##################################################################################### ## ## ## ## ## FILE: readme1_1.txt ## ## ## ## Novice Forms Version 1.1 ## ## © Copyright 2000-2003 Seth Michael Knorr mail@sethknorr.com ## ## ## ## http://www.noviceforms.com/ ## ## Please contact me with any bugs found, or any bug fixes. ## ## ## ##################################################################################### ## ## ## There is no email support provided for this script, ## ## the only support can be found at ## ## our web site: http://www.noviceforms.com/ ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ANY PERSON(S) MAY USE AND MODIFY THESE SCRIPT(S) ## ## FREE OF CHARGE FOR EITHER BUSINESS ## ## OR PERSONAL, HOWEVER AT ALL TIMES HEADERS ## ## AND COPYRIGHT MUST ALWAYS REMAIN IN TACT. ## ## ## ## REDISTRIBUTION FOR PROFIT IS PROHIBITED ## ## WITH OUT THE CONSENT OF SETH KNORR. ## ## ## ## By using this code you agree to indemnify Seth M. Knorr ## ## from any liability that might arise from its use. ## ## ## ## ## ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### ## ## ## This script is FREE, however if you use the script and ## ## find it useful, I would appreciate you rating it. ## ## ## ## TO RATE IT SIMPLY DOUBLE CLICK OPEN THE rateit.html FILE. ## ## ## ##################################################################################### =========================== S E T U P =========================== TABLE OF CONTENTS: (1) CONFIGURING THE FILES ......(1A) novice.cgi settings ......(1B) Creating your forms html page or configuring the form.html Template File (2) UPLOADING FILES & SETTING PERMISSIONS (includes reference list of CHMOD permission equivalents) ========================================================== (1) C O N F I G U R A T I O N S E T T I N G S =========================== (1A) Set the variable values in novice.cgi as follows. =========================== Firstly make sure the path to perl is correct. (THIS IS LOCATED ON THE VERY FIRST LINE OF THE novice.cgi script.) By default it is set to: #!/usr/bin/perl *** For added privacy and security the $sendto and $ccto reply emails are set in the actual novice.cgi script, preventing un-authorized person(s) from using your script to post their own forms to send spam. ----------------------------- $sendto $sendto is the email address the data from form submissions will be sent to. Example: $sendto = "sendto\@yourdomain.com"; ## (REMEMBER THE \ BEFORE THE @ SIGN)## (REMEMBER THE \ BEFORE THE @ SIGN example: \@) $sendto = "sendto\@yourdomain.com"; CORRECT WAY!!!! $sendto = "sendto@yourdomain.com"; WILL NOT WORK!!!! ----------------------------- $ccto $ccto is the carbon copy email address data from form submissions will be sent to. This is optional. Leave blank if you do not want to carbon copy form data to a second email address. Example: $ccto = "ccto\@yourdomain.com"; ## (REMEMBER THE \ BEFORE THE @ SIGN)## (REMEMBER THE \ BEFORE THE @ SIGN example: \@) $ccto = "ccto\@yourdomain.com"; CORRECT WAY!!!! $ccto = "ccto@yourdomain.com"; WILL NOT WORK!!!! ------------------------------ $mailprog Used only if you set ( $useLib = "sendmail"; ) Enter the path to sendmail on your server. Example: $mailprog = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; ------------------------------ O P T I O N A L V A R I A B L E $setokurl To use @okurls to verify the url the form is submitted by set ( $setokurl = "1"; ) - A N D - Set ( $setokurl = "0"; ) if you do not want to use @okurls to verify form submission URL. Example: $setokurl = "0"; # WOULD NOT REQUIRE URL VALIDATION # $setokurl = "1"; # WOULD REQUIRE URL VALIDATION # This feature is realy only relevant if you are doing order form processing and want to make sure that the form being submited is on your web site. - I F Y O U S E T ( $setokurl = "1"; ) - Configure the @okurls variable array. To do this simply replace: "http://www.yourdomain.com", "http://yourdomain.com", "34.344.344.344" With domain names and IP address's you want enable form submission to this script from. EXAMPLE: @okurls = ("http://www.yourdomain.com", "http://yourdomain.com", "34.344.344.344"); =========================== (1B) Creating your forms html page or configuring the form.html Template File (This is the page your visitors will see and fill out on your site.) ===========================
THEN SIMPLY ADD OTHER FIELDS THAT YOU WANT THE PROSPECT TO FILL OUT, AS WELL AS ADD A SUBMIT BUTTON AND YOU ARE ALL SET. YOU CAN ALSO USE THE form.html as an example form to use to submit requests. =========================== (2) UPLOAD FILES & SET PERMISSIONS =========================== Upload novice.cgi to your cgi-bin directory. Chmod novice.cgi to 755. If this does not work you could try 777 but is only suggested if necessary. **** UPLOADING AND CONFIGURING HTML PAGES ******* (These html pages do NOT go in your CGI directory) After configuring your selected form page as directed above, upload to your HTML directory and chmod to 644. *** DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR HTML FORM PAGE TO YOUR CGI-BIN. *** .............................................. FOR YOUR REFERENCE: CHMOD 777= Owner: read, write, execute. Group: read write, execute. World: read, write, execute CHMOD 755= Owner: read, write, execute Group: read, --- , execute World: read, --- , execute CHMOD 644= Owner: read, write , --- Group: read, --- , --- World: read, --- , --- .............................................. FINAL NOTE: IF SETTING THE PERMISSION ABOVE DOES NOT WORK YOU CAN ALWAYS CHMOD (SET PERMISIONS) OF ALL FILES TO 777, but is only suggested if necessary. =========================== D O N E ! ! ! =========================== THAT'S IT YOUR DONE, IT IS VERY SIMPLE TO SET UP. FOR HELP INSTALLING GO TO: http://www.noviceforms.com/ =========================== This script is FREE, however if you use the script and find it useful, I would appreciate you rating it. TO RATE IT SIMPLY DOUBLE CLICK OPEN THE rateit.html FILE. =========================