonesome Dove" came out, and I wondered why more such shows didn't immediately follow.
Well, finally one did...And darn it, I only got to see 'em as re-runs! I just wish like heck there were MORE shows out there that had the quality, not to mention the subject matter, of "The Mag Seven." It had the feel of a full-length movie, and the kind of thought and care in casting, plots, dialogue and scripts that I just don't see on many series. You deserve as much credit as every man and woman on that show, for the fine quality (there's that word again!) that I see in it.
I greatly enjoy the character of J.D. Dunne, a terrific mix of youthful enthusiasm, boundless energy, towering idealism... and a whole lot of just plain grit. The kid's got sand, is what, and I admire the courage that, time and again, hurls him head-long into danger, no matter how many times brute reality fetches his idealism a nasty whack. As mentioned, I'm just getting the reruns, now, but I feel the character was allowed to mature beautifully, and evolve into a fine man, as much an integral part of the Seven as any, and as little to be spared. I sure wish there were new episodes in the offing... So much was left unexplored.
And last but not least, I got the biggest kick out of the relationship you and Dale Midkiff created for J.D. and Buck! I had to wonder how much of that was ad-lib, as there were a few times the clowning around looked just a bit... unscripted! ;-)
Well, for a newcomer to the "fan" business, I've sure taken up enough space. Sir, I wish you well, in whatever you do and wherever you go. You got a rare quality, and great talent. I hope it leads you to good places in life.
Meanwhile, thanks for being an indispensable part of a show that just plain makes me smile. Somewhere out here in the sagebrush, you got one contented viewer. You ever get out to Douglas County and feel the urge to hop on a horse again, we'll show you some real cowboy country!
With best regards, God bless,
Gloria M. Atwater
- Monday, July 24, 2000 at 00:22:26 (PDT)
Kelly (kelly@eskimojoe.zzn.com)
Perth, WA Australia
- Thursday, July 13, 2000 at 03:08:16 (PDT)
Booty B.
Rikers Island, ny USA
Dude, this is Booty B giving u the 411 that you are a poster boy here in the block. you are it man. but you so pale. get some color on you and then maybe we can talk.
- Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 07:17:44 (PDT)
Berwyn, IL USA
I know Andy has been known to visit this site on occasion, so I have one thing to tell him! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See, through the lists that revolve around The Magnificent Seven, and yourself, I've met a ton of wonderful people, and have created several strong friendships as well! Thanks, Andy! May everything you do, bring you joy and happiness!
~Renee :)
- Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 22:36:37 (PDT)
Celine Blorch
Ste. Clair Parish, LA USA
I just heard about the new motion picture Mr. Kavovit has completed with Mr. Reinhold. I cannot express the bliss I am experienceing at this moment in time. The chances that the two men in the whole world which I worship above all others working together. Now I know why I was placed on this world. to see this film.
- Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 10:09:36 (PDT)
Lucifer JOnes
hades, alabama, xxx USA
voices. telling me to do things. like watch andy on tv. but first i must TURN THE tv on. BUT i LIKE MY SHOWS BETTER. THE ONES I MAKE up about him. he does anything I want in them. AND IT NOT JUST THE VOICES. its the creatures. BIG, GIANT SCAREY CREATURES. but i am not afraid of them when i see andy. and I see him everywhere.
tell him to stop yelling at me. i am a good person.
thank you andy. i will do just that.
- Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 10:01:51 (PDT)
Shiloe USA
Hey, what great news about Andy making a movie with Judge Reinhold!!
Andy, in case you get a break from your busy schedule and read this, I just want to thank you for putting up this site! I know you have staff who must work very hard to keep us entertained here while we wait for your next TV or film appearance. There is so much stuff here -- not just information, but things to do, and that makes this site very unique among actor sites. Keep up the good work, Andy!!
- Sunday, July 02, 2000 at 14:04:58 (PDT)
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